free game at humble bundle
Is this any good? Is it related to the other Age of ____ games?
free game at humble bundle
Is this any good? Is it related to the other Age of ____ games?
>Blops4 for 12
I'd rather have them sell 1st game for that price
>Is this any good
>Is it related to the other Age of ____ games
Just saw it's by Paradox, and of course you only get the base game free...
But they made this DLC before being acquired by Paradox....
I played the tutorial yesterday
it's pretty fun
That's two expansions over the course of 3 years user. Paradox releases DLC every couple months.
Try buying the complete version on Summer sale if you want to play the expansions (they are mostly great).
As for the game, AoW has mostly been the style of HoMM series (RPG-Strategy hybrid), but lot more emphasis on strategy part. And with AoW III, they made the strategy as 4X Civ styled.
Probably one of the best genre hybrid attempts I've seen after HoMM and King's Bounty series.
It's published by them. How fucking new are you and OP that you've never heard of the age of wonder series?
It's a MoM style game not HoMM.
It's not free, I have to subscribe to their newsletters, allowing them to sell my information.
I'd rather pay 10$, but I will keep pirating
I already own the game on GoG with all the expansions, but claimed it anyway.
you can subscribe with a garbage mail
yeah it's pretty obnoxious but if you have a friend or know a faggot on Yea Forums with the xpacs and play multiplayer you get access to all the content they have
You're so naive...
nice meme
did you know hiroshima sells your data, too?
Yes, and I'm okay with it.
Don't call shit free when it isn't, that's what bothers me, not the data fact
Google 10 min mail net and click the first link to get a 10 min mail to make a trash account.
Just remember to unlink your steam account from the humble bundle trash account after.
You are still so naive.
you don't need to link any accounts, just grab the key
The artdirection is a fucking mess and nothing on the map reads well.
>The artdirection is a fucking mess
what the fuck are you on about it looks great
Its a very good game, extremely underrated.
The expansion packs are filled with content and definitely not considered a 'dlc'. That being said, the base game in itself has enough content to last for 50-100 hours.