How do we save tf2 ?

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It's on the source engine, it can't be saved.

ban everyone subscribed to tf2 youtubers

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There is no saving it. There hasn't been ever since Valve decided that TF2, and ALL their games, are just test beds to see what kind of money making practices their costumer base with endure. Lootboxes and crate keys. Cosmetics in the form of weapon accessories, HATS, new torsos, brand tie-ins, taunts, etc.
And thats just TF2. Look at CSGO. Stickers for your guns, 5 second audio tracks that play if you win the round, replacement gloves, different knives, tons of COMMUNITY made skins sold to the community with commissions taken out.

Valve doesn't care about whats good for a game. They care about what they can get away with and the market has shown for years now that they'll let Valve do just about whatever it wants and it'll keep coming back saying

Buy more hats to show Valve you still have interest in the game.

>guy with default bot name ranked level 1 spamming "good shot"
>try to vote kick him in warmup
>they vote no
Can valve at least fix the fucking exploit that lets bots spam chat so I can tell my retard team to kick them? The amount of sniper bots the past few days is just insane. Like practically one a game, and occasionally you will join a server with 4-6 on each team.

What needs saving exactly? TF2 is still one of the most popular games on Steam. Its balance is pretty fine as is. Just because a game isn't getting constant updates doesn't mean it's in a bad spot.

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Delete Pyro.
Add the good maps, remove the bad ones.
Balance the game in a manner that makes actual sense.
Remove random spread.

You don't. The game is effectively done.

I can assure you that no major balance changes will happen at this point in the games lifespan. Why would they? It's over a decade after release. Jungle Inferno was an attempt at seeing how a full update would fare. It did not pull whatever numbers they wanted. Expect some weapon reworks and the yearly tithe of pulling community shit off the workshop and selling it.

It's a good game and had a pretty good run. I resent it for having a heavy hand in popularizing microtransactions around the 2010s but I'll always remember the game fondly regardless. Don't fret, it'll probably still have players a decade from now, at most you won't see full community servers running relatively unpopular maps. It will never get death-rattle low like old source games (HL2 DM, Zombie Panic: Source etc) though.

>its balance is pretty fun as is

>dr, ambassador dead
>as a result, spy dead
>caber dead
>sandman dead
>bfb dead (arguably deserved though)
>pyro became a one button braindead win class
i could go on and on
maybe vanilla balance is fine, but it's been pretty fucked overall lately

If you could go on, then go on, faggot. Meme weapons such as caber I don't really give a shit about. If you can't play spy without crutch ringer, then you were never good as spy. Ambassador was definitely a good nerf overall; kinda ironic you are not fine with the bfb but were fine with amby. Pyro has always been brain dead by its very nature, unless you change the class drastically it would never change.

Make matchmaking less shit.
Seriously, I have to reroll like a million times until I get a match that isn't ridiculously one-sided.

If you're gonna bitch about balance try not to make your spy bias obvious
>>pyro became a one button braindead win class
There are two reasons the class draws in furfags, trannies, and other subhumans. 1. They like his effeminate manchild personality. 2. It's easy as shit to get kills in pubs.

>it's another "Where the Fuck is my Team?" episode

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>teams heavily lopsided
>autobalanced pulls from recently killed players which means 9/10 times the losing team is getting some mexican engineer who got backstabbed and not the 170 points sniper or pubstomping soldier

Remove compfags
Also this

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We allow b4nny to make the changes he wants to make to TF2 and this will save the game.

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>remove self damage from rocketjumping
>remove airblast
>remove snipers and spies from the game

what's up my fellow ugc silver soldier?

I had the worst fucking game of steel the other day with this.

>go med, babysit shitters and usher them onto A with an Uber
>we roll B as well easily
>get stuck on C for several minutes not because the enemy is competent, but because literally everyone but me and two people keep trying to capture E at a snail's pace while getting stickyspammed
>claw through enemies and capture C with a single guy
>nearly capture D several times but everyone keeps flinging themselves onto E
>tell them several times it will capture uselessly slow until we get D
>they ignore me and we lose with the three top people having 80 points and everyone else on our team around 20
fuck pubbies

matchmaking absolutely destroyed this game

>dumping randoms into random servers where they dont fit in and get "bullied"
>destroying server identity and community completely

fuck valve

We need TF3 to compete with Overwatch and Paladins

say it with me

Based and B4nnypilled

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TF2 YouTubers are the only ones keeping the game alive and generating interest in the game.

I've never been good at TF2 (I have far more losses than wins) and nobody has ever commented on my skill level or placement on the board. Either these people don't even know how to move back and forth or they're actively trying to goad people into making fun of them.

they're bad though because they have different opinions and browse different websites than I do

Make competitive main mode over casual
That will do it.

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>people actually get sad when someone calls them a faggot in vidya now
what went wrong

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Post the full image retard.

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user no, we're trying to save the game, not euthanize it

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>all this seething

if they are making people like her join the comunnity then they are not helping

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So spy becomes a wrecking ball? Think before you post. I hardly play pyro but if some spy is fucking my team over I hop on pyro until they rage quit.

> Implying death isn't the answer
I'd rather it dies with good gameplay than be alive for shitters.
Though it's already the case

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But changing TF2 won’t bring his Asian gf back.

> Need pyro to counter spy
Are you, fucking retarded ?
If you need a full time Pyro to spycheck you're trash. Everyone should spy check. Hell any scout or Soldier can do it very effectively, no need to force Pyro.
Use your eyes, your ears, the scoreboard and gamesense. Retard
Pyro is a crutch for bad players.

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You know what would kill the game? An epistle 3 style leak of the final comic.

>dr and amby
Learn to actually use the dwfault watch or c&d and revolver is the overall better weapon
>bfb, caber, sandman
You can blame shitters for those
>pyro is one button class
Has he ever not being one? At least actual good pyros know how to airblast correctly

wrong competitive mode you silly goose
You know i'm joking but competitive modes and players arent ruining tf2. Stop blaming it.

>Pyro is a crutch for bad players.
I don't think just saying it is enough. Someone needs to post the webm of the foot-cam Pyro player to show how brain dead you need to be to play that class

I’m a TF2 youtuber and I don’t act like a faggot. It’s mostly useful information regarding class play in highlander.

That’s the problem friend most people don’t spy check so I’ll go pyro for 5 mins make the retard rage and then go back to a class I want to play.

Remove comp
Ban anyone with comp medals in their inv
Enable sprays on valve servers
Ban anyone with anime, furry, and whore profile pics
Ban anyone that acts like a nigger ingame
Ban everyone who uses the forums to lobby for rebalancing
Have Robin Walker shot immediately
Ban all non-US ips and have servers put out anti-patriotic broadcasts corresponding to all non-US countries
Release all credit card info and available corresponding dox on anyone banned under these conditions

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Post channel, fgt

BASED as fuck

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But I just told you that you don't need a Pyro to spytcheck. I never switched off for a spy.
Use your game sense, your ears especially, it seems every player is deaf lately, check the scoreboard for a ringer etc...
Scout is the better counter to Spy too. You can just easily chase it and kill it in no time.
Even a Sniper can kill a spy if he pays attention.
Spy thrives on the time of Chaos and even then you can pick up, a decloack. That's how bad Spy sadly is.

>Remove valve comp
Agree it’s useless
>Ban anyone with a comp medal
comp medal come from 3rd party servers so go fuck yourself.
The rest I agree with except I have no idea who robin walker is and rather than dox people just make the game cost $5 would cut down on 99% of bullshit

Bring back dedicated servers
Start making some worthwhile updates. One every 4 months would be fine


>playing cp_steel
>get placed on blu team
>cap A with relative ease
>engineer on our team places a useless teleporter to last
>everyone keeps taking the teleporter and trying to cap E
>idiots keep jumping into the fucking pit or get knocked off the point by the enemy team
>go medic and try to help the one competent soldier on our team cap B
>we get demolished because EVERYONE ELSE IS STILL TRYING TO CAP E
>spectate teammates
>one of them is wandering aimlessly around shooting at nothing
>three of them are chasing one scout with their fucking melee weapons
I quit the game right after that, there was no helping these morons.

No I don’t NEED to but if I want to piss off a spy it’s the fastest way to do it. Would you agree?

and thats why we haven't heard of you, most of the people who are famous for tf2 make content for faggots

Why not? If you wish to spread useful information and classify yourself as better than other TF2 content producers, go ahead and justify yourself with your stuff.
Unless you have a significant following who would be offended at the thought of you browsing Yea Forums, you have nothing to lose.

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Is Uncle Dane making people like her get into TF2? Does he want people like her getting into TF2?

post your channel faggot

Couldn’t agree more and you’re right my channel is small. I don’t mind I made the videos to send to people who kept asking the same questions about highlander over and over daily. It was easier than typing the stuff out.

> 2 meatshots
> 2 Rockets
> 2 stickies or pipe
>1 lick of minigun
> 1 quickscope Headshot
> Changing class and spraying flames like a retard to do one specific thing when you could do much more as another class
You know what user, have it your way. After all we have 9 classes (for now) so better use them.

>he doesn't know
These 2 percent include BOTH Valve and third-party comp

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You’re mad just thinking about it lol imagine how the spy who’s got a rock hard weeb boner feels.

smaller content updates more frequently.
we don't need a massive fucking update that takes like 2 years when we could have more smaller ones.
read, nigger.

good shit man keep it up
Suit yourself

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Turn back time. That's literally the only thing one can do at this point.

> lel u mad
Imagine needing a crutch to take care of the weakest class in the game

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community servers are for trannies

Thanks. I’ve been sick so currently content isn’t rolling in but what I have is still relevant but YouTube isn’t going to suggest me to people without making it my full time job.

dont you mean competitive servers ?

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I wasn’t say “hurrr durrr ur mad” I was saying that someone even suggesting playing pyro for even 5 mins causes people to get upset.

The game shouldn't auto-balance when there is less than 60 seconds left in a match. I'm so fucking sick of getting switched to the other team 5 seconds before the game ends because crybabies leave, lest they have to read the word "DEFEAT" on their fucking monitor

>Been playing since Orange Box
>Never had issues besides the F2P fags who were horrendous for the first few months
Game's fine calm your ADD. Not every game needs an update every 5 seconds to keep it interesting.

I like playing pyro. I find it fun and it's often my first choice of class if he isn't completely inadequate for the situation. The fact that he makes some people so irrationally angry is just icing on the cake.

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> upset
It's disappointment. Especially when they adamantly say bullshit about the class.

Finally a voice of reason

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Based and deservepilled.

>equip phlog and scorch shot
>proceed to top score
pubs are alright sometimes

the only reason people dislike pyro is because most of the normalfags play as him, based pyro players are ultra bros tho
the comunnity is the only thing bad about the game at the moment

post your channel, gay boy.

TF2 pubs are probably the most baffling soup of retards. Even a shitter like me can just grab Soldier or Demo and topscore because of how shit their movement is.

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post your channel user

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>rewind the game to 2008 right after the heavy update
>stop there and do nothing else to the game
there. fixed it

He's right though. Pyro has been historically underpowered in both competitive and casual game modes until they gave him the degreaser+axetinguisher combo, which put him at only a small disadvantage against soldier/demo. It was the single most skill-based loadout TF2 had until the post-f2p devteam completely nuked it with absolutely no reasoning. Pyro was borderline unplayable after that, and as a result, they ended up buffing his W+M1 potential.
Pyro has become a braindead W+M1 lawnmower as a result, and is cancerous within his very narrow contextual niche, while being terrible outside of it. He hurts to play.

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bring back arena_watchtower

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First off, get rid of the badges
>don't even get shit for leveling up
>worthless badge is just there to tap while waiting for the queue
Next get rid of your shitty Competitive Mode and throw some attention to community competitive stuff
>valve official mode is filled with hackers
>someone leaves during pre-game and everyones time was wasted, including queue time which takes eons

Let's see here.
>Get rid of Casual, bring back Quickplay. There was never really any reason to replace it.
>Give incentive to actually play Valve comp, such as rare item drops. Alternatively, give more attention to community competitive in some way.
>Update MvM, new tours, new items, etc. It's been years.
>Push for more Player Destruction maps, underrated gamemode IMO.
>Give Sniper inverse damage falloff so that he can't quickscope people only two feet away
>HEAVY UPDATE!!! No one needs more love than Heavy. Give us some weapons that change his playstyle a bit, give him some well-needed buffs, etc.
All I can think of right now

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>the single most skill-based loadout
idk about that but this shit still gets me mad. Why would they NERF one of the worst classes AND lower its skill ceiling? They also gutted the reserve shooter. It's fucking retarded.

You're honestly delusional if you believe m1, m2, 3, m1 for a guaranteed kill took skill. Literally anyone could pull that off.

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>based pyro players are ultra bros tho
If you're an engi, I'll usually be defending your nest when on the defensive.

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I play it every night on full 32 player servers.

I don't think it needs saving.

I miss the puff-n-sting, but the reserve shooter was just m2-2-m1, so fucking cancerous

you hate cancer but miss cancer? interesting.

I've seen this idea going around about giving people rare items for play valve comp, I'm not saying it's a bad idea. It would incentives players to play it, but then you start getting the problem of players just playing comp to get the item then leaving. It would only really work in the short term. What do I know, there might be some way to make it work, but I still have my reservations.


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absolutely every other class can be boiled down with that same mentality to "press m1 to kill", you'd have to be delusional to think any class took skill ;)

Operating outside of your low-effort strawman aside, It really wasn't that simple. Almost every class had a way to react to a puff combo, and if you weren't playing against a brainlet you would have to resort to juggling your target while dodging demo bombs, reflecting soldier rockets, burning and LOSing good scouts, m1>m2>3>m1>1>m1>m2>3 or m1>m2>3>m1>1>m1>m2>2>m1 with a reserve shooter on a heavy. YOu've got to be very far inside your own colon to ignore that almost every matchup that an axe/DG pyro comes up against imposes a higher necessity of mechanical skill than any other class did at the time.
The problem with TF2's balance has always been faggots like you. People that have some motive relating to their own biases without any substantive reasoning, acting as if they have any claim to knowing how the game should be balanced. People like you flooded player-owned competitive forums and circlejerked their way into a completely stale competitive meta that never had any shift in picks.

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Still takes more skill and button presses than any other offensive classes in the game.

>pyro mains

Except that isn't boiling it down, that's literally all it was. Puff of fire, airblast into a wall or corner so there was no escape, switch to axe, and the domain of instant kills is yours. I picked it up in the course of one game after seeing other people doing it. It's really not that hard for something that was a guaranteed kill 90% of the time.

>meatshot an enemy at point blank
>12 damage
>enemy shoots in the opposite direction from you
>take 60+ damage + crit
I can't fucking take it anymore, Yea Forumsros

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Was there any reason why they downgraded the graphics?

So the game could accommodate glowing guns and killstreak effects.

i think is magipoka

save from what?

Do you know why they have

>Heavy: Hold M1 and spam E
>Soldier: Spam M1 at people's feet
>Demoman: M1 -> M1 -> M1 -> M1 /2/ M1+M2 -> [...]
Wow, look at all this SKILL

So I can bully you in the comments

>pyro mains

>pyro became a one button braindead win class
pretty sure it has been like that since 2007

You played against average 24/7 brainlets, and you're still granting me the premise that every other class can be seen as press m1 while looking at a target to win.
Degreaser pyro objectively took more mechanical skill than other builds at the time, It was good for the game, it wasn't overpowered, and you're taking your very limited experience of it as the absolute truth.

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I specifically play Pyro just to flare punch other pyros whenever I see some faggot with a furry avatar on the scoreboard
So thanks for motivating me to shit on mentally retarded players who end up just leaving the server instead of venting in the chat
Truly a thankless job

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>People have a problem with pyro mains wanting a spec that isn't mindless flamethrower spam

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>when even medic is too hard for you

We had the Dragon's Fury and even that is now underwhelming. Doesn't help that the weapon is ugly as fucking sin in terms of aesthetics.

Where's the last issue, Valve?

>tfw forever stuck in pubs because nobody wants to wait 3 hours for a comp game
>only have a decent game about once a month
This game is toast.

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>you're taking your very limited experience of it
user, I played lots of pyro then and I play lots of pyro now, and like every other pyro I abused the shit out of puff n sting.
>and you're still granting me the premise that every other class can be seen as press m1 while looking at a target to win
Sure, but the difference is that looking in the direction of an enemy and holding down m1 isn't guaranteed to win you a fight 90% of the time before your enemy even has a chance to respond like puff n sting did.

I don't have a problem with that at all, but puff n sting isn't the way.

Exactly why I’m not posting it lmao. Because even if my shit isn’t retarded you’ll find some asshole thing to say and then if I reply I’m “mad”. Thanks but no thanks.

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Play highlander.

This. How the fuck does Scout even work? Pic related is from a night or two ago. It's the best I have EVER done as Scout, and it isn't even good.

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you shoot people and run away if you drop under 120 health.

He's right though. Literally any time someone ever posts their content on Yea Forums, it gets obliterated with Dislikes within the hour.

Lel now I ain’t even mad

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Some days hitreg and bullet spread bless you, most days it just screws you over though.

Post it so I can determine whether you are a faggot or not.
Also you aren't doing a very good job proving you aren't a faggot.
>post channel
>no lmao
Seems pretty GAY if you ask me.

t. ex-HL GOD


I just wish Valve would fix the official comp mode. I'm not talking about adding weapon bans or class limits, because again, I'm personally against those. I know the real reason why competitive mode in TF2 is dead. That retarded DirectX 9.0 limit is why. If only ONE person in the 12 people that are queueing up for a match has DirectX 8, the match will never begin. Why? Because the person with Direct X 8.0 will be allowed to try and join, only to get frozen at the loading screen because TF2 will force his settings to go to Direct X 9.0. This, in turn, will cause him to hl2.exe crash, or at the very least, be timed out. This, in turn, will mean that the match never even begins for the other 11 people. It's so unbelievably stupid that this is still a rule, and until it's removed, Competitive Mode has no chance of getting off the ground.


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Hit the nail on the head. The default settings for TF2 are so fucking dumb.
Who the fuck still willingly plays with 54 FOV, no auto-reload, no quickswitching and so on?

Why would you want to save it?
Just let go user.

and the crazy part is literally no one talks about this - it's always the meme of >ctf_turbine being the reason Competitive Mode sucks.

Manually reloading feels good to me.

I don't like auto-reload. More often than not, you'll start reloading right when an enemy rounds the corner, and that half-second delay between starting the animation and being able to fire again will kill you.

That, and

>How do we save TF2
By hosting the damn party van server dammit come on

Go back to the original Casual that came out on July 7, 2016 where everyone was freaking out. Make THAT the Competitive Mode. No autobalance. Can't leave the match. 12 vs. 12. Stopwatch mode in A/D and Payload. I would also add an incentive to win, such as the winning team receiving loot in the form of a random drop, a tiny chance at a hat or scrap metal, or something like that. Do all of this, but KEEP the original quickplay pubs with all the maps and shit.

There, I just fixed TF2.

In a couple of hours. I'll have b4 ready by then.

Undo the Meet your Match update
Add matchmaking only to competitive mode
Reinsert Team Scramble and Melee only Sudden Death
Remove Killstreak and Unusual weapons

Literally just rebalance some weapons and other things, and continue to add new weapons and maps for the next decade.
That's all I want.

>There are people who still havent gone pass a tier
Here I thought I was the only one


You know, all they'd have to do is rebalance a weapon slightly once a month. Just stop doing these huge update that take years, and spread em out so people have something to look forward to every month. A new map here, a tweak of a weapon here, a new feature here, etc.

I thought I would pass a tier by getting to Lv101, but I have seen no change.

If one could only play TF2 on Steam account which have already payed for something, that'd probably be the best best to reduce hackers.

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the reload animation doesn't prevent you from firing

Fuck off, retard. Anyone who seriously thinks there will ever be a class removal, or that that would even be a good idea, shouldn't be playing TF2.
Pyro needs further fixes. That's it.
He is fixable.

disgusting, who would be horny on main ?

You only pass a tier when you go pass level 150.

Revert it to 2010 version.

literally a waste of a player slot


lel "proving" myself on here. I'm not a retarded zoomer. Your 23 year old I watch too much anime mind tricks won't work on me.

Yeah, I'm only horny on side streets

Daily reminder to give Heavy the Soldier's banners.
>b-but giving Heavy 10 seconds of lasers is OP!
Go into any pub server, only use your minigun and melee, and see how fun it is to build up 600 damage with no sandvich or banana.

It would give Heavy a viable alternative to the Sandvich. Instead of self-healing and keeping your medic healthy, you charge up damage for 10 seconds of either minicrits, resistances, or self-healing/speed. When you think about it, they're actually perfect for the Heavy. Just imagine a team rallying around a slow-moving Heavy, pushing an objective. Soldier can jump away, as is his job. Heavy fits the role of "team anchor" with the banners much better than Soldier does.

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Make it a paid game again. Bam, just got rid of all hat farmers, BRs and the onslaught of aimbots

Hi Tim.

I like using phlog + scorch shot + power jack and play long range pyro with the broken ass scorch shot taking out snipers and pretty much anyone that enters my sight and charge up the phlog and get like 4-6 easy as fuck kills.


>ban all furfags
>ban all weeaboos
>ban anyone with over 10,000 hours in the game
Fixed your shitty game

Not the worst idea I've seen.

>harassing your team's engie by spamming NEED A TELEPORTA HERE and NEED A DISPENSA HERE while bashing him with your melee
This will never not be funny.

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>>ban anyone with over 10,000 hours in the game
>ban people for being better than me

>he actually builds a dispenser when you do it

Fix your diet, you have a hormone imbalance.
Stop eating so many carbs and start eating meat.


don't worry scout! I'll take you to the point!

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I mean you don't really need to prove anything, I already know you are either a shitposting or shit at the game due to how you've acted and responded in the thread. If you were actually good/relevant, you wouldn't give a shit about what some shitters on Yea Forums think about your quality unless they actually bring up interesting discussion/feedback which shows they know what they are talking about. Also saying that you give a shit about a potential 5-10 dislikes shows a decent amount about how many people watch your videos.

In short, you're either shit, irrelevant, or shitposting.

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that'll cure the gay for sure

>it's another "nobody takes your FUCKING teleporter" episode
>ends up getting destroyed by some rogue enemy half an hour later

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If you wanna decimate someone better than you, you just hope they're on a team full of shitheads. No amount of skill can change their fate at that point.

How about having my shots actually register.

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Ok stick to your bad habits that are killing your body and mental health, then

>remove sniper or remove quickscoping from him
>fix spy so """facestabs""" arent a thing anymore and he cant abuse network settings to stab people from miles away and doesnt have shitty gimmicks to rely on
>re-add quickplay and remove matchmaking
>add 3 new weapons for every slot for every class
>make VAC do hardware bans or just fucking do something in general seriously i saw a cheater in a game today with a VAC ban on his account from 0 days ago, what the fuck is the point of VAC if it doesnt do shit
>alternatively make the game pay to play
>fix hit registration in general
>make the spread on shotguns less retarded so they actually hit their target and dont just fucking decide to veer off course for no reason
>make the pistol actually worthwhile to use and not just a waste of time
>make fun weapons like the caber actually good again

>it's another "nobody takes your FUCKING teleporter" episode
>what the hells wrong with them?
>take the teleporter
>surrounded by the enemy team
>get taunted killed by a pyro

Give the Heavy a primary that shoots projectiles
Give Heavy a primary that has a shield on it
Give Heavy a primary that does anything other than rev up then shoot big boolet very fsat

Attached: Heavy A.png (1920x1080, 454K)

Literally the only change I want to this game is more people playing community servers and gamemodes
What stopped people from making replays, no one does them well anymore

>flanked a heavy as a scout and he's too busy with my teammates so i can blast him
>shoot 3 times
>16 damage total
>everything else """missed"""
>he turns around and melts you even though you ran behind 4 different walls

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You can't. Overwatch killed it.

It's already dead
the only solution is to come out with TF3 and start over

Literally who gives a fuck about competitive? That shit is ass cancer

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The whole thing is broken since many years ago and they never fix it

What if Sniper and Spy were locked for F2P accounts and you needed a "premium" account to use them (either bought the retail game or spent money on the Mann Co. store)? It would cut down on retarded pubs stacking those classes and would definitely help with hackers.


Replays got dropped by Valve a long time ago. Community servers started disabling replay since it takes up a player slot for it to work and bugs kept popping up with every new update.

>remove sniper or remove quickscoping from him
Don’t be out in the open as Scout

other guy wasn't me, i appreciated the concern if you're not just trying to be a bully

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Dragon's Fury is aesthetic.

>tfw know someone exactly like this with his golden pan
I wanna like the dude but he's really autistic about his pwecious pan

Give Pyro a big round fat ass.

old but gold

Attached: shrug.png (491x709, 209K)

>dont be out in the open
but every objective is out in the open, and most maps dont have flank routes
even then it literally doesnt matter because you can still headshot at close range so whats the fucking point of even playing anything but soldier or demo if im just going to die instantly when i poke my head out for 0.00001 seconds just to see whats ahead

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This is the reason I always grab the most flamboyant weapon I found in the ground. People get way too anal about this. Also the only time I came across a saxxy player he killed himself over and over to give everybody a saxxy and turned the whole server into melee only.
DFury got fucking killed so fucking hard
>at last a weapon that is not pure spam
>nerf it and leave it to the mercy of TF2 hitboxes

>Every objective is out in the open
>What is cover
user it sucks being quick scoped, but you’ve got no excuse. Also calling for a medic right as you’re about to get headshot moves your hand in front of your head. If you’re not an overhealed Scout spy or sniper well you’re dead anyway but any other class just gets hit with a body shot and you can keep on trucking

>see richfaggot soldier with his pro ks aussie rocket launcher
>grab it
>proceed to dominate him and his medic gf with it

Attached: solgrin.gif (500x281, 958K)

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I can't stand Phlog because I hate not having the airblast.

>when there’s an engy on the team and all he does is use the gunslinger to spam mini sentries and can’t even be bothered to build a teleported

>Fix comp (again)
>Update fucking MvM for FUCK's sake
>Rework Spy completely
Just a wishlist

Attached: Medic A.png (1920x1080, 341K)

based, more useful than the ubersaw

>Having to rely on medics overheal to survive one head shot where it puts you into the critical anyway
Cause that's fun and balanced

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meant for

>take cover
>sniper walks up and quick scopes you, or jarate combo's you
great fucking plan
>calling for medic raises your right hand to block headshots
stop with this meme, it never fucking works in a game ever
even getting it to work is fucking retarded since you have to stop shooting or reloading to get your character to even move his hand from his weapon, even then it varries between characters since some of them raise their left hand, others raise their right and that could totally fuck you based on where the sniper is

-Give additional slot for lunchbox/banner
-Some form of shotgun that damage/mag size scales depending on remaining minigun ammo count

-Ambassador: Remove damage falloff (revert)
-Diamondback: Can only use critical shots while undisguised

-Darwin's Danger Shield: Remove afterburn immunity, buff 50% damage reduction from afterburn to 75%.
-The Classic: Buff charge rate by 50%

-Crusader's Crossbow: Reduced uber % gained from healing
-Uber Saw: 25% uber gain upon hit reduced to 20%
-Quick Fix: Uber no longer affects objective capture rate/intel

-Liberty Launcher: Reduce damage to self 25% increased to 40%, Remove projectile speed increase, increase weapon swap speed to secondary by 60%, 30% from secondary to primary

-Quickiebomb Launcher: Fully uncharged stickies fizzle out after 2 seconds
-Loose Cannon: Reduce damage to self by 10%

-Dragon's Fury: Remove airblast penalty upon successful reflect only, return to previous projectile hitbox, -50% damage on buildings.
-Home Wrecker: Sappers take 2 hits instead of 1, Knockback resistance when active by 50%
-Detonator: reduce self damage inflicted when jumping
-Airblast: Reduce damage to self from projectiles (I swear this shit used to do way less before a few years ago)

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>Dragons Fury got nerfed so hard that pyros that could aim have no choice but to go back to being flaming retards.

I fucking hate the "casual" community so much now.
>whats actually happening
>pyro landed 3 direct shots and you died for sucking at movement

looking at you faggot scout mains. two direct hit shots from that thing and you were dead no matter what. Dragons Fury, Scorchshot/Detonator, your choice of melee was the future of pyro but we were forcefully brought back to a place we didn't want to be before.

>10 years already

The problem with the crossbow is it gives you way to much ammo. I just spam shots knowing I have a whole lot left knowing I don't need to save any for when I need it.

Revert every single 'competitive' change and start promoting community servers.

>play Pyro a lot
>95% of my time is spent with the shotgun out because I hate how the flamer feels now and only really use it for reflecting and airblasting
At least I don't get W+M1 complaints. The default shotgun is underrated as fuck, everyone goes for the gimmick flares.

All the stock weapons are really good, because they're the only weapons that don't get nerfed to pander to comp fags.

Spy doesn't need a rework, he needs buffs which fit his core concept and help him achieve his goals.
A rework could ruin what makes Spy so interesting and fun.

Pretty good changes, few things:

Getting headshotted across the map by a spy was gay, but I also feel that the nerf was too harsh, so I wouldn't say a "revert" would be best here.

I feel like turning the LL to just a "quick-switch" makes it even less interesting then it already is, IMO.

I like the idea of non-permanent stickies, but maybe just a tad bit longer? Maybe like 3-4 secs?

Other than that I like your ideas

>sniper walks up and quick scopes you, or jarate combo's you
Lucksman hits are ass but the great thing is that you can do it too. Also
>Letting a sniper get close enough to jarate combo you
What is so difficult about stay under cover where a sniper cannot land a head shot on you?

revert MYM and jungle inferno
permaban all comp trannies

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I am a Scout main, but I genuinely liked the Dragon's Fury. I was actually mad that they nerfed it, but whatever. It's waiting until the patch that makes it absurd.

Post griefing kino

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Crossbow fix should be dead simple: Bolts heal enemy players too. Gives the crossbow a huge downside at the exchange of good skills and been able to keep everybody alive at range.
Plus is more close to the spirit of old TF2 balance, silly but rewarding

Remove bullet jumping from level 1/2 sentries.

Fuck you dane for wanting the wrangler nerfed.

Anyone who says "Don't shoot, I'm friendly" should be banned from public servers.

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I used to use the reserve shooter and no fire. Only using the flamethrower for airblasts. But then they made the reserve shooter only work for rockets so I just started using stock shotgun and fire usually to spycheck

>Running STRAIGHT AT a sniper
He deserved that

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I don't think Spy can be saved by any amount of buffs, as his entire gameplay loop is hard countered by common sense and playtime.

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>4:3 stretched to widescreen
why do so many compfags do this shit?

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Damage when scoped is now 25. Charges up by 600% over 3.5 seconds, so at maximum charge it crits for 450 damage, the same as now.
A quickscope headshot now deals only 75 damage.
Either this or the reverse-falloff idea.

Same reason Smash players demand CRT TVs

i think its some source fuckery that somehow makes hitboxes bigger with 4:3 or something
least thats what i recall b4nny saying at one point but who knows

Pokaan OVA, you dont actually see the dicks.

That sounds extremely weird but would like to see it in practice

Reminder to everyone in this thread to kill all friendlies. They are distracting, and are secretly telling their team where everyone on your team is, and where your engies are set up.

Nah, you kill them until they try to fight back. Then say “so much for being friendly.”

>The second shot doesn't even connect

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there isn't anything terribly wrong with tf2 right now outside of matchmaking and spy/pyro being stupid shitter stompers

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It's not overpowered, the rest are just shit.
Make them faster, half of the crossbow's speed. Make them reload when holstered. And make them give some Uber for their hits, maybe 1% for 4 hits.
After that, I'd like it if the Blutsauger instead applied Madmilk on hit and removed all regen while drawn, and if the Overdose still gave speed while drawn based upon Uber percentage, but also gave 2 seconds of speed boost on hit. Then just reduce damage by 50%.

What I want to know is why none of them attempted to stun or mess up his aim

Oh wait, competitive

The spy's job is to waste people's time and attention, the key to that is survival and the threat of instant knife kills and high burst damage.

Problem is they nerfed the ambassador to shit and the dead ringer, this fits comfag's idea of what spy should be, which is just an invisible shot caller, which is retarded.

Yeah, but the shotfun is especially good on Pyro. Maybe it's cause of his beefy health pool but normal size and speed, or just because people expect you to hang back and spam flares.

He doesn't need to be saved. He just needs to be respected for what he is.
His core concept is too cool to replace just to make him viable.

what's so bad about w+m1? installed the game today, did this in casual and had the most fun i'Ve had in video games in a long time so why shouldn't i do it?

>his entire gameplay loop is hard countered by common sense and playtime
Common sense goes out the window when your team is retarded. Hours played notwithstanding

nothing, don't listen to them they're just mad.

Also they shouldn't be considered bullets by stats which differentiate between damage types, like the Pain Train's bullet damage vulnerability, and they should be reflectable by airblast.

They’re the same people that complain that sniper gets kills just by clicking heads

DF was such lost potential to finally make the pyro viable.
>It gave the pyro the ability to deal with everyone effectively even in pyro vs pyro fights.
>Shotguns were no longer needed as you could equip any of the other of the better pyros secondaries and it evened the playing field.
>Airblast being slow didnt matter much as if you didn't suck you could land a hit and airblast anyways.
>fair and balanced because it does less damage per a second then the stock flamer. with the ability to miss.

Why they nerfed it beyond pissed shitters is beyond me.

It's boring to use and boring to fight against, and unsatisfying on both sides unless you're braindead.

That's exactly it.

>boring to use
The salt it generates proves otherwise

>How do we save tf2 ?
Heavy update

I dunno, man. I just don't find it very fun. Way more fun zipping around with the Powerjack and then going toe to toe with enemies using airblasts and shotgun blasts, plus if you get good enough with airblasts you get to make 1000 hour Soldier With Girlfriend mains absolutely shit fury.

does me in everytime

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Stopwatch mode was fucking trash and the second the meme man uncle dan said he liked it and that it should be brought back to causal was the very second I disregarded any opinion he ever had

thats because scorch shot is pyros best weapon
>2 shots are enough to kill 125 class
>makes snipers seethe like nothing else
>if you aim it right you can break people momentum and basically stun them allowing you to catch up to them
>dont have to aim at all
and as a small bonus point: absolutely op in mvm

remove F2P

>>if you aim it right you can break people momentum and basically stun them allowing you to catch up to them
>>dont have to aim at all

Nah, crossbow is definitely overtuned. That thing can shit out 100+ heals at long range.

fuckin lol

>The spy's job is to waste people's time and attention
Pyro and Scout do this better than Spy does, and they both at least can get a kill without dying immediately afterwords.
>Instant knife kills
Sniper is able to threaten with instakills much more frequently and reliably than the Spy can, and again, he does't get deleted the moment he scores one.
>Problem is they nerfed the ambassador to shit
imo the Amby shouldn't have been able to headshot from Sniper distance, all it needed was a distance cap within which he could score headshots. I agree they overnerfed it.
Dead Ringer was the antithesis of fun. It wasn't overpowered, and it was always incredibly obvious when a Spy was using it, but chasing down a DR Spy only for them to pick up an ammo pack and then they just repeat the process was tedious.
If I were to attempt to make Spy better, I would make the default Knife have the insta-disguise property of the YER, then keep the YER as it is now + a -1 second to decloak time.
Spy also shouldn't flash invis when hit by a stray bullet, blood should still come out, though.
I don't play Spy enough to have much of an opinion on how to fix him, but I have enough hours in every other class to know that he needs fixing, desperately.

Attached: Demo C.png (1920x1080, 412K)

I agree with all of that, however I cannot stress enough how much satisfaction I feel making people mad that I’m simply playing the game with w m1 spam. It’s like I was gifted a button that brings out all the spite and jealousy of my opponents with just a simple press. Same goes for the Sydney Sleeper

Shotgun is good on literally anyone. It's just a good weapon.

>auto balance STILL acts like this

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The problem is every time I've booted the game up in the past 3 months, they outnumber the regular players.

Free Kills.

Uncheck 2Fort my dude.
Also this.

>only 11 thousand players
Where did we go so wrong?

At least we aren't Day of Defeat! :(

Removing random crits

go away dane

>Comp shitters complain about any weapon that isn't stock, especially the ones with 'no random crits' modifier which always have a solid character changing mechanic to them
>Not that every weapon that isn't stock is shit, they complain about random crits, even though they will only play on servers with random crits off no spread, ect.

You fucks will whine until they remove random crits, then you'll bitch and moan that public games still have bullet spread too.

I feel like the cow mangler exacerbated this stupid no crits meme even if I love the weapon

>How to get free (you)s in a TF2 thread

And why should they have random bullet spread?

>bullet spread
ah yes, i love having my shotgun deal 6 damage on a stationary heavy because all but one of the pellets decided to veer off into the wall behind him for no reason

God I love the cow mangler. Even with its 90% less damage to buildings with team work or even solo I can still take them out with a charged shot to stun it then shotgun it.

>plays pyro

Attached: fbd.jpg (399x385, 32K)

>Shotgun has spread pellets
>Surprised when it isn’t single point hitscan like a sniper


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I always said the first thing I'd do after getting a golden pan was go to a Medieval server and just keep killing myself so everyone had one

I'm glad they fixed the bug where it hit you multiple times.

Like any popular community game, it was killed by catering exclusively to a competitive scene that only accounts for .01% of the players thinking that designing around people who will do anything to get even the tiniest competitive edge will make the game fun for everyone else.

And this doesn't just apply to TF2, WOW went to shit not because they were chasing the 'casuals', they already had soccermoms raiding MC and BWL in vanilla, but because they designed the expansions exclusively around world first raiding and added in competitive pandering bullshit like enrage timers, arena PVP, and heroic difficulty modes. Then you have fucking halo, babby's first FPS, but instead of making better maps with cool objectives, vehicles, ect, like they did with halo 1-3, every game since has pandered to some MLG faggotory and has pretty much been nothing but BR spam.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x220, 159K)

shotguns should have SOME degree of consistency when im in close fucking range though

or you could shoot the floor twice.


Plasma weapons still do damage multiple times if your target is walking backwards.

>all these people complaining about pyro's kill potential when Pyro is much better suited as a support class.
Fucking retards the lot of you.

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>Character forced into close range ambushes
>Can't even kill people in close range when they ambush.

Use the Panic Attack if you want consistent spread

lmaoing at all the contrarians and casuals seething over this post

>sits ontop of dispenser when you sap it, countering you because you literally cant sap as fast as he can repair
What a fun class spy is.

Attached: engineer.png (250x363, 89K)

All comp games ever regress into it burst damage+spamxdamage tanking.

>Bait engineer into standing in front of his sentry
>He gets destroyed by it when I drop the disguise

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literally just shoot the nigger

Use him as a vanguard or deterrent. Try to cover flank routes, and stick fairly close to your team to help prevent afterburn while also handling spies/sappers if you're on defense.


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hold down m1 instead of repeatedly clicking it


what's the best class/meta in tf2 right now?

Why save it? It's old as hell, just make a new game.


soldier as always

based and danepilled

>Waaahhh I can't kill a tunnel visioned light class
Quickscoping isn't something bad players abuse, it's something that will save a good players life. It's the snipers second most powerful counter play tool.
He either hits the shot or dies.

you could go soldier and shoot the floor twice,

Valve doesn't make games anymore
TF3 is never ever coming out
and if it did it would probably be full of sjw shit like overwatch

>horny on main

Attached: file.png (649x291, 279K)

medic is the best class. Soldier is the most useful in a general situation. Scout is best in low numbers

>you literally cant sap as fast as he can repair
Literally false.

panic attack is shit you fucking mongoloid

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>dr, ambassador dead
fuck off
Amby just made you a shitter version of sniper and DR was fucking bullshit.

Aaaaah, life o' Riley

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>nuvalve in charge of making games

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>Baby Face's Blaster
Increase damage dealing requirement for full boost from 100 to 300. Increase damage taking requirement to empty entire boost gauge from 25 to 100.
Increase max slow time from 7 seconds to 14 seconds. Also apply a debuff that reduces all healing gained by 50%.
On hit, transfer all debuffs on the Scout to the enemy. Instantly grants the crit if the Scout is on fire.
>Liberty Launcher
Change projectile speed increase to knockback increase, both to the Soldier and enemies. Remove clip size bonus.
Instantly reload Soldier's primary and secondary on kill
>Scottish Resistance
Change ammo bonus to reload speed bonus
>Ullapool Caber
revert that shit fuck crying snipers
>Dalokohs Bar
Change eating time from 4 seconds to 2 seconds
>All Syringe Guns
Passively reloads
>Crusader's Crossbow
Reduce max ammo from 38 to 8

>attempt to play spy
>gibus pyro comes around the corner literally every time I uncloak somewhere without fail
>alternatively my backstabs just don't fucking register
Reminder that you have to be a literal sperg to main spy

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cl_interp 5

I swear to God, TF2's ragdolls are one of the pinnacles of comedy in gaming.

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Sniper can only headshot on full charge.

jesus fucking christ

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>Increase max slow time from 7 seconds to 14 seconds. Also apply a debuff that reduces all healing gained by 50%.
That's almost as broken as it originally was.
>On hit, transfer all debuffs on the Scout to the enemy. Instantly grants the crit if the Scout is on fire.
I assume this is to go with Crit-a-cola, which I guess could be alright.
>Instantly reload Soldier's primary and secondary on kill
Just make it primary or secondary, not both.
>revert that shit fuck crying snipers
Caber was nerfed because it 1-shot medics, no one gave a shit about the autistic sniper mains.
>Passively reloads
>Reduce max ammo from 38 to 8
8 is a bit too much, maybe 12 or 16 would be good.
Just gotta get good, bro. Unless they have a million Pyro's, then rip. Otherwise, dodging 1-3 is pretty easy assuming they aren't babysitting.

Release TF3

>bombonomicon explosion on the pyro

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Overwatch is pretty much dead and people still talk about TF2.

i can really tell you've never played mge in your life.

>That's almost as broken as it originally was.
Hardly, iirc the max range distance is pretty fucking long so it's not like every Scout is gonna be dropping 14-second healing debuffs all day every day, plus the slow doesn't matter in 90% of situations and -15 max hp can be pretty crippling.
>I assume this is to go with Crit-a-cola, which I guess could be alright.
honestly forgot about that lol, guess it kinda works out. I'd specify in that case that the debuff transfer would take place before the mark-for-death triggers, so you can't just avoid it entirely.
>Just make it primary or secondary, not both.
idk dude you're getting a melee kill as a fairly slow class with either very low health or a weapon that does piddling damage. I guess it doesn't really matter either way though and just primary is still pretty good.
>Caber was nerfed because it 1-shot medics, no one gave a shit about the autistic sniper mains.
That's fair I guess but it still seems kind of bad at the moment.
>8 is a bit too much, maybe 12 or 16 would be good.
Sure 12 is fine, as long as it's not 40 seriously what were they thinking

>Pyro literally bursts into treats
Thats it I'am done.

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A way to buff spy would be to give him more ways to fool people while disguised. Like allow him to reload at will, let him use the scoped sniper animation and maybe give him a fake gun you can fire while disguised to fool people with.

>full matches in QP, comp, and arcade within seconds even at weird hours

>heavy weapons guy
>has a sandwich
>neither heavy nor a weapon

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The thing about buffing disguises like that is that he'll be better for like a week until players just adapt and spycheck more frequently. The only way to truly buff Spy is to increase his productivity in some way but it's kind of tough to do so in a way that feels fair and actually benefits him while maintaining his identity.

Pybro is overrated, the engineer's real best friend is a scottish resistance demoman.

It makes him heavy
>Hating pybro

why does matchmaking keep putting me in teams with people who dont understand how keyboards work
i thought the entire fucking point of this garbage system was to make more "balanced" games, not just be a shittier version of quickplay

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matchmaking doesn't do any coordination of skill level except in comp. outside of that, it just grabs the closest 24 people who have the same maps selected

thats fucking retarded
what nigger at valve thought it was a good idea to add matchmaking but then only half ass the entire fucking system

My bet is they didn’t want to add matchmaking but people didn’t like quickplay so they had to do SOMETHING

Vanilla mode OR only first wave of items. No cosmetic homosexuality.

people didnt like quickplay because it completely buried the server browser with a big ass play button
they should've kept the valve vanilla servers in the server browser and axed quickplay and maybe added a user friendly server browser button alongside the classic server browser like the way they do with cs:go or the way gmod does it
but no they had to go full fucking retard and add a half assed matchmaking system with a ranking system that literally means nothing except for """progression""" or whatever

Honestly, no skill balance is best. Casual should be like that. More variety in matches. And TF2 has always been like that.

Kinda sick of seeing this bullshit. You know why quickplay worked? Because of shitty community servers at the time. Many ran mods that would insta-kick any f2ps. Instead of allowing new players in they kept them out while old players were leaving the game. On top of that, you had the shitty pinion ads which were unskippable, and even if you disabled html motd you'd still have to wait, sometimes even longer than the normal ads which were ear raping loud and obnoxious. Then, when quickplay did allow community servers, people were butthurt it excluded those servers running ads.

this man speaks the truth
quickplay had a lot of issues people tend to forget because "muh meet match bad"

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At least it used to be before minisentries fucked everything up

>t. seething scout main

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i did this yesterday lmao

doesnt this still work

Undo all weapon "rebalances".

>play for 4 hours
>only get 2 good games in with the rest being steamrolls on either side
glicko based matchmaking for casual is fucking garbage

>be engie using frontier justice and gunslinger
>farm kills with cleverly placed mini sentry
>enemy scout figures it out and starts shooting at it
>mfw he has no idea of the havoc I'm about to wreak

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Reminder that random crits are a good thing and if you disagree you're gay and hate fun

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>see engie with glowing gun
>get a random crit on him
>feed on the rest of his team before dying to a crocket
god I love random crits

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surprise BUTTSECKS

you're not stopping me anytime soon, hard-hat!

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The problem with Valve's plans for free-to-play is that no one uses it very much, and no one will buy it when it eventually launches and changes. This is why Valve has to get as many people as possible that currently are interested in buying into a game of free, and to get as many people to buy this game it would cost them a hefty share.

>Losing a match
>The round is almost over
>Switch to Heavy/Solider/Demoman
>Your team rallies around you, slowly crawling forward towards the last point
>Destroy all the of the enemies sentries and enemy power classes in a brutal fight at the last point
>Finally win
Is there a greater feeling than this?

Attached: GibusvisionHoovy.png (256x256, 45K)

>remove engi and pyro mains
> game is filtered and clean
Reminder that the cause of problem comes from these two

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literally just have people working on it instead of 3 people

the game is still one of the top multiplayer games on steam 10 years later. it pulls big numbers when they actually add stuff.

at the very least, have an update that automates some systems (new duel seasons, rotating prizes in MvM with some new botkiller weapon bases available, release new regular key crates with different stranges/paints).