Hey kid. Kill your smt thread

Hey kid. Kill your smt thread

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Do NOT toot it!

Yo what's with the route choices?
Nanashi no reason to pick massacre route and help Dagda after he fucked him up with the seal.

However why is the bonds path so fucking dumb?
>Replace Dagda with a new Dagda
>Stephen just outright says kill yhvh and you outright do it. No reason or whatever, just go kill yhvh.


Isn’t Bonds just Persona: SMT edition?

I love the Demonica Girls!

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Why is everyone in Devil Survivor such a fucking idiot besides Naoya and Atsuro?

Also Keisuke did nothing wrong besides being weaker than edgelord monkey

>Nanashi no reason to pick massacre route and help Dagda after he fucked him up with the seal.
Huh? Dagda brought him back to life, Nanashi owes him a lot. What seal are you talking about? The one on Krishna was Odin's fault

>Pascal the dog is here.

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>No reason or whatever, just go kill yhvh.
The reason the world is fucked and in a loop is because of him. "No reason", Christ it is like you didn't pay attention to the fucking game.

Amane and Gin are pretty cool, though.

You can refuse to break the seal. Dagda just out and goes nope, I'm controlling your body now.
Other then that your friends supported the hell out of you, to break that just because "yeah lmao sorry guys this guy revived me back to life soooo...." is kinda lame.

....okay I don't know how to explain this because we obviously aren't seeing eye to eye. Yeah sure he was built up by the plot. How do you face him in the bonds route? Stephen just goes "hey kill yhvh now." and you just go yeah sure. I'm not sure how massacre does it but it's pretty weird just going "hey mind killing god now?"

Thank you Pascal.

>Nanashi no reason to pick massacre route and help Dagda after he fucked him up with the seal.
I completely agree, the best reason you have to kill everyone is "some people are mildly annoying". Everyone on your team is nothing but helpful and kind to you the whole game

it goes basically the same in massacre except dagda makes it clear it was his plan all along and stephen shows up to help you accomplish that, rather than him initiating it like in the bonds route

so yeah, there is a reason to kill yhvh in both routes but it makes a hundred times more sense narratively in the massacre route

>Everyone on your team is nothing but helpful and kind to you the whole game

She's helpful and kind the whole game too though

I know it defeats some of the point in the route to do this but I was hoping for something like "Hey Kid, work for me and I can bring your girlfriend and dad back to life if you help me. Otherwise you'll never see them alive again."

>"Hey Kid, work for me and I can bring your girlfriend and dad back to life if you help me. Otherwise you'll never see them alive again."
I completely, 100% agree with this. Dangling Asahi in front of you would have been a good motivation, and your dad (or father figure) even moreso.
Heck, I was hoping that if you went Bonds and Asahi WAS brought back to life, she would lose her memories. Just so there was an actual price you had to pay to get her back, it's too easy this way

I understand why she did it. It's out there that there's a traitor. She doesn't want to cause any infighting due to people getting freaked out. At the same point, Nozomi was fucking lucky Fujiwara and Skins was level headed enough to convince the crowd to not lynch you the first chance they get. She really should've told them she killed the traitor or something like that.

Anyone also a bit weirded out by the plot on how everyone seems to congratulate the "hunters" when you do anything? Nobody really mentions HOLY FUCK A BUNCH OF KIDS ARE FUCKING THE DEMONS SHIT UP.

Bro that was another part I disliked over the bonds route. She just up and appears afterwards, I'm just thinking why didn't they just beg Dagda to do this earlier? It was so anti climatic over her return, I lost my shit when she died but then when she came back it doesn't feel deserved.

The whole point was that killing everyone would make you able to permanently kill YHVH and take his place, which is the objective better solution than just beating him up with your friends. Bonds vs. Massacre comes down to whether you value your humanity and your friends or the ability to take ultimate power and create a new universe. How did you miss that part?

This whole series is nincel cope.

the only reason I find it acceptable that nozomi snitched on the kids is because krishna or odin could have told the hunters themselves at a much more damaging moment later on, but she never brings that up and just goes on about "muh responsibility" so I say fuck her and her fairy faggot friends

nincels out here seething while the real adults get persona 5, the best RPG ever made

>The whole point was that killing everyone would make you able to permanently kill YHVH and take his place, which is the objective better solution than just beating him up with your friends.
But then you change the entire nature of the universe to be more negative overall, I can't say I agree even a little with this.
>Bonds vs. Massacre comes down to whether you value your humanity and your friends or the ability to take ultimate power and create a new universe.
And my entire point was that there's no reason no not value humanity because your team is nothing but kind and helpful. How do you not get this? Do I have to type with smaller words?

There's a reason there have been so many SMT threads after P5 got confirmed for NEVER EVER

I always found it acceptable because you just unleashed a huge demon force on the world, maybe it'd be a good idea to tell the other hunters what's up

>I'm just thinking why didn't they just beg Dagda to do this earlier?
It's because Shesha ate her soul when he went for the chomp.
Dagda couldn't bring her back untill the cosmic egg was either under your control or destroyed.

What would you guys do if you ever came upon a COMP of your own?

That's a good point. Thank YHVH it didn't last too long and it just amounted to "you fucking stupid kids." It would've been insufferable having the hunter association hate you the whole game because of that.
Yeah but you don't tell them a bunch of kids do it. Tensions are so fucking high right now. This is like if in WW3, kids in the USA accidently gives magical nukes to North Korea. Those kids would be fucking massacred.

But user, Dagda brings her back right after you battle him. Unless killing Dagda somehow made Nanashi gain control of the egg, I suppose

Ah right. Sorry that was my fault. Completely forgot about that. Still kinda shocked they brought her alive that way in the first place.

>interested in the SMT story
>gameplay bores me to tears

so any decent lp's of this one?

>Yeah but you don't tell them a bunch of kids do it. Tensions are so fucking high right now. This is like if in WW3, kids in the USA accidently gives magical nukes to North Korea. Those kids would be fucking massacred.
I disagree, and nevertheless people would try and find out who did it. It's not like they would let that shit go. Plus the Hunters in the game even mention how ever human life is precious, I don't think they'd just execute children.
Plus, the hunters in this setting actually have a way to fight those "magical nukes" you talk about. And the kids even do that.


I dunno look on youtube, shit

Pretty much this. People hate you for what, 4 hours?

Really, they seem more disappointed than angry with you in my opinion. Like "man, you kids should have thought twice about that extremely suspicious situation"

Sheesha is dead and so is the cosmic egg though.

It's been a while, but I am pretty sure you furst had to do some shit inside the cosmic egg before you could bring back asahi.
That is also why when you get a gameover inside the cosmic egg Dagda can't bring you back like usual.

So, why are there so many SMT threads lately? I ain’t complaining but it’s pretty surprising.

I don't know. Mob mentality is fucking brutal sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised as soon as they walk in the cafe someone just pulls a gun and shoots the kids. People's loved ones died.
Thank God people weren't that far gone yet.

SMTV soon

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When you meet skins all the hunters want to lynch you though. Not that they could but you are there because you want to take responsibility. Which after like 4 hours you clear your name.

When there's a lot of Persona threads SMT threads tend to pop up

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yeah but which ones aren't shit

>Thank God
lol no

This one has good gameplay and shit story, so don't do it

maybe I'm just an edgelord or feel that nanashi should be an edgelord but him just bowing to the demands of the hunter association to make amends or some shit was lame, like you get the option to tell skins to kiss your ass which is great but nothing comes out of it


This series isn't for you go away.

Fuck off nigger

Despite being a bonds-fag the entire game. I said it too. Fuck you Nozomi for snitching on me and fuck you hunters for being useless shits.

I'm glad. I'm playing through Apocalypse right now and it's probably my favourite SMT in theory. Some of the stuff is sloppy for me to make it my favourite.

Hopefully. It’s been, what, 2 years since it’s been announced?
Fair point.

Didn't the meeting get interrupted ny some crisis that you will resolve which you let you gain their trust back?
Besides you can kill'em all later on anyway.

Just wait until you meet Ronaldo

Apocalypse is really good in theory, but the execution got fucked, because the bitter faction had to meet the sweet favtion halfway.

>good gameplay
So how does it differ from the usual "gather pokemons, fish for weakness, then perform buff/debuff roatation until you win" gameplay in SMT?

Affinities make demons more unique, and it means what skills you slap on them actually matter. Boss fights are more nuanced

Find the jack bros to become hee-homies with

How does it feel that Persona surpassed the mainline games as the face of the SMT franchise?

Also, they brought back more status ailments and made them more effective against bosses, from what I've experienced

Just play devil survivor. The fights are over in a flash

Not surprising in the slightest desu

How do I pirate DLC for SMT4?

Funny. I had the same issue with Persona 5.
Is this nu-atlus now?

Bonds leads to the Pokemon timeline.

Devil Survivor was honestly one of my first exposures to SMT and it got me hooked to the series since then, especially because of how fun the gameplay was.

Bosses have more different gimmicks and are more challenging in general, new unique skills like Imposing Stance which will change your rotation, affinities, smirk effects on skills rather than being a generic buff

>why is the spin-off series made to appeal to a much more wider audience more mainstream?
As long as they use those P5 gains to fuel the budget for more SMT titles and ensure that SMTV is great, I could honestly care less.

Same here. I tried Strange Journey before it and I got my shit kicked in. DeSu put me in the right mindset for playing SMT so SJ is really fun right now.

I really don't care, the only thing that realistically would make me upset would be the further deterioration of the series quality in an attempt to appeal to the lowest common denominator that Persona seems to attract.

What do affinities and alignments even do? I only played 4 and barely even noticed them.

Devil Survivor was pretty fucking great. Seeing everyone lose their shit was amazing. I'm surprised there isn't more anime or manga that deals with lockdowns, war and shit.

>I could honestly care less.

Affinities don't exist in 4.

Status isimportant in IV. Affinities don't exist

Don't care. Better this way than to fuse the two series together

I mean, yeah. I like Persona as well so it’s not like it’s bothering me that much.

Affinities aren't even in 4
4 made alignments on demons mostly irrelevant but they mattered more in SJ where only same alignment demons worked together in co-op attacks, and in the older games where demons of opposing alignments would fight each other and get angry if you tried to recruit them at the same time, in SMT1/2 you can't summon chaos demons if you are law and vice versa even

I wish there was more downtime with your crew in 4A. Everyone's character arc goes through lightning fast. Maybe a texting system like in Catherine to give more insight between the characters.

No way fag

>"gather pokemons, fish for weakness, then perform buff/debuff roatation until you win" gameplay in SMT?
>how does this SMT differ from SMT?
It doesn't you fucking retard, that's why it's part of the same franchise.
Also vaguely describing the formula is not an argument against its quality in general, don't be dense.

Alignments only decide what ending you get in IV and some quests with rare items and equipment are only available if you have a certain alignment
In some SMT games it factors in demon negotiations like it's easier to recruit some demons if you have the same alignment and some demons can only be negotiated with if you share the same alignment.

>that one scene where Kaido fucking roasts Keisuke alive if you aren’t able to save him
I was not prepared.

hunters get tricked into helping demons a lot if you think about it.
Think about how many requesters turned out to be demons in disguise

>Better this way than to fuse the two series together
To me it felt like both P5 and SMT4A were an attempt to do just that.
Persona went back to demons instead of shitty shadows and brought back the negotiations. Not to mention the final dungeon being like something straight out of nocturne.
Apocalypse on the other hand brought cheesy friendship and teenager relationships into SMT which was awful.


The deaths hit me way more in DS1 than DS2.
Keisuke was fucking great getting a Justice boner and killing all the fucking scum. I don't know why people liked Atsuro's ending so much. His plan is so fucking stupid.

Honestly, one of the things I like about SMT is that while it shakes up the formula in one or two ways depending on the game, it doesn’t stray too far from its routes and go full retard like, say, Final Fantasy.

>Stephen just outright says kill yhvh and you outright do it. No reason or whatever, just go kill yhvh.
The game is building up to YHVH on not routes

>associating with those losers any more than you need to

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DeSu is great.
Did you know that if you agree with Keisuke's LAW fueled killing spree he will join your party and instead of fighting him, Midori will leave the party and join Kaidou to stop you?
I played the game a dozen of times, but I still learn new things about it.

The Naoya route was fucking excellent. I never thought I'd feel a power trip in the middle of a boss rush

Naoya was the best chaos route in the entire series. I'm just disappointed that the final boss is Metatron. You don't even fight him up on heaven.

>a power trip
That's the exact reason why I like devil survivor. You start out as a regular dude and by the end of the week you're a fucking god. The progressive escalation is really satisfying.

>all of the Bels come back to try and kick your shit in
>you’re so powered up at that point that you can just style all over them
Pure kino.

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Soul Hackerman's imouto's pretty cute

Yeah. After beating him, my body was ready to take on YHVH with demons alongside COMP using humans

lawcunts, chaosniggers, neutralfags and whitecucks beware. This is a massacre thread for anarchychads. Pay your respects to daddy Dagda or fuck off.

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I do found it hilarious how he’ll send you a passive aggressive email bitching about you joining any other route than Law.

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>find out there's a manga of my boy Raidou
>read it
>it's actually pretty good
>the translations end after chapter 10
>the last translation was in 2016
The white were right.

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Just learn moon runes bro.

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Maebe is cute! CUTE!

Mind breaking her into chaos or law makes her cuter.

they are all panicking and being retards because of stress, at least you can count on Atsubro and best cousin.

Atsuro is quite possibly the greatest Megaten bro.

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That's fair snyone would be slightly stressed out after taking turbs sleeping on a parkbench during a demon invasion.

Finished DeSu 2 and began SJ Redux, what am I in for ?

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>tfw no Godslayer bf
It hurts bros

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Trust Mastema

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Hey kids, have you ever heard of FREEDOM?

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Would you guys want this or nah?

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Nah. All I want is SMT5 and better versions of 1,2 and 3.
If I wanted to play etrian odyssey I'd just play that. Not like any of those characters interacting with each other would be interesting in any way since they're all just blank slates for the most part.

>EO gameplay
No thanks.

I can live without it.

New to the series and this one got my attention, anything i should know for a smooth experience?
I know i have to keep the tutorial fairy(?).

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Buffs and debuffs are useful. The first true boss is Matador, and he's a shit test for making sure you can use them.
You can fuse your pixie, just remember who her descendant is. You get a bonus if you do.

Pump those points to STR.
Fuse Daisoujou when you can.
Buffs are life-changing and absolutely necessary.

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You can fuse the fairy. The resulting fusion will be at the top of your demon list at all times no matter how many times you fuse it into something else.
Eventually that demon will become your superpixie
Don't just keep the pixie sitting there unfused for the whole game, you don't need to.

>tutorial fairy


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Invest only in STR and VIT, maybe a little bit into AGI untill you have 10 points invesred in thar
Nothing else, physical skills are king.
Also stop investing in a stat once you reach 27/28.

>tfw no Pixie gf

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Fuse a high mp demon with manga regain(regain MP by walking around) and makatora(let's a demon give it's MP to another party member) ASAP and always have one on you.
It will make your life a whole lot easier.
The dungeons can get really long and dungeons will become and are real endurance run without it.
If you do what I just told you will never have to worry about healing again.

The two best dungeons of the entire series
No, seriously, Eridanus and the Womb of Grief are the most fun I've ever had in an SMT dungeon (though mostly thanks to the new Redux sub apps. Otherwise Eridanus would've been hell on earth).

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EO has objectively better gameplay than SMT/Persona
PQ was just a mangled abomination that couldn't commit to either style

>EO has objectively better gameplay than SMT/Persona
How so? You do know what "objectively" means right?

Okay. SAGE

So what's the difference between using the COMP to fuse and going to Victor in Soul Hackers?

>EO has objectively better gameplay than SMT/Persona
disagree, never been able to get far in EO games without getting bored, also struggled with PQ for the same reason.

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based atsubro
to be fair, a big part of what causes demon tamers to go nuts was seeing everyones death clock and realizing no one has more than a week left, not to mention a group of people can see their friends and by proxy, their own, kind of caused some problems

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Yeah announcing sage will most certainly kill the thread. Try it a couple more times maybe.

Spot on, the whole death clock thing is why I can't even stay mad at YuzuI'm also a Yukari fag so take that how you will

Atsubro was the best.

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I get you my fellow yucatanian.

You have good taste

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He looks like he fucks dogs.

After IVA, should I could to record breaker or redux?
Record breaker I got daichi and Ronaldo's route didn't do any new content.
Strange journey I got to sector C before a friend deleted my save.

On a side note:
any tips for Cleopatra she's kicking my ass.

I wish I was a dog then.

>before a friend deleted my save
for what purpose?

Black people are retarded. What's new?
Wanted him to check out the game and then the retard saves over my save file.

Vishnu-Flynn makes me feel like such a casual, he's roadblocking me hard

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>literally cums all over the floor right in front of the party

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fuse alilat/alice and put salvation and smile charge on it.

I really wabt to get into SJR, but the combat and fusion system are not jiving with me at all.

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use buffs retard
nigga is easy

Combat is a definite downgrade overall, fusion isn't that bad though.

Play it for the dungeons

The dungeons are the worst part of SJ though.

>use buffs
>proceeds to spam almighty moves for 700 damage each

OST is easily the worst part.

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this. SJ is a slog to play, I still haven't finished it.

They're fun, you suck

>short hair nozomi

I am not a fan that they replaced skill inheritance with sources.
I honestly would rather have the reloading.

You also need doping and the press turn stealing attack.

I've beaten the game about 3 times and I still can't remember any of the fucking dungeon themes, but the combat ones can be alright.
They fucking suck mate, if you want decent dungeons play EO instead.

fuck you
1.5 speed of sjr ost is goat

I was happy with most of them, but holy shit, fuck sector Eridianus, that was a fucking chore

That's bullshit considering this series' track with dungeon design.
Issue I got with them was door searching and being interrupted due to plot during the first half. Try and dungeon delve, beat a part then suddenly whisked away elsewhere for shit, then have to just start at the begining again. Ruins the flow

>tfw thinking about lawfags

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Hugo did nothing wrong.

I'm only a casual fan but I doubt people can get mad over it considering SMT is fairly niche and is staying afloat because of it

Variety and depth in the skills you get is way better than anything in SMT, not just for players but enemies too. Building up your team of different classes throughout the game is better than disposable demons but those have a different appeal so I understand, however the MC isn't like that and the system they have for getting skills on MC when present in always lackluster. The series overall is more challenging. FOEs in EO are highly memorable and unique, SMT's minibosses are more often than not just regular enemies from the next area. Dungeon design is way better, even the bad dungeons in EO are just short and forgettable, the bad dungeons in SMT are extremely tedious and boring. Equipment actually matters in EO, dunno who's fucking idea it was to give you all these different swords and guns in SMT4/P5 but they only ever affect your normal attack. EO has front/back row positioning which hasn't been in SMT since if, and it is implemented better in EO either way. I get the appeal of press turn but it really does mean you just fish for weakness and spam 90% of the time, coupled with being extremely momentum based meaning that an ambush is often just a game over you can do absolutely nothing about while EO enemies even have different AI on ambushes. Oh, and ailments are actually good in EO, SMT is better than most JRPGs because some are useful in normal encounters, but they are useful all the time in EO.

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>SMT since if
What about Soul Hackers? That used Rows too

Guys in want to make a smt- like game i´ve already the demons designs but my fag friend don´t want to code first person dungeon, so do you think it can work with pxel art or weird art like yume nikki?

What? How shit is your team?

Not mainline, and it released around the same time anyway so it's a moot point. I will say it has the best gameplay of megaten though it should've been harder

> my fag friend don´t want to code first person dungeon
It's not a complete dealbreaker but it's pretty critical.

I honestly hope V plays with standard turn based like the classic games. I want human party members, 6 party members in total, and lightening fast action again.

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Help I can't beat Cleopatra. She keeps fucking charming me and my dumbass keeps salvating her. Does she resist all magic?

On Apocalypse mode and no imposing stance he's hits like crazy

Why don't you stop wallowing in your own self-pity about loneliness and find yourself a real Pixie girlfriend?

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Soul Hackers was the only fast one though

It took my 3 turns to kill him on my second Apocalypse run. Then again my team is strong af.

I and II felt fast when I put them on fast forward

dude just get the Babylon ring lmao.

If you have the fusion limit breaker yeah

This game feels so different compared to what I've already played (1,2, Majin tensei, SJ,IV).
Makes you wonder why they didn't take more from it and the original DS if they did so well, sales wise?

Someone please post the picture of Jonathan and Kawakami, with the comments saying the left is hot RIGHT I MEANT RIGHT

She's weak to dark/death

>Makes you wonder why they didn't take more from it and the original DS if they did so well, sales wise?
That's what Persona was meant to be

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I swear Dagda was the biggest problem with 4A's writing. People shit on the gay power of friendship trash, but nobody ever addresses this DeviantArt power fantasy character anywhere near enough.

>Can bestow Nanashi the power to kill YHVH himself without serious issue
>Can revive Nanashi infinite times despite no other demon or god being capable of doing that
>Literally understands the pathway to creating a new universe before anything and anybody else even scrapes the idea, almost every character seeming to be pawns in his master plan
>Encourages Nanashi to kill all of his friends knowing that it literally doesn't matter because Nanashi can just remake them anyways, especially so because he can capture every soul in the universe
>Doesn't demand or request anything but Nanashi to do his best with the new universe and willingly fucks off
>Has zero ulterior motives and zero personal desires otherwise

T-thanks frens

>Can revive Nanashi infinite times despite no other demon or god being capable of doing that
not canon btw, the time is also rewound

>faustian man who keeps his end of the bargain with zero strings

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SJ has a great soundtrack, it's not the kind of thing you would listen to on its own, but it suits the game very well and does a lot to create an oppressive atmosphere.

There isn't nearly enough fanart of her


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Rush her with dark and buff yourself
spam chiro so that ailments can fuck off

There isn't nearly enough fanart of smt

>>Can bestow Nanashi the power to kill YHVH himself without serious issue
Pretty sure that is also due to Nanashi being a messiah, you could have the same complaints about Demi-fiend
>>Can revive Nanashi infinite times despite no other demon or god being capable of doing that
>>Literally understands the pathway to creating a new universe before anything and anybody else even scrapes the idea, almost every character seeming to be pawns in his master plan
Creating a new universe was Krishna's plan Dagda just hijacked it.
>>Encourages Nanashi to kill all of his friends knowing that it literally doesn't matter because Nanashi can just remake them anyways, especially so because he can capture every soul in the universe
He wanted Nanashi to become detached from the current universe
>>Doesn't demand or request anything but Nanashi to do his best with the new universe and willingly fucks off
That is, because he needed Nanashi.
He just wants to becime the wind and shit again, he needed someone who would become the new creator god of the universe so that the concept of gods would never exist again.
>>Has zero ulterior motives and zero personal desires otherwise
Again he doesn't want to be at mercy of the human understanding and wants to return to the nature he came from

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That as well.

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Speak for yourself, I often find myself listening to the battle themes and the Womb of Grief one.

what I wouldn't do for Nocturne/DDS/Raidou remasters, hell I would kill for a new Raidou game, the guy deserves another caper.

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the tracks that stand out to me are most of the battle themes, womb of grief and the final sector, not to mention the theme when you are confronted by Alex, also used in Empryean Ascent iirc

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If you can't remember Eridanus and Horologium you're a brainlet

Same here. I would kill for some ports.

EO sounds like a lot of fun but the non-existent story is kinda a turn off

It's not non-existent, it's just not in your face thanks to a mix of subtleness, an entire party of custom characters, and possibly even forgetting your the main party/characters because whenever you go the the next area everyone else also goes there.

A lot of people look at SMT and say it has a non-existent story.

Eridanus theme is also pretty fucking great.

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>Go to Shingshong North of Ueno and meet the Shibadingdongs in North Ginsaka
God I hate doing sidequests, this better not take forever for the neutral route

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Imposing stance fucks with his stat change removal. I had a hard time too until I did that, especially since I didn't have any allies to stop his rape train.

He wanted to go back to his primal form, and he couldn't do that in the previous universe with YHVH


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Something about Maitreya makes me smile. I think it's that smug smirk of his.

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The random hunter girls in red are fucking hot. That is all.

He looks like this French TV guy

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>God I hate doing sidequests, this better not take forever for the neutral route
You only have to do specific ones luckily.
But I feel you.

Eh? For Neutral you need ALL the quests even those 2 gathering ones that can be bugged (items not spawning). I remember TWO fucking playthroughs going to shit because of em.

You don't. You don't even need to beat Beelzebub

I beat 4 like 6 times dude. For Neutral you need to do those two gathering missions before you can proceed with Masa.

You need the gathering missions, but you don't need ALL the sidequests (which is what I was adressing)

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FUCK, I didn't know I had to mess with sidequests for neutral. God that absolutely kills my motivation for this game, fuck that overworld.

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Stephen hasn’t mailed me the demon summoning program yet. Shoulda donated to his Patreon.

I get them in my team every chance I get.

So how do you fusion autism in SJR if getting more sources are very hard to get?

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Getting sources isn't particularly hard. What I recommend is
>Recruit and constantly experiment by fusing them around, preferably demons that match your alignment
>Go in earlier Sectors with minimal difficulty like Antilla, run around, and auto battle weak enemies
>Grind up on Sources
>Repeat process

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Getting more sources is easy though. You just need to know what demons give what, and have a steady supply of Macca (easy to achieve if you farm enemy search encounters). As long as you're fighting things that are a bit stronger than the demon's level in your compendium you'll get sources easily.

Also demon sources can inherit a skill that the demon already has, so that's a good way to get more luster candy/debilitate/whatever sources.

Then you just compendium up some mitamas and go nuts

Preferred Yukiko’s design in the first one. Long skirt wearing Japanese delinquents do things to me.

Also whenever you apply Demon Sources to your other demons, register them in the Compendium. If you do this, you'll be able to pass over even more skills from Sources. People easily forget about registering things in the Compendium, but it can come in major handy.

I need to get around to playing P1 soon.

Sadly there's no way to true way to play it in English without some awful downside. The ps1 release has a bad translation, censorship, and missing content. The psp version fixes all of that but they removed the ps1's phenomenal soundtrack and replaced it with some generic buttrock Meguro shitted out in a afternoon.

Sadly it seems there will never be a way to experience P1 with both a faithful translations and the original soundtrack.

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You can just emulate the PSP version with the music replaced with the original.

The patch is the optimal way to play it but it's not perfect. The psp version didn't have have enough space to have the entire original soundtrack added back meaning they could only port over a handful of the original songs.

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Post your favorite demons.

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>Playing SMT 2 and built a WORLD OF STR character
>Game LITERALLY roadblocks me until I have a certain amount of magic
How is this acceptable, now I just have to waste my time and grind for hours.

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Might want to get your head of of your ass bro, your taste is shit because you have your own faeces in your mouth.

You guys keep posting Ashera ignoring the fact that "she's" literally a tranny

What if I want to help Dagda but don’t want to kill all my friends?

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>Want to buy SMT4
>No physical version in europe
>Consider buying NA version
>Remember region lock
>IV + IVA bundle gets released
>JP exclusive

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Based Retard

Based brainlet

It's weird because you just got Stephen's word on it, no actual build up of YHVH actively opposing the party.

And Stephen is the same guy who spread demons around in SMTIV's world in the first place by uploading the demon summoning program even before the reactor incident so just mindlessly taking him at face value is kind of odd.

I know your pain all to well

Just cheese casino and pump two more points

So who's the strongest protagonist of the spin offs?

Just pirate it dude lmfao

Autism bunny

I forget where that is, and I need way more than 2 points.

New to Nocturne. Should i prioritize strength builds over magic for demi fiend?

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Yes, especially if you plan on going TDE.

Unfortunately they'll throw themselves at you to die either way. I mean I get it, they shouldn't have their souls outright erased.

ST and VI are good, MA is pretty bad, AG is useless due to programming quirks, and LU is alright.

Don't put points in any stats beyond 30.

strength for all. Magic in nocturne actually loses power as your level increases.

any news about the smt v release


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Thanks bros, appreciate the help

Hacking your 3ds would solve the regionlock while you can still play it kinda legally.

The original detective from Debisama, he had a move that inflicted Bomb on the entire enemy party.

There's only 1 magic spell you need, and it's Tornado. Keep it until you get Pierce

Fun if you like Dungeon Crawling, certain bosses and puzzles are bullshit though and will have you scouring GameFaqs and looking through Let's Plays to figure out what to do.

Follow thisYou'll wish you listened to me when you die right before savespot inside a long ass dungeon, because you ran out of MP/items and had no means to recover your HP.

Persona sucks.

Luck is worthless too. AGI only affects turn order, you want at least a couple so you arent dead last

Help yourself my friend.

I think Holy town's casino has something that boosts mag. Plus if you can get there within 1 moon cycle (it's tight, you can use the stat boosting drinks to push your stats to 9
You need 9 right?

>start apoc
>first two hours are very promising, expanding on the already interesting world of IV
>even side characters are returning!
>huh, this game seems different
>weird, doesn't this completely contradict the first game's plot and themes?
>oh none of that mattered?
>ah a sidequest which completely shits on the first game's resolution
>power of friendship? harem? is this persona?
>oh dagda is dead I guess

>Also Keisuke did nothing wrong besides being weaker than edgelord monkey
And that's enough of a reason; he and the group were all already saving people and stopping bullies, so he deserved to be attacked by opposing parties the moment he started to take other's lives.

The Chad gang leader taught the virgin school shooter his place.

Are you retarded?

I have no idea what you're talking about because half of that shit doesn't happen

>He picked bonds

>Complains about power of friendship and persona
>Doesn't pick anarchy

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>>oh dagda is dead I guess
>not killing your friends like a good boyo.

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I played every Megaten game to completion the last 10 years, this is my tier list

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What are the odds we get SMTV news during Nintendo's E3 direct? I feel like there are too many games Nintendo has coming up at some point for them to possibly end up covering all of them during E3. Some things are guaranteed to get the shaft.

>Soul Hackers D tier
I was told it was the single best megaten game ever by people on Yea Forums
>Devil Survivor 2 C tier
Delete this
>Persona 3 and 5 A tier
Yeah I'm thinking you have shit taste

*casts agi*

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I am a brainlet how do I add new tiers? Also
>P3 on same tier with P5 and P2
>PQ higher then SMTIVF and SH

I mean I get it if you like EO but the rest is kinda shit m8
>If... higher then everything on D

After the massive success of P5 I don't think nintendo wants to fuck over Atlus of all devs.

>Get Lucifer's Call because bong
>Find out about the lockup bugs that only happen in the PAL version
How fucked am I? I know it only happens a couple of times but is it enough to make the game unwinnable?

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I'm too fucking stingy to use sources in Strange Journey but it's gotten to a point where it's actively fucking me over. I can never get demons of the same alignment as me with the spells I want but it's such a hassle to get the source back and it triggers me so much seeing that "0/1"

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I think they're only focusing on titles releasing this year again.

Think we'll ever get something like the Dante crossover into Nocturne ever again?
I know the mobile game had some crossovers but think it'll ever happen in something a bit more mainline?

Unfortunate if true, but I'm still looking forward to some stuff this year. I really wanna fuckin hear about SMTV already though. It's been ages.

If it makes you feel any better, the chance to gain a source is 2*(actual_demon_level-initial_demon_level)/100
So it eventually gets ver easy to get the sources back (not that you would want to except for a few select examples). There's no use in being stingy since the sources you have now will be obsolete in about 10 levels anyways.

What choice does this so I can avoid it? I’d die inside if it happened to me

SMTV would be such a good time to do it considering DMCV's recent success, but honestly I doubt it.

You can set the game to 60 Hz and it'll work perfectly, the bugs are entirely due to being at 50 Hz.

I would not be surprised to see Bayonetta show up.

You'll know it when it comes up. Dagda very clearly tells you "Me or them"
Go with Dagda

>Apocalypse at the very bottom
Hmm...disagree with you on that mate.
>SJ at the top
Should be down one tier.
>Imagine at B
I don't know about that... I've enjoyed the story but then again NA client didn't get far.
Move up a tier or two.

Haven't played the rest to make an opinion on them.

Waiting for Kiyru

Going with Dagda definitely feels better in the beginning. I can't really see a definite motive to backstab your friends at that point.

He should've leveraged Asahi and your dad saying that he'll bring them back if you join him.

Kiryu would make more sense in a Persona game than an SMT game.

>You can set the game to 60 Hz and it'll work perfectly, the bugs are entirely due to being at 50 Hz.
Well, that's a relief. Thanks.

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It's a pretty clear-cut point in the game. Dagda says it's the time to pick if you're with him or not. He'll even give you time to think so you can save if you think you aren't at the right spot. So just stick with Papa Bones and kill your friends like a good kid.

Shit taste coming through. I should have put more thought into it but w.e. I needed more tiers

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It's pretty obvious when the split is.
Dagda literally gets outbof your phone and says "okay kid I can't afford anymore more wishiwashi bullshit, who are you gonna side with."
You'd have to deliberately choose to side with your friends.
You do get punished however if you side with the group opposite of your choices in game.
If you acted like an asshole and side with your "friends" Dagda will release all your demons if you acted like a boyscout and side with Dagda Navarre will destroy all your expendable items like all the somas and great chakras you saved up on.

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Ahh, first time I went with them. Thought I’d try the other route this time but I can’t stand Flynn hating me, shit.

Cringe and bluepilled

>Going Bonds route ever

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Or devil summoner since no nukes are flying.
But then that would require a new game to even be in development

It's an improvement
Why is if so low when 1 and 2 are mid tier?

What's wrong with SMT IF...
People were hyped over it's translation but I'm seeing everyone trash on it now.

Thanks, guess I’ll be a bitch throughout and then betray my friends

What do I even name this thing?

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Don't worry Flyn won't hate you in anarchy

Don't worry about it He won't be hating you for very long

> No option to enslave Toki

Only fault of Chadssacer route.

>but I can’t stand Flynn hating me, shit.

Good news, he won't hate you. Or rather, he can't.

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Why is Dagda route so edgy

Ayy Lmao

Well reincarnating her as your loyal "goddess" is an option, no?
Figure that counts.

Fuck. Why is Anarchy the better route again?

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he gets rather thoroughly convinced

You get rid of the little Persona gremlins and have an actual reason to go after YHVH

For the sake of the future

Because the writers are half of persona team and think that anything that maybe implies that holding hands in friendship all day isn't the greatest idea ever must be literally hitler.

The dungeons are a slog. And 1 and 2 were more interesting. If... back couldt do melee attacks and made the game a bit more annoying.

1 and 2 would be higher if they had a very easy and lazy update like SH did. I love 1 and 2 and KMT alot but its super slow and the encounter rates are just silly.

I really do recomand Another bible. Shit is under rated for SMT games. Its easy but short. The final boss(es) being Bible and Another bible was funny

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Well let's just say that he might not really be recognizable as the Flynn you like.

My only beef is literally there was no reason on why the fuck you'd backstab your friends like that.
I don't know about that. Can you help me understand why Nanashi would outright dab on his friends?

What the fuck, how am I supposed to beat Tiamat in Strange Journey?? She fucking Diarahans herself to max HP while spamming Mother Earth to deal AoE ice damage and healing herself

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I still find it odd you could pick your gender in Strange journey
They had tons of female models

well if Shuichi fucking Ikeda tells me to kill my friends, I'm just gonna do it, like I'd fucking say no to that guy


>having trouble with Tiamat
Just wait until Mem Aleph user.
Also are you playing SJR?

The reason everyone sucks your dick is because they fear you.
You’re basically the reincarnation of Demi-fiend

to be honest your friends could of chosen not to fight you and at least let you explain yourself
Especially after toki says no matter what decision you make she will stay with you and then immediately tries to kill you if you decide to go with dagda

They don't hestitate for a second to throw you under the bus when they learn that you unsealed Krishna, Nozomi even blabs about it to the rest of the hunters.

Even in the Cosmic Egg when you decide to hel Dagda create a new universe they're the ones to turn on you first and attack you.
They're the ones who tried to kill you for pursuing a different path.

Pack Zio demons and ice resistant ones.
Also invest in grinding enemy searches until you find black rider in Fornax. His golden gun is so useful as it gives the protag a elecgun skill

Yeah Redux, never played the original. I honestly don't know what to do, I highly doubt I can Silence her and even with a full team of same alignment demons with Zio spells I can't out-damage her heals

>backstabbing them
>as if we were really allies
I never recalled nanashi agreeing with their ideology, they just sort of follow you around for no reason. Honestly it's a stretch to even call them friends.

Did they? They went against you in the anarchy route. I also didn't see too much dicksucking for that reason. It was mostly because you were there during their downtime.

Yeah...some of the writing was really sloppy. Being honest, what would they even do in the new universe? Just work alongside Nanashi? I really don't think Dagda would allow that.

Doesn't she only use Diarahan if you hit her weakness? It was something like that

Lds who is harder mem aleph or Fem YHVH from SJR? I thought it was gonna be Fem YHVH but maybe I got lucky but the fight was not as rewarding compared to Mem Aleph.

He was abandoned as a baby, grew up in the hellhole that is tokyo, fosterdad died, foster sister died.
I imagine he isn't very attached to this world.
Also your friends turn on you the moment you don't side with him proving Dagda right.
Hell midfight Nozomi tries to play the "you can still turn back and be our friend, it doesn't have to be this way" card.
Dagda warns you that she is playing you and if you accept her gesture she will shoot you.
Her last words before you finish her off is regretting that she missed.
Also Bobo will tell you she hated you ever since you first met.

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>Get punished by doing what the game encourages you to do for the entire game
B-but why

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>Turned the difficulty to Prentice for that side mission early on where you have to kill a demon who nulls force and gun, and they give you a companion who only does force and gun attacks so he smirks every time
>Never changed it back for the whole rest of the game because I already cheated myself
Just had to share my shame with someone.

You just had the common goal of stopping Divine powers and later Law/chaos. So you're just partners. But outside of dagda popping in, you never really fully disclosed your full intents anyway
At best only really Hal was so buddy buddy with you. Nozomi trying to be a big sis (and failing)
>Especially after toki says no matter what decision you make she will stay with you and then immediately tries to kill you if you decide to go with dagda
That's the thing that bothers me
I can get everyone else
>Hal may suck your dick but he's now a gang leader
>Nozomi's a cunt but she's muh fairies, not muh wind
>Gaston just became a less prideful person, why would he undo the world he's going to protect
>Navarre's trying to get self worth
>Doggo's dead so we can't say what she'd do
But then Toki just bothered me during the egg

They do this meme sometimes
It's either that or using buffs

Who the fuck is Bobo? Lmao
I felt like that was the fault of the writers. It makes no sense because of what Toki says and I'm pretty sure other than Nozomi and Gaston/Navarre, as well as Isabeau. Toki and Hallujah might've joined you.

>He should've leveraged Asahi and your dad saying that he'll bring them back if you join him.
Wouldn't work. In order for Dagda's plan to work, everything from the old universe must be wiped out. YHVH himself says in the Bonds route that he will be back once humanity slips into disorder and starts longing for a god to give them order again, and he's not bluffing. In order to prevent this, everything must be wiped out so that the very concept of YHVH and anything else is utterly gone completely. Sure you can bring back Flynn and your waifu, but their personalities are erased clean with none of their previous lives being remembered, just as you were to Akira. There is only the god, the goddess, and the godslayer, with the only newly created humans being worshippers of the god.

Isabeau, look at her ears

Hey kiddo.

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The monkey

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The thing with Bobo is that she'll only say that if you pick the option when you first meet her and Flynn to not help the hunters. If you do, she says something like she hoped you could be a better person. It's still hilarious though how butthurt she gets.

Bobo only says she hated you from the start if you're a dick to her and Flynn when they first show up. If you're nice but go Anarchy then she says she thought you'd be a good ally and is disappointed.

Wasn't it more "I saw you helping these people. I thought you would've been better. I guess I was wrong."?

It would've of been a good motivation during that time. It would also add a second shock just to see everyone revived with their personalities wiped. It's also a way to get Dagda to convince you more to let go of the others. I'm just having a hard time understanding "hey fuck you guys I'm becoming God."

Why can’t I go Anarchy and keep Flynn as a personal pet, honestly don’t give a fuck about the rest

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Why can't you go along with Dagda's plan AND keep this as a slave permanently glued to your cock as well? Why do you have to kill her?

I'm only going through SMT1 now but I'm already sure it will be a problem once I get to IV:A.

>It's still hilarious though how butthurt she gets.
Well she's a sore enough loser to slit her throat

> Why do you have to kill her?

So you can resurrect her as your cocksleeve.

God I wish I had the time to play them all.


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Anyone got a video where you have the dark alignment and do the bonds route or dark alignment with the anarchy route? Seems like all the videos on YouTube everyone likes being a good boy.

HOY! Dumb bitch. Jonathan is also a stupid bitch

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>DDS2 in the top tier
There are some placements here that are questionable but I get where you're coming from, but that I cannot accept.

SMT action game that plays like V from DMC5

Dagda isn't trying to make himself a god, or to make himself your puppetmaster. Once you recreate the universe, he fucks off to bukkake his spirit into the cosmos. This is because in order for his plan to work, you the god need to be completely free of any ties to the past. You need to agree with him that the old universe isn't worth saving, any of it. He's an asshole, but he's upfront and honest about it. If he tries to ruse you or doublecross you then his plan fails, because you'll just be mad at him and still be tied to the old. Once you have the power of creation, you could if you wanted to just recreate every single one of your friends as normal, even restoring their original personalities, even Flynn's and your goddess'. But that wouldn't actually fit into Dagda's plans because then the old ways of thinking would still exist. Your friends would still think of how the old universe was. You would still think of how the old universe was. And with that mentality, the old gods and demons return, including YHVH, because humanity makes it so. The motivation behind "Hey fuck you guys I'm becoming God" is whatever motivation (You) personally want it to be, because (You) are Nanashi.

That is exactly what happens in anarchy.
He becomes your brainwashed godslayer knight who kills anyone who opposes your rule.

You're playing an .exe game and flynn.exe comes to kill you.
How spooked are you?

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>permanently kill YHVH
In one measly universe, Son of Man.

Well sign me the fuck up then! Anarchy here I come

My only gripe with SMT games is finding out weaknesses is pure bullshit. You just gotta guess and test sometimes. If there was always an analyze skill that took a few turns that would be fine.

What was the point in making Alex Lucifer's daughter in DSJ? It feels like they just had them be related for the sake of it and it doesn't have much to do with her actual character, Lucifer never even alludes to it either.

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>Anarchy here I come

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Stop this meme, the other multiverses are irrelevant

I mean, nocturne had one

To be fair it isn't all that hard to find out with lateral thinking.
Bosses are rarely weak to physical attacks and resist hama and mudo so you can that cross that off.
If that boss uses fire you can assume he is strong against that and once you know that you only need to try out bufu/zan or zio

Any games that had this? Doing bosses to get reflected make me so a mad.

I wanna mating press this monkey

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>If there was always an analyze skill that took a few turns that would be fine.
Both Nocturne and P3 has analysis

There are some bosses that will have really weird weaknesses. Some of them like the Kings bosses you can't really guess because they change weaknesses every fucking game.


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Has there ever been a boss that was weak against the element it used? barring bosses that shift weaknesses

They are not your friends.

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>doesn't even include every MegaTen game
>Soul Hackers and Final have no reason to be dead last
>a bunch of random persona spinoffs

How completed is the translation for SMT NINE? I have a huge urge to try and play it.

>How completed is the translation for SMT NINE?
0%, because I am pretty sure no ine is working on it.
Is it even possible to emulate the OG XBOX?


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You know what it's kind of done since I only found a script.

is the friend network dead?


Feels bad.

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Because he realized his friends are retarded and can't see the big picture of getting rid of all gods and making a human only universe.

Imagine coming out with the highly anticipated sequel in a long running franchise

And naming your main character




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Hard part is done, now time for the fun part.

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Who did Lucifer fuck?

Date raped (you)

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God I want to play NINE so bad. This will always haunt me as the only SMT game I never got to play.

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Why don’t we discuss real shit like
Zan vs Garu

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what was the hardest boss for you all?
also why are angels such dicks?

I enjoyed persona q and I would love a megaten spinoff that’s just a circle jerk like the diamond realm dlc but more

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This is the decisive factor for this argument: What was the moderate damage version of Zan called again? I actually did forget. If it's better than Garula then Zan wins and should forever replace Garu.


Hardest boss?
Babel atsuro’s route
I know that route isn’t the hardest but still blew me the fuck out plan to do naoyas for ng+
Also angels want to protect humanity from themselves and lead them down the “right path”

The hardest boss bar none in MegaTen is Demifiend, but I never played DDS.
For the games I did play it's probably one of the IV dlc fights.


hardest boss for me was the one that looks like a fucking fly
fuck him
fuck him in the eye

That looks dumb as shit.

Flauros is lookimg pretty spiffy there.
Is that supposed to be him before he fell from grace?

Ohhhh, I dunno man, I'm not sure that's better than Garula. But I also hate Garudyne, Zandyne is way better...
After saying it out loud a few times, I think I have to give it to Zanma. Garula just sets the bar so low. Now we have to switch Agilao out for something else.

Attached: Leave Your Money.png (331x424, 222K)

It's using Strange Journey as a base, so I guess you hate that too.

I like Agilao. If you want to talk about a shit name, look no further than Bufula.


Babel on Gin's route after deploying Black Frost

All of the assets used are from Deep Strange Journey, save for some of the IV stuff.

Don’t know one of kaneko designs that I like so I saved it

oh no no no!

Attached: Capture.png (833x499, 697K)

Honestly, Heat in DDS2. I wasn't prepared for the party shenanigans and Celio was under leveled to fuck. At least with Demi-fiend, I knew what I was getting into.

what about the gachashit at the bottom

>the gachashit at the bottom
>mindlessly parroting what other people on Yea Forums say
That's not from Gacha.

That's baby shit in DeSu
>Mfw Megidoladyne

Attached: tenor.gif (498x378, 304K)

the fuck is this? mods?

Just Tyrant lock

Well it looks like it

You only get to do it if you've maxed out Demeter's S. Link and chose not to look away when Bugaboo confronted Anthony.

Why do people keep making these?

Attached: 1510789884124.png (4400x1440, 3.78M)

You need to get your eyes checked, or stop lying for no reason.

Attached: 1552319490456.png (841x902, 696K)

That's not where the gacha meme came from though. It's because Doi's Asian Cleo was replaced with a design from an actual gacha game and suddenly people went from hating Doi's design to loving it.

Attached: 1543428729852.png (218x221, 110K)

It's one guy. Probably the same russian autist with the shitty fangames

That was just random proof of concept stuff until ways to effectively mod IV were found out. You can tell by how some of the screens have an off-looking UI and the others (Demonized YHVH for example) look more tidy.

It's literally FGO garbage

>risk your life fighting against something that you shouldn't have had to in the first place
>useless bitch strolls up to you and wants you to help with bodies
>say no
>this somehow creates an everlasting grudge
What the fuck is the monkey's problem? You'd think she would be a bit more gracious considering she has never in her life ever been capable of doing anything on her own.

if you use fundraise with flynn in your party he'll bully the demons for lunch money for you, including the fiends.

>It's because Doi's Asian Cleo was replaced with a design from an actual gacha game
It's an actual fangame and not just a collection of edits?

My mistake. I thought that they meant Dx2 gacha.

It isn't

But I really like bufudyne.

>mindlessly parroting what other people on Yea Forums say
You're even pasting word for word too. What Russian fan-game are you talking about anyway? This "Muh Russian" reply is literally given to any SMT fan-game or mock-up posted in the /vg/ threads at this point.

So I'm right then

just wait until they start making games with reused assets from V. That poll they did on what series to make games for had all sorts of Megaten series on it so we may be approaching the second coming of the ps2 era.

>It's literally FGO garbage
How does that look anything like FGO?

It's a mod. The first half of SMTxLilith () were concept mock-ups until actual ways of fully editing SMTIV were found out.

Different dude, has his own pixiv
Where's the link to said mod.
Or a vid
Or anything other than screenshots

>what I wouldn't do for Nocturne
Atlus already talked about wanting to do a remake or some kind of project related to Nocturne a while back. It may or may not happen, but they talked about it.

It's fake.

Thank you Gaston

Attached: thank you.jpg (400x240, 114K)

Attached: Shin-Megami-Tensei-IV-Final.jpg (3210x1806, 669K)

Try stealing press turns now, faggot

>Different dude, has his own pixiv
Mind posting a link or giving a name? I'm curious.

Attached: 1557159295802.jpg (600x611, 132K)

Gaston was too good for Apocalypses story.

>I'll just double down on my copy+paste

Attached: 1547904233135.webm (400x240, 1.33M)

Attached: 1538152756782.png (675x675, 558K)

says the guy copy+pasting the same disgusting gachashit photoshops every thread
fuck off


Attached: 1552916405825.webm (288x360, 319K)

smtshit has a gacha tho


>being this assblasted over something you don't like
Cool your autism

Attached: 1532728423694.gif (282x263, 1.18M)

Its tierlist .com , go ahead and choose one or create your own
Click on the gears for more options

>being this assblasted that people don't like your low effort edits
Cool your autism

She actually looks worse than Cleo from Apocalypse.

>copy+pastes /vg/ replies exactly
>gets pointed out
>"dude just fuck off!"
>calls someone else assblasted

Attached: 1532972277561.gif (240x180, 433K)

Why do people dislike Apoc Cleo

Couldn't find another dark-skinned Cleo image that had a "similar" style and was clean enough to use. Doi's is supposed to be Asian because of plot reasons, so her skin is white. That's the only reason why it was swapped out.

Attached: 1547676617493.png (188x226, 77K)

>>copy+pastes /vg/ replies exactly
>>gets pointed out
>>"dude just fuck off!"
>>calls someone else assblasted

>he and the group were all already saving people and stopping bullies
not effectively, remember those cops you had to stop twice because they just obtained more comps?

Nice artwork.

I don't.

Attached: SMTIVF_Cleopatra.png (500x624, 1.21M)

They don't, this retard just wants to shill his gacha shit

>Doi's is supposed to be Asian because of plot reasons, so her skin is white. That's the only reason why it was swapped out.
Wait it's Asian?

The same reason why people pick apart IV and Apoc for the wrong reasons. There's legitmate gripes that exist but idiots play the game, don't understand shit and somehow come to the conclusion that Ayylmaocifer is an impostor lucifer or someone being controlled by YHVH. A large amount of Cleo's hate stems from the fact that she has white skin and anons being too dumb to understand why she does in apoc's case.

It's not him, he just reuses those


Cleo in apocalypse has an """""ASIAN BODY"""" because she had to harvest body parts of multiple women she had her follower demons kidnap throughout Japan. That is why one of her arms still isn't fully complete and why she has white skin. The only reason why we encounter her in apoc is because Asahi gets kidnapped so Cleo can cut her up and take her nose, to which we prevent.

>That is why one of her arms still isn't fully complete and why she has white skin
Is that one Doi's notes or something or just inference

Just finished the Stephen DLC fight in SMTIV:A. Pretty damn fun, even though a lot of his attacks are just bullshit and he seems to instakill the messiah team after a certain point no matter what.

Attached: ho.jpg (700x545, 159K)

No idea. She's my favorite new demon. I hope she's in 5. I just don't get why the dude didn't just use that in his edits.

>Is that one Doi's notes or something or just inference
It's literally the entire quest. Cleo says she's still in an incomplete state and Asahi is just one more piece of her body she needs. The snake part is a guess but her general appearance was pretty much explained.

Eh but she has her own realm nobody knows if she got bodies from other people in the world also she doesn't look Asian. You are looking way too much into nothing friend.

So you're admitting you never played 4A.

>use one art piece taken from gacha because too lazy
>whole thing called gachashit
>everything else disregarded as gacha as well
>post pale rider screen
>also called gachashit anyway

Attached: 1530689661883.png (521x690, 273K)

She's a bunch of other "perfect" body parts from women across the world. (or whatever is left of it)
Where are you getting asian from? Cleo is white looking.

Attached: Cleopatra.jpg (926x1387, 423K)

Yep, that's what he's doing.
>Eh but she has her own realm nobody knows if she got bodies from other people in the world also she doesn't look Asian.
Play SMTIVA and play her quest, or watch it on youtube.
>You are looking way too much into nothing friend.
No, you're just talking out of your ass about a game or quest you didn't play through. It's either that or you're exactly like the kind of brainlets mentioned before.

I'm talking about snake arm and skin explaination. I know she's incomplete. But that could just be similar to how a lot of demons can't manifest properly (like Baal in IV).
Because she wanted Asahi's nose in that. Then why wasn't her nose representing that.

Is there an smt game for switch yet

Your fake mod is garbage. Why are you even shilling something non existant? You're just attention whoring. Get a trip so I can filter you

Why does she? I haven't played the DLC where you get her, so I've seen the design and while I think it's fine, I don't know what context she appears in.

>She's a bunch of other "perfect" body parts from women across the world.
Pay more attention to Apoc, user. We're specifically told that everywhere else got completed nuked and blasted to hell. Japan only survived because of the dome that was created at the last minute to block out the nukes. Everywhere else (the world above) was taken over by the angels and Mikado was built over Japan specifically.

Surprised TMS didn't get a straight port but I can guess why.

Attached: adHVa2w.jpg (4096x2304, 3.08M)

But he's a reincarnation of Akira, who pretty much went out planning to somehow bridge Mikado and Tokyo together.

There's plenty of ground to argue either, sure, but I think that big key kinda suggests that the plot thinks Bonds should be the main route. Fitting that you break his Gauntlet if you go Anarchy though.

That's even worse, you're admitting that you're too illiterate to read and understand the words presented to you on the screen.

>Why does she?
She's been dead or some shit. Her followers are trying to 'revive' her by helping her build a body. She was going to self-righteously attempt to take over the world to save everyone and would have been her own faction like The Powers were. Nanashi ends up finding out about her way before she's completely finished due to the Asahi kidnapping and kills her in an incomplete state. We don't know how powerful she would have actually been had she been completed. We don't even know how she obtained her power, if she always had them, or if she somehow became a demon before her death. What we do know is that the Cleo we faced is supposed to be the literal Cleopatra revived.


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Good job proving their point. How does it feel to play a game and not understand plain english?

You are just assuming shit user. You don't know how long her followers have been doing snatching people up but yeah she's totally yellow!

Yeah so?
Dagda is all about not being bound by anything or anyone.
People are also molded by their experiences.

>being so autistic you must read through posts you know you won't like and need to filter them out just to keep on going.
just ignore, user.

Attached: 1550736963511.jpg (549x556, 27K)

Mummy body could just be warped into said demonic form you know.

>proves everyone's point
>immediately deletes his post out of shame

Attached: 1538248955661.jpg (612x612, 91K)

I just figure the plot embraces the idea of finishing what you set out to do in another life. But yeah, Dagda is all about breaking free of what you're "supposed to" be. It just never felt like Nanashi was trapped by anything other than, ironically, his deal with Dagda, which he proves with the Bonds route by taking everything back and just watching Nanashi slowly die all over again.


She wasn't using a mummified body and we know this by playing through the quest. The people who got mummified were the leftover corpses of the women her demon followers had kidnapped and harvested for her. The nose she has in her design is just a place-holder until she finds one she deems perfect to use (Asahi's), so other parts of her body may be inferior placeholders as well.

This is a demon made out of Japanese women. In a city with barely 100 people in it. Makes sense.

Attached: Cleopatra_concept_SMT4A.jpg (1194x1364, 1.07M)

Dagda is a hypocrite user, always has been. Him enslaving Flynn, forcing his will on the surviving Japanese and murdering them to create a world where Nanashi reigns supreme as the new god is nothing short of hypocrisy. The Anarchy ending is just that, Anarchy.

Speaking of Cleopatra, what's Doi's best Demon design so far anyway? I'd probably say Shekinah at the moment, but there may be a recency bias because I only just beat SJR.

I was refering to the mummy that had the smoke enter its mouth and rise up.

ResetEra same fag.

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Why would they take 20 years to snatch up a couple of people?

Nanashi himself accepted that deal though.

Water bitch


It's shit looking mod either way moron.

If you say so, user.

Attached: 1543544783860.png (1200x802, 980K)

Tokyo has more than a hundred people living in it.

They were looking for perfect body parts.

Cope, Reset Era and NeoFag are the same shit.

Attached: 22031.png (558x175, 30K)

But it's that or death. It's hardly a choice considering he's a 15-year kid who gets ganked before he even has a chance to get stronger. Plus Asahi would've ended up dead moments later without the revival and intervention, so both their lives are at stake.


If you say so, user.

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Attached: 639c9d839ab77daa7db1838b62ab75697fa6388d.jpg (968x1145, 102K)

Nice photoshop Reset Era tranny.

Cope harder.

It literally does? How would the White exist with only a hundred people? You create mountains of corpses in the anarchy route.

>no u

Best redesign RIGHT HERE

Attached: 1553189119600.png (432x706, 403K)

And only Tokyo would have survivors

That's not on Dagda though.
He just waited for someone to come along that could see him.
Hell if Nanashi wanted he could back out of the deal after saving Asahi.

I don't really get why we're arguing about her form in the game. Could just be how she looks as a "demonfied" entity. Tenkai probably didn't look as he did as a human.

Because Japan is the center of the fucking universe.

Attached: JAPA0001.gif (370x260, 3K)

Got to base your millenium kingdoms somewhere

The dude who drew IV's medusa draws some pretty monster ladies.
His medusa really looked like a simple sketch concept in comparison to his other work or Doi's redraw.