Is Deus Ex cyberpunk?

Is Deus Ex cyberpunk?

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the pope is protestant

It's cyberpunk without the "punk" aspect in it.

describing anything as "*punk" is bad

t. didn't get off liberty island

The bars have some punk elements in them.

I've owned the game since its release and I only right now realized the busted statue of liberty is behind JC on the cover.

HR is, DX not so much. There's a reason it never said when it takes place and it wasn't until IW that we learned it was 2052, because the idea was that once this technology exists it was entirely possible for this kind of future to happen.

Played through it twice actually.

Hot take, Watch_Dogs was more fitting as a prequel to Deus Ex in terms of setting up the kind of society that would become the kind that exists in DX, than Human Revolution was.

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Is the GEP gun the most silent way to eliminate Manderley?

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it has elements of it

Human revolution was a good game, but I don't know what the fuck they were thinking regarding the technology level. Everything looked like it was 200 years or so after Deus Ex, not a few decades before.

The problem is they missed the point. It's not about the technology, it's about the surveillance state mindset. Which again, W_D did better.

Yes, human augmentation, lowlife, overbearing government, corporate espionage and conspiracy are all staples of cyberpunk. Don't confuse the lack of neon aesthetics for a lack of themes, which DE has a shitton of, it's perhaps the single best cyberpunk story in all of media perhaps even surpassing Gibson in it's portrayal

remember JC, prod with the prod

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>only twice


me at least 6 times

(not him)

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I made a thread about this earlier but it died with no replies.

Should I play the original Deus Ex first or HR?


The original and skip HR.

Original, of course. There's really just one DX-game, dont' see them as connected.

HR and skip the original

Welcome to the coalition JC. I might as well start using coke.

UNATCO hurt my weenie.

I'm not gonna skip any, I just know that HR takes place before the original. But if they aren't connected in any way I'll play them by release date.

Are there any mods or patches I should get for the original? I remember I tried it once and it ran way too fast so all the dialogue kept cutting off.

There's been some activity at sea. I'm going to watch the coast.

new deus ex soon

>I'm not gonna skip any
BIG fucking mistake. The "prequels" have plenty of value on their own, the only question is whether or not they fit with the Deus Ex universe. But do not under any circumstances play Invisible War. You will regret it.

Oh sorry. I meant "any" as in 2 contradictory posts telling me to play one and skip the other.

I'm not gonna play Invisible War or the Prequel that was literally a mobile game (The Fall?). I've been warned off of those.

Yes, though more grounded and less so than its prequels

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If you look at anyone in the game who's not connected to the government/illuminati/MJ12 there's barely any "cyber" or "punk", you walk in regular cities, talk to regular people, mechanical augmentations are supposed to be common, but are nowhere to be seen.

pretty funny that the rocket launcher is more of a utility tool than anything else

fucking kill yourselves
Invisible War is a far better follow up to Deus Ex than Human Revolution was, and half of the people telling you not to play it haven't played it themselves.

I hope they revert to the more analogue sci-fi style of the original for future games. I'm sick of hexagons and carbon fibre.

it's more sci-fi than cyberpunk desu

Cyberpunk is sci-fi.

HR makes literally all the same mistakes as IW except for in regards to ammunition and also has the shittiest augmentation system in the series.

For the original I would use GMDX if only for the texture upgrades, if you want to be a purist then you could use that kentie exe that gives you native 1080p

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I'm not a purist at all, so does this GMDX make it run/look better on a modern PC? I just want it to run well so any upgrades/patches/whatever that make the game do that are good to me.

Couldn't be more wrong. You either never played Invisible War or you have such abysmally shit taste that your opinion holds no value.

HR and IW are literally the same game. Small, linear environments, strangely futuristic aesthetic at odds with the original, shitty oc do not steal protagonist. Only point in its favor is that it doesn't have universal ammo.

It does however have the shittiest augmentation system in the series in which you easily unlock every single useful augmentation every playthrough, resulting in absolutely no differences in gameplay whatsoever. By contrast, IW's augmentation system forces you to make real, lasting decisions that define the way you'll approach the obstacles before you.

Don't even get me started on HR's shitty story that's more concerned with some retarded ethical debate than presenting an interesting conspiracy. One single conversation with JC in IW is better than everything in HR put together.

Let's be honest the eidos games are only nominally deus ex

Mantling is great in GMDX. It breaks a few things progress wise but it makes the environments a lot more enjoyable to interact with.

>It breaks a few things progress wise
I've beaten vanilla 5 times and GMDX like three, and I never noticed that. What does mantling break? I've just seen it as a very large quality of live improvment.

I've played IW more than once. It's not as good as the original but not entirely worthless either.

>BIG fucking mistake. The "prequels" have plenty of value on their own

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I've never played the original. This would be my first time playing. Is GMDX a better experience than Vanilla? That's the real question.

Mostly things in areas which you usually can't get to without augmentations for jumping and such.

Not really. I liked the mantling which made gave me a bit more freedom and options but honestly I didn't notice a difference.

Not any of the people you've been replying to but I think it is. The textures look better and I'd rate them like 90% authentic in terms of matching the originals in every way but resolution. The few significant gameplay changes it introduces are either improvements or hardly noticeable. There's really not a downside to using it unless you're a purist.

I pretty much adored HR and MD, the only thing that stopped me from loving them as much as I do the first DX is that the narrative elements are retardedly forced and that there's still gameplay stuff not as complex as something in 1.

If it weren't for "press X to watch Jensen beat teh shit out of someone" I'd probably say that MD got closeish to 1 in terms of gameplay though.

Oh, riight. I think it adds verticality, wouldn't call that "breaking".

Based, Ive yet to play HR but I liked IW as a kid, yeah it’s shit compared to the original, but on its own it’s pretty solid

Which is why I said a few things. You get a bit more items earlier, access to some areas you otherwise wouldn't if you didn't pick the right augs, etc.

>old game good
>new game bad

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