What went wrong???
What went wrong???
riding pigeons
Your mom for not aborting you
But she did
then who was phone?
I was.
the only thing wrong is that they stopped making them
I dropped FFT in chapter 3 because it was too tedious to play.
They didn't make a true sequel.
L-i-t-t-l-e m-o-n-e-y.
Aside from some weird stat stuff and just hanging you TG CID while making you work for Beowulf, Reis, Worker 8, and Cloud. There's no effect for collecting every possible Zodiac Stone. Other wise the game is as ideal as one can be.
Nothing, it's a fucking superb game. Gob bless Ivalice
It created contrarians like (you)
haha faggot
this. tactics is boss as fuck. i tried Tactics Ogre 64 but i just couldnt get into it. didnt give a fuck about the characters either. worth trying again?
If you're talking about Ogre Battle 64, the gameplay is almost totally different. You want Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.
What was wrong with it? The characters were really endearing. Delita became a total asshole, but you could understand why he became one, dude got fucked over hard.
not enough variety in story battles cause of engine limitations and the translation could have used another set of eyes before it shipped
other than that its fantastic
They should really start making more FFT games to compete with Fire Emblem
gamers are stupidos
The main problem with FFT is that the game starts doing ridiculously easy win conditions during chapter 4. Defeating all enemies required you to actually think strategically if you didn't want to lose units. Being told to kill just the boss means you can just suicide rush the boss with Orlandeau, Ninja Ramza w/ whatever op skills you've built him to use, with Mustadio and whoever else contributing to the rape as well.
everything went ok
Ivalice was awesome for a number of reasons. Are they gonna make new games within the Ivalice universe?
Try not using any of the holy swordsman trio next time and see how much different chapter 4 is when you can't start each battle by smashing the enemy weapons with 100% accuracy
Well you can always just play Vagrant Story
worst genre possible
Delita did nothing wrong.
Delita was the ultimate alpha chad. He starts as a lowborn squire and dismantled an entire country to be king out of revenge because some uppity faggot noble shot his sister. Gets to fuck the queen and has a hot witch slampiece on the side, and to top it all off he got his former best friend to take the rap for everything.
FFTA and everything that followed.
I'm scared that they'll make another Tactics game and it will be a shitty version dumbed down for phones with gacha
Hopefully in the future, there's just so much more to explore about Ivalice, it's a shame that we don't have more games.
This cancer has singlehandedly ruined a lot of things with video games.
Devs don't bother anymore to make interesting / fun games, because at the end of the day just make a shitty mobile game an d slap a gacha on it to prey on people's gambling addictions. Who cares? it's going to make millions
Too bad his lame ass murders the queen because he doesn't keep her on a short leash. I guess Agrias really must be dead at the end of FFT, otherwise I doubt she'd be ok with him murdering her.
Putting in TG Cid. The rest of the game becomes a blur from that point on.
The game was overall exceptionally easy, aside from a few infamous chapters. Most due to how ridiculously good black magic and Ramza were.
There was a massive amount of status effect abilities and spells that were all pointless to use; simply killing an enemy was faster and easier in almost every situation. Attempting to use any strategy involving a diverse range of abilities often made the game harder and tedious.
It's a castrated, bastardized Tactics Ogre that instead of fixing the inherent problems of the core system added more on top of it all, while taking out all the good stuff like having different routes, multiple recruitable races, a large cast of unique characters, multiple endings etc.
braindead easy
game breaking units for free
completely open to grinding
slow and tedious
pointless esoteric mechanics just because
focuses on presentation over gameplay
jrpg fan's first srpg.
>mfw I just now realize Ovelia and Delita were both commoners who rose to Royalty.
Man, I'm dumb.
I always felt the ending of FFT was rushed and unfulfilling. Delta, Ramza, and the princess had fine conclusions but every other notable side character just vanishes. We never see how anyone else reacts to all the shit Delta did to the country.
How fucking long each turn takes
Isn't everyone basically dead?
Wasn't the point of the ending that no one really knows how it ended because even the narrator could have been lying to you
everyone was glad and agreed that Delita is true king
everyone else was jailed and killed, of course
Too easy and really awful job balance. Also the ot starts out interesting and then shits the bed at the end. Taking your politically oriented plot and turning into 'lol it was demons' is fucking stupid
no PC remaster remake rerelease
*surpasses you in every conceivable way*
thats what went wrong
They never made a proper sequel.
Im still mad they pulled that ARPG set in Ivalice
>I never played Tactics Ogre or Ogre Battle.
FFT is literally Tactics Ogre 2 by another name.
Enemies in encounters leveling up as you level up.
How to beat fft 1.3 insane mod?
Be a fagit and abuse level up/level down since it's completely unbalanced.
too easy
no reward for getting all the characters/secrets
given OP characters and weapons
too short
still a great game
I'm not sure what that has to do with anything
Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre both had the demon subplots.
> card system
>poor level scaling
>story enemies are haxxor holy magiknights and super demons
>always best to just rush damage
>a lot of class abilties were pretty gay anyway
>story allies matter until they dont then they basically disappear
>grind your way to invincibility
It was a great game, but it could have been a lot greater.
And I'm sure I would have found it just as disappointing in those games too
only random battles did that, not sure how its a negative unless you're trying to do a self-imposed challenge that has level caps for each chapter
There's hope, user. Matsuno stated that he wants to do at least one more FFT or Tactics Ogre before he dies
Way too many people fail to understand that Delita did jack shit and spent 90% of the game piggybacking off the church's plot. The only thing he did on his own was manipulate a teenage girl.
It's a fun game but the interface is terrible and makes even basic encounters a chore.
I tried to get into FFT multiple times but I'm too low IQ to understand how to play.
ffta series just isn't the same. The maps and mechanics aren't as cool. The story is gay and so are the characters.
You played it after 9/11?
Threadly reminder to ignore WRPG-Kun.
>What went wrong???
FFXIV decided that Ramza failed and everybody died 20 years after the fact. LMFAO
yes but heroes is gameplay game, but fft is gameplay+story+music+characters
although homm4 have some good music
although homm4 doesn't have compositor, all if it music is old folk music
Classic Ivalice was strongly medieval-themed and didn't have bunny waifu races.
I hate using the mouse
what a fucking dumb image
>yes but heroes is gameplay game, but fft is gameplay+story+music+characters
HoMM music is vastly better than FFT.
Can you list a single battle track in FFT as good as this?
>lmao the church is evil
>good story and characters
I've been having the same problem with Disgaea 1. It's quite laborious to navigate
so you not liking fft's story, characters and you think some heroes of magic is better and have better ost
we've heard you
>praises ivalice setting in an fft thread
>posts an image of a viera, a retcon introduced in ffta/ff12, which were specifically created to capitalize on the star wars prequel hype with crazy whacky alin races
Thre is no such thing as an Ivalice setting that spans multiple games. There is the Ivalice setting from FFT, and then there is the completely different Ivalice setting from FFTA/FF12 that is retconned so much it is unrecognizable from the one in FFT.
Respectable opinion. I started with FFTA, went to play FFT and then discovered Matsuno's magnum opus: Tactics Ogre LUCT.
Favorite job combinations on TA?
They are fucking up beyond human comprehension
>too easy
dont use broken units you stupid fuck
use WM instead of shooting items
I refuse to believe this because I dont wanna end up hurt.
Vagrant Story takes place in FFT's ivalice.
that’s not A2
Fine, but that doesn't change my point that FFTA/FF12 retconned the Ivalice setting into something unrecognizable.
New FFT game when
I got it when I was like 12, but couldn't actually win until I was 16, when all the sudden everything clicked and I beat the game. 16 was a good year for me; I went back to a lot of old games that were just too hard for my lib-arts childhood understanding of things.
Once you wrap your head around a few basic things, it all makes sense.
Wasnt he involved with some srpg kickstarter? Whatever happened with that?
Absolutely nothing, other than its writer returning decades later to try and retcon its conclusion into a terrible ending as a fucking MMO sidestory. Janky as it may be, even the original translation was filled with so many great lines
yes we've missed the boat though. the best time to have released another FFT sequel was shortly after Valkyria Chronicles came out last decade. VC1 sold pretty well and kind of temporarily revived interest in cinematic strategy games. but here we are now in 2019, VC4 came out recently and sold like dogshit, so we're fucked. keep looking for shitty $5 indie SRPGs on Steam, that's your best bet at this point.
Opera Omnia implies that classic Ivalice and new Ivalice are two separate worlds, so they may not even be canonically related anymore.
I mean there's absolutely no competition in the SRPG market right now, or even turn-based RPGs. They'd do well in their niche at the very least.
>VC1 sold pretty well and kind of temporarily revived interest in cinematic strategy games.
How could it revive anything, when it bombed on release (outside of Japan):
>Release Valkyria Chronicles on PS3
>Is a catastrophical commercial failure in the west, selling only 33k copies in the US in its release month depite releasing at the start of the month
>Port to PC more than half a decade later with zero marketing or PR
>Is a massive commercial success, eventually racking up around a million owners (back when Steamspy still provided accurate data)
All of the characters that join your party essentially stop existing once they do, to accommodate the perma-death mechanic that no one ever experiences. They should have just scrapped the idea entirely and make it so that units crystallize faster, but are just ejected from that battle rather than permanently dead. It's especially weird seeing Agrias vanish considering how important she was to the plot beforehand.
A PC version would be a broken port of the broken mobile port of the broken PSP port. Is that really what you want?
>dumb down gameplay for 'muh story' (and a poorly written one at that)
No thanks.
>Tactics Ogre was originally supposed to be an 8-game saga
>scenarios for two more games were already written, before the series was left aside and forgotten
It fucking hurts.
The Final Fantasy IX-style method of gaining abilities from equipment just didn't work that well in my opinion. A lot of jobs were basically worthless for large chunks of the game since it could be really stingy with some weapons, and god forbid you want two characters to have the same high-level skill. You'll be grinding for fucking hours.
It actually doesn't. Not only did Yazmat deny it, it's not connected to FFXII/Tactics on any official material. Vagrant Story is standalone, why would you insist on wanting it in the same chronology?
>A PC version would be a broken port of the broken mobile port of the broken PSP port. Is that really what you want?
Doesn't the mobile port have higher quality spritework?
>All of the characters that join your party essentially stop existing once they do
How can that be the reason? Other rpgs also have permadeath and still manag to provide conclusions for characters (provided they didn't die during the course of the game)/
really i just wish they would do a modestly budgeted FFT sequel in the vein of Banner Saga, just really back to basics. hand drawn 2D graphics, digital only release, no voice acting, etc. something like that should be profitable i would think but i doubt Square wants to make anything except big budget AAA type shit now
How many of your characters died the last time you played? Zero? Hey, me too!
Hey everyone, leave a comment saying how many of your characters didn't die the last time you played through Final Fantasy Tactics, and how much better the game is with this complete non-feature than it would be with better character interactions.
>tfw Vagrant Story got cut in half because the PS2 was coming out
>Hey everyone, leave a comment saying how many of your characters didn't die the last time you played through Final Fantasy Tactics, and how much better the game is with this complete non-feature than it would be with better character interactions.
>you can't have character interactions with permadeath
>what is Baldur's Gate
>what is Jagged Alliance
>what is Fire Emblem
Shit like that never works out. Even fucking Star Wars took almost forty years to get eight movies. One of the fundamental rules of writing: never save anything for the sequel.
>that classic Ivalice and new Ivalice are two separate worlds
That sounds a little bit disappointing to be honest, I liked all the hooks between XII and Tactics and XII was made to be a way more interesting game in my opinion when viewed by the lens of it being a world on the brink of an apocalypse that nobody involved with the main plot knows is coming or is trying to fix and in fact may be making it worse.
LUCT was so good. It really is a shame.
It's literally the same narrator as FFT, and there's a few nods from various items to the FFT cast.
That was their excuse, anyway. You're not wrong that they COULD have had it both ways, but they clearly decided to just pick one option, and I think they chose poorly.
There are nods to Arthurian legends too. Yazmat called them easter eggs, they're legends and allusions.
i just played through this a few months ago for the first time, pretty awesome game
Why does Yea Forums adore Vagrant Story so much? It's one of those games where everyone kept going on about how it was this brilliant underrated gem and some sort of pinnacle of both gameplay and story. Then I finally got to play it, and it was just so...boring. The game not only looks hideous and consists almost entirely of puke brown corridors with some of the ugliest texture work I've seen, and with characters being jittery, low-poly deformed abominations, but its combat is beyond clunky. You can't simply fight an enemy like you would in a normal action-RPG, between every attack there is a pause where you have to retarget them. Even something as simple as casting a spell pauses the game.
This is also a game where you have to switch weapons constantly, and to do so requires constant laborious and lengthy scrolling through what has got to be the worst menu system ever made.The music consists of bland, utterly forgettable orchestral ambient tracks. There's barely any sound design to speak of, and a complete lack of voice acting, while still having cutscenes with close-ups of character faces, bizarrely enough. The story is nothing more than the cliche 'bad guy gets corrupted with ancient evil force and goes mad with power' trope told in a needlessly pretentious manner.
To put things into perspective: Vagrant Story came out in the same year as other action-RPGs like Severance: Blade of Darkness, Deus Ex, System Shock 2 and Diablo 2. Those are action-RPGs that are actually memorable and fun, even to this day.
VS takes place in Valendia, which is indeed mentioned in ffxii.
At least it's nothing as bad as what happens in TO, where at least on the Law path Vyse is a major player in the plot and the conflict between him and the main character involves the former going ahead and literally creating a third faction for the civil war that's happening through the continent made up of poor commoners that are disenfranchised with noble rule only for him to join the party essentially at random after one battle and that whole plotline disappears into dust.
It is pretty great, but the length of the final dungeon was already giving me a little bit of fatigue. Also I kinda feel the quality of the story drops a bit after Galgastan is dealt with and it kind of lose focus.
games where you have generic units keep me from being invested in them
The gameplay and the translation
>five characters per battle
Don't forget the part where you get a choice whether to massacre a bunch of people to cover something up.
If you agree to do it, Vyce will be appalled at your actions and try to kill you
If you refuse to do it, Vyce will be disgusted by your betrayal of your duties and try to kill you.
Shit's fucking stupid.
You recruit named characters eventually and they come with unique classes
>what is Fire Emblem
"Bro I'm too injured to ever fight again but I'll keep following you and I might even fight in some cutscenes"
What a cop-out
>looks hideous
It's fucking gorgeous for the PS1, mate, I dunno what you're talking about. And there's plenty of color variation if you play past the first half-hour of it.
>orchestral ambient
There's plenty of orchestral stuff but there's definitely some variance, and a good chunk definitely isn't ambient.
As for the combat system, it's more trying to be Parasite Eve than a traditional action RPG.
Yeah i don't have fond memories of that game either. Having to keep 3 different weapons for each enemy type, hitting bosses for 1-2 damage, chain breaking everything, getting hit for half your hp and having to heal it everytime
Plus YE OLDE ENGLISH does not sit well with me
The Final Fantasy world is shit. Still fun.
Also you can set weapons, spells, and items to various buttons, if I remember right.
It was a little disappointing to discover that he always opposes you, because I thought that was a nice neat little subversion on the story path I picked. Until that point in time Vyse had been the party's designated edgemeister and I was sure my sister would object to rampant murder like that, but to have Vyse seemingly show himself as, despite being an unlikable cunt, still moral enough to be horrified by cold-blooded murder of innocents like that, and Catiua as devoted enough to her brother to go ALONG with that kind of immoral act was really surprising.
It's the exact right word, learn the definition nigga
For me its Stella Deus.
>game looks gorgeous
>doesn't post actual screenshots of the gameplay in motion, just 3d renders
Nice argumnt. Here is what the game actually looks like when you're playing it:
It's not a looker.
What fucking emulator is that, mate? Because that shit's fucked.
I played it again recently and while some things still hold up very well, others do not. Still a classic though
BM and Math was insta win. Tedious to level but extremely op once you got it
Is that supposed to look impressive? Because it pales in comparison to some of the better looking PS1 games, like this one:
Note the fully voiced, lip-synced dialogue, unlike Vagrant Story where there is neither voice acting nor lip movement.
Also note the sprawling, open environment, which is much more ambitious than Vagrant Story's tiny corridor maps, and still manages to look betteer.
Like, shit's jagged, but it's not THAT jagged, and you can actually make out the textures.
probably had something to do with square's cgi fetish. ff7 had no room for added or alternate endings for yuffie and vincent so it just got one big ending without them. fft was one disc so they went with ramza and sis riding chocobos instead of fft sprites getting conclusions.
Is there anyway to beat this game without studying meta? I love nu-xcom so I wanted to play this but it's a bit intimidating what with matching the zodiacs etc. Any basic tips to play and just enjoy it?
i thought vagrant story was intentionally claustrophobic to fit the themes of the game being darker fantasy
Also because it's set in a mostly underground ruined city and those don't really have sprawling plains.
Though even then, it still had a forest section.
what is jrpg fan's last srpg then?
What does it being set underground/in tight quarters have to do with rooms being so tiny? Other games that are set in dungeon environments don't have such frequent map transitions.
It's funny, SRPGs where you don't get generic units interest me less. Then again, I'm also not a fan of SRPGs that don't let me grind, and apparently people hate that you can grind to be higher level and trivialize content in these games, so I guess I'm the wrong kind of person.
Why are you complete imbeciles STILL responding to WRPG-Kun?
People have beaten the game with seriously gimped groups and classes, you'll be fine unless you purposely make a shitty team. Make sure Ramza knows a class that can deal good damage and/or that can heal itself before you finish chapters 2 and 3.
Make sure to learn new jobs regularly and buy at least 2 of each kind of accessory slot item, the right ones can neutralize frustrating boss abilities.
Also geomancers seem lame but they are cool and getting lucky with status effects can turn a bad fight around.
troops with high faith make good spell casters and those with high brave make good fighters
random encounters level with you but story missions do not
try to keep your characters on a distinct progression path, leveling as one class 20 times in a row is a lot more viable than spreading out those levels if you want a specific stat, like speed or magic atk
not all advance classes have the best stat growths and not all beginning classes are weak
last bit of advice, make sure you have both genders represented in your squad or charm spells will rape you
I just want an excuse to post pretty Vagrant Story textures, honestly.
Anyone tried Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark? I've heard some people say it's even better than FFT mechanically, but that the story is generic and the artstyle is pretty gross
I like them.
Go on
It's actually pretty hard to find screenshots that aren't at piss quality and don't have an "unregistered hypercam 2" or whatever. I should really play it again sometime.
The game was incredibly unbalanced and the only way to be challenged is to ignore everything and play like a complete scrub
I was just about to ask what people thought of Fell Seal. I'm playing it myself and finding it to be pretty good. I'm not very far so I can't really judge the story, but it's not bad. Gameplay feels good, too.
The first person mode isn't really good for much other than taking pictures, but I appreciate it none the less.
Breaking this game was fun as fuck.
Never played this but was thinking of getting it on my phone, also never played a phone game but I thought it seemed like it might be good
How's it measure up to FFT? I might check it out if it goes on sale in the spring sale, full price isn't happening
Looks kind of like Minecraft.
The drawers not being straight lines bothers the fuck out of me though.
Advance and A2 aren't as good and A2 was a flop so now FFT is dead outside of a bad April Fools prank
I actually find this incredibly cozy, haha
So far so good, it's not as grim (Yet, the story does seem to be hinting that shit is bad...) and the art style isn't as good IMO, but there's some good depth to the gameplay and I'm enjoying the game's job system, and it carries over the ability to use another job's active skill, two passives, and a counter move.
Anyone playing Tactics Ogre One Vision?
what was the reason for this anyway
I played it last year, the quality of life changes were great and it helped reduce a lot of the grinding for skill levels. I still prefer the Chronicle Valeria hack for the SNES version because it adds a bunch of new shit instead of just tweaking values.
Text speed wasn't changed during localization
Going by that screenshot, environments look nice enough, but the characters and their poses... don't.