You guys think it will be possible to play videogames with someone from Mars?

You guys think it will be possible to play videogames with someone from Mars?

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warping cunts

Farmville count?

turned based games

if you're patient

Just use the Stadia technology


Couldn't you play some versions of Civilization by Email?

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>mankind will one day return to playing mail chess
Who would'a thought?

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imagine setting up a PBEM schedule when half the people don't even have 24-hour days

By e-mail turn-based strategy games like Civilizations or Dominions would become popular again. Or, potentially, by that time we'll have done something with tachyons and have FTL communication. That honestly seems pretty plausible as opposed to FTL travel itself.

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>you will never shitpost martians in your lifetime

Yo, let's get this started

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there are still active civ4 PBEM communities

Honestly it'd be no different than playing with people on time-zones on opposite ends of the earth. You're forgetting that regardless of having 24 hour days they're still spinning around and would have their own sleep/wake cycles.

Maybe if it's turn-based.

Imagine having to wait for actual planetary alignment so you can have optimal ping times with your Martian friends.
>best friend moves to Mars
>his time off is always when Earth and Mars are on opposite sides of the Sun

you're the one missing things m8

>22mins ping
Nah fuck off mate

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Not really, by the time people have something established on Mars they'll have developed their own time-zones for the planet, which could then be easily paired to earth time-zones. Three(ish) minutes of lag would make turn-based games pretty feasible, if not kind of long.

Networking between planets will probably always be high-latency and unreliable so probably yeah just by email. Also look forward to space liners sneakernet-ing hard drives of Wikipedia and other important websites back and forth.
>Martians' face when the Gelbooru shipment comes in

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fuck off martian shitposters

>communication signals travel at the speed of light
>take between 3 and 22 minutes
Does light slack off sometimes or what?

Maybe don't hold your breath for hypothetical particles that most scientist can agree on not existing in the first place. Did you just throw out that word because you heard it in a video somewhere?

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But did you try reversing the shield polarity

3 minutes is when the planets are aligned on the same side of the sun together
22 minutes is when the sun is between the planets

planets move




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they'll have their own internet... imagine....

It means it'll depend on where Earth and Mars are relative to each other in Solar System.

I bet we get some form of quantum entanglement communication before any kind of permanent space colonies

That's what they said about Americans and look how that turned out.

I was going more for what I read in science-fiction novels when I was a kid. The Ansible thing from Ender's Game could work, too I guess. The problem there would be to see if we could get quantum teleportation to work for bits of binary to send from computer to computer.

i like tachyon cannons, they're usually good weapons

That gamer came from the moon

Not really due to the fact that it's close to Earth once every two years and other times it's too far away

>Martian shitposters

>Internet 2 will be a Mars exclusive

i'm gonna use my wizard's wand to communicate with the martians

Why couldn't we establish way-point communication satellites?

>you now realize that humanity, at one point, will be spread out so far across the galaxy that sending a message from one person to another somewhere else in the galaxy might take multiple years for it to arrive

Kinda funny cause it's a bit like back then when some people on an expedition in South Africa sent letters with their exploration diary entries or whatever back to Spain or such.

I'm pretty sure tachyon-fields have been proven to exist, bro.

How would having waypoints help make it go any faster than the speed of light?

You'd need some sort of quantum computer able to flip bits instantly on another system. It's possible given what we think we know about quantum entanglement, but we're real far from it

I didn't say that, but it would make communication more reliable as the distances would expand and contract.

i don't post these often but you earned it

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probably because it would be expensive, unreliable and difficult to keep them where they're supposed to be
interplanetary space is complicated

It's optimistic to assume that we will even be able to get off this planet in large numbers to begin with

Not a lot of people, of the next few generations, will leave the planet. But many will be born elsewhere.
It's not like millions of people will move over to Mars. But if you have some dozens of people on Mars they'll start to have offspring and then after a lot of generations and so on..

I mean that's how it works, no?

>Fucking asteroid making the game lag out!

it's pessimistic to assume significant resources will be wasted on achieving nothing in the worthless depths of space

Martian here, we don't play video games. Also don't reply to me because I won't see it for 20 minutes and I'm going moglort shopping

If you start something right now with the expectation that it'll take more than 200 years to finish it will never be finished

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>laggy as fuck link player from mars
fuck martians

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Hope you don't open one of those "your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply within 5 minutes" posts

Why would we even want to live on mars? What does that shithole have to offer?

Even worse than brasilians. Bunch of dustnigger subhumans

>tfw you will never be an early Marsnet shitposter on one of the first colonies, exchanging banter and creating memes with a group of just the right size that they can stay funny and relevant for years like they once did here
>if you're lucky you will show up as a 140 year old normie on the six millionth colony vessel, bringing a 64 petabyte super-harddrive full of outdated pepes with you to further pollute the long-dead chatrooms of the future's good ol days
There are memes alive now that will be brought to Mars some day and that's terrible.

>probably resources
>marginally habitable means less work to improve it
>practice for more important places like Titan

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There will be a permanent settlement on the Moon within the next 50 years, and a permanent colony on Mars within the next century. Screenshot this.

Chinese though.

I imagine that a viable population would need at least a few thousand to avoid a genetic downward spiral, just to be safe, although I don't know the exact numbers.

If we could move things into space more efficiently than rockets, it wouldn't take much for everything else to get going. Whether that's possible or feasible is another matter.

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Venus is better. We just had to find a way to remove all the runaway gas and terra morph it. The rest was just maintenance.

Plus, it's close to the sun so we wouldn't freeze to death there.

I remember this thread on gamespy 20 years ago

Imagine the shitposting from martians when earth's gonna end

>78 years from now
>"What's this, grandma's husband?"
>"Why, this is the screencap I took off of Yea Forums before it was banned from the internet"
>"That one user so called it"

git gud faget

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I will make it my life's work to ensure we either prevent China from escaping its Earth containment or we move ALL Chinese people to a moon colony alone

i hope they give me immortality by then

Of course, we can't even terramorph Earth right now so, we can't even dream about doing that to other planet.

I think we need to start doing it on our deserts, the Sahara and turn it into a forest would be a good start.

Playing videogames with someone from another planet? Why that is a great question. I personally think that if someone is interested in the possibility of a game being made for a planet with an alien population who were unable to evolve or have the ability to understand the concepts of reality, then playing a game such as one developed by an alien is a great opportunity for me. I'm confident that when I see our own video game development community creating projects like this one, I would be willing to make an investment of more than a million dollars to see us reach the next stage of this journey through technology.

Why not just take Venus's braps and put them on Mars?
Fix two planets at once.

Nah, if we're gonna colonize mars, we might as well try giving them good internet

You either acknowledge email chess being video game or you pray for some egghead to build Ansible.

Futurama will be real.
The Chinese are already gene editing and splicing their own. And their ethics on human life doesn't really exist.
They will be the first Maritans due to pure cockroach like resilience.
In time gacha would spread there as well

>giving a fuck about the memes
I'd be more interested in how long it will take before someone ports doom to the new martian mainframe.

We could just use bombs or explode meteors on its atmosphere if that's the case.

Exploding meteors at the surface of a planet to add water is probably our best bet. We just need to get the technology to actually do it.

Tachyons are real, I'm feelin it.

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I like this

As I've already said, I've always been interested in games and the development community, but before I could even begin to contemplate creating one myself, it struck me. I realized that there are millions of potential games out there without even being aware of the ones that exist. If I could create one for humanity that would truly serve as a universal platform, it would be a great resource for developers, and I hope I can convince you that it really is possible.

The first game I'd like to propose for the title space, It was inspired by a certain video game series I have a great fondness for. It was called "Super Mario Party", which started a lot of fanart with the characters Mario and Luigi being a sidekick and a general helper, and now, it is a brand new game series with a different type of gameplay. So the first game we'll discuss is called "Super Mario Party 8-bit". If you haven't heard of this game before, please give us a play, because it is a classic 2D platform game that can be used by many different people. If you are unfamiliar with this game, don't worry: it is very simple and there's an easy to learn guide to follow.

"Super Mario Party 8-bit" also features many collectibles and games related to the game with the use of Mario, Luigi, Peach, the Princess Tifa, and many more from the game set.

>"Grandpa what does 'OP is a faggot' mean?"

Turn based games sure.

scalar waves can go straight through the earth, the sun, and mars, and travel at 20 billion times the speed of light. it's no problem

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What about a big ass cables connecting both planets.

We can do it in our oceans, space is even more empty so, it might be a possibility in the future.

i mean the information they have circulated will operate like an intranet (ie, martian internet is disconnected for the most part from the earth world wide web)

Ok, what are you going to do about the part where planets move and turn?

extra length cables, duh

You've seen a vacuum cleaner with a retractable cord, right?

Planets orbit on just one plane right? Have the cable go up a bit and connect at the north pole. This would also help the cable arc over the sun and connect between both planets.

Venus, heat allows oceans to exist, and the planet is about the size of our planet, so imho its our best option. But which one is the fourth planet? One of the Jupiter moons?

How do you feel about seeing the first instance of alien life within the next couple years, user?

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Connect the cables to space stations of course. Not to the planets.

Earth; Mars; Venus; the Moon


Actually no, all my vacuum cleaners had the ol' looping cords.

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Alright, how does that help data travel faster than the speed of light?

Developing such a videogame is a colossal task within itself, my friend, and so you must realize that you are an idiot when you want to do a videogame. So if you decide to make a videogame, go ahead, I'm here to support you. You know, to help you realize that whatever you think you are doing is something more than just that.
So you need help. Like, for the videogame, a lot of help.
This is not so much a videogame as a platformer. And a platformer is kind of like a fighting game, you know? You get to smash your way through enemies for a while, which means that, you know, a lot of work would go into getting that to work. It takes a lot of skill, you know? You have to learn how to control things, you have to learn how to get around different enemies, to maneuver around different weapons. Well, there's all this stuff! There's all this stuff. Wrap you head around it for a bit.

It's life, but not as we know it

fuck spaceniggers but at least they crashed on jupiter's moon and not ours
solar system's still full

I hope the females are sexy

I hope there is something on Europa, there's no chance of it being anything other than very basic microorganisms but even that would be enough to change how we see everything outside of Earth

>his planet can't survive the sun going supernova

what are you talking about user? nothing can live on jupiter, not even on their moons due to jupiter radiation, otherwise the moons would be excellent candidates for any life in this little solar system

How long did it take for that mars rover to send pictures to earth?

>he doesn't believe
OnLive on the Mars Stadia soon boys

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That would be devilish

I thought Space Station 13 was played with Martians? The lag is pretty spot on.

What would it change exactly? Don't get me wrong I'd be hyped, but pretty much everyone with two braincells to rub together has already accepted that life exists out there, because it's statistically impossible for it to only have developed once in the universe when there's literally nothing special about our star system or galaxy.

dude everyone knows that cables transfer stuff, like, instantly wtf

>tfw you were born too early to live on Mars

Earth has too many people whose souls are weighed down by gravity. Mars is FREEDOM.

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>Local world uses regular fiber or higher tier internet
>Regions have central "nodes" housing quantum entanglement computers which receives all data from local; sends them into Earth-based nodes
>Earth nodes redistribute data to local world internet

>Yeah but why not all computer just have QEntangled shit
I'd guess it'd be super expensive to do, thus the scarce nodes

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It also has a portal to hell, so like
No thanks

>mfw people from Mars would evolve to be 8'+
Earthlets, when will they learn

How do they do that anyway? It's like they move stuff super fast. I wonder if there's a limit on how fast a thing could be moved, even in a cable.

that reminds me
anyone remember this movie? I saw it years ago and remember it being kinda good as far as alien movies go

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Game designers will have to redesign games to account for a cross-planet playerbase.

LITERALLY has their heads in the clouds

Earth in particular is a pretty special place. The Moon and Jupiter playing shield for us isn't a common setup. Less complex life almost certainly exists but multicellular let alone intelligent life might be vanishingly rare.

>and then would be unable to live on Earth without major long-term health complications

the underground ocean meme is false, sorry to say.

Entangled particles only stay entangled so long as you don't fuck with them. I'm assuming they couldn't be utilized to transmit data based on this

>humans can't even survive harsh climates on planet the perfect distance from the sun (Earth).
>fool other gullible humans into thinking they could survive on a planet even colder, harsher, and further away from the sun.

Think about how cold it is on the coldest part of Earth. Then think about 33 million miles further away from the heat source.

It's like being burned by warm rice, then saying you could survive inside the sun.

Having tangible proof of something is important, even if it seems obvious. It's a small difference between "life outside Earth almost certainly exists", and "life outside Earth definitely exists", but I think it would change the general perception of what space is like for the better.

>I wonder if there's a limit on how fast a thing could be moved, even in a cable.
it depends on your isp

no way dude that's whack

Literally Minnesota is colder than Mars in the summer

lmao. enjoy your bone density loss, gravitylets

>2025, first woman on mars
>because of course they're going to have a woman set foot on another planet first it's 2025
>2030, mars colony starting to grow
>2035, first streamer on mars, 6 hours delay
>2040, one million people on mars
>2050, bullshit faster than light communication is invented
>2051, first earth vs mars tournament

We'll all be playing ASCII roguelikes to conserve processing power for our ships' subsystems.

Sure, but we're talking about a universe vast enough that something with only a trillionth of a trillionth of a chance of happening will happen... trillions of times. We might never encounter any aliens or alien artifacts, but they're certainly there. Our solar system's layout is uncommon, yet we've identified multiple other systems just within our local section of the galaxy that likely have the same setup. Whether some unicellular life exists on Europa or on some rock a billion galaxies over isn't too significant, I'd be more interested in finding out what life exists in those other star systems with Jovians and moons.

Enjoy your glass bones, lanklet

>terramorph venus
>perpetual summer
>humans can finally evolve to be ecthotermic creatures
>mfw we're free to hybernate and go long periods of time without eating and live longer to colonize other solar systems
Can't wait bros

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We should just wait until mars is at its closest and lay a really long backbone cable so they can connect to earth internet, since fibre optic is faster than light it wont be much worse than playing with someone in austrailia.

entanglement doesn't exist

It'll take you 5 years to realize I fucked your mom

So it's like Aldnoah Zero?

>terramorph venus
the amount of work that'd take would be beyond this world

>only the best of the best will be sent to mars
>mars will be populated by top tier genetics and IQ
>slowly terraformed to a green paradise
>meanwhile earth will be left with trailer trash
>slowly turning into venus 2.0

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>implying Mars isn't humanity's original home

Daily reminder that the moment our moon is out of our orbit its game over for us.

Our planet rotation will stop, we will most likely become tidaly lock, and not just that our axis will become a 100% vertical one, that means extreme heat deserts in one of the hemisphere and complete frost in the other. Both equal to less liquid water

All in all, we need to become space faerer species asap

Even light is entitled to lunch breaks

isn't the europa report a podcast

Fuck no!
Planet lock when?
Fucking Marbids. stop ruining my games!

the moon will always rotate around earth you schizo

>statistically impossible
>when there's literally nothing special about our star system or galaxy.
We don't know the conditions necessary for abiogenesis, or if this is even how life originated on our planet. It might be statistically plentiful or statistically improbable. "We exist therefore it ought to be plentiful" is a faulty conclusion drawn from the premise. A lottery winner would likewise erroneously conclude that there must be tons of other lottery winners out there.

I think more life in this star system will more likely point to a panspermia theory rather than abiogenesis, especially if they have the same DNA structure

>implying you’ll live to see even the first steps toward this future

No it will not

Panspermia only pushes the origin back desu

That literally won't happen. Also we have much bigger problems than that you idiot.

It's moving further away every year but it will be millions of years before we lose it.

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Just throw some meteors at it.

>Daily reminder that the moment our moon is out of our orbit
I'll keep moving until it settles in a stable orbit and stop, it's not just going to drift off into space one day.

There might be no origin

Do you not know what optic means?

Throwing meteors at things makes them hotter.

ah yes someone with worse internet than aussies

It's ice meteors

Phooey are those Earthing spamming "nigger" in my chatroom again, I say I really hate those backwards monkeys

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>tfw we wont leave our planet in this lifetime.
Why? Why? Why? Why are we in this era where we know so much, but will NEVER experience it? I don't wanna die stranded on this fucking shithole. It's not like pre-20th century where nobody even thought about going to space but this hellscape of the present era where we're stuck here.

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Glass cable

>Homosexuals will be much bigger in the future, not having been subject to the gravity of women

Dumb martians.

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An what goes through that glass cable?


No it's symbolism of subhumans holding back whites with their primitive low iq lifestyle.

Via telepathy, perhaps.

>be martian
>go outside
>die because oxygenlet

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Light but it'll travel faster though the cable than space to reach mars because it doesn't need to go around space debris, other planets, or the sun to reach mars, it's got a direct path

Mars coincidentally has 24 hour days btw.

Fuck Mars

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25 hours

And the cable just goes through them?

>comfy Martian server
>underage V*nusmonkeys join and spike the ping

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light travels fasted through a vacuum, which is mostly what space is
fiber optic cables are slightly slower than the speed of light, since the glass actually slows light down. plus you need repeaters otherwise you lose the signal entirely over long distances. a cable hundreds of millions of miles long would never work, even if we could technically make it

The cable will tether earth and mars together so they will always be close together
Just don't open portals to hell, if they ask you to help.

Oh ok. That's even stupider.


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Earth is flat

We're talking about Mars here.

by that point psychokinesis upon computers will be sufficiently developed

Shut the fuck up earthlets. You couldn't survive one minute here because you're always babied.

Earth is geoid also only rings on orbit is flat.

Based glowbot

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The Space Between Us was an awful movie

because those satellites would also need to orbit the sun or orbit another planet, in which case they would be subjected to the same issues that sending the message straight to mars would, only this time it would be compounded since you have to relay the message between multiple points instead of just one.

Somewhere in the past that was a living planet. Huh makes you think right.
Only massive meteorite bombardment can restart life on Mars, or nukes on the Mars core.


I-Its was a joke. Haha

>be martianlet
>can't even go outside without environment suit
>weak bones
>weak muscles
>weak heart
>"but muh frontier planet"
when will martianlets learn?

With my superior bone density and robust muscular system I'll have no trouble at all.

Hope this helps.

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wouldn't "earthlet" be the more appropriate term
manlet is someone who is less than a man

Are women manlets?

Nuke the the fucking core, dumbasses. Start vulcan eruptions and tectonic activity already.

>Can't go through the whole thread for actual discussion about the topic without going through hoards of shitposts
Link me to any that stand out.
My answer is yes. But it's gonna be really fucking laggy. Probably gonna be games that continue playing while going afk so it still feels like real time.

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That would potentially tear the planet apart. It's actually not a good idea


Let's face it, guys, we're never getting off this planet.

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mars will never be terraformed if they don't get their weak ass core spinning.

No, because humies will never live on Mars or in space. Stop believing in memes.

Testeronelets, but there are exceptions.

>nothing happens: the movie

the dedication to realism for the ship was neat though.

But we've got like six people in space right now.

Planet core lives on nuke blasts.

>still no $150 200tb HD with 750gb RAM power
this timeline sucks

Why is there no pic related like company that's creating fantastic technology future shit and actual hope for a future? Space X is fucking garbage and noway near even close to what it should be doing.

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We need to at least try. Its not like anyone is going to miss Mars.
Besides blowing up a planet sounds cool as hell.

Dude, the planet is way too small for that.

Other method is restart life on mars is massive meteorite bombardment. This is activate tectonic activity. Also give water and minerals.

>plus or minus

It means you suck cocks Billy.

>Invest huge amounts of energy getting out of Earth's gravity well.
>Immediately throw yourself down another one.
Planets are just glorified quarries. Habitats are where it's at.

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Yeah, Dominions

You can't have a fusion reaction without an active core and Mars is too small to have that.

Not to talk the best way to have water and an atmosphere on the planet using that methot would be by exploding the meteors before they could reach the planet. Otherwise you could potentially scar the surface of the planet like our own moon, destroy what small atmosphere it still has and send debrid flying everywhere or potentially tear it apart

Nobody wants to turn into those disgusting fat Wall-e slobs that eat food flavors out of a cup.

isn't Earth the only planet with its type of geological system in our Solar System because of water? Tectonic plates require oceans. Maybe Titan has it too, dunno.

it would take nearly an entire planet's worth of resources to even build something like that, so why not just cut out the middle man and live on the planet?

how the fuck you gonna build that shit? where are you gonna find strong enough metal to make it out of so it doesn't just fly apart?
metal that strong doesn't exist

>Tectonic plates require oceans
Wrong dumbass. Tectonic plates require an active core with a mantle.

>gravity bad
>fly around in a centrifuge that creates artificial gravity

>You can't have a fusion reaction without an active core and Mars is too small to have that.
How do you think Earth was created. It was small planet too. Meteorites bombardment started life on Earth literally.

This user gets it. Terraforming a planet is a stupid waste, traveling who knows how many lightyears away to find a near-perfect planet just waiting for us is a stupid waste. We have everything we need already in our solar system to start building O'Neill cylindrical habitats fine-tuned for human life. It requires no terraforming, no extra-solar travel, and substantially fewer technological advancements than either of those options. Hell, get enough of them flying around the sun and link them together and you've got yourself a discount Dyson swarm as well as habitats to support quadrillions of humans.

graphene is probably going to be your answer

Mars will be australia but so much worse. Imagine the fucking accent thats spawned from endless radioactive desert and being underground at all times. AND they'll ruin every thread they're in AND shit up every game they somehow manage to connect to. Though I doubt radio will be used by that time, probably going to be entangled quantum pair connection.

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literally unironically netflix killed it. with streaming there's no need for optical media anymore. so development on optical media beyond BD halted. So the next major leap in optical storage never was developed. Holographic Versatile Disk with terabytes of capacity, and the holographic internal drive with 10's to 100's of terabytes and eventually a petabyte drive.

enjoy your $1000 SSD that will fail in 2 years though.

>habitats to support quadrillions of humans
imagine the fucking squallor and third-world-tier swarms

it would still fall apart in space. you'd be restricted to building tiny habitats no more than a few miles wide.

This shit doesn't have restart function like planets.
This construction can not live long enough. Big spacecrafts is dead idea.
>tfw 10 million civilizations left to the end of life on Earth

It's not real gravity, all you have to do is cancel your momentum and you're free of it. Extremely energy efficient.

>enjoy your $1000 SSD that will fail in 2 years though.
SSDs are pretty durable. Will probably go below $0.10 per GB this year as well

>tiny habitats no more than a few miles wide.
user that's still far larger than any single human made habitation not carved into a mountain.

Just because its ironic doesnt means its funny
Fuck off

Unless FTW communication is discovered, the only interplanetary multiplayer will be turn-based games.

>build habitats in space
>they get bigger and bigger
>finally one collapses on itself in a ball
>live on it anyway
i-it's not a planet, guys, it's a habitat!

through dick, unity

Sure. Maybe sometime in the distant future. Meanwhile in the fucking present i still have an absolutely abysmal connection and I can hardly play online games. Cant play at all if anyone else is on the net.

there are near earth asteroids we could start mining and turn into these relatively easy.
If something happens to spacecraft it's dead including everything on it. Otherwise planets a literally living being that can heal themselves.
Also have a defence systems from necromorphs or something like that.

But it wouldn't do much to Mars other than scaring its surface or worse. The planet is too small to have an active core.

The best way for it to keep an atmosphere is for us to actively terramorph it, or hell, why not giant imans? Maybe one day we can produce an artificial magnosphere.

I'm currently reading through the culture series
I wish I was living the easy life on a GSV

>Lagging behind the Earth in orbit
Lmao martians are so lazy and inept even their planet can't catch up to Earth

>10 years into a fucking Mars colony people are somehow going to let someone play games non-stop while leeching off precious resources and everyone else works, and also getting disproportionally paid for it too.

They'll speak Chinese. You time's running out, anglo fucking shit.

not until they figure out quantum shite

It was a living planet too you know, and it was created by meteorite bombardment or something like that.

yeah but it would be one that would be constantly riddled with holes from specks of space debris slamming into it 40x the speed of light. there's nowhere you could put it in space that would be safe from the constant bombardment.
not to mention that it would be cooked by the sun's radiation unless it had some sort of artificial magnetosphere.

We are, it's just going to take a long time, we might not see it.

Are they just trying to finish the first game they ever started?

1984 Tiananmen Square Massacre filthy bugman.

>oles from specks of space debris slamming into it 40x the speed of light
user if it has mass it can't exceed C, or even be AT C. Surrounding it in a thick waterjacket solves both issues and doubles as a greywater containment unit and insulator for heat/cold.

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Honestly the hype around colonizing Mars is overrated. If you really look at it, Mars is just fucking shit. Its got a wispy thin atmosphere, no magnetosphere, a longer orbital period, and gravity comparable to the moon. Its an overall shit choice when compared to our other options. We really should be looking more at Venus as our first option. Now before you say this is a dumb idea I want you to consider a few things. Yes, the atmosphere has sulfuric acid. Yes, at the surface level you would be squished and cooked alive. However I'm not suggesting we try to build a colony on the surface. Rather I suggest we build floating cities in the upper atmosphere. The upper atmosphere has an average temperature of around 76 Celsius and has about 1atm of pressure. Venus also has a magnetosphere that can protect us from radiation. And normal air works as a lifting gas in the ultra dense atmosphere of Venus. Its not going to be easy, but I honestly believe that we have a better chance of colonizing Venus than we do Mars. Especially if we use microbes to break down the toxic elements in Venus' atmosphere.

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wikileaks, filthy mulatto man :^)

if you're young enough you MIGHT see a manned mission to mars. you and your children and your children's children have no hope of seeing a colony on mars OR the moon.
those are the facts

Like it on not without tectonic activity planet is dead. Need a spinning force.

And now it's not. Venus as well.

You know what's also shit in our solar system? The fact that we don't have a single mega earth. And they are apparently very common in other solar systems.

I think we had an extremely shit luck with our solar system, with Mars being too small, venus being in a runaway climate hell, no super earth for us to explore.

If we had at least one more planet, things would be easier.

Why is technology progression so slow? From the 1900's they went from coal trains and crank machine guns to spacecraft and jet planes in only 60 years. I don't fucking care about stem cell steak or shit grown burgers to feed third world animals I want actual technology progression like exosuits to let the disabled walk or give you the strength to lift loaded pallets, actual robots that have purpose instead of retarded demos like Awsimo or Boston engineer videos.

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space shuttle travels that fast
did you forget that space is a vacuum?

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Hey, just like in southamerica!

If not for the Outer Space Treaty then humans would already be living on Mars.
Banning the ownership and militarization of space killed any real incentive for going up there. It's why the space race stopped.

>The upper atmosphere has an average temperature of around 76 Celsius
Wow sounds really comfy and toasty.

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You said it yourself, the focus is mostly on complete bullshit.

>Why is technology progression so slow?
Because DARPA's at least 60 years ahead of anything the public ever gets to see. Consumer goys don't know about actual "modern" technology until decades later.

We would communicate with earth through quantum entanglement.
No fucking around with satellites.

>Venus also has a magnetosphere
Venus has shit all magnetosphere. It just has so much atmosphere cosmic particles give up long before they reach you.

It's still a more interesting place than Mars, though. Fuck Mars.

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Jokes on you, planets can heal themselves. This is just matter of time. I suppose Venus and Mars was a living planets because the are have all conditions to that.

On Mars CO2 literally freezes and comes down as snow. Do you want a planet thats a little warm or a planet thats cold to the point of gas freezing?

that's a very fast shuttle

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>Be martians
>Die to breathing mars dirt

>they age quicker

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>Venus has shit all magnetosphere.
It doesn't have a magnetosphere like Earth, but there is a magnetic field that is generated within the clouds.

6 to 30 minute latency based on their orbit.

You should also say Moon is humanity frontier satellite and should be habitant.

I do. We'd be retarded not to pioneer technology that we can use on other planets on the moon first. If something goes wrong we can send a rocket up that will reach the colony in a matter of days, not months.

Space Engine 0.99 when...

Because we had found a new energy source that was better than anything we had before. Every advancement that came about was because of the use of electricity. They were ideas just waiting to happen.
But electricity can only take you so far and this is the end result of it. We've capped out. We won't get another boom in technology until we discover another new form of energy. For the last 30 years at least the goal has been to use electricity more efficiently because there's only so much you can do with it.

Maybe we'll see cold fusion reactors or something in the future. But for now we're fucking stuck.

The moon is a prime example on how being in the Goldie lock zone isn't enough to produce life.

Am I, a white male, soon to be allowed to call people sandniggers. What a time to be alive.

Why not nuclear energy? Ignoring retarded Boomer fear from 20+ years of Simsons Uranium and Nuclear reactors seem like a much better idea than bird killing and ugly as fuck windfarms and the smog belching powerplants.

You can already. Who's going to stop you?

Stop judging planets by what is on the outside racist. All planets are equal.

>Be me
>Construct a spaceship
>On the day before I launch it steal a shit ton of uranium from China
>Fly to pluto with the help of constant acceleration
>Construct a missile silo and dont tell anyone about it
>Set it to launch its payload at any ships and sattelites it sees.
>Prevent normie humans from getting involved in the galactic scene and ruining it for the Zorks and the Jlksd with shitty activist organizations

What now earthlets?

Why does robotics seem so samey and primitive? It's always the exact same with this barely built metal husk or plastic thing that does extremely basic tasks like walking or picking up a box. Or it's entierly remote controlled which requires human input. That fucking level should have been from the 1990's not near 2020 already. Nothing actually advanced with a built in OS personality that can preform complex tasks.

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>Why not nuclear energy?
Well why don't I just tell you the number one argument against nuclear energy.
Muh chernobyl

Nuclear energy isn't the kind of new advance we'd need for energy. You still have to have a way to store the energy and you can't just have nuclear reactors everywhere you need to generate electricity.
The problem isn't producing electricity. We've already mastered that. The problem is when you need energy where no energy source can be put. This is why electric cars aren't as ubiquitous because gas is incredibly easy to store.
What we need then is either an alternative to electricity or a new extremely efficient way to store it.

spotted the pluto-let
gtfo faggot ur not even a planet anymore

Alright you fantastically retarded nigger, what exactly do you think is required for autonomous function?

Better programming you even more retarded double nigger.

reminder we went made those jumps through war and conflict. Research is slow because there is a very long process to it, we KNOW we can do cool shit with railguns and fusion energy however we LACK the materials research to make railguns practical - we can produce fusion energy however it barely/doesnt product net energy. it also gets really fuckin hot so we need to get magnetic plasma containment in a good spot

also, we are currently in a climate crisis, and you would think it would spark innovation on a larger scale. photovolatics are getting more and more efficient every year, while batteries are getting super efficient too, this is boring innovation, but it is still innovation

because 3 nuclear accidents reported on as if they could happen any time outside of the circumstances they actually happened in

reminder one of the biggest reasons chernobyl happened was because of shoddy construction, Fukushima was built in a really shitty place

Unfortunately Chernobyl is still too good a deterrent for nuclear power. Doesn't help that Russia still doesn't want to admit that it fucked up so tremendously, that they initially tried to fucking hide the initial accident and more or less doomed millions of people through their own corruption and ineptness. The level of incompetence still infuriates me desu.

You'd have tens of thousands of habitats you dolt, each O'Neill cylinder can support billions. They're larger than user's image implies, although you could always build smaller ones for millions or even just thousands of people instead if you wanted to.
This is beyond silly. Necromorphs are so ridiculous that until we actually encounter something like that (i.e. almost certainly never) there's no point in arguing what would be better for dealing with them. Habitats can be built to have ridiculous redundancy and safety to the point that nothing short of an asteroid strike could truly damage them, but then you just use your thrusters to move out of the way. The things that would doom habitats would also doom the Earth.

>Muh chernobyl
Three Mile Island didn't help.

>Fukushima was built in a really shitty place
Honestly this will always be the drawback to nuclear energy. You can't find a place on earth that a nuclear reactor won't be in some kind of geological danger. Until we find a way to truly fail-safe them we'll have to deal with meltdowns. The problem is that you can't just make radioactive material not radioactive when a disaster occurs.

>can't find a place on earth
Southwest American states like Arizona, New Mexico and Northern Texas
Russian frontier shitholes like Siberia
Don't build powerplant where tsunami's and earthquakes happen regularly.

This is probably a brainlet-tier idea but why not build them in space? Meltdowns could be fixed by robots and wouldn't damage Earth (if they ever even happened). Don't we have technology that lets us transmit a lot of power wirelessly? I'd imagine there's some issue getting it through the atmosphere and heat is hard to do away with in space but other than that I don't see why it wouldn't work.

>Northern Texas
I dunno about the rest of those areas but I live in Southern Oklahoma and there are earthquakes constantly, hundreds per year though only a dozen or so can actually shake a room up.

midwest US is "ok", tornadoes and storms being the scariest part

Alright you quadruple nigger I'll spell it out for you since you've got a celsius room temp iq. Think about all the different things your body has to do to keep you from falling over when you walk. If someone gives you a little push when you're walking do you fall over? If you stumble over a crack in the sidewalk do you just faceplant? You ever wonder why you don't? Because we've got a fucking supercomputer in our heads that does millions of on the fly calculations to determine how exactly to react to something out of the ordinary even when its never encountered something before. Better programming doesn't mean shit when you need something that can learn and adapt, and especially need precision movements so you don't just have a walking metal death machine that has turbo tard strength.

It makes me absolutely furious that people think a poorly staffed soviet nuclear power plant from 30+ years ago has any bearing on the nuke plants of today.

No, the speed of light is too slow.

Probably chess or some shit.

So build them where there are no tornadoes like Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. Even the Appalachias would be good places to build Nuclear plants too.

Radioactive debris in near earth orbit sounds pretty bad

The point of building a reactor near the sea is probably to use sea water to help with cooling.

Gyroscopes then dumbass.

>You can't find a place on earth that a nuclear reactor won't be in some kind of geological danger
New Mexico, the Canadian shield, the vast majority of the American midwest, Siberia, Greenland, etc...

why not just make floating reactors bruh

I suppose there'd be the risk of it raining down on the planet, but how would it get there in the first place? As far as I know satellites are generally rather safe, it's not like they're colliding or getting destroyed by space rocks.

What's worse is that it was the design on the reactor itself that was flawed and the head engineers fucked up the test so badly. Good luck getting any Russian politician - even now - to admit that (unless you just want them to blame it all on the guys in the plant, the cowards will blame them all day).

Attached: Some call it the Phantom Death, 'cause that's what it is. You can't see it, you can&# (1280x720, 2.58M)

Only Earth and Ganymede

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Yes, lets just use all the battery power of the robot to spin reaction wheels so it never falls over ever. Never mind any sort of precision or agility.

- Even though you'll cut out the need for shielding, a nuclear power plant is a huge, sprawling, complex machine. You'll have to get hundreds, possibly thousands of tons of stuff up there to make it.
- People get panicky enough about the little RTGs we put on the occasional probe. Shifting a stack of fuel rods into the sky every other week on what is essentially a giant firework will annoy them .
- Reactors get really hot and you don't have a nearby river or sea to cool it down with, so you'll need masses of radiators to cool it down, adding to the amount of shit you need to get into orbit.

We kinda left a mess around Earth, there's a bunch of debris ready to turn stuff in swiss cheese if we're not careful.

Japan can only build shit on Japan.
Maybe when we have the world government you can bring that up with them.

I haven't seen that show, but reading about Chernobyl it seems absolutely fucking terrifying being anywhere close to the reactor when it was in meltdown. You look directly into the blown out reactor and you instantly get a fatal dose of radiation without even knowing it.

You guys are missing my point. I'm not saying we should try to find safe places to build reactors but that we should try to build reactors that can be put anywhere.

Then Japan shouldn't build any nuclear reactors if they're only building on that shit island susceptible to Tsunami's and Earthquakes. Nuclear Powerplants for Americans, Russians, Canadicucks and Greenlanders only I guess.

Air turbines look cool right?

>we should try to build reactors that can be put anywhere.
We already can. Modern reactors have almost zero chance of melting down. Nuclear energy is the safest form of energy production in the history of the world. Its safer than coal, gas, wind, hydro, and maybe solar.

What's the source on this clip? Google is failing me. Also at that point why not just enjoy the unfiltered view, you're already dead anyway.
Sucks to hear that we've already keppler'd our own orbit, I thought we had been cleaner about it.
Good points.

They're ugly as sin and take up too much space for them to be useful.

t. Modernist faggot.

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This, there's even one at some university that is run and managed entirely by students. They don't even have a nuclear engineering program at the school, it's just safe enough that even amateurs can babysit it. Provides all the power the university needs too.

LEO is pretty messy, but we're working to clean it up with magnets or something before it gets too bad.

Fuck Mars, give me terraformed Venus - aka Paradise Earth 2.0 or bust

It's also closer than Mars so ping time will be shorter, Venus and Earth will be closer in every way than the dust rats on Mars

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It treats radiation/the reactor almost like this invisible Lovecraftian entity that you can stop or see. It's pretty fucking horrifying. The third episode is based on the Liquidators who had to round up and shot all the escaped eradiated pets in Pripyat/Chernobyl, it's gonna suck so bad man.

It's from the HBO series Chernobyl.

Well you better hope we find out that literally everything in the universe is connected by an invisible, living string or the Enders Game ansible is out

Yep. Even though its a joke in the show you could literally have a Homer Simpson run a plant and there would be zero danger to anyone. Hell, most reactors nowaday can run themselves thanks to AI and automation.

Incidentally, what are some good games about terraforming?

It's my favorite concept in scifi

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How do you plan on making the surface habitable? Those shit cloud colonies are a very bad idea becahse one mishap and the whole city will crash towards the super pressured and hot surface.

You are absolutely my nigger. I did an internship at NASA Glenn a few years ago and this project turned me on to the idea. Its a shame it got canned.

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Fallacious meme. Humans get bored. After hundreds of years of highly detailed art, after that reaches its peak (it did), the only step to take is intentional low detail. It's like Rock and Metal, there was only so much faster, louder, and technical bands could get before the genres became parodical imploded. Look at it now. Basic.


>be colonylet
>can't even go outside the fort without getting scalped by indians
>weak body due to malnutrition from eating an unbalanced diet of "whatever we can forage"
>"but muh New World"
No one ever said frontier living was easy, but if you're going to be a peasant in the old world, sometimes the risk is worth the potential gain of rising to high society in the new world.

They aren't fucking freshmen, user. Those are PHd students AKA the people who design and build the fucking things.

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>Why is technology progression so slow?
The government blocks the real innovative stuff under the guise of "national security." Look it up. Literally thousands of world changing patents are blocked.

this guy gets it.

fuck off space nigger

Isn't neptune too far away from the sun though?

You are a fucking goddamned simple idiot if you believe this.

(((Patriot act))) was a huge fucking mistake.


based, I liked the ambition of that, and the fact that it would feel and look like being up in high altitude above Earth, except for the fact that it was the view on another world, I love the Venus balloon outpost idea.

If we can't step foot on Venusian soil we can at least fuck around in the upper atmosphere, shame HAVOC was canned but maybe it laid the groundwork for future more refined plans.

We just shouldn't abandon Venus, in many ways its more interesting than Mars

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Nuclear doesn't work the way you think it does. We're taking the heat energy of a nuclear reaction, then doing with it exactly what we do with coal; boil water to use steam to turn turbines and generate electricity. As you can imagine this is an incredibly wasteful exchange. Until we can harness energy directly (if that's even possible) then we're going to be bottlenecked by what electricity can do.

t. Goybot 5000

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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>what is terraforming

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How do you terraform greenhouse effect combined with pressure that can crush a full grown human?

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Mars is 15 light minutes away, give or take.

So no.

Many theories and potential options, Mars should be the test-bed for terraforming while we live in artificial space habs in Earth L1-L2, etc points desu

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>The RRR distinguishes itself from other university research reactors by the fact that it is the only reactor run completely by undergraduate students and serves undergraduate degree programs almost exclusively. In fact, Reed College does not have any nuclear engineering or even any engineering program.
>An undergraduate degree (also called first degree, bachelor's degree or simply degree) is a colloquial term for an academic degree taken by a person who has completed undergraduate courses.
Wrong on both accounts user. None of them are involved in nuclear reactor construction or design, nor are they PHd students.

That's not how atmospheric pressure works.

>space shuttle goes 40x light speed

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Because most of the tech that was born in the 20th century came from our dealings with Aliens in the 40s.

>tfw you live with your community on a cozy little planet so you are blessed with the ability to shitpost with your tribe in realtime and own them at CoD

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It does on the surface of Venus though.

no magnetosphere, no terraforming

if you can't spin the core, what you try to do wont last long

that's a dumb analogy because there are often multiple lottery winners for the same draw

I think that Venus even more economically viable than Mars. Resource wise Mars is basically a desert. Its got mainly iron, water ice, and CO2 along with whatever comes down in meteors. Venus has sulfuric acid, along with water vapor, CO2, oxygen, and nitrogen in addition to superior amounts of sunlight for energy production. We can use the acid in the air for industrial purposes or we could just sell it. We don't even need to set up specialized collectors for it either. We could collect it after we filter it out of the atmosphere to get something similar to our own air.

Based and Venuspilled

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That entire picture is completely retarded

We need some insults for future Martian anons.
>Shartian in Martian
>Take Craps in Ice Caps
>Olympus Pokémons
need more

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Read nigga read

>We could collect it after we filter it out of the atmosphere to get something similar to our own air.

I wonder how long a concerted and dedicated effort with robust and highly efficient machines that can survive the Venusian pressures/temp/acidity will take to filter out the toxic atmosphere, and how long it would take for pressures to start dropping so that the effort becomes easier and easier as it goes on

How would they even begin to filter out all the sulfuric acid though, fuck its gonna be a challenge.

What's interesting is how both Mars and Venus have radically different problems when it comes to terraforming them, I wonder if either can be solved eventually.

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>"So rather than pulling an Earth-mass of stuff together to make a new planet somewhere useful, how about we lift 14 Earth-masses of stuff off of Neptune to make a new planet out in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere?"

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I don't think it's retarded. I like the Kardashev scale and think if the planets have a rock core we can terramorph them, we just need to advance further our technology.

Neptune is just so far away, why not use Jupiter?

i imagine there are some planets out there that perfected cross world connections

Habitats are the correct solution, but o'neil ones are retarded

Just use a giant fan and blow all that gas away lol

Yeah, sure. Play by email as long as you are willing to pay whatever fees it will cost to send email to and from mars.

Threads like this are why I continue to live.
The possibility of seeing these things becoming a reality is one of the four reasons I haven't killed myself yet

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>plants can go most places but not anywhere
>we still don't have a good solution for spent fuel
>they don't often go wrong but when they do its very bad
>super expensive to build
I'm all for reactor energy, these are just the main reasons its not used much more than it is.

Satellites are occasionally colliding, they mostly get damaged by pieces of other exploded satellites and rocket pieces shooting around super fast and fracturing like a game of astroids.

No. Mars will be a prison planet where we send all the criminals and niggers to. It will be the Australia of the 22nd century.

Reminder that flat earth theory is a hollow earth false flag.

The biggest terraforming issue Mars faces is its size. We know that microgravity is bad for just about everything, but we really don't know about low gravity. With Venus we don't need to worry about issues like bone density loss or blood pressure.

I hope we find crazy shit for the sole reason for deep sea europa threads on space/v/

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Things are happening, at least for the near-future they will be limited to the lunar surface for now

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Because nobody makes technology future shit for the sake of technology future shit.

Wrong, the next boom in technology is not from another energy source, it's from better batteries. With good enough batteries you can have mechs flying around.


The easiest way to terraform Venus is by blocking sunlight to the planet. You would need to cover close to 100 million square kilometers of area with some thin material (aluminum foil is probably the best substance for this especially considering aluminum is the most abundant metal in Earth's crust)

This would cool down the planet and subsequently cause its carbon dioxide atmosphere to turn into a liquid, reducing surface pressure.

Venus actually has more nitrogen in its atmosphere than Earth does and nitrogen could stay gaseous even when carbon dioxide is condensing. So you would then just need to separate the carbon from the remaining CO2 atmosphere and Venus would be habitable.

Attached: phase_diagram_CO2.jpg (650x503, 106K)

If only space related channels on YouTube had as many views as gaming and internet drama. Things would probably be a bit better.

Why not? Your future shit technology could benefit in the long run. Much more than atupid bullshit like stem cell made steaks that's only going to go towards feeding worthless third worlders.

>machine augmented cognition that far off when interfacing technology improving pretty rapidly

>The things that would doom habitats would also doom the Earth.
Necromorphs works like radio on signals, planets can jamm that signal, habitats not likely until they destroy all markers around.

Planets have immune system or something.

oWo whats this?

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So much this, it was even shitty construction by soviet standards at the time, and in 80's Russia thats really saying something.

>So you would then just need to separate the carbon from the remaining CO2 atmosphere and Venus would be habitable.
This guy would like to disagree.

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Lets hear the other three.

>we are currently in a climate crisis
Hopefully we'll see some more substantial developments once shit hits the fan.

Necromorphs are fictional creatures from a video game with no basis in reality.


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Earth is 23 hours and 56 minutes
Mars is 24 hours and 37 minutes

Fuck off. It's 24 hours.

Beyond the construction, the reactor design was fundamentally flawed with regards to how safe they thought it was.

Adding 45° angles to things wont suddenly improve the underlying technology.
At best you end up with some vanity products.

>be playing vr cod in year 2387
>playing with a friend from terraformed moon
>some mars nigger joins
>ping high as fuck
>he lags all the way through
>hear him vomit from lagging so much
>venusfag joins suddenly
>starts making fun of marsfag even though his ping is shit too
>they both leave and i play with moonbro
>some fucking space nigger from proxima b joins
>calls earth people faggots and leaves

i fucking hate space

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Honestly it would have taken a miracle for chernobyl to NOT melt down. Seriously, you build a shitty nuke plant, then understaff it and overwork the crew. What the fuck do you expect to happen?

Why did you just throw out the Kardashev scale when it has nothing to do with that picture? Neptune has no solid surface, just a solid core. How are you supposed to get rid of the gases and water that make up most of the planet to even get to that core? You cant. Removing all those gasses, even if you could, would remove the atmosphere leaving you with a shitty rock. Dragging a moon into orbit doesn't create plate tectonics in the core that remains. All of that and the planet is still to cold because there is no heat source for it. Terraforming gas giants is a completely fucking retarded idea and doesnt work. It would be easier to drag Mercury from its orbit into the habitable zone and terraform that

interesting, so we construct a sun shade in orbit, block off all sunlight on the planet and observe what happens?

We can use 3D printing (pic related) to construct the sun shade so it could be relatively low-cost, and then just ensure it constantly blocks the sun like a permanent eclipse

How long would it take for us to see results?

>tfw the thought of actually performing a planet-scale terraform experiment like this

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>raining acid and toxic atmosphere
nigga what?

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Exosuits that lwt the disabled walk, reduce energy consumption in humans and quadruples strength to where you can lift cars effortlessly seems pretty useful to me.

>41 minutes more sleep on Mars than Earth
I'm sold, sign me up for the first colony ship. My talents include shitposting and shitposting with extra sarcasm.

Mars is about three light minutes away from us, so with fiber optics, that's the best we could do.

Do you believe the shitposter of the future will be a respected member of the community?

I give it a week before the novelty wears off and they become the next Brazilians or Indians.

We should only hope so, things like neceromorhs tyranids or aliens are just a fantasy. Lol nuke everything and learn how to jamm signals.
I am not even talking about civilisations that evil and wants to kill everything in the gallactick, like necromorhs but worse.

I'm sure with 5G we can do it.

I'm sure that it will have become a respected and influential artform by the time we're sending colony ships to Mars.

stem cell made meat can feed people on extraterrestrial colonies too.

Why are terrans so obsessed with us?

No, uninstall that crap.

>The upper atmosphere of Venus, with similar pressure, density, gravity, and radiation protection to that of the surface of the earth, is relatively benign at 50 km.

This gives me an idea

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>tfw Uruk-ngev-Goldberg won’t stop spamming his the text chat with the “sit on my face of mars challenge” memes
I appreciate you, fellow Custom Robo enjoyer

Good idea, let me just start taking my phone ap

>mfw there will eventually be earth-tier shitflinging politics on the moon

NASA had the same idea with government funding. Unfortunately the government sucks at space.
If you take a closer look you see this shit everywhere in NASA. Its full of nerds that watched star wars and star trek as kids. Who knew?

>Unfortunately the government sucks at space.

The government knows exactly what they're doing with space and NASA

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I never got the whole pork meme in the space threads on /sci/. What exactly is the reference?
>projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district.

The representative being Shelby of Alabama where much of SLS is being built, now being up to speed you too can shitpost about SLS on /sfg/

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wtf are you talking about, you can't outspeed causality

>never been to the moon
>thinks we'll ever get people on Mars


My family and friends. I'm going to do my best to ensure that those who've helped me get here have a good life.
The adrenaline I get from going to tournaments when victory is just within grasp and both you and your opponent turns the volume up to 13. All your senses enhanced.
The third is the chance that I'll find another reason to live.

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>building a multimillion dollar rocket to nowhere to secure funding
I am both amazed and disappointed in our government. Fuck it, if it helps us off this rock I'll support whatever.

shoo shoo dirty tr*Pfag

unironically the best thread on Yea Forums

>never been to the moon


Attached: Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg (2400x2476, 1.88M)

Because war gave people a lot of motivation to innovate.


>If germany won world war 2 we'd be on mars/venus by now
>Maybe even further out
I'm just happy that such a timeline exists somewhere amongst the multiverse

While SLS is a bloated whale at this point thanks to poor management on boeing's part, there is still great research that is coming out of it. Even if SLS never gets off the ground and nasa goes with spacex we're still benefitting

But yeah it's just a fucking jobs program at this point

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lol nice stage and lighting.

that's a big stage

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Based mods for not deleting a good thread for once

>there is still great research that is coming out of it
Like what?

>My family and friends.
>The adrenaline I get from going to tournaments
What kind of tourneys?
>The third is the chance that I'll find another reason to live.
Maybe this one is the most important.

>American flag
Who owns the moon anyway?

all camera perspective my naive user.

we do, statehood soon

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it took me a second to realize just how stupid this post is.

At 1 atm of pressure, sulfuric acid will become a liquid at temperatures below 337°C while nitrogen will only become a liquid at temperatures below -196°C. So you can remove sulfuric acid aerosols without having to remove the nitrogen gas.

The temperature you would want to engineer Venus's surface to is probably -40°C so that all of the CO2 will stay frozen even once the pressure is brought down closer to that of Earth's atmosphere.

Smash Tournaments.
I like the freedom of movement Smash has compared to other games.

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>Falling for matte paintings

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>Who owns the moon anyway?
According to international law: Nobody.
According to reality: Whoever puts down roots first.

hold my beer, just taking a roundtrip to mars and back real quick

Well we put a flag on it and our flag has been on it the longest

Rocket science progress.
How to design/build bigger boosters with even stronger thrust capacity.
When/if SLS is done it can throw more shit into orbit and beyond than even Falcon Super Heavy.
It's literally the biggest rocket ever made.

I like this post

>All the hubris ITT
Human beings are not capable of knowing anything. The human body is still an enigma in many ways, and so are our own oceans, let alone another planet. Do you think we've been to the moon when every single project leading up to Apollo 11 was catastrophic failure not even close to that scope? Do you think the hypothetical science we have concerning things like black holes is even the slightest bit accurate? You can't even prove you're not a brain in a jar experiencing simulated reality, yet you seem to think humans are capable of understanding (let alone taming) the constants of our universe.

Like the Tower of Babel thousands of years ago, rest assured God will confound any futile human attempt to reach up and grasp for Heaven.

I guess it's all good as long as you have fun and don't ruin Yea Forums with the rampant faggotry of your kin.

Would a moon colony stay loyal its country?

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uh huh

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>Would a moon colony stay loyal its country?
Depends on how dependent they are. Self-sufficiency and loyalty don't mix.

Huh. It almost bump limit and only now are the flat earthers and bible thumpers showing up. This is fucking great.

I hate being associated with the Smash community. A lot of them in the community are fucking dogs.

Call me a bible thumper if you want and yet you will die on this rock solely because God ordains it. Space travel NEVER EVER

I had both of these figures along with Brick Bazooka and Butch Meathook. Absolutely excellent quality.

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Imagine being this silly. We know plenty of things, there's no hubris in wanting to terraform a planet so it can better support our kind, and theres plenty of evidence showing we've been to the Moon, not least the LRO landing site pics

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Not so fast, NASA propagandist

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>tidal warping so an active core underneath all that ice
>vast sea for life to emerge over billions of years same way it probably did here around thermal vents
>20km+ of ice shields it from radiation so it doesn't need an atmosphere
There could be anything down there, but it'll be a while before we manage to melt something through down the ice sheet (and also have that probe manage to send something back since something needs to remain at the surface to receive signals from down below somehow).

It is God's will that his children rule the stars and nothing will change this outcome.


oh wow its you, the /pol/fag

no matter how many times people explain it you just don't get it
>big things in distance appear to not move at all relative to small thing closer in foreground

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spacenoid trash

Since I assume the end goal of a colony would be self-sufficiency, I guess the final outcome would be the moon belonging to itself.

Then it is all good. I am glad you have these four pillars to support you during troubled times.

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Civ 4 is just too good to die.

seriously you misjudge just how far away and how big those lunar hills are, because there is no atmosphere to provide atmospheric perspective and the horizon is a lot closer on the moon

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Anybody with eyes can see that those mountains are not so far out that you can have two complete, separate panorama shots with one missing the LEM module entirely. It's not possible no matter how much you try to damage control with the perspective argument

Mars would be a safe Haven for watching CP.

see >atmospheric perspective works differently on the moon than on Earth, what a big shock!

Attached: Lunar_surface_shortly_after_landing,_Apollo_16.jpg (2340x2369, 1.54M)

Can you masturbate in such a low gravity?

clearly done out in the Mojave desert at night with a film set light to simulate the sun.


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>atmospheric perspective
Is this the buzzword terminology for "film studio"?

Look up what "atmospheric haze" is.

Then look up the distance to the horizon on the moon compared to Earth (due to its smaller size)

Then put two and two together if you're not a brainlet

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I'm not saying the moon landing was fake but if they could do it with literally no technology, why don't they go all the time now that we have better computers and shit? It's honestly a bit suspicious that they went once and never again.

Politics and waning public interest.

But we're on a new track to return to the moon by 2025 now at least.

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If I do that what's the guarantee that any sources I find aren't just propaganda being force-fed to me, the ignorant and impressionable civilian? How could I test this theory of atmospheric haze for myself without leaving the atmosphere?

Space Race is dead so there's no point to go to the moon by the government.

Bro, rocket technology hasn't evolved in 50 years. It's still a humongous waste of money.

it was literally just a cock measuring contest for the cold war. now that we've been there and have effectively concluded that the moon is in fact a giant dead rock, there's no real financial or research incentive to go there, at least not one that you can convince any modern government to pay for.

If people want to go to Mars, wouldn't it make sense to practise colonisation on the moon? Sure, you can make any convenient argument for why it's a waste but it was a waste back then too. Are Americans not vain in 2019? I think they are.

Were not at the point of even having colonization technology. I agree that the moon may be a good starting point but the main push for a mars mission is just to see if we can even get there and back.

Atmospheric haze simply means that everything in the distance looks grey/blue ish. It's not a "theory" you are just seeing the air.

People insistingly feel that pictures from the moon "look fake" because they are so clear because there is no air.

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literally just faked it to say "lol hey we beat them dirty ruskies to the moon first." "go america #1 by war bonds" then never went back and then proceed to not talk about it anymore.

>How could I test this theory of atmospheric haze for myself without leaving the atmosphere?

Look at the moon, in the night sky, does it look like it has a fucking atmosphere?

This is what a picture with atmospheric haze and a larger horizon looks like in comparison, do you see the fucking difference between the moon and Mars?

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Nothing on the moon that's worth while.
Lots of resources just to go there, and are forced to come back because of said resources.

That's really optimistic.

The moon is chock full of Helium 3 and rare earth metals. Its absolutely worth while to go to the moon.

>water ice in south pole
>make rocket fuel
>explore the rest of the solar system without Earth's gravity well forcing us to lug all the fuel up there and reducing payload mass

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what are some practical uses for Helium 3 and the metals on it? First I've heard of either of those things.

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Mars sucks, enjoy your bump limit

500 replies


mars is cool fuck you earthnigger

Well as of right now Helium 3 really only has practical aplications in fusion research. But its theorized that we can run fusion reactors with it.
As for rare earth metals, well, those are quite a bit more important. Every single aspect of modern life has rare earth metals. Modern electronics and electric motors would be impossible without them. We use them to make LCDs, lasers, fiber optics, as well as medical imaging technology like MRIs which use neodymium magnets. They even have use in water treatment. Good news is they're relatively abundant in the earths crust. Bad news is that finding an economically viable deposit of them is hard. The moon has loads of them from meteor impacts, among other metals like nickel and iron.

>tfw manlet so my horizon is closer

The "moon landing is fake" conspiracy is a red flag to distract us from the fact that the moon doesn't actually exist. Wake up sheeple.

Mars is shit. Venus is better.


Then what the fuck am I looking at in the sky?

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thats what moonpeople would say