About to start playing this in an hour and I need someone to sell me on the most fun class...

About to start playing this in an hour and I need someone to sell me on the most fun class. Got a pizza and a shit bucket I'm ready to go hard.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Play Sorcerer. Mage sucks, but Sorcery is probably the best casting classes I've ever played. You feel like a real master of the elements, with some amazing spells on a massive scale.

Also get the ability that increases the strength of knockups, then utilize the Flame Wall spell. Incredibly strong combination.

I've played it for a while before as the Guts class but it wasn't very good.

just reinstalled and want to give it another go as something actually fun.

Strider is guaranteed fun: the class out of the three classes you can pick at the beginning

Play everything, stat gains matter very little given that gear outweighs them so heavily.

Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu

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Don't touch mage as your first class. the best part of this game is the melee combat and being able to climb or restrain monsters.
Be a sword and board fighter and transition to magic knight eventually. maybe take some ranks in mage after you hit 10 with fighter for the magic improvement skills then go MK.

only fags play strider

>only fags play strider

Strider, Ranger, Assassin or Magic Knight if you want to have fun. Sorcerer or Warrior if you like hitting things real slow for big ass numbers.

>Best part of game is climbing monsters
>Only fags play the best monster climbing class tho

Thoughts on DDO's casting system? I like that they give you something to do while you stand there and that it potentially speeds up the casting. Hoping that they add to it if we ever end up seeing a DD2.

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Are assassins actually like assassins in other games where you have high burst damage and kill shit quick but are super squishy? Because I'm looking at it, and that looks more like just a jack of all trades fighter, not an assassin. Reminds me more of what a traditional "ranger" would be. like an aragorn type

Don't listen to this fucker he shows up every thread. He messed up his character by switching vocation every 2 levels and wants you to do the same. Make sure you look up the best way to get the stats you want for the voc you want.

can you change classes at some point?

fighter isn't meant for climbing monsters you dumb shit

you can do it almost from the start of the game an unlimited number of times.

that's never stopped me, bitch
>some cuck with a bow
>versus an absolute chad with a sword and shield

Sword & Bow Assassin best vocation, prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

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Posting my pawn in the hopes someone will hire her. lvl 34 on switch pawn ID: 6896-AF8C-8565

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Why do they even call this an assassin. It's clearly not. Cool character, but definitely not an assassin.

This is one of the most boring games I've ever played in my entire life.

>trying to pimp your girl on Yea Forums

Bros, why are Warriors so one dimensional?

No, people have different classes cause you can't change them.


To emulate the manga and its fans it attracts

I'm level 41 and Warrior is the most fun class

Agree, but what should we call them?


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she needs to work if she gonna get payed

is Strider like Aragorn, or is Assassin actually more like him?

The only classes that aren't fun are Mage, and maybe Warrior, but saying Warrior isn't fun isn't really true. It's just not as fleshed out, but it's great for a while. Some people absolutely love it and I get why.

>not daggers & shield
Has anyone explored this by the way? It's fun but I wonder if there's an interesting synergy between skills to be found.

I started playing it a couple of days ago, just made my main pawn. Is all the free equipment already stored in your Inn box some kind of bonus for this version of the game? It seemed considerably better than anything from the stores of the first town so I put everything back into the box in fear of breaking the game's balance.

I tried it and I hated it. What the fuck are you supposed to do with no shield and no roll?

By the way, can I just replace Rook with another pawn or is he relevant to the plot after this point?

I think it's old DLC but yeah, just leave it alone for a while.

Assassin is closer, you can get long sword + bow combo going on. Striders can't use long swords, and are limited to daggers for melee. Assassins get some cool sword attacks too, notably Dire Gouge, which shreds large enemies (climb over their weak spot and go to town with it) and I'm also a huge fan of the Powder line of skills, where you can set an explosive, run away, and activate it, which is incredibly useful at knocking down troublesome post-game enemies like Eliminators and Living Armors.

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Rook is a throwaway. Sometimes a Super Rook appears, but generally, you rent pawns based on your level and let them go when they fall behind. Only your pawn levels with you.

Good for you. I never hire pawns wearing the queen's regalia or the clown hat because they are so immersion breaking. I appreciate pawns who dress for both fashion and utility.

anything that doesn't use magic. don't know why anyone would think standing around for 10-30 seconds waiting for a castbar to fill would be fun

My Arisen is Dante, around that level, and I play on Switch. I will hire the fuck out of Lady.

Also if you sit in the Knowledge Chair (there's one in every inn and in the pawn guild in Gran Soren), you can affect your pawn's personality. Spam it a bit so they ask you the 5 different questions and you can base their responses on what you like. It's a little detail that makes the pawn more likeable.

Yeah the stash stuff is mostly DLC armor sets that were lumped in to the current version of the game. I stayed away from it until later in the game, but you do you, man. I'd suggest not slapping a princess dress on your pawn, though, as too many people do and IMO that's the most annoying shit ever.

As to Rook, he's not critical to the story, and is totally replaceable but he lives on in our hearts.

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Wanna cast fast? Easy. Magick archer. Really though you can spell synch with sorcerer pawns.

I too hope spell casting becomes more interesting and action oriented in DD2. Having nukes of doom are cool and all but sometimes it's more fun or useful to have quick smaller spells that don't require casting for 60 seconds straight.

>walks toward you

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I can't really tell what they're doing, but chances are it gets /really/ tedious almost immediately. I'd like to be able to use more than six spells at a time, if only for the convenience of not having to reequip before every outing.
I would be really interested in more of a pair based combat. Instead of being THE arisen with your shitty tag-along pawn, you play with the two on a more equal footing and you can hotswap between which you control. Then you can for instance begin a 10s cast with a sorcerer and then swap to the other guy to defend

>shit fashion
>shit hair
hard pass

how well would an all loli mage party work?

>Super Rook

>Hark, sir
>we've found a chest of rare equipment and free beer in yonder tent
>won't you come with us?

Basically someone recreates Rook as their Main Pawn so you could potentially hire a level 200 Rook

>giving up ranged so you can block
What's the point?

Sometimes people intentionally make a better Rook because they like him. Your Rook though is completely disposable though.

How hard is BBI second run?

There was one circulated in the DD general when I was playing and it was active around a year or so ago.

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Depends on your class, but it's pretty easy

I really don't have fun with the open world. Wish the sequel would be like BBI desu. The dungeon crawling is more fun and I love the constant action.

Reminder that solo Sorcerer is one of the deepest and most strategic playthroughs and requires careful planning in each encounter.

I dunno. Enhanced response might be good with daggers.

>use holy enchant
>hold lmb until everything is dead
Whoa deep

you can also not be a complete faggot and use the one thing that trivializes the entire game

>your pawn: generic loli mage #46759078215
>my pawn: qt female knight

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Lookin' good my dude, nice work.

strider to assassin

@mods please ban everyone recommending sorc it's boring as shit

Sorry kid, but Assassin is old news. Strider is the new best class in the game.

>killing shit with blast arrows is somehow less boring than sorc

Magick Archer for me.
Sorcerer is pretty fun but you need to rely on your pawns quite a bit specially in harder difficulties, it gets better with skills and levels tho.
Always max the warrior rank first to get increased load capacity, literally changes the game.

I climb shit even as a mage suck my dick

Clairvoyance, it's stylish as fuck. Though masterful kill is much stronger.

Hard mode is fucking bullshit, everything kills me in one or two hits even at level 60

Well to be fair you're actively BTFO of things rather than waiting around for a spell to finally do so

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>even at level 60
Whoa everything kills you at a low as fuck level? Shocking

You don't use spells as sorc if you want to kill shit quickly, you just use holy focused bolts.

But HFB is great. If you know how to cancel the animation, it's extremely comfortable to use and relaxing.
Just don't spam it 100% of time, and use fucking spell sync whenever possible.

I thought 60 was enough for BBI?

You're still waiting around for FBs to charge as opposed to just unloading a shitton of absurd damage right away

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your """""""""""strider""""""""""" plays assassin for 190 levels lmao

Says a lot when Strider is a better Assassin than Assassin.

Just the thread i was looking for


>bring 200 silencer arrows
>bring chars to buff attack damage
>cave in and use a full team of four instead of the 3 that got me thru all the way to post game
firt 20 or so times get fucker everytime he goes inside dragon
>finally manage to get him out after having to use 4 charms to stack my attack power
>fuckers on Yea Forums said if you get him out of the dragon hell sit on the ground for like 2 minutes and you can wale on himand practically kill him
>he only stays idle for like 40 seconds and during that time i only managed to get rid of his second health bar

Pawns are fucking stupid and dont use the attacks i need them to use and even at level 70 with an assassin and main fighter pawn i still dont do jack shit worth of damage to him.

>hurr durr dragon weak to holy and fire and bishop weak to dark
Yeah and a lot of good that shit does when the pawns dont consistently use those attacks on them.

Fuck mage pawn keeps shooting holy spells at the fucking bishop and giving my weapons holy affinity which is good for taking out the dragon but when i take out the dragon im stuck with holy affinity weapons which fucks up doing big damage to the bishop

>silence bro
Doesnt last for shit and FOR WHATEVER STUPID ASS REASON the bishop can still perform a few spell even though i hit him with silence arrows.

If i silenced his ass then why can he still cast a spell and revive the dragon while being silenced?

And once he revives the dragon i pretty muched used up all my good shit suriving the first encounter and have nothing left

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t. Too fat to be pushed by the wind

Mimnaxing is a fucking meme. Thinking you HAVE to play a certain vocation, because it can kill the absolute strongest creatures in the game a few seconds faster is also a fucking meme.
Everyone but warrior and mage are completely OP. And even warrior is decent, especially with Iraklis.

Assassin isn't even an assassin. He is a traditional ranger in every since of the word. He should be called ranger, and ranger should be called archer.

Taking out a group of 10 with High Maelstrom is fun

>bring 200 silencer arrows
Just use gold weapons, you memelord. I have no idea how are you having problems with bishop if you have both silence and 4x periapts.
Even the dragon is much weaker than your usual cursed dragons.

bro i can beat him solo with sorcerer, c'mon now apply yourself

Have you tried blast arrows?

You probably need better weapons. Have you uncursed any level 2 BBI weapons yet? If you have maybe you should use throwblasts or blast arrows.

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That would work pretty well with the pawn growth, you could manually teach it which attacks to follow other attacks up with.

Alright lets do this mother fuckers

Heres what im working with
Main chracter:
>lvl 1 chilling razors gives attack power of 658
>dragon forged bastard sword red symbol gives attack of 765
>lvl 3 stalwart bow i ditched my dragon forged bow for with attack of 708
>200 silencer arrows
>defense 489 magic defense 379
>6 conquerors periapat and i need 4 to kill merged bishop with dragon casue he takes shit all damage while merged
>2 monks periapt to avoid status effects

Main pawn:
>Warrior/fighter mix
>using fighter cause dragon and bishop do high damage so tank is not good option for fight so i need shield
>Lvl 1 crossed cinquedea sword gives attack of 1173
>lvl 1 dragons den shield gives 718 strength
>defense is 509 and magic def is 269

extra pawn 1:
>mage with the following high ingle, grand levin, holy affinity and secondary grand anodyne, high halidom, high spell screen

extra pawn 2:
sorceror with the following
high silentium, high petrifaction, high bolide and secondary high necromancy,holy affinity,fire affinity

All level 71!
fucking magic users get one shoted by basic attack from dragon casue magic users and can cast spells before getting fucked up from dragons or walking into bishops bullshit blobs he leaves all over the ground

I doubt they can ever make pawn AI and training as good as delusional consolefags thought it was

What face shape did you use?

step 1: buy blast arrows
step 2: shoot blast arrows

>lvl 1 chilling razors
Dark Bishop takes half damage from ice attacks

Stop using silencer arrows, retard.
Pop 4 periapts and shoot blast arrows.

>implying stats matter at max level
>implying minmaxing is fun
>implaying this game isn't shiteasy

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Kay herad about the blast arrow meme,but avoided it to play and enjoy the game.

Will try

>g-guys, stats don't matter and minmaxing is boring
>what the fuck, why can't I kill online ur dragon or anything in bbi

lol like stats will help you with urdy


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I got hooked on this game when I pulled the lever at the female bandit camp and they all rushed me. I used the firewall spell to fling them over the parapets and my group fought until sunrise. It was amazing.

To be honest I stopped having much trouble once I switched to Magick Archer, it's literally babby's first class. It's so OP in tight corridors and just with the amount of damage you can dish out overall. OP, I recommend you play as a MA. I used to be a warrior until lvl 50, now I'm a level 93 MA, haven't looked back. It's such a fun and ez class.

Also, the general should be revived.

Have you even played the game?

>what the fuck, why can't I kill online ur dragon or anything in bbi
Maybe YOU can't without minmaxing, some of us are actually good at the game.

Did they fix the switch version yet?

Stats don't matter because the best equipment will blow them out of the water. Also, you can always 4x periapt + Blast Arrows to annihilate almost anything so wasting all that time minmaxing just to get out damaged by tactics available to you in the first half of the game is pants on head retarded.

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Oh and I forgot why exactly MA is good for that fight. Hunter bolt + death periapts (I hope that Fournival is around in your game) and the fight is EZ. Deal damage with daggers, just use the ones from Ur Dragon (I killed it around lvl 55 as MA with hunter bolt, took me 3 attempts but then it was a smooth ride)

Powder blast everything

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>Also, you can always 4x periapt + Blast Arrows
Because clearly every class uses them


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Swordmaster or some shit


>blocks your path

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The only part you can permanently screw up is your stats by leveling as the wrong classes. Get to either Gran Soren or Bitterblack Isle before level 10 so you can change class, the three initial classes you chose from are all crap for gaining anything good on level up.

It's a crutch strategy that isn't required at all, but when it comes to people screaming DD STATS MATTER it's a slap in the face of spending all that time playing classes they don't like just to get outdamaged by billy joe bob arisen buying a bunch of items and killing bosses in a fraction of the time.

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There's too little Arisen and pawn posting in this thread. Post 'em.

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S-sorry Selene said I shouldn't talk to random little pawns

I wish this game had a general again

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Switch just got a port right? Why don't you try making a general on /vg/

You should keep in mind that Dark Arisen/Bitter Black Island was meant as an expansion for players who had been level 200 for months after playing original/vanilla Dragon's Dogma. You can get through most of it with a lot of struggle at level 50 or so but it was originally built for those at max level/full game knowledge.

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is anyone else getting carried by their pawn holy shit I'm trying to be a magick archer and I do a little bit of damage to bosses then my sorcerer rapes them

>tfw you don't know what you're doing so you make some support wizard pawn shit
>constantly getting different elemental buffs put on my gear

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my pawn tries to climb the enemy 90% of the time or deletes it with great gamble as intended 10% of the time

One more question anons:

Which one does blast arrows work best on?
Dragon or the bishop?
Or do they simply fuck eveything up regardless of affinities and weakness

>360 servers are dead
>all those pawns I'll never again be able to hire
RIP in pepperoni.

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The biggest boosts you'll get being a magick archer is getting a level 2/3 BBI magick bow and getting a ninefold bolt skill ring. With those things you'll be melting enemies and bosses with ease.

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Sorcerers are good as fuck, the only problem is that it's hard af to get any spell off because pawn AI is retarded and if you stand just far back enough to actually be able to cast without being interrupted your pawns will run back to your side.

What level are you and what difficulty, you absolute shitter

also vocation

DDO localization when?

i think it does physical+fire so the dragon will get erased instantly and the bishop will get stunlocked to death

>play fighter because role-play
>never hire pawn because role-play
>get to dual wight boss
The struggle was real

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Blast arrows work on anything that can be physically damaged. Cursed dragons normally have a purple heart in their chest that's their weakspot but the one with the Dark Bishop doesn't have that IIRC. Should work well on both of them.

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>No more potato bullying

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>Dark Arisen/Bitter Black Island was meant as an expansion for players who had been level 200 for months after playing original/vanilla Dragon's Dogma. You can get through most of it with a lot of struggle at level 50 or so but it was originally built for those at max level/full game knowledge.
That's complete horseshit.

Teach them to spell sync, even if they run back to you or aren't in range to cast on their own they'll cast with you often.

I'm doing double sorcerer right now and even if I'm out of range for their AI to actively attack/cast, I can cast Maelstrom, Seism, Gicel etc. and my pawn will cast with me most of the time. I was farming the giant gore cyclops for lvl 2 weapons in midnight helix pretty early on just cheesing it on the stairs near the entrance with double high maelstroms. But yeah on their own yeah the AI is pretty retarded, I hired my sorcerer for my second playthrough and she just jumps around and runs up to stuff and doesn't get spells off half the time unless the enemy is completely distracted.

Also, for anyone who can answer, is it even possible for fighters and warriors to make the jump on the balcony to get the second-floor chests in rooms like Garden of Ignominy? Never played fighter and I modded in a higher jump for warriors when I played on PC. Doeasn't seem like it is, using the light attack or grab mid-air dosn't seem to get enough distance.

If you want to do a big risk, big reward class, play either sorcerer or warrior.

Sorcerer takes a long time charging up spells then unleashes them.

Warrior charges up insanely powerful sword attacks and then unleashes them.

With sorcerer, you will typically put down some of your weaker spells first for some crowd control, and then charge up some super spell, like a tornado. The tension is real, any hit could knock you out of the cast, but if you get the cast off the spell will destroy everything. Meanwhile, with warrior, you have very limited skills, since you can only equip 3 (everyone else can equip 6 skills) but all of your skills are really good and have a risk reward element. The most important skill is arc of deliverance, which you will want to build your entire character around. Arc of Deliverance is fucking awesome. You charge up a melee attack for like 60 seconds, and then slam it down. If you hit the enemy you will drain like 5+ health bars and knock them the fuck down and away. It is by far the single most satisfying single hit move in any video game ever.

I guess there's still potato pawns out there, but only of the Guardian/Nexus variety instead of a brontard sorcerer.

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Rogue, Mercenary, Myrmidon, Weapon Master, Slayer, Master-at-arms?

The whole classes gimmick is that it can use bows, swords, and daggers.

If your stats and gear are poop you won't be doing much damage due to how the damage scaling works. Magick Archer has really bad stat growth. Better off leveling up as an assassin or sorcerer, the former has the same magic attack growth but better pretty much everything else, and the latter has the highest magic attack growth in the game if you want to mainly use your bow. Ricochet hunter will melt pretty everything in BBI with high magic attack if you have walls to bounce it off of. Death goes down like a bitch if you get him in a hallway.

mfw got stuck for 4 hours because accidentally deposited wyrm hunt license

>>This run requires strategy
>can be done cheap as absolute fuck
>>That doesn't count!

What is the difference between the two wizard classes? I just want JACKED damage.

People are like that with every class. The insist on tenfold or fivefold blasting everything and ruin ranger, strider, and assassin, or insist on great cannoning everything and ruining MK.

>a shit bucket
Just use the toilet you fucking neanderthal.

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>pawns with Guardian
>ranged pawns with Scather
>sorcs without Util

Make it fucking stop.

Sorcerer has higher magic attack growth and slightly lower everything else but gets the best, most damaging spells in the game. Murdering everything in the room with a grand maelstrom before they even know you're there is quite satisfying. Mage has some offensive spells but focuses more on support and utility.

Sorcerer it is then, thanks user

that's complete horseshit, I bet you think you can train pawn AI

I just annihilated dark bishop in like 5 minutes with these damn balst arrows when it took me like 20-30 min just to get him into the dragon and get malestormed to death.

2 blast arrows with 3 strength boosters knocks his floaty faggy ass out of the sky and onto the ground instantly and and stun locked him all the way down to 2 health bars before he could get inside the dragon.

He got inside the dragon and i shot him 2 times and he fell the the ground and then shot him one more and bishop poped out.

I even gave the fucker a mercy killing and finished him off with blades the last bar and a half of his health so i dont feel like a complete bitch for doing this.

Glad i didnt have to use this shit till now casue fuck.......
Would have had 0 fun with this game had i relied on this shit

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Why do that when there's a perfectly good shit bucket to use?

actually I don't even know why I was complaining I was just fighting a gryphon at hillfigure knoll and midswoop my pawn hit him with a comestion and knocked him the fuck down

I love this game

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Tip of The Day: Don't forget to do the quest "Lost and Found" before you go to Gran Soren.
Also, DO NOT fight the bandits, just run past them to the left to the Witchwood.

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Fuck those bandits man

Wish the Arisen resettled at Selene's cottage. It's such a nice looking spot.

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You can do it after you've gone to Gran Soren, just don't go in for the audience with the duke before finishing it

>Grand Maelstrom
>aka I'm blind but you faggots are dead

Must be wank being so wrong all the time user

Don't restrict yourself to one class, silly boy. The game is made so that you can change classes over and over again. Dick around with whatever you enjoy the most.

Strider is the most fun of the 3 starting classes.

The audience with the Duke isn't the cut off point it's scouting the everfall

Just go at night. The bandits fuck off to their fort and there's just some wolves on the road.

Do you have original/vanilla Dragon's Dogma on PS3 or 360? I'm betting you don't.

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I don't know about you, but I don't want to traverse Witchwood at night.

not an argument

Actually you have to *start* "Lost and found" before going to Gran Soren, otherwise the fisher dude that gives you the quest will disappear, her father will never tell you to go look for her, and Quina will never show up at the Witchwood.

Once you talk to the initial messenger dude, you have until you get your Hunt Pass to go back to Cassardis and continue the quest, but you absolutely must talk to the dude standing outside the gate after you kill the Hydra before you finish escorting Mercedes to Gran Soren.

This is the last (You) you'll get from me.

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You just have to do it before Lure of the Abyss, I went to Gran Soren before accepting it.

Yeah that's why I was one of the guys trying to look at your weapons and called out the ice damage rather than tell you point blank to use blast arrows. I'd say never use blast arrows/4x periapts on anything unless you've beaten it before or are on the verge of stopping playing because you can't beat a boss.

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>there's just some wolves on the road.
Well what the fuck am I supposed to do about wolves? It's like they have NO weaknesses!

Source on the doujin? Please?

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=QCZDx0dlDws

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>I never played the Original DD
>I wasn't there when people were grinding Ur-Dragon at max level every day and minmaxing actually had a point
>I'm just gonna pretend this guy is full of shit because I can't articulate a proper reason for him being wrong

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Is there a way for me get to a gold idol other than babysitting Symone? I messed up slightly (she scolded be for being 5 feet away from her) and she ended up giving me a golden egg instead.

BBI starts off with basic wolves, goblins, and a cyclopes. You're out of your fucking mind if you think that was meant for "dudes that have been level 200 for months."

Boku no pico

you have no arguments, trash. keep quiet

I tried to fight the bandits and failed so I went into the woods beneath the path to explore and ran into a chimera and its saurian buddies.

Still don't know how I done that shit perfect first time but always fuck it up from then on lol
Btw I think there is another way, can't remember how might be something to do with Selene? Been a while since I played ngl soz for the pointless post

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>what is BBI 2.0?

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The executor or whatever the minotaur dudes name is one shot me at ~ level 70 so idk, could be plausible

Where's your arguments, pot?

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>DO NOT fight the bandits
>mfw I ran at them the first time and my Arisen suddenly stopped, precariously balanced themselves on one leg, then plummeted through the world

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My bad kidda you have to get it from that bullshit quest, selene us the bronze idol I think
Anyhow quick tidbit, if you forge the gold idol and keep that you get a 30% discount at shops

Let me be honest with you, the game can give a very bad impression if you don't play a character with some kind of ranged offensive. A lot of the enemies are really fast or some of them fly, fights can take significantly longer if you are waiting on your ranged pawn to actually kill them.


Mage - 2nd worst class in the game offensively, has mid range spells but mostly focuses on support, healing and debuffing, a good option for a pawn.
Fighter - standard sword and board, has some really powerful skills, but is the most basic class.
Strider - speedy boy, short bow and daggers. Bow gives range and has a number of unique dagger abilities, overall the most balanced class and best for beginners


Sorceror - If you want to summon giant tornado's, drop meteors onto your enemies and summon giant pillars of ice this is for you, has access to the highest tier magic but has slow incantation time.
Warrior - 2 handed warrior, worst class in the game but arguable the most fun. Warrior can only use three skills, is slow as shit but man you can toss bosses and it is very gratifying. I highly recommend giving it a shot once you are very comfortable with the game.
Ranger - Uses a long bow, very similar to strider but a bit slower but way higher dps potential.


Mystic Knight - Uses a great shield and mace, shield buffs with magic and parry type damage. You can set up magical chain reactions with a few spells and can shred enemies, can become a very stationary class.
Assassin - Uses sword, shield, dagger and a short bow, most versatile class with quite a few deadly abilities.
Magic Archer - Uses a magic bow and daggers, lots of unique abilities but its hard to have a loadout that is good for every situation. Ricochet shot is one of the strongest abilities in the game in a enclosed environment but is useless in a field. You swap abilities out depending on the task you are trying to complete.


Yeah that my plan
That shit just kills the fun,but level 70 clearly isnt high enough for bitter black unless you have perfect pawns and use all the right attack without getting hit from the numerous enemies that fuck your shit up.

I though i was good when i firs got there and bea the evil eye,but those duel knights and dark bishop put me in my place very quickly and im in post game and beat Grigori at like lvl 64

You're the one claiming I have no arguments while not even pointing out what you're crying about.

Attached: JwlXtwS.jpg (256x273, 20K)

When I started the game this was my plan but in order to get the most out of melee you have to skill three separate weapon skill trees, not to mention all the magic ones. Huge pain in the ass to the point I was just meta gaming instead of playing

not an argument :^)

I named my pawn Lynn, too.

You can also easily kill them at level 70

I didn't kill the giant eye-thing until level ~100, and it died in about 2 minutes. The sorcerer dude and his dragon were even easier, the second time he summoned his dragon my pawn hit both of them with a High Gicel and oneshotted the dragon the instant he was able to take damage, was pretty funny. Daimon was a cakewalk as well, I just stood at the top of the rubble near where he sits and spammed spells until he was dead, the toilet took none of my pawns.

BBI is absolutely NOT intended for level 200 characters, even 2.0 is easy as shit at that level. 200 is the fucking level cap, what the fuck are you people smoking? Maybe its hard if you changed vocations every 10-20 levels and have piss-poor stats and don't upgrade or dragonforge your gear at all.


I just want you to know I spent like 15-20 minute doing multiradical kanji searches to find this and in the future you should try that, too.


>"BBI was made for people that had been max level for months."
>that's retarded dude

BBI 2.0 is still a joke at level 200. You have to beat the whole thing to even get there, which is easily doable above level 60 or 70. I took my time and didn't finish 1.o until level ~100, and I steamrolled fucking everything up to Daimon, and he was easy as well.

It was not intended for people sitting at level 200, you're fucking retarded. 200 is the fucking cap.

I didn't say you need to be level 200 to tackle it, just that it was balanced around a majority of players initially jumping into it being at level 200 because they already played through the original game dozens of times and had been grinding online Ur-Dragon daily. The content had to be way more challenging compared to the main game because it was new content for people who actually had a reason to minmax since online Urdy was the endgame at that point.

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Showdown + wind's harness + hundred kisses = everything dead in 2 seconds

>just that it was balanced around a majority of players initially jumping into it being at level 200
Its fucking not, holy shit how many times does this need to be explained to you?

NOTHING you fight in 1.0 is "balanced around being level 200" if you're level 200 you're a walking murder-machine, same for much of 2.0 as well. I streamrolled everything in 1.0 at level 100, how the FUCK is that balanced for being twice that level? Oh, right, its not, you're just fucking retarded.

see wow, it's almost as if you guys actually laid out an argument I could have addressed it instead of you going "hurr durr ur wrong" while spinning your wheels and looking like hypocrites.


>Y-y-you just didn't tel me I was fucking stupid the RIGHT way ;_;

BBI is not balanced for level 200 characters, 200 is the fucking level cap.

Just fucking stop. You were told it was not balanced for level 200 characters multiple times, how complex of an explanation do you fucking need? Hang yourself.

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>same for much of 2.0 as well
Can you not fucking read, you mongoloid?

You'll get bored once you realize combat is mostly mashing attack

>it was balanced around a majority of players initially jumping into it being at level 200
That's why they put you against stuff that you face around level 10 and give you a ton of throwblasts just in case your damage isn't quite high enough, right?

Why not fight the bandits?

Those throwblasts were a godsend. I used to just make a new character and rush to those so I could kill the big eye boss with them and start BBI immediately. Wish I could remember the route for doing that.

BBI was balanced to account for level 200 players. Want to know why? Why is it that Magick Archer is such a lame vocation in the main game but is a complete murder machine in BBI? Because the meta before DA was GO ASSASSIN MAX STR KILL EVERYTHING. So the best way to challenge people who had minmaxed their shit to the utmost level was to flip the script and make magic damage more important. Guess where you see this change?
Next time learn some history about a game before trying to claim mastery over it's knowledge base.

Wow, I guess you get bored of all video games since you just push buttons.

You're the one who claimed it was designed for level 200s.

Rushing to the Warriors Respite is super easy to do.

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chimeras are CUTE and you should not hurt them

Attached: chimera pup.jpg (500x421, 19K)

>same for much of 2.0 as well
yeah except all the enemies change and ramp up in difficulty unless you've always 4x periapt/blast arrow'd everything. Let's not pretend like there wasn't a lot of knowledge that had to be discovered for people to start running BBI without that.

This. Beastmaster vocation when?

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lol you're so desperate to prove what a special snowflake you are

link me some of your pawn training guides I feel like laughing at you some more

Imagine being born the goat. You'e be cucked from doing anything important with the body.

Thanks user, i'll do that next time

They hold the advantage!

>So the best way to challenge people who had minmaxed their shit to the utmost level was to flip the script and make magic damage more important.
Living Armor has more than double magic defense compared to its physical defense.

Pic related was the proof of concept. I'd bet on both a Beastmaster and a Summoner.
You would get to cast some bitchin' magic.

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>abusing items is how BBI was meant to be played

Attached: ddjbfmsao.png (1221x603, 716K)

not an argument :^)

>letting those abominations continue living

you're right they put them there so you can pick them up and never use them

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reminder that your pawn should be a similar class to you (at least at first) so you can teach them to not be retarded

And? You do realize that after a certain amount of damage LAs become immune to physical attacks and that they're supposed to be on of the more frustrating/difficult enemies to fight, right?

I've played the game at least four times and I have never once abused periapts/blast arrows, you absolutely, 100% do not need to do that unless you're trying to cheese while very underleveled, what the fuck?

BBI 2.0 changes enemy placements, but the enemies themselves are the same if they appear in BBI 1.0 as well, which many do. I've encountered both tiers of drakes/wyrms/wyverns in 1.0, for example, they don't get harder, you just get the ones with higher stats in 2.0 almost exclusively.

>Let's not pretend like there wasn't a lot of knowledge that had to be discovered for people to start running BBI without that.
What the fuck does this even mean?

BBI was not balanced for level 200 characters, for the last goddamned time. Just stop. You are fucking wrong. 200 is the fucking level cap.

wanna throw in some made up stories of you talking to Itsuno-san about neural networks that drive pawn AI? lol that was a good one

Be nice. I also feel sorry for those harpies who try their best to waddle away after being injured. Their screams pierce my soul as my pawns cave their skulls in.

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I certainly don't use them because I'm at a point of gear and knowledge that I'd be wasting time using them. But yes, clearly Capcom wanted it's DD player base to spend all their time grinding money to buy items to get through BBI, amirite?

Use throw blasts and enchanted weapons retard.

BBI gives you 18 that infinitely respawn for free.

Attached: drool.png (989x1000, 243K)

You don't need to cheese the whole fucking place with blast arrows you fucking idiot.

FOR THE FIFTH TIME, BBI is fine above level 60, 2.0 maybe 100. I just started 2.0 at level 120 and I'm breezing through everything that isn't Death, after shitting n the entirety of 1.0, because the enemies' stats don't get higher, there are just different enemies in most areas that have higher stats. A gore cyclops in 2.0 is still the same gore cyclops you saw in 1.0. The giant eye-thing boss was just as easy the second time around because it has the same stats. You're a fucking idiot.

Post your fucking character and pawn so we can all laugh at you.

Strong as fuck
Ton of them
Archers can oneshot you

b-b-but those weren't deliberately put there...i-it was a mistake

>If the Lion head is killed before the Goat, the Chimera falls over before getting back to its feet again.
>It then jumps around and bleats, as if the Goat is trying to wake the Lion.

Attached: chimera chibi.jpg (600x580, 34K)

My pawn and I are sorcs. It's great 99% of the time but fighting living armor or double icedrakes is like hitting your dick with a hammer.

>What the fuck does this even mean?
Did you know how to beat every enemy in BBI off the bat with absolutely no difficulty or did you figure stuff out or get told specific strategies to use? No one is getting through BBI easily unless they're:
1. cheesing with blast arrows/4x periapt
2. at such a high gear level that it mitigates the danger of BBI enemies
3. have prior knowledge of what to do against BBI enemies

Kind of a silly question but Arisens are pretty much dead given they are inmortal?
>no need for food
>can reproduce
>can only die from extreme trauma or combat
out of time and space

just grab a modded pawn from the rift. it's pretty boring walking sim. and not that much of interesting places to explore. the world also feels lifeless. climbing on big enemies can be fun with melee class tho.

>can't debate a point
>results to ad hominem
every time

none of the garbage you're spouting is related to what I wrote at all, are you seething so hard you quoted the wrong post?

>There's items in BBI, that means you're SUPPOSED to cheese everything with them because I'm a fucking moron!
I have never once used them and never needed to, because they're just another tool for the player to use, not a necessity that is 100% required for the player to cheese with to simply play the fucking game.

Don't need to, I melt through LAs with my properly geared Magick Archer. If you wanna lug around items you don't need, that's on you.


>game freely gives items away in a safe, easy to get to location
>"ur basically cheating if u use them"

t. soulsfag

For anyone who’s read through this whole thread and thinks they need to metagame to have fun, my first play through I went fighter > warrior > ranger > assassin with no plannned levelling and had no issues. If you want to play a ranged/fighter/magic class it’s pretty easy. Everyone overhypes the levelling, you only need to go autistic if you wanna do BBI perfectly.

Anyone got the BBI concept art? Every DD concept artbook is missing the BBI bit

>N-n-no one is actually playing the game! They MUST have cheesed everything! That means its balanced for MAX LEVEL characters!

Just fucking stop, holy shit.

I ran magick archer my first playthrough, leveled up as a strider and assassin for a while and then finished off with magick archer, my stats were mediocre. The only thing I legitimately had some frustrating difficultly with was 2.0 Daimon because both my attacking stats were relatively low due to how my stats grew, so it was hard to damage him both with daggers and the magick bow. But I did it anyway without cheesing using blast arrows, because I didn't need to.

>some of their archers cause knockdown
>sword and shield bandits do BBI levels of damage
It's rough

Attached: 1538870079626.png (1024x1024, 1.03M)

>press button
>cool thing happens

>basic wolves, goblins, and a cyclopes
When i first started tackling BBI at 65 those skull face goblins and mage goblin combination stomped my shit in so quick i didnt know what the fuck happened(literally)

Got hit with ice pillar then they ran up and stomped me to death
First time you walk into BBI reaper fucking appears and one shots your pawns and not to mention the corrupted pawns wandering about that i had to bait them past there aggression zone and hit them while they walked back to there designated room cause 6 of those corrupt pawns ain't no joke and they pushed my shit in real good to.

Attached: dude SERIOUSLY.gif (500x500, 2.58M)

You don't need to min/max, those vocations are fine to swap between generally since they all deal physical damage, you just don't want to spend 100 levels as those vocations and then swap to sorcerer or mage, for example.
BBI is not balanced for level 200 characters, you're a fucking moron. Its intended to be tackled when you can defeat the enemies there, which isn't at fucking level 200.

>he doesn't understand the difference between normal, hog, and greater goblins

Wrong, I pointed out 3 ways you could get through BBI and one of them was using knowledge, i.e. PLAYING THE GAME

>BBI is absolutely NOT intended for level 200 characters, even 2.0 is easy as shit at that level. 200 is the fucking level cap, what the fuck are you people smoking? Maybe its hard if you changed vocations every 10-20 levels and have piss-poor stats and don't upgrade or dragonforge your gear at all.
Dude you have to manage to kill high level enemies to upgrade your dragonforge gear and at low levels killing them isnt easy.

Sounds like you got lucky enough to train your pawns properly

Those are not the first goblins you see in BBI. They're the regular hobgoblins you encounter in Gransys. Garden of Ignominy doesn't have the ,mages and skull-wearing goblins until BBI 2.0.

Death is scripted to always show up in that first area the first time you enter it.

By the time you start worrying rarifying shit you're no longer at "low levels."

So you're done trying to say the whole fucking place is for level 200 characters that shit-stomp everything?

Good, fuck off.

>phone poster

I started dragonforging my gear in devilfire grove at level 30 and was able to tackle the first areas in BBI at the same time, and I went deeper as I leveled a bit more.

>Sounds like you got lucky enough to train your pawns properly
No I'm not not a fucking moron. There's only so much you can do with pawns.

You'd want this one, but unlike the first one, I guess they never brought it over.

Attached: 1549744220460.jpg (1600x2263, 693K)

>That means its balanced for MAX LEVEL characters!
You keep repeating that but that's not what I said at all. It was balanced in mind of the max level players that were already grinding online Urdy daily. Nowhere do I say you have to be max level to tackle BBI, in fact my initial post even says you can get through at level 50 or so.

>I'm not not a fucking moron

>Those are not the first goblins you see in BBI. They're the regular hobgoblins you encounter in Gransys. Garden of Ignominy doesn't have the ,mages and skull-wearing goblins until BBI 2.0.
Dude im not even at 2.0 and just beat dark bishop and those mage goblins are in the room right before the gold silver skelly knights.

In the area before the fight with evil eye there are mage goblins and the bigger ones with the skulls on their heads that also appear in post dragon gransys,but obviously the bbi versions are tougher

I never said that at all though. You should go back and read the initial post where I said a level 50 could get through it

>Nowhere do I say you have to be max level to tackle BBI
>it was originally built for those at max level
Sure thing retard.

Can somone tell me why my regular stalwart bow got upgraded to a dragonforged weapon after i beat dark bishop and no the daggers that i killed him with?

I had to cheese him with blast arrows,but finsihed him of with dark kunai


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Am I thinking to much or did Itsuno carried some stuff from DD into dmc 5? Like Nightmare/Golem laser, Nightmare appear as meteor, KC lightning attacks, hot stuff is literally windmill skill and flying goat attacks are similar to some magic skills.

dude has literally the speedrunning skill with the fastest climb speed

>I started dragonforging my gear in devilfire grove at level 30 and was able to tackle the first areas in BBI at the same time, and I went deeper as I leveled a bit more.
How do you dragonforge before you beat grigori cause i only unlocked dragonfoge after i went post game?

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>"oh bandits heh ? tried to fuck my shit with this boulder? time to show them who the bo-"

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>Dark Arisen/Bitter Black Island was meant as an expansion for players who had been level 200 for months after playing original/vanilla Dragon's Dogma
>nowhere does it mention that being max level is a requirement
So how many times do I need to point this out to you before I can just assume you're illiterate or so stubborn that you refuse to admit you're arguing a point that never existed?

There is a dragon near shadowfort

Cursed dragons have a higher chance to DF items than other dragons but it's not 100%. Only Grigori will 100% of the time DF what you're wearing/carrying.

>Those are not the first goblins you see in BBI.
No, this is correct. The goblins you encounter in garden of ignominy 1.0 are the hobgoblins you encounter in Gransys, along with a regular cyclops.

>The goblins I find after beating TWO of the bosses are tougher!
No shit, sherlock. That boss is tougher than the fucking goblins, what the fuck? The mage goblins have absurd magic defense but die quickly to physical damage. If your stats were high enough to beat both the bosses leading up to that area they're high enough to kill those goblins. Just don't use magic on the mages.

If content is balanced around a specific level, that means you have to be at or around that level to find an appropriate challenge. Level 50 is not anywhere near level 200. I don't know why your stupid ass can't grasp this.



Any dragon can forge your gear, there's one in devilfire grove, you can get to it any time after you've arrived in Gran Soren. I just leave a portcrystal at the little camp nearby.

Yeah but you can cast magic bro, bitches love magic

>Dark Arisen/Bitter Black Island was meant as an expansion for players who had been level 200
>nowhere does it mention that being max level is a requirement

Aside form, you know, the above sentence where you fucking mentioned it.

>DURR HURR its not REQUIRED, you just have to be level 200 to do any of it because I'm a fucking moron :^))))

You're fucking retarded, hang yourself and stop wasting oxygen.

If anything, the worst one to be is the snake. You're going to be targeted first, don't get the muscle, don't get magic, and you're the ass.

It was balanced with those maxed out players in mind, not that it was an absolute requirement. Keep trying to pretend that's what I was claiming instead of realizing you were arguing the wrong point this whole time.

wasn't it simply build for people who finished the main story ?
the story is a direct sequel of the seneschal reveal and by being lv60 you're good for every enemy except the obvious "you're going to get fucked" tier enemies like gwarms, the gore cyclop or death?


I prefer a single vocation, which can choose any pet but only one at time.

No, it wasn't. You haven't offered a single argument as to why beyond "THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS."
Meanwhile you have people pointing out the weak enemies that appear in the upper levels and the plentiful throwblasts the game showers you with that prove it wasn't balanced for max level characters.

im buying this game on nintendo switch in like 30 min, what am I in for?
I don't understand all this talk of hiring and pawns, is this game multiplayer?

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Sure but they had to consider that people had minmaxed characters that were grinding online Ur-Dragon constantly. If it were a matter of simply making new content then why bother making such a marked jump in enemy durability/strength/quantity?

Ohhhh okay.
Thats sucks to cause i manage to kill that dragon at level 55 by the shadowfort and got no dragonforged gear so i assumed it was endgame gear.

Just enjoy the surprise, everything is explained early on

Pawns are AI companions. You get to make your own. You can hire other people's pawn and they can hire yours.

Attached: 1547843037534.jpg (567x1223, 261K)

Basically you can hire AI party members made by other players. You get to make one too. Play however you want.

All weapons are masterworks and you cant go wrong
Abandon all delusions of controll

No, I pointed out that the expansion had difficulty set in mind with those that had been level 200 for a long time. That's not at all saying THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS.

>Meanwhile you have people pointing out the weak enemies that appear in the upper levels
yeah let's continue to ignore the lower levels and BBI 2.0, we all know games NEVER try to get progressively more difficult the further you get into them.

>what am I in for?

>I pointed out that the expansion had difficulty set in mind with those that had been level 200 for a long time.
Without backing it up, i.e. "THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS CUZ I SAY SO"

>I pointed out that the expansion had difficulty set in mind with those that had been level 200 for a long time
you keep repeating this and you never provided a single argument to back it up

What are you guys opinion on Magik Archer? I was having hard time finding a fun class and looks like exploding daggers might be the tits.

i chuckled

People are always going on about bouncing lightning arrows and setting yourself on fire, but shadow shackle is the bee's knees

Attached: 1553761852807.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Wrong. I pointed out that people had been level 200 for months by that time AND were minmaxing characters just to fight online Urdy. If we follow the progression of the game THESE people in particular needed new content to challenge them. BBI 1.0 doesn't throw you into the fire right away much like post dragon has you fighting a small number of grimgobs and hellhounds before having you dive into the everfall with rooms of them alongside other "miniboss" type enemies (drakes, liches, golems etc).

>twas just a lark, bro!

Attached: dd.jpg (2048x1152, 353K)

Still not backing up your claim dude. All you're doing is making it more specific and yourself look stupid. Now BBI isn't just for level 200 characters, it's for minmaxed level 200 characters. Fucking lol


>It was balanced with those maxed out players in mind




>b-but I was level 200
is not an argument, it's just you trying to be a special snowflake

>I pointed out that people had been level 200 for months by that time AND were minmaxing characters just to fight online Urdy. If we follow the progression of the game THESE people in particular needed new content to challenge them
Nothing in BBI 10.0 or 2.0 is challenging to a level 200 min/maxed character you retard

>All you're doing is making it more specific and yourself look stupid. Now BBI isn't just for level 200 characters, it's for minmaxed level 200 characters. Fucking lol
Actually that's what you're doing. If you learned how to properly parse sentences rather than presume meaning you'd understand what the points were. You're basically arguing that that the Dark Arisen content wasn't made with people who have exhaustively played the original game in mind.


yeah by cheesing enemies.
If someone who has never played DD before in their lives tries BBI, they will get raped end of story ,user.

The game tells you this when you forst start playing it on the switch that the enemies are for advanced players meaning players with experiece or people who know how to abuse certain tactics

Calm your seething levels

Attached: .......png (175x166, 26K)

Never mentioned that I was level 200 though, I keep pointing out that other people were and had played the game so much they were literally minmaxing just to fight Ur-Dragon over and over. Keep projecting arguments that aren't mine onto me though.

Maybe if you knew going into it that your minmaxed assassin build would be struggle hard against the big bads of BBI and switched before ever stepping foot. Good thing there's people that figured that shit out so you wouldn't have to.


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>Play sorc till level 200 to be a minmaxed MA
>Once I get to max level there is nothing to do but farm BBI and collect gear
>Collect all of the lvl 3 BBI gear
>get bored and think about restarting
What should I do bros? Is it worth it to just start over? Even Daimon's second form is a pushover, even on hard mode.

>yeah by cheesing enemies.
>DURR HURR da only way you could POSSIBLY beat it not at level 200 is CHEEEEESING HURRRRR

You've had this explained to you multiple times by 3+ people. You're a fucking retard. You don't need to cheese anything.

I started BBI at fucking level 30, no periapts, no blast arrows, no throwblasts. I worked my way up, I was able to kill pretty much everything up to Daimon around level 60.

>DURRRR HURRR do a level 1 RUNNN
lol you can, if you cheese. I remember someone in a past thread said they the first boss at level 10 just by using throwblasts.

What the fuck are you even talking about

NOOOOOOOO you didn't, you COULDN'T have done that! You MUST have cheeeeeeeesed it!11!!1!


going to be like 4 years IF they started development right after dmc5

Level 1 is technically impossible since you're forced to level up a few times but this shit is easy and very doable. Without the extra rules you can run straight to Gazer and fuck it up with throw blasts.

now this is a pawn id hire

?walk into balcony area after beaten drak bishop past snow saurians and pruple phantoms.
>Before heading dow to the floor level see 2 giant cyclops in the shadows
>not to bad .jpg
>all of a sudden here corrupted pawn start talking
>aww shit
>fucker cast some boulder shit while im on the balcony
Nope the fucked right out.

I hope there isnt one of those void keys in there

Attached: nope.gif (248x200, 314K)

>I started BBI at fucking level 30, no periapts, no blast arrows, no throwblasts. I worked my way up, I was able to kill pretty much everything up to Daimon around level 60.
Was this your first run of BBI ever? Care to explain what tactics you used, how many times you died, how long it took?

just bought the game on switch and im about to do my solo sorcerer run, what's that extra shit in the inn storage? i sold all of them except for the jester hat and got like 300k right off the bat, jesus

Attached: 1492949970984.jpg (1306x647, 515K)

>tfw you need to do the quest in the early game to fuck madeleine

>4 years

Attached: 1557439586146.jpg (299x291, 11K)

It is balanced user, its just that once you have rings that turn sixfold arrow into ninefold arrow, and all of the daimon gear that everything becomes easy.

Strider -> Magick Archer is the most op. It's also pretty fun unlike slow ass mage and warrior classes.

>haven't played or posted about this game in years
>used to spend untold hours attempting to explain mechanics
>hop into a thread
>people are having the same arguments they did years ago
i'm not sure what to feel.

Attached: 1447901022797.jpg (600x469, 66K)

>he never played/was never a part of the OG Dragon's Dogma community
I've already explained the online Ur-Dragon meta of the times in previous posts, if you can't figure out why that's pertinent in comparison to the current meta of BBI then you simply don't understand the game that well.

I think they changed that, she shows up in Gran Soren even if you don't do the mini escort quest from Cassardis, IIRC.


Attached: 1547007862115.png (926x695, 820K)

You still need to do her quest in Cassardis in order to for her final quest to be available before you confront the dragon.

too late my nigga i already made a new character

Hard mode is fine. I went to the isle at lvl7.

>Just finished the game
Absolute kino, now i can do NG+ as a loli with big swords

PC pawn, level 200
She's kind of dumb to be honest but she does Dragon's Maw fairly often

It pisses me off I can't put a port crystal in witchwood next to the house. I hate wandering around to get to the house when I need to come back like 4 times.

Nah hard mode sucks.

Is it just me or are the face textures worse in the Switch version? Looks smushed or some shit

ah, gotcha

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It gives you the discount but not acsess to the higher tier weapons.

I'd recommend putting the crystal on the ledge next to the exit near her house. If you have a staff using class you can float up the ledge as well (not sure about double jump)

How is there not a Dragon's Dogma 2?

>what's that extra shit in the inn storage?
Free DLC gear
You can buy it back later if you really want it

is there a way to fast travel in this game? i'm sick of travelling all the way back to the witchwood for the 123123th time

damn i dont have PC
im a switch player

Put it on the cliff outside.

Take the Endless Riftstone out of your Inn storage. Put a Portcrystal (you should have at least one from the Everfall quest when you first went to the Pawn Guild) where you want to be often. Pawn Guild itself and Cassardis main gate are defacto warp points as well, and so is BBI when you get there.

don't usually play complex games because I get overwhelmed by the options. All I want is to enjoy the physics and combat to its fullest. What should I pick for myself and my pawns?

Because Itsuno was making DMC5

It's a good thing they're always alone.

Fuck I'm retarded thanks, I've been putting mine next to the bandits when I could put it on the ledge.

If you clear out the fog and memorize the map to get to Selene's hut, it's not too far of a dash. It's a straight run from the entrance, a slight left and curve around a tree, hop onto a boulder and then across a log suspended in air and then straight east.

Sounds like you want a Red vocation. Fighter just swords-and-boards it, although you do get some skills like a launcher and a gap closer and things like that, and you can parry with your shield. Warrior is even simpler, having only three skills to equip because of just the one weapon, and your gameplan is pretty simple. Pawns can be anything really, perhaps some Ranger cover fire, a Fighter (or another Warrior) to catapult you into the air, a Strider for DPS, or Sorcerors to give you some magic damage.

>friend tells me constantly how he'll buy the game and how excited he is for it
>went to his place
>he got bored 10 hours in and sold it
>he bought skyrim for the fourth time

Be strider and make a mage pawn, all your bases covered except wraith enemies (which for the most part you don't even have to engage) unless you can get your pawn to enchant your weapons consistently.

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How do I get more port crystals?

>start PC version to check old build for switch run
>friend talking about his ranger build hes gonna do like his old run
>see said friends pawn, level 30
>refresh pawn
>level 30
>call that lying nigga out on his shit
>last online: 5 days ago
and nothing of value was lost.
>throw pawn in ocean

>he bought skyrim for the fourth time
never underestimate the autism of a true autist

They can play the same game over and over again for decades.
Shit i have trouble playing games more than twice most of the itmes and very few games have gotten me to triple dip

Hell most anons in these threads have bought this game five times already.
Hell had i had this game on release i would have rebought for BBI,but would have loathed having to remake pawns and go thru the grind again.

Main reason i didn't buy HYrule warriors for the switch


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>tfw I'll never be a Cassardis fisherman

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Reminder that you think about warrior long swords at night.

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>he bought skyrim for the fourth time
I mean, if he likes it...
I bought DD for the fourth time.

first reply decides what class i play



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alright thanks, been a while since i touched that class
you're a faggot by the way

you should make your pawn a similar class so they can learn from you and be less retarded when they get hired by other people

I've put 10 levels in mage and 90 level in sorcerer ask me anything.

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>not having a sorc with all the wep enchants and glacil.
long as the weapon glows the bitch can climb the cyclops with me all day idgaf.

if you're going to play a class that's not sorcerer then just know that you wasted your time you retard

you swapping to magic archer now or at 200?
>t. arc of grug shitter

That felling when you take a low level pawn and play hard mode with him and you know this dudes gonna get 60k+ RC

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i hope you're doing this because you want to and not just because mouth breathing retards said you need to

How do you know he's on a phone? Sorcery?

Be sorcerer holy enchantment 4 demon pendants hold light attack let go Urdragon has heart attacks dies.

Why does the talkativeness question hardly show up at the Knowledge Chair? I’ve sat down dozens of times.

>shit bucket
>for a single player game that you can pause
just like pick your battles man

Isn't there a switch for turning pawn chatter on or off in the settings/options menu? If you just want your pawn(s) to talk less you might be out of luck if you have more than one pawn because supposedly other pawns will pick up the slack of less talkative pawns.

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why does my pawn never use the herbs i give him

I like assassin.

Pawn will be qt 3.14 motherly goth gf waifu.