If you're excited for this, please kill yourself

If you're excited for this, please kill yourself.

They're jewing the fuck out of you and are one of the worst companies in video games. If you buy this games you're a corporate drone and you don't deserve to post on this board.

Attached: 3532079-ff7 remake.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you, I will buy 10 copies

Thanks I just preordered 2 copies!

should have made it turn based and 100% true to the original but with better graphics. then again when the original was made it was in the hands of Square Soft instead of Jewnix

>posting on a video game board
>not a corporate drone
just accept that your shit stinks too user

I'm excited and you can't do anything about it lol
I'm going to buy 3 copies of the trilogy, one for personal use, one as backup, and one for display

I'm excited for this and I'm ready to pirate it

>should have made it turn based and 100% true to the original but with better graphics
Thats called a remaster

>Being proud drones
>Being happy you're being jewed for 3x the price the game should cost
>Defending the company who's fucking you in the ass and raping the corpse of a classic game
I would strangle every one of you to death with my hands if you were here in front of me

cant pirate games on the ps4
>implying xshit and pc

You're going to play it, then talk about it and at least one person will see that and go out and buy the game. You're just as bad.

Oh no

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I'll be sure to buy three versions of borderlands instead
BADASS right friend?

>I would strangle every one of you to death with my hands if you were here in front of me
You wouldn't have the energy, you vitamin D deficient fatty

final fantasy drones are exactly that: drones.

they will eat what ever Square Enix shits in their mouth off of name alone

>tfw FF7R looks more Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077
Day one preorder baby

HD remasters are as bad for gamers as microtransactions.
There is literally no incentive for devs to make full featured, brand new franchises anymore.

>and are one of the worst companies in video games
Why is it that no one ever calls them out on this? They're like a Japanese version of EA.

I have zero faith that this remake will be good. Square Enix has a TERRIBLE track record when it comes to this franchise. Maybe they'll surprise everyone and make something with the same soul and passion as the original. But I doubt this team even knows why this game is so beloved in the first place. I don't think anyone is expecting this "episodic" series of games to be good. Maybe they'll surprise us, who knows. But don't hold your breath.

I am so buying the collector's edition... 10 years from now on ps7.

I bought a PS4 2 years ago for this remaster and now it not only STILL has no release date, but it’s going to be sold piecemeal for full price each game and probably over multiple years and across an inevitable PS5 considering how long they’ve dragged their feet

Fuck this game and fuck Squeenix. Between this and Dissidia NT they’re as dead to me as EA

fuck off boomer, ff7 gameplay is terrible

>cant pirate games on the ps4

Already preordered you seething faggot.

So you would complain how old lego graphics are totally better and the new artstyle has no soul?

It's pointless because it only appeal to nostalgiafags and nostalgiafags will be mad anyway.

don't EVER tell me what to do, faggot.

You would still call the new graphics soulless and hate the translation because they got rid of let's mosey or something. Face it, you fucking faggots wouldn't be happy either way. Stick their your original copy.

>Not being part of the new golden age of gaming.
Absolutely revolting taste OP.

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Turn based gameplay is zoomer repellant, they'd alienate half their potential demographic.

This is what gamers are. Accept it.

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>buying games
when did this board went down the shitter exactly?

t. vlad

Good thing this isn't an HD remaster.

Don't worry, this easily killed any hope I had for it

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Fuck this, I will buy 10 special edition copies.

Muh memories >>>>>>>>> ALL!


what it SHOULD be is a good game, with good gameplay, and not a cringe inducing movie

it's not even out yet

shouldn't you be idk playing a video game or something

>blocks and still takes damage
Yeah, this is going to be shit.

I'm happy to admit I'm an FF7 fancuck. But even I know that the gameplay in FF7 is dated. The story is timeless and with technology advancing this far, it would not make sense for them to go turned based. If anything, you get to experience the fights as they may have been described in FF7s design.

>just like in the original
oh wait, sorry, you haven't played the original

lmao, my mistake

If you're going to throw the turn based combat out the window and make an action game, then make it a fucking action game. I want Sekiro-level boss fights based on skill, not clunky trash with numbers flying everywhere.

Remakes are cancer
Just make a new fucking game instead of wasting time with a story everyone has already seen already
But no. Now we need to wait 20 years before an actual new game is made

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>I want Sekiro-level boss fights based on skill, not clunky trash with numbers flying everywhere.
I don't know what's worse, your naivety for expecting Square Enix to be able to deliver something like that, or your pure ignorance as to what the remake of VII could ever be.

Then play Sekiro, you have the choice to enjoy two games.

I bet your jaw jiggles more with every word than a crying walrus.

>Implying I can't be excited and not buy the fucking game
Bitch I can do whatever I want. (You) kill yourself faggot.

Quite literally no one cares what you want other than you, so take pride in this knowledge and go play those games you want. You're embarrassing yourself

Fuck, I'll settle for Kingdom Hearts then. Even those are satisfying action games when you're fighting Organization members and not gimmicky Disney shit.

>White boy thinks he knows how to fight

Gonna buy one for me (black dude) and one for my white girlfriend. You mad?

>Fuck, I'll settle for Kingdom Hearts then.
I've spent most of my late teens and early adulthood on video games and even I think KH is cringy and for kids only. Play a fucking DMC if you want an action game.

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Nice bait.

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DMC wasn't made by Square Enix so bringing it up is pointless. There's nothing cringy about a good boss fight anyway.

For real this. Just play your damn favourite games of that genre.

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Have sex

Pic unrelated.

Attached: DMC5 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

No, I'm happy for you. Hope you're both doing well :)

No thanks. DMC is peak cringe with all that Memevine Comedy references.

>not waiting until all 3 parts are released and put into a bundle

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>They're jewing the fuck out of you and are one of the worst companies in video games.
>redpills himself to absolute ignorance

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I don't necessarily mean DMC specifically (although your sperging out over a very good game series is weird), just not fucking KH.

>they are changing Tifa's model to an A cup and wearing baggy clothes to appease twitter drones


would love to play it but I'm supporting the shitty "episodic" business practice. Of course a bunch of retards will eat it up so it won't matter, but I'll sleep better at night at least knowing I didn't fork over cash to corporate cocksuckers

You grow out of talking tough on the internet around 18. See ya then kiddo

>I don't necessarily mean DMC
Then why did you namedrop it? It's a garbage series that degraded into a literal sandbag simulator after the first game.
>just not fucking KH
KH2FM is one of the greatest action games ever made and better than every DMC bar none.

Attached: DMC 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

>Then why did you namedrop it?
Because DMC1, DMC3, DMC4 and DMC5 are all stellar examples of action games, but there's still plenty of other good shit if Devil May Cry hurts your fee fee so much.

Not the person you're replying to. But do you enjoy being such insufferable sperg?

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>press square to attack
>press square to attack some more
>now press it again
This is going to be so much fun...

>muh SJW boogeyman
They'll use the Advent Children design that's been in use for more than a decade and you will shit yourself with rage while wondering why her tits aren't as big as in her fan art and doujinshi and why women never want to sleep with you.

>all the game needed was modern graphics and a better translation
>gives it kingdom hearts combat because they don't know how to make anything else

Too bad. I'm preordering it along with the limited edition PS5

If you're excited for any video game, you should probably kill yourself. (Games I like don't count.)

>buying Japanese games on American consoles

See webms DMC 3&4&5 have flashy combo systems but that doesn't make for engaging combat because. Every enemy in every dmc game(except shadows in dmc1) is a brain dead punching bag that literally zombie walks towards you with super telegraphed attacks. Whats even more sad is that dmc3&4s combat system doesn't work against anything but punching bags because most of the moveset is combo filler. more ways to do your basic attack against basic enemies isn't amazing combat especially when their are ways of dealing with enemies much more efficiently

KH2 is a billion times more mechanically complex than dmc3&4. Their are so many more factor to consider when fighting enemies and bosses. Speaking of bosses did DMC ever have any good boss fights? they can all only do like 4-6 different attacks, fuck even vergil was lame. DMC is garbage.

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Okay, you enjoy Kingdom Hearts. What do you want from me?

Midgar is top tier Blade Runner level cyberpunk.

How about an actual argument?

Oh wait, you have none because you're yet another typical DMCshit brainlet who is too mentally challenged to contribute an actual post. Play action games outside of your chimp circlejerk and you just might develop some taste one day.

Attached: stellar action game.webm (900x506, 2.63M)

>see some cherrypicked webms where a guy does an overpowered combo with a weapon you don't get until 75% of the game
I'm trying not to treat you like a fucking idiot, so why are you doing the same to me?

Based 2fmCHAD

cringe dmcuck

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Obvious new generation have a truly shit taste, they like garbage.
And they'll say that this fucking reimagination is better than the original because they know nothing, they understand nothing, no messages, no context, only action and graphics.

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I wish they made it turn based with lining up for battles just like in the old game. These companies pander way too much to that super casual crowd and its destroying everything. The battles didn't even have to be always randomized either. They could have just made the overworld field battles randomized but all areas you explore could have been like Chrono Trigger in that you can see the encounters before they happen.

Companies just suck. They don't want to make great compelling games anymore. The casuals have won.

>mechanic in the game doesn't count because I say so

Fuck off to your containment thread you damage controlling sperg.

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I don't want to hear any opinions on action games from someone who plays DMC on easy automatic.


I will buy another 20 copies

You reminded me of this old vid


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Actually, could you tell me? I know Barry, I know ACfag. Who's the KH autist?


Nice cope you lying sack of shit.

Don't care, OP, just want to see best boy Cid remade in all his ruggedly handsome glory.

>Midgar only
Absolutely disgusting

>gameplay in FF7 is dated
Hmmm no, only kids say that shit about turn based system, because they only know action and turns in Pokémon

>mfw the other episodes are Advent Children and Crisis Core and we get the full game as episode 1.

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What's wrong nintenbabby? Mad that your fisherprice toy can't run it?

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>Modern SE

he couldn't get a KH/FF feud going so instead he's trying to rile up DMCfags against KHfags
actually kind of surprised he's still doing it, I thought he had moved on to Sekiro

I'm 2FMchad but some asshurt DMCucks call me Barry because they want to pretend only one person knows how dogshit their games are.

The original isn't even turn based, ATB is fucking garbage