>japs consistently put flaming homos in your jrpgs
>it's ok when japan does it
why is this the case everytime
based sylvando thread
Japs consistently put flaming homos in your jrpgs
Because japan doesn’t shout a characters preference at you and lets their actions speak for themselves.
Western gays are complete faggots. So, yes it is okay
Because Japs don't shove it in your face and say "look how cool and progressive we are!" Also the gays in jap games tend to have more personality than western games which are always "I'm gay look how gay I am!'
It balances out with Sugiyama
comic relief vs you better respect this, shitlord
Sylvando is literally just a flaming faggot
But where are the bi characters? I want to be able to play an alpha slut who dicks everyone he meets
but it is ok when japan does it because japan is simply the best
>I want to be able to play an alpha slut who dicks everyone he meets
My AC:Odyssey run
when will you accept that japanese developers are just better than you
But not once is his sexuality even brought up by another character, that’s the point. Nobody cared that he was gay, which is how it should be. It actually doesn’t matter what he likes in his mouth.
Because most times they're based like you mention in the OP.
It doesn't even need to be mentioned because he is such an over the top flaming homo. Every time he opens his faggot ass mouth, it is revealed he is a fucking homo.
Yeah, I guess that's the cold hard truth desu. Jap homos are just likable.
Because Japs add fags to their games because they want to add fags, and not to make a statement.
Western devs make a huge deal about the faggots' sexuality. They tell you about their faggotry before they tell your their name.
A guy I know only plays Jrpgs, is in his 20s and is a Virgin. It can't be a coincidence.
Because Sylvando isn't put in the game for "diversity." He's just a huge faggot character, and the game gives him enough personality and story that you care about him and like him.
Cause Japan makes them interesting and fully fleshed out characters. Western games just make them gay for the sake of being gay.
Because even if he wasn't flamboyant, he'd still be an enjoyable and contributing character to the story. Also I dont' think it's ever confirmed he's gay, like he never hits on any of the men or anything. I'm only 1/3 through the game apparently, so maybe I'm wrong.
japs rule sjws drool
>A guy i know
sure thing pal
>Western gamedev: LGBTTQQIAAPQUILTBAG2SAPKA+ should be respected and overrepresented in media for the years of opression they had to exist under the intersection of patriarchy and heteronormativity, and if you don't want my totally cool self-insert ugly homo character you are a disgusting bigot and a shitlord, and you have no place in this medium, [and so on and so forth for another 5 minutes]
>Japanese gamedev: just makes a fun flamboyant gay character
Indeed, makes no sense
There is zero (0) indication that sylvando is gay, in the entire 200 hour game. His voice and actions are flamboyant for sure, but remember he's also an entertainer/showman.
Before you call me some sort of tumblrdyke apologist, I have a confederate flag on my wall and I'm an active poster on /pol/ and stormfront. Dude's just not gay, fuck off.
Japan isn't pushing an agenda. It's just a homo being existent.
>I'm an active poster on /pol/ and stormfront
Stormfront's still alive? I thought all the /pol/yps moved to infostormer or dailystormer or whatever
I dropped the game when this faggot started interfering with every cutscene
hahaha is this a pasta?
Yea Forums is too obsessed with the trap bullshit to be anything but a bunch of homos. All those sickening threads about the guy from Zelda crossdressing show your true colors. Even Yea Forums is better
Reminder that the Japanese treat gays as a joke, which is how it should be.
Let's assume you're right, but even then, you'll have to admit that even if he was gay, that wouldn't make his character any worse
>zero indication
There is constant indication. There's zero EVIDENCE that he's gay. Let's face it, though. He's a fag. Based fag, though.
Green post, best post.
name one indication other than being flamboyant in speech and actions, which is incredibly common in entertainers/showmen
>being flamboyant in speech and actions, which is incredibly common in entertainers/showmen
That's because a lot of them are gay.
"Gay" characters in Jap media just act incredibly gay and flamboyant, sometimes they're not even actually homosexual. In western media it's all about sexual orientation being an identity,
Amusingly, they are not even human. They are some weird other thing.
You can read about them directly from Itoi here.
your mom is some weird other thing
because they're used as comic relief
much like sylvando
Unlike the west, Sylvando isn't a tool to push propaganda. He's just a guy that loves being entertaining and over the top. And he's just a fun character overall besides being a flamming homo. He's my champion of cheer.
a lot of Queen fans in Japan.
the west cant treat gays without ideology and propaganda
its quite pathetic
>They really are some fantastic people.
>Itoi: It's because the world in the game is so macho. LGBTTQQIAAPQUILTBAG2SAPKA+ should be respected and overrepresented in media for the years of opression they had to exist under the intersection of patriarchy and heteronormativity, and if you don't want my totally cool self-insert ugly homo character you are a disgusting bigot and a shitlord, and you have no place in this medium, [and so on and so forth for another 5 minutes]
wow powerful fuck western devs
>used to hate Sylvando before he btfo every singel trash healer in this game
based sylvando made game fun
It's okay when Japan does it.
>flamboyant with a purpose of being a fun character
>take away the gay and the flamboyant cheer is still enjoyable
>being a flaming homo is to just have an over-the-top entertainer
>dull run-of-the-mill character that constantly brings up how gay they are and how hard it is
>take away the gay and you take away their entire character and conflict
>conflict is shallow and obviously stems from author's pettiness towards their personal issues
Which makes it really funny, America should take a cue from this
Is he actually gay or just metrosexual. There's a big difference
Because Japan makes flamboyant homosexuals, and that's totally fine.
The west pushes obnoxious gay faggots who have no depth beside "Hey I'm gay".
You could make the argument that he's a metrosexual, but you know and I know that he's just a flaming faggot. Metrosexuality was just a cover in the mid 2000s for closeted homos.
true, sylvano is funny and probably the most based character in the game.
Seek help.
Because he's a character that happens to be a homo not a homo that happens to be a character.
Sylvando is probably the best flamboyant character to ever come out of Japan.
It's ok when Japan does it because they don't stop developing the character's personality at "they're gay"
japanese homos usually end up being some of my favorite characters because they're so cheerful and express genuine love for their group
all the faggots I've seen in anime are comic relief characters
Try Fire Emblem Fates, theres 2 bi characters (Niles and Rahat) you can marry
Sylvando was selfless, caring, loyal, and brave. He had all the qualities of a fine knight. The only people who should be mad that he's gay are the roasties who want to fuck him.
Japanese men are historically super duper gay
no thanks
Fags in JRPG are there for comics effect.
They're here to be laughed at.
Fags in western games are propaganda characters and supposed to be taken seriously.
This. There's nothing wrong with being a faggot, but only the gayest of faggots feels the need to announce their sexual preference into a situation where it's not needed.
>flamboyant personality
nope, seethe more tranny
Homos becoming group-mom is one of my favorite tropes.
Has there ever been a western gay vidya character that was interesting?
They don't seem to even go with gay stereotypes, just make a plain person gay for diversity marks.
His doubles partner from the coliseum was in love with him. I think a lot of the female npcs were salty by how close they were.
>Because Japs add fags to their games because they want to add fags, and not to make a statement.
Except theyre too pussy to ever say a character is gay despite them being literal flaming faggots. Japan will make gay characters but never calls them as such, instead they're not gay just "flamboyant"
I just want Nintendo/Intelligent Systems to confirm Ike is a huge cock riding dick sucking slut already.
buy sjw marvel comics
its full of your fags
This. The whole world ends and he just wants to cheer up the survivors.
You should definitely watch the movie Tokyo Godfathers, i highly recommended it
Yes but hes also
>a fun character
>funny to see interact with others
Something most US homosexuals aren't
>selfless, caring, loyal, and brave
All qualities irl faggots don't have. Homosexuals are the quintessential narcissists
there are two Sylvandos
watch all of satoshi kon's works
>All qualities irl faggots don't have.
Damn, are you acquainted with every homo in the world, or are you a self-hating faggot?
Why does sexuality matter?
>t. seething ass hunter who saw himself in the description
There is something wrong with being a faggot though
>ass hunter
Sylvando's sexuality is never stated in game.
It's not what his character is about.
The west has this pesky annoying tradition of making minority characters to be as bland and inoffensive as possible as to not offend that group. More often than not they have no character flaws, or any character at all. Take for example that gay crew member in Mass effect 3, good only character was to keep babbling about his gay husband. How can a character like that be likable?
Based. Western devs always do their song and dance
>I did it! I added the gay! Like me now please!
Nothing wrong with a flaming faggot character. It just becomes a question of whether the guy has his own personality or if his sexuality becomes an identity and that's all he's known for.
What people do behind closed doors is their business. Assuming everyone is a scummy human being because they share the same sexual predilections is peak closed-mindedness and ignorance. You're far worse than the imagined people you claim to hate.
I'm disappointed all of the characters of ME aren't bi. Why can't I get a harem?
In a perfect world it shouldn't, but in this case it matters because i want more gay Ike porn.
Because Japan's faggot characters are more fuckable than the gay characters of the west
Because when they do it its not annoying.
It's ok when Japan does it because they are not trying to force an ideological point and play oppression olympics.
The people you think are hateful /pol/cels aren't. We just don't want identity politics in our games.
>why is this the case everytime
Because 99% of gay characters in JP games are characters that happen to be gay while 99% of gay characters in western games are tokens that are barely characters.
This is without actually going into how gay JP character tend to be overwhelmingly cheerful, positive and all around good guys (unless they're antagonists) whereas gay western characters are depressed wrecks that just have to remind you that they're gay.
Just compare Sylvando from DQ11 or D'Annunzio from MMX to the various canon gay characters in the Mass Effect games, the former always cheer you up and are genuinely worried about you while the latter are all BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW MY HUSBAND DIED, FEEL BAD FOR ME I DON'T CARE YOU'RE RISKING YOUR ASS OUT THERE FOR US.
but Tokyo Godfathers specifically because the trope user brought up
western gay characters cant be funny or evil and have such a look in every western media except for weeb shit made by western gay weebs. they can only be allowed to be a good/decent person. this is a fact and wont change in a decade at least.
im a fag and i'll root for you user!
There's a difference between being a faggot and acting like a faggot and unconvincingly claiming "yes, I am a faggot".
>There's nothing wrong with being a faggot
kill yourself
japs werent repressed by a middle eastern religion
No it's because they're fuckable not because of politics
Japan also isn't obsessed with this idea of idealizing them to the point of deity like status that some fucking weirdos in the west do. Example: Flea in Chrono Trigger is an antagonist you kill. If you actually treat them like characters and not a political statement no one really cares either way but so many of these far left types try to ram it down your neck that they're a woman and if you question it you're comparable to a fucking genocidal dictator.
>it's because they're fuckable
To you, maybe. I think fags are fucking disgusting but I can tolerate them because I'm a tolerant person. The real sin of idpol in games is that it encourages shit writing and cardboard characters only there to be a propaganda tool. That's not what I want in my game and the japs seldom do that and nowhere near the degree western devs do when they want to force trannies into everything.
I was pissed Vega wasn't bi.
They never confirmed he was gay. You just assumed faggot.
>Because japan doesn’t shout a characters preference at you
Having a homo be a flaming homo isn't shouting the character's sexuality at you? Fuck kind of retard logic is this?
>japs werent repressed by a middle eastern religion
Actually they were. American traders hated Japan's laissez-faire attitude about boy fucking and sexual artwork, so they lobbied hard for puritan law reform. Japanese censorship in porn is due to laws over a hundred years old.
weebs think jp game devs are "apolitical" because they mistake their own inability to parse meaning from a text as lack of meaning in the text itself and because they are removed from the author by space and language they don't have to engage w a firsthand source saying otherwise
Have you ever seen a straight person act even half as flamboyant as Sylvando?
Sylvando not coming out as gay despite the growing mountain of evidence is the joke.
Literal cognitive dissonance. People will bitch about the west until it hits the bump limit but ignore that Japanese media is the bastion of leftist thought.
you don't need to make a gay character flamboyant to make him good, you can just make a normal one like Arcade
most westerners didnt even care about gay representations in geek media until this sjw era whereas japan had consistently done it. they only made dudebro games last gen.
you are fucking new to gays and are only making very shitty pseudo yaoi trash like she-ra, voltron etc. they eventually ape japanese gay characters and descriptions
Cry more and dilate fucking tranny
>random guy telling you he's gay for no reason
this is Andromeda tranny tier
>trying to hit on you
>for no reason
But you don't kill Flea...?
You fight him but you never outright kill her.
Holy fuck, this user gets it.
What's it gonna be the boogeyman next month? Niggers or maybe reddit again?
Amerimutts fucking suck at writing gay characters. Look at all those gays in modern American comics. No fucking body finds it interesting other than SJWs. They are simply talentless and clueless, abysmally awful at making gay characters.
Its funny tho that thanks to the Amerimutt who keep denying it and feel they are superior to the Japanese Amerimutt contents are getting less and less popular on a global level except for mega corp contents like Hollywood.
Did you have a stroke
The gays got him.
Sylvando isn't gay though, he's just extremely flamboyant.
fuck off retard
They're literally some of the most flamboyant characters ever made, you're just on the "japan > western" dev bandwagon.
That "gay" dude in Snakes on a Plane that has a girlfriend.
So instead of a guy who casually mentions his husband you prefer an over the top caricature of a gay dude that’s even more in your face than whatever you are bitching about
>a guy who casually mentions his husband
should be in prison
What a fucking Chad.
If Sylvando was in a western RPG, his whole arc would be about fighting for LGBT rights against the oppressive white religious patriarchy, instead of fighting for his father's acceptance.
>What a fucking Fag.
That's not a genderswap. The artist for that image just likes that body type. Sylv's mannerisms are that feminine though.
He was pretty interested in seeing dudes at that dude contest in Gondolia, iirc.
His homosexuality is more blatant in the Japanese version. If you propose to him, he tells you to ask again when you've grown up.
The obvious doesn't need to be stated.
your reddit is showing
His sexuality is never explicitly stated, but he perfectly fits particular gay character archetype in the JP version. He's a man with the "heart of a girl", which is to say he's homo by a JP understanding.
Its weird that Yea Forums seems to alternate between Arcade and Sylando as two great characters when they are totally different in presentation and characterization.
>Sylvando doujins
>Still not translated
Tsk tsk