Why don't PC players buy games?

Excuse the cherry picking as there are some even new titles that did better on PC like DMCV, but often those the are the exceptions. Will Japanese games ever find a home in PC? Dark Souls games are pretty popular but over all PC sales in general seem to be significantly less than the console counter parts, even for western games. What is the reason for this?

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pc games are free

exceptions break the rule

Because why buy a game when someone else can buy it on your part?

PC has 1000s of games to choose from
Ps4 has 100
You do the math

Because you can just get them for free. PCniggers will always tell you that they "buy games they liked", but they'll only buy them for 80% off on some shitty Shitheem sales. They will only pay full-price for FOTM meme dogshit.

Several reasons:
- By the time it's ported, a lot of people played it on console already
- You can get it for free
- Most japs still play on consoles and not on PC unless it's some VN that will never release on console
I buy most of my stuff on PC, but ports that take years to come can get tiring for a lot of people and I can understand that.

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PC gaming is more demanding, and not a lot of people have specs that can play those games at high fps, so that's less sales
If you have a PC, it is not guaranteed that the game you will buy will run in your system, however, if you have a PS4, whatever game you buy for the console will be able to run it

PC isn't the only platform I own, I just play on it the most, chances are I've played a lot of stuff on a console already.

PC "gamers" don't actually play the vast majority of games released, they either waste their lives on f2p shit or they dedicate their time to mod/tweak stuff for e-peens.
Dark Souls was an exception because the DS YouTubers are actually good members but even then the community thanked From/Namco by running cheats non stop.

Most jap game ports aren't that great because japs fear computers. Only jap game ports you should play are Wizardry clones, but even then the control schemes are usually complete ass and you need a controller for them anyway.

>All those Jap games
It's almost like PC gaming is non existance in Japan.

So they bought the game they liked but it doesn't count because they didn't spend enough money on it by letting themselves get fucked over on pricing?

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Because the market is saturated.
On consoles you're starving for games to play, but on PC you have so many fucking games you are paralyzed by choice. I have a double digit backlog and buying new games is not in any way helpful because I don't have time to play all the games I already own.

Ever seen someone plug their steam into one of those stat generators and come up with figures like "40% games have never been played"? Because that's the problem you have if you're gaming on PC. Too many games.

PC players are too busy playing f2p and freemium flavor of the month games inbetween their bethesda game modding sprees.

And when they *do* buy shit, they buy it in bulk, on sale, to sit in their libraries to never ever play. It's the equivalent of friends/follows on social media; the bigger the number the better you are in your mind, and in this case it's about backlog.

once they realize they've wasted money on shit they won't play, they just pirate new big releases and actually play them and start the whole cycle all over again.

Ports are often bad
Some ports are delayed to release after console version
PC has more games so there is more competition to be the game consumers buy

Also those stats are not correct as steamspy is broken for quite some years now that steam has those stats hidden by default and users have to manually set them to public

>new titles that did better on PC like DMCV
You’d need to be daft to think DMC V sold better on pc than PS4.

Because there's way more variation in games and genres, a library going back decades not to mention emulation, the playerbase is way too divided.

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Why do you use stats provided by Galyonkin of Epic store

Those RE2 numbers are weak for PS4

>trusting steam spy numbers

user, you are a retard.

Well for one, Jap games rarely go on sale and stay full price for much longer than western and indie games.

PS4 also has 1000's of games to choose from.

stop using steamspy idiots, that shit hasn't been even remotely accurate in years. any """estimates""" are baseless.

Your a faggot.

Those numbers are usually accurate and generally the actual numbers are higher

You guys got any better sources then?

>trusting numbers about steam from steams competitor

>Those numbers are usually accurate
no they're not. there's literally no reliable way to extrapolate owner data anymore, anyone who tells you otherwise wants to fleece you for patreon money

More like 500's since it lacks entire genres and ports from PC

The real question is why do pc players not play video games.

>posting obscure weebcancer only japs (who don't even own a PC) and weebniggers play

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They WERE generally accurate, a year ago. Now they are inaccurate as fuck

Late and Late [st] are two different games user

Name them

kill yourself console shill

Why do consolefags endlessly buy trash and reduce the entire industry into worthless games that fail to innovate anything whatsoever except tricks to take your money for stupid bullshit?

Oh right because they’re kids and scamming kids is cool because capitalism and Jews

I only use my PC for older games like VTMP and emulators since my hardware is ageing. PS4 is pretty necessary too since all my friends have one.

Less people have PCs capable of running modern games at acceptable framerate/resolution (mostly due to sustained misinformation about cost being the barrier to entry).
There are more games total on PC to choose from than console, so if you have a limited budget for games, you have more things competing for your money.
Many games launch as timed exclusive to console first, then get ported to PC (sometimes years later), so console had more time to accumulate sales. (the only releases in OP's pic that had simultaneous PC/console release are RE7, RE2make, and MGS5).
Also, OP, why are you showing UNIST for PC, but UNIEL for console? That's disingenuous

You do realize all the lootcrate and skins shitfest was started on PC games

only numbers you can get is concurrent players which is really only useful to see if multiplayer games still have a flow of players but worthless for sp games.

360 gen brought a country-load of PC devs and potential PC gamers to consoles.

pc games are free

steamspy isn't reliable since the private profile update you mong

Contact the publishers to release the numbers to you.

>weebshit is not popular on a non-weeb marketplace

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Eh, his data was complete before the API was limited because of GDPR.
Now it's mostly just trying to guess, tho.

they enjoyed the game for free while it was full price, and throw the devs a couple of bucks once it's deeply discounted and the dev has written off most sales

Since they can get the games for free they will. The money they could have used would go to something better, like food, loans, or some shit like that

It's also compromised because the site owner works at Epic

And perfected and mass produced by consoles

But yeah it started on pc “games” which are so shit they don’t even require gaming computers, to attract all the Brazilians and toddlers who can’t even afford a console yet

But yeah that’s the fault of PC gamers and not unrestricted greed and exploitation of minors because money *rubs hands

Besides piratefags, a lot of us just wait for sales. Having new big thing isn't as much of a priority on PC because the backlog is always growing either way. Might as well wait to pick up whatever you're eyeing for like 10 bucks later since it's not like there's ever a shortage of things to play in the meantime.

Can you repeat that in english?

i don't give a fuck about game developers. if they want to make money maybe they should get a REAL job

I went from 360 to pc and never looked back though

He also wasn't competing with steam at that point

I only buy games on Steam sales, the only game i bought full price because i pre-ordered was DMC5

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no when I was making the OP i checked a bunch of titles and DMCV on PS4 is at like 990,000 where as on PC its between 1 and 2 million.

PC gaming is only for white boys that don't get pussy

prove me wrong

PC players prefer multiplayer competitive games I think. Are those numbers for all sony plataforms + japan or just usa and one plataform?

You could've gone straight to PC, but you and millions of others didn't. That was the point. Now the landscape is different.

>they enjoyed the game for free while it was full price
So they should buy it instead right?

>and throw the devs a couple of bucks once it's deeply discounted and the dev has written off most sales
So they might as well just pirate it anyway?

Bigger market on console in the US and other western countries.

>PC games don't sell
>all big companies who did console exclusives for years are now making PC ports
Something doesn't add up here and I assume it's OP spouting memes.

This is why I say don't use PC numbers as a gauge for anything. Not for games you like, games you dislike, whatever. They are usually never the main platform.

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The numbers are world wide owners based on some trick the site used you can read about. Basically any game on PSN is considered so PS3, 4 and vita from any region.

when you do indie games sales the numbers flip

>PC players prefer multiplayer competitive games I think
>RTS is dead
>comp FPS is dead
>PC players don't play fighters outside of the koreans inflating T7
don't think so

the numbers are just inaccurate
only public profiles are accounted for in these charts, due to profiles being set to private on default when registering/when private playtime update hit these numbers can't be accurate

Small demographic
Spoiled demographic (expects "steam sale / humble bundle" kind of price, full game try before you buy piracy)
Saturated demographic (many pc players already have at least one or two "ongoing" games they already committed their time to, and aren't going to drop them for every new release
Suffocated demographic - too many games, not enough time
Decentralized demographic - fractured into smaller groups, not everyone buys from steam / origin / epic / uplay / bethesda / gog - some people stay exclusive to that store some people don't buy anything from certain stores Etc
"Sims"-I-fied demographic - why buy a new game when I can just mod one I already have?

There's more but that's enough.

There are three types of pc gamers
Ones that can actually afford ultra high end
Ones that play toaster trash
And weebs that """play""" VNs

>god of onions?

OP here.
Its cheaper to publish a game on PC than a console. Thats why most indie games have PC as the original and everything else as the port. Money.
Since it's so cheap its often worth throwing a port together to get what little sales you can off the market place. They also wait to do that sometimes because of piracy or because it's guaranteed to sell worse on there anyway so they focus on the console version.

this is why well never get games like p5r and im forced to buy a dogshit console because pc lards rather play dota chink chess

>public profiles
Who the fuck wants to left his profile public? Getting all those random requests would drive me nuts.

This. Why buy games when I can just play Warframe or Path of Exile for another 1,000 hours?

Ironically, indies are the only ones where you see some new ideas. I can't remember the last AAA game that indulged on a new idea.

"""collectors"""" and retards that pay-up for virtual levels.

>his backlog isn't triple digit or QUAD DIGIT

I love people crying in my comment section saying i'm a hacker, it massages my ego

Cheaper to publish, sure. Cheaper to make? No. The ports of Japanese games over the last 2 - 3 have been have dramatically improved. They clearly throw a lot of money into it. Just look at all these options for high res and ultra wide screen support for the Yakuza games. Stuff like that is expensive. Not to mention proper optimization.

Easy for you to say, you never spent a 3 hour raid under your wow-playing girlfriend's desk with her feet smothering your face.

PLAY diabotical

Also demographic with higher standards

You'll never play those games so just take them off. This backlog meme is the worst.

I stop buying games that I don't want to play IMMEDIATELY when it grows. That's why it's relatively small.

Yes agreed now please buy underrail and brigador

>moderately higher rates of piracy
>library of worthwhile games is degrees of magnitude larger
It's hard to define or research stats on; but, the actual active PC gamer market is also probably not as large as the PS4 market unless you count internet cafe players in Asia who exclusively play League and DOTA

>Its cheaper to publish a game on PC than a console
Is it really, though?

How ironic

This is whats frustrating me. I understand what
are all saying but I got into PC gaming cause I sick of stupid console shit like paid online and recently Sony censoring crap. FFVII Remake's re-reveal put it in perspective for me how I end up having to use my PS4 anyway though. Like Time is short and I got work and bills and shit. I can't spend so much time waiting to play a port months or years down the road. I feel like I wouldn't have to if stuff like what I made in the OP didn't happen and PC ports actually sold more consistently like the console versions.

Playing games is unique with this issue of having to have dedicated machines or certain parts that every other medium doesnt require the consumer to do unless you're SUPER hardcore and niche. It's so frustrating how theres never an obvious answer, and where there seems to be like "well just use the PS4" theres tons of caveats.

Either PS users need to stop being cucks and stand up to paid online and censorship or whatever else.
Or Steam users need to start supporting the ports they beg for.

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Japan is going mobile and PC why do you think Sony left japan

90% of Steam accounts are chinks/poorfagswith3games/inactive.

It literally is, yes. Steam has a way less price entry and less barriers to past than the PS4, Switch, or Xbox. When you publish on a store front you need to pay a fee. In console's case you also need to purchase a dev kit.

Or mmo niggers who only play that one mmo

Self publish, dont need to talk to Microsoft or sony.
Steam greenlight maybe.
.io games
I miss desura...

great source

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Consoles have significant marketing reaching the consumers, while PCs don't.

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Way WAY WAY WAY WAY cheaper.

I don't even play games anymore but I buy every single port that is Sega brings to PC including Vanquish bayonetta yakuza etc.
the older I get the more money I have but... Less time I have to enjoy it

>Or Steam users need to start supporting the ports they beg for.
I will when they actually put effort into them. Nier Automata's port makes me want to puke.

you've forgot the VACated ones

>Hey look steamcharts isn't accurate anymore
>Let's make some outrageous claims
How very tiresome.

PC gamers mostly play fortnite, pubg/apex, LoL. Thats about it

It is literally the closest thing to one we can get user. Most of them add up to what publishers claim too like with KH3.
KH3 has 3,100,000 on PS4. It's claimed to have sold over 5 mill. That means around 2,000,000 on Xbox which would make sense given how NPD charted them.

>why do we have to wait so long for console ports?

Games that come late to pc will always sell worse than a concentrate release.

>the game-makers we spoke to all said that Sony had lent them dev kits for a limited period of one year, for free
>With self-publishing, we keep things really flexible for developers and give them lots of options, including funding through the Pub Fund, which is back-end funding paid upon completion of the game, we waive patch fees for indies and all digital titles
Sounds like there aren't that many costs involved

>using steamspy as a source for sale numbers

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Sega is doing a good job right now

You wish. PC can play more Playstation games than PS4.

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Lift the sails!!!

>Dev works for Epic
Yep. I don't see any problems here

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This. Sega makes great ports. Y0 was a bit rough when it came out but they actually fixed something which simply didn't happen with ports a few years ago it and now it's great. They deserve my money and they got it.

I see, then it's probably just Square Enix being trash.

So what do all the PC Gamers do with all the high end GPUs that they buy? Or is it just to show off how much money they can spend on gaming and to push 500fps on CSGO.

Steamspy isn't accurate and hasn't been for awhile, nice try though. RE2 was already admitted to have sold extremely well on PC and it'll continue to sell due to modding.

I personally play games with it.

Last year the only games I remember buying were VC4 and Yakuza 0
I probably pirated like 5 games last year

>ugh, why do consolefags buy such shitty games?
>now if you'll excuse me, i need to get back to my free-to-play korean mmos, e-sports trash and twitch bait indie shovelware.

>Steam users need to start supporting the ports they beg for

Except there's a disproportionate amount of bad ports compared to good ones


That example is just as misleading as OPs though. I got my RE2 copy for free with my RX 570.

>buy digital "products"

I understand the problems with it. However if PC versions still arent common in Japan, it must be due to sales, so when I see even esitmates that are this depressing- When it answers my questions, ya know?
The numbers may not be exact, but the point of "these games arent seeing even half as well sometimes on PC and so we dont get ports on time if at all" is validated.

Of course not. Why the fuck pay attention to a customer base that pirates your game when there is another that wont.

i don't get you fucking people
why do you need to play a game the second it comes out? you probably have some other shit you were already playing that you're now going to drop to play the new shit

I'm guessing this is an edit from Yea Forums starting with Netflix.

>implying I waste money on high end GPUs
I'll upgrade when this doesn't properly run a game I want to play

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>However if PC versions still arent common in Japan, it must be due to sales

Do you know how many households in Japan have a PC, not to mention a PC which isn't an old XP machine? Hint: Not many.

pc lards don't buy games, they pirate them, but then complain that the industry doesn't prioritize them like they do consoles. what's so hard to understand?

I got mine for free too. Anyway who's to say those sales arent considered "extremely well"? They arent as high as consoles which is said, but RE2 is still pretty successful compared to even RE7 there.

There's less of them. Don't take the steam user stats at face value, most of them are bots or people that play only free games. I'd guess that the percentages are about the same, of the 80 million ps4 owners about 10% of them bought MGSV and it's probably similar to the percent of steam users who follow current gen games that bought the game too.

Which is it? do PC players pirate all their games or buy shitloads that they don't play??? make up your mind.

Yeah I know. The nation of Japan doesnt account for that many sales as far as the consumer base goes tho. Depending on the game of course.

That must be the reason why all the big Japanese studios are jumping ship and support the PC now. Makes sense.

High end PCs are a waste unless you need the processing power for other things besides games.

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That's actually one game and one cinematic shitshow

>if PC versions still arent common in Japan
They don't even sell a lot of Japanese games on Steam in Japan, atleast not with Japanese text. I think it's been getting better recently though

pc players dont actually play games
its a dick-waving contest for them

I mostly just got a high end because I want it to last for a long while before I need to upgrade.

>piracy doesn't majorly impact sales!
>but there are way less game sales on pc than ps4 because of piracy

Should've got the RX 570 senpai. It was basically a $20 card if I factor in DMC5 and RE2 which I wanted to buy anyway.

who, exactly, is complaining?
how, exactly, are the systems that get shafted with shittier graphics and performance, prioritized?
you live in a fantasy world, meanwhile, shit that no one would have ever expected to come out on pc, like killer 7, which is from an era when console ports were much less likely, always months later and often ACTUALLY unplayable, not 'this game doesn't let me run it at 144fps so its shit' unplayable.

There's probably only about 10 million or so PC users who could be branded "enthusiasts" and be the kind of people in the market who would buy something like MGS or RE. Be happy steam user stats are so misleading since that the only reason these games get ports.

>fake numbers vs fake numbers
Eat shit and die

they do. generally most big titles are split pretty evenly in sales and PC more often than not takes the slight lead for things that aren't AAA sports games or stuff like CoD and battlefield.
either way, like I said it's usually pretty close if you divide it by platform alone.

>ps4 gets zero sales from me because i don't want one
lol p simple sis

>how, exactly, are the systems that get shafted with shittier graphics and performance, prioritized?
they actually get the games when they come out, without having to beg or wait months/years for shitty ports.

it's way cheaper to buy new GPU every 3 years than grabbing high end for 5 years.
It's way cheaper to get mid range CPU for 8 years than high end for 10

They're only jumping on PC because console is no longer a platform that supports their games thanks to Sony of America running all regions of Sony Playstation division.

i've built mid-ranges and they last me 8-9 years, how much more time do you need?

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I'll probably upgrade when the next console gen comes out, just get some good mid-tier value card and it'll probably shit on the consoles

they started jumping on PC what? 3-4 years ago? Sony censorship only became this year.

>Those numbers are usually accurate and generally they aren't actually accurate

Who is begging/waiting? Maybe actually finish a game you've started for once. I know you retards fucking love food analogies, but games don't fucking go bad if you don't consume them immediately.

>RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard
>Units : 6.1 million units
Nice source, faggot.

your link doesn't count re-used sales, only "shipped" copies.

A big reason why PC numbers are lower is the games being released later so people buy them on consoles and when the PC version finally comes out it has 0 marketing around it

I invested long term in a PC because I'm too poor to buy games.

Consoles are unironically for rich people.

They screw Japanese gamers on Steam all the time. Language packs as DLC are not rare even for Jap games.

Most of them play minesweeper or minecraft and fortnite and then give up gaming shortly after because they didn't need a pc that cost more than $600 and they are still profoundly unhappy, so they come to websites like this instead of playing games.
t. Rtx 2080 owner

Metro exodus was nice though.

Nah dont you remember "piracy is a service problem" gaben from like 10 years ago?

>Rtx 2080 owner
Unironically, what was your motivation?

I genuinely cant think of other ps4 exclusives that arent movie games or surpased by another multiplatform game.
I have "played" rdr2, Spider-Man, uncharted, etc...





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Because I don't need to.

This but kind of unironically. I think the last pc game I bought at full price was battletech or dark souls 3.

I've been playing games on PC for over 20 years

>but games don't fucking go bad if you don't consume them immediately.
Actually if you wait long enough some things are really dated. Like try going back and playing gotys from the 90s or 00s. They just dont have modern improvements. Like metroid prime is pretty much unplayable without 2x speed on an emulator and kb&m aiming. Too much backtracking. Or like bioshock. Way too annoying level design compared to infinite.

Literally none of those games interest me.
The only one that I would consider buying is Catherine: Fully body on PC.
Doesn't exist.

Console gaming is for low iq niggers

prove me wrong

Steamspy stats aren't accurate either, it's just shitposting

I make a point to buy games that I enjoy AND aren't buried behind layers upon layers of DRM. It makes no sense why I'd pay for something that gives me a worse experience / performance compared to the pirated version. Game companies' paychecks are not my responsibility.

Metro exodus
Now that i played it i thought there'd be more but there is no reason. I shouldve bought a 1080ti 3 years ago but whatever. I'll just sell this rtx while I still can and buy a midrange by the end of the year (navi or a 1660ti)

>Like try going back and playing gotys from the 90s or 00s.
i do this on a regular basis. they are still great
>Way too annoying level design compared to infinite.
zoomers were a mistake

It's hit or miss, I've been playing PS2 JRPG's and it's refreshing to finally get a story that isn't just written for tweens.

No it's not you retarded user, trophies are not accurate because you can make multiple profiles + free PSN+ games

Also KH3 shipped 5mil copies, not sold

Post the first pc game you completed lads
For me it's wolfenstein 3d
The earliest one I've went back to was probably kingdom of kroz or zzt, and the 90s dos games were golden (descent, xcom, jagged alliance, fallout, mdk, civ, master of orion 2, etc)

Fortntie is the most popular game on Consoles

>ps2 jrpg
>good writing
Pick one and only one. Cant think of anything. FFX? Star Ocean? KH? Skies of arcadia? All childish pathetic characters and stories.

Steamspy is actually pretty close, which is why Valve shut it down

the PS4 trophy shit is completely fake

Half-Life. First PC game I bought 20 years ago

Original Worms when I was like 7

I might have played it together with my brother

I play a fuckton of old games and the design doesn't bother me in the slightest. Hell, I think the reason I play so many old games is that half of these 'modern improvements' suck shit.
Your example is also shit, haven't played metroid prime in ages since I never really liked it, but doesn't it use a lockon system for aiming? Why would you use mouse+keyboard for a console shooter? Has anyone even made a modded version of dolphin that does that? I have one for timesplitters, but not metroid, and what I found from playing ts2/3 with kb+m is that it's just too motherfucking easy since the game was designed for controllers.

>Why don't PC players buy games
>Every years some Japanese company fucking says their jap releases are making them money on PC
>Sega literally just said that shit, like, not even a month ago
>If they were lying and it weren't they wouldn't be wasting money porting these games over or developing them simultaneously for PC
I don't think they care the numbers are lower on PC, they're still making a bunch of money and at the end that's what they care, specially since they don't have to waste extra on things like boxes, disks and delivery because Steam or other digital storefronts are, well, digital.

Yeah going back and playing JRPGs is a good way to ruin some childhood memories. Those great stories weren't so great after all.

Steamspy WAS pretty accurate, now it's not even close

Xenosaga. I've just started Suikoden V and it's good so far, also I didn't say good writing I said shit that isn't written for grade schoolers.

The PS4 numbers are bullshit, it counts trophies as game sales

MGSV hasn't got close to 10 million sales

And mobile phones!

>PC Gamers are shitters for having good deals
Stay mad.

I had a kid in middle school let me borrow his half life cd and it was fucking crazy back in 1999
Worms was fucking awesome my friends and i would play the 2 player all the time. We only had the demo from a pc gamer CD my dads friend gave me but it was enough to entertain us for hours lol. I played so many shareware games and demos back then. Damn

>who is begging/waiting
You clearly haven't been here long enough, newfaggot.

I have 30+ years of games to choose from, including old console games, current console exclusives like Bloodborne and BOTW on PC, and free remasters thanks to modders/graphics packs. Not to mention Microsoft is releasing their games on PC now.

I’m not limited to waiting for Sony to bribe Square Enix to port Final Fantasy 7 to a console with a 2008 cpu. Or wait 6 weeks for an update to go through Sony’s certifcation to play on a pay to play online service with p2p.

I have so many $5 pc games i havent even touched in my backlog as well.

This, I dunno what's so hard to understand
PC players don't flock to the latest AAA garbage

Console owners on Yea Forums (especially PS4friends) have a pretty skewed view on what's popular. All those never ever.jpg exclusive games don't hold a candle compared to Call of Duty: Killed in Microtransaction and Madden in terms of popularity.

steam charts all-time peak is probably the closest you'd get but that doesn't count the people who've bought it and haven't played it

PC cucks, are exactly that: cucks. They have to wait for the entire world to bang their wives to have a go themselves.

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MGSV was free on PS4 retardo

PS4 pedos are just that, pedos, they bang PC wives when they're not yet ready to be banged.

Steamspy threads should just get you banned now seeing as it's only used for shitposting/console wars and it's not even remotely accurate anymore.

been here since 2004, irrelevant piece of shit
what, you think your little petition is some oldfag shit? fucking lol
also, that wasn't 'begging', that was demanding something and getting it immediately

Not him, but the Wii version / "metroid prime trilogy" used wiimote aiming which is much more similar to keyboard and mouse on Dolphin. That said, the poster you're replying to is either completely retarded or a master baiter, or both. I replayed mp and mp2(echoes) last year on original gcn hardware and they both stand up as masterpieces in art design and level design (and in 2's case, boss design). Regardless, almost all console libraries that old can be played on PC no problem. I never had a ps2 growing up so i only recently played ace combat 4 5 0 on pc before 7 came out and they were phenomenal. Old games were truly better in a lot of ways, and there's something to be said for just sitting down and playing a game, not alt tabbing out to anything, no other music playing, no video on your second monitor, no constant texts or pings from your phone, just you and a world to sink yourself into. So I love older pc games.

My reason for waiting is it usually takes 6 months for PC ports to get fixed and by then the game is usually available for 50% off somewhere.

Fuck mobile gaming and fuck you
How bloodborne on pc? PsVue / PsNow? I was gonna do that but I heard you cant buy the DLC? I already played it on my girlfriend's Netflix machine, bought it on craigslist used for tenbux. Was good.

There is a reason why Tencent through the EGS wants to get rid of Steam so badly.
The "piratechads" on Yea Forums are just an insignificant minority that happens to be extremely loud.

Thanks for beta-testing my wife, faggot!


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Is Exodus really that demanding or are you into 144/120? I never bought high end, always satisfied with midrange. My current $140 card will probably carry me for the next 3 years.

>The "piratechads" on Yea Forums are just an insignificant minority that happens to be extremely loud.
Most of them are also shitposters

Didn't you make this thread a couple of hours ago OP?

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I have hundreds of legally purchased PC games.

Perhaps those multiplatform games have lower numbers on PC because the people who play stuff like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and other series with a long history of console releases are more likely to own consoles.


also never shit seems so fkn soulless.
last games i bought were tekken 7, nier and bayonetta. all jap games. wtf do they want from me. i dont buy jst bcs there is anime in it. it has to offer more than that if it wants a place in my library

>hey pcfags look at [thing you dont care about]
>PC BTFO better buy a snoybox

I’m mostly a PC gamer, but those old “Sony” games, I tend to play on a Sony console. I like their single player exclusives and until recently, most of the rpgs i liked were exclusive to Sony consoles(Disgaea, Xeno series, Final Fantasy 1-14) so Ive always owned a Sony console halfway through each generation.

Ps4 was disappointing for me so I never picked one up+the exclusives werent exclusive anymore

japan is a shit example you turd. they make a lot of games that are popular but they also are very small on the pc market as a nation which is why you get these shitty numbers. aloyal long term fanbase is cultivated and doesnt pop out of thin air jst bcs you make a few (mostly shitty) pc ports

PC is a dream if you're into weeb gaming.
>b-but i don't want to spend $9000 for a gaymen PC!!
Get yourself a cheap shitbox and upgrade it with a sub $200 card and you'll still have a better performance. The only thing which holds you back is your own technical ineptitude and you know it.

>t. PC and Switch combo chad

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I'm pretty sure PC is more lucrative since there's no physical copy and valve takes less money than sony. Don't quote me on that though.

as a pc weeb
i cant wait for the fkn switch emulator down the line.

>ITT: seething snoyniggers

Attached: mustardrace.png (976x658, 272K)

>dont quote me on that

Learn to spell words properly and use caps. You literally sound like an edgy 15 year old

Also i've noticed most PC players who aren't idorts are really hesitant to buy into HOT NEW AAA RELEASES.

>t. gorilla who learned how to browse the internet

That's odd, Yea Forums told me PCunts demanding good ports is just an excuse for their piracy. Surely Capcom and From are lying.

>Fucking pcniggers paying less than me, stupid fucks

All this seething

Ps4 and switch piracy is literally copying a game to an external hard drive, running the exploit and playing the games.

It's true though, pckeks are the real poorfags of this board, and they envy consolechads who actually buy and support their games.

delayed ports.

Those numbers are horribly unreliable.
DMCV official numbers are on 2Mi on all platforms
Steam spy is pure shit after steam killed their scrapper

Many of those pc games are old ports. There isnt really a long line waiting to play a 10 year old game.
But you are right about pc being hesitant

>literally proving him right
fucking idiots will say anything to get the last word, even if they have to embarrass themselves

And wiser.
No need to rush to buy the latest AAA. We can wait as we are able to delay gratification.
Imagine paying 60 USD. That's half the price of a flight ticket for a short destination. Buy 2 AAA games full price and you have a flight ticket.

>only AAA garbage on the list

Try some real games

No instead they flock to the latest MOBA, MMO or BR game

1. PC ports often have no effort put into them.
2. You've got way more choice on the platform, you don't need to rationalise your decision to buy a PC by getting games you're only half-interested in. Fewer impulse purchases.
3. Steamspy isn't reliable in the slightest and retail barely moves PC games, so we have no accurate metrics for sales.

If you really think that nobody buys PC games, how do you explain early access garbage popping up left and right. PC moves a lot of games, just not very many good ones. The fact that it happens more and more often even with major titles shows that it can be profitable for companies nonetheless, even for poorly performing series like Yakuza.

>imagine missing out on multiplayer features, uncracked games and console exclusives because you're too poor and accommodated to become an idort
Truly sad for you user.

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I'm not faulting you for wanting to get a good deal for a game, but don't act surprised when game developers are just taking their sweet as time with releasing pc ports.

>all that console coping
not our fault all your precious developers abandoning your toybox in favor of the pc. should have bought some games instead of all those the last of lesbians and unchaded 6 movies

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neither of those are accurate
go post the chart that compares the steam leak 2018 to psn's
pc sells more indie and AA while PS4 sells more AAA

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>cucks comes into a thread clearly stating they don't support their platform
>immediately start damage controlling
For what purpose? OP's pic is clear, you nigros don't buy games and that's why your platform is shoved with subhuman ports, early-acess trash and br's. Cope all you want.

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>get "subhuman" port
>still runs lightyears better than its console counterparts
Really gets my noggin' joggin'

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literally all of those titles except for RE7 released on PC like 2 years after the original console release. and of course nobody points this out, rather they spout random bullshit they want to be true.
kill everyone in this thread

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>PC is the second largest platform for Monster Hunter World
>MonHun devs instead of pickinh up the slack and put more effort on PC, continue their path of inconpetence by releasing everything related to it months later, and still running like shit despite the extra optimization/development time for PC
>While literally every other internal team at Capcom can pull of an absurdly optimized game on PC on launch day
This shit really pisses me off. I wanted to say fuck Capcom, but aside from MHW, their other new releases had been so consitently good on PC that I have to put the blame on the team behind it.

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so what should this tell me?
people buy less of the ported version of a year old game compared to when the game was new?
late aaa shit sells more on console, while good games more onc pc?

uhm user, this is a bit to much of the dellusions.
theres literally a list of ALL ps4 games on their website

Most console players have the technical expertise of this guy here

Catherine came out, like, nearly a decade ago on consoles, while for PC it's barely half a year old. It also had the shit luck of being announced after Atlus already confirmed an enhanced edition of it, proably putting a lot of people off from buying the game, and just wait for the version with more content on PS4.

What's so bad about the MonHun port?

>buys dmc5 on release for pc
>crashes on startup
>audio is desynchronized for the entire game
>save gets corrupted
Imagine buying an RTX just for this. Kek.

>it's a mutt

werks on my machine

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That what a pcnigger would say.

OK kid

Well if they released them on time I would actually play them, hell I'd even buy it. But buying a game months after it came out is like going to watch a movie after your friend tells you everything that happened.

You might as well just guess at the sales figures, because that's all that Steamspy does. Anything that says "somewhere between 500k and a million lmao" is useless data.

we have way more options you fucking donut

Not him but
>Ran like complete shit at launch then eventually got patched and now its back to running like shit again
>Completely behind on content updates until recently
>Iceborne expansion has been delayed on PC for whatever reason despite them saying they were gonna step up with the updates

MH team are idiots

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Suspended from my wishlist until it unfucks itself. Thanks for the heads-up.

Attached: Capcom exec says PC is an 'important platform'.png (700x600, 69K)

why would you buy sloppy seconds?

Why would I buy some shallow gook game when I could spend my time playing the hundreds of engaging, stimulating and expansively designed Western titles released between 1990 and 2005?

Its weird how their best selling PC game is one of their most janky, REmake 2 & DMC 5 however have amazing PC versions and are worth checking out

The fact that journalists haven't run a smear campaign against piracy for years proves that piracy is at an all time low and developers don't give a shit about it.


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Steamspy is useless and inaccurate.

Nice falseflag. Enjoy playing f2p trash PCkek.

With the way MonHun teams works, it'll unfuck itself never. They'll make a sequel and it'll still be delayed on PC for, as they said, optimization, and still run like shit once it comes out.

They just suck dick in general, it's not even a PC only thing. Both enhanced versions of the PS4 and the Bone can't keep a steady framerate too iirc. Guess that's what happens when you let their ass get too comfortable and allow them to make games for PS2 hardware for a decade.

Anything has more games than ps4.

>japanese companies sell incredibly jank, half assed ports to PC gamers for decades
It's a total mystery tbqh