How did it become so popular?

how did it become so popular?

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Incels bought it.

Plebs love their all style, 0 substance shit


It has cute girls and is aesthetically pleasing

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This honestly. Nothing about this game looks good. Basically it's a simulator where losers with no friends pretend to have friends and nonsensically women will like their unappealing beta asses and the Otaku Basement Dweller fantasy bullshit is just annoying. Especially with characters like Futaba the highly unrealistic fantasy of the bunch. I wonder when the Persona bubble will burst and it will go back to being niche.

appealing protagonist and dope soundtrack and visuals

literally this


Because final fantasy is terrible now

P3 and P4 were loved too, there are plenty of people who love garbage out there.

yes, that explains why ffxv sold so much, but this thread is about p5.

this game is perfect exemple of souless

no new animal crossing. its the new comfy simulator for me

The menus look like they were created for autists. Seriously all the style and motion in the way the menus are done is just an eyesore. All done to "get your attention." It's just annoying looking.

youre so pissed off at people that you look down upon. maybe if you were actually better than them they wouldnt be able to get to you without trying. the game is full of SJW politics to cater to people like you so you should relax

That is sort of true, Futaba is literally a girl genius who looks cute? Bullshit. Women who look good do not waste their time with STEM. And another thing? Women are retarded in general so they're not going to be geniuses in STEM. Every piece of fucking media likes to pretend that women are geniuses by default. And this garbage happens in the West and in the East. Fuck this shit.

>Easy enough to appeal to casuals
>Enough waifu pandering to appeal to incels
It's no mystery.

Ironic weebs

mfw Snoyggers and weebs tell me my games are thrash and never reply when I ask what they play because they play weeb incel shit like Persona, nino ku nini (or something) and Yakuza

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>appealing protagonist
>another expressionless marionette mc
I don't get why the persona team insists on this fucking shit
It was jarring in P3, it was jarring in P4, it was fucking jarring even in DDS (not persona team, I guess, but Hashino directed)
A "silent" self-insert protag doesn't fucking work in a 3rd person game where your character's on the screen in and in every cutscene, it just sticks out like a sore thumb
Vincent is unironically the best Persona team mc by the sheer virtue of having an actual personality that's expressed and portrayed in the game

Many consumers are fans of unskilled menu simulators.

I was doing the fortune teller missions and the first customer was a hard working woman who had all of her ideas stolen by her sexist boss. This is a common narrative by these feminist "blog journalists" wherein every prominent figure of the 20th century somehow raped the women under him and took credit for their contributions. I like the game but Japan seems like it hasnt been inoculated to this mind virus, and they have more of a shame/conformist culture with more public apologies and self-flagellation than us so should they have enough economic incentives to import these politics over there, the Japanese mind seems totally vulnerable.

Have sex

It is a mystery. Persona series has the ugliest waifus I've ever seen in my life. Constant dyke hair, or unappealing colored hair, ugly type of hair, obviously bony or near anorexic looking women most of which are flat chested and because they're Japanese they got no ass/hips.

Persona's female characters are complete SHIT. Being better than the trannies from Steven Universe is not a big achievement. But if you need another comparison, being better than say the females in Kingdom Hearts is not saying much.

>the game is full of SJW politics
no it isn't. if anything, the whole ending shits all over sjw politics.

Reddit and SJW

Yakuza is as manly as it gets.

based and redpilled

>it's bad because it's not on my platform
Fucking kek every time. See you in the port begging thread.

>Axe made from Beelzebub
>Grenade launcher made from baal
Why is Haru the best? and why did Ryuji's ultimate weapon look so pants on head retarded?

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anyone can play persona though. it's on ps3, which is dirt cheap and easily hacked. it's even emulatable, and has been for years.

lots of people wanted to get into persona for the "memes" but couldn't be bothered to play it because it looked boring
With persona 5 and its SO QUIRKY artstyle, normies are hooked

I don't know man, an old hag female teacher being able to do certain interactions with her underaged student and not called out as a degenerate rapist does sound like SJW crap. We all know what would happen if the sexes were flipped, the male teacher would be fired and crucified.

Because it's a good game and Joker in Smash and P5R.

The game looks like utter dogshit, nearing PS2 level graphics so the visuals part certainly isn't true.

I honestly never played it but I've heard it's popular because it's like a "being in Japan" simulator, Japan being obviously the best country on earth for anime lovers

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>Yea Forums hates Persona 5 now

JRPGs are dying so when a major one is coming out with an actual budget and not compile heart/Tales shit, it gets a lot of attention.

Say if Capcom came out with a new Breath of Fire with a decent size budget or a new Grandia game everyone would flip their shit.

I bought because Dunkey liked it. Just finished my ng+ game and can't wait for P5R.

>it's even emulatable
Everyone already knows P5 is complete shit in emulator already so nobody falls for this line anymore and you can't prove to me anyone bought a PS3 just for it.

It has more substance than similar games in the genre, unless you're talking about your own, personal definition of substance.

Women are geniuses and badass. Get the fuck over it shitscum.

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It's popular, what did you expect Yea Forums to do?


yes now. Yea Forums hemled P5 as one of the greatest games of all time for 2 years straight

That's not SJW crap, lmao. The teacher being romanceable, along with all the other older women, were there for the sake of the player. They know some 20+ autist is going to self-insert and gave adult women as choices to prevent real-world men from resorting to degeneracy by dating little high school girls.

If anything is an example of "SJW crap" is the moment when you are going to Mementos to beat the girl that's sadistically bullying the boy Ann says something like "she shouldn't do that if he doesn't want it". That's SJW degeneracy.


Cause PS4
but somehow this one isn't forgotten 2 months after release

Unironically because of memes. Persona 5 was released in 2017 when youtube, twitch, and social media where pumping out memes 24/7. People were shitting out "last surprise" edits and people were making funny youtube videos about the memes.
The last console persona game that was released was in 2008, in an era where most video game memes were still contained to specific sectors of the internet, rather than being shitted out unto all humans via mobile phones.

casual gamers suddenly started playing that shit because of sns trends and shit media, and sns crowd like sjws, white soibois, etc get bored of western aaa trash and dudebro games died off. so its treated a different way from p4.

I don't know if it has 0 substance, but it's certainly the style that drove its appeal (along with a fantastic intro arc that tricks players into thinking the writing of the rest of the game will be anywhere near as good)

>all these seething nincels
How does it feel that you'll never play the best JRPG of this generation?


Yeah, now. Like all games, it comes out and people on Yea Forums love it for about a month. Shitposters start to change the public opinion after that though because they're the only ones so obsessed to still be talking about it.

There were over 80 million PS3s in the wild 3 years before Persona was even released.

I played it on my PS4 and I can say there were easily better JRPGs this past decade

idort here, i did. it was mediocre as hell. not better than 2, 3, or any of the mainline games imo

It's not even as good as other JRPGs on PS4 though?
DQXI, FFXV, Berseria, Ys VIII
It had the best look of all of them but that's the only thing it really excelled in

based megaten idort dabbing on all those secondaries

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It got plenty of criticism right from release, for the first month the threads were filled with wall-of-text blog posts about the flaws
Along with the "5/5, best game ever, I love waifus now xD" crowd

People saying because of the style is partially correct, but it's actually mostly because of P4. P4 attracted a new audience because of how happy go lucky it is unlike the rest of the MegaTen franchise. It then got two anime adaptations to attract the anime nerds, a fighting game for the FGC crowd and a rhythm game. This plus P5 almost entering vaporware territory caused it to get hyped up harder and harder.

Lads, I'm in love with Makoto. I want to tease her so much it hurts.

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>all those xbone games
>only bloodborne for ps4
>mein kampff

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>gaylo and queers of war
You gay brah?

the big twist reveals that the phantom thieves weren't heroic rebels reforming society for the better like they thought they were - they were just puppets for who's really in charge.
the final boss fight against yaldy reveals that the phantom thieves are powerless without the support of the average joe, which is why they weren't doing shit to yaldy until tokyo started cheering for them.
after the final boss fight, the phantom thieves come to terms with the fact that they don't have all the answers, and that society can only truly be improved from professional adults like sae doing their jobs the right way.
basically, p5 spends most of the game building up the sjw slacktivist myth and then brings them back to reality at the end.

It's actually 3 that brought the series to the wider public conscious, though 4 built on that by being even more approachable for complete newcomers, but even then the series was entirely niche up until 5
The attitude's just different now, people wanna be part of whatever's perceived to be the currently in vogue subculture or "fandom", ironic weebs are scourge man

XV being shit and being in that timeframe the most appealing and stylish alternative

But it has great gameplay as well and fun characters.

>brain dead basic turn-based slog
>great gameplay

I fucking love Persona 5, pretty sure most of Yea Forums does as well, just a few shitposters on heavy duty with P5R news.

you've already written off turn-based games so obviously you're not going to get an answer that you deem satisfactory

>not wanting to fuck your teacher


Nothing wrong with solid turn-based gameplay with some features that keep it interesting and a steady addition of new party members and locations.

No, I don't mind turn-based at all, but I also don't think it qualifies as "great" by any means, much less when it's as standard as P5's
But you can dodge and deflect

Honestly, America is the best country for weebs. Having lived in Japan, obviously anime is pretty present there but in the way Disney animation is present here. Not everyone walks around with a body pillow

this man is both based AND redpilled

>having a toaster

Im emulating p5 right now and it runs great. I havnet run into any problems what so ever except for slowdown with too many walking npcs in town areas.

The dungeons and battles run perfectly with no slowdown in any way or even any graphical bugs. Its literally one of the most well emulated games ive ever seen.

>greatest games of all time
nigga what?

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