Action tier list rankings TGB
It's happening

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>2FM in S rank
Cringe should be C.

I really don't know how to feel about KH games being considered on par with proper action games like Bayonetta, DMC and Ninja Gaiden.

>This motherfucker just ranked MGR in C
and closed the stream.

I'm convinced the only people on the planet capable of enjoying God Hand are the contrarian weebs on this site.

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I know for a fact the only people who like action games but hate God Hand suck at games where the enemies aren't passive punching bags.

T. Plays on baby standard mode
Holy shit it's good awful

wtf is yazuka doing there
Isn't Vanquish a TPS?

What a disgusting list. kys retard.

*god awful


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>2FM in a same tierlist with dmc
Aren't those two different genres?

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This is purely gameplay right? Because GoW 2018 is the best game there.

what is your criteria for "action"? What makes Kingdom Hearts part of this and not Zelda?

>list is full of ARPGs
>FFXV nowhere to be seen
the whole game, not only gameplay.

>Camera shoved up your ass
>Good action game

I guess "games with fast sword dude"

>GoW games above Revengeance or Automata

Going by gameplay, Automata is pretty meh. The story and soundtrack elevate it though, so yeah it should be better.

Yeah it was zoomed in too much, still by far the best game there though. Only others that come close are NG2 and DMC3, although I haven't played some of the Yakuza games.

At least he got Nier:Automata right.

do you honestly not see the difference between KH and Zelda gameplay?


That's some high level shit taste.

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Eceleb that made a fortune doing pseudointellectuals hot takes on vidya
So it's bound to be a shitshow

No, I do

I just don't see what it is about Kingdom hearts combat which is incredibly based that means it's in anyway comparable to something like Bayonetta as an action game whilst Zelda is not.

>e-celeb has awful fucking taste
Woah! Amazing!

>incredibly based
incredibly basic I mean lmao

have you played any KH games?

back to tumblr cuck

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1, 2, BBS, 3, RE:COM, 3D and 358

Even KH1 has more complex combat than every Zelda game.
Much less 2.

Where's Rygar, Nightshade, Blades, Enslaved etc?

While I get comparing Bayonetta, Nu-Ninja Gaiden and MGR, comparing them with kh2 is comparing apples to a letter envelope

>Yakuza is in
>Soulsborne and Sekiro arent
Durp Durp duuurrrrrr

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*mashing x and occasionally pressing square to pop the enemy up is complex*
OoT combat had more depth with swipes and thrusts


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I can't say for sure if you're completely beyond hope, as you didn't rank W101, but my early prognosis would be terminal for you

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what you got against transformers eh

what? dmc 4 and 5 had way better combat than 3

>hasn't played ZoE 2
what a fucking pleb

I ranked them on how good of an action game they are rather than how good of a game they are in general.

Judge me.

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>sonic unleashed
What the fuck?