How is it so far?

Attached: gamer moment.jpg (616x353, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Has the cat boss model been ripped and lewded yet

Too short

imagine being a man and playing this game

Trans rigths/10

Sort of like being a man and playing Super Mario 64? (or any collect-a-thon)

have sex

Bretty gud. Althought the finale is kinda underwhelming. I sorta expected an actual boss fight with the Empress

Short 1+- hour
too easy

First dlc was better and free


w-what are you talking about

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It's really, really good. Has tons of new content and great platforming but as usual, Yea Forums shits itself and focuses on some graffiti art in the background.

Imagine making your entire personality around your sexuality. What a shallow person.

Your sexuality and gender are huge parts of any personality.

Well designed but really really fucking easy.

Attached: 134255.jpg (701x715, 49K)

well better get ready for the 500 threads this will bring

Attached: working joe.jpg (439x598, 45K)

>Yea Forums already triggered
So much for those "feels before reals" people

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Kill tranny fucks and sjw tranny defenders

Attached: 1554908161961.webm (288x360, 1.56M)

please sir i just wanted to talk about hat loli

The new level is big af, also I deperately need a pantless mod of this outfit.

is fucking hilarious how easy you can trigger Yea Forums these days

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I was more talking about the twitter banner and profile pic. One tweet about this flag is fine but basing your entire twitter around your sexuality is dumb as fuck

welp this kills the dlc

Its shit

Attached: 1932E5F7-6E1E-4901-8A2E-74472835AC3C.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

>imagine having a sexualliy or gender
This is how retarded you sound.

You know you can have more personality than just who you fuck and what with right?

You'll be waiting for a while I've been waiting for a bikini mod for ages.
Speaking of which

Bikini mod when fellas?

Attached: 1514077327089.png (1048x1150, 1.14M)

>playing pozzed trannyshit
shiggy diggy

In a display of support for my fellow commie developer I made sure to pirate it and help my friend's do the same.

Attached: 1553191318365.gif (220x233, 273K)

yeah and so do trans or gays lol

I wish anything video game related could happen without people sperging out over politics

legitimately went through the entire DLC and didn't see this

Get help



While I understand why you think it's dumb, and would believe you if you said that you don't even have anything against trans people "except those that are annoying about it", you have to understand that being trans is a lot more than just a little thing that's no big deal at all.
As long as most of society has the average reaction of "lmao trannies, they should just kill themselves" (just check any thread on this website involving trans issues) it's important to have people that wear the trans flag with pride for at least as long, until they don't have to anymore.

Attached: 1473068328665.jpg (285x287, 10K)

Holy shit! And the guy is way smaller than him too

Attached: 1540838054762.png (554x554, 47K)

completely and utterly based

fuck you tranny lover

>hehe le trannies :DDD based Yea Forums culture!!!

>badge to trigger peace and tranquility and its effects when dancing
100% worth 7$ and 250 pons

remember when creators could include little nods to something they support even something political and people wouldent go absolutely weeping vagaina tieir triggered over it because free speech and all that?
funny how the "free speech" advocates only really mean anything that could resemble hate speech and if you freely voice your support for trans suddenly free speech should not be honoured I'm boycotting you forever now wtf keep ur politics out of muh entertainment

Trannies are mentally illness pushed by jews. They need psychological help not encouragement.

I can't wait until China takes us over and pushes the homos, niggers and trannies back underground where they belong.

[Citation Needed}

yeah I don't give a shit about trannies one way or another, I've never even met one. Keep crying about randos chopping off their dicks you edgy child.

I guess you're right but it gets super generic. There will always be people that criticize the abnormal no matter what. Pride isn't gunna stop that any time soon and just makes the person less enjoyable to talk to or interact with when it becomes their entire being

Maybe when it wasn't promoting a pedophilia de force th cult, sure. "Trans rights" are about eroding the fabric of society.

your parents


Then you're against us.

t. tranny

Good thing I bought this on Steam so I can mod this out at a later date.

>Pride isn't gunna stop that any time soon and just makes the person less enjoyable to talk to or interact with when it becomes their entire being
I agree that it can be a little much sometimes, but I would say that any step is needed, not matter how small.

I have a question. If someone cuts his dick off and starts wearing girl clothes, doesn't that mean he's just a guy without dick in a dress?

Just finished it. It's nice, but very short.

Haven't seen the trans-flag in the game yet. While I hate any kind of political message in a game that doesn't serve a purpose for the story, I imagine they just put it in to fetch back those guys they lost (or thought they lost) over the Jontron thing, so I don't care any way or the other.

wow damn I hope le epic hacker known as anonymous doesn't trace my ip :^)

Look at the names of the people who started the entire "gender sciences" in the 1900s. Do all their names have something in common??? What a coincidence

Weirdest STR vs DEX webm I've ever seen

Why can't they just be normal?

Correction: a guy with a mental illness in a dress and a cut off dick

There are trannies in China and you can change your sex on official documents.

like real oofa doofa
back to your tranny discord

post the one with the STOMP

Attached: I8fqBgA.png (567x680, 415K)

So does /v hate this game now

Miu would not support trans rights.

You need to go back

No need you'll kill yourself soon enough tranny.

>want a comfy Hat in Time with cute and funny pics
>Yea Forumspol/ posts with tranny butthurt instead

Attached: 1534175734835.png (492x503, 439K)

Thanks for being so reasonable user. Appreciate this discussion.
It'll have to be something I tolerate until they stop I guess.

slice off your cock and be cute :3

you don't help people psychologically by actively shunning them and telling them to kill yourselves

you guys cant pretend to be holding a proper political ground on mental health while also wanting to shun them socially and treat them like sub humans
and while your ilk continue to do that there will be no conversation about what should actually be done and we'll just keep listening to the experts who already say that the treatment for gender dysphoria is gender reassignment surgeries and procedures
honestly like you cant pretend to actually just care about mental health when a large part of your political siding is just outright pro-shunning and even killing.
You cant be a cool epic edgy internet poster AND also try to claim political leanings is just doesnt work and why the left keeps winning
"the left cant meme", because the left knows that meming isn't getting what you want politically it's just memeing

I googled "gender sciences" and found nothing, least of all specific names of scientists.
Might want to point me towards a specific website where I can learn more?

it'll never happen since nowadays i can even tell if people are baiting or serious
can you make it into a max payne face

Attached: max spin.gif (468x278, 1.55M)

Jesus, you're a disgusting person

go dilate

Tell the devs to stop fucking over console players then. Console version doesn't even have launch content like facial reaction buttons.

>supports human rights is disgusting
>t-the left is the one that's evil guys


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>"We just wanted to play videogames"
>literally cant play videogames because the threads keep getting shat up by fucking idiots

This is why no one believes you fuckers when you drop the edgy memes for five minutes and try to make an actual political point, it's just drowned in nonsense and hypocrisy.

Can't even tell people to fuck off with political shit, or they just throw temper tantrums and call you a tranny. Newfag /pol/tards killed this board.

>supporting brainwashing kids into cutting off their dicks is normal

You don't actually support shit, faggot. That's my point. You're looking for (you)s


Anything to shit on you degenerate.


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What a smug little child

So they are criminals defacing public property?

You fucking faggots, jesus christ.


Anyone found all relics yet?

>defending trannies
>space bar meme
wow, this is totally not bait

trannies like yourself killed this board
kindly fuck off

Not him but all you're doing is ostracizing people and radicalizing them against you.

john money
google that then kill yourself tranny

fuck off tranny defender
go back to your discord

I guess you'll have to take my word that I'm a legitimate leftist, I won't deny that making the average dumbass that browses this mad by saying "trans rights" isn't a large part of the fun though.

except the board has been actively ruined since like 2015 by trump niggers and pol you fucking deluded fucking idiot
trannys dont even come here for fuck sake
or at least very few do

the nose knows


there's only two in the DLC but the time rift you get is pretty good

Absolutely seething about five colored bars on a wall.

I'm not even anything close to a tranny, you mouthbreather. I just want to talk about VIDEO GAMES instead of political tranny shit. Christ, it's like arguing with a brick wall.

Reminder that everyone who gives a shit about e-celebs is underaged.

fuck off tranny

>still crying about trump
lmao he's a god

>legitimate leftist
Genuine question: Why are you here? 80% of people here hate your kind, including me.

Attached: 26464723.png (629x393, 262K)

>muh /pol
Fuck off back to plebbit retard

And people say /pol/ isn't a problem. I don't give a fuck if you don't like trannies or not, but why do you people obsessively seek shit like this out and then post about it all day long instead of talking about video games on the video game board
fuck off.
This is the part where someone calls me a tranny.

>playing video games

Attached: battle tranny.webm (480x360, 2.03M)

>muh echo chamber

Are you sure you're not an NPC, my guy?

back to your discord

Did you get the photos? Want to know Rumbas tragic backstory

shut the fuck up faggot


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have sex tranny

Get over it. I hate tyranny to but i'm not letting a flag stop me from playing a video games faggot.

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Trans rights are not video games, tranny

based and videogamepilled

>80% here hate your kind
80% of time it doesn't even come up though, at least on the boards that I usually browse like /tg/.
Even without the politics, Yea Forums is such a shitty fucking board, so all around terrible that I don't have to care about shitting it up if I do nothing but try to make people mad for a while.
On the smaller boards I'd feel bad because, I know this sounds pathetic, I actually care about the community. No such thing on Yea Forums, you deserve this.

started watching this expecting to hate the guy
ended up cheering him on

you go battle-tranny. show those faggots who's boss.

>can you make it into a max payne face
Get me a MP face texture and I will do so.

it should unless you're a tranny

>Yea Forums - Video Games

Attached: 1534843695283.jpg (800x933, 208K)


>literally every single post that tries to stay on topic and actually talk about video games gets shouted down for "supporting trannies"
>somehow it isn't /pol/s fault that this thread and board are going to shit

shouldn't you be out licking the semen-crusted floors of some night club or digging through the trash for HVI-positive needles?

back to your discord

the photos don't show its backstory, just some stuff about it during the main game. the actual level is the backstory

Yea Forums sucking tranny cock everyday rent free

It's the dev's fault for shitting up their own game.

I actually gutted a transgender person few years back, pushed me in a very similar fashion except he quickly came in for a second push and I just sunk a four inch blade into him and pulled up as hard as I could.

I got a lot of shit for using a weapon, but if the other people is going to break the rules by getting violent, why can't I further break the rules by using a weapon? Why does that person get to choose just how much of the rules we break that best suits them? No thanks.

Attached: THE.jpg (480x486, 62K)

>2 guys say fuck trannies
>a billion people complain about 2 guys and claim that /pol/ is a secret world wide organization out to ruin the internet with their epic nazism
if you want to talk about the game then talk
nobody is stopping you

This could easily be modded out for anyone that cares lol

fuck trannies

even the gay people don't want you

im sure you did sweety

It legitimately feels like someone is running a bot that replies to every post with "fuck off tranny"
/pol/faggots are just as bad as AGDQ trannies, and probably as ugly

Where the fuck is everyone?

>Even without the politics, Yea Forums is such a shitty fucking board
You're right about that, but if you think you're hurting this board even in the slightest, you're incorrect
As they say, The left is literally just as bad as the right. Thanks for making me despise you people even more

why does this happen only in "highly developed" societies?

>this entire thread

Attached: peck.png (551x491, 156K)

>no comfy Hat in Time threads ever again

Attached: Hat girl.png (236x226, 151K)

sorry sweetie, Yea Forums has to make everything political from here on out

A good tranny is a dead tranny.

>literally just one flag painted on some walls you can't even see if you don't go out of your way
>somehow this makes it worth it to destroy entire threads through off topic shitposting
Do you have any self awareness?

You can thank western developers who can't stop smelling their own farts for a single fucking release.

you're right, this isn't helping. we need to go further. we need a reconquista

>>biggest board on Yea Forums, the new Yea Forums where all the newfag immigrants arrive to spread their horseshit
>j-just 2 guys, it's a secret

why would you sneak in political shit in dlc?
regardless of your stance its going to hurt sales.

even now I'm thinking if I should pirate the dlc or buy it and look for a texture mod. its like adding a trump sticker to her spaceship or some shit.

Attached: hat_snatcher.jpg (1126x1049, 278K)

Well he didn't die for the record.

blame the trannies and their discord

>I'm a centrist


>triggered over three colors

I don't like the devs making political statements in a kids game. They put it in just to spite some people and cause controversy online.

>Yea Forums has to make everything political from here on out
Oh did Yea Forums sneak in the capitalism/trans flag into the game? Those pesky Yea Forums hackers

>comfy tranny in time threads insted

Attached: aaaaaa.png (966x586, 457K)

you got it backwards bro. it's a billion people saying fuck trannies, and 2 autists who have displaced underlying issues into gender dysphoria replying to every single drive-by shitposter

except that you still gave them money

>one guy says "please stay on topic
>20 /pol/tards, in addition to shitting up the entire rest of the thread, specifically start replying to him and show that they have no plans whatsoever to actually partake in any discussion.
really makes you think

Yes. It's 100% worth it and then some.

Please give me your feet, ma'am.

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lgbt isnt politics, but it sure as hell isnt video games
how is the actual gameplay? I might buy it just for the Yea Forums rooms. is there a chat system?

>political shit
my identity is not politics, bigot.

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If a developer puts political messages in his games then don't act suprised when people discuss said message.

trans "people" should be stoned to death

I was so looking forward to this day. Just wanted to have a good time with you guys.

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>but if you think you're hurting this board even in the slightest, you're incorrect
I don't, I understand the basic principle of pissing in a sea of piss. It's just harmless past time fun.

It’s the devs fault for putting politics in their game for no good reason. expecting people not to react is a ridiculous notion.

>b-but the SJW are the real problem here, can't you see they forced my hand

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shut the fuck up

fuck this gay world.

Attached: yabba dabba dilate.png (524x157, 27K)

Good, the sooner we can push this pozzed shit game out of the board the better.

Play actually good platformers and not souless indishit.


cuteandfunny server was good friends

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No. I'm right wing, idiot. There's nothing wrong in admitting most people who agree with you are idiots. Just look at you. I don't know who you root for, but you're certainly retarded.

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Do you live in europe/california/new york?

glad now these threads will be a dumbster fire for all of eternity. blame your western politics for this

my sides will be in orbit eveytime I enter these threads

cheers from a non cucked country

Attached: 014.jpg (300x300, 32K)

Is it as dissapointing as the first dlc?

seal the deal was free and still a dissapointment, not sure if i wanna spend $5 on this one

Well I wanted online party but I guess I'm refunding my purchase back to my card. I cannot support the grooming of children into sexual objects by the mentally ill.

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Has anyone tried online multiplayer yet?

>wanting good times
that was your first mistake

>all these people missing the point
I genuinely get stressed out reading threads like this, do these fucks not understand that this is about more than fucking entertainment media?
If you don't stop tranny shit like this at every possible moment it's going to infect every facet of society, yes it's sad that we can't discuss this game anymore on Yea Forums, but there's so much more at stake here.


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I'm that guy that just wants to talk about vidya and I genuinely don't care if these people spend all day trying to get trannies to kill themselves but let me ask a question to the thread

Why the fuck do they not go to lgbt where the actual trannies congregate. Like, actual fucking trannies are there guys. Why do they shit post on the board that is just a bunch of fucking people wanting to talk about video games? The funny thing is you say you want to be on topic and you get nothing but "if ur not off topic shit posting u must be a tranny!!!!". The other question is why do these people think they're "saving the board" or whatever by doing this.

I genuinely don't fucking get it bros.

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it has political shit in it so its automatically garbage and more worse than the first dlc

Is it in East Asia? It's always East Asia.

>Letting them win
You never wanted the game back to apex faggot.

Transphobes absolutely SEETHING in this thread. Cope

good to see the bait fish more and more.
thought this was almost completely gone

yes it is, freakshow. just as adding a gay flag would be

Why don't LGBT posters stay in LGBT?
No one fucking plays Apex anymore and not giving them money is probably close to not letting them win.

play conan exiles instead.

how do u post stickers and PECK

I guess I could respect you for that you tranny cocksucker

Attached: 3626362362.png (837x468, 451K)

>yes it's sad that we can't discuss this game anymore on Yea Forums
Says fucking who you retard? Are you genuinely so delusional that you think you have to fight your culture wars in a thread for a kid game?

bruh we aren't even transphobes. We are just tired of you faggots forcing this shit down our throats, more worse than anti vaxxers

Reminder when the game has politics in it then talking political IS on topic.

the f key is for PECK and all other words

this unironically

Blame the retard devs for including it.

still doesnt stop you from talking about the game

This is the last DLC right?

The stretch goals only promised 2 new worlds

>Hat threads already toilet shit
>this happens

nigga like 80% of people you're yelling at aren't LGBT posters
we just wanna talk about fucking video games

I'm in the same boat as you man

I wonder if its just as bad on Yea Forums over there
like no one talking about actually gay shit, but just constant "generals" about off topic fun posting


too late!

What are some good, non-propaganda platformers

I didn't even want to do this but both sides of the vaxxer debate are retarded. Yes, the MMR vaccines don't cause autism but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be more oversight of vaccine production and administration, third-party preferrably so the government can't illegally experiment on people like it's the 60s.

daily reminder

Attached: 1554303521628.png (738x669, 186K)

You guys lost, get over it. Need I remind you that this exists?

Because it's going to cause drama and get attention to the game and trannies are going to flock to it now.

> abloo bloo bloo, there's a texture in a game NOT FOR ME!!!

three colors don't prevent you from enjoying a game :)

holy based!

i'm out

call me when the devs remove the political shit

Attached: a tranny in time.jpg (356x212, 17K)

>minutely reminder

He's right but loses for posting sensible comments on a Yea Forums board.

Good post you should make a thread out of it

It's alright so far

Attached: Highres_Screenshot_00000.png (2560x1080, 531K)

>Why don't LGBT posters stay in LGBT
Mate, the only people bringing up tranny shit is the obsessed pol fags and then they rabidly screech about anyone who wants to talk about the game accusing them of "being a tranny supporter" or "killing western civilization" or whatever. There literally hasn't been one post about that trans flag that wasn't off topic pol shit posting. If i saw a SINGLE POSTER posting the trans flag saying "LOL IT'S TIME TO BECOME TRANNIES" you might have half of a point. But I haven't.

Jesus fuck is talking about the video game really that unfathomable for you? You're doing the same shit as the shit posters, accusing anyone that wants to talk about the video game as lgbt

One day it will happen, /pol/ tards will be forced to stay in /pol/, withs nobody to trigger political baitposting will go back, Yea Forums will be a place we can use to talk about games again.
I have a dream.

literally nobody says it does

>you have to understand that being trans is a lot more than just a little thing that's no big deal at all.
its just a mental illness that comes out as a sexual fetish.

wow that'll show em

I was just about to buy the game when the nigger co-op was first anounced. Then I pirated it, now I'm even happier I did.

Attached: 1544472210883.jpg (659x506, 78K)

Where was the cat that sells the jumper again?

i finished it , but the archivement wont pop up

begs to differ, so does

That dream won't happen, people are too obsessed about being mad and up the ass of the other people who are mad and up the ass of them.

The game has a fucking autogynephile flag in it what the fuck do you think people are going to talk about?

>thinking they are serious

Hopefully Nintendy will remove that rubbish in the Switch port. Can't have politics shoved into the kiddies games.

Attached: 1551222002613.jpg (1139x536, 245K)

imagine being this detached from reality

Maybe that will happen when trannies and other freaks keep their politics out of video games.

>game includes JonTron
>game includes a texture

Attached: 1353275285123.gif (202x170, 704K)

>"Ecelebs that talk about video games are cancer" >Let an actual vidya thread get overtaken by shitflinging about trannies
new/v/fags have probably forgotten that they do it for free

>Everybody has the same mindset as I do
Absolute retard

they're making their own games now :D

i blame trump for this

>"my side doesn't has retarded people"
>gets proof
>"t-they don't actually exist"
Oh shit guys, I found a way to win ANY argument.

>my side

Because Jontron is based, trannies aren't.

Holy shit you faggots are pathetic.

Yes, actually. Keep seething, trannyhugger. I can't even begin to imagine how retarded do you have to be to defend people like them.

Attached: 1554176620118.png (676x704, 328K)


This entire board is pathetic

Oh so your hand is "forced" in this?
You get offended at the slightest crap and fuck up any thread that tries to actually talk about fucking video games because it's some sort of compulsion?
Well in that case I'm sorry, I thought you were just retards that get triggered at literally everything, but if you can't help it then it's ok.

I hear more about tranny shit on here than any other place on the internet. You faggots literally cannot shut the fuck about them.

Trannies absolutely seething

Attached: 1552269461101.png (391x431, 84K)

Yea Forums became what they hated.. Easily triggered retards

I'm beginning to think a good 80% of the people here aren't even sentient and act purely on impulse. I cannot understand why they'd even pretend to be mad for this long.

Attached: rip crows.jpg (719x620, 55K)

wordfilter the word tranny with peck and ill be happy

Attached: 1557177482044.png (640x633, 368K)

>identify as cute anime girl

It says something when you're even getting dunked by DSP.

Yea Forums always harbored self-hatred.

4channel does what Reddon't. And you need to back

Attached: 1553557892939.jpg (539x566, 29K)

Yes. I remember when Yea Forums wasnt filled with right leaning snowflakes that get triggered over some stupid trans flag.

>want a comfy Hat in Time with cute and funny pics
You would you want that, wouldn't you faggot?

>n-no y-y-y-you're the triggered ....

Attached: bruh.png (322x267, 163K)

>anime girl
Wanna know how I know you’re a tranny like him?

>shit on games
>shit on trannies
wow dude my subreddit bros say this aint cool Y'ALL


This is unironically based and redpilled

nigga you are
you're screaming about some dumb tranny flag easter egg that barely anyone noticed

Yikes, maybe I'm soft, but even a detestable low-life getting face stomped makes my stomach twist.

All I see these days is shitting on everything. It does not matter what it is, it is shit.

Attached: 1556319400772.png (432x432, 200K)

I can't play this game anymore, my controller broke, and for the life of me I can't find a normal 360 controller for windows 7. I guess I'll buy a logitech one when I have money.

Attached: roombaparty.jpg (1199x728, 191K)

>Nu-uh-uh-uuuh YOU'RE the tranny becaauuuse... uuuuuuuuuhh...ANIME GIRL

Attached: 1542391191546.jpg (669x696, 78K)

One of them is talking about video games. You can shit on actual trannies by going to lgbt, not the vidya board you retard

Good. Get to it then and link me up.

if was standing around screaming for several minutes before this happened
he wasnt a victim

based manlet

I bet this is Russia

>go on a videogame board and talk about videogames
>go to a videogame board but do nothing but shit all over the place
haha yes that's the way to go

back to your discord tranny

>barely anyone noticed
>Literally the whole internet is talking about it.

Attached: 1553021682526.jpg (450x450, 28K)

They already have your money retard.

Is the cat boss VA the same as Ophelia the big tiddie elf

>as long as most of society has the average reaction of "lmao trannies, they should just kill themselves"
>most of society
"Most of society" doesn't give a shit. Get off the fucking internet once in a while.

never happened

some random trannies on twitter != the whole internet


Attached: 1534843398800.jpg (600x600, 37K)

I know. But I can't help but imagine what it would feel like to have a foot enter my skull.

>screaming means you deserve to get hit

please choose one, you stupid barbarian

Well that's a tranny for ya.

where do you find stickers?

Thank the devs ;^)

the guy that hit him was antifa

Trans people get killed everyday for being trans, you don't notice it because you don't give a shit about trans people either.
I don't mean to tell you that you're a bad person for not caring, after all it probably doesn't affect you, but it is definitely real.

>you, Yea Forums, and some SJWs on twitter
>literally the whole internet
Projecting about projection. More people talked about Jontron getting in and the "Ethical Consumption In Capitalism" book.

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guess I won't buy this

>Trans people get killed everyday for being trans
Really strange way to word them commiting suicide but don't worry, I notice.

Why do these mentally ill fucks scream about "rights" like they are an Alabama black in 1950? Motherfuckers have the same rights as everyon else, I don't get it.

If you belong to a bloc (LGBT) which attempts to align disparate elements in a bid for group power for influencing societal outcomes - your identity is indeed your politics. Stop lying.

>Trans people get killed everyday
Yeah by themselves.

>pedophiles are angry that their loli game is tainted with trans shit


>supporting western shit

serves you right. enojy unironic shilling for communism and about how niggers are the most oppressed group ever

Attached: where.png (1067x800, 651K)

>I base my entire life and everything I do around my gender and only care about movies showing the flag and symbol of my gender

the dlc costs money
many of us were waiting for it to drop today but this is a slap in the face

self harm and suicide attempts rate

Ok, now go back to wherever you came from, trannyhugger

>Tshirt that just says Air Force in print
>people who you'd think are with the stompee just standing around watching
>one of them even moves out of the way to give the stomper more room to work with
>the random pole just happens to censor the stomp's aftermath
What a bizarre fucking clip. Is there even context?

*ring* *ring*
daily reminder

Attached: IMG_20190414_135933_572.jpg (1280x872, 94K)

And it's a good thing

How about not try to trick people and hide the fact that you are a freak to them, maybe that will help with your survival
And most of all, how about not try to open the borders to the uncivilized hordes that will undoubtedly execute your kind en masse like you are desperately trying to do, how is that for a survival tactic.
No one would have such a problem with you people if you didn't keep your shit to yourselves, trying to change society to suit your needs so desperately, a good tranny should be inconspicuous.

tranny was having a regular tranny breakdown and he got put down like rabid animal he is

How do I dance? How do I smug look? All she does is blow kisses and make faces at people.

100% incel suicide rate lol
unironically have sex before you kill yourself

What the hell. Why a fox?

Attached: 2223.png (816x650, 624K)

Was considering it but then I saw this Definitely not buying it anymore.

>get treated like dirt by most people
>get depression and kill themselves

Attached: DSP_CowboyHat.png (237x200, 58K)

Epic strawman dude.

>get treated like dirt by most people
[citation needed]

Seems like I was lucky that I waited a while before buying

Thats the opposite of reality
Everyone treat them like special snowflakes
And they suicide when they look at the mirror and realize it was all lies

mod to remove tranny flag when?

>completely self absorbed and still ask for special treatment
>surprised when people dont want to be around them and dont want them to be around

Furfags trying to normalize their degeneracy by pretending to be better than other degenerates

>Turn yourself into an abomination
>Mock humanity with your very existance
>Seek meaning only in sexual mutilation

Geee I wonder why people are rightfully mean to you

>>get treated like dirt by most people
Not without a cause, they deserve every bit of it and then more

>get treated like dirt by most people

Another one bites the dust
Rev up those torrrents

Are you really that delusional that you say something like this even in the face of this entire thread?

>I don't like trannies
>Fuck off tranny
Big think

This is everything wrong with the modern world.

Does aggressive harassment count as free speech in your mind?

You're a shithead. Unless you live in some backwards middle-eastern shithole or russia, in which case being trans is the least of your worries, the only people killing trans people are themselves.
It's not about not giving a shit about trans people, it's about not giving a shit about them being trans. I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, trans, black, white, whatever. I'll judge you how you are as a human being, so if you're entire identity as a person is one tiny aspect of your life then i can only assume you must be making up for the rest of you being shit.

>get treated like dirt

doesn't happen

>get depression

might happen

>kill themselves

happens 41% of the time

>Actual gay people trying to dress like something they aren't
They are literally the same

>be on discord with trannies
>having fun conversation with friends
>accidentally forget a tranny's pronoun
>they halt the entire conversation to bring this to my attention
>literally won't let it go until I call them by the right pronoun
>trannies seriously think reducing chats to pronoun minesweeper is helping them in any way whatsoever

Yea Forums is not real life you stupid fucking retard
Go outside
That should be the new have sex
Go fucking outside and get a life, look at the real world
The internet is not real

This thread is your citation? This thread is most people? Go on fucking twitter and look a selfie post of some random tranny and we'll see who's delusional, you dumb nigger.

They outta use this game as a means of flagging pedophiles. The game is dogshit and anyone that """likes""" is actually an incel pedophile.

they have no self awareness
they are literally pretending to live
put them in nature and they will die after 1 day

>Yea Forums is my barometer for what the status quo and universal opinion is
No wonder you're so assblasted, you must think everyone is a virgin nazi

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>Be trans
>Wake up and get out of bed, every move I make requires such effort and strength. But I remain strong.
>Poor myself out a bowl of weetos. The weetos judge me, as they always do. But I won't let them win, today I stand and defy them.
>Head out to work, the sidewalk burns my feet with every step as the hard concrete tries to deny my right as a powerful woman. But I keep walking, back straight and strong.
>I get to work. There are people, they smile and wave, make small talk at the watercooler and ask how I'm doing. I get it, you're judging me, you're treating me like I'm not a real person. I hate them all, they don't understand how hard it is trans in a white males world.
>Its the end of the month, I collect my paycheck. Clutching it, tears in my eyes I read the amount. Its the same as the white males. When will people accept me for who I am, when will they learn?
>Head home, my dog greets me at the door. Rover barks. A cold bark of disgust, every day I suffer his judgement, nobody understands the struggle.
>Off to bed, another day done, another strong win for feminism and the trans movement. I didn't let them win today, and I won't let them win tomorrow. #strength
You white males simply do not understand how hard it is.


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will you have sex with me

meant for

I assume you meant to reply to the other guy. No worries.

>Game doesn't boot on Linux after this update

Game ran perfectly through Proton before this.

Attached: 1538400304155.png (200x200, 53K)

the best is when they're so delusional they think they can act as stand-ins for biofems

>"wow this place is kind of a sausagefest too bad there aren't more women here"
>"yeah but you have a penis"

>"show us proof"
>gets show proof
>"t-that doesn't count"
I'd ask again if you're really that delusional but I guess I have my answer now

>retarded Yea Forums snowflakes make it popular by posting it

welp this game is dead to me. glad I didn't buy the DLC yet

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Unironically had fun playing this. The multiplayer is slightly barebones but somehow manages to be fun.

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Is there a single thread without bitching about trannies

Attached: Highres_Screenshot_00001.png (2560x1080, 2.47M)

>Pathetically easy dlc that throws health pickups everwhere, adds an assist mode in the menu and even has a toggle in the new chapter that tells people where they have to go directly includes a tranny flag
Why did these fucks listen to the retards complaining about death wish being too hard? Death Wish is what made Seal the Deal have a lot of longevity while this DLC is something you can beat in like 2 hours and be done with it. The ending to the DLC also feels like it was rushed, there's no climax it literally just ends with a mediocre platforming section and a poor excuse of a cutscene.

Attached: 20190510214256_1.jpg (2560x1440, 258K)


because that's where it's being pushed the most

>Bought game
>Left shitty review

Dumb niggers

>it takes less than a hour to finish and all the hour glasses are just placed randomly in the level

I feel kinda cheated for the 5 bucks

>deliberately missing the point
Why do you stupid fuckers always argue like this?
"I think this brand of toy is hazardous children given it's covered in needles."
"So you think kids shouldn't get to play with toys?? Huh?? That's how retarded you sound."

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Anything can be disproven if you just plug your ears up and yell "IT'S NOT REAL IT'S NOT REAL IT'S NOT REAL"

if you don't want people discussing trannies, don't put a tranny flag in your game. simple as

No tranny, now fuck off

Kill all tranny freaks.

Attached: 1555065194389.jpg (538x314, 31K)

>playing on linux
you don't deserbve any game to boot.

I'm really starting to get now why companies go woke and then go broke.
PR teams must see online communities on twitter go batshit for tiny, insignificant stuff like this and think they've hit some un-tapped goldmine. Just slap some virtue-signalling on their stuff and BOOM, a whole demographic.
And then, like with the comic book industry, they learn that those who demand these kind of changes/advocate for them are also the ones least likely to actually make the purchases.

you're also not a girl and never will be.

>all this salt

Attached: 1464304547539.jpg (500x375, 15K)

>Trans rights
Is this "Discord Server: The Game"?

>hurrhurr guess I'll just torrent it now instead!
Why even bother torrenting something you're already gonna hate

Imagine getting this mad over a tiny flag on a videogame you love.
Who are the special snowflakes again?


When did Yea Forums got so full of trannies? I thought it was all a meme until i saw this thread.

why am I always missing 1 photo in the time rifts, where the fuck is this thing

>Imagine getting this mad over a tiny flag on a videogame you love.
Jokes on you, I don't love this game and think trannies deserve a bullet.

I'm more offended by contrarians comparing this game to mario odyssey saying it's better rather than a three-coloredl-lines texture

It's like it was designed by a bunch of fags in twitch chat.

The ones that need a flag in a indie game to feel validated, obviously.

I don't like the way she's smugging on me, I want to beat her up.

You sound like a nigger.

I am having a lot of fun with it, it's pretty short though.

Attached: 253230_20190510211356_1.png (1920x1080, 445K)

resetera has been setting up multiple discord servers with the sole purpose of raiding Yea Forums boards

>muslims being based

how do you collect stickers. I wanna be smug too dammit

Trannies are masochists. They willing cut their own dicks off.

It makes sense that they would keep coming to a website that despises them.

Is their plan just to annoy Yea Forumsirgins?

this place attracts the mentally ill; just put two and two together.

Yea Forums isn't a hivemind like you thought?

Islam might be one of the most retarded faiths out there but at least they know the proper way to deal with degenerates

They are unironically trying to make Yea Forums more politically correct.

I just refuse to believe this statement. For what purpose? What do they even gain?

Or maybe they are just they just that much of attention hungry? Jesus fuck i need to understand what the fuck is going on in their heads.

>Trans people get killed everyday for being trans
No they fucking don't. I wish they fucking did, mind you, but unfortunately they're not being killed really anywhere at all currently nevermind on a daily basis. Now gays on the other hand ARE being killed on a daily basis in Africa and the Middle East and nobody seems to be willing to acknowledge that in the west, not that waving some stupid flag around on the internet would convince people half way across the world to stop throwing gays off of buildings.


Listen up Yea Forums!

Attached: lily.jpg (640x723, 95K)

It's pretty redundant but they truly are retarded then.
>gays on the other hand ARE being killed on a daily basis
Fuck, that's based and niggerpilled.

um, guys... video games?

>happens 41% of the time
That was the reported attempts percentage.

>literally died

You're going with them, gweilo.

I'd give it a solid 40%

People who care too much about their sexuality/gender and people who care too much about other people's sexuality/gender should all be shipped off somewhere remote and left to fight it out.

I thought that was Yea Forums, to be honest.

>hivemind meme

Well shit, I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. That sucks

Go back

Lily-chan in the house of commons!


the "trans movement" brainwashes and indirectly KILLS thousands of people every year, including SMALL CHILDREN. It's completely appalling to me that brainwashing 5 year old kids into cutting their dicks off and eventually suiciding when they're older is considered "progressive and acceptable" instead of shunned and demonized like pedophillia is.
Yes, I DO MEAN to tell you that you're a bad person or a literal fucking retard that thinks they're doing good when in reality they're supporting a death cult.

Clearly not since it's infested with trannies, libshits, and enlightened centrists.

Only literal retards and faggots like you play video games

Yea Forums is literelly obcessed with trannys so how many of you watch tranny porn then??

yeah, rip

You can find them in the Nyakuza Metro, they are on the walls and sometimes on top of buildings. Just run into them and they'll fall to the floor and you can pick 'em up.

Attached: 253230_20190510210858_12.png (693x693, 340K)

that's a tranny.

You have to Masao Go back

yes your point?????

Yes, I too wish game developers decided not to make political statements in their games

So apparently there are Snatcher coins in the Metro, but I dont see a stamp for it in the Deathwish map.

What gives?

Imagine letting graffiti in the background ruin your fucking day. Yikes, Yea Forums, No wonder you faggots have the reputation you have.

Attached: Cat kid 3.png (249x353, 210K)

Imagine being a man and playing video games past the age of 18 lmao


trannys are political statements what kind of mouthbreather are you

I want to [CAT CRIMES] the virtual catuber!

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that's attempted though not actual suicides

Imagine unironically supporting mentally ill degenerates who mutilate their own genitals and encourage kids to do it too.

3 year grudge over a tweet lmao

Was just about to buy this game too, because it looked cute and funny. Won't be buying it now lol thanks for stopping me.

Serious opinion since I don't give a fuck about the stupid trans flag and acknowledging it only gives trannies more attention anyhow when what they need is therapy so they dont neck themselves.

The new DLC is amazing. Such a big new level to explore with tons of things to find, I genuinely am enjoying it. The Aesthetic of the level is probably one of my favorites in awhile. GFB has done an amazing job with it.

muh degenerates do you think you are special coming on a retard board full off mentally ill people

I’m actually completely fine with trannies but I’m glad this is a thing because I hate this game and this will cause more people on Yea Forums to hate it as well.

It’s all so tiresome.


so is it 10 times pieces + the boss + the time rift
and nothing else? because it keep on saying i did not collect all the time pieces somehow


Why are you here?

yet you browse this place

yes, and lowering your social score to the minimum in the process, thus killing you in the short term

LMAO literally fuming

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>Trans people get killed everyday for being trans
citation needed

DSP is my hero


because I am mentally ill you????

Between the literal communist propaganda in the base game, co-op character and this I'm glad I never fell for the shilling.

>ruin your fucking day
Didn't ruin my day, it ruined the game I didn't plan on playing anyway.
Yeah, nah, neck yourself.

Nobody wants to be special here. The only ones who want special treatment everywhere are the trannies, which you are defending.


Why aren't you playing your tranny game instead, then?

>trannies been shilling this on Yea Forums for two years now

Glad I never fallen into their trap

I didnt even notice it. Huh

I thought this game was based and redpilled?

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Everyone knows that they see free speech as something evil, so they try everything to destroy places like Yea Forums. Their main objective is to create a "safe space" for their kind on Yea Forums by raiding specific threads on specific boards in large numbers so it looks like the majority of Yea Forums agrees with them. They also use the /pol/ hate bandwagon to recruit angry anti-politics anons, that's why they never waste a chance for whining about that board. And since /pol/tards are fucking retarded, they get even more obnoxious in response, giving more reasons for anti-politics anons to join the tranny invasors.
They already took over Yea Forums and now they're focusing on taking over Yea Forums and /r9k/.

Who cares what kind of "reputation" we're purported to have. Video games are political, deal with it.

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I'm just here to laugh at you and your shitty politically charged game, you haven't ruined anything about today

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nobody wants to be special waaaaaaahhhhh why wont women submit to me reeeeeeeeeeee vaccinations cause autism the water is making me gay ahhhhhhhh the government is using foetuses in vaccines yikes have sex incels

Because I enjoy reminding you that you are mentally ill and will never pass :)

There are different kinds of politics, you can't just simply the word you retard. There is a big difference when it comes to taking a stance on hot-topic controversial issues like LGBT rights and Trump.

Attached: FOUR HOURS.png (187x153, 38K)

what a fucking retard

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously, user.

>it's okay when we do it

It's as retarded as getting offended by hammers+sickles or swastikas

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immeadetly think I am a trany are you retaRDED

What are you even babbling about?

Exactly. Yours is wrong. Cope

>Yea Forums is the board with the most teenagers
>Yea Forums is also the most /pol/ infested board
>/pol/fags are largely recent reddit migrants
Really provokes the thoughtchannels. Don't (You) me unless you have a job that requires a trade, skill, or education, and have had sex.

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Sorry I was posting some hottakes from the special board

>the only people bringing up tranny shit
Or, you know, the devs randomly plastering it somewhere in their game for brownie points despite it having zero relation to anything else in the game. You shit on the rug and then act indignant when people react to it instead of pretending it's normal.

>Replying to himself

>tranny death cult murders children and other youth
>people understandably want to stop them
trannies need to be stopped

Attached: 1556158994886.jpg (242x242, 11K)

Leftists always have some nonsensical excuse for their blatant hypocrisy whenever it's called out.

what children are being murdered incel

someone post the stonetoss comic

You know, the sad part is, that if i stop replying to you, you will actually think that you have a point.

Is a shame what this board has become, really. I wonder how InfniteChan is doing.

>muh /pol/
You guys vastly overestimate how often /pol/ leaves their home board, /pol/ is too busy shitting their diapers about mossad falseflags or happenings 24/7.

Are you a room temperature IQ shitskin?

you have a keyboard retard

>some shitty graffitti at one specific place on one of the maps
>"waaaaa I can't play this now"

Imagine caring so fucking much about something that has absolutely zero impact on anything. Christ, you polcucks are pathetic.

Attached: smugneko.png (157x151, 61K)

remember to protect your shotas from the tranny agenda

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then fuck right back to cuckchan no one cares

>absolutely zero impact on anything
Clearly had an impact on some trannies.

Attached: 1531435891086.png (540x602, 468K)



>sloppily painted flag in a shitty sewer

seems more like a jab at trannies than anything tbqh



There are two kinds of frogposters

thats some woman-tier aggressive shit right there

That hairline..

Attached: D6DdJgmWAAINJZ5.jpg large.jpg (960x1280, 146K)

All of the children indoctrinated by the tranny brigade.

>Trans people get killed everyday for being trans
And here's why that's a good thing!

Colorado a few days ago

About the multiplayer lobbies, can we set up public ones? Is the possibility of Yea Forums lobbies being made possible even now that Yea Forums will forever fight between cunnyfags and anti-trannyfags?

so you mean children that volunteered alright then

why is she covering her jaw?

It doesn't impact gameplay, it doesn't impact the aesthetic, it doesn't impact you. Who gives a fuck about some trannies get one last rush of dopamine before they off themselves?

>want a comfy Hat in time thread
>trannies have to push their mental illness into absolutely everything and then pretend they were the ones wanting to avoid political shit
every fucking time you dishonest cocksuckers


Yeah, five year olds (((volunteer))) to take hormone altering drugs.

It has Jontron in it

if Yea Forums hates trannies then why do we have a /LGBT/ board :)

go tell the trans community they have no reason to be excited about some shitty graffiti then
if people can't be mad about it, there's no reason to be excited about it either, right?

it's kinda weird how trans people openly fantasize about murdering women, but it's considered okay and not at all misogynistic because they use the label "TERF"
also kinda strange how taking issue with it will get you labeled hateful and dangerous, when they're the ones openly boiling with murderous hatred

kind of a "clown world" moment to be honest

its not her jaw

>rapestained transflag in the sewers
>troons unironically eat it up
>/pol/ butthurt
Mein Gott!

Attached: iu.jpg (480x360, 37K)

So it doesn't have absolutely zero impact. Good to know.

because this is hell and the only things that live here on Yea Forums now are outrage culture, paranoia, falseflagging and shitposting

>this post has many replies so it means you're all triggered seething incels LOL
or maybe we just enjoy laughing at cunny things?

Attached: 1528430209460.gif (511x512, 105K)

Any way to play online with pirated copy?

yes they volunteered your point

>trannies are insecure that they hide half of they're faces

Why? What's the reason behind this? Why would you do this? I don't understand, somebody explain what's the use of this, other than generate "controversy" on a game?

It has zero impact as it won't save them from killing themselves regardless.

i mean you're not wrong
when i say /pol/tard i just mean people obsessed with political shit in general



How can I accept trans people if they can't accept themselves??

My point is that your mentally ill ideology is pure evil and you deserve all the hate you get.

get some fucking help you mentally ill degenerates, your brain problem is not a good thing, there's a reason people think you're actually insane, surprise, it's because you are.

containment, same reason there's a mlp board

>five year old children not old enough to even learn how to read
>but old enough to take drugs causing irreversible damage to their body

but you don't accept yourself otherwise you wouldn't be on Yea Forums

Very strange Freudian slip, buddy.

that's cute
the hat in time devs genuinely seem like good people

Did you even post here BEFORE the /lgbt/ board?

For one reason or another, gays and trans coming from Yea Forums are way less insufferable than the ones I’ve seen on other websites

>imagine being a man
Once we can create babies without sperm your days are numbered lmao

Attached: 3QKFrim.gif (500x277, 947K)

What rights do trannies not have in non-third-world countries
Third world trannies won't even be seeing this

What brought about the "trans rights" meme, anyway? What "rights" do they deserve to make them different from men or women?

pure evil helping kids realise who they are are you a dumbass??

>Lewding the loli is ok
>Lewding the hat kid with shadman pics is even better
>Even if the shadman draws shemales with dicks thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal
>But don't you dare to associate the game with trannys or you will trigger the anons.

Attached: hand_kid.jpg (1074x1200, 127K)

5 year olds lack the capcity of reason volunteer for that stuff. Even if they were adults, it's still an mental illness.

Well it was a good thread, here's a classic.

We'll just rape chicks from then on, no biggie.

sauce now

Can you play online with pirated version?

Why do you confuse people laughing and shitposting with being triggered?

People aren't forced to accept them and bow to them so they're oppressed.

go on then I can guarantee you wont move your ass from your chair

Its the only thing women are good for anyways

nobody knows

>helping kids realize who they are *not

Fixed that for you, you mentally ill freak.

Transexuals impact me in a big way when it is literally normalizing child sexuality and my children are being told that they can't be tomboys anymore because it means they're actually boys. It impacts me because it funnels money into massive pharmaceutical companies who lobby my government on where to put my tax dollars. Supporting that shit impacts me in a big way. You fucking dotard.

Great straw grasping, mongoloid.

Create babies without the need for sperm first

>identity politics are not the same as foreign politics
Demographic issues gave rise to identity politics, which will in turn make those issues worse. For all intents and purposes, no distinction should be made between them for the sake of the family unit and national stability.

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Once every men realizes your plan nobody will want to donate sperm anymore lmao

oh yes sweetie they will be accepted just like blacks and gays were

/vp/ here
we support the trans community
Yea Forums is a loser

>miss me yet?

Attached: 1529712901832.png (118x119, 20K)

You're missing the point

Was at a /pol/ meetup once.
This is accurate 50-manning Deathwishes?

actual /vp/ here
kill all trannies

There's a reason why you're considered a containment board.

what was post about

This is a really bad thread.

can I ask why the right supposedly thinks of themselves as alpha when there women try to commit suicide looool

i cant believe penis is fucking dead