Are you ready for the E3 reveal, Tifabros?

Are you ready for the E3 reveal, Tifabros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


This but unironically.

you posted cringe not kek!


Now now user, if you don't calm down you won't get any at all!

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Now that I saw Aerith, I am pretty positive about Tifa.

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I'm gonna update and post this every year until she gets revealed

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it's Aeris

>E3 Sony

sony is skipping E3 autist-kun

I don't know what everyone's pissing themselves over. She was fine in Dissidia

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she'll understand a stabbing feeling soon enough though...

I hope you guys showed your appreciation for her on her birthday last Friday.

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Game better have Cloud crossdressing, the Honey Bee, and the Golden Saucer date with Barrett.

Thanks, that was the joke.


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Who will be the madman that will try to redo this in 3D?

>Tifa in her dress
>Cloud in his
>Barrett in his sailor uniform

I can't wait

Choice time. You can either have complete creative control over Tifa's design in the remake and whatever you decide for things like her chest size get made exactly to your specifications, no matter how absurd. Or, that video gets a thirty minute long sequel with studio quality animation and you get to write the synopsis for what happens.

The only bad thing is how they handle character models in general nowadays.
It's weird how they tried to push cindy as sexy, but the only good thing about her physically was her outfit.

>Short hair

That vid is still hot, even after all these years. I just keep cumming back to it.

Second one.
Shitty games come and go. Good porn is forever.

Latter. No matter how much they fuck up the Remake the original still exists.

Motherly big titty gf giving nursing handjob, blowjob and paizuri is eternal.

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Considering how everyone shown so far looks like they should, I want to believe they won't change tifa.
But who knows, it was pretty obvious that if anyone would complain about any character, it would be tifa

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They need to make tifa the cow she should have always been.

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It is a little humorous that she was in the trailer but not actually shown, it's funny to imagine her having to be cut due to Sony censorship because they kept her original outfit design and it's too risque for them.

Whatever the case I think she'll be fine, if they screwed up her design they know how big the tidal wave of anger would be.

>Short hair
WTF is this shit

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I just want to see cloud cross dressing

Where hare the overflowing pubes and armpit hair?

I want to outsquat faggots for a wig.
I want the honey bee inn to have every piece of humor it had in the original.
No mukki, no buy

>Hey there~ Can I get you anything? A drink, some food, or

How do you respond?

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shes perfect

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How I convince my gf to dress up like Tifa so I can pretend I'm fucking her?

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Ask politely

At most, I can see have her still wearing the tank top, but them giving her something like this, just unzipped a bit to show some cleavage.
That or just unzipped all the way, just covering where her nips would be

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That's an oblivious one.

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Cindy was also busty, hell, i imagine that would be Tifa's size too.

however, given how they are insisting in keeping her out of focus on the trailer, i feel a breast reduction would be the least of anyones worries.

We all know that they are gonna shrink Tifa's tifas down and cover her up. Just vent now before its too late.

they arent going to reveal her until launch. its a lose/lose for bad publicity thatll hurt sales.

either diehard fans will be pissed or SJWs will be

This but unironically.

launch? for all we know the game is gonna be released until 2021! theres no way they are gonna keep Tifa under wraps for 2 1/2 years.


Butcha u shouldn't rush his drawings
He did this right after the trailer

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Where were you? There was a nice thread that lasted all day.

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Why does no one draw her topless with the just the suspenders covering her nipples?

He also did this one not too long ago.

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Learn how to search tags you stupid newfig.

I agree

its edited

and if anyone wants to know what TSM stands for.


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Can you please stop drawing Tifa as a deformed monster?

made for big barret cock

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She's been that way since the beginning though.
How about you start loving her for who she is.

Post yfw the Remake replaces Tifa's miniskirt with hotpants.

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I was in those threads for a little while and I ended up ERPing as Tifa later in the day too.

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Yes please. Tifa's body is already SSS rank so there's no need to draw her grossly exaggerated.

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Well they better start shoving the camera up her ass then to compensate.

cu'ck shit is garbage.

Deformed tifa best tfia.

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I mean, that's way better.

If a mobile game can have her bounce, surely a console game can.

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I don't mind people trying to "de-lewd" Tifa with a new outfit design, but good lord stop trying to incorporate her original design cues into a frankenstein mish-mash of "true to the original" and "eww cover that up plz". Just make a whole new outfit that runs on it's own merits.

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>ERPing as Tifa later in the day too
Were you good at it?

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Please don't make it nonsensical trash like AC Tifa's.


Based boobieposter.

Refresh my memory faggots, on FFVII was Tifa the main girl here right? I remember that she was the one who ended with Cloud and if I'm not wrong they even have sex.

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i don't know why anyone thinks it'll be anything other than an update of this exact design.

this would be godly had they the balls to actually have done this.

Well they said they enjoyed it afterwards so I guess so. Though it was my first time ever writing anything with her involved.

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Well basically. In the first half of the game it switches between Aeris and Tifa doing their mix-ups trying to get in on Cloud but things happen and Aeris is dq'd.

Me too.

I wonder if she's compatible with dolphins.

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We know cloud is.
Use him instead

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Good. Now, be a good boy and smile for the camera!

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I'm honestly not sure what aeris felt.
The more I think on it, the more I think she just liked him because he reminded her of Zack.
If she did start really feeling for him, it would have to be right before she took off on her own, and by that point she knew it was pointless

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Machine translation still sucks if you would care to enlighten us more. Something about tifa being sexy, please dont stare?

This is what I remember back when I played the game, Aerith was like into Cloud for the wrong reasons while Tifa loved him for who he was until the end.

>Do not look at (T) Tifa with (S) sexual (M) eyes.

Is the machine translation I get and that makes sense to me.


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If Cloud didn't change, why should she?

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I'm waiting for someone to post chubby feminist Tifa

Don’t worry, I showed her some appreciation. Fucking sprayed her with it.

You need to go back

>I'm waiting for someone to post chubby Tifa

This one?
>She can't be a feminist unless she's fat like me

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Tifa is Cloud's endgame.

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Tifa should be ANYONE's endgame desu.
She's perfect.

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>never been touched by anyone else
How to know a dude never played the game

I just want to hear this line from Tifa in the game

Bonus points to SE if she uses the gamer word

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Go project your cuckoldry somewhere else you lowlife piece of turd.

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I'm waiting for her to get A cups, no ass, a fridge-shaped body, dyke-cut hair and a terrible VA because of Sony Commiefornia demanding that no waifus are allowed in first-party vidya.

I think it would be neat to have equippable costumes that get unlocked over time - Tifa's cowgirl outfit, the 3 Don Corneo outfits and the Shinra soldier/sailor uniforms

I like this version more.

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>Inb4 johnny
So cucked he still can't get over it years later.

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My dick and I are ready.

I'm expecting a snow bunny outfit when they get to icicle inn

Disgusting, this is GARBAGE


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I dare anybody to answer this truthfully.
You only like her because of her boobs, right? Nobody would like this basic bitch if she was flat chested.

because understandeably, Sony are being massive dicks because they want to pander to a demographic that has NEVER touched a controller in their goddamn lives.

i also want to believe they wont do anything to this game, but theres a reason why people are acting like they are, and the fact that they deliberately hid Tifa in every piece of battle footage of the trailer despite clearly showing in the hud that her name was there, doesnt help at all.

Aw man thats kind of sad

>inb4 you fags gets cucked with Yuffie instead
Tifa will be a month before the game releases teaser.

If she was flat chested she'd be even better

I've never played 7 but her tits are a big part of it. But I always really like characters that fight with bare hands/fist weapons. Tifa and Prishe were my favorite characters to play in Dissidia and monk is my favorite DPS in XIV.

t. has never played VII and judges Tifa based on how she looks.

If Tifa falls....EVERYTHING falls.
Tifa is among the last bastions of bustiness and sex-appeal in vidya alongside Ivy Valentine.

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I like her despite her exaggerated endowment

So ready.

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I'm worried that they will got for AC design with her too.

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I came for the boobs, stayed for the the utter wife material she actually is.
She is genuinely top tier waifu

Tifa is already done, thats why they hid her on the trailer footage.

and considering the game, the FIRST PART of the game will be released in 2021, theres no way they will keep her under wraps for 2 and so years...

There's no reason to believe she'll look drastically different from her advent children look

people like her because she's the girl next door who is a goodgirl, loyal, kicksass
the killer bod is icing on the cake

Hey, tifafags. Now is the best time to become an aerithbro. If you wait too long it's gonna be embarrasing.

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There's no reason to presuppose anything

But Cloud took Yuffie on the gold saucer date

What this user said here Tifa would be both the best wife AND best friend you'd ever have in your life. She is a treasure.

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Seph isn't ac'd. There you go. There is still hope for us as well then.

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except SONY.

that is a big reason enough.

This. There's never been a better time to invest in Aerith. Tifa investors say that Aerith is a bubble and will eventually burst, but that's nothing. You don't want to miss out, do you?

Bless Nomura, fingers crossed for Yuffie POV angles too

For the longest time I believed Tifa used hotpants.

>Not taking Barret
you some kind of homo?

As long as Tifa doesn't get her AC's clothes, I can live with her AC's Asian face.

My ningen

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It's funny because Aerith got stabbed in the heart by stephiroth and Tifa got stabbed clouds penis

Her name being there but not being shown is purely deliberate. A cheeky prank from the team in a way. We'll see her in the full trailer next month.

>Greatest martial artist in the world
>Sexy body

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She just needs to be motivated by Sephiroth.

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Cloud looked so much better in first trailer. Jesus!

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ready to fall in love again

I like how Sephiroth is only one that doesn't have Ayy LMAO nose.
>inb4 that changes

>overrated meme game getting two reps

how will they interpret the scene?

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uhhh, we arent talking about smash.

we are talking on how Tifa is gonna get censored or not... in FFVIIR.

read the thread before complaining

:3 but in HD

Every girl gets the knot.

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Maybe they'll imply it a lot more than they did in the original. That was there original plan but they ended up making it much more subtle in the finished game.

>not self inserting as barret

a hug and a kiss, that's as far as they will be allowed to take it

Hopefully even stronger implied

The original scene had Cloud and Tifa sneak into a Chocobo stable to make sum fuck but that was cut at the last minute for being too racey

Interview from a fansite. Page 27, bottom middle.

>We're proud to announce FINAL FANTASY 7 IS COMING TO A PS4 NEAR YOU DECEMBER 2019, Later releasing exclusively on the EPIC game store! #4theplayers

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Did the guys who made this just disappear off the face of the Earth?
I know they made a few other animations like this one but how come someone of their talent just didn't continue to make more of this?

He makes AVs now

The tranny that made that, has some pretty shit taste

Did you forget what they did to Cindy after all those articles got written about her?

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Man, imagine if you were a woman with large breasts, and you had to make them smaller because people around you were really upset about their existence

Adult Videos? So that person became a director? That's pretty cool.

Tifa is the most shallow character in FF7 and only exists to fill in Clouds story.

It's not first party, but I'm honestly not too worried. Sony allowed pic related, a new PSVR exclusive. And even though Senran was censored, you still got jiggling titties in skimpy clothing. Unless Square is including a paizuri scene in the remake, I don't see Tifa's sexiness being censored. The backlash would be too huge anyway.

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>childhood friend wins episode
no wonder ff7 is the best

>one year later

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Shame they weren’t really childhood friends.

>user, Cloud is...

They were, Cloud specifically became a soldier to impress her.

>The backlash would be too huge anyway.
You act as if developers have never doubled down in the face of crashing sales

They never really interacted as shown during their Lifestream shit. He wanted to talk to her but thought that all the other kids were stupid and immature. He only really interacted with her, finally, at the well before he leaves where he says he’ll become a member of SOLDIER.

>they know that it's so fucking polarizing to reveal Tifa that they must do it at a special event

Yeah, that's right. My purchase depends largely on how she looks in the game.

If they went through with their female designs (and shirtless gladio) in FFXV then I don't think they'll nerf Tifa in any way, I mean hell Aeris leans in to the screen and lets you look down her shirt in the trailer, they aren't being coy.

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I unironically want her in a leather jacket

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>meme game

Please die.

They changed the lighting on her face and hair? Outrage!

And they shrank her breasts

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She still looks like a slutty mechanic. It's not like they turned her into a 10 year old.

No I'm worried because for some reason I feel like Jessie and Aerith's faces are off somehow.

you see, it's that she is the way she is WHILE HAVING giant tits that's so attractive
typically, big milkers are accompanied by a vapid idiot with a shitty personality who can't do anything on her own

why is cigarettes and tenacles?

no, i love monk type characters, the boobs are just a bonus.

They still shrank her breasts

Welcome to one of FF’s most iconic monsters

What did they do?

Damn tifa is that thirsty for aerith pusy

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Aranea Highwind was one of the very few good things that came of Final Fantasy in the last games. Her design is awesome

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her design is awesome but who cares. A cool design stuck on a character who could've been interesting but wasn't because the world around her wasn't.

Don't you guys think the world of FFXV is a really neat idea? Like, you take a normal FF place and you fast forward it to a modernized future but you still see scars from the crazy past with all the magic and shit... and it just sucked. The story was rushed, the characters I didn't care about, it all felt so damn half assed

Bad Breath > Mal Boros > Malboro (the tentacle monster) > Marlboro (the cigarettes you saw on the zoom zoom car)

Fair point.

The whole Fabula Nova Crystallis arc of FFXIII and FFXV was, sadly, a let down. It could have been so much more as you say.

Still, I love and seperate her from the rest of the trash and letdowns.

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Let me take you down memory lane, anons. Do you remember the online flash game? The milk factory capture one?


That a skeleton lives within your body and he has a hungering thirst for big meaty penises.

The dlc stuff was pretty good.
The worst part is that she was going to get her own, but they just did that last minute shut down and she got screwed over.
All that being said, I can understand why they decided to stop

>ff7 the biggest psx game
>the best final fantasy game
>the best rpg
>the best game

>New info comes out
>People want to talk about it
every time
Not saying it doesn't happen, but you need to learn to sort them out instead of labeling everything a shill thread

>mfw i was 10 years old looking up cool final fantasy 7 videos on early youtube
>one video is a thumbnail of tifa with all moonrune text
>tifa starts doing an odd hand motion while speaking nip
>weird white fluid gets all over her face towards the end
you just brought back that memory...thank you..

How does it feel knowing your waifu was literally made for BBC and has taken Barret’s on the regular

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>How does it feel
Amusing that you’d invent such a colorful tale. Between date night at the Saucer and shooting his loads with another “gun enthusiast”, it’s pretty clear Barret saves his BBC for other guys.

Just wait until she sees the combination of my dick, and the transformative powers of Jenova cells

>How does it feel knowing your waifu was literally made for BBC and has taken Boko’s on the regular

>literally made for bbc
I mean just look at her body and clothes, if that’s not a coal burner I don’t know what is

>Bobcut Tifa


Barrett's a good man.
He's better than that.

god I fucking wish

The only thing Barret cares about is making the world a better place for Marlene.
Best dad

I wish he'd do full sets again but a man gotta eat.