Okay Yea Forums, let's settle this once and for all. Who is the worst of the three?
Worst Lovers
Anne, cause fuck foreigners in my japanese games
Rise because she's boring as fucking sin on top of being a cock inhaling slut.
Not Rise because I love laura bailey very much.
God you're pathetic.
>Yukari with only 1 vote
How the fuck.
her because she's unlikable.
Fuck Yukari
Marry Rise
kill gaijin
Yukari because she called my boy Jotaro names.
, he says as he creates a poll on which anime girl is the best and which is the worst.
Ill never understand the hatred for yukari
i voted yukari but maybe what soured me on here was too many scenes in a row with junpei where her bitchy nature got hammered home so hard that's all i remember of her.
unironically have sex personatards
Feels good to be a Yukari chad.
God how come the persona dancing games have such fucking awful bodies for the girls?
I want to see them poop
reused assets
Zero effort cash grab. So far the only side games that I've played that dont suck are the Arena games.
I love Anne.