Bad games

Bad games
Blazblue Crosstag Battle
Dragonball FighterZ
Mortal Kombat 11
Soul Calibur 6

Chad games
Under night in birth latest
Tekken 7

Mediocre games
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Super Street Fighter V

Has no business being here
Samurai Championship or whatever

Prove me wrong Yea Forums

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>Has no business being here
>Samurai Championship or whatever
kys zoomer

This. Op trying to fit in too hard

>>Has no business being here

Cool shit opinion, retard

>No KoF.
Everything is mediocre.

Does UNIST have good characters? They seem like generic boring anime waifus and "cool" guys.

Tekken tag 2

>Not knowing Samurai Shodown
>Has no business being here
Yeah, you are definitely under 18. Ban him.

Holy fuck look at this retard

no, but nobody cares about the characters for UNIST. UNIST is just great gameplay, and that's all you should focus on in fighters.
THIS. OP is a huge fag

>Bad games
>Soul Calibur 6
It's literally the only neutral focused fighter this gen with actual character variety, and the balance is great.

Then again, this list is clearly b8

>Chad games
>Under night in birth latest
>Has no business being here
>Samurai Championship or whatever
Kys zoomer weeb.

Do you like chuuni anime?

I like the characters in UNI, mostly. They're not really anything special but in general very few characters in anything are if you ask me.

UNIST, SamSho, and Tekken are great. FighterZ is alright but the fighting styles are repetitive still.
MK is whatever. SFV, Crosstag, and SC are all shit.
Smash is smash.

>Chad games
>Samsho not listed
Fuck I hate these zoomer incel snoyboys on this board lately

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Add SC6 and samsho to Chad and I'll agree with you

>. FighterZ is alright


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Real list

Bad Games:
-SSBU (actually has no business being here)

Middle of the road:
-MK11 (best online gameplay, horrible balance and everything else)
-Samurai Shodown (just this game, not whole series. if you want to know why, this game is unsafe, and becomes a who can get first hit)

Not bad:
-T7 (it's good, but also dull)

For me a good fighting game needs good and interesting characters also. Most anime fighters bore me because are full of cliché anime tropes

Because I don't fucking hate a game? Get over yourself retard.


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We're talking about EVO, not kusoge

>Disagrees with user
>user says 'kys'
Not him. But have you never been here before?

Man if I was sucking DBFZ's cock sure but I said the game was alright.
If he's autistic enough to be mad someone thinks a game's ok then that's retarded.

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kys retard boot licker

Yes, legitimately good fighting game

That's just how those autists are. just filter 'kys', and avoid all those zoomers all together.
epic. does your mom know how much of a disappointment you are?

I can see that only played tekken out of all of these. Also, pretty sure you are not above the age of 11.

btw where are my bushido blade niggas at?

t. middle schooler

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>Bushido Blade
my fucking kokujin, the real blade fighter right here.

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>falseflagging with unist since it's officially cool to like now
Fuck off

I keep buying fighting games, but I end up playing USF4 over and over.

Respectable, USF4 is still solid, one of my all time favorites.

usf4 is a good game. better than sfv in my opinion, where they just pretty much shit the bed.

Hey look at me I like to post gay shit on Yea Forums to show my pre school friends my swag.
Your posts are so shitty that not even Andy Sixx could top this.

kys while kys

Based Kojimaposter

>babby only knows 'kys'

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I'm loving all this rent free space you're giving me, gonna throw a rager in here

first get your mom's permission. i'm sure you don't want to get grounded again

All that shit is garbage or unreleased except tekken. Bring back KI and mahvel (not infinite)

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Agreed, but I feel like I'll end up as an old man clinging to that one game like those guys that still only play SF2

Why is this list so bad? Identify yourself OP

Zoomtoddler thinks he is cool

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As a person that only plays SC3 I know how it feels.

DOA6 and GGXrdRev2 should have been there.

I'm still surprised that CTB is at EVO this year again instead of GG or Blazblue CF. It seems like they completely forgot about the game and I feel like there would be more participants at one of those two games instead.

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I know that feel too good. As long as you can get fun out of it, it's fine. Plus I'm sure there's still a SF4 community. Tons of people still out there playing SF2 fightcade, I'm pretty sure there was a (of course JP only) tournament streamed on twitch recently with like top tier players like Daigo.

You don't have t yell and nothing about that listing is bad, bad games and games that don't deserve to be here don't need an explanation they speak for themselves if you were areal Fightfag like me

Crusty old man who can't accept nobody likes or wants his garbage anymore
Not really Dead or Alive has never been a good gamen, it's got pretty girls but that's it and Guilty gear died the moment they made it 3D

Fuck you, I'm 22 I don't have to listen to my mom

I don't think it has the greatest roster, but it doesn't have a bad roster by any means.

Sure she wont kick you out of her basement?

I bet you dodge games you falseflagging shitter

Thanks for outing yourself as the biggest retard here. Not only do you not know what you're talking about (which is fucking obvious after your first reply), you're one of those pathetic kys posters. Jesus, this is sad.

Not like western characters aren't western action movie cliches either.

ultimate yikes. just stop.

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The fact that you are 22 makes it even worse. If you were 14 that would make sense.

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I don't have play people If I don't want to.
Right, the one throwing a tantrum because I called his game shit is way smarter than me, kys retard boot licker I'm tired of you

>if you were areal Fightfag like me
>Fuck you, I'm 22 I don't have to listen to my mom
I'm waiting for you to try to 180 this, and say it was all you pretending to be retarded.

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my only strong opinions about fighting games is that Street Fighter III is a timeless masterpiece and Mortal Kombat is probably the worst 3+-gen franchise in gaming

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Zoomers don't know anything about fighting games

>boot licker
Hoes mad x24

> no doa

thx kt

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>kys retard boot licker
You have to be 14. There's no way someone who went through puberty still says this

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Mortal Kombat gets crédit for going gore in videogames in general, but yeah its only good for a couple laughs with the friends. All that serious and elaborate lore in the new games Is cringe. I prefeer the cheesy MK.

"the setting is basically Persona 3" is the best way I've heard it described to this day. If you have any interest in that kind of setting then it's pretty interesting, just not as fantastical as all the other anime fighters are

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>Soul Calibur 6
>Blazblue Crosstag Battle
Should be in a higher tier than dbfz because at least it's a moderately interesting tag fighter
>Has no business being here
>Samurai Championship or whatever
The only way you could justify this is if you're saying it on the basis of the game not being out yet

This. I love MK to death, been a fan of it and am a fan of competitive fighting games. Not once have I played MK as a competitive fighter, it's essentially just the 'dick around with friends' fighter.

A grand total of one game that might be interesting to watch besides Dragonball.

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game is still mad cheesy...

they just have money and skill now

>not knowing what samsho is
way to out yourself as a retarded zoomer that doesn't know shit about fightans

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Cringe post.

The cheap porn aesthetic from the earlier mks vibe with it more than this edgy serious one.

why everyone putting DBFZ as a bad game

>Dead games evo edition.

Might as well be a smash event. All of those games are dead except for mk11 which just came out and will die one month after evo.

Competitive fighting games are a dead genre. Only thing alive are nintendards and stinky day for their party game.


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it's a boring, simplified version of mvc carried entirely by the brand and artstyle

The honeymoon phase of a DB game as an actual 2D fight has faded.

Because it is pretty much a babby fighting game.
>let me just use auto combos only and not learn anything at all
You can easily btfo everyone just by knowing a few combos, all because everyone mashes the same auto combo

There's nothing to 180 that's the true blue me.
Are you hitting on me? I'm not into chicks or dude, I'm strictly asexual

it's just there for an announcement

>Has no business being here
>Samurai Championship or whatever
Take a load of this fag

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>not knowing what samsho is
Nigga I'm a filthy 09er and even I've played a bit of SSV Special.

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Again. the series is super old and junk anyone who still cares is like pushing 40 now, they dont buy games they steal them, it's a no win and this game especially is doomed to fail

What's gonna be the next big fighting game, Yea Forums?

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You're completely right outside of SamSho which should be in chad games. Go look up some samsho 2 tournaments so you can feel bad about yourself user

Agreed. Guilty Gear should've been in over BB.

I'm not interested in old games user

Yeah. I actually hate this BB, I'm going to be excited when it gets dropped.

I'm going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume youre some autistic baitfag pretending to be a zoomer

Power Instinct 6

Define "big".

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Yeah, BB has always been bad. I don't know why it stuck around in EVO when Guilty Gear has been back for awhile now.

Let's say a completely new game that gets a prime evo slot.
>inb4 GG
>inb4 new BB
>inb4 SF6

None of you are going to actually play SamSho, quit pretending you care for the series
It's going to be deader than KOF14 on release

A lot of the characters are just chuuni dorks. Their designs are definitely more toned down when compared to other anime fighters though; they kinda have a casual vibe going on.

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>SSBU (actually has no business being here)
>MK11 (best online gameplay)

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some big company like blizzard, valve, etc. is going to take their shot at smash or rising thunder

They're just using that game to get at me because they're old and triggered by someone younger user

The series is good, but what's shown of the new game is not, which is why i'm not picking it up. Daigo played some other high level players when they showed off SamSho, and pretty much was just another game where you get the first hit and win instantly after a 40 hit combo.

All that theft leading to KoF XV being in the pipeline and SNK coming out to state SamSho pre-orders are impressive and it's already making a profit.

>Meleefags still mad about SamSho getting in over Melee

That's probably going to be Granblue Fantasy Versus. Or maybe that chinese robot fighting game (not really).

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When's new Mahvel


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>40 hit combos

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so whats the point id this

>granblue fantasy versus
if it doesn't get a main slot, it's definitely getting a side slot. no way a brand new arksys game doesn's show at evo.

It doesn't deserve the spot over GG
It doesn't even deserve the spot over Marvel Infinite
It's Pokken 2.0, literally no one is going to play it when this Evo is over

oh no no no no no

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SamSho has no long combos. The average combo in the game must be of 3 hits. You saw something else

BBtag is so bad lmao. Can't believe they're still shilling that garbage.

That's going to be Granblue then. Cygames has been investing in the FGC for a few years, even sponsoring EVO. Game is simplified with cooldowns

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How about Persona 5 Arena?
But for real, dunno. If you're out for totally fresh IPs, it's hard to say. A lot of stuff has been pushed onto Arcsys on that front, but there's still the (very slim) chance that the League of Legends fighting game becomes a thing.
My personal wish? If ARMS can get in for one year, I'd like to see Synaptic Drive in, if it's good of course. A real competitive Custom Robo-like.

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Only the new one

>doesnt even know about logposting
You truly are 14 years old.

>Daigo played some other high level players when they showed off SamSho, and pretty much was just another game where you get the first hit and win instantly after a 40 hit combo.

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>baby one button fighter
lmao. sorry i'd rather have guilty gear back than something even more casual than babytag.

It has noodleboi in it, so it wins by default. Everybody else is basically "the chuuni" so if you like japshit you might find it cool.

P5A is not happening, get over it.

Being old is not an argument. The avengers are a new Ip? What about Star Wars?

Also Cygames is probably going to put some cash on the table.

I will. I really like V Special. Guilty Gear would have been nice but it is true they haven't put out anything new in a while. I say this as a GG player myself.
MvC:I is probably not a bad game, but truth is barely anyone cares about it anymore.

Me too, but that's the reality. He also said "a completely new series" so GG was out of the question.

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Don't forget about the arcade release in Japan which will bring in more money.

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You're dumb, it's already coming. Just not for this evo

Atlus has no reason to make P5A.

It's bad, but that's not why.

It's not that important to me. The gameplay of the series was already sort of on a downward trend in my mind, and even if they did make it they probably wouldn't have even half the cast of Ultimax. Plus I don't know who I would even play out of the probable characters. I was just throwing it out there.
I'd like an actual SMT fighting game with straight up demons, though.

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Games worth watching (and playing):
Tekken 7
BBTAG (Upcoming patches and system changes are going to help this game a lot)
Soul Calibur VI
SamSho (From what we've seen it looks great)

Games worth watching:
Street Fighter V
Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Games not worth watching:
Dragonball FighterZ

Games not worth watching or playing:
MK 11

Games that should have been in instead of NRShit and Snore FighterZ:
GGXrd Rev2

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>worth any time and attention

Actual based list

They don't need a reason if it brings in money, because money IS THE REASON. Why do you think Persona 4 was beaten to death for almost 10 years before P5? Why do you think we have a PQ2, another fucking dancing game, and a god damn Musou game. Absolutely no reason for any of those, but they exist.

Hello newfriend who just picked up the in hipster FG.
>SamSho as no business being there
>But Jewish Krypt FG still does apparently
Fuck off retard 0/10

It's pretty obvious that they're gonna milk Persona 5 just as much as 3 and 4, if not more. Even if the game is complete crap, the fighting game will come just for more money.

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I bet OP doesn't even play it

>games not worth watching or playing

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its the fighting genre the most impermeable to zoomers?

Persona 5 is already repped by one of the most popular fighters out now.
Persona Arena are still around through BBTAG
ASW is busy with vastly more popular properties in addition to their own stuff

I bet OP doesn't play half of these fighting games he calls good. He already outted himself as a huge zoomer fag earlier. This post was probably just for (Yous)


Tekken is the only fighting game that matters.

Maybe if you're a Tekken fag that only plays Tekken

Obviously. Why would I ever play any other fighting game? They don't even have more than 2 dimensions.

He's not wrong in regards to SSBU.

That would be conversational adventures.

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>samurai showdown
what even is this?

I dunno, but there's no Tekken being discussed here, so I guess you're the only one who cares. Sorry.

>but there's no Tekken being discussed here
Of course there is. That's what we're doing right now. Hell you're doing it yourself, what are you apologizing for?

Man brings up a good point.

Okay. I'll end it here then.

Tekken's movement sucks so much it might as well be 2.5D

Tekken fags don't need to prove their game is the goat to zoomer Melee into UNIST casuals.

Explain. I don't understand what this is supposed to mean. It's 3D. What the fuck is 2.5D?

Yeah. Tekken is dull and has remained stagnant for it's existence. Plenty of other better, more exciting fighters to choose from.

id say strategy is also up there. but yea pretty much

You play 2D in a 3D world.

Well that's your fault for playing it that way idiot. Just sidestep.
If you can't or don't do it for some reason that doesn't magically make it 2.5D you know?

It means moving your character feels like complete shit

Soul Calibur 6 is a good game, you fucking cunt. So is UNIST and Samurai Shodown. Can't hurt my hype.

You are actually the biggest retard ever. You don't move side to side in 2.5D fighters. That is a 3D fighter. 2.5D just means the graphics are 3D, you dumb idiot.

Yeah if you suck at it.

Well since we're talking about Tekken and that's a fully 3D fighting game in which you can sidestep freely I don't see how I'm the retard, retard.

You're the one who doesn't know the definition of 2.5D, and had to be spoonfed. Also the older Tekken games are 2.5D and not 3D, so congrats, you actually don't know what you're talking about.

Smash players have their own events, have no crossover with the communities of other games and their game is fundamentally nothing like every other fighting game sharing none of the basic elements

>Atlus has no reason to milk a franchise that they've been going out of their way to milk as much as humanly possible because they're jews and did the same thing with P4

What did he mean by this

Tekken players can generally only play tekken, it's a bit like Marvel in that regard. Doesn't teach transferable skills or at least put that much emphasis on them.

>not knowing about some shit Yea Forums newfag = underage
Kill yourself.
Anyways SamSho is up there as the best game this year

>Also the older Tekken games are 2.5D and not 3D, so congrats, you actually don't know what you're talking about.
Grasping at straws you literal mongoloid. Holy shit I can't believe you just go round calling others retarded, you of all people oh god.
Sidenote 2.5D sounds fucking retarded, I just call them what they are, 2D fighters.
Don't ever talk to me again moron.

I called it 2.5D as an insult due to the movement being so awful, genius. I'm fully aware it's actually 3D.

They don't have a reason to make a fucking musuo either

>Bad games
>the ones I don't like
>Chad games
>the sleeper hit and the biggest fighting game
>lets shit on sf and I'll put the non fighting game here too
You couldn't have been more transparent

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why is there no marvel?

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Wow, I listed something that was a fact and now that's considered grasping straws. Whatever, at least I provided points as to why you're pathetic, instead you're just getting upset because I called you out on being an idiot.

its dead.. stop bringing it up

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It's possible to get used to games with awful stilted controls, that doesn't mean the games don't feel terrible.
>having to do a joystick jig to move your fucking character backwards well because autistic koreans would get butthurt if you invalidated their years of legacy skill with movement that wasn't garbage

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You attempted to correct me when I said nothing wrong and upon realizing your mistake doubled down and mentioned that tekken 1 and 2 were actually 2D as if that had any relevance whatsoever.
Face it, you are dumb and have blown yourself out due to your poor reading skills. Nothing to be ashamed of most of the posters on this board are just as stupid so you'll be in good company.
I am obligated to call you out however, because your squirming is legitimately funny so by all means keep digging that hole dummy.

The setting is nothing like P3 though


I watched Infinite at KSB and it's honestly pretty dull (just from a spectator standpoint, maybe it's just that fun to play). Not sure what people are looking at when they say it was unjustly shat on when it has great gameplay. If you like it more power to you though, play games you like.

KBD isn't that big of a deal man. Even some pros half ass that shit and have success. To the average online player it's straight up irrelevant.
Other than that what's wrong with the movement system? It's responsive and effective if used properly.

ahh yes vappabros, I forgot we love UNIST now

Wait, is it actually coming or are you just memeing? I've always liked the series, even though I've mostly played just Matrimelee.

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>no locals
I guess I'll never go to EVO, bros


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they could have brought back umvc3. its been getting some rekindled attention

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>Atlus doing anything that isn't Purseowner or a port

Capcom doesn't allow old games go be run.

>They don't even have more than 2 dimensions.
Except for all those other 3D fighters

I'm glad I don't have to buy another season pass to get Teddie, Seth, and Heart Aino.

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at least not on the mainstage
they had super turbo last year on a side stage

>old games getting on main stage

doesn't work like that and is quite literally the only thing smashtards have right. Better to play an old game than have your community die with a shitty new game

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Other than SC6 they're all pretty much dead though.
Last I heard SC6 wasn't doing too well either.

never knew that. thanks...

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I thought SamSho was also neutral focused

I guess so.
Not that the last two games (or three, if you count Bonnou no Kaihou) were done by them. But I suppose they still own the rights to the series they started.

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SC6 is in between the popular fighters and the anime fighters in terms of activity. Usually takes 15-50s to get matched on PC.

In any case, popularity of fighters this gen is if anything inversely proportional to quality this gen so I won't pretend that means anything.

It is. But it's not out yet.

Samsho and soulcal are fairly close to each other, disregarding the different number of dimensions

cope seething meleefag

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Really hope SFV is the main event again. I'm an East Coast fag and want to go to bed by 1am.

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Every fucking time. Cry more.

You know what? How about you stop clinging to an opinion from 2009 and try to actually play the newer BB. Sorry not everyone likes a game with YRC, shitty ass neutral, and Danger Time.

Kinda hyped for samsho but I fear nü-SNK might botch it.

I can see SmashU being given the spot, so a win either way. If smash and sfv are the two last games I don't even need to worry about getting to sleep.

>and that's all you should focus on in fighters
Then why MVCI aka the best fighting game gameplay wise is not there