>the absolute state of the FFXIV playerbase
The absolute state of the FFXIV playerbase
>changing standards of the times
Is there any MMO that let's you play as a youth that isn't Mabinogi?
>caring about lolishit when we're getting this
Pedos pls go and stay go.
Op why do you ohno post?
Are you trying to fit in or are you just a faggot, I’d say ohno posters are even bigger fags then FFXIV posters
That's a big fucking yikes, senpai.
Feels good.
Imagine playing a Japanese game without lolis. It's like a eating hot dog without the wiener.
Why not just play a lala?
Maybe im just missing something, but dont they already have little kids characters?
>trading pedos for furries
Not sure what's worse
It was fine back in 11 though. Every mother fucker played those midgets back then.
>the absolute state of shitposting
This is what passes for it nowadays.
Chibi =/= children you dumbfuck
Choose your flavor.
There are lalafell but aesthetically they're based off the chibi overworld and battle sprites from the NES/SNES games (same as their predecessor Tarutaru in XI), and they resemble toddlers that can have beards at absolute best. They're called "potatoes" for a reason, they don't really resemble children to people that aren't already comparing them to children
Pedos are WAY worse.
There's a reason they get shanked in prison whereas furries generally live long, prosperous, lives.
There are bad apple dog fuckers out there, sure, but they are very few and far between, where as every pedo is a fucking scumbag.
That's nothing. Players complained and wanted working toilets and bowel movements in the game. Also your pic is not just indicative or restricted to FF14, you mongoloid.
I choose Fran
because the useless fucking potatoes are exclusively cute and I can't handle that garbage
>left isnt tan enough
>right isnt pale enough
What the fuck, YoshiP?!
based Yoshi stopping pedo degenerates
Fair enough, never played these games so no idea, just saw tons of screenshots so i assumed that they are little kids
>Have a race of 3' tall midges that act like children
>"I-it's unethical to add young looking characters!"
It's because they're fucking incompetent, we already know this from the last expansion and how terrible the new races are.
Furries 100%. Literally every fandom that has a furry character becomes taken over by furries, while pedos seem fine to stay in their little circlejerk.
Amazing how FFXIV single handedly became the containment MMO for all the pedophiles, trannies and weebs.
FFXI's community was orders of magnitude better.
>Have a race of 3' tall midges that act like children
They're chibis and they act nothing like children you dumb nigger. They're scheming jews that engage in all sorts of degeneracy.
The fuck? Get the fuck outta here if you think Tarus don't look like little brats.
Why are lion folk so cute??
I love how stupid this post is
>They prioritize gameplay and qol features over erpers crying for a bigger digital ass
WhAt WeNt wRoNg?
You wouldn't be wrong in that assumption from the outside looking in, there's people eerily insistent that lalafell are children when the game makes the point repeatedly that the cutesy behavior is generally just a lalafell trying to get what they want. Hell there's a lalafell sailor trying to play grab-ass in the bar during the Garuda storyline.
>while pedos seem fine to stay in their little circlejerk.
>tera got taken over by elin
Imagine being a delusional pedo like this guy
Mabinogi is having a server merge.
>act like children-
They don't. They're fucking chibi. How are you on an anime website without knowing what chibi is?
>'Taking over' a dead game
Whoah look at that so much effort
low population tends to make a community better, eh wot
>prioritized gameplay
You don't actually believe this do you? The team is just incompetent that Yoshi had to spin completing a third of headgear as a positive.
>moving the goalpost
kys child diddler
Amani bawler when ?
Whatever this one is
I don't want children I just want something a little bit younger than the cats. Someone who looks like Link basically.
>The team is just incompetent that
you seem to have a deep understanding of the workflow, employee numbers, design-plan and game limitations, user, tell me more
>Why yes, I am going to use Hrothgar lion as my butler. How could you tell?
People who wanted child-like races where in the minority. People wanted the Levelieur twins body type, but they're apparently kids
>play FFXI during the free login campaign
>start in windurst because I want to be a wizzard
>mfw every single fucking taru's speech quirk
jesus fucking christ that got old real fast.
Because we want loli and shota, not infants.
>Someone who looks like Link basically
So a Midlander?
Never because Tera is catering to pedophiles only
Next step is removing lalas
>uhh it says here in your medical file you have HIV, that's how
Definitely Rava.
Are you implying it's foolish to expect a AAA team to fully have their new races ready for launch and not patch as time goes on? Was it not this same dev team that even claimed patching things later to fix them was a step to failure? What exactly am i missing here?
are housamo players flocking to FFXIV now?
Aren't the lalafel loli enough for them?
How young do they want them to be?
They only care about Elin and Castanic at this point, so never
Realtalk here if there are actually Tera players lurking.
Is the game in maintenance mode now?
I check in every now and then and lament it's passing.
Is it weird that I don't play this game anymore since it got boring as heck midway through Stormblood but I'm still waiting for news on it just to see what they do with my poor, abused main class (MNK)?
Is this Stockholm Syndrome?
Almost everything in terms of gameplay is better in sb compared to hw so yes I do believe this. I don't agree on a few skills removed, but overall it is improved
Hrothgar will be less played than Roes and Viera will be the new race for tryhards and tranny raiders.
It doesn't help that housamo is a total shitshow in all regards if you won't count some characters' design. It is too damn boring.
>Are you implying it's foolish to expect a AAA team
a triple-a team that's had a "looking for employees" sign on the game's website since it first rebooted? you seem to be under the impression they're fully-staffed and running on full steam
>don't want playable young people
>have an entire "serious race" of cutesy baby people
XIV team is an AAA team now? Silly newfag. Return to ESO.
if this bothers you that much i guess you've never talked to any NPCs in Limsa
>pedos get this fanny-flustered when they're denied
>giant beastmen will be played less than giant human men
you're literally retarded
OK but the new races still look like utter garbage. Couldn't we get Au Ra 2.0 in terms of polish?
Looks like fucking shit.
>people that don't play the game who think they have an epic "gotcha", when the game discards the cutesy preconception almost immediately by showing their nation-state of ul'dah as a hive of degeneracy fueled by money and trade
>all lolifags are rapists
>but 99% of furries aren't IRL furries
Nice try, filthy furry, you deserve the noose too.
yeah they're just shitty off-brand moogles.
>low population
FFXI hovered around 500k subs for years and years, I highly doubt FFXIV is higher than that.
why aren't these guys playing those tarutaru knock offs if they want their shota/loli fix?
I don't know man I kind of want her to step on me.
No and characters will never look as good as fanart you dumb transsexual
much higher than that*
Honestly I'd prefer not to have kid characters in games at all than have them with weird restrictions. Remember the whole "unkillable children" shit of games past?
What? Midlanders look older than the cats.
The age progression of the races is something like this
>Midlanders / au ra
I want a race that fits snugly between the gap
It’s getting updates but it’s getting server merges so it dead a lot. I used to play it years ago but when they make human female the only bawlers I dropped it. I heard they added male human and Elon bawlers.
That's fine for you, but it looks literally nothing like a Viera and will be the biggest tranny-bait race we've had yet.
I don't know why everyone is celebrating, XIV is filled with scum as bad as pedos like trannies and furries.
Except the polish is the same. This just says to me you liked the guy who designed the Omega raid over the Alexander designer.
So they're still incompetent because they bit off more than they can chew, which is already less than HW, instead of doing what they can to make sure more things come out fully finished rather than not.
I'm sorry user, I foolishly assumed something they are not.
Nah but might just join my bf for the Hrothgar
just because they're tiny jews doesn't make them any less child-like
>which is already less than HW,
oh you're one of those retards that thinks we get less content with each expansion, i can completely discard your opinion
I guarantee the muh censorship faggots will never complain about this.
this game already has tons of mentally ill people, we do not need pedos in it as well
>tfw you can never play a petit and androgynous character
are we seriously resorting to the "small indie company" defense now
Not that wrong, active character census has the count around 560-610k as average for most of Stormblood. The question now is how many of those are alts.
Good. They're always played by the most degenerate fat fucks anyway.
Oh, any furfag who runs around in a suit fucking dogs deserves to get the noose. I agree 100%.
That said: liking anthro art doesn't immediately mean you want to fuck real dogs, while liking lolishit DOES immediately mean you want to fuck children.
>if they're short then they're children!
>you dumb transsexual
Hey fuck you I'm not playing Au Ra
>That said: liking anthro art doesn't immediately mean you want to fuck real dogs, while liking lolishit DOES immediately mean you want to fuck children.
>i can't disprove the argument so let me disregard cause of something i don't like
Try harder user
>while liking lolishit DOES immediately mean you want to fuck children.
It's the same for furfags, you stupid bastard, stop denying your illness
it's common-knowledge with the game that they're understaffed and being a japanese mmo in the first place they're not likely to find new help, i don't know what to tell you if you're refusing to believe that the game's development isn't an underemployed mess purely because the game is under square enix's label
We didn't get less content than HW. Did HW have Ultimate fights, 4 Eureka areas, the massive 56 man dungeon and a collaboration boss fight with an ex mode and rewards to earn? No.
>Not doing things that are illegal in every contry they do business in is akin to censorship.
Every time some retard tries to gatcha the anti-censorship crowd they just look like idiots, well done.
Nice try.
>MY degeneracy is harmless, OTHER DEGENERACY is 100% harmful
You don't need to keep scapegoating others to excuse your degeneracy, you are on equal terms with them. You have no moral high ground. Especially when making baseless accusations.
>liking anthro art doesn't immediately mean you want to fuck real dogs, while liking lolishit DOES immediately mean you want to fuck children
literally the only thing you people want is to rp fuck kids. I'm glad even japanese gaming culture won't bend the knee to you degenerate fucks.
>That said: liking anthro art doesn't immediately mean you want to fuck real dogs, while liking lolishit DOES immediately mean you want to fuck children.
>Oh they dont think theyre an AAA team? Heh they probably think they're indie size
There's an inbetween you idiot
That's not the problem, it's more about enabling them and escalation, you give these people an inch and they take a mile, they'll keep coming for more things, not just this.
Just look around you, just one decade and everything has been changed drastically because of stuff like this.
>Au Ra are trannies
Dilate, tranny.
>4 Eureka areas, the massive 56 man dungeon and a collaboration boss fight with an ex mode and rewards to earn? No.
Literally no content, and in the case of Eureka SHIT content which is way worse, because these are resources wasted on something that 75% of the playerbase didn't like.
The only good thing that came from Stormblood is Ultimate and even that got cutted in the end
all faggots are pedos
>the biggest tranny-bait race we've had yet.
What? Are they removing Au Ra from the game?
>That said: liking anthro art doesn't immediately mean you want to fuck real dogs, while liking lolishit DOES immediately mean you want to fuck children.
If you can't find the fault in this subzero iq argument there's no hope for you
>inb4 "I was only pretending xd"
>can't even play as someone older either
Sometimes I don't want to be the early/mid twenty years old protagonist.
Did that change? Haven't played in a while and last time I checked they were the tranny race
It's not le smol and cute uwu so it's not as trannybait as au ra is. It'll be popular for a few weeks or a month and then the usual suspects will fantasia back.
>tfw Au'ra are popular for being played by trannies and co.
>they will not play them because they don't want to recognize
>only people who actually like Auras and are not mentally ill will keep playing them
Keep going guys
why try harder when you keep some extra chromosomes under your bed for safekeeping? towing the "less content per expansion" line already outs you as not knowing what you're talking about seeing as we have a rough roadmap of what to expect
>more diadem/eureka-like content with its own area
>two new jobs
>hrothgar/viera as counterpart gender-exclusive races
>expansions on existing side-content, ie blue mage
>24-man raid
>8-man raid, crossover with nier
>most likely swimming and underwater areas will actually matter
>dropping 32-bit operating systems will allow them to divert more resources to other things, ie the world-visit systems and cross-world stress tests
Isn't there a midget race in XIV already?
You can make pretty based old men in this game.
No seriously there are thousands of these lizards like this.
Oh wow, what a surprise. Another game censored because of Sony's bullshit. And just as usual it seems the Sony drones are out in full force. Who would've fucking guessed it?
Regardless the game looks like shit anyways, but it's still gonna sell well just on it's name alone.
Yeah, and they get to run around in slutty clothes like everyone else. It's very cool seeing a fat toddler run across my screen wearing bondage gear with an ERP description.
No race in xiv has ever been a tranny race other than whatever race /vg/ wanted to shit on for being popular. Being a special snowflake is a mental illness.
>any of the sb jobs
>better design than their hw counterparts
theres like 2 at best maybe
*get recognized
Feed me more pedo tears!
Maybe it's just the women who get shafted in that regard then
>crying that somebody else discarded your opinion because you claimed shadowbringers has less content than heavensward
>immediately pulling "i don't like that content so it doesn't count so we have less content"
That's fine. Yoshi can be a furry-pandering faggot if he wants.
I've already made my own loli.
They're basically the same thing. Just think of them as eastern/western variants of each other.
Lolicons and furries have the same kind of obnoxious autism and they make people hate them for the same reasons.
pretty much every kmmo
you can get away with it by simply saying they're actually 99999999999 years old but immortal
It's not about Snoy you illiterate dumbfuck. It's about ratings boards like CERO and the ESRB. If they implement something that suddenly requires their rating be reconsidered then they would have to shut down the servers until the new rating is finished.
do you think the sjw's care?
They shat on the 1000 year old loli thing so why do you think lalashits are any better?
They're too ugly to be sexualized, but they still look like "children in battle"
a petit race =/= kid
Game is so dead that it doesn't have a /vg/ general anymore and if one pops up then it's just a thread for people to use as a separate discord server to talk about other games like FFXIV or PSO2.
That one's definitely true.
Would still like more wrinkles and bigger beards, though. My envy whenever Thordan got screen time was immeasurable.
Censorship in FF14 isn't new, YoshiP often talks about how he can't do what he wants because the game might get taken down.
The image of Yotsuyu stepping on Gosetsu had to be cut in game, it still happens but Gosetsu is out of frame. This was changed for legal reasons. You can still see her stomping on him in the Stormblood trailer though.
Also he had to implement mahjong in the game although he wanted poker instead. Including poker would have meant problems for the game's rating.
There is no tranny race, you fell for Yea Forums memes. If we abide by Yea Forums memes the only acceptable race would be male elezen
>lalafell are for memelords and degenerates
>female miqo'tes are trannies, male miqo'tes are fujos
>female au ra are trannies, male au ra are 12-year-olds or fujos
>midlanders are all RMT bots
>female highlanders are trannies, male highlanders are barafags but not as deep into it as roes
>female elezen are mommy roleplayers and trannies
>female roegadyns are trannies, male roegadyns are barafags
t. pedo
Don't you have altar boys to touch or something?
Diadem says Hi with its failed iterations.
I will give you this but reused assests and limited to 2
>Ex not just the normal fights with more restrictions
>Game is so dead that it doesn't have a /vg/ general anymore
That's a fairly terrible way to assess a game's popularity.
Katawa Shojo gen is still going strong and you can't exactly say that game has a live scene surround it.
/vg/ is just a containment board for losers who want to circlejerk and maybe discuss a video game once or twice a week.
>They're too ugly to be sexualized
This is the crux of it.
Also Yoshida wants to add a smoking emote but he can't because it would depict Lalafells (toddlers) smoking which CERO/ESRB will not approve.
I wonder why we didn't get so see any Sophia cosplay. Where they scared of blackface controversy
Your mom said to stop putting peanut butter on your dick for the dog, bro
>he doesn't want to fuck some baby fuckmeat
>japanese game cucked by western standards
>Play for years
>use marketboard to hold items.
>rmt bot buys it mistake
>account terminated with no way to recover
Fuck square
Literally male miqo'te.
No, that's retarded. There's literally a Lalafell child (not that he looks like a child, he's literally 12) smoking in Idyllshire right now. The ratings problem is with giving PLAYERS the ability to smoke. He's talked about implementing it if they can make it very clear with the emote that you're not actually smoking tobacco.
>implying they aren't connected
How much do you wanna bet that CERO higher ups are in bed with the Sony higher ups? Kind like the people shilling for the censorship here are also the same people shilling for Sony's non-stop stream of bullshit. It's the exact same arguments. And it's still censorship regardless of where it's coming from. It doesn't make it any less shitty.
I thought that was the reason playing mahjong doesn't award any MGP or anything else for that matter, because that would turn it into gambling and affect ratings.
>was about to do that
Thanks user, I dodged a bullet
So botters do actually get banned, apparently
If you're a MMO where the point of the genre is to have a MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PLAYERS, having no /vg/ general or a low activity one is usually a sign of decline/death. I mean WoW is declining in subs and it shows in the /vg/ general where less and less unique posters are being counted while it's the opposite for the FFXIV general because the game is growing.
>banned for rmt
as if
>Stuff that never happened
Not ones run by actual players.
>How much do you wanna bet that CERO higher ups are in bed with the Sony higher ups?
That may be, but that isn't the issue here. It's not a matter of receiving pressure or being censored, it's about them not wanting to risk shutting the game down for however long it takes for their rating to be revised in whatever country challenges the new content.
I'm in the mood for some mmo. Only experience I've had was gw2. Would this be my cup of tea?
It's drastically different from GW2 and way clunker on the combat but miles better
It used to happen pretty frequently in ARR actually.
This game is unbearable if you don't have friends to play with. Especially the leveling experience
Free trial up to level 35, you can get every job in the game up to 35 on the one character with your trial if you feel like it. It's more like WoW back when WoW was good.
Do you like the FF series?
This is kinda important.
A healer idea I've been floating around for a bit is Necromancer. My excuse for them being a healer is that mastery of death is achieved over mastery over life in general, so they can take it and infuse it elsewhere as they see fit.
They would be a proper DoT based healer revolving around diseases, debilitations, and /temporary/ pets (things like skeletal arms hounding a target for a set duration, or a ghoul acting as a meatshield on a party member for X damage or X number of hits).
Healing itself would come in two forms, passive "Life-link" healing, and active healing from "Necrotic Energies". Life-link would be a passive buff applied to all nearby party members that causes them to be healed based on damage done by the Necromancer (maybe also have a stronger version of the same buff that only targets one player, possibly as a CD, to better heal priority targets?).
Dealing damage/healing through Life-link would gradually fill your Necrotic Energies gauge, which can be then expended on powerful abilities; either on demand healing, or meaningful support/mitigation buffs. The idea is that while Life-link would passively cover most minor incoming damage ala fairy, you would need to spend and manage your Necrotic Energy appropriately in order to react to upcoming mechanics while maintaining enough gauge to keep the party safe in situations where there's no enemies to leech off of.
Rate my autism. Chemist would also be cool, but I haven't given much thought as to how'd they work asides from "AST cards, but you mix em"
Saw the recent shill dlc. What do you call it? ShadowShillers? i dunno. Very glad I did not reactivate because im on a "legacy" server or something, i dont even know what it means, but I do know that I am hereby lumped in with the trannies forever now.
No reason to reactivate for the above reason.
actual pedos don't mind it
>/vg/ as a measure of anything aside from retardation
Cool blog faggot
>thinking that's me
>thinking more people don't agree the team is suffering to do less regardless
At best they cancel out the content count at the end. Rath EX was literally restrictions added for a fight instead of the usual EX design and Diadem is Eureka's predecessor. Have you forgotten Dino Island? As it stands the launch Colleen has gone down since HW which had 3 jobs, a new race and what we have come to expect as standard for launch content in terms of leveling. They're struggling with 2 jobs and 2 half races thanks to them not acknowledging their own limitations.
Miqo'te a bit more buff than midlanders, but shorter too. If only they were closer to their concept
Then compare what normies on Reddit think. WoW subreddit has 1 million subs but only 5.5k people actively on it. FFXIV has only 237k subs but 4.6k are currently active.
It's related to the thread you massive cock-suck lord.
Ninja is fun. It’s really fun going fast.
try brd or sam if you want to go fast
Never mind me, I'm retarded and misread your post
Yes user I'm sure that when you're caught it's suddenly two different people that happen to agree and are interested in pursuing the same line of argument
>At best they cancel out the content count at the end.
Way to concede while still thinking you have a leg to stand on
Doing crafting and it's pretty ass. They need to update this shit and smoother the process.
It's embarrassing how your entire post is worded to make you seem both superior and ignorant at the same time.
Crafting is pretty cancerous, most people only really do it for the gil. Doesn't help that crafting is designed to interact with all the other crafting classes to encourage you to level them all.
Embarrassing how? This is an anonymous message board which we have no attachments to one another. your brain will continually rot as you stay here (and remember: you're here forever.)
>WoW subreddit has 1 million subs but only 5.5k people actively on it. FFXIV has only 237k subs but 4.6k are currently active.
Jesus Christ
It get a lot better when you get all crafters to 50lvl.
Crafting quests only ever get good in SB since you have to craft unique quest items and you don't have to waste your time/money getting mats. Also what said.
You either go omnicrafting or get a crafter sugar daddy.
You have an actual genuine autism.
hey that sounds pretty cool user
the payoff for the leveling grind is incredible though, you can make millions upon millions of gil
Or how he couldn't add dismemberment to the Rathalos trials because of CERO.
Eden Eternal.
>started leveling DRG
>previewing abilities through PotD
This looks really fun! So I do one of two combos and throw in jump ogcds, yeah? I'm still trying to understand blood of the dragon and what the eye opening in the job gauge even means, tooltips don't seem to be telling me much yet. AoE is dragonfire dive, doom spike/sonic thrust, and geirskogul/nastrond?
Show me some DRG glamours. Can't quite make up my mind about which weapon to pick, but I'm considering holy lance or gae bolg.
Yes but also just adding poker at all would have the same effect, even if poker had no gambling attached it would still be poker and that's a no-no.
Mahjong is fine because it's obfuscated Chinese poker.
Botters don't get banned.
t. Botter
I reported a botter, no idea if he got banned or not.
>Whats worse, people who fap to animal cartoons
>Or people who want to rape children
You need to be gassed
user is this your first Yea Forums thread? People are constantly complaining and constantly defending them. We could argue all day about the content count till like if us autistically looks up and adds up everything from HW and SB, the fact of the matter is you've yet to address the original argument of the devs being incompetent due to knowingly biting more than they can chew or in other words, falling to properly manage their resources and allocating them in s property manner.
anyone else feeling concerned about shadowbringers?
barely anything is being finished on time
>cartoon children are actual children
>Snow and Claude will never double team me
Actual worst timeline
Cannot do so until seeing each clan palette ingame. Leaning towards Rava though so far but we will see.
It's a time travel/alternate world themed expansion with a really cool trailer.
It's literally going to be Warlords of Draenor 2.0
>Wanting to get anything from Claude period
The guy is an asshole. Fuck him. His lion is a cool guy though. Doesn't deserve such shit master.
Whenever you jump /shatterspine dive, you'll be able to use Mirage dive once as an ogcd). After 3 mirage dive, your next Geirskogul transform your gauge into blood of the dragon and Geirskogul into Nastrond for 20 to 30 second.
>Pedos stop at just drawn kids
Nah. Still riding the high of the trailer. They also took time off for golden week and the era change because of the emperor, so it's all good. The may 24th video will probably affect me one way or another, though.
>Not wanting to fuck the smugness out of him
Be the one who controls the strings, user
Is there a FFXIV streamer who compares to Asmongold?
Someone who is very popular and engages with his fanbase in-game doing different events like glam contests and such?
>murderers stop at drawn murders
No. The biggest XIV e-celeb is Mister Happy and he's mostly just a laughing stock.
Hopefully not.
How do I find the post?
I'm sure most buildings can't be entered in ShB like what they did SB. There'll be a lot of gear reskins for 5.0 at least. Similar but different areas to ARR zones. I just hope the story will be good, but the last msq patch was very lackluster
I don't want to get even near that douchebag even less fucking him.
Make sure nothing happens to this.
>Fiction is fiction as long as it's not something I dislike
>Draw stick figure shooting another in 2nd grade
>FBI break in and take me to Guantanamo bay
wtf guys
Wow, you really are retarded.
Why won't the Job changes come already? I need to see if MCH will be fixed, it's literally the only pillar of hope left before auto demolishing my house and leaving this game for good.
>They also took time off for golden week and the era change because of the emperor, so it's all good.
Except it isn't. It was the worst time to happen for Yoshi's team. Sure most get a week off, which is nice, but they have to work even harder now. Soken didn't take his free week because of how much work he still has to do for the expansion.
When the enemy has enough HP to even consider it you do the Disembowel/Chaos Thrust skillchain first to apply piercing-down and a DoT, then you do the Full Thrust combo for actual damage. Blood of the Dragon is a passive timed buff that increases the potency of your Jump ogcds and allows you to use Geirskogul, and is extended through Fang & Claw/Wheeling Thrust.
Truth be told my favorite DRG glamour is the Trueblood set (lv. 70 artifact) with the Drachen helmet (lv. 50 artifact). The actual armor's perfect for a FF5 era dragoon like I wanted but the helmet was overdesigned, the Drachen helmet actually matches the rest of the armor's amount of gold trim and general aesthetic pretty nicely. Being a roe though the Drachen and Dragonlancer sets don't look too good on my character in the whole, though, most anything form-fitting looks like shit on a male roe.
Nobody has been able to produce enough content like Asmongold to get popular like that.
Where was the fucking sequal hook yoshi?
>Meme lalafell is le sad ;_;
I dont give a flying fuck.
Doesn't answer the question. It used to work all of the time.
To each his own then
>constantly see news about pedo rings getting busted and hundreds of child rapists getting thrown in prison where they're promptly killed
>literally no news about furries at all
Someone explain to me why people only think in extremes when it comes to certain topics. Like whenever you mention children in video games it always has to be sexual. What the fuck is wrong with you people that sex is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "child"?
Yes I know. I follow his twitter. He will make Uematsu proud as the successor of Final Fantasy music.
>fuck lolis
>here's your gay Bara lion character user
Waiting for preorders to be non refundable.
yoshida is not retarded and knows perfectly that only degenerates would play a "loli" race, like in Tera with the fucking elins
based japan saving us again
Good thing i haven't pre-ordered then
Well think about it, right now in game your avatar can have sex with other avatars, if they implement any new race it will also be able to have sex in-game. Because in-game sex is a feature of FFXIV. As you know.
>What is Keo's zoo crew
Furrys get the bullet too.
i know your pedo brain can't understand this, but a normal adult has no use for or interest in a child at all
Because context you stupid idiot. The context is mmo game, which should already tip you off to what direction the people wanting young kids as playable want.
The way is closed for your safety, citizen.
am I the only cis male that would have liked playing as a male viera?
au'ra are bulky and weird, and I don't want to be a manlet and i hate elezen animations but i guess I'll stick with them a while longer.
I wonder how they're going to advertise ShB? There's less than 2 months and I don't see any advertisements yet. I remember SB had that big mural in LA, sponsored WWE, cinebuns and whatever.
Elementary School teachers BTFO lock em all up!
Just fantasia lalafell and child RP. Its what everyone uses them for.
>people looking at 2d lolis is the same as Killary smuggling children out of Haiti for her child sex slave and Satanic sacrifice rings
Ser Aymeric has you over for a drink, which means they can never have a child be the WoL as it would be illegal for them to drink. Based best leader has truly saved us from the degenerates.
How about mikitten companions wo don't fight, can't or only have very limited glamour options, but heal and revive you in the open world?
frighteningly autistic post
Someone said that when they went to Endgame they played the ShB trailer
their advertisements are BFA footage
>one instance in literal decades
>they're also literal pedophiles as well
>meanwhile 5 pedo rings got busted this month alone
Well, using your own example, that was only weeks before launch. Just be patient lil buddy.
I'm thinking of mixing the AF3 chest with AF2 helmet, but can't make up my mind for arms and legs. AF3 legs look a bit odd to me. Been into that Kain-like dragon head with fins helmet look for the longest time.
You want a miqo'te kitten skin for chocobos?
Few weeks ago some user said he saw the ShB trailer at a movie theater.
Can confirm. They played the short Shadowbringers trailer at the IMAX showing.
People mistook discussion of hypothetical extremes as endorsement of said extremes.
Discussing a position and furthering the discusssion by following the logical conclusion to its end and the problems inherent with that path.
Understanding is now agreement.
This pervades general discourse across the board.
There's no room for nuance, it's pick a side because the issues themselves aren't important anymore.
Sounds pointless and stupid.
Tranny dating simulators are NOT video games
imagine being that creepy mentally ill motherfucker who will keep playing FFXIV even when Classic come out
People forget that Wondrous Tails is unlocked by talking to a guy that wants to fuck Khloe and that most players want to fuck Khloe too
Promo tour will start soon. IIRC on the 13th.
you are in the wrong thread then, the BFA general is two pages after this
FFXIV has no streamers that will talk shit about the game when deserved or discuss concerns about very real problems. This is because FFXIV is a safespace and the playerbase hates any sort of negativity, even if it is wrought from wanting something they enjoy to be better.
He just thinks she's cute, user
The media tour is later this month. Which means they'll be advertising the hell out of the game to the press and streamers.
that is some serious projection
>a normal adult has no use for or interest in a child at all
You need to learn to word your thoughts better, autist.
No. Just another NPC following me doing heals and maybe finding random stuff like retainers do.
you need your throat slit, pedo
>finding a child cute means they want to fuck them
Dangerous thought process tbqh
Poor pedobros can't catch a break!
there's LBR, but i don't know how they're doing now
>FFXIV has no streamers that will talk shit about the game when deserved or discuss concerns about very real problems.
That is not true at all, Nep. Some have complaints (Speakers), others panic over everything (Work to Game) and the we had LBR who shat on XIV left and right.
lol fucking losers playing their mmo garbage shit. I have a girlfriend and get laid every day. get on my level you faggots.
No and I'm glad people like that don't exist in FFXIV. We don't need to attract the zoomer streaming crowd here.
Tfw you play a male aura and all the miqote catboys harass you whenever you walk through limsa
I cannot understand. is there already a race that is equivalent of "children" or "loli" in the game, isnt there?
They CAN catch a shiv in prison though.
LBR is essentially dead but they get like 10-20 viewers who watch them shit on everything.
No. Lalafells are a chibi race meant to represent classic FF chibi sprites.
Botters dont get banned but rmt buyers and sellers do. They just reported nearly 10k termination the other day
i imagine you're not in this thread anymore because you just dabbed epic-style but being on Yea Forums at all means it's a physical impossibility for you to be within five miles of any other human being that isn't your parents
Not anymore than a Gnome or Goblin could be considered a child/loli.
>thinking modern theme parks like XIV isn't zoomer
There's a reason they call XI, RO, RS and older MMO players Boomers user.
This guy gets it.
Gnomes and goblins have big fucking tits and fat asses though, they are just really short adults. Lalafells have no sexual features at all and have odd body types with no curves.
Zoomers hate XIV with a passion though. They hate slower paced combat, they hate reading, they hate working towards something instead of having instant gratification, they hate subscription fees, they hate games with no streaming culture.
Vee-rah or Vee-eh-rah?
I remember seeing that mural in LA. Seeing Daddy Zenos staring down at me every time I went to the movies was nice. Also saw Stormblood ads on buses all the time.
Pedos on suicide watch, as they should be.
The latter.
How's their Overwatch show doing? IIRC that was the one they sold and became their major income.
>implying it's never been voiced in an FF game
Fuck off wowfugee
Pedos are obviously worse :^)
Animals are cool, exotic and often have crazy natural abilities. Half-beast half-humanoid creatures share the traits of both them and humans, it's perfectly understandable that someone would want to impersonate one in a fantasy game, it doesn't mean that they want to fuck them.
Now children, on the other hand, are literally regular humans except weak, inexperienced, immature and irresponsible. There's no reason to prefer being a child over an adult, except maybe the lack of responsibilities. In the same way, there's no reason to want to play as child unless you want to whore them out in Ul'dah like the degenerate you are.
True enlightenment is realizing that the boomer/zoomer dichotomy is just another flavor of ME GOOD YOU BAD with an age-gap involved, when nobody cares and an old fuck is just as capable of liking XIV as a young fuck is capable of liking XI or Everquest
>"i have not a single valid excuse why we did what we did and im not changing anything"
based yoshiter
To be completely fair, FF has several playable child characters who are equally as powerful as the adults. Rydia, Krile, Gau, Relm, Vivi, and Eiko.
The absolute state of furfags, my god.
500 replies of HACK LAZY SHILL GOOK later
i think soken has already surpassed uematsu desu
>play lala
>people have started calling me a pedo over this
>just want to be an onion knight
feels bad man
Soken is fantastic but none of his songs have made me tear up like Distant Worlds or Melodies of Life.
>muh 10000 times folded handcrafted armour fits
>everything fucking clips anyway and has been for years
Say you don't want to fuck your character and ask why they think you think your character is sexy
You don't really have a choice in this case and most of the time they're treated as children so it serves the characterization.
Most people in my FFXIV FC (or guild as you WoW people call it) are in their late 20s/mid 30s. I've never met anyone in the game that admitted to being under 20.
xiv probably has the fewest clipping issues of any currently-running mmo desu
You are the one advocating that every child depicted in a video game is automatically sexualized just by being a child, pedo. They should lock you up in prison where your fellow inmates drill your ass every fucking night for your sick fetish, you mentally ill piece of garbage.
I know, I don't even want child characters in XIV. I'm just saying it's far from unheard of for the series.
Pedos BTFO
If she isn't a part of the RDM 70-80 questline we riot.
>pedo deflecting
Nice try.
>You are the one advocating that every child depicted in a video game is automatically sexualized just by being a child, pedo.
I never said anything like that pedo but like I said I know your brain barely functions anyway so I'm not surprised you're literally delusional
If you applied the preorder code it already is no?
soken tries to hard to make his music sound epic. its like he thinks more instruments or complexity = better music
>healer and tank too hard to balance
>here your new tank
>no new healer tho
its too soon. I'd like to hear him work on games outside of XIV. But he does rank high on my fave composers. I wonder if he'll produce a song with Susan for ShB?
pedophiles SEETHING
>say stupid thing
>dude that's dumb
What do you even get out of behaving like this?
they don't actually DO anything new, they're just new coats of paint
its like saying 40000 year old loli vampire is not an actual pedo because it is defined like that in the setting no matter how the character is depicted.
>no shotas to ERP with when I make my bunny mom
At the end of the day, young people hate MMOs like FFXIV because it's not suited to their fast paced lifestyle. I mean you already have people constantly bitching about the 2.5s GCD when it's only 1 second longer than WoWs.
>meamwhile I have a naked loli with tan lines in pso2
The absolute STATE of austin powers
Anyone who picks races based on how attractive or cute their character will look usually means they play trash games for trash players. They play rpgs to play the same "role", either idealized versions of themselves or idealized versions of the gender they want to fuck. Chads will always play as ugly bastards because they will never know how it feels irl and don't want to.
But most people complaining about the GCD are WoW vets.
ast is already a white mage or scholar clone depending on which sect button you press and its easier for them to make a war clone than come up with something new for a healer job
>its like saying 40000 year old loli vampire is not an actual pedo
It's not, but that's besides the point. Lalafells are not depicted as being children or childlike at all. They're chibis who act more like traditional fantasy Gnomes and Dwarves than anything else. They literally have a religion centered around the economy, a lot of them are rich merchants who engage in shitloads of degeneracy. You should probably play XIV before saying stupid shit.
I'm playing the free trial and I got my DRG to Level 35 what the fuck do I do now? I want to maximize the free shit before buying.
aka young people. I know people that are WoW vets since they were playing WoW when they were 8. They would be 18 now.
>wahhh wahhh its tooo expensive waaaah wahhhh its to hard to make
the absolute state of yoshi
You're excluding the fact that most furries are into cub porn. Go google it if you don't know what it is, then come back and tell us how the fantasy of furries totally never bleeds into real life. Spoiler: Furries dress up and roleplay. They will fulfill their cub porn fantasies in real life.
>its ok with not-asia practices it
No, vets, as in people that were playing more than ten years ago.
Ugh. I don't want to run Orbonne any more but I still need 2 Agria pieces.
Imagine being a WoW vet in 2019
>pedo so butthurt that he's projecting now
Cubfags get the rope.
Try all the other jobs. Ul'dah has Thaumaturge (Black Mage), Gladiator (Paladin), and Pugilist (Monk), Gridania yet has Conjurer (White Mage) and Archer (Bard), Limsa has Marauder (Warrior), Arcanist (Summoner/Scholar), and Rogue (Ninja).
Run Ridorana and use the Arc Knight set instead.
It's not worth doing anything more, 0-50lvl is the worst part of the game, you will just burnout before reaching cap.
I want to be bullied by a Viera mommy!
So basically he's saying that the game needs more Sandbox MMO elements where you give players the tools to create their own content instead of relying on Themepark MMO elements where you create the content for them.
I don't get why people are criticizing this???
wear your diaper 1st!
changed your tune I see. I was hoping you had hanged yourself though.
Slice of life anime girl shows. Lucky star started it.
Will you kill yourself, earnestly, already
>liking anthro art doesn't immediately mean you want to fuck real dogs
The wrongest post of all time.
Scroll through the thread again and see how many people are actually talking about the MMO, instead of barely-related subjects like pedos, furries, boomers/zoomers, and who should kill themselves for OBVIOUSLY being a reprehensible ball of filth
I prefer my tank sets not to feature dork shorts.
Japan culture
It's impressive you faggots have legit managed to make XIV threads on Yea Forums look worse than on /vg/. Be proud of yourselves I guess for killing what used to be a decent thing.
>the schizo calling everyone a pedo is actually a furfag
>this terminally mentally ill degenerate thinks he has any moral high ground to judge and project on anyone
why am i not even surprised
truly a clown world
what the fuck is wrong with you
>furry trying to hold the moral ground over pedos
God the west really does live under a caliphate
Give him the peel.
No wonder this thread went to shit. It's full of seething pedophiles.
Some of that shit is thanks to japan's rating board CERO.
Also Aeris is like 15 years old when she goes to Don Corneo's mansion and there's that guy chasing her around the bondage basement.
Hey "Give me shota viera or give me death" poster, you going to kill yourself yet?
You know that would be great if it was designed to be a Sandbox at the start but this is a theme park MMO meaning the take some Sandbox elements and turn them until instance based content or stuff akin to /perform that will go ignored in the long run due to the drop in/out mentality this game has fostered with DF
She's 22 in FFVII.
I still don't understand the Shota viera idiots. It is canon that male Viera are tall as their female counterparts.
>literally no news about furries at all
furries get caught trying to lure kids in their cum-stained fetish costumes all the time
but they have NPCs that fit that description
>Hello, ma'm!
>Your son calls me mommy, too
>pedos masquerading as furfags
Even worse.
You mean the game gets way better than this after I hit 50? That's great.
It started from the idea that since Au Ras have such an exaggerated sexual dimorphism, Vieras would be the same but the other way around, with the females being tall and the males being small. I don't know why they ever started associating small with shota especially since female Au Ras don't really look like lolis.
>Lalafells are not depicted as being children or childlike at all.
this denial state of the mind is fucking cute. you know, chibi is cute and appeals to a certain kind of people because its neoteny feature in the symbol appeals to these people who like its neoteny, which means they are basically pedo who like loli also due to nothing more than neoteny feature of loli. You cant deny neoteny-ness in chibi characters and for that reason people like chibi.
That's a whole lot of easily-debunkable bullshit excuses. The only way any of that would be a problem is if they deliberately added animations, emotes, or dialogues of 7 year old girls strippind naked in the streets and begging to take it up the ass.
This is posturing and virtue signaling. That's it.
Enjoy your FFVII Remake, by the way.
I still think it's a good thing that he has publically spoken about considering Sandbox MMO elements to the game. Themepark models don't last forever and players will cannibalize the content way faster than it's made, they need player created events/content to last. They already added world visiting and have a well thought out craftingsystem, they can only expand from here.
They're not playable. The fact that people want to play as little kids is outputting and raises many questions. Only pedophiles who want to dress their miqikitten in lewd outfits want them.
Japan has amongst the lowest sexual abuse of women and children in the developed world.
Anti-pornshills don't care about "contributing factors" or "affecting society", they just don't like it. Simple as that.
>chibi is cute and appeals to a certain kind of people because its neoteny feature in the symbol appeals to these people who like its neoteny, which means they are basically pedo who like loli also due to nothing more than neoteny feature of loli
You're mentally ill. Fuck off. Chibi are not children and are not meant to be children. There are people that sexualize them but there are people that sexualize animals, cars, and feces.
Suck a dick. I simply want an actual cute race, not that toddler abomination that are potatoes. The young elezen are super cute, yet we are stuck with fucking giraffes.
Meanwhile other popular games add sexualized lolis by the dozens. Look at how many half naked lolis are in F/GO
Wasn't Japan the country where they had to make a fucking train for female only because they were raped every fucking time on public trains?
>laughing Elins.jpg
Go back to resetera
You forgot the coolest job, Lancer (Dragoon) in Gridania.
being able to swim was nice, although they should not bother with underwater swimming anymore
>showing kids in "suggestive" positions is worse than showing them getting murdered
i fuck hate humanity
It is indeed the coolest job but he got DRG to the trial's level-cap already
You just outed yourself as a pedophile. Thanks for proving my point.
>can only expand from here
They've been able to do this since Heavensward but they haven't done so in any meaningful sense. And regardless of how fast players consume comment they will forever stuck to their patch formula as it is safe meaning we won't see much deviation if any from the Theme Park setup. We would be better if waiting for a new FF MMO if you wanted a Sandbox MMO.
>Cares about not loli/shota lewding
>Meanwhile the dwarf race looks like this
>Even the male lalas like pic related
YoshiP is an hypocrite
sorry, animals, cars, and faces are not appealing to the people who like neoteny. but chibi does. get the fuck out of our community, hypocritical pedo.
Ah I see. My bad, I only read your post.
What is context?
wasnt Yea Forums that board where gullible retards believed everything they read
>literally have lolis in the game
>pedos still complain
They cant fathom how hated they are. I'm sure their future cellmates will remind them.
Remember Yoshi plays a fem-lala
>redditards trying to rationalize their toddlercon fetish by comparing lalas to irl dwarfism
They've made their mistakes, the people have learned to stop giving them chances.
the only thing capable of producing sounds more annoying than catgirls who use this voice
>Have a race of 3' tall midges that act like children
The ones most prominent in the story are an evil jew, an old man scholar, and (if you start in Ul Dah), a mechanic, and an old caretaker. The only one who really acts childish is Tataru and even then Yda is more childish than her.
>Gnomes and goblins have big fucking tits and fat asses though
Considering actually looking at the models instead of fanart, user.
Yeah, Heavensward is fucking great.
Quite literally, every single job that begins in Gridania is for semen slurpers
>sorry, animals, cars, and faces are not appealing to the people who like neoteny. but chibi does
It doesn't matter because they're not children and not meant to be children.
>get the fuck out of our community
>our community
AHAHAHAHA where the fuck do you think you are, nigger? Loli has been on Yea Forums longer than your moralfag ass
>people denying that they want to fuck Khloe
Elins are the worst thing to happen to Tera. If not for them, the MMO would have died peacefully and not resorted to a pedophile cesspool.
To be fair, they've been playing it safe because they're still recovering from the aftershocks of the failed 1.0 version of the game. But now the game is a growing success, they can finally expand and take risks one at a time. I'm not asking them to turn the game totally into a sandbox MMO or drastically change up their patch cycle, that would be very stupid on a logistics level. But I am interested in them slowly introducing sandbox MMO elements to the game which can be really good when mixed the current systems already implemented.
>pedos are the only thing keeping a game that would be dead alive
i see a business opportunity
I suppose you're going to bring up the unsubstantiated "rape shame culture" and not-been-a-thing-for-30-years used panty machines?
It only gets better, but be warned that theres a huge block of quests at lvl50. If you feel inclined to start skipping cutscenes around that point, make sure you stop and start paying attention once Shiva starts being mentioned, cuz thats when important stuff starts happening.
Notice how all the constant Khloe shitposters magically disappeared?
This whole board (site) is full of pedos.
I can't relate anyways, since 3D children are literally disgusting. I can't see why anyone would feel attracted to them, aside from mental illness, of course.
Lalas are not lolis
Yeah but what are her glasses resting on
>wanting to fuck a daughterfu
I-I wish I could play as Khloe. So I can lure pedo faggots like you and shoot you point blank in the face.
reminder if you report furry porn like this on Yea Forums there's a furfag janny that'll sperg out and post pic related to excuse it then stalk your posts until he finds an excuse to ban you
Yoshi P is literally playing 5D chess with this game and it's working brilliantly.
I want to fuck her sister, but Khloe is Yotsuba cute.
i got the base game free from twitch prime and got to level 49 before i got bored and quit
now i've gotten heavensward for free too. convince me to renew my sub
>It doesn't matter because they're not children and not meant to be children.
Okay, it turns out you are just OK because it is defined as "not loli" no matter how it actually works. but pedo likes chibi, just remember. well, I know you really know about it though.
>Loli has been on Yea Forums longer than your moralfag ass
Posts like this almost make you wish they would black rose all of eorzea.
That's a reasonable statement. However the easy solution is to just ask the esrb, cero and whoever else. Don't they have continuous reviews for MMOs anyway since they are always being updated with new content?
Well then: don't?
I'd rather have a business not run by child fuckers
This entire thing could be solved by just giving male miqo'te a muscle slider.
Am I suppose to know/care who these people are?
HW is the most traditional FF has gotten since ever
>Okay, it turns out you are just OK because it is defined as "not loli" no matter how it actually works. but pedo likes chibi, just remember
Who the fuck cares? Are we supposed to keep anything vaguely childlike out of video games because a pedo will jack off to it? You're fucked in the head, nigger.
good to know that the line between porn and sfw isn't the attire itself but rather what genitalia the attire is hiding
>woman dressed in bikini
>not porn
>man dressed in bikini
>3 expansions in
>still recovering from 1.0
Its almost been a decade user, they can only run in the 1.0 boogeyman for so long. The fact if the matter is they will never expand on anything unless the game suffers another massive low. SE as a whole probably already noticed they don't need to invest much back into XIV to keep it afloat. The game will be stuck in the same level of quality with no increase and at worst the risk of lower care put into content.
ESRB/CERO only reviews the expansions once before they launch. They don't make edits for patches and such. That's why in Idyllshire there's a smoking 12 year old because he was added in a much later patch that the ESRB/CERO didn't review.
>about to start heavensward
Alright, hopefully you fucks haven't lied to me about it being really good from this point compared to the weeb voice
t. weeb
>off model art
Fuck off.
Is a higher framerate of any benefit in this game? Because of reasons I can't really comfortably play at 1080p but can somehow play at 4k 30.
Day of the rope pedophile.
Kill all furries AND pedos.
They're literally still recovering from 1.0's spaghetti code and game design. Cross class skills have no reason to exist for gatherers but it's still there because it's a left over from 1.0
>want pedo characters
>same autists who hate on anthro characters in mmos.
My sides. Pedofags absolutely wrecked. Have fun with your potatoes.
lalafells are more toddlers than lolis.
>vaguely childlike
sorry, its not vaguely at all. its explicitly child-like --- and which is the main reason why people like chibi.
It's official.
You absolutely have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
>We'd like to, but western faggots are stopping us
Any beginner tips for a skrub?
Doesn't have anything to do with gender furfag. Furry shit is quarantined to /trash/ for a reason they shit up any community they inhabit.
I know, that makes it even worse.
False. Again, you're mentally ill.
contacted the authorities.
I want to rub their ears for some reason and trade rubs for 3 lines on the fucking journal
No user, pedophiles like are stopping them.
It's actually really good user. ARR was fuck awful in ENG but I went ENG in HW and haven't felt the need to switch back ever since.
Well the game loads faster if your framerate is high. Even if you have a SSD, higher framerate makes a difference on loading screens you can test it out yourself. The only benefit I can see from having a lower framerate is if you're doing jump puzzles because how far you jump is tied directly to your FPS.
>drawings have rights now
>1.0 spaghetti code
All traces of Crystal Tools have been gone since ARR. They made a new custom engine that was rushed during their 18 month crunch. All the technical limitations are a result of said rushing, not cause of lingering 1.0 code. Do you know what the remaining parts of 1.0 are? The servers that now run the lodestone.
HW and SB English voices are kino because they switched to British stage actors.
You don't know shit yourself, jit.
You will not!
Here is your girlfriend tonight, Yea Forums. Say something nice.
Unfortunately Alisaie sounds like she's going through menopause but that's a small price to pay for god tier voice work like Aymeric, Arbert, Ilberd, and Zenos.
Blame the EU, especially germany.
Stay mad normalfag
I know enough not to spout retarded shit when I have no idea what I'm talking about, which is evidently more than you.
They borrowed a lot of code from 1.0 in order to ship out the game faster. They mentioned it in their documentary regarding the journey from 1.0 to 2.0
it's not fucking fair pebros
Yoshida admitted that they used a new engine you retard. Crystal Told wasn't apparently very bad for an MMO,. especially one with consoles in mind.
>victim blaming
Be sure on what job you want to play at first because you can only take the ride along the main quest line and get that juicy MSQ exp once, barring a complete character restart which you really don't want to do. Leveling alternate jobs before you've gotten through most of the MSQ is a HUGE slog.
>they shit up any community they inhabit
this can be said about anything and is completely subjective, consider the following: you're really shitting up my browsing experience with your incessant whining right now
>Doesn't have anything to do with gender
Then why do i also see you faggots shitting up husbando threads at times when no furshit is being posted? Stop making excuses and at least admit you're just a cunt
>no we won't add lolis to our game, that's very problematic
Meanwhile, in chinkland.
>we should keep indulging pedos, or furries for that matter
We should just kill them both.
Why don't we just kill you so the majority of us who don't care can enjoy our hobby undisturbed?
Does this retarded really think that some "borrowed code" is to blame for the dev team's retarded decision to have the cross-class skills despite the fact that they changed 98% of everything else of the design of what existed in 1.23?
Why don't you blame the game director who hadn't done shit in his career except make some fucking Bomberman maps and play WoW in his free time which is LITERALLY the reason why he got the job.
>pedophile enabling
>People actually think this looks even slightly like a child
user, this is chibi character. Why did they have to censor it if chibi is not related to the thought that these body types are considered "child-like" in the west?
why are you so mad? It's 3PM nigga
>literal child murderer desperately tries to grasp for moral high ground
>Why did they have to censor it
Because SJWs in localization companies, much like yourself, are mentally ill.
>liking anthro art doesn't immediately mean you want to fuck real dogs, while liking lolishit DOES immediately mean you want to fuck children.
I don’t have any brainlet Wojak pictures saved, but you’re a stupid motherfucker.
>unironically defending pedos AND furries
Yeah... I bet you don't care about either of those at all...
He's not wrong though.
Black guy = Memester Lalafell
White guy = Virgin Miqo'te
based bugmen
What game is this?
That looks disgusting.
Why are chinkgames so fucking soulless?
He's 100% wrong. Pedos and furfags are cut from the same cloth, and both deserve death.
At least pedos try to fucking hide like the shame-filled shits that furfags should all be.
that's exactly how you sounded to me amigo
Is this the 4th FFXIV thread today on Yea Forums that has reached the bump limit? The game sure is growing. I remember during the ARR/HW days we would be lucky to have 1 per day and half of the unique poster count.
Jannies spent 4 years straight since HW launch banning these threads on sight. I guess they finally gave up.
Really looking forward to Viera purely so the mentally ill transtrenders will fuck off from my lizard race.
Pedos and furries haven't tried to censor games so I don't care. you tho...
i personally moved here because the /vg/ general is one of the biggest shitholes in /vg/
Yea Forums has some ups and downs too but people here mostly cares about the game rather than tr*nny erp and shitposting in /vg/
They've been kind of shit for a while now, it used to be trannies vs pedos/incels a couple weeks now and this thread seems to be pedos vs furries now.
It's all so tiresome.
I don't care what SJW argues. the point is chibi is broadly considered "child-like" in the west. you hypocrites who like chibi do not have the right to defend as well.
Viera aren't uwu smol enough. They'll switch to get the new flavor of the month and then swap back to Au Ra before the month is out.
No good games have been pedocensored, my dude.
inb4 mobile trash
Moonlight blade
Varis got put as "Hitler" A sign that he, despite being gaius-tier cool and being a borderline anti-hero... will be treated like Garrosh in wow and just be a raid boss or otherwise killed instead of something different. I am butthurt about it. Fuck America and fuck American appeasement in vidya and every other factor leading to his bad ending.
Wait tll Shadowbringers launch.
shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP SHUT UP
it's not fucking fair
What would censorship pushed by pedos even look like?
>every character over the age of 12 altered to look like a child
>Solus was an ascian
>Varis is a human
>Varis got put as "Hitler"
If you're illiterate maybe. Varis wasn't advocating for wiping out non-Garleans. His goal is to fuse everyone into one people.
Dumb garlean fag.
Thanks, and cute.
>being gaius-tier cool
I guess if you consider being an impotent puppet to be cool.
I meant that no G O O D games have had their lolis censored, faggot.
But those threads were good. These threads are shit.
Ascians are Echo-users, previous humans, who have abandoned their flesh. They're not a race.
Because we're at the content lull period before the live letter. FFXIV threads used to be trash too around this time 2 years ago.
t. hitler sympathizer
that was india, i think
also that was after a bunch of women beat a rapist to death with clubs so they kinda needed to do something about it after that
The quality of the product is irrelevant, honestly. What matters is the precedent being set.
>literally wants to unite all nations and people under one flag
>muh hitler