Is PC gaming a meme?

Is PC gaming a meme?

Attached: 4k_gaming_pc.png (640x360, 335K)

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higher framerates are a placebo
higher resolutions are redundant
having more options is a bad thing
having more control over your system is awful
being able to pirate games is immoral
having infinite backwards compatibility and the ability to emulate consoles is a meme
not paying twice for online is just an insult to those poor corporations who slave away at their p2p servers for you

How do you browse Yea Forums and still not having a gaming pc in some form


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Life itself is a meme, so by extension, so is PC gaming.

Kinda. Superior graphics and framerates are fucking great, but the problem is that the majority of PC games don't even take advantage of it. They're usually indie games or poorly-optimized ports from consoles. But when a dev team makes a game specifically for PC with its advantageous capabilities in mind, something truly amazing is created.

Modding is where PC truly shines though.

This but a little more ironically

>"Don't you guys have phones"

No, you're missing out.

The idea that it's expensive is a meme

Gaming is a meme

I'm a PCfag but let's be honest here - PCs are more expensive than consoles. Now you might say "hurr durr you can build a PC equivalent to a PS4 for a similar amount of money", but why would you want to have a PC that's comparable to a PS4? If you're deciding to seriously get into PC gaming that would be limiting yourself, and you're likely to spend more than $1000 on a build if you're serious about your hobby.

That's not my point, I'm aware of that. In fact, I'm browsing Yea Forums right now using clover on my tablet.
My question is how can a Yea Forumsirgin not having a gaming pc and still have an audacity to post in here. It's like willingly outing yourself to be a major casul.

>not listening to the superior nip version

you don't have to spend $800 to make a way better pc than a ps4.

I wanted the original version that's in chimpspeak, but that was the only one I could find.

Not only the fact that building pc is currently expensive, but consoles are absurdly cheap too. You can buy a regular PS4 or an Xbone for $200 and still able to play modern games that's about to come out, that's crazy

Kind of
It's the best way to play vidya, but it's situated in a way that it's still a rather niche thing for any game beyond laptop-tier titles with built-in matchmaking. PC exclusives are some of the best on the market, but even the average user here is so fukken retarded that they can't do basic shit like opening ports on their router or install/manage games without something like Steam, so you end up with so few people being stretched so thin to the point that anything fun only has about a dozen people playing it during peak hours.

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I wasnt satisfied until I had a 2k+$ pc.
I started with a 800$one so for me it depends if youdont have money its a meme,if you have its not

$800 is pretty much the bare minimum if you want decent midrange pc that lasts for few years.
gpu and cpu alone are easily $400 already of that budget.

PC isn't about maxing graphics in 4k. Sure you can do it if you have the cash but it's not the main reason to go for it.

PCfag here I agree with the other guy , dont be a cheapo,you will regret it,its better to spend more

Sony gaming is the real meme. You're a cuck OP. Enjoy your censored games while we play uncensored games, cuckold.

I'm not talking about a $5K machine, but if you want the actual benefits of playing games on a PC (mainly referring to high frame rates here) you'll need to invest a lot more into it than you would a console. Input methods aside, one of the main reasons to play games on a PC for me are high frame rates. Graphics are a secondary concern. If you're spending less than ~$1000 on a PC then you're limiting yourself. I'd say wait a couple more months, save up some more money and at least get a PC that's in the $1000-1500 range.

>console (ps4 = 250$)
>any decent pc (at least 2000$, will be obsolete a year later)

Bought this PC for 1000€ 2012 and only replaced the graphics card so far. It survived two console generations, can still max out shit and I need it for wörk


>but why would you want to have a PC that's comparable to a PS4?
Because you're poor and want a cheaper PC?

>at least 2000$, will be obsolete a year later
Nobody falls for this bait anymore, right?

that a pentium 2 machine? looks similar to my old micron pc though mine came with a multiscan 15sf.

I'd honestly buy a console rather than a PC if my budget was that limited, and this is coming from a die-hard PCfag

How many games can you play on your console? 40? 400?

The meme PC master race can play them all. Notably zoo tycoon and mordhau :-)

Attached: pc has no games.jpg (3928x3465, 3.96M)

ITT: Seething consolebabbies.
>High frames at a beautiful 4k resolution
>The ability to quickly go online and shitpost as I game. Consolebabbies are restricted to phoneposting (eww) or using a laptop. Consolebabbies don't have dual monitors because they're poor or underaged.
>A large collection of mods for my favorite games, consolebabbies are restricted to censored trash if anything
>Ability to emulate console games to make the Yea Forumstards SEETHE
>Can pirate any game I want, but choose to pay as I am a financially stable and respected member of society
>Far more options for any games I play, a far larger variety of excellent games.
Why don't you cry more for me, consolebabbies? I'll enjoy my Bloodborne on your system and go back to the unlimited number of high frame, high resolution games on mine.

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What I'm saying is that PC vs Console is a personal preference. PC offer different benefits than consoles. Unlike consoles, you can customize your games and play at very low or ultra, play next gen games without upgrading, installing mods, etc. I have an old PC, it's worth maybe $400-500 in the used market, I can play new games at 60fps without any problem.

Reminder that less than 2% of PCfriends play at 4K, some an XBox One X or a PS4 Pro (upscaled) can do

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>Modding is where PC truly shines though.
only when it isn't shitty model swaps/nude mods

>Ps4 is cheaper than a pc

But doesn't keep in mind that he needs a laptop for work/school/other

(Image unrelated)

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>XBox One X or a PS4 Pro (upscaled) can do
Only at 30fps, which is aboslute shit. I can play at 30fps 4k on my toaster too but I'd rather switch to 1080p to play at 75fps.

No it has moding and emulation which makes it 100% better than consoles.
I have a 200 usd pc that runs most console AAA games at 720p 60 fps.

>counting shitty ports of games that were clearly designed with consoles in mind
come on man

why is that weird dude a meme?

I prefer consoles because i prefer playing on a couch/bed and if i have to play pc games then i'll play them on a laptop while on a couch/bed.

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This. Not only can I play a stupid amount of games and have them look/play better than on consoles, I also get to use my PC for other shit such as work and school. Can't do that on your PS4 now can you?
console wars are memes, it was only banter, PS4 is alright

Call me back when you will be able to play ps1,2,3,4, 3ds, gameboy, switch titles on your latest ps5 in any resolution you want with fan made HD textures.

Do you remember the meme
>playstation has no games
? The history will repeat itself yet again.

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>being a lazy cunt

>comfy = lazy
here's your (you) you faggot.

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If user likes to play that way. Let him be comfy

>no physical copies
>first to cuck out to digital and all the negatives that come with it
>pushed the "support the developer" meme
At least PC has easy piracy, unfortunately most who play on PC are brainwashed drones that praise le gaben and refuse to pirate.

Attached: thanks digital distribution.png (273x355, 14K)

>tfw can't experience this feel on PC

Attached: tfw you take a physical copy out of its case.png (392x489, 346K)

There’s no reason to buy a gaming PC unless you’re willing to spend roughly $2,000.

life is a meme

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Physical editions went to shit the moment they stopped printing extense manuals with an art section


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>will be obsolete a year later

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Enjoy paying for online and mods

>Buy a used optiplex with an i7 for like $70
>Swap in your own PSU, add a cheap GPU like R9 270x/1050 and more RAM
>More powerful PC than PS4 for $400, less if you find good deals

a used PS4 costs like $150 though

I feel like if you have anything more than a waning interest in games you should own a decent PC. The backlog of every PC game along with almost every console game pre-7th gen put it above everything I feel. Modding is there if you like it. I personally enjoy making and playing Doom .wads, something that no official console port of the game has implemented.
I paid like 800 bucks for my computer like 4 or 5 years ago and it still runs great. New games, like RE2 run fine on it, and the freedom to max out old stuff at 4k is very nice.

name five games?

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Even the worst console ports run better on PC. I remember the Nier Automata controversy was because it couldn't hit 1080p60fps on PC when on the PC it runs at like 900p 30fps.

Games that didn't include a manual should have been boycotted, still better than paying for digital. Valve should have been boycotted into bankruptcy when they launched Steam.

You post the same shitposting thread since the creation of this board don't you have better things to do like playing on your console?

Computers last longer.