Jesus christ, what are you bros expecting from it?

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Other urls found in this thread:




If MGSV is any indication, what I'm expecting in those 8 minutes is the entire game's plot

Im sick of trailers honestly. Its been 3 years since reveal and its only trailers and trailers

thats the true kojimbo ruse cruise, trailers that are better then the actual game

No gameplay.

That doesn't make it ok, also Kojima is terrible at cinematopgraphy.

The big reveal.

Attached: THE TOWN IS SILENT HILLS.jpg (1340x1388, 399K)

A powerpoint presentation of 8 minutes of slides of selfies with Kojima and various celebrities in various different restaurants

More demented, incoherent ululation from anti Kojima drones.

This. Releasing trailers too early kills the hype. Releasing one year before lets you have some feedback and fix anything with a minor delay.

>giving a shit about a game made by Hideo "Hack" Kojima
Epic bros. This is going to be the best movie the PS4 has!

I was also upset about MGSV but I'm willing to give him one last chance.

And in the end, a picture of Kojiman drinking some expensive beverage appearing on the screen and then a message below saying:
"You just got pranked, rosers!"

Attached: Amijok.jpg (900x1200, 141K)

Death & Stranding

How do I cope without looking like I'm coping, bros?
I'm tired of they seeing through me

Attached: 1556908085041.jpg (638x599, 68K)

This is deep. DEEP

this and a decent song
fuck kojimbo and fuck his boring game

All while advertising a dozen new pieces of Death Stranding™ merchandise.

Seriously, I had to mute Kojima on twitter for the exhausting number of posts about merchandise. Release the fucking game first, asshole.

pre rendered footage lacking any gameplay and something that does not reflect the final product at all.

when is it happening?

He's milking retards. Sony

Completely forgot this game existed.
Nonsensical plot that Yea Forums will try to 2deep4u.

previous trailers have indicated a fuckton of walking and it seems there is no vehicular travel in the game so it's probably going to be more walking

I bet kojima has an actual game going on behind this facade and he's only showing big open world walking fests to defuse hype

ready for more abuse?

I'm expecting it to be a Metal Gear honestly

I would unironically enjoy this
they could follow it with 2 hours of him dancing while people throw money at him

I'm expecting the death stranding logo to have e METAL GEAR SOLID 6 appear above it and make death stranding the subtitle. Would be the biggest ruse in gaming ever

Only reason I'm looking forward to this is to see kojimbos seethe when its not an MG/Silent Hill game

rusefagging was great but it overstayed its welcome, killing any MGS discussion ever

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Why on earth would Nintendofags care about Japanese David Cage?
Christ you platform warriors piss me off so fucking much with your consistently retarded posts and im genuinely offended I have to share the same air as you.

Based and redpilled

I'm not really a believer but I'm impressed with your consistency man

Simply kino.

Attached: 8_500.gif (500x500, 1.33M)

he's taking the subverting approach and it's actually going to be metal gear solid negative 6 and it will star prehistoric unga bunga snake and feature metal gear rex (an actual tyrannosaurus rex)


>actually thinking Death Stranding is MGS or Silent Hill
>Even after being proven wrong 11 fucking times
Anybody remember the Archillect and Yea Forums spent hours deciphering a fucking image with dots thinking its a ruse?

Attached: 145248364.png (321x264, 94K)

Hopefully it's a game play walkthrough and not just 8 minutes of cutscenes

it's going to be 8 minutes of the MC peeling flesh off of his feet while a baby arm sticks out of his asshole giving a thumbs up

when though?


Kino and analysis videos, Kojima is a god.

I'm seeing right through you, bingtendie

imagine typing something like this out acting like its some sort of insult and instead it just makes you look retarded
very embarrassing honestly

Keep coping, nincel
All you're ever gonna get is snake in smash LOL

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Didn't kill the hype for cyberpunk 2077..

you should learn meme posting does not prove anything. MGS1 was a masterpiece, and no one remembers your shitty game.

*5 minutes
rest is cut

6 minutes cinematic, 2 minutes "gameplay" (see: walking)

Thief was never as redpilled as MGS was though.


I remember when MGS2 was revealed. I first saw the footage on Gamespot TV on TechTV. Adam Sessler introduced the footage and after it aired said "and yes, that's actual game footage". It was mind blowing. Nothing else compared because Kojima was just on a completely different level at the time. Next time I got blown away like was the Half Life 2 reveal.

Come on! Kojima do it again! Blow us away and make us question whether what we saw was real or not.

>meme posting does not prove anything
niether does spouting retarded platform war buzzwords you fucking loser.

i appreciate your autism, caramel
i really do
keep doing what youre doing please

this says i.e. when it means e.g.

Why do nincels always deny being nincels? lol

It is Metal Gear
Trailer showed sneaking mission
showed codec
this guy does his finger pointy ocelot move
has same elements of metal gear survive

Attached: METALGEARCONFIMRED.png (1160x653, 657K)

>anyone who says something i dont like is a nintendofag
imagine thinking this

We've seen a truck and a some kind of motor bike in the trailers, I wouldn't rule out vehicles completely

>not thinking this
imagine not thinking this

I said once, I'll say it again.
Death Stranding will be the game that either catapults and solidifies Kojima as a living legend for ever, or as an opportunistic hack.

There is no in-between at this point.

Attached: Hideo-Kojima-in-Brighton.jpg (2048x1536, 725K)

imagine being gay like you
big mega yikes if you ask me honestly

the westcuck coping is insane in this pic

>MGS 1 had bad dub
the voice acting in 1 was great for it's time and stood out amongst most game of the time

Attached: hayter.jpg (350x261, 9K)

But both Thief and Metal Gear Solid were good games, user.


>showed codec

Attached: Ryo Hazuki.jpg (480x481, 63K)

>still denying it

reedus faces

>tfw no walking
>just talking

is Kojima OK?


Even more pretentious 2deep4u trash with not an ounce of useful information, just like before.

codec calls i meant, hes doin his sneky mission and they are talking in his ear the whole time. I didnt see no ipod in his ears.

Mr Kojima
That’s too many emoticons

>Announced 3 years ago
>Multiple trailers, still no gameplay


I wish it was 2deep4u instead of the shit we've been getting since MGS3

Realistically speaking what was his last good game? MG2?

Attached: 1557513346262.png (411x376, 27K)

No gameplay.

>didn't show any gameplay until two months before release
Yet I'm sure you guzzled that game's dick for months yourself.

gameplay wise MGS4

taking everything into consideration, MGS2

To be fair RDR2 doesn't have that much gameplay to begin with

He didn't, because it never came out for the switch LOL


The Goose

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That implies he ever made a good game.

Fuck off, this thread has nothing to do with Nintendo. Get your console warring shit out of here.

Penguin Adventure

>a surprise appearance by Kiefer Sutherland

Attached: 7C75D503-F15D-4527-9707-72A96D32F795.jpg (450x545, 30K)

Don't be that guy.

Well because the last game CPR made was TW3, meanwhile Kojima's last game was MGSV.

both of those are solid 7/10 games

I never played TW3, but I heard its one of the best games of this gen. Meanwhile MGS5 made me hate the series and Kojima in the process.

>but I heard its one of the best games of this gen
it's the skyrim of this generation, an overhyped 7/10. DLC is generous though

Also he is The Sorrow

There's no way you genuinely believe this at this point, right? Surely, you are just shitposting now.

mgs v

More Acronym dick-sucking

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I'd put my D.I.C.K in her P.U.S.Y

story/ MGS2
gameplay/ TPP

Do we have a date/hour?

MGR is the best game kojimbo has ever been involved in

before that, snatcher

Attached: 1553723826864.jpg (1280x960, 322K)

another pic for my folder

>E3 2019
Only Xtards showed up

Lmao @ ur life


>using a mac


I wouldn't be surprised to see gunplay and sneaking past ghost things, but I expect more story mostly.

I believe they went in depth in some long streams pre launch for MGSV to show how FOBs, fultons, the idroid and tons of mechanics work. So when the game is actually coming out is when I expect to see more stuff on how the game works

When is the trailer coming? Sony isn't showing up for E3 this year

Attached: hayder.png (1414x990, 561K)

This. Hayter's voice acting in MGS1 is legendary. The moment Solid Snake discovers he was rused and goes apeshit is one of my most beloved moments in gaming. Legendary shit I'll never forget.

Apparently Norman Reedus mentioned that there'll be very long cut-scenes in the game

sounds like Kojima hasn't learned his lesson

Attached: scrub.jpg (650x360, 21K)

GZ was pure ludo, shame TPP didn't live up to the hype.

>implying that's a bad thing
fuck TPP's storytelling

I don't care if this game will be good or not, I probably never play it since I don't own a PS4 but I'm glad it exists for all the shitpost.

Uhh, but I liked MGS BECAUSE of the cutscenes. MGS5 was shit because it had no real storytelling.

They'll frontload it with long cutscenes like MGSV, but the majority of the game's going to be open world gameplay and Yea Forums will whine about the lack of cutscenes and story again.

>Implying it's still gonna come out for PS4.

Hey I'm all for story cut-scenes but Kojima really needs to learn how to reach a happy medium. MGS4 had literal 30 minute long cutscenes just to outline mission objectives

I won't play it either way so I don't care.

Just wait for the Epic store exclusive PC version.

This fag is right actually

Lmao it could be anywhere on PC I wouldn't pay for it.

No one cares about your Fisher price baby shit

Holy kek, based

I remember when Yea Forums was Kojima World Order headquarters, guess redditors and zoomers did what they do best.

more like MGSV came out

If we don't get an extensive vertical slice of AT LEAST 4 full minutes showcasing gameplay mechanics, I'm shelving it regardless of quality

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Deep down

I miss metal gear threads, they were so fun

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Ground Zeroes
TPP is just GZ: Sandbox expansion, it goes to show that metal gear games only work when it's a tightly designed linear experience

Where did you read about this

Ground Zeroes, but that doesn't imply that his previous games were good. MGS4 was a joke, for example.

All things die and fade in time user. Enjoy your life while it lasts.

I'm just waiting for the supercut at this moment

No, stop making fun of Nintendo, they can do no wrong. It's not fair nintenbros

>turns out the game is takes place as the joy is birthing ocelot on the beach of normandy
>the sorrow is searching for ocelot during the state of prelife

Ok, but when? Do we have any idea when the trailer could drop?

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My sources are telling me that intro will be 8 minutes and the whole trailer will be feature length.

>post yfw the game is literally just delivery service with extradimensional monsters
I wouldn't even be upset, I'd actually love a game where the goal is to simply bring product from Point A to Point B quickly, safely, and discreetly.

Attached: 1525322316459.jpg (280x314, 52K)

Walking and talking. Kojimbo is a hack.

nice movie

when the walking trailer dropped not gonna lie, I amused myself as I imagined how incredibly frustrating it would be to have a shit ton of items to carry and suddenly lose them because I lost my footing while crossing a river, with "A SILENT FAULTY FEELING" playing in the background


At least he's good at cinematography.

It was so drawn out that after one of the side missions (with the not-KingRober and his demon child) I had to stop. It was too boring in between set-pieces it felt like a slog to get through, despite the lore and world being interesting.

Oh shit, Caramel's back. We thought you killed yourself when Chapter 3 turned out [once again] to be a lie.

And that was the best part.

I would actually love a game which was just walking from one place to another while listening to codec conversations. If he made walking (trying not to eat shit and loose your packages) as mechanically involved as sneaking it could be genuinely fun.

I was about to reply >t. Caramel

This would make the earlier trailers a lot more sensible.

I still think that in the actual game you're a jack of all trades and delivering shit is just one of the many activities you can undertake in it, aside from shooting guns and stealthing around shadow dudes, I'm also pretty sure you can use vehicles since there is a wrecked one you lose in the trailer. Nonetheless, it's senseless speculation and it's gotta wait until kojimbo gets off his high horse and decides to properly showcase his product

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>Kojimbo very own version of Orson Welles' wine advertisements with broken ass engrish
That would be literally and unironically Kino

Attached: Orson_Welles_Paul_Masson_French_champagne.png (1194x895, 1001K)

MGS 3 you fucking niggers

Attached: cover.jpg (938x947, 427K)

mgsv is a fun game if it's your first metal gear
t. played it first before playing the other ones

For it to be released.

Cinematography is literally the only thing he's good at

watch it come out on PC as well

It was my last Metal Gear and it's still a fun game.

MGS4 has lots of weapons and can kneel-walk unlike MGS3 and has the COD-style controls by default. Cannot heal yourself up like MGS3 but that's about it.

if you say so, babe

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When's the new trailer due?

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where's Uncharted 4?

Olympic games 2020

Attached: intense.jpg (218x231, 6K)

go play the game again


this is secretly a Boktai game

that game is hot shit no one cares about

>game everyone lost interest in as soon as last year's E3 gameplay came out
>didn't kill the hype
What fantasy world are you living in?

Best PC game of 2019 incoming?


I have played the game long enough. Cannot crounch-walk in MGS3 but can in MGS4.

Uncharted 4 was like the second best game in the series

I havn't heard anyone talk about CP 2077 outside of sun shitposting since the gameplay reveal made it look like fallout 4

Fucking end yourself. It's a meme fad that has no tactical advantage

Another shitty movie trailer with exceptional music selection.

Attached: LoGH Drink.jpg (960x720, 62K)

and that series was shit
the only reason people care about it is because its a Sony exclusive


Attached: qwop.gif (130x153, 1008K)

Good for you. Believe while there is still time to believe.

Attached: manlytears.gif (300x168, 133K)

except it's actually a good series and you're just one of those follow-the-crowd types that thinks whatever Yea Forums tells you to think

Attached: anon.jpg (702x532, 50K)

prerendered bullshit that's not even in the game

Oh boy its this delusional faggot again.

played all of them and literally hated it since the beginning

>Vague story stuff
>7min 25mins celebrity cameos.

Nothing, this game doesn't even exist.

Peace Walker, and that's only an 7 or 8/10.

Kojima's last truly outstanding game was MGS3, both MGS4 and MGS5 are severely flawed in different ways (shit gameplay and shit story respectively)

A minute at the most of gameplay*

*Note: Prescripted footage

Peace walker is the worst game in the MGS game

Not when MG1, MGS4, and MGSV exist.

Attached: MGSV design.png (1193x1085, 480K)

Hard to tell what is bottom of Kojima downfall. I just hope he will never make another Metal Gear.

Learn English.

>no one remembers Thief
Shut the fuck up you dumbass newfag

I'm expecting nothing but more vague nonsense. I'm hoping for something.

Unironically this. Loved that concept.

>Kojima was given 80 million dollars and at least 4 years to make MGSV
>spent most of the money on licensed music and hollywood actors and wasted most of the time hanging out with his celebrity "friends" who totally aren't pretending to like him because they're on his payroll
Konami was completely justified in firing his ass, even if they are a shitty company. If you seriously think Death Stranding won't be the same you're either retarded or delusional

hideo kojima's extreme narcissism
>made by hideo kojima
>designed by hideo kojima
>created by hideo kojima
>directed by hideo kojima
>hideo kojima by hideo kojima
in every single fucking mission

I just hate norman's faggot hair. why does he have to have that same 15 year old scene chick hair in everything he does, especially if it's fucking digital and could easily be changed?

What a masochist
How many times must we teach you this lesson, old man?

This is going to be what the Red Band Trailer was to MGSV the last good thing about it to ever come out

So, where the fuck is this trailer?

Why not just release a bunch of trailers? Pick the ones you want and put them in chronological order, it is like playing a walking sim.

eight fucking hours of cutscene
eight fucking minutes of walking sim
eight fucking seconds of gameplay

I'm not joking when I say I want there to be cutscenes in Death Stranding that show Norman Reedus talking to somebody for about 15 - 20 minutes for plot reasons, a 1-2 long stock footage cutscene and then finally a 5 - 10 minute brief of what Reedus' next objective is. This shit was missing from MGSV and it's part of the reason why I don't like it.

V is a better version of PW, PW was such a putrid pile of shit aside from the MH crossover missions it was one big waste of time

I'm agreeing more with the people that are calling him a hack. He's has been quiet and pretentious about it all for far too long. Even Sony executives were worried that he refuses to show gameplay, which should've been a huge red flag for them right then and there. He doesn't need to give a huge exposition on every singe game mechanic works, just basic goddamn gameplay shown on a trailer, yet he absolutely refuses to do that. He's not gonna innovate or revolutionize a genre. It's gonna be third person on a big map, potentially a huge empty map with nothing in it except the occasional fight here and there, which we all know will get boring really fast because we've seen that a million times before.

Unless he has some real magical gimmick that will make everything so bizarre it's cool, I don't see the game getting any real praise from anyone that isn't a hipster game journalist. The concepts and designs in DS look great, but it's still a fucking video game and we STILL, to this day, haven't seen what it has to offer. There is being mysterious about your secret project, and then there's this: hiding it so much that it arouses suspicion that maybe, just maybe, the game is generic as fuck and offers nothing new except trippy cutscenes and story.

Peace Walker is better than MGSV is nearly every way
>Better story that has actual has fucking pacing and feels like an Metal Gear plot, not some unfinished episodic mad-max wannabe.
>Significantly better level design
>Significantly better missions, unique side missions that aren't copy-and-paste bullshit
>Better cast
>Better music
I could go on, but PW blows MGSV out of the fucking water.

>Better story
I'm sorry but I had to stop reading. PW has the worst take on nuclear deterrence I have ever experienced

>Significantly better level design
The hospital at the start of V has better level design than anything in PW

>missions arn't copy and pasted in PW

Attached: no thank you.png (370x320, 2K)

I have hope for this game and I trust kojima, but all we have so far is pretentious trailers, shilled merchandise, and kojima eating with norman reedus and worshipping the ground of hollywood actors. there really is no proof this game will be good yet.

The return of Caramel


>ctrl+f date / .com
>no relevant results



Any trailers so far Yea Forumsros?