why are most of them trannys and basedboys?
Ppl that grew up with picrelated
Wasnt the new zealand shooter a spyro fanatic lol
that's not a nintendo game
Every day, every fucking thread. Fuck you Yea Forums
thank god I grew up with this nigga
Yes. lol
Post elite Copeland tracks. None of that Reignited garbage
one of my friends grew up with spyro and is a total nu male with dogshit taste, also the new remasters look soulless as fuck
take a shower
My gf played this and plays the remaster currently. She is a white conservative christian. I glanced at her phone the other day while she was scrolling through her fb news feed. She follows Ben Shapiro and random conservative pages. Normie as fuck, but better than tranny shit.
Excellent choice.
>Normie as fuck
eh in my experience you don't reallly want a non-normie gf anyways... they are usually mentally unstable drug addicts
Spyro 1 is so goddamn good. Needed more boost based stages like Tree Tops and Haunted Tower though.
Still, the soundtrack, art style, and atmosphere are godlike.
Also good.
I grew up with this and I'm not a tranny or whatever a soiboy means in this board.
Would always waste time in High Caves until the Peace Keepers alternate track would start to play.
spyro 1 levels and hubs get progressively uncomfier
>not growing up playing Spyro, crash, gex, rayman, croc AND Medievil
shit man, the ps1 had lots of great platformers
Gex was pretty mediocre. Not as awful as a lot of zoomers like to imagine, but not that great either.
Ape Escape was one of the top tier platformers on the system. Had a shitton of fun gadgets and actually worked to push collectathons into an interesting new place.
With which kind of people do you get around?
I grew up with Crash and Croc
FUCK spyroniggers
Spyro's atmosphere is hard to top for sure. Almost surreal at times.
Spyro 1 is one of the few vg soundtracks where I can't really pick out a single bad track in it. Sim City 4 is another one.
mentally unstable drug addicts
i pity native english speakers because they will never experience feeling of trying to understand wtf is written/being said in every game making it fkn magical as fuck looking back
>Jersey Devil
oh yeah, I know, replayed them pretty recently. They're not perfect but you could do worse at the time.
I also played Sheep dog 'n' wolf recently and it's great.
I've heard lots of great things about ape escape but i never played it, shame on me..
>i pity native english speakers because they will never experience feeling of trying to understand wtf is written/being said
fellow euro bro here, wouldn't say it was that great. But it's surprising how much you can gather by just reading of their delivery and the context
This is my favorite from Spyro 1.