Thank you Nintendo for saving us from Sonys censorship!!!!!

Thank you Nintendo for saving us from Sonys censorship!!!!!

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Based censor brainlets making the image look naughtier then it actually was

Based USA depicting Marth (female) getting ready to rail that booty instead of the blueball cuckshit on the left

Yeah the truth of it is she has a fat dick growing out of the top of her ass. Have to hide that from the normies for the sake of the next generation.

Playing this game right now, how did they get away with it??

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I'm not even allowed to post it because 4channel, but Riviera: The Promised Land on the GBA had two scenes with full frontal tits and vag that were both cut from the PSP version. So Sony was never your friend.

Can't show that on western ferminist countries, you sexist pig.

>NoA did worse censorship and localization
>barely a fuzz on Yea Forums
>Sony starts censoring literal who VNs
>board seethes for eternity

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>Fire Emblem Fates
Oy vey, it's 2015. again?

That was 4 years ago

>barely a fuzz on Yea Forums
You aren't even hiding the fact that you're a goddamn newfag.

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>look at this censorship that happened 6 years ago that's EXACTLY what Nintendo is STILL doing RIGHT NOW.

did you really fall for this bait?

There both wrong I would say but your just call me some meme insult so why even argue about shit that you clearly don't care about.

Sadly Nintendos games are all unplayable with their sub 20 fps.
Thank god for Xbox.

Might as well get a pc and use full nudity mods

>omfg bros they censored an ass Yea Forumsros Im so fucking scared
Why are incels so fragile?

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Fun fact: Most people who complain about Sony censorship don't really care about the games that got censored, they just want a reason to shit on Sony.
Same goes for other consolewarrior faggots.

Why would you expose yourself as a newfag like that?

>game is years old
Thank you snoys for trying to deflect your company’s awful practices!

Yes, it was bad that Nintendo was censoring their games, but fortunately they've stopped doing it, meanwhile, Sony has started censoring games very recently, so it's a much more relevant topic

>me pee pee is the best sensor to tell good/bad!

Anyone who invents a weeb-killing gas deserves a nobel prize

Post it anyway, don't be a faggot

Yes, user. The whole world is full of Sony haters. They are out to get you.

When I first saw the one on the right, I thought there was someone standing behind her in a cape and she was looking back at him. Made it lewder to me.

>Nintendo censors E and E10+ games

>Sony censors literal rated M games


Nintendo has been dumped on the entirely of last gen by everyone and their mom

Just because the Switch is successful doesn’t mean people didn’t shitpost them,
>He wasn’t there for the butthurt anal vore posts

The majority of people here are too retarded to realize that censorship is bad regardless of the company/people who are censoring content (art, games, shows, movies, etc).
It doesn't matter if e.g: Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Steam are censoring their games, the fact that officially rated fictional content (not to mention the fact that we have Parental Controls too) still gets censored is incredibly stupid.

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