What ports do you want to see on Switch?
I want Deadly Premonition, Lost Planet, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Fatal Frame and so on.
What ports do you want to see on Switch?
I want Deadly Premonition, Lost Planet, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Fatal Frame and so on.
Also will there be a Virtual Console?
i want mw2
>Ball of Doodie
Metal gear revengeance. I'd say DMC4, but I think joycons would suck for that game, and without portability there is no point.
Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest
Modern ports, fuck it. If the switch can't even run it decently then don't bother.
S to the h to the I to the t to the c to the h the shitch is garbage.
the vita is a port machine, and thats a good thing
Your post reminds me of a Mad World track
>experimental non-first party game releases on a Nintendo console
>nobody fucking buys it
metal gear rising, sonic adventure 1 & 2, super mario rpg, at least the first three silent hills, super mario 64 (i want this shit on the go and i don't do homebrew), rare replay (mainly for banjo, conker, blast corps, and perfect dark)
God Hand
Risk of rain
Risk of rain 2
Steam link
>port machine
yeah, is a glorified Nvidia shield TV
I wish I could do moonlight or steam link
You do realize that Bastion and RoR 1 are on Switch r-right?
Skys of arcadia.
Transistor too
What the fuck? Are they?! Thanks!
Also when is Grandia out?
Fuck you. I want actual new fucking games. I don't want things that I've already fucking played
The switch gets as many ports as every other system
Pikmin 3, Star Fox Zero
I want new games more, but i'd kill for Silent Hill, and Deadly Premonition. Rising Star hinted at a DP port, but that was a while ago, and there's been nothing since.
I want new games.
I'd like some new games please.
Fatal Frame collection...
Just give us your goddamn legacy titles Nintendo
I don't mind paying 15 bucks for an n64 rom, just let me do it
lol I love this image. Its trolling on two fronts: 1. Its making fun of basedboys 2. Trolling anyone who takes it seriously as some of that shit is just everyday normalfag shit. What does "I fucking love science" have to do with anything related to being a cuck? My gf reads that shit. Same with buzzfeed. It's the most normie shit ever.
Yeah but to people who only own a switch, those ports are their only games for the most part.
Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3. I want a friend of mine to try Persona 4 but he doesn't have a Vita, only a PS4 and Switch. I also want a definitive edition of 3 because FES has garbage gameplay but the portable version is missing some content. A Switch version that combines the content and features of Portable and FES while also rebalancing the game around part control might actually make me like that game. Hadhelds are also super comfy for RPGs.
No one owns just a switch. It’s a ps4+switch or pc+switch combo.
I’ve played enough ports on my switch. I need new original exclusives. And soon. This content drought is killing me.
Time Crisis 5
fuck arcades and the joycons are completely capable of acting as a light gun
GOOooOogoo GAhga
>suck suck
Baby want switchy now!
>suck suck
Baby want ports! Give baby ports
Baby make a stinky!
P3 and P4 are fine by me for being ported.
P5 never ever.
>The last exclusive I bought for this godforsaken console was Xenoblade 2
Please Nintendo...please...
I don't really care about 5 getting ported. I have a PS4 and so does my friend, so I bought him a copy to try the series. If it came out on Switch I wouldn't buy it anyways since I already beat it once. It's also already confirmed to get an updated version, and it was already fine as it was anyways unlike 3. I have no reason to want 5 on Switch.
Fair enough. I agree that 3 is deserving of a more definitive edition
>What ports do you want to see on Switch?
Metal Gear Solid HD collection or Twin Snakes
Paper Mario TTYD
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
SEGA AGES Phantasy Star II-IV
Metal Gear Ac!d 1 & 2 (& 3 plz)
DoDonPachi Daifukatsu
Operation Darkness
Breakers Revenge
SEGA AGES Burning Rangers
Space Crusade (still pixel art, but remastered)
All physically of course.
Deadly premonition runs poorly on everything but the 360. But fuck I want it just for the DP portable experience. Just imagine renting a cabin in the woods and playing that game while chilling on the porch at night.
>pc+switch combo
That's me.
Also Jeanne D’arc. That was a rad PSP game.
>SEGA AGES Phantasy Star II-IV
Isn't that on Sega Genesis / Mega Drive collection?
>Tatsunoko vs Capcom
>Operation Darkness
Fuck yes, especially Operation Darkness because that game wasn't released in Europe.
Just this game
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Do it you fucking faggots, I don't give a fuck about using extra buttons to open maps or miiverse shit I just want to fight giant monsters in moderately sized flying mechas but in xenoblade format.
the vita is a corpse
>SEGA AGES Phantasy Star II-IV
they already have this tho
what they SHOULD do is an HD phantasy star online ep 1 and 2 port. I would cum
ps4+switch combo right here
although in honesty i haven't used my ps4 for anything but netflix in like 3 weeks now
>consolewar fagging in a mostly idort thread
fucking cringe
I'd love to see that, House of the Dead as well.
I'm impressed by the Joycon's accuracy despite having no sensor bar, they could do it
All the best games are old anyway
True, but it's $200+ for how tiny and lacking in power it is.
A port of XCX would be nice
JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING THAT PROVES THIS SHIT CONSOLE CAN RUN MODERN GAMES. 95% of its library is indie 2d 8bit pixel rpg bullshit anyone can make on rpgmaker. Did i buy an SNES or A SWITCH?? I cant tell.
Doom already exists through
oh and wolfenstein
I just want more Suda games for it, hopefully sequels with the odd port after all the teasing Travis Strikes Again did.
Phantasy Star Online or even ports of the Portable games would also be appreciated so long as they get localized, goddamn it SEGA
I only have switch but I could have had a PS4 if I wasn’t a retarded dead box fan
>buying a game that is 60 bucks on switch and 20 on everything else.
Been saying this shit forver
Playing updated ports of games we know and love from the glory days of gaming back when we were in middle school/high school
Playing Sony new AAA,sjw,politically correct movie game that plays itself,requires zero skill,and has microtrasactions out the ass and DLC that shouldnt even be DLC and could have been base game material.
Switch and Nintendo are still the only ones keeping gaming pure and Nintendo does DLC right.
I have PS4 and Switch and my Ps4 hasnt done nothing but collect dust and even Sekiro wasnt enough to get me to dust it off
You faggots enjoy Days Gone
I'd rather have actual remakes or something new. Ports are fine and all but they arent worth it when they cost what they do on Switch, especially when these arent niche underground games nobody has ever heard of, but games like SR3 which sell for 40 new compared to how cheap they sell on Steam/Xbox.
You asked for something that proves the console can run modern games nigger.
>muh price ah-bloo-bloo
Just wait for a sale if you are poor lmao
All the Tales
all the Trails
all the Ys
all the JRPGs from every gen
give them all
Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Metroid Prime Trilogy and all the Trails of Cold Steel games. The recent Hitman games would be great too
a sale??? A SALE???? NINTENDO EVER DOING SALES?? You realize dk tropical freeze is still 50 dollars while being 10 on the wiiu. YOU REALIZE skyrim is 60 dollars on the switch STILL
>silent hill port
you know they will fuck it up like last time user.
>while being 10 on the wiiu.
well look at that, nintendo did a price cut!
seriously though nintendo has been doing lots of sales with the switch, not my fault you're missing them
Just Gamecube games
1st party titles in general.
I could care less for the rest. Just let me replay the classics I love, or play on the ones I missed out.
Not happening
Indies devs are quite literally begging them to not release them
Why buy a game inspired by SM64 when you could just buy Straight up buy SM64?
I want windwaker HD, twilight princess HD, the 3DS N64 remakes, Jade Cocoon 1/2 and azure dreams
>YOU REALIZE skyrim is 60 dollars on the switch STILL
its literally not tho
>You realize DK tropical freeze is still 50 dollars
its between 30 and 40 at both target and walmart, and under 30 used at goiymstop
It literally does.
don't forget about the upcoming Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] and both Digimon Cyber Sleuth games
hasn't dark souls been 30% off for the last week and a half?
thats pretty good, but i want that shit physical tbqh
The Wonderful 101
I just want it to get another chance
This plus Fatal frames
I just want the entire WiiU library to get a second chance
Even TMS despite being a worst persona and pissing off every SMT fan
TMS and Fatal Frame 4/5 are definitely worthy of ports, since they did so poorly on Wii U and 5 is digital only.
>Indies devs are quite literally begging them to not release them
gotta see the source this one, dont doubt it though
The rest of the Atelier games.
The rest of the Tales games.
Persona 4 Golden
>Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]
Did that name that with a password generator?
Fatal Frame fucking V
Wonderful 101 DX
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Mischief Makers (fuck you, I can still dream)
If the "Microsoft is making Xbox a service on all game platforms," thing is true, fucking give me Ninja Gaiden Black and NG2 so I don't have to fire up my 360 EVERY time I want to play those games.
I think it's too late to introduce a proper VC for the Switch unfortunately. They fucked up by not making the Wii's online architecture portable to future systems. Hopefully they'll get it right with the Switch's successor finally. But yeah, a VC that was as great as the Wii's, with games all the way up to the Wii U would be fucking amazing.
>Microsoft is making Xbox a service on all game platforms
oh god please be true, I need to play viva pinata trouble in paradise again
>oh god please be true, I need to play viva pinata trouble in paradise again
I would have access to a shit ton of Xbox games that I've always wanted to play but never have, like Crimson Skies and the Otogi games. Shit would be pretty sweet.
Just look at how Nintendo is treating indie devs
Their letting literal whos like Brace yourself games to release a Zelda game.
The last companies to get their hands on Zelda were KT, Capcom and Hal Lab
All big names user
Level 5 was pretty much an indie-tier dev for the 3DS's lifecycle until Fantasy Life.
I want a port of TMS#FE that adds a new dungeon and a new party member, just like Atlus always does
>Switch and Nintendo are still the only ones keeping gaming pure
>this is what bingtendies unironically believe
newsflash: despite pretending they were above all of these practices for years, nintendo has already sold out to paid online, paid dlc, microtransactions, and mobile gacha shit. plus they've rolled out cash grabs that only nintendo could do with a straight face, like labo and amiibos. and if that wasn't bad enough, they routinely shut down rom sites and fan games.
please do explain what's "pure" about a console where 90% of the library is either lazy full-priced ports from the last console, or barely-changed rehashes of games from the last console with a new extra paywall (i.e. mario maker 1.5).
>That picture
Blacked.com is WAY more fun to watch than Rick & Morty.
not an argument.
>I think it's too late to introduce a proper VC for the Switch unfortunately. They fucked up by not making the Wii's online architecture portable to future systems.
bullshit excuse. the wii u and 3ds both had virtual console. nintendo could have easily done the same for switch. they'd rather have people buy their $60 "classic consoles" or subscribe to nes roms as a service instead of just buying the games they want to play.
Most of them are cheaper than Funko Pops and look 100x better.
the otogi games aren't even backwards compatible on xbone, what makes you think they'd ever be available on this "service"?
>complains about new games not being good
>didn’t get Sekiro
You’re the kind of faggot that didn’t buy Wonderful 101 on Wii U. Fuck you console warriors.
Do you think they'll start porting 3DS games? Or will they leave them with a dead system?
I have a disposable income so I don't mind paying for online so much. I just wish we'd get some SNES, N64, GC, and Wii games. I really want the Metroid Prime Trilogy on my Switch already, and I've never played the Majora's Mask or OoT.
I’ll be pissed if that’s the case. I’m not going to buy anymore Indies except maybe terraria
my guess is that nintendo will add those in a couple years and increase the subscription fee to their shitty online at the same time.
No it's not, and you have shit taste.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Fatal Frame too
I owned a Wii U, but didn't playe these games because they didn't have off tv play support and I didn't have a TV during the time I had the console
Get the 3DS ports
3DS games are hard to port because of the dual screen.
But I'm happy we're getting Rune Factory 4. That game was the comfiest thing ever.
LMAO, Doom can't even hit stable 30fps and downscales to complete jizz.
Anyone who thinks Switch can run "modern" games is a retard.
It can run them if they are ported efficiently and not compressed to all hell to save space.
Grew up playing far worse - and enjoying it.
agree. No one should suffer through 5
Honestly all I want is paper mario ttyd and luigis mansion
5 is the best persona game nostalgiacunt.
>PC + Nintendo
>when Nintendo games always get emulated quickly
Low IQ combo desu
Bullshido and you know it.
Doom is the most optimized game of this generation and switch can't even hit stable 30fps even with all the downscaling. You have basic-bitch platformers like Kirby running at 30fps.
Even basic 2d indie platformers like Mark of the ninja runs at 30fps.
Nobody bothers to spend the effort to optimize games to run well on Switch.
Can handle "modern" games my ass.
Many Switch games run worse than they did on GBA and NDS. They even look worse with all the downscaling, blur, resolution switching, jaggies and sharpening filters (a la XC2).
Can't wait till Nintendo starts making first party games with Unity.
Fire Emblem is coming soon lad
Metal Gear HD Collection/Legacy Collection
Metal Gear Rising
Wonderful 101
Xenoblade X
Xenoblade 1 (although this one could use a graphical overhaul/remake)
Persona 4 Golden
Mad World
Wind Waker HD
Twilight Princess HD
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Devil May Cry 3, 4 (1's already here, so maybe there is hope)
Blue Reflection
>Devil May Cry 3, 4 (1's already here, so maybe there is hope)
Fuck it, just give me DMC5.
F Zero GX with a graphical overhaul and an online mode.
Defo need some kind of Fzero game. It sucks that the only online racer on switch is MK: an infantile game at best. The physics are horrible, the steering, everything is horrible. With Fzero they could make something a bit more serious.
in that case somehow port 3ds games onto it, even if there are dual screen problems
Top priority should be the remaining Wii U exclusives (W101, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, Fatal Frame 5, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Mario 3D World, Xenoblade X).
Then, maybe start remastering/porting more Wii/Gamecube exclusives that may not have gotten as much attention as they may have deserved, like No More Heroes 2, MadWorld, Gotcha Force, etc.
>Xenosaga Trilogy Remaster
>Xenoblade 1 Remaster
>Xenoblade X Port
>Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn Remasters
>a definitive version of Persona 3, as well as Persona 4 Golden
This is all I can think of right now.