Half of the romanceable option are older women

>half of the romanceable option are older women

Why is this allowed?

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Atlusfags are all in their mid 30s by now.


>Atlusfags are all in their mid 30s by now.
yeah, I really wish they'd do a persona game with older characters.

I'm 34 and I exclusively prefer young girls, fuck Atlus

Only if you played old SMT games in the 90s though.

the developers are adults and not all nips are pedos

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The devs are patricians

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>2/3 are older than Joker
>only 1 is younger
>they had to make the new girl younger to try and hide the cake fetish

Devs are late 30s to early 40s.
Target audience are late 10s to early 20s.
The age of those women are in-between.

younger takemi would be too perfect compared to all the other girls

Sae isn't romanceable.

>that tumblrina(male) who shills his hideous western art
Expect him to arrive soon

she'd be too tryhard on the goth thing, she's at the age where she's just goth-lite, perfect amount

Gay and fake. Older women aren't as impulsive as younger girls.

they have good taste


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Just give me my fucking office worker Persona game, god fucking damn it

below 14 = kid
14 - 19 = girl
20 - 24 = young woman
25 - 29 = cake
30 - 34 = cake expired but edible
35 - 39 = milf
above 39 = milf expired not edible


You need to have a kid to be a MILF, retard.

>a bunch of cynical ass, mostly long since given up hope of ever having an interesting life adults discover all this magical bullshit hidden in their world
I dont think persona ever will or should move away from the school setting but a ripoff could do something neat with that start.

it turns out guys still, according to studies, sitll prefered girls of the same age range despite the guys growing older,
isn't that what Catherine or Katherine is, the atlus game involving older characters?

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>half of the romance options are older women
>can't play as the young boy
Why is this allowed?

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>above 39 = milf expired not edible
that's where you're wrong kiddo

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