Is there a way to turn off the invisible wall bullshit so if I drive off the track I actually drive off the track...

Is there a way to turn off the invisible wall bullshit so if I drive off the track I actually drive off the track? I feel like I just wasted my money on babby's first racing game.

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If you're talking about the auto steering then press + during kart selection and turn it off with L or R fucking dingus.

Enjoy your RNG simulator.

>press + during kart selection and turn it off with L or R

What the fuck

You can disable in during car selection by pressing +/- or in pause menu. You can also disable gyro and auto drive this way.

>RNG simulator
git gud

Literally just an option in the game you turn off. Why can't people like you just look at the various menus in the game? There are like 3 locations to turn that shit off.

Why the FUCK would this be on by default?

Name them. I looked everywhere for the options menu.

I did and it doesn't matter because blue shells and coins exist.

I only owned MK8 on the Wii U, and didn't double dip on the Switch. Did adding back the ability to carry two items at once make the game more fun or did it make it worse? I remember 8 being too crabs in a bucket for my taste if you had the misfortune of not being in the top 2 spots during a race.

What do the coins do?

That you can't even figure out how to turn it off suggests to me you probably would be better with it on.

Allow you to hit your maximum speed

I had no idea.

>autodrive not allowed in online

How many do you need?


In 200cc you can build enough of a gap between yourself and the shitters for blue shells to not matter. And honestly blue shells aren't that hard to mitigate by having lakitu save you.
10, however getting more after 10 gives you a very slight speed boost for a moment so it's in your interest to keep collecting them even after hitting 10.

because most people use it

fuck i love the excitebike track

Keep you from defending yourself

Then preorder CTR remake and play a real kart racer

First I ever heard about a speed boost from coins. I generally just avoid them once I get 10 cus they don't seem to be placed on the tightest line on tracks

This. Played last night and got 7 fucking coin items in a row while in first place. Eventually it caught up with me and got red shelled followed by a blue. Finished 4th, but I'm used to the abuse.

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..It's been like this since the very first Mario Kart on SNES. Come on man.

It's indicated by the little speed lines appearing around your screen when you get them, but I don't know which turns it's faster to take the inside and which it's faster to get the coins. That's a question for time trial dudes.

In my experience you're nearly guaranteed to not get a coin in first if you get a double item box or even just pick up another item box while already holding a coin.

why the shit did they think it was a good idea to have auto steering on by default

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Yes, its kinda dumb that assist mode is on by default.

More chaotic,everyone is more near now and positions change constantly

It's almost impossible to end up with two coins when you get two item boxes (or a double item box), so you're pretty much guaranteed to always have a defensive option ready against regular projectiles.

I'm still one of the few stragglers left playing the Wii U version. The items are very unbalanced in this vanilla version.

Shut uppppppp I'm trying to make a point nigger

It's a kids game so it was for kids. Get a fucking Sony Playstation 4 and grow UP

They did it for dumb kids who wouldn't be able to figure out how to change it, people like OP.

Faggot who played both. The game is still frontrun heavy and the RNG that can get the 1st place out of his spot is really frustrating. Depending on distance, Triple Reds can become Item Drops, and getting hit by Triple Reds is honestly more frustrating and penalising than a Blue Shell: I've lost more frontruns to these than Blue Shells.
It still has the issue that 2nd through 4th don't get enough power items, and the power items are not powerful enough. The Star in particular, like in 8, always felt like a joke: The speed boost is really negligeable.

agreed with the star it needs to be buffed for MK9

Play double dash instead

People keep saying this but I've lost count of the amount of times I've gotten 2 coins from double item box.

Totally agree about the star. The thing is fucking useless in 8. Speed items in general weren't that good. 2nd-5th need more options outside of launching offensive items like shells and bombs at and keeping each other down. Things like golden shrooms should be more common in higher positions if 1st place is far enough ahead. Also get rid of the fucking blooper.

I always felt like 2-6ish place was like a crab bucket where they all keep each other from getting out. I'm glad it's not just me.

I feel this was an area where Mario Kart Wii shined more. It certainly had its share of item spam, but skillful driving still won out in most instances, and it was much easier to break out from the pack. I just think Nintendo went a little too RNG heavy with 8.

Zoomer detected


I heavily disagree with this. I was able to three-star both MK8 and MK8D but I could never do it in MKWii because I would, without fail, be barraged by blue shells, lightnings and triple reds in the last leg of the third lap in almost every race in 150cc. Even MK8D is way less reliant on item spam from the CPU. In my experience, the fairness in the most recent Mario Kart entries goes like this:
MKDS >>> MK7 = MK8 > MK8D >>> MKWii

In terms of facing CPUs, I agree with you. Wii CPUs were cheating bastards, but online mode was the total opposite for me, and seemed way more balanced and consistent.

Ah yeah, I was just talking about single player. I didn't play online much back in the MKWii days (and even now I still prefer to do local multiplayer), so I don't really know how it was.

This changes everything.

So the little picture of the radio antenna with no label hidden behind an almost invisble menu is the autosteer? Well played Nintendo.

Because most people who need it wouldn't know to turn it on, and most people who don't should be competent enough to turn it off.

>I feel like I just wasted my money on babby's first racing game.
Because you did ya dingus.

is maximum acceleration you fuckwit

This. Although I find it funny that Nintendo thinks a mode like this is necessary. Were kids really struggling that much with previous Mario Karts?