No Switch version

>No Switch version
Just how dumb is SE? FFVII on the go would be perfect!!

Attached: FFVIIRemake.jpg (890x608, 305K)

>FFVII on the go
Just play the original.

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Nintendo fans already got the only FF7 port they're ever getting

It's already on it you mong.

>trying to give Nintendo sales
Yeah right that’s ridiculous



>Switch tries to play anything more powerful than a PS2 port
>It bursts into flames.

says who? released FIRST on PS4

Switch beggars are so pathetic.

Switch has the original which will undoubtedly be the better version.

Why is it acceptable for nintendo to release a console that can barely run last gen games?

But Switch has the best FFVII version, the original.

So does literally every other system.

>FF7 on Switch
I seriously don't give a fuck about Bing Bing Wahoos or Smash but fuck if they keep adding shit like this I might just have to get a Switch.

Technically, any game made with UE4 can port to Switch

With LOT of optimized

Op is a falseflagger faget but I remember when the tendies were begging for FFXV so hard that Square themselves had to come out and officially say that the Switch couldn't run it just so they would shut up. I thought that was funny.


I played FF7 when it came out and I dont want to play this remake, keep it on the censoredstation 4

Technically any game can run on anything with enough modification.

UE4 has generally performed terribly on Switch. Remember that Yoshi game that hits PS2 resolution despite being light weight as fuck?

FF7 is overhyped by Americans.

Didn't the Switch get that chibi mobile version?

>if they add the remake of a 20 year old game for a console that will run it like shit, I'll get it
ok retard

switchchads have the superior version

Attached: ff7.jpg (640x360, 31K)

N*ntendo censors games too, drone


No worries. They will release once they finish the mobile gimped version.

You could just get a PSP or a cheap android phone and emulate it for less than the price of a new Switch game.

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>it's ok when N*intendo does it

hell man if you're gonna go that far back why not use mortal kombat on the SNES as an example


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>that far back
drones are zoomers, mark me surprised

>remembering an SNES game being censored

>knows how to use google
>thinks he's a TRU3 G4M3R
kys zoomer drone


>on the go
if the battery doesn't last at least 6 hours it will not be on the go, a heavy game like the remake will sweep the battery dead in 3 hours max