> O O O O O O O O O O-
>Hunter fainted
>Quest failed
Why do fagaxe users do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Switchaxe is unironically the hardest weapon to perform well with in MHW
>not using LS like a sophisticated Hunter
As a switch axe player i disagree wholeheartedly, you just have to have good positioning.
I've started to pick up gunlance and i literally cannot resist fully unloading into the monster every time i get the chance to.
it feel so good to slap monsters out of the air too
noob here
what's the best weapon type
>highest consistent dps
>alpha mobility
>trips plebs
stay tripped fag
Any other answer is factually wrong
All of them are fine, the best weapon is the one that you click with.
everyone says "hurr you should just pick one you like"
but its SnS
Yeah and no other weapon in this game requires that anymore, switchaxe has the largest time investment for DPS without having access to easy mode dodges that make you literally phase through the monster.
Gunlance in comparison isn't even a game, it's completely braindead with how strong shields are in this game and how quickly you can shell.
Anything that you like using and aren't shit at. Argueing about tier lists in a co-op game is a meme.
That being said if you don't play hunting horn you're a pleb.
Literally nothing wrong with Switch Axe.
A team of four SA users can finish quests in mere minutes.
>bing shit
lol, swaxe is one of the most respectable weapons in world and is one of the few that isn't single button spam. shitters stay away from it because its too hard compared to all the fast ezmode options.
>do the only thing that makes gunlance completely unsafe 24/7
>man this weapon that doesn't care about hitzones, has the best block in the game and has immense range is harder than switchaxe
>Hasn't been a Switch Axe chad since Tri
I remember when it was first announced and how excited I was to use it, and how it delivered so well.
Still use the Hammer tho, I'll never not use the Hammer.
That's every weapon you dumb fuck, multiplayer is easy mode
What's the most honest main?
>unga bunga
LS is the only unga bunga weapon in the game.
switch axe
My dick.
>no other weapon in this game requires that anymore
If you are playing HBG or LBG and you start shooting the monster with bad positioning you are nearly guaranteed to get your shit oneshotted
>my weapon is better than your weapon
Any advice for some starting up mh4u?
What the fuck does that even mean?
Yeah, the art of "being 50 meters away from the monster" is extremely complicated
Also i wasn't saying GL was bad or anything, i was just saying i was enjoying using the weapon
you have to be retarded to not be able to see the difference in difficulty between the extremes of bow or hbg play and switch axe play.
nobody cares about ranged weapons
the real UNGA weapons are hammer and greatsword
I like discharging on my enemies
I've used GS exclusively since my 5th or so hunt in 2ndG. I don't care if it's shit in a particular MH game or against a specific monster, I refuse to even entertain using another weapon and I never will. For me the joy of MH is taking my beloved GS and bringing it down with full force on anything that moves, and the challenge is overcoming what each different hunt tries to throw at me to stop me hitting things with my slab of metal. There may be a weapon better suited to me, but I'll never know because I won't be trying any of the others.
You and i both know that gun users need to either be right next to the monster or like 5 feet away to do any damage at all
The way you worded your post makes it seem like you were contrasting your inability to use the GL with your ease of using the switchaxe.
For it's the Gunlance
playing with SA is akin to playing the pinata. You just close your eyes and hope for the best. This is every SA player.
>worldbaby calling other people shitters
U wot
The Switch Axe of course. That's why OP is seething.
Go through every single tutorial.
'Honesty' generally references a playstle that is straightforward and 'fair'. Tends to be bad. In the context of MH, it makes so little since, because how much fair play do you need in a game where monsters can disengage just as easily from fights as you can.
I tried GS due to 'GOTCHA BITCH' back in the day, but it's not quite for me. Still a neat weapon tho.
It's a large enough distance where the ranged weapon user doesn't have to care about 80% of the monsters attacks, don't even try to push the agenda that ranged weapons are anything but bottom of the barrel.
sword and shield never made sense to me. like how is a tiny dingy piece of shit sword taking down 3 story high monsters? Why capcom?
This. Gunlance is my baby. Honorable mentions to Switch Axe and Charge Blade though.
i use lance. should i switch to gunlance
Charge Blade
It just does EVERYTHING
Swagaxe is fun as long as the monster stays still and doesn't do anything. So lvl 1 kulve only
>As a switch axe player i disagree wholeheartedly, you just have to have good positioning.
Yes, but if you were good at positioning, why arent you just playing greatsword other than bored? At least you can tackle when your positioning is off rather than cart.
Whatever you like.
>muh SnS
yet no one uses it except asians and its mostly bows for them.
An organized team of anything can complete a quest in mere minutes.
also this
>i like to do 3 damage because I don't know ranged weapons have effective ranges
>based weapon master
This is how i know you've never even played the bowguns because you'd know how retarded you sound.
If i don't like a weapon i don't go and make up bullshit about it, i at LEAST try and see why someone would even like it.
I want a weapon that's the switch axe but without the transforming sword mode. Dunno what you'd call it though.
SNS is top tier, and if you don't agree your taste is trash
SnS lay down ailments super quick, second to DBs obviously, but you get defense as well.
>Can't think of any thing wrong with the post so ill just call him a fag
What is it about the hunting horn that makes it more fun to use than the hammer? Every time someone mentions it they're always on about muh buffing but it's more of a chore than anything and I play solo or with a single other guy at most.
How do you feel about Iceborne completly invalidating the only niche SnS had?
Gunlance, but only once you reach Wide Lvl 4
The answer has always been THE HAMMER
>A team of four SA users can finish quests in mere minutes.
And I solo it on 2mins with my GL, your point?
Did they finally fixed the matching?
SnS had a niche? It was so bad in world that it occasionally had worse times in TAs than HH, something that is intentionally given shit damage because devs are retards and too scared to balance it properly for both solo and team play.
Knock knock, it's Iceborne
So you're the fucking guy who trips everyone.
this is a lot of effort put into something to make yourself look like a retard
What game? SA is a total flowchart weapon in old games, which is what the OP image represents.
seconding using astolfo edits is a mistake
SnS could use items while being drawn.
Iceborne expands every weapons moveset to now be able to use the slinger.
>What is it about the hunting horn that makes it more fun to use than the hammer?
probably the shit dmg and coping that hammerbros spin and golf monsters to pieces while you gobble on your horn and blow your saliva all over your palico
This only applies to low level play.
In high level play dragging behind in DPS means you should be replaced with someone who doesn't suck shit.
Part of high level play is to pick the most efficient weapon even if it isn't your favorite.
>trying to get into MHGU
>find it hard because it's all content and no context
As autistic as it sounds I found going through the single player slowly working up to the big mons and saving the villages real comfy.
Will this still be true when all weapons can fire and use items while drawn?
Adept Para SnS literally curbstomp everything.
Welcome to Monster Hunter.
I swear to god if we don't get at least 3 unique model HHs this expansion I'm going to keep using Deep Vero
Give it paralysis. Gendrome SNS in MHXX is broken in multiplayer, it's so fun. Para procs every 30 seconds.
It's hammer with flair
>Part of high level play is to pick the most efficient weapon even if it isn't your favorite.
thats literally the dumbest shit ive heard in a while in regards to MH.
you sounds like a casual fantasizing what high lvl play is like
I honestly stopped playing MHW when I learned how to use Heavy bowgun.
Why spend time with other people killing monsters when I can kill tempered elders and pickles in 3 minutes.
Wow this post is so wrong
Clust and crag spam has been the most busted shit in every monster hunter game released and doesn't care about distance. In MHW light bowguns and bows don't even have to stay stationary while pelting a monster 10 meters away, your weapon is for bitches and I hope you will eventually deal to cope with that fact.
What is the point?
Let us know if you want to try some multiplayer, Yea Forums co-op rooms are comfy. We can all gear for low rank so don't need to worry about getting carried.
4U is way better in that regard.
List of problems with Iceborne:
>inb4 "b-but nintendo..."
>Deluxe kit necessary for a new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo armor layered set (it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get this set otherwise)
>This confirms that the awful layered set system still hasn't been replaced by a proper transmog, the timed event quest system is back and the willingness for the MH team to keep doing awful, anti consumer practices as long as they can get away with it
>Banbaro is a barroth reskin, with a different charge gimmick. When talking about it, the developers only focused on the visual and ecology aspects of the monster, only mentioning how it only charges at the hunter, so don't expect a good fight
>Beotodus is a Lavasioth reskin, looks more aggressive but don't expect much other than a neutered fight that will make you miss Agnaktor
>They didn't bother to change the turf war, they use the same animations as the Barroth vs mud Lavasioth one
>Nargacuga has been slowed down, attacks are more predictable. When talking about it, the developers focused on irrelevant non combat aspects, such as how it moves and its turf war with rathalos
>Velkhana looks like another reuse of the Kushala skeleton, it doesn't even look unique, they even share the same element
>In general the devs focused on talking about how good the graphics look and the endemic life, and not about the gameplay
>Music sounds like shit, it's obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, GS can stun monsters mid combo, etc. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart
Feel free to add to the list
"High level play" is not the same as "Max deeps meta speedrunning." Yes, you could run with a group of fuckers doing a bunch of cluster bombing or whatever but that's not terribly [spoilers]fun.[/spoiler]
I get it for fights like Extremoth which really need to be accomplished in a specific way but otherwise, as long as you're not dying or not contributing, you're doing fine.
Damn, hammerhomos have really fragile egos.
Using a shield let's you not even need to worry, there's a reason why it's used as a tank.
Fuck off TAutist.
Hammer, Lance, or Greatsword. Ranged weapons are for pussies.
Actually scratch that it only took about a minute from what I remember.
Even did solo behemoth with it.
pretty much everyone uses shot booster nowadays
Anything else is too simple and easy
>In general the devs focused on talking about how good the graphics look and the endemic life, and not about the gameplay
>Literally not 1 point later talks about the new GAMEPLAY MECHANIC they introduced that had it's own segment in the stream
I dont even use the hammer myself, but its easy to see whats going on, when you have one type of hunter actively jumping at the monster 24/7 and the other sitting in the corner or running in circles while gobbling his oversized dildo while trying to remember basic three note combos
literally cringed in real life
>Lancels mad that they get kucked off teams for Swaxechads
dont respond to the obvious bait user
Charge blade is so much fun, probably my favorite weapon
Worldsperm chart, play more MH
isn't banbaro duramboros?
Kill yourself
>pelting a monster 10 meters away, your weapon is for bitches and I hope you will eventually deal to cope with that fact.
While i admit that cluster is busted, i will never understand how assmad people get over ranged weapons and then lie to themselves about how the weapon works.
I don't need to cope with anything as i play nearly exclusively lance and switchaxe but you need to cope with the fact that you're incredibly angry about a weapon that you don't play and know nothing about.
i agree with this
i also think HH is fun but thats only if you are trying to land those performances and encores instead of just falling back on triangle+circle. Also using sonic waves on diablos is pretty fun.
>switch axe
Why does this beauty activate the plebs almonds Yea Forumsros?
Objective difficulty of use tiers, from hardest to easiest
>S tier
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier
>D tier
Hammerbro here and no, lancefriends are always respected so long as they know what they're doing. Seeing a Lance poking the head safely from the side as I'm whacking it always puts a smile on my face. The majority of Swaxe users are obnoxious as shit.
A lot of words with no arguments, try again.
>sitting in the corner or running in circles
That's the player's failure to understand the weapon then, it's like saying the GS is bad because a player estimates the charge times poorly and whiffs all the time. Maybe you should play with better people. Then again I'm not sure if you've even played with HH players who are as you described or are just making shit up since they're so rare and those still playing after all this time would mostly know better than to do that.
>Worldsperm chart,
doesnt make sense, since some of worlds strongest weapons are low tiered
Happy death day was a good movie
>Worldfag memes
Wew. Even at this the older games were better
it literally has negative dps
its literally hammer for babbies
It does, this kind of people have no fucking idea how to play this game and just follow "meta" they see online
I'd have picked up switch axe long ago if i didnt feel the need to augment every other charge blade in the game. It was my MH3U weapon, fond memories
t. never played HH.
Piss poor damage, song sequencing and having to cancel attacks just to have any that don't take forever make it hard to play. Hammer is low purely because world has just turned it into a mounting meme machine and it was never difficult to play in the first place given its entire playstyle is hit and run.
You said cluster is busted and i agreed
You said MHW light bowguns and bows don't even have to stay stationary which is true
You said you can pelt monster from 10 meters away and we all know that shit is untrue
The rest of your post is you being an ass mad baby.
You should try every weapon at least once.
Yeah, honestly as a HH main it's not that difficult to use. Hammer has a much higher skill ceiling. You move so quickly with horn that avoiding damage and positioning yourself is very easy, you have infinite combos, only need to rebuff every couple of minutes and only need slightly more time than a hammer triple slam to recite, it's easy. It doesn't make it boring to play though, it's always satisfying to get the backswing recital KO.
I don't think you even know how much 10 meters is, and the rest of the post is just punctuation to sum up that the weapon is for casuals.
because charged sword mode runs out of juice too fast and you have to press buttons for deeps even when you're stuck in axe mode
HH was literally my main weapon in FU you autist.
Its hammer with less attack variety and a buffing gimmick slapped on to it.
Literally the only challenge that comes from using it is stringing together the right notes, which you can do easily in the distance if you want.
There's a reason why its the least used weapon in all games. and thats because its shit.
lol the fucking gunlance plebeian
these two terms dont belong together
Fuck you, I love my boomstick.
the only challenge that comes from using hammer is not letting go of the charge button.
If you're gonna call something plebian, at least let it be an actual pleb weapon
I've seen no one use it on MHGen.
Then again, have only completed Valstrax village today, HR 6 online.
Best feeling in the game is getting a KO. Love my fucking Hammer.
>not killing AT Kushala in two minutes with glutton and dabbing while you do it
look at them go quick somebody grab a boner they can huff
i play bow and IG everything else is boring
>slam sweep swoosh slam sweep swoosh block slam sweep
>pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew block pew pew pew pew pew pew
gunlance users are on par with ranged weapons in my book.
Insect Glaive is the most brainless weapon in the game, the ground swings have very predictable motions making it easy to hit weak zones.
As a charge blade user, I lold. Do people really find it that complicated?
its ok user, you have to be very high IQ to get the gunlance
If there is something indisputably good in World is the Gunlance, vastly improved from the previous entries. I don't even care about max output damage, it's just so fucking smooth to use
so is the human asshole but you dont see me putting my dick in one
Hey, di you know
Despite being only 13% of the population
...Longsword users cause 80% of all party wipes
Pretty interesting huh?
>*runs out of stamina*
>As a charge blade user, I lold. Do people really find it that complicated?
CB has the most complicated moveset, so yes, when people try picking up charge blade it always seems complicated at first until you go on a few hunts and realize that the moveset gives you easy access to all the tools you will ever need making it piss easy.
Hammer at least has the second hardest positioning behind GS charges. You move slowly and have tiny range so need to plan around whiffing the heads of larger monsters if your timing is weak. Horn has pretty crazy melee range so you can do the X+A backswing and catch almost anything comfortably. I think a lot of people who believe the horn to be difficult haven't tried it for long and assume it has low usage due to difficulty. It's more a problem of people wanting to be the MVP damage dealer and failing to view the game as a co-op experience.
>spend an hour at the training range trying different melee weapons
>use the hammer because its just the best
>get bored with the hammer
>go into the training range and spend an hour trying out the other weapons
>pick hammer because its just the best
literally cant stop
You have to know where to extract shit from and be smart with your air game and vaults, don't consider it as praise for how high IQ IG is, more like how braindead every weapon in world is.
how do you pre-order a 40 dollar dlc? they aren't charging us for a new game are they?
What's the best Switch Axe style in MHGU?
Not an argument
t. sub 90 IQ
either striker or valor, can't remember
I see, I had already used it for mh4u and felt the changes were pretty welcome, never slided that smoothly cept for adept sns, fight me
Valor for fun, Striker for maximum deepeeass
>hit head, get red
>hit leg/wing get white
>fight a while
>hit body, get orange
wow that was hard
>moves slowly
>hard positioning
hammer has always been an ez weapon. fast movement and quick attacks. charging gives you even faster movement. just run around charging and then release between the monster's attacks.
I don't think you've ever actually played slow weapons where positioning actually matters.
Because Switch Axe is fun. I rarely even cart at all. What scrubs are you playing with? Randos? Get some friends, dweeb.
It's a shame world completely mitigating any and all positioning you had to learn for GS. Hammer remained relatively unharmed other than the fact you can now just jump off shit and spin2win instead, especially since KOing in world multiplayer is a nightmare and mounting is not.
Your favorite weapon. All of them are good, what mainly determines how well you'll do is skill. You can find hunting horn players that do far better than long sword players.
apparently it's alchemy because muh combos??
dont fall for the CB meme. its piss easy and everyone who uses it thinks theyre hot shit.
>Why yes, I do use the Great Sword. How did you know?
the problem i have with weapons like CB and SA is that it feels like im more playing the weapon than fighting the monster.
you know what I mean? its like you just focus more on your combo than the actual fight.
IG gets really fun in world once you stop viewing it as an aerial weapon and instead play around ground comboing into your insect's blast clouds repeatedly as it chips away at them. I only really use the vault as an emergency escape.
>>inb4 "b-but nintendo..."
Says it all. Moron.
don't pretend it's always that easy and isn't a pain to maintain.
For me, It's alchemy. Comfiest switch axe, great moveset and 3 art slots. Bonus points for free earplugs and potion saving.
not him but its harder and more interactive than any other weapon
You look like the kind of guy who whiffs TCS because he's greedy
>want to talk about the games
>mh threads always turn into shitflinging between traditionalists and worldplayers
GS could always stun monsters mid-combo with tackle, the new slinger mechanic is just a gimmick for when you fight monsters in a map with no elevation. I'm pretty mad this means there's almost no reason to use SnS now, unless the new attack they give it is super good.
>try out cb after being a lancefag
>whiff almost everything
>Hammers gap closer attack is stuck behind an awkward lvl 2 charge
why they do this. It already feels bad in mulitplayer when you don't know who the monster will aggro too.
>He doesn't play ever MH
>He doesn't use every weapon
there's literally nothing wrong with 84IQ
traddys cant let go of nintendork dropping the ball
they literally cant into 2 analog stick, fuck with their mind
i have over 1000 CB uses in 4U and still suck ass with it, it's killing me. apexes are kicking my ass.
I've started a CB playthrough on world.
Once you get used to the general flow of filling vials and cumshoting them in the mon's face it actually becomes pretty simple.
I don't know why people think it's a big boy weapon.
I think I still find the GS more satisfying though.
you say this yet this thread is 90% weapon posting and literally not what you complain about(for once)
> He doesn't MAIN every weapon
>hehe I use gunlance, am I a snowflake patrician yet
Is only fun as slamstick. Shells suck.
HH is not hard, it’s just not very good.
SA isn’t hard to use, but it’s just requires too much effort for the amount of do’s it provides.
IG is easy to use, just not very good for certain monsters.
Lance has a pretty high skill ceiling with counters so I’d bump that up a bit.
GS is very location dependent so I’d bump it as well.
SnS is kinda hard to say since it’s more about your decos and skills and what you want to do with it.
GL isn’t super easy maybe bump it.
CB is pretty easy when you know what you’re doing but does have a learning curve. Shouldn’t be bottom tier at least.
You can now use flash pod mid combo
no i didnt mean to say its hard or simple, i meant that the focus in a fight is more the weapon itself than the monster you fight, due to the comboing and vials being the main focus
Truedamage sucks
Of all the things to dislike the shells are by far the best part.
I don't think that's how maining works retard-kun
It's because there's a hundred different useless things you can do so they think they're smart for using it when all they do is memorize the most unga combo. People who can't shut up about being CB mains are unironically reddit tier.
It's my 2nd most used weapon, as long as you refresh the bug stamina regularly with feints it IS pretty easy to maintain.
Ye I was talking specifically about ground moves for that reason, they feel like they don't deserve to be that strong and are the reason I started slotting mighty into my IG builds.
I never bit into the memes and akantorex doesn't let me feel like hot shit, my best nergi times are still 3 min.
It's by far the most satisfying weap to run against KT tho, those 380 per phial SAED give me erections
Hammer is fine if you use level 2 charge to dash in every time, but you're left open during the animation and attacks have more startup than others. If you miss your dash in window you need to roll to cancel ASAP (can be an instawipe). You have no defensive tools and rely 100% on your dodge roll or using run speed (you need your weapon out to be charging the level 2 preemptively so no sprint) to save yourself from damage. I mainly used hammer in FU and got towards the end of G rank solo. I don't honestly think any of the weapons in MH are difficult to use, but hammer requires fundamentals in the same way GS does. Damage is hilariously high with hammer and it's satisfying to use but horn is way more straightforward. Literally the only consideration with horn is knowing when you have roughly 15 seconds left on your melody so you can start loading up the notes in advance.
I've never been able to really 'get' the switch axe. Like I'll just go around in axe mode until I get a decent opening to get a few hits in sword mode then just mash attack as much as I can.
I'd rather just stick with my Greatsword which has the same playstyle, but instead of sword mode its just big fucking hits
No I get you user.
It just takes some getting used to.
I was the same at first but now I don't really think about charging files I just do it automatically and can focus on positioning and what not.
Keep at it breh
Nah I don’t think the CB is super hard, but guard-pointing is a thing and you can’t be totally efficient without mastering it.
Lol, w/e.
Literally as insecure as lancefags, and the genwunners of MH. Both of your jobs are done better by a CB user.
thats what makes them fun imo. part of the fun is choosing the right action to take. otherwise the game devolves into dark souls roll and mash a single attack button. Most weapons have a little more depth than that though. I like CB and SA the most because they also add on that problem of meter building and spending.
what the fuck are you talking about SAED what? dude fucking relax nobody gives a shit jesus
I think even with CBs learning curve, you just have so many defensive tools and damage potential that even if you're not being optimal it's incredibly easy to just annihilate things.
I just don't like the way they feel outside of full burst
>Best weapon
My Favorite
>Worst weapon
Your Favorite
Afraid not, friend. Good timing as well as using tackles for movement allow me to effectively get those off nearly anytime.
If you main HH, might as well stop playing MH and go play those MMO where you can play healslut or support for other player.
>Hammer support
>hunting horn support
Don't lie to me. We all know they do it for themselves.
lbg users are more slutty
Would you prefer to hear about my glutton and dd cluster experiences?
This thread is all about weapon posting, let me flex jesus literally ignore the post I don't what your (you)s
Nah, MH healsluts play wide range SNS item builds. Horn players are usually experienced players who've played every other weapon to death and want a change, and are usually the types to get pissed at the rest of their team carting too often.
well youre going to keep getting YOUs faggot until you learn that CB is trash and your gay CBshit terms are unappreciated
>Toot behind doing absolutely no damage
what is this post?
Lance is literally the most patrician weapon that ever existed in MH and the hardest too.
Only real tough guys put up with it for more than a couple of casual hunts.
My favourite weapon = your favourite weapon
thing is the dps sucks so they're really only good for support
>>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo armor layered set
Who the fuck cares about layered armors if you can use transmog mod. Most of your other points are fair though.
Horns do the highest exhaust damage of any weapon type, provide stuff like HG earplugs to the team, used to be able to negate stamina for meme DPS DB builds and were generally more than made up for their low raw DPS.
More like peasant weapon
What if I play solo? And no I didn't start off with world like your casual babby ass where they drop the health of monsters if you go solo.
If like to add that gunlance is a litmus test for faggots who think the lance isn't cool enough and need a "big gun lel" to feel secure
Little shits
Why are you so angry at CB users? We can fit in any team, carry our weights, don't cart and had spent a lot of time for our artillery and magazine decorations.
We also have a dedicated website to help people like you get into the art of building meta CB builds so you too can feel the power and reach the high numbers!
I do however advise checking some youtube guides to learn about the positioning and guard points, since not everyone is a veteran hunter such as myself
And it always begins from the same...
I did the same with lbg for a while. Then my roommate convinced me to at least try heavy. Now I swap between the two, though they're not "that" different, I know.
>hurr outclassed! outclassed!
Retarded chart. This shit is irrelevant outside of extremely autistic TAs and retards on Yea Forums who pretend to be on that level.
Only if you invite other player, and they left the quest as soon as it started.
user are you ok? SAED is the in game name of the move. I think this game might be too complicated for you if you find having multiple moves with different names so scary that it makes you this defensive.
There's no basis to this post whatsoever, apparently every weapon except GL, SA, IG and CB is "genwunners" lmao. Also CB is completely different from lance, what the fuck? If you're talking about just guard capabilities then you're still wrong.
Gave me a giggle.
its not that hard to be on that level. most of TA runs are simply running the same quest a few hundred times to get good rng.
what should i use instead of switch axe? is gun lance fun?
even on a casual level valor bow will still do better than aerial bow, that's just a fact bro
you wanted to know which style is the best for which weapon and that list gives you a fairly accurate idea about it
charge blade
gunlance is just spamming a single combo and blocking.
Try other weapons and find out yourself
>Spends more time trying to reach the monster than poking it
>Can't even stun or tailcut
Lances are highest on the autokick list, just after Aloyshitters
What? You fight a gimped version of the monster regardless of whether you do that or not if you don't play in multiplayer.
What do you like most about the switch axe? Are you into transforming weapons or do you like having a strong impactful combo? Maybe the infinite combo?
They have 2x(or is it 1.5x?) health if other player joined.
My point was that when playing solo you can't fight the monsters at their full health like you could in the guild quests of the previous games.
are you fag?
>cb, bow
want to just whack the mons into last week and not think it over too much?
>GS, Hammer
Flashy moves?
do oyu like being fat?
>lance, GL
are you based?
>switch attacks
>break shit regardless of sharpness
>stylish as fuck
I pity the retards who judge a weapon before learning it and by how brainded pugs use it.
ZSD could use superarmor tho. And maybe damage boost.
You're all wrong because ALL weapons are garbage, fuck hunters lmao.
Imagine if they nerf bow
On past MH games, since freedom, I was usually DB or LS, but on World I fell in love with HBG, I guess that's because the controls to aim where absolutely shit on every instance until World, and of course on PC with mouse aim just makes it much better.
It is a very noob friendly weapon on World, the dps maybe isn't as high as many melee weapons, but you have like 5 or 10 times more chances to attack and aim exactly where you want to attack.
It is a shame they nerfed slicing so hard, didn't mind the damage nerf, but the ammo nerf on top of that killed that ammor for me. Before that, it was a great tail cutter too.
Reminder that hunting horn does more sustained damage than the hammer. Hammer is known as high damage but it's only in bursts, the slow swing speed and hit and run nature lowers its output by quite a bit. Horn can put out some pretty crazy damage when paired with a para SNS.
i like the transforming aspect the most, other than that i dunno, i was going through the weapons and the SA just clicked with me
bow is pretty meh in world IMO, aside from pierce against massive monsters
Most of the CB hate comes from 4U players who had to deal with the fact that CB was unbearably broken and the uniform crutch for ever shitter who ever used it. It was literally unmatchable.
>LS standard damage and speed
>Outpaces the hammer for KO
>Almost just as fast as the SnS for standard mobility
>Has a fucking shield
>SAED superattack deals more damage than anything else
>Has l i t e r a l l y zero drawbacks whatsoever
Fortunately every other weapon got significant buffs in X/XX and retained that fairness going into World, but the weapon was the most disgusting newbie carrier ever invented (especially with bragging about Guard Points and the weapon's complexity, which never ever shows up in real hunts) and was pretty much a giant red mark to the community that you were a shitter. IG was the only other thing comparable, but that's because 90%+ people using it were French, and 99.999% of French players will triple cart to a Bird Wyvern.
if you like transforming weapons then go charge blade? its no rocket science
Guard point doesn't show up in real hunts? What? It's the best way to get good SAEDs in
zsd damage is fine. its for moments where you can't hit the monster or a part otherwise. imo as a starting point at least they should make it so that a monster's charge attack doesn't knock you off.
only chads use this
When you do the transform spin swing and that last axe hit you do before you switch to sword.
Yeah that right there is what i live for.
Also when there's another switch axe player in the hunt and we just wild swing the head not giving a fuck about damage and going pure unga
>Says the bird that's made of weapon
>It's the best way to get good SAEDs in
If you play alongside pretty much any Cuck Blade user, they literally just wait for anybody else to trip the monster and start the SAED near its head. There are complexities to the weapon you will pretty much never actually see in practice, Guard Points especially, unless it's a solo example video.
>World weapon "design"
Nothing chad about it
Where's new portable game?
where's the GU lobby
Iceborne better bring back the old Diablos CB design
wait for E3 friend
Khezu in a box!
Shut up, Greg, and give me your LBG.
>and 99.999% of French players will triple cart to a Bird Wyvern.
Oh shit, am I that unique in my country ?
Aerial for damage mounts and memes
All the fun of being a shitter except people actually like you
They just put up a free trial for Monster Hunter World on PSN. Anything I should know going in? Also do I have to specialize in a certain weapon type or can I pick anything at any point like DMC?
>Hoping new game while they are making snowborne
snowborne is being handled by the b team
Khezu surrounded by cocks!
>Implying stillborne isn't just a shit expansion with 6 new monster, new area and a shitty continuation to the story and nothing more
I’m a healbro LBG and I just use recovery slugs
>DPS when everyone is good
>Healer when everything is going to shit
You can pick anything. Just hit the monster and don't get hit. also we're sorry that there is like an hour of "content" and "story" before you actually get to hunting monsters.
>Implying stillborne isn't just a shit expansion with 6 new monster, new area and a shitty continuation to the story and nothing more
Oh woah, that's actually way more than any other G expansions we had. Not bad Capcom.
I think healing slugs are useless in word as healing is less risky
Fuck you and your gay bleeding mechanic
The worst flagship. The moveset of this thing makes no sense gameplay wise.
Is almost two years for a G version the longest we've ever had to wait? I thought they usually pulled annual releases.
>World version
*Oils blade with malicious intent*
Even people in mhg doesn't need constant healing you know.
Well we're not on 3DS anymore. They have to put some effort.
MH existed long before 3DS
And this is why I prefer GU
People used to suck my dick clean off for being a damn good DPS, Healer, Trap Master and Mounting Master all in one
LBG chads forever
>try out and have fun with brave switch axe online
>go do solo quests
>realize my dps is shit and my times take forever
Effort on worthless bullshit like endemic life and graphics, that is. Gameplay is still dreadful.
There are only two G expansions before 3DS. Three for 3DS. Just saying.
Adept with Tempest Axe.
Walk and sip into a fucking grave faggot
Oh so you played it ? Ok then, lucky you.
Steve alone is what got me into HH. His horn was just too fucking good.
>Best song list
>Great damage
>Auto-sharpen was ridiculously easy to maintain with HH
>Doesn't need Sharpness+1, limitless set potential
>looks and sounds cool
You shit out DPS with demon riot and spamming discharges on brave mode though. Striker SA is still king with infinite sword mode
There were more overall iterations prior to 3DS though. 1 had G and freedom. Dos had Freedom 2 and 2G/FU. Tri had P3rd before 3U came to 3DS. Monster hunter has worked on a pretty steady annual release system since release, and it's only just broken from it since they need to start creating everything from scratch. I imagine releases will be quicker once they transition more skeletons to world.
Don't get hit in the first place.
It looks amazing the 1st time I will admit but after a while it’s just the background bro.
I’m here to hunt monsters and play the game
Not play Foilage simulator
People are human
I’m just insurance
Its better I heal someone who whiffed an attack and got hit hard as fuck in the face instead of letting them Cart or watching them retreat as the monster targets me.
I don't think you're 100% right. I was a CB main in 4U, since it was the most immediately enjoyable new addition and I try to change it up with every new game.
Now, I'm not saying you were wrong - there were plenty of shitters. Most of the people I ended up teaming with online didn't even know how to do the standard charge attack to prepare phials, never mind pull of a REGULAR AED. A good 65% were like this. Another 20% were the sorts that did nothing but charge up and use regular AEDs since they didn't know about charging up their shield. Then you had the next 10%, who did nothing but SAEDs, regardless of positioning, since that's all they knew to do. But then you had the 5% of players who could actually use the damn thing properly - and that's with little to inconsistent GPs, that came with the higher echelons. But they could carry a hunt. But yeah, IG users were universally terrible, French and wiped out faster than anything else
I can understand your anger at those using it, but don't hate the weapon. It's technical and using it effectively takes skill. Hopefully those using it as beginners will lean into it and learn more as they play, rather than just get carried up higher ranks and left unable to solo anything.
Poor Steve. Probably the most trivial to beat of any flagship to ever be.
Speaking from a Gen point of view since I've not put as much time into GU - with Striker you can buff yourself up permanently so that you never need to leave sword mode, with ridiculous extra damage on top. Aerial allows you to perform some of the most rapid and persistent mount damage in the game, while also retaining most of your decent moves. Both are fun and relatively easy. Use a dash juice and you don't even have to pay attention to your stamina bar.
I know I'm late but these are the official weapon stereotypes in MHW:
Complete egotistical niggerfaggot who thinks he did all the damage since he landed one TCS, even though he whiffed all the others.
Lesser grug who is obsessed with hitting the head and REFUSES to attack any other area. Cries on monsters who keep their head out of reach. Will immediately rage if anyone else dares trespass on his domain.
Will stop at nothing to land a helmsplitter on a vulnerable spot. Usually fails. Constantly trips teammates and may be the second weebiest person in the game.
>Dual Blades
Official weebiest person in the game. Guaranteed to be obsessed with anime. Claims that stacking elemental weaknesses is the coolest thing ever, in reality he hates doing it and keeping a billion different DBs for each monster, but raw isn't an option for DB so he puts up with it grudgingly and hides his true feelings.
>Insect Glaive
Big fan of juggling short duration buffs. Actually thinks the kinsect does anything noticeable (it doesn't, unless you have a heal type one which no one uses). Will try to dodge every single hit with a vault just to look cool. Genuinely believes himself to be better than filthy groundwalkers.
>Charge Blade
Typically as grug as greatsword, but more tolerable as they can actually damage the monster without it being knocked down by teammates. Obsessed with guard pointing and will do it every single time. Secretly jealous as FUCK that SAED doesn't do as much raw damage as TCS. Also secretly wishes elemental CBs were a thing.
>Switch Axe
Will stop at nothing to do a ZPD; usually gets knocked off and cries. Thinks SA needs better dodge options in sword mode because they always get smacked while doing their infinite combo. Actually thinks the wild swing morph is TCS tier (it isn't).
Continued in next post.
>Also secretly wishes elemental CBs were a thing.
Thank God for Kulve
I like lance and hammer most
more complex combo inputs doesn't make a better weapon, as far as I'm concerned. I much prefer the weapons that let me focus on interacting with the monster vs juggling meters and buffs
SnS and LBG are good, too, but I kill a lot quicker with lance and hammer
>>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo armor layered set (it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get this set otherwise)
PC mods
>Will stop at nothing to do a ZPD
Since I've not played in forever, did they buff this piece of shit? Last I checked, it was never worth doing it for the damage it did, better off just continuing to smack the monster than waste your sword gauge despite how cool it is
I don't think anyone really gives a shit about most of this, dude, go play freedom unite or something
>Sword & Shield
Even more egotistical than GS mains; will constantly claim S&S is somehow the best weapon in the game (it isn't). Gets REALLY salty when this is pointed out. Misses oils and is pissed at Capcom for removing them in MHW. Never guards even though he has a shield.
Total bro that will do anything to save your life. Sees themselves as the hero; secretly wishes he could save you by standing in front of you and guarding an incoming fireball. Sadly, this doesn't work and the AOE smacks you anyway. Considers themselves a failure if they can't stick on the monster 24/7 with counterthrust guards to cancel attacks.
Obsessed with knocking the monster down and keeping it down. Doesn't understand that it only works on kush. Typically ignores shelling altogether in favor of the 3 hit combo spam. Is secretly jealous of Lance's advancing guard move.
Most elitist nigger in the entire game, bar none. Avoid at all costs. Nuff said.
Constantly claims that LBG does just as much damage as HBG since it uses the same ammo. Neglects to mention that HBG usually has more shots per clip and faster reloads, so they have more uptime. Occasionally goes into fits of supporting where they equip buff bullets that no one will notice or care about. Thinks tripmines are the coolest thing ever.
The grug GS-main of the ranged weapons. Wants to shit out as much damage in as short a time as possible. Secretly LOVES wyvernheart but never gets to use it since all the good HBGs are wyvernsnipe. Likes Rambo movies. Like LBG, periodically goes into fits of clusterbombing where they equip grugsteady and go to town with clusters, pissing everyone else off but perma-KOing the monster.
>Hunting Horn
Support healsluts from other games who promptly quit after realizing no one gives a shit in MH and standing in the corner tooting is not a thing.
>Worldfags don't give a shit about the game's quality
Why am I not surprised?
Adding onto this: With the Lunastra HH (Blaze) you can keep buffs up for an entire hunt if you spam the buff duration song.
your Yea Forums brain might not understand positivity, but world has done far more good than bad
sorry that your hunter has more utility, though, that sounds like a real game breaker
HH is for people who understand MH is a co-op game and providing constant exhaust damage, attack up L, HG earplugs and stamina negation have more of an effect on team damage than a flashy LS combo. HH players don't usually heal.
Time to put together a Wide Range Mushroomer LBG build.
Monsters have always shared skeletons in this series
why pretend like this is world's fault?
>inb4 because its not exactly how *I* wanted it
>tfw 600+ hours in MH4U
>main switch axe
>don't enjoy it in world
I don't know what it is but I just can't get on with it. I think it's due to how the animations and evasion works?
In 4U I could *consistently* dodge through 99% of attacks with evasion + 1 & Evade Extender. But after they changed to ~HD~ everything feels a lot..sloppier? I find it almost impossible to dodge through roars or attacks.
I've wanted to make a wide range shroom build for a while, but I never end up being satisfied with my plans
>"ugh, you people are so negative, how come you cant just agree with me even though i have been proven wrong multiple times in the past"
No wonder MH is going to shit.
It makes more sense with SNS. LBG has ammo for support utility/healing without needing to sheathe or sacrifice armor skills. Support SNS is crazy fun though.
I made a widerange LBG build which only lost like 10% of my DPS. Mushroomancer is rather overrated against anything but extreme behemoth and if you don't have speed eating though.
I find switch axe fun in world. Combine it with evade extender and those skills that restore HP based on a portion of your damage and you never have to sheath your weapon.
are you using evade skills in world, too?
playing on a laggy TV?
Imagine shilling mhw on Yea Forums.
I can't wait for iceborne to drop so that like 1/5th of the player base can buy the dlc and the discussion on Yea Forums will be dead.
What are you trying to say, here? That the game is going to shit because people find your complaints laughable? I'm surprised so much rides on your values.
I try to build for a couple of levels of evasion but still find it almost impossible. I think it's because the animations are far too smooth and roars come out in 1 frame after the monster rears their head back. In 4U you could absolutely 100% tell when a monster was going to do a roar and plan accordingly. But monsters like Barroth roar so fast it travels back in time.
Sounds like you've got to do some re-learning! I use a lot of hammer so I happily snuck in some earplugs early on, but I found stepping roars on lance to be more or less the same
Because, since the 3rd gen, new MH games set an expectation that, even monsters with reused skeletons are unique, look at Agnagtor vs Lagiacrus vs R. Ludroth vs Mizutsune. This is not the case for the monsters in stillborne, the developers were even proud to say the Barroth clone does nothing other than charge at the hunter. World, the best selling capcom game of all time, is being outdone by a 2009 wii game.
Yeah, Mushroomer doesn't seem useful for LBG, better for SNS.
Sucks I have to restart, Save corrupted and I don't want to cheat,
I mean I have 200 hours so it's not like I dont know what im doing but I feel swaxe didn't fare very well in the transition to current gen. For example, side hopping through deviljho breath used to be so easy it didn't even take a conscious action you could just dodge it. Now the hitbox feels so wide you need e+5 to even have a chance of going through it.
tri had a fraction of the monsters world has, even when comparing just new monsters
I'll give you some time to think about why things are the way they are, then
wtf, I thought people said world was way easier? do other weapons have the same sort of nerfed evasion?
>tfw started with CB since I didn't touch 4th gen
>Go back to my trusty GL
You just gotta get used to the new frames. At first I had trouble rolling through roars but I got used to them eventually. Evade Window makes a whole lot easier but it's a massive crutch, I prefer extend because you can use it offensively to morph slash and cover distance without sheathing and defensively to dodge.
I dropped this
new jho is harder than old savage (even if also quicker to kill)
Temp Jho is harder than any AT
I guess it's my fault for expecting quality from a game that sold over 10 million copies, my bad. It's ok to have shameless reskins as long as you shit out garbage like the mud lavasioth to inflate the monster roster.
Hammer is an unga retard weapon that's not as much of an active hinderance to teammates as other unga or wide sweep weapons.
>all these faggot weapons suck except for lance they're total bros
gee I wonder who made this list
I consider myself very proficient at hunting jho, he can barely threaten me when I'm lancing
but that tempered jho is way up there with the toughest monsters in the series, it's just relentless
this is funnier than /vp/'s charts
do you have anymore?
>we've played the game for 10,000 hours but still get booty bothered by bazelgeuse having unique behaviours
>use glaive
>spam air attacks
>completely invulnerable and the only thing stopping you from defeating anything is the time limit to fight monsters
Wow great game chinks 10/10, white piggu btfo
Hammer is literally the only weapon that kinda takes skill in this series lol
Compare HBG or GS vs. Shagaru with Hammer vs. Shagaru, it's like the first don't even use 1% of your brain whereas Hammer taxes it whole with all its curvatures and depths and wrinkles.
if you have fun doing that, that's great
When you fucked 10.000 girls it would still annoy you when there is shit on your dick. This is what MHW is, shit on your dick.
It sucks that Iceborne won't come out on PC until 2020. Now I have to avoid every MH thread for months because of spoilers and I don't want people to spoil the most OP new builds for me.
What makes you say that? I main hammer and lance but find hammer to be the simpler of the two, it's a pretty linear gameplay loop
You're funny, user
I can come protect you from bazelgeuse next time you play if that will help
>10000 hours for that
Throw the shit from you dick on Bazelgeuse then you moron
not him but damn i can go do that right now my mhfu umd is permanently locked in the device and mhp3rd is on the cart in case the zoomies cant tough it out
i got the xlink kai set up and my ps3 is still set up. wonder if ahp still works...
Can't complain, I've always been a hammerbro and played in a retarded way.
But being a retard is fun in these games.
unite had a hilariously bad roster, p3rd is so much better
its ok lil zoom we can play p3rd if you want. frankly ill play any of this over mhw right now. shit was comfy to play on the bed connected to my bros back in the day
please, you and I both know that zinogre is one of the best fights in the series
80 hours in
my favorites are Long sword, Charge blade, Bow, Heavy bowgun,Dual blades and insect glaive
Which weapon should i use more, which one is a faggotry tier and is my taste bad?
Is Wide Gunlance generally bad in GU? Adept has an instant slam(powered up by Normal), and Valor also has an instant slam, has powered up consecutive shots and quicker WF.
You've chosen all the most hated weapons in the game, congratulations.
Yes they're going to announce a brand new MH title at E3 that isn't a mainline.
Any weapon you use is faggotry tier. Please kill yourself.
shit i actually cant argue that my guy. zinogre is one of my fav fights and sets in the whole series
Long Sword has some really stylish weapons, especially the ones that aren't just fancy katanas, the polearms and bazel's longsword are really cool
and style is more important in this game
Technically, Tri to 3U was also 2 years.
>wanting to ever go back to Freedom Unite
>>Hunter fainted
>>Quest failed
dual blade mains are the worst faggots about this in any monster hunter. Prove me wrong. protip: you can't
Worry about having fun.
Stay mad, faggot.
hell yeah dude, I remember grinding out his set in p3rd as one of my fondest solo hunting experiences
I never used the psp for anything other than monster hunter, but now I kind of want to go back and see what I can do with it
Did SA get buffed and got a lot popular or something? SA was literally one of the rarest weapons to see in early MHW and no one even talked about SA users.
shit, the fish asshole looked like THAT???
>SnS loses its only exclusive in Iceborne(unsheathed Slinger)
>still don't add Oils
This fuckin sucks
defense prowler
holy autism
Finally, someone that gets how SnSfags are complete turbo faggots.
>m-muh utility
CB is a better jack of all trades because it's in ways that actually matter like actually being viable for KOs and blocking and damage etc. Die support slut scum.
Nah, it's still only sees something like 5% usage whereas longsword and bow are both around 15% each.
>have pre-reqs
>have too long startup
>too long recovery
>does small damage for its duration
>does mediocre damage when it ends
>high risk, no reward
what other moves make it look like the devs were fucking around with the players?
Whatever clicks with you the best
You'll get to a point where you can preform well with every weapon.
Based and Artillerypilled
Why do people hate DB so much exactly? They make you very agile, big deal, that's not OP if the DMG is low and it is
We still don't know what weapon changes are being made, so there is still some hope SnS gets something.
Jealous SnS users upset that they can't deal any damage
>This is the extent of the worldfag's argument
>dps sucks
DB is just a lot of button mashing
Am I the only person here who doesn't just play 1-2 weapons only? How do you not get bored?
Lance or gunlance or dual blades? I'm tired of the greatsword.
>this is your brain on nintendo
In your head, what are the ONLY acceptable weapon users for a team? Which ones get insta-kicked regardless of their skill level?
DB for element/status sets
Not being an adhd zoomer helps.
It's less about weapon types and more about the level of equipment. I don't mind someone fashioning it up a bit, but anyone joining a behemoth still using the nergigante weapons needs to fuck the fuck off.
What the fuck you're talking about bros, i can't install mods on my shitty console.
>killed nergigante 5 times and got 3 gems
>killed rathalos 18 times and got 0 gems
as long as you want Rathalos Rubies, you'll never drop them dude
Hammer and Greatsword
I need my rathalos B chest as I've just reached highrank missions. Apparently I cant even get the gold wyverian print to trade for one gem because of the event.
I play everything but switchaxe and charge blade. I usually have multiple weapons per type as well (raw+elements or status depending on the type).
I never understood why people wouldn’t use literally everything, the game throws a shitload of resources at you so you could probably do many of the weapons without actually needing to hunt just for mats
Do people use the wyrmstake cannon and wyvern fire on gunlance or its garbage?
wyvern fire is good for waking up monsters I think, after setting up 2 mega barrel bombs
I use the wyrmstake, but I know it's a DPS loss
I fucking love it though
I don't kick anyone unless they're being a faggot
But I do remember back in MH4U when I got kicked out of a couple lobbies where the guy running them only would let charge blades play.
I only know one person that does this and he's super elitist about it. While I do use other weapons outside of my two "mains", I don't really see the point in grinding out for more variety. It's like buying a fighting game and instead of picking a main and getting good with them you just bounce between each character every fight.
I really dislike when newbies bring their normie game headcanons and "metas" to a game that has long preseded them and has a established dedicated fanbase
Wyvernfire isn't bad, just gotta get the timing for it
Wyrmstrike is a DPS loss on paper, but it's really satisfying so I pull it out all the time.
if it feels fun I usually just go for it
t. uses the Kamak gunlance if the hunt is one monster
Go for gold reward HR azure rathalos hunts. You'll get a rath gem 14% of the time from a gold reward (and 7% from a silver)
Wyrmstake is so shitty with all the startup and recovery even if they doubled the damage most people would still ignore it.
I'm deciding between lance and gunlance for my next weapon. GL looks way more fun but sharpening sucks a lot, so there's that. Are the nergigante LNC and GL good? I guess I'll craft both of them and test.
The only good gunlances outside of kulve taroth gacha shit are rathian, deviljhos and zorah magdaros.
Bow and Lance tips? Is it even worth your time trying to mount a monster with the bow instead of just fishing for stuns with the coconut rain? Does the lance's counter attack do more damage if you block an attack? I can never actually get it to work, either I'll time it wrong and not block an attack, or I'll block the attack but the monster's attack positioned it behind me out of reach of the lance.
What's SnS like? I think it's the one weapon I haven't even touched a single time.
Gunlance is more fun than lance. Lance is just poke poke poke block repeat
Lance is fun, but feels way slower and generally worse in world. Skip it for now.
I honestly switch between both Lance and Gunlance all the time. Lance is extremely underrated imo.
The Nerg lance should be avoided, though because Lance really likes elementless. I use the Arena lance for everything.
For the Gunlance just get pink rath's, it's arguably the best non-kulve one.
use a sharpness skill if you worry about sharpening alot, I don't play world so I don't know know if they changed the rate of losing sharpness at all. Its suppose to be halved.
DBs have high dps retard and mobility is OP in this game since the monsters have such long windups.
Why are ranged weapons being labeled as "shitter" weapons by Yea Forums?
SNS is the most fun weapon in the game IMO. It can do everything- cutting damage, blunt with shield bashes, KOs, mounting attacks, emergency blocking, elemental/status builds as well as raw, you can play support with your free item use and wide range, it's great. It's like playing Ryu in Street fighter. Very easy to pick up but it's fun to maximise that last 15-20% of your DPS through positioning and experience. It's an intermediate weapon to play at the highest level despite what some will say.
Lance is really fun, but the low DPS makes me not recommend it in the end. Go for the Pink Rathian line of Gunlances and spam full burst over and over, it's loads of fun. In the endgame, do give Lance a shot, but read some guides on how much Guard skill to use and so on. Nothing's more depressing than having a low DPS weapon, then trying to counterlance only to fail because hurrr you need a skill to perform one of this weapon's basic fuctions.
Fucking kek, 10/10 post.
You shouldn't ever mount with bow. Wall mushrooms are your best friend like that shitpost here said: Instead of trying to mount a monster, it's better to lure them to a wall mushroom/pillar/etc so you can aerial combo them a few times.
Your goal, especially if you don't have constitution 3 + dash juice, is to get three charges with a 1-2-3 shot, then build/retain those charges with dash dance. Coconut rain is a waste of time since it doesn't do significant KO damage and will disrupt allies if you're in a party. Dragon piercer is extremely situational and depends on the monster. It's really good on Xeno'jiva, for example.
>Does the lance's counter attack do more damage if you block an attack?
Kind of? It basically negates the charge time of the poke, if you let the weapon charge instead you'll do the same attack but slower.
It sounds like your problem is positioning. Although lance is one of the longer melee weapons you actually want to be close to the monster at all times. The counter-poke should land more consistently if you start the counter from up close, and then when the monster rolls away you use the range of the weapon to land it.
>you need a skill to perform one of this weapon's basic fuctions.
This is one of my main problems with lance across all games.
Guard up is such a vital skill the weapon is borderline unusable without it.
guard up skill is either
>completely fucking useless
guard skill is either
>a very minor improvement
depending on the monster you're facing and the level of guard skill you're going for
also, if you have the decorations, it's ez pz to build a good set, otherwise holy shit it's a fucking hassle, SPECIALLY for guard up
poke->poke->hop/counter depending on what the monster is doing
cling to them as much as possible, preferably underneath them if the monster allows it, and stay there at all times. it's better as a solo weapon since your teammates won't be pulling aggro and leading the monster away from you. always use the up poke when possible, forward does slightly less damage. you can turn away from the monster and triplehop towards them if you enjoy the memes and need to reposition a small distance without sheathing. never sheathe if possible. those pokes add up quick but you need to always maintain them. no downtime allowed.
Bowfag here. They're mad because bows do ridiculous damage for very little effort. Same is true for cluster HBG
>lance main and been farming for a guard up charm for a couple days
>tfw GS friend got one before I did
this game hates me I swear
this mostly. it's nothing against the bow, it's the meta/speedrun types who gravitate towards it and try to be elitist. it's happened with many other weapon types in the past.
Does anyone else just not enjoy playing World anymore? I can go back to the older games but World just doesn't do it for me. From some of the weapon changes, to the map design, to the annoying turf wars, to the terrible way the game handles increasing its challenge, and finally to the uninspired monster, armor and weapon designs, World just really rubs me the wrong way.
If you don't main a weapon you are the biggest shitter.
No one likes a Jack of all Trades.
It's better to master one weapon than to be a shitter with all of them.
GS. Get good with GS and you can pretty much use everything else.
>dreadqueen hits you with poison near a wall
>or she air pressures you, and starts that dumb fucking air dive and spin
What do you even fucking do
It's even better to be good at all of them change based on the monster you're fighting
>Wall mushrooms
I played MHW back when it first came out and bought it for PC a couple days ago, I for some reason do not remember what the heck these are.
Whats the best palico weapon? I'm using the radobaan weapon and the monster is sleeping 2-3 times per hunt. I'm assuming armor sets on the high rank are mostly aesthetic so I'm using the legiana and odogaron sets;
Although I miss some of the variant monsters, I sure as fuck don't miss dreadqueen.
>trying to DB a rathalos or plesioth due to stubbornness instead of learning multiple weapons depending on the situation
>what are flash bombs
>what are frogs
don't @ me again ADHD zoomer
you contribute nothing to your team you lazy swine
It's this shit right here. The stuff that lets you run up a wall.
>implying any other melee user is contributing more than me against a rathalos
>implying you can't DB a plesi
stop posting anytime worldbab
Lance has been one of my mains since MHFU and I don't think I ever used guard up except for very specific circumstances.
>this is what mainlessfags actually believe
I've got about 10 hours and the only weapon I've clicked with so far is the Insect Glaive, but I still barely know how to use it. All I'm doing so far is getting all three charges, then spending half my time doing Y+B>Y>Y, other half flailing in the air trying to get on top. Any hot tips? inb4 use another weapon, I'll try more later
Not that guy, but db is one of those easy to pick up, hard to master weapons. It punishes bad positioning more than other melee weapons like the GS or the CB. DB also works well against rathalos/jho/etc because of how much trip damage they can dish out.
Lance for being a wall.
How do you handle monsters like Teo or red Fatty then?
Do you try and evade lance or do you sheath constantly?
Yup, this. And whenever the meta shifts, if it does, it'll happen again to the weapon least fortunate to be the fastest.
You can play the range weapons without being an asshole and still have fun in a group.
>I love Gunlance!
>Charge blade is so fucking good at everything it's not even fair
>Hammer all day, every day
>I want to fuck my Heavy Bowgun
I miss when the Monster Hunter community wasn't filled with literal children. I want the go back to when the only thing we complained about was Insect Glaive and the French.
wrong. every weapon works on every monster except hammer on behemoth and kulve
in classic DB is great for rath, but in world he spends way too much time out of range unless the rest of the team is doing the heavy lifting.
Well hot damn, I didn't even know about them to begin with. Thanks user.
If they don’t add double notes and oils I don’t see a reason to get world
>There are people out there that STILL believe that every monster has a weakness to specific weapons
Literally the only monster like this is Kulve, who keeps his head high enough that hammer is worthless.
Rath can be consistently grounded by flashpods. Again, this is you not knowing how different weapon mains deal with things. Watch this speedrun and tell me that db is bad at dealing with rath:
They buffed the damage for SnS to compensate for no oils
I used to be strictly evade lance in FU then a mix of evade and guard lancing up until world. I have no idea why evade lance died.
Oh, this is much better than last night's thread. You can't go wrong with posting about weapons. Aisha best girl.
You're not entirely wrong but I think you're overblowing it for this thread. Shit talking each other's weapons always has been and always will be a thing, but this is still far more fun and enjoyable than most World threads have ever been. Applying new shitty memes to MH sucks dick, though.
>mainless trying to tell normal people their weapon doesn't work against specific monsters
this right here is why people like you will always be "jack of all trades, master of none"
As a GS main I will say SnS aren't bad at all. They just feel too damn easy to me. Everytime I picked one up I blasted every monster I fought with it.
Honestly the revives and mantles are the only dumbest shit this gen while I'm the fence with unga bunga berserk gs now.
I'm saying you contribute less with a less-suited weapon than learning to be versatile. Feel free to use whatever you want, the game allows it and it's in the spirit of the series.
Weapon wars aren't a new thing 4U child.
I don’t know if that makes up for 60% crit, exhaust/stun on hint, minds eye and part breaker. But shit, maybe the tools make up for that.
you completely misunderstood his post. it is completely against the bow. it's not about elitism. its about the weapon being not only making it hard to cart but also doing shittons of damage at the same time.
It's not that they have a specific weakness, some weapons are just better for the job than others depending on the situation. Pre world deviljho, all sns users could do was clip his toenails and waste time while at the same time lances were top tier specifically for him because of their poking angle.
>Shit talking each other's weapons always has been and always will be a thing
I think my big issue is in the past we had actual ammo to sling at each other since weapons actually functioned somewhat differently from each other but MHW made every weapon feel so homogenized that literally the only thing people can throw at each other now is "weapon bad because I say so".
>want to post TAKE THAT, FUCKER
>realize I never actually saved it
How did I go almost a decade like this?
What's the Meta on HHs in MHW. Who is top right now?
>haven't even carted once since switching to LS even to Extremoth and Ancient Leshen
I have become enlightened
SnS still does kind of shit damage outside of that helmbreaker combo thing.
Most weapons in world do shit damage outside of one unga bunga combo
No bro, im one of those that complains how much the comunity has degraded bcs of world but weapon banter was always a part of the comunity and its very fun, its all in good nature . In the end if you play your weapon well nobody would complain except massive turbofaggots
Generic offensive skills with the Lunastra horn
Which one in particular?
Always has been Jho.
hunting horn has the shittiest damage output and the most vulnerable attacks
Well now I just think you're oversimplifying things. Yeah, hunters are way more OP now and it's ludicrously easy to take down monsters with most weapons but that's more of an issue with how they built the game more than anything else. Weapons all still control vastly differently even if the danger has been lessened.
I unironically enjoy swaxe from time to time exactly because it's so braindead.
Meme tells DB is the most unga weapon but I think these people never touched this thing in World or Generations.
At what cost. Tip your fedora eternally
>buy game in weeaboo week
>play it on my prestige top of the line PlayStation 4 PROFESSIONAL SYSTEM
>Boot it up
>Loading..........................................................................................................................................select online session.............................Loading.........................................................get in and pick quest.................Loading............
>dont want to play anymore and refund it
Great game MonHun fags
don't listen to him user. only the lunastra horn with wind resist is decent and only against kushala.
Roar is the best one with atk up L, but Styx has reduced Stamina loss and atk + def up. it's up to you.
talking shit about weapon choice was pretty much all the community had for years other than people getting salty at hitting walls and sharing sets/fashion/favourite monsters/complaining about nobody local to play with.
>crying about bazelgeuse fucking 10,000 hours into the game
imagine being this fucking retarded
10/10 post, had me a giggle
I certainly don't have as much fun picking apart the weapons as I used to. That one I definitely noticed.
I had the most fun in the psp days when I would get hardcore into a specific weapon and learn it's intricacies, then applying the knowledge to the roster. Was maximum enjoyment for me from the franchise.
"Relearning" each weapon when they make generation leaps and whatnot is still cool but not as fun I guess.
Empress Howl Styx/Ruin are good easy to acquire Gunlances if you want to minimize sharpening woes, Ruin if you have a Protective Polish jewel. After that it's Kulve gacha hell for a Wide 4
>worldbabs complaining about bagel juice
literally the easiest "invasive species" monster out of the three of them
>Every hunt with Bazel in going to have you unsheathe your weapon, throw a dung pod, wait for it to go away and then resume attacking multiple times per hunt
>Wasting time like this is somehow ok and unreasonable to complain about
Worldfags are in a new level of retarded
HH actually has surprisingly good damage output. If you look at TA times, they can sub 3 Rath pretty easily. This puts them about a minute behind most weapons.
Even if HH had half the dps of other weapons (it doesn't), the buff it provides to a team of 4 more than makes up for it in terms of raw damage, let alone survivability.
Compare this to SnS and IG, which always do 6 min rath times.
>trying to GL anything in the game and succeeding because you don't have to care about positioning or enemy attacks and gimmicks when you have the best shield in the game and defense piercing damage
It has more reach making it easier to smack monster that aren't walking with their head on the ground.
Also, doing a backwards encore with 3 4-note songs stored up and hitting all 3 backslams with the powered shockwaves
If he bothers you so fucking much just go kill him first. The fuck kind of fox only, flat ground, final destination horse shit do you want Monster Hunter to be? If you want to just hunt monsters without competing with the environment go play arena quests.
>this fucker literally throws mountains at you in 140 GQs
Truly a horror to behold
meanwhile Long Sword got a perfect evade that can combo into a strong finisher that raises your spirit gauge for free.
higher sustain damage than hammer due to fast attacks and an infinite. Hammer has higher burst but lots of downtime.
>yeah bro just spend about 5 minute, 3 minutes of which will be just chasing it around the map, killing this unrelated monster on every high rank quest dude, whats the problem??
Fucking genius. Invading monsters are fine, a monster specifically programmed to invade you on every hunt it is in is completely fucking retarded.
Does anyone else hate how they made charms craftable and gems random rewards in MHW? It makes it near impossible to create a desired set without retarded amounts of grinding.
>what is bulldrome?
>what is deviljho?
Two monsters not specifically programmed to follow the hunter everywhere that have a decent chance of not appearing in the hunt to begin with
SNS was at its best in Gen especially with Striker style.
But HH is A LOT better in world.
Being able to combo songs together if they share notes, being able to store 3 songs in a row and playing them all at once and having stored notes empower the damage of Encores is a LOT better than the double note mechanic.
People don't just try to play around bazelguese and take advantage of his free knockdowns? It makes what would otherwise be 3 minute kills/captures somewhat engaging.
Is affinity worth building into, or is it fine with whatever positive amount you get on your weapon?
Meta sets involving reaching 100% affinity so you crit all the time doing anywhere from 25%-40% more damage on every single one of your hits depending on your level of crit boost.
also more having more recital animations to work with is sick as fuck
unstable environments my dude. deviljho used to be everywhere, play more of the series. bazel is gen 5 jho, just jho shows up less as he's more of an event/cameo monster in world so far.
It depends on the weapon (GL's have way more important shit to worry about excepting Jho unga slammers). Generally it's worth getting it as high up as your build allows. So you get the skills your build absolutely needs, then the utility skills you personally want, then attack and affinity and crit boost (which may also be what you absolutely need, depending on the weapon).