What class/race are you rolling, guys?
Vanilla wow - home
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human warrior
Faction depends on friends, but prefer alliance to play ne druid like i did in vanilla except this time i will actually know how to play
male human rogue, time for comfy elwynn/dun morogh/loch modan/darkshore leveling
Male Nelf Balance Druid if RPPVP servers exist.
Female Nelf Feral Druid if it's only RPPVE.
I don't like watching cute girls getting bullied.
I'm not sure if I want to play, but if I'm going to, that would be feral druid. Faction depends on where my friends, if any, are going to play. Most likely Horde because that's min/max in TBC and Wrath that might or might not follow.
The disappointment class.
I decided on it after seeing they're bringing back dishonorable kills which will kill city raids.
What was the purpose of this? was he in your grind spot or what
>implying i'll give money to blizz
Reposting PvE tiers
tauren hunter for the comfyness
nelf druid or human warlock to experience alliance questing
I'm leaning towards Orc Warlock
Night Elf female druids are against the lore. so are Night Elf male priests
Im bringing my spellpower rogue to raids and you cant stop me
what did subtlety do in vanilla?
Finding a way to make it work is half the fun.
You're making me tired of it before it has even started you fucking faggot.
Beta details fucking when? How is this shit coming out next month with no open beta?
For min/maxing you need 2 feral druids with the party crit buff
made me sneakier so I could explore high level zones.
Nice list but assassination rogue is pretty bad, seal fate isn't really comparable to fire or frost mage which are actually top tier specs, put frost/fire higher and assassination 1 step lower IMO
Eggselent meme
I can really easily not invite you, or kick you.
No rdf is gonna be a toughie for you mopbabs
Subtlety is filled with pvp talents but useless in pve basically
stealth and utility mostly, with a few damage talents
1-2Night Elf Druid
3-4Night Elf Warrior
5-6Human Warlock
7-8Human Warrior
9-0Dwarf Hunter
69-Dwarf Priest
Trips-Gnome Rogue
Quads-Night Elf Rogue
In PvE their only claim to fame is Hemo, which requires a debuff slot and the benefits don't outweigh the drawbacks in most raid comps. Hence why it's in Meme.
I don’t even play wow
Not my screenshot. It's from this guy's site.
this, a hemo build is decent while leveling because it doesnt require daggers and you still do good dps while bringing some utility and it is better for pvp but most rogues drop it at 60 for a more stringent combat spec
orc rogue musclebabe, fuck the haters
>implying mopbabs know about SP rogue memes
lol, I played vanilla and I don't even know about that shit. What's the meme?
>Mopbabs can't read wikis and play meme pservers.
(you) will never be a woman
sub is a good leveling spec but for some retarded reason everyone thinks combat is better
yeah i'll take 1.5 min reduced vanish over 5% to parry lmao
Dwarf Holy Priest... I'm a bit worried about having to grind though.
You're retarded.
Not the guy you are responding to but it's about getting spellpower gear and spellpower flask and doing sick damage with poisons, weapon procs or neck procs which scale with spellpower
It worked on feenix priv server for a while but then got nerfed, not sure how it's supposed to work in retail classic but yeah it's probably a meme there too
brainlets that cant into weapon swapping
no i just actually leveled a rogue in vanilla
A part of me wants to roll an undead rogue and setup in the Wetlands with Pre-raid BiS gear since I'm never going to raid or do the R14 grind.
I figure making my free-time killing night elves doing the Wetlands run and ganking people leaving for Kalimdor would be pretty fun.
Yeah because improved stealth speed and lowered stealth cd beats 40enery sinister strike, 5% hit, 50% offhand dmg, blade flurry, weapon skill, sinister+evisc bonus dmg, sword proc, adrenaline rush
You are probably trolling, don't, because there are people who legit look for advice on leveling specs in these threads
Trolling back then didn't really have purpose. It was a combination of lack of voice chat, opportunity, and general population stupidity.
I agree with you that sub is just fine for leveling however riposte can be useful to survive against humanoid mobs or other players. I usually level as hemo
AR is mostly endgame though, for early/mid leveling sub is fine
>Fury meme
Let me put it bluntly, all warrniggers with this dream is like every single young sports ball player hoping to reach the big time, when in reality less than 1% will ever get that far.
And here's why
furywarrniggers are notoriously gear dependant. BUT they do near equal DPS at the start of raid progression. Cool right?
Big Fucking Problem. Threat, Furryniggers have no control over it, Rogues have perfect control over it while scaling just as well as Furryniggers.
Endgame furryniggers will be doing slightly more DPS and at that point in the game Threat is no longer a big issue as Protwarriors can handle any DPS unleashing on a boss.
Early raid progression Protwarriors do struggle holding aggro against hard hitting classes, Furrywarrniggers are going to be hitting just about as hard as rogues but without threat control = threat ripping annoyances to the MT who is going to be bitching them out every time it happens and pissing off healers who blow pointless mana keeping their asses up.
The only option is shortstack gnome or goblin depending on your faction. Everything else is the ultimate of faggotry, especially orc women (men)
Adrenaline rush is a 5 min CD, its fucking useless. 5 weapon skill? literally means nothing if you die every 4 minutes because you have no survivability CDs
I dont expect anyone in these threads to know what theyre talking about, all you retards do is regurgitate whatever some MOP tard youtuber tells you to do
I guess combat works for PVE servers, ahve fun roleplaying. if you level with combat spec on a pvp server, you'll just be corpserunning the entire fucking time lmao. prep and improved vanish are NECESSARY to survive but again, dont let me keep you from being retarded
Every 5min you can bflurry+evasion+AR and kill 3 mobs at a time
It's fucking sick bro, compared to what, premed? 2 combo points does fuck all
The only alternative to 31 combat points is 21 combat points and then going assassination, subtlety sucks major balls for any kind of pve. If you want to pvp while leveling then fine but sub is the worst for leveling and it's not even close
Is this true?
So you admit then that combat is better for pve and sub is better for pvp?
Also for survival combat is better regardless because of endurance and improved sprint
Also hilarious that prep 10min cd is NECESSARY and adren rush 5min cd is useless
Don't recommend pvp builds as leveling builds, that is fucking retarded
If I had the option, I would put Fire/Frost into Excellent tier as a combined tile, since they more or less switch places while being consistently strong overall. Alternatively, if I could make a horizontal divide between the two and Ass/Surv then that would also convey the point well enough without having to make an entire extra vertical tier.
Based, They are just shit rogues
Combat is better for leveling on PVE/RP servers, where redditors and trannies and twitch streamers will be
PVP servers will require actual thought, strategy, and resource management to level efficiently
I was writing out my advice with the assumption I was speaking to normal human beings, not redditors and trannies and retards who roleplay in video games
Troll Priest.
It's nice to have, I think it's somewhere like a 150-200+ dps increase to whoever is grouped with them
No, it doesn't make up for their terrible damage. It's not a bad idea to sit a feral offtank in the hunter party for it, though. The meme spec that actually sees play in munchkin raid setups is surprisingly enough enhancement shamans, since fury warriors direly need both windfury and the -threat totem, and recasting 2 totems every 10 secs would make a resto lose out on a lot of cast time, and who better to gimp with a nightfall?
Possibly, you if you could go with one less healer thanks to innervate, it might be worth it. Kitties aren't THAT bad when you have judgement of wisdom(and melee lacks windfury).
yes that's nice but doesnt that take 31+ talent points? You can essentially level through most of STV as a more pvp spec then swap over
>Also hilarious that prep 10min cd
You fucking retarded faggot. Its called RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Vanish is 3.5min but with prep , every 10 mins you can vanish twice in a narrow time frame. This is called SURVIVABILITY. You can also pop evasion and sprint twice in a narrow time frame for SURVIVABILITY.
Its not just about minmaxing your dps, its about SURVIVING IN UNEXPECTED SITUATIONS, which is a necessary skill to level efficiently because CORPSE RUNNING TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME. And on PVP servers, YOU GET ATTACKED BY OTHER PLAYERS. But if youre a retarded faggot who levels on PVE and RP servers then go ahead and enjoy the care bear world. Why even minmax? you'll never die anyway lmao
what the fuck am I reading
>think about playing vanilla
>read the thread
>realize how shit the community is
If anything it's a 150-200 dps increase for the group as a whole, not to each individual member. A dedicated kitty is only really worth it if you're Alliance or they're a MCP junkie.
At last we see, the unbridled mental power of the average PVE/RP player
I am not the anons going back and forth between combat and hemo but everyone knows combat is the optimal pve spec (end game dungeons and raids), however, while leveling on a pvp server the added pvp utility and abilities makes sub/hemo a decent spec to level as.
anyone wanna walk me through game ? ok
>testing out my character on a private server
>it'll take me a week to get my buttons and macros perfect
Combat is definitely better dps, but ghostly strike cuts out a lot of downtime and it's really nice to be decent in pvp while leveling. You can't really go wrong with rogues unless you try and level as seal fate or something.
Thank you for not playing, the last thing classic needs is more whiny retarded faggots
Enjoy overwatch
dont attribute Yea Forums and /vg/ autism to the entire community. Avoid them
What's the deal with this meme? You don't even start with the full kit
Gonna roll either UD warlock or priest.
honestly I'm surprised that there are people so desperate for WoW Classic that they are capable of making multiple threads on Yea Forums that make it to the bump limit. It's all the same shit, people say what they're playing without talking to others, other people argue about min-maxing, theorycrafting shit that works on private servers but may not work in Classic, etc.
I'll probably go on my old realm's irc and see who's coming back and on which server like a week before classic launches.
theres no pleasing these faggos, either youre trying too hard and you need to slow down and enjoy the journey bro OR you'll never be able to do anything unless you use the One True Combat Sword Build
fuck these human sword+5 roguenigs, im leveling as sub for fun
Human Warrior
Dwarf Priest
Gnome Mage
Human Rogue
Nelf Druid
This is just how shit Yea Forums niggers are. It’s a tiny part of the community. Most people I’ve met on private servers are normal, helpful, and fun to play with. The likelihood you’d ever run into anyone from this cesspool in game is extremely low. Same goes for the shithole official forums. Every thread here and there is filled with assinine pointless arguments. Everyone is an “expert” and if you disagree you are a retard.
0-4 male troll mage
5-9 male elf druid
You forgot something too.
>fury warriors compete with the same gear as hunters, rogues, and even feral druids. Even the warrior MT may need that one-hand weapon because this isn't BC or Wrath, that Hungering Cold is literally BiS for him too.
>Rogues are literally so overplayed and good that there will always be rogues in a raid, a good number of them too
>Meanwhile tanks and heals are so rare, and warriors are one of only two viable tanks that you can fully expect to be an MT or OT even if you never tanked once while leveling.
>So not only does it take even longer to get geared, but your dps can't even shine until endgame because threat is a major mechanic of Old WoW and even classes with threat mitigation abilities (not you) have to watch their dps.
Don't play a warrior unless you're ready to be the MT of your raid and tank for at least 90% of your raid career.
>leveling on a pve server
there is a reason people level as sub, it is because they play on the best servers
It's not. With diminishing returns, 3% cit is something like 2% extra damage. That's a total of 8% of what a real DPS does, when you account for every party member. That's at best maybe 80dps total out of the buff, patchwerk dps, and you're not within 80dps of furies or rogues.
Kitty's manage threat pretty well since they have cower but they really need to be genuinely good at the rotation to really max it out even /w mcp.
>Tauren shaman
Level as Enh, PvE as Resto and PvP as Ele.
>streamer closed beta
All the leveling guides out there by p server autist, server first-ers, are written by guys who play PVE or have guildies protecting them. Trying to minmax 5% more DPS while leveling is fucking stupid, when you're in a chaotic world full of people who want to corpsecamp your character. Youre also assuming you'll be ahead of the pack when the reality is, unless you poopsock you're gonna be stuck in the zerg with everyone else.
I actually leveled a rogue on a pvp server and vanilla, and improved vanish and prep saved my ass so many times from unnecessary corpse runs. I literally rolled Night elf because of all the fucking corpse runs. Improved stealth speed and stealth level made it a lot easier to stealth into encampments to loot a quest box or stealth up to the quest NPC and quickly down him before vanishing. Because if you try to swashbuckler your way through the encampment, one hordie is all it takes to fuck your day up and ruin your progress.
You cant do that with pure combat. These combat only tards really are brainlets of the highest order. ME PICK TALENT THAT DO MORE DAMAGE! ME LEVEL FASTER! they are so fucking retarded they dont see the forest for the trees, they dont see they're one shithead who exists in a larger game.
Or theyre PVE players and enjoy the singleplayer experience in MMOs
can some1 boost me on standard wow, thanks.
It's a shame that the vast majority of people operate on a massive loss aversion principle when it comes to world pvp. Essentially, if there's the slightest chance they'd die, they avoid the fight. They'll just stroll past you. But if they find you low and killing a mob, or in a situation where they outnumber you, suddenly they feel like fighting.
It feels like I'm the only person who actually likes the challenge in pvp. I've stalked people in stealth until they were at full hp/mana and not fighting a mob for a fair fight. Sometimes I go for an opponent that is too strong, but that's fine.
Dude, both sunder and HS are flat threat. They plain don't scale. Shield slam does, but very poorly. Threat only becomes a bigger issue as you progress. A fury warrior will rarely pull aggro in MC even with world buffs. In AQ/naxx you're seriously throttling yourself even with salv.
can u play as a half-breed yet?
This is your periodic reminder that assuming that blizzard doesn't remove the inspect API, I will be backporting the beloved Gearscore addon to WoW Classic.
Now, I know there might be some issues with using the ilvl system from later releases, so I have taken it upon myself to use the most modern pre-bis lists refined by elite private server players. Hopefully with this change, we can see widescale adoption amongst the playerbase. Rest assured, I intend to make the Gearscore experience an integral part of classic that you cant get a group without.
Thank you, and in conclusion fuck casuals and fuck blizzard
I don't get it, how is this not based?
>p-private server jank numbers!
Oh god....m-maybe druids c-can dps....FUCK
they already said they removed it.
I feel ya dawg, I leveled a boe geared out sword rogue in vanilla and it was dumb af, just throwing knives and beaning mobs with my swords because I couldnt stealth for shit. its like being level 10 for 30 extra levels
This guy is right. The rogues that I caught out in the open and got away from me where the ones that had their cooldowns.
Troll , They are dumb , but I like em
Threat is not an issue for cats, you don't have the DPS. And Cower doesn't compare to rogue tools. They don't use feint if they can help it, they use their energy for damage, and just reset their threat to 0 with vanish. Different story(for rogues) if the boss resets threat, but that's an exception to the rule.
Yeah, that's the fury creed. Feels like fucking shit whenever you get "lucky" and end up losing all your world buffs and consumes though.
Well those people like to win and it's why they target people they think they can win against.
PVP servers were never about a fair fight. It's why the term ganking is used so much. People didn't drop banners and /bow before a fight. They opened with stunlocks or partyed with four other people to buttfuck solos.
>like to pretend i'm in the movie hocus pocus traipsing through it
*raises paw* Check the vid, he's pulling superb dps and didn't even have full pummeler for flamegor
the interface API for the alpha build was posted yesterday and the inspect API is intact
at worst I would just recreate raider.io
Based and cutepilled, I did this but as halloween town 1
>pull boss with a cleave
>bring every rogue down with you.
Yea, it sucks shit when I lose my consumables.
I wish it always worked out that well.
imagine having to run gnomeregan several times a week to have "viable" raid dps
I admit it's cool, but that's gotta be tedious as hell
Orc shaman.
More importantly - where the FUCK is a launch announcement or beta? I know there was "buzz" from youtubers or whatever about some secret meeting, but i don't follow that stuff so i'm not sure how much i'm being memed or not.
I know that tipsout retards has dropped several hints but i mean, we know it's "soon" so maybe he's just an attention whore. And this is all from seeing others mention it on discords so grain of salt, i have no source I can link and im not going to look at any of their stupid twitters.
its 1 boss in the entire game, this is the only boss you will ever see feral DPS link
I know that feel, I used to raid as a warlock in TBC, my mantra on each pull was "pleasedontcritpleasedontcritpleasedontcrit"
for trash by the time the tank had like 4k threat the mob was mostly dead and my shadowbolt cast wouldnt even finish
You can do twice the DPS required for Patchwerk without Crowd Pummelers so whatever. Well, at least in short fights where you can powershift from start to finish.
>playing boring stock WoW when you could have unlimited fun and new experience on classless WoW
My point still remains. Short women > anything else.
People are gonna be disappointed because the reason vanilla WoW was good, was because of the community, not the game itself.
more fun in pvp Spriest or Rogue?
Seems more comfy to me, farm fused wirings, twink gear to sell, not having to worry about BIS weapons anymore as MCP is druid BIS for entirety of 'Nilla. Immediately teleport to your farm spot as horde. Then show up to raid and get handed random gear healers/dps don't need. Sounds like a comfy life to me
>top three on meters
We already know about the game, dude, we've been playing for years.
Unless Blizzard intentionally fucks it can only get better from private servers since those were flawed as heck.
It kind of doesn't matter as 99.9% of druids who say they will spend 5 hours a week in gnomer won't actually do it. This percentage is 100% for druids from Yea Forums.
It's further irrelevant since very few druids are going to convince a raid leader that they should be tanking. Off tanking sure, however. Not everyone sits in some furry's containment discord, no one is going to give a shit when they can just slap a shield on a warrior and ignore the shape changing bbw whispering them.
you know about as much as anybody else save for the dozen streamers that went to HQ this week
...what the fucking shit...so they get god tier leveling, utility, AND NOW YOUR TELLING ME THEY CAN FUCKING DPS.
The only reason classic is such a hype is because it's "official" and essentially gathering everyone under the same umbrella without private server corruption.
Sharding will make or break the game.
Reminder of the real PvE and PvP spec list.
Invert that and it's good
Stable servers that won't vanish overnight and corruption free, working anti cheat, etc, are big big draws.
Regional servers as well, no more 12k clusterfucks despite how badly nostbabies want it.
>corruption free
>corrupted by SJW and forced to adhere to their political views
yea, sure
So what does Yea Forums think of kargoz. I've seen only various mentions of disdain.
Cow druchad > Nelf
bigger cocks
more appealing starting zone (nelf zone looks like deviantart)
cooler themes
better music lets be honest
not associated with transexuals like the nelves or alliance in general
female orc warrior and male gnome mage
at least locks are ranged and can get a limited invuln pot off, most of the time you won't even notice before you've got a "release spirit" prompt in your face
He has nothing of value to say, which goes for 90% of all classic "content creators".
If you're high on hype 24/7 i guess it doesn't matter.
>only warriors can be tanks, feral tanks are shi-
I'll play the CHADEST class called mage
>FREE portals
>FREE food and water
>melees do literally nothing to you
>aoe farming
>huge damage and burst
>10 billion CC's
>huge mobility with blink
Help me out mage bros
cucked into going resto because they don't have pally buffs, yeah real chad m8 ahahaha
>le chad meme
I'm taking bets. Any dumbass think this reddit nigger won't spam it in the next 500 threads? I'll take your money, have a beer at your expense.
Damage mitigation doesn't mean shit if you can't maintain hate.
Not really, Classic WoW is based on a 2006 peak game and the majority of players will be anywhere from 25 year old gatekeeping nerds to 35 year old politically incorrect basement klan members.
Most retail players will absolutely not be able to put up with how slow the levelling process is and will rage-quit when they realise they can't "buy a level 60 Naxx-kit fury warrior"
they are so easy to spot in-game. *pepehands* MAGA
Can Bears not generate good threat?
>they can't "buy a level 60 Naxx-kit fury warrior"
You can't even do this on retail. Sure you can buy a max level character but you can't buy the gear.
Fuck you on about nigger? Pally buffs don't matter for ferals either way. Druchad tanks pull more threat than anything else in the game with MCP. While Druchad dps has Cower, you know threat reduction for 20 energy just like rogues. I'll gladly take the free heal gear when heals don't need it anymore haha
>generating gold and selling it to chinese who then sell it to players
>suspending user because he spammed nigger after someone camped him in redridge
yeah man these things are totally the same.
If you've ever had to interact with an ESL gm on a private server, needing to relentlessly suck his dick so he can take a break from being the pocket gm for his sweaty tryhard guild and assist you, you'd have a better understanding.
If you're an idiot, why don't you just shut the fuck up?
Threat gen isn't a weakness of bears, it's the sole reason to bring one.
They can but it's far more difficult than warriors.
Based. Warriors are gonna be the new huntards. You'll just have a massive wave of wannabe chads who sat in a boring slog for 200 hours to get to sixty constantly getting kited and camped then massive competition at max level to do boring PVE shit nobody cares about, still raiding while hybrids already got their BiS and are wrecking shit in PVP. Then even when they get all the gear in the universe they're going to get kited to shit if they don't have someone healing them 24/7. Everyone below the top 1% of autists is going to be basically a worthless crippled retard and they're going to scream, bitch and whine the entire way through.
you don't need help
You see we're just intouchable and nobody can shit on mage
Being the best is the truth and we don't even need to brag or discuss about it
crit weakness invalidates every reason there is to bring them over warriors
only a true psycho attentionwhore would insist on being the true MT for any guild
>you can't buy the gear
where have you been since tbc?
the only thing that beats them in threat generation is an insanely geared fury warrior using private server /sit exploit.
No, you dumbass. Most of their heavy duty tank gear IS their threat gear. You literally just press maul and do more threat than a warrior in dps gear even without a MCP.
>over warriors
Well yeah that's fucking retarded. They're off-tanks. You gonna ditch mages because they can't heal, too? Of course they'll seem bad when you cast them in the wrong role.
>teleports behind you
>gouges your blink
heh, nothin personnel kid
why do horde druids do so much better?
Alliance- Prot Paladin, Nelf Druid, Human Mage
Horde- Tauren Warrior, Orc Shaman, Undead Warlock.
I like to play both sides, and all roles.
I'm setting myself up for failure unless I forsake every other real life obligation.
My understanding was that people were trying to put them in the Main tank role. Hell there's like what two fights where Warlock is the best tank for them?
How hard is it to acquire devilsaur gear early in the server?
Can I make a fortune going skinning+LW? Making gear while leveling seems nice, too
Or should I go alch+herb for a smoother leveling process?
Those would be some stupid people. Even a dps or pvp war would make a better main tank, because at least they get shield wall for free. And mocking blow. And defense gear. And shield block and all that jazz, sans last stand.
>They're off-tanks
Not that guy and i don't know much about tanking but I don't understand this argument
Wouldn't warriors be better offtanks as the important thing for offtanking isn't threat but damage mitigation? You don't need threat since nobody is attacking the guy anyway right?
Saying "druids are fine as off-tanks" if they are worse than warriors at off-tanking feels kind of misleading, in that case you should just say that druids are subpar tanks in general
>Behind you
Get Bus shocked Shammyfag.
Would increasing the debuff limit make any new specs good?
It would make warlocks god tier
They would be a little better but it wouldn't change a shitton, most dps classes would benefit from this
It would just make the game much more fun
The only one off hand that I can think of that would really benefit from it is Affliction Warlock. They were always the ones bitching about the debuff limit back in the day.
Threat generation is super important for off-tanks since you won't get free rage from being hit. And what I meant by it is they're really more of a situational tank than anything else. If the boss has an enrage, you want a warrior. If he's got fears, you want a warrior. And so on. Druids are just bad at dealing with mechanics, they have no tools. Still really good to have around and tag in whenever the situation calls for it though, since it means one more tank getting geared without competing for warrior tier sets. And situationally being better.
How far should you downrank your heals in leveling dungeons?
Not to mention Feral gear IIRC is good for both Cat and Bear, or at least passable enough for both so you have an off tank that can heal and still deal decent damage if needed.
It's the opposite. Ferals with crowd pummeler beat dualwielding recklessness death wish fury tank threat and handily beat warriors without such ridiculous tactics without crowd pummeler.
They'd probably have to retune everything because of all the warlocks/warriors doing more dps.
>It would just make the game much more fun
I'm on the fence about it. I can see why some people would say the logistics aspect of Vanilla raiding is the biggest draw and managing the bosses debuffs is part of that. Though it seems lame that you have to police certain talents/items.Plus the limit makes pugging just a little more frustrating as you may feel frustrated if certain key debuffs that you bring are getting knocked off by deep wounds or a pointless mortal strike.
Yeah, you've DPS(nothing amazing but better than prot for sure), heals, decurse, and poison dispel all baked into one tank. It's good value. A no-brainer considering the gear required.
>Threat generation is super important for off-tanks since you won't get free rage from being hit
With offtank don't you mean tanks who tanks adds? Is it about being 2nd on threat on a boss? Is this possible as a tank?
>getting geared without competing for warrior tier sets. And situationally being better.
Yeah these are good arguments for bringing a druid tank I guess
Gearing a warrior for tanking is a hell of a lot harder than just throwing gear onto a bear. Druid raiding specs also lets them cover a wide range of roles decently to get things done depending on what roles you wanna cover. They can walk into raids as tank/heals or dps/heals or tank/dps really just depends on what your guild needs.
>heh probably just for this boss only
>his entire channel shows him getting great dps on so many different bosses
Yeah rotations would be much more fun if dot slots were unlimited, it would change a lot about vanilla raiding though so it really would be a difference from how it was back in the day
That said maybe that difference is something we should have to make vanilla wow feel fresh again :)
>No Classic+ with Goblins on the Horde and High Elves on the Alliance
Damn shame.
Sounds fun, maybe I'll roll a druid after all for utility and memes
Well, it happens that you'd want two tanks keeping up threat on one target. Not often, but druids are actually really good at that. They get a lot of rage and maul doesn't cost jack. They're very good at tanking trash, too, since crushing blows aren't an issue there. Really lets their ridiculous armor value shine.
Good points
shapeshiftlets absolutely OBSOLETED
You'll have to get the armor trinkets though, or I doubt you'll get the spot even if you manage to convince them to use a bear.
I could see some healers trying to keep dots up if mana isn't an issue, paladin seals, way more warlock dots, deadly poison, rogue/warrior/feral bleeds
not huge but it would be a bump in raid dps
I have contacts mate I can do whatever np dw
Which armor trinkets are you talking about btw?
Fuck this I thought I was gonna be a warrchad..now I just feel like a warrnigger
>healers doing dps
Man, why couldn't MMOs take a hint from WAR and make healers fun, instead of modern ones being so faceroll(looking at you, XIV) that healing is trivial and the measure of a good healer is how little time he can spend healing instead of doing dps.
stanceshiftlets are all tranny, stop shifting your stance like your gender
Smoking heart of the mountain(hf leveling enchanting) and the UBRS reward(goodbye 2% crit/spellcrit)
costs a bit of gold for the former, and a lot of DKP to replace the alternatives considering the competitions from melee, or casters and every other healer
It's not a gamebreaker, but if you want to tank raids, you do have to put in work.
>cant have these threads without the autistic druid players arguing for 500+ posts that feral is viable
Dwarf priest
Gnome lock
>2 weeks no bluepost update
Bros, not feeling too good ...
1-3 hunter
4-6 druid
7-9 shaman
0 i must use my own free will and cant use god to assign me
it's cancelled
*looks at these posts*
Uh Feral looks viable to me sweet cheeks
If you have a strong separation of roles, this shouldn't really be a thing in well-designed encounters that are actually tough in terms of numbers required. After all, the single greatest optimization to damage you can have is to drop a healer. In other words, healers should be working overtime at the very edge of being able to keep everyone alive, else the damage requirements are easy.
Uninstall wizard.
Let the past go guys, you're hurting yourselves. Wow is dead and buried, be it bfa or classic.
>providing video evidence & statistics
Why do warrniggers feel so threatened by us? Be glad that chads like us exist, more gear for you
Where's the private server that you can try every class at 60 in any gear?
>stalking people in stealth and jumping them and taking them by surprise
>fair fight
Orc Shaman
That's assuming all the heal abilities are pure, though. Could easily have heals baked into damage abilities, somepoint-builder-system, combo chains, mitigation through stuns and shit. Of course if every defensive ability is a straightforward heal, the only time you won't be healing is when you've time to slack off.
i can't decide between male or female nelf hunter. i like to play male cause im a male but female has much better animations. then there's dwarf too
Private server values arent blizzlike but ok
Retrowow or the henhouse server depending on what exact type of gear you are talking about
That's what rogues were designed to do. Starting unstealthed at 30 yards isn't going to be much of a fight for anyone with a ranged snare
female 100%
melf animations are just retarded and femnelf have some of the best in the game
sucks you won't get the ginormous pvp shoulders, but that's all you're missing out on
Do you feel in charge?
also can use the kronos ptr. you can generate gear there
not sure how much easier or less easy that is from the others anons said
Its so awesome being a rogue. Knowing if someone opens on you and you arent ready for it, all you have to do is blind/gouge them and run away like a pussy and vanish
*dabs on some horde loser who thought he could gank me*
*smiles* looks like druchads win again
kronos has a ptr up? what is the realmlist?
Who's the boss targeting
/sit wont work on official classic
>ginormous pvp shoulders
what about dwarf?
I don't think they look good in anything, but that's just my opinion. Waddling around at 400mph in cheetah is silly, though, but it's not outright wrong like melf is.
That was the "strong separation of roles" assumption.
>Can't be an Alliance Shaman
>Don't want to be a mud-hutt butt
No other classes interest me.
Alright then, thanks for clarifying.
male night elf hunter, named after a fictional elf character, is based and redpilled
thats why the horde normies fear it
Dwarf DK
I hope blizzard removes the debuff limit on bosses so that list fucking explodes and a new tier list is created.
Are you one of those people who spam aoe at the start of duels against rogues/druids?
not sure unlimited debuffs is going to make your ret dream come true, user
>doesn't use pummeler
>dps drops below tanks
>I hope blizzard removes the debuff limit on bosses
Me too, don't think it will happen though
>so that list fucking explodes and a new tier list is created.
Shit specs will still be shit specs, it won't change the tier list, just make rotations more interesting
Isnt the debuff limit 16 now
yeah 16 from the start
just roll horde you fag
fucking wrathbabbies
More like my affliction dream.
Sure, just don’t call it a fair fight unless you’ve notified them you’re there before you start
>doesn't know what KTM is
>want to play warlock
>have the choice between disgusting manlet or the cardboard NPC race
I'm practically forced to play horde
Actual release date yet?
confirmed for horse cocks, so chad they left cow cocks and humanity behind
UD warlock is the only logical choice user
No, but you missed the point of my post
even warrniggers aren't this retarded, just wtf are you?
I too am rolling the main character, friend.
It's too bad that only the boring races can play warlock
Tauren troll dwarf nelf are the cool ones
Warlocks are ballin though
/Inceldom General/
troll rogue mon
After much careful deliberation and debate I've decided the best class for me will be the Shaman. And Tauren will be my choice.
As long as you are aware that your character is equivalent to a night elf mage in her culture.
enjoy your time
That's enough for 40% of the raid to apply one debuff each
Sometimes a man just has a to be a man...
Fuck Horde. I rolled that garbage faction when WoW released as a Shaman and it was fucking terrible. Horde was probably the most retarded faction back then that I had to give it up and play an alliance on a different realm just to maintain my sanity.
The second BC came out and I was able to play Shaman on Alliance, the game became x100 more enjoyable. Horde has always been filled with players that shit talk 24/7 because of their insecurities and are bad at playing the game. Theres a reason the Undead race became a meme.
Is leveling as ele shaman a good idea?
so locks can use corruption
Don't know´about that user.. I'm not a minmaxing tryhard making cringey PVP compilations on youtube.
I just wouldn't fit in
Quick breakdown so zoomers don't fall for the dishonesty
938 DPS Shedo is still rank #5 OF ALL TIME for Druids DPS on Baron Geddon (EVERY SINGLE KILL ON THIS BOSS)
1474 DPS is the #1 rank for Druids on Geddon
Now compared to other Melee DPS classes
2392 DPS is the #5 ranked Warrior for Geddon, the #1 rank is 2717
1762 DPS is the #5 Ranked rogue for Geddon, the #1 rank is 2005
In fact, you would probably have to scroll through 15-20 pages of players to find a number comparable to Shedo's 938 for warriors which would be somewhere around 600 players (and probably 10-15 pages of players for rogues)
But to be even more merciful, and sort by the best 4 of the last 5 raids, 938 DPS would be rank 22 for Rogues and still completely out of sight for Warrior rankings.
Its the same story for any boss. The top Warriors consistently achieve over twice the output of the top Druids, and Rogues usually come close.
You don't even do enough to even compete with the ranged DPS, but you still carry all the liability of melee
i just dont understand what is so appealing about playing a shaman
roll NE druid then, its pretty much the same thing
I wouldn't mind if they increased the debuff limit. Sure it's not "authentic" but it was a technical limitation and not intentional from design.
Its not about youtube pvp bullshit, its about doing call as spell casting. Ud has the best spell casting animations.
trolls are pretty good too, though
Vanilla wow takes place hundreds of years after those race/class combos became normalized. Some Elves see Female Druids and Male Priests with contempt but not all of them.
I enjoy the class fantasy, also druids are fucking gay.
Release date when?
They have no warlocks tho
Man I love trolls, shame their racials are kinda shit in classic
Do you really enjoy the class fantasy of shitting out totems and camping around them so much youd pass up the best MMO ever just because you cant shit out totems as an alliance char?
the problem is that warlocks and tanks already use up 10 slots right off the bat, so its more like 6 debuff slots for like 35 people
troll haste scales, meanwhile orc berserk is a flat AP bonus that also acts as a mortal strike debuff
troll haste racial is fucking imba, but no one ever plays trolls
Which is still very little
The optimal amount of debuffs used for a raid of 40 people would probably be above 60 debuffs, but now you are limited to 16, which is a pretty big difference mate
>orc berserk is a flat AP bonus
From everything I've heard it's supposed to scale with gear too, not just the base AP, which means that it's better
He's making these numbers up, folks. The video evidence speaks for itself. Feral Fur R I S E U P
Sounds like some chronicles shit because they were legit contemplating stuff like not letting male night elves be warriors and shit in development because of wc3 lore
Only need to compare your dps to the raids bruv and his is looking stellar. Druchads rise the fuck up right now
the nice thing about berserking is you can actually be healed whilst using it, it costing energy makes it kinda ehh though, way prefer it on a warrior
>character dripping in bis gear do more damage
makes you think
>roll Alliance
>never pull aggro
Can't wait to take all your Agi/Crit/Hit jewlery stealthniggers. Oh, and wait for sunders on my target, I'll be off tanking this fight.
Also I lived through Vanilla so its nothing new to me.
female trolls the worst run animation, they look terrible
More like
>roll Alliance
>never do dps
Gnome warlock easy choice
>Also I lived through Vanilla so its nothing new to me.
so did everyone else, you old faggot
Stealthniggers will be begging for their windfury and agi totems on Alliance while I just slam my head into the boss with max consumables riding the line in execute phase even with 0.56x threat from being in a DPS stance + Salv.
Don’t play a ret paladin then
It looks like shit though..
OBJECTIVELY correct dungeon tier list right here
human paladin
People aren't actually falling for the Druid meme, right? If you anons keep it up there will be people actually expecting to do anything as a druid.
my bad, i was saying that was a negative
Horde BTFO
What zone is that in the upper right? Something from a recent expansion I’m guessing.
When the game is on farm (dead) yep other classes will do much more damage.
Did blackout % proc every dot tick or only when you cast it?
Where the FUCK is my blue post
I dunno guise, female dorfs are kinda cute...
every dot tick and shadow damage in general. It procs off troll shadowguard.
and druids are the exception to this because..?
I had respect for Angwe until seeing that. I can't believe he's actually a cro magnon.
its Suramar, a zone from Legion.
>Horde has always been filled with players that shit talk 24/7 because of their insecurities and are bad at playing the game.
>Alliance player can't handle a little banter
Big surprise there.
Have fun playing on the designated tranny faction.
if you're threat capped what is the point of using 100 dps consumables?
Druid, it's the class that most benefits from not having set specs
To convince the tank to either put on more threat gear, or let a bear tank.
I'm tempted to roll one for wpvp, but they just don't have the 1vX potential
might make a lock or rogue instead, already done with mages
>implying trannies don’t play horde too
Druchads are useful during the important parts of the game (progression)
no belfs in classic sweetie
they are OK in 1v1 if you dedicate your entire being to being that annoying minmaxfag but they are the worst class for anything larger than a 1v1
uh huh, sure
go dilate your night elf mangina
The horde has females too sweetie, plenty of trannies will be female undead for instance
Troll shadow priests were fucking stupid.
>Charge or Cheap Shot
>get stunned off Blackout
My friend would always bust out laughing whenever it happened
question, rolling hunter, when i get to endgame do i use my pet in the raid? i dont ever remember seeing hunter pets in MC
Not even a tranny based ad hominem poster
my guild had a tranny but it played mostly humans
Wartrannies have the same player survival rate as actual trannies lol.
yeah, I know, the others just get so much more out of engineering since they can do actual damage and knock someone out during a rocket/whatever
and grenade/seduce combos are just fucking disgusting
Of course you do man
>night elves not even listed
>new portraits
get out get out GET OUT
40 energy SS
SS actually does damage using swords
don't have to be behind enemy to do damage
can kill more than one thing at a time with bladefury
can kill elites with Adren Rush
Why the fuck do I ever need to vanish while leveling?
>want to roll ally warrior
>hate gnome 2h animation
>feel like I'm gimping myself not picking gnome
Wat do
what's the appeal of wow? could never get into mmorpgs but envy people who seem to be able to
Because he is retarded and thinks that pvping makes you level faster
Don't fucking care about racials and play what you want. Human racials are the best racials for melee anyways.
You stop being a sperg. Racials matter but the fact that you're even considering them while picking your character makes you better than 80% of the playerbase. Your superior skills will cover for the shitty racial
im going to play druid and raid while being 90% afk
gnome best for pvp though
oopise woopsie
hey that's what i found on the tier list shit, not my problem.
Go dwarf
>could never get into mmorpgs
What time period? Don't think an MMO's come out since WoW.
>I want to fit in: the Post, the shitpost
I'm planning on playing a night elf shadow priest. Female. Is this a good idea?
Well orc fury warrior of course!
pvp or pve user?
t-thanks anons
night elves are good tanks i hear, and humans are good on damage because of the weapon racial.
I'd want to do both.
redpill me on ele shams
i wanna do a pvp
thanks for the you
shoot big lightning and dabaroni and seething alliance trannies
why dont you try reading the thread, tard
I agreed with you up until the night elves
Dwarf is great too, not quite as good as gnome but they fit the warrior look so well
they are sick for pvp bro, both as support and big dmg burst
Only problem is that to get pvp gear you kind of have to raid as ele and that isn't optimal and hard to get a raid spot as
crits like a motherfucker but heavy on the mana
would recommend tho, great in 1v1s
Tauren shaman and undead or Tauren warrior
Well, if you plan to PvE, dwarf is clearly the better choice. But I'll say that if you plan to play a shit ton of Classic you might as well go with the character thats most pleasing to the eye for you. Racials are importants in Classic but the fact that you're posting in a classic wow thread makes me think that you're atleast more skilled than 80% of the playerbase. Guilds will raid with skilled players over people with the perfect class/race combo.
night elves have probably the weakest racials for priests, but shadowmeld+mind control is such a hilarious combo that it's worth it. but racials don't matter too much if you're not going to be a hardcore raider, so don't worry about them too much. just play what you want. fem nelf have great casting animations.
Unironically this (maybe Human Female in D though)
zombie dick
Never been an undead rogue before, might as well give it a shot
since druids are garbage, what class will trannies play
Yeah I don't want to be a dwarf because of how they look and shadowmeld seems like fun for world pvp. Thanks for the advice
Obviously they'll be playing Priest to realise their heal slut fantasy
For me it was because of it being a sequel to the rts games and had decent lore at the time until the first expansion
Warriors, the best warriors are bipolar and suicidal
>gnome best for pvp though
Im-fucking-plying. For casters, yes, but for a Warrior Perception is LEAGUES better. The only thing that will threaten the healers that will flock to your fat warrior dick are stealthing rogues, and just being a Human deters all those Undead Rogue's for miles.
I’m an idiort who missed the wow train when I was young because I didn’t have money in high school for a sub/computer. I remember watching my friends play and being super jealous of the community and teamwork that I couldn’t be a part of. I don’t think I have any friends that would be willing to get into classic with me, but it’s something I’m really looking forward to trying as someone whose never actually played WoW in any capacity.
What should I know before it launches? The only other mmo I’ve played was maybe 400 hours of FFXIV, it was okay. Beat the main campaign but again, none of my friends wanted to play and everyone I met there was kind of a fag.
Then there’s monster hunter, but it’s not so much an mmo. But I’ve been playing that online since 2
Anyway thanks for the advice. I’m actually really excited to do all the dungeons
female human and female night elf priest
perception is shit dude lol, you roll human warrior for the +5 wep skills if at all
Is there anything more badass than the male night elf holy priest?
You are the reason for so many issues in the world, not just the gaming industry. Kill yourself.
escape from reality
avatar means more than me
a sense of community
grinding shit and "accomplishing" something
basically im a loser at life who like to achive things in fake immersive worlds
>perception is shit dude lol
t. upset undead rogue too afraid to climb the hill to LM due to the chad human warrior who rests up top
>What should I know before it launches?
Leveling is really time consuming in vanilla WoW, so getting more than one character to max level might be off the table depending on your personal schedule and level of dedication.
For that reason you might want to research the different classes a bit so you make sure the first one you pick is the one you want to be stuck playing forever.
Outside of that you will figure out most things as you go.
Prot paladin viability for 5mans?
nah stoneform or removing roots with EA is way bigger than maybe catching a stealthed rogue (which warrs counter anyway) also you cant see a vanished rogue with perception
Whatever one has guns my dude
I've never met a female troll player who wasn't an absolute cunt. Especially the ones with *that face*. You know the one.
Don’t worry about guides, just go in and have fun. You’ll make friends along the way so don’t worry about that. I would recommend playing Warcraft 3 before as well if you haven’t already
you mean the only pretty face they have
>What should I know before it launches?
Max level is only the endgame and just getting to 60 is an accomplishment and was the entire game for most people. Even just getting into a raid like MC only happened for a superminority of the people playing the game.
Pick a race and class that appeals to you. Dwarf/priest is the only one that can be argued as the objectively right choice if you're considering a priest. Other than that, you probably won't make it 60, so choose a class that sounds fun and be prepared to embrace it utterly because leveling another one to 60 is highly unlikely.
Warrior does not counter rogue unless the rogue is a retard
The fuck is this?
Do you put your pants on your head one ear at a time?
dragon scales are always reliable income
>Only problem is that to get pvp gear you kind of have to raid as ele
>making tier lists for specs as if thats at all how it works in vanilla
>orc berserk is a flat AP bonus
Berserk scales with gear.
t. someone who actually played an Orc Rogue in Vanilla
I agree on this.
*notices your truck nuts*
Race/gender tier lists come on who cares
>What should I know before it launches
Nothing, the game is much more fun if you have to find things out by yourself. Add people to friends list and join a talkative and nice guild, that's the important part, the rest is up to you to explore. Also the game is pretty easy so you don't need to be a pro to do well
What I meant is that if you want big dmg ele caster gear you have to raid for it (the pvp sets aren't really optimal for elemental), and since raids don't really usually accept elemental shamans there is a problem
“summer 2019”
>tfw going to go 31 points deep into assassination spec for vigor/sealfate, and going to grind for nightslayer set bonus
>ambush + backstab + evis
nothin personnel, kid
>muh spec
>muh racials
>muh perfect talent spread
>muh BiS
I can't wait for you fags to log in one day and realize you literally sucked the fun out of the game by focusing so much on this shit.
Hardest early on if you poopsock because the people who poopsock normally don't level the professions until maxed.
After that it's real easy because Devilsaur is BiS even through MC, so there's always someone making it for the AH.
If you want to make a fortune, go with mining and herb. Engineering is S-tier profession for pve and pvp but it takes a lot of mining mats which means they're always in demand. Herb will be in demand for alchs to make flasks. You could go with skinning instead, but that market only gets good with devilsaur leather.
people were minmaxing in 2004 youre just a deluded retard
Minmaxing is the best part about wow mate
Playing is boring, theorycrafting is where the fun is at
doesn’t shaman have to do like a 4 hour quest for water totem?
the only tier list that matters
what a lot of you faggots dont understand is that the formulas for how most things worked in vanilla were actually very complex
so high IQ people are naturally interested in maximizing these formulas and reverse engineering but obviously youre too low iq and just want to pick flowers and roleplay
which wow allows you to do, but dont walk into forums filled with neckbeards and expect us to be low iq , low test trannies like you
Don't roll paladin, that's about it.
most based post in thread
The only PvP tier list that matters
Piroblast fire mage is the patrician choice sorry
So, question about warlock, what endgame spec do you guys recommend for them? I know a lot like to go into destruction for the crit thing then rather go into demonology or affliction up to a point, but what do you recommend?
Druid water form questline is worse
I have maybe 4 hours a day to play, more on mondays. I’m totally fine with just picking what seems cool and running with it, I don’t care about minmaxing, I just don’t want to get gimped by picking a stupid class/race combo or something.
I played Warcraft 3 a tiny bit but honestly I can’t stand RTS games. My brain is to stupid to manage multiple units. But I have played quite a bit of hearthstone so I’m not completely unfamiliar with the lore
That’s a shame, seemed like one of the cooler classes. What would you recommend for a first time player? I like big fat numbers
destro is the only viable PvE build, but a variety of builds work in pvp. you can go pretty much anything in pvp, aside from deep affliction (dark pact is mega ass) including a variety of hybrid builds.
warlocks are fantastic in all forms of pvp and are probably the best pvp class in that they can excel in all forms of pvp. a lot of classes are amazing at different aspects of pvp, but none are as versatile as warlocks
>and since raids don't really usually accept elemental shamans there is a problem
Yes but - what's the problem?
Do you think ele gear in raids gets sharded because "lol no one is ele spec here"?
Resto shams get ele pvp gear practically tossed at them, and t2 is fantastic, zg stuff is good, 2.5 is awesome, etc.
yes it blows a pain in the ass
Warlocks are the fattest individual numbers, mages are easy access fat numbers, rogue and warrior are fat dps, but a lot of smaller hits in a short time
Troll Hunter, of course.
At first I wanted to be an autistic minmaxer and play human warrior, but instead I will be playing dwarf paladin.
>What would you recommend for a first time player? I like big fat numbers
Hunter and Warlock are fun and pretty beginner friendly considering your pet can tank mobs for you.
Mage is also an excellent class that can deal big dick damage while also packing a lot of neat utility.
Guys I think I just broke Northdale. I died while mounting a griffon and now I'm sort of floating through the world, under the earth and under water
You're being memed by zoomers, it's not a long quest chain, it just involves some running around. And for practical purposes you don't even fucking need your water totem right at level 20 anyhow, healing stream is not a deal breaker, and you can cure poisons/diseases without a totem if you need to.
Smart shamans just complete stages of the quest as they're leveling anyhow. You talk to the cow in barrens, she sends you to another bbw, you grab some water in tarren mill, then some water from ashenvale.
You get ghost wolf at 20 and you'll want the TM flightpath anyhow, can grab the other one on the way for later.
I think someone made a funny post about it once and people who've never done it take it seriously. The teldrassil-elwynn trip is longer.
Better change your discord avatar to an anime girl if you want to get a GM to ever assist you, user. Otherwise they're in full get paid and get out mode, maybe use google translate and use chinese in your ticket.
i am just so fucking sick of redditors and numales and trannies bashing minmaxing neckbeards
i play video games to have fun and escape these normies, and these normies intrude on my game and demand everything be simplified for their brainlet retarded asses
yeah in 5years
Didn't they re-use that asset, or parts of it, in cata?
the giant octopus clam things in vash'jir are similar but I don't think its the same model
priest, because its the most fun to me in dungeons, never really raided.
dwarf or troll
>seeing the dots from 30 warlocks tick
>laughing as the healers try to keep up with all of the life taps
>tfw can't take the best parts of Cata/MoP/Wrath/Legion without the bad parts of those expansions as well
Can't make up my mind between priest and lock:
>Lock: Comfy as fuck leveling, gets really strong eventually. Free horsie, generally badass.
>Priest: Feels great to make an impact in team battles and raids as a healer, but emo priest is so situational that i'll be stuck as a healer forever.
I can't decide guise, give me a nudge.
I'll be rolling Lock myself, free mount is nice and people love having you in groups for all the utilities such as soulstone, healthstones, tp,...
nelf hnter
Will you be naming him Leeggollass?
I hope we get qol changes
fuck you purists saying literally everything was better in classic
>implying im trading everyone a healthstone
maybe give one to the tank and soulstone the healer
but i sure as fuck aint giving them out like candy hell no
Gonna roll the true chad combo, tauren hunter.
>Best part
>I hope we get qol changes
We're not, beyond stuff like colorblind mode, GM ticket system, etc.
Most recent CDN datamine shows we're not even getting "price per individual item" when looking at stacks on the AH
suck it catababbies
That's the first class/race combo I've ever played. Absolutely based.
one change means another change, then another, then another, until its not vanilla anymore and fags are flying around with store mounts and theres group finder, until its just nu-wow but with a lvl 60 cap. letting blizzard know youre ok with one small change turns them into monsters
Because of this vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz
for pve there are two specs: SM/Ruin (30/0/21) and DS/Ruin (7/21/23), that's it mate
Druid questlines thin out the weak, survival of the fittest. It's the CHAD class remember
Just wait until Blizz finds out how popular Classic will be. Before you know it you'll get servers with sharding, mob respawn timers, tag/quest item sharing, etc etc.
It's coming.
>Do you think ele gear in raids gets sharded because "lol no one is ele spec here"?
Because ele gear is caster gear and has to be shared with mages/warlocks
Obviously there are a few exceptions, like mail/leather spell power gear but these are rare
Also t2.5 set will have to be shared with classes who actually benefit from it in pve
I mean it's not impossible, it's just much easier to farm big dmg gear as mage/warlock as it's your mainspec
>Why yes I will tank your scholo and strat runs on my gnome warrior
Also wish Gnome Priests existed in Vanilla, cause having a literal pocket healer is cute af, but its cool
haha get 'em mate
>fuck you purists saying literally the truth
i'm sorry you like worse games and don't like mmos user, but that's down to you alone. there are very very few qol changes that wouldn't impact anything else, and they're all so minor that it's irrelevant to even bother because an addon will do it anyway, like telling you what grey items vendor for whilst not being at a vendor
Some qol changes would be good, like lowered respec cost, it's just that blizzard can't be trusted to distinguish the good ones from the bad
respec cost stayed 50g for the ENTIRE DURATION of vanilla for a reason. the vanilla wow dev team MADE A CONSCIOUS CHOICE
>like lowered respec cost
And this is exactly why people say no changes, because retard suggestions like this people try to pretend are good. There should be significant impediment to respeccing constantly. It caps at 50g per respec. You can farm enough to respec twice in like an hour, fuckoff complaining about it lad
With that logic every qol change was bad, which isn't true
Most of them were bad, yes, but not all
"It was intended back in 2005" isn't an argument for or against qol changes
You'll give people healthstones and you'll like it, or you'll get your spot taken by another class or a warlock who will user. If I have to give out food and water, you can suck a dick and do your job
What is the most aesthetically pleasing race combo for a warlock?
Including how fitting they are in the lore, as well as how good they actually look in cloth armor & the warlock tier sets.
I didnt say every qol choice was a bad decision
I said 50g was selected and maintaned for years for a reason
Dont fuck with it, i dont care if your class cant pvp optimally in raid spec.
>wahhhh why do i have to commit to my character choices in an RPG
orc and undead. alliance im partial to gnomes, but neither humans nor gnomes are great warlocks in the lore
pvp list?
i thought we were talking about 5mans, not raids
i never gave everyone a healthstone in a mara or ZF run, took too much damn time
>I said 50g was selected and maintaned for years for a reason
This can be said about every qol ever. "it was selected and maintained for years", despite not every qol being a bad change
200 IQ post
>get that perfect deadmines run going
>everyone shares a bunch of quests and you bang them all out
>multiple people walking out with blues that will last them 10 levels
>multiple dings
>no wipes
>leaving not only with all your loot, but a third of a level worth of dungeon quests completed
We're going back, bros. We're going back home.
>The only faggot contrarian list there is
Doesn't matter so much in levelling dungeons, although it takes vastly less time to give a healthstone to 3 more people desu, but when a healthstone is half your max hp, saves boatloads of time avoiding what might have otherwise wiped you
they already said that they would be removing addons like that.
Human rogue, dorf priest, human warrior
bros we need to stop the druids!
how will gold farmers and botters be dealt with? someone will be selling gold I’d rather it just be blizzard
Dwarf rogue, dwarf priest, dwarf warrior
fixed it for ya lad
seething warrgin
>waits until level 30
>does water form quest easy
Woah. That sure thinned out the herd.
Male orcs have the best aesthetic and lore for warlocks
What race has the best starting zone?
>someone will be selling gold I’d rather it just be blizzard
Nice try, Ion
Dun Morogh is /comfy/ as fuck, especially during night time
Night elves or tauren
Dun Morogh > Tirisfal Glades > Mulgore > Elwynn Forest > Teldrassil > Durotar
it’s a good point, I don’t want my neetbucks going to al-queida or some bullshit
Everyone but the durotar niggers
Undead male for the casting animations
patrician taste
female Troll priest or female troll warrior, it's so hard.
But most of all I wish I could have sex with a draenei unironically
>gnomes above anything
you wanna know how i know that you're a tranny?
Why not ud female? Emo girls are cute
>favorite zones are Dun Morogh and Winterspring
>favorite BG is Alterac Valley
snow levels are always peak comfy
Look I love them all but my heart will always say Durotar.
one day maybe we can have a wrath realm
They're nice but I wanted to be troll based on my very first character.
UD warlock is pure chad.
What about Tanaris? I love the snowy zone but I feel like Tanaris at night is comfy as hell
>Tirisfal above Elwynn
If Classic takes off there is no way in hell Blizz won't capitalize on official TBC and WoTLK realms.
Tanaris and Thousand Needles/Salt Flats are both quite nice.
I just really like the spooky fantasy horror aesthetic. Haunted houses, skeletons, ghosts and all that shit are my jam.
I'd rather they do a soft reboot or alt universe and just add new content after naxx
>Those footsprints that lead out into the sands which you can follow to eventually discover the fate of those who challenged the desert
Too bad there is so little content aside from pirates/bandits.
In terms of leveling, I like Durotar the most, but it does have pretty shit aesthetics
1-3 Shaman
4-6 Hunter
7-9 Warlock
I do like this idea but I don't see Blizzard going for it when they can make big off the old expansion content for a fraction of the effort.
So rogue?
i love the middle finger, haha
Why? Wrath is trash.
>pvp is broken like 80% of the expac
>dungeons are all cake walk trash from day 1 till Cata release
>LFD murders server communities
>Wintergrasp is an abysmal failure
>Blizz starts making content obsolete before the xpac is even over
>Everything about ToC
>ICC is a bland, 5/10 raid
>half the zones are total garbage
>classes become locked into variations of 51/20/20, no more ability to have real variety with talents
The only thing worth a damn about Wrath is Ulduar. Why anyone has fond memories of it is beyond me.
Can't believe I fucked that up perfectly. Rogue it is.
One thing I'll miss about private servers is I'll no longer be constantly playing at night.
NE Druid. Was going to be Tauren but I can't stand being Horde.
You forgot
>first raid tier is just watered down Naxxramas
Elwynn is the most overrated zone in the game. Long fucking walks from one end to the other.
Agreed, man I'd love if they had a day/night cycle of 12 hours instead of realtime
didn’t they try that and the survival profession with torches etc
Haven't heard about it. But I did hear that Duskwood was supposed to be much much darker and that you needed to follow the torches around to navigate the zone. Would've been pretty fun.
I mean the major raids of WoW were like, Elementals, Dragons, Trolls, Old God and Undead. What else could you make a raid out of in Classic that would end with a threat on par with an Elemental Lord/Son of a Dragon Aspect/Old God/Archlich?
Is shaman have dual wield in 1.12?