Days gone

It was ok I guess.

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I give it a solid 7 outta 10

I like how it's acceptable and people are okay to say that this game is okay/mediocre/just good, but for any other Sony game that gets ridiculous reviews like Spider Man or God of War, it's the best game ever and nothing less, despite being just as shit and derivative.

>white male protagonist
Ugh, can we just stop?

Well both of those games are a 100x better than third person shooty survival zombi crafty open world #1878385

Show me your trophies screen faggot. I bet you never even played the game.

Gaming is female

>both of these third person cinematic slow "watch people talk" and ubisoft tier world design games are better than this third person cinematic "watch cutscenes" and ubisoft tier world design game

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>yakuza game gets ported to PC


I had more fun with Days Gone than I did with both Spiderman AND RDR2.

I know you’re just shitposting but imagine really believing Days Gone is better or even on par with other Sony first party releases

Yeah GoW was average and i couldnt finish spider-man just becosue of how boring it is .


>>the whole game is a cutscene xDDD
does anyone play these games anymore before posting shit on Yea Forums

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WWZ was more fun. It was different kind of fun tho.

I enjoyed it at least, and I'm glad it was successful. I wish Yea Forums would give it a shot though, it's not amazing but it's still very good

>convince that larping to be stronger is the new reality

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>Days Gone
what the hell is this nigga talking about ?

It would have been fine if the AI hadn’t been so awful.

Literally nothing is a challenge.

Fucking amateur.

I might go kill some more hordes since they were fun but platinum? ehh...

If you want to shoot zombies one is fun and the other is not.
If you want to wander around Oregon and craft firecrackers play DG

Where did I said that?
I literally said that wwz>dg.

>people are ok if you say a game that is mediocre and got mediocre reviews is mediocre
>people are not ok if you say a game is shit when it is good and got good reviews and user scores
you some kinda genius, arent you?

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and nothing does damage, even on hard mode
>get blasted by sniper
>1/6th of hp

you can run everything down with your saw bat

did you play those games ?. they are different i mean the only common in between are the zombies and that's about it

Is this a "No way fag" reference?

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I think it would be a reference to the end of RE4 before some fucking meme you child

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No LGBT Propaganda, therefore 6/10

Which is practically the same fucking thing, you pedantic cunt. Go take your anti-depressants.

>God of war is good
Wrong retard

have sex

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Spider-Man is definitely a good game, Insomniac fucking nailed movement if anything and are at least not allergic to the word fun. Days Gone's most interesting aspect is it being a bad ending to Siphon Filter.

>No way fag

>We are no longer weak
Yes you are. Just because you made shitty fanfics where women are strong doesn't change the fact that any man could destroy any woman. Even that beta onions boy in the video could. Are woman so delusional that they actually think they can beat men in strength and fighting or are they just being sarcastic?

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>tfw 98% trophy completion
>would have plat by now if it wasnt for the "loot 541 items off dead bodies" trophy
Still like 200 items behind, and I have no missions or camps left to complete. Shit sucks.

The god of war series has always been made fun of for being casual shit here. The newest God of War is the most casual and most shit out of them all with the added bonus of being SJWed. The only reason some people on Yea Forums like it is because we got infested with casual shits from reddit.

SO hardcore user. How dare anyone like a simple video game.

>Haha le wojack meme face!

>haha I put "le" and "meme" in front of the thing you did bet you feel really silly now!
you gonna obliterate me with an mspaint comic next?

You can like casual shit. Just get off of Yea Forums

have sex

>MSpaint comic
At least an MSpaint comic takes some skill. That image is just a retard making a cucked videogame do a wojack pose.

>Yea Forums is hardcore!!!!
No, seriously. Are you fucking 12? Go to the fucking catalogue and count the casual game threads.

Casual shit can still be loads of fun, e.g. all of Nintendos 1st party output

>S-Stop insulting my shit taste
You are such a newfag it's amazing. You are actually triggered to find out people on Yea Forums don't want casuals ruining their board. First day I see.

I miss when the term casual meant something like Mario Kart that was simple but was still a game. Now casual games are 80% movies.

Alright, I'll bite. What "hardcore" games should I be playing instead?

lmao, trying to be a special snowflake doesnt make you interesting.

Any better action game. Try Ninja Gaiden for starters.
>Not being a low IQ nigger brain makes you a special snowflake


*pause game*

Yep, you really are a retarded nigger brain. Ninja Gaiden is objectively better and actually takes skill.

>added bonus of being SJWed
oh user...

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no, but letting popularity decide what game you play and what not makes you be a dumb attentionwhore.
and forcing your own dumb believes on others being a fucking normalfag.

>Retard has never played a game with item management before

>hmm.... what's that game that Yea Forums mentions when they talk about hardcore games... oh yeah ninja gaiden!!!

Don't be shy, make it 105%! No one's going to hunt you down, tear off your clothes and pee on you...

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Never said that. God of War has always been made fun of here for being a shitty game with no depth. The newest God of war is the worst out of them all.
>Making fun of casuals makes you an attention whore

People have been comparing GoW to Ninja gaiden for years newfag

Attached: 88e4ff7accbdc5ddde0d53798d1c8965[1].jpg (652x325, 64K)

>i dont play casual stuff, i only play stuff for real gamers
is literally the definition of being an attentionwhore

>The newest God of war is the worst out of them all.
I can tell you haven't even played any of the games at all. Old god of war was 90% stunlocking the entire screen with square.

Or just being a regular Yea Forums user. Maybe you should go back to resetera nigger.
I don't want you shitting up my board with your shit taste.

Comparing? yep? actually playing? nope.

And new god of war is worse
Hi reset tranny. You are going to deny that the new God of War took out the sexy women because onions boy nee didn't want evil sexism in their games.

Imagine actually believing Yea Forums is """"""'hardcore"""""" or has """"standards"""". You're so far up your own ass you're digesting your own head.

sorry for you, this board IS and never WAS your special snowflake attention board.

Seeing as how snoy games love to reference awful internet memes, probably.

>Yea Forums is hardcore
It was before casual shits like you ruined the board
>Y-You don't play shit games? Y-You are looking for attention
Kek. Stupid tranny nigger.

>And new god of war is worse
it really isn't. nuGoW throws shitloads of super armor enemies at you. even basic shitter enemies. you can't just stunlock everything anymore, especially since you didn't get the BoC until late.

>It was before casual shits like you ruined the board
maximum cope

>Changed the control scheme and camera to be more like modern shitty action games
>Can now block attacks making things even easier
>Half the boss fights are cutscene

>Haha I am a newfag from resetera!
I know tranny. I am just waiting for you to kill yourself already.

>>Can now block attacks making things even easier
alright, so we've now confirmed you played on piss easy shitter mode, where enemies don't level up during combat to gain unblockables on almost every basic attack

spamm more tranny/resettera/nigger, im sure you'll fit in eventually.
>It was before casual shits like you ruined the board
guess its another newfag tells people about board history episode. go and search the archive for final fantasy 8 threads, and see for yourself what old /v was like.

This. I bet he doesn't even watch Disney's Captain Marvel!

c o p e

>Can't even capitalize
>Being an underage faggot
I have proven that Yea Forums never liked God of War. But no, eating shit and AAA games is what Yea Forums loves and always has!
Sure thing nigger.

>horse grinning.jpeg

>I am a casual shitter that plays shit games b-but you need to cope with it
You should cope with your dick but sadly you cut it off.

>Runs out of arguments so starts calling out typing errors.
>Calls other underage while slinging "nigger" around at everything.

>Sony ponies will go through this much trouble to defend a shit game

im not native english so guess my english is not the best, but i can speak 4 different languages. what about you, proud of speaking your own mother language?

>Yea Forumstards will go through this much trouble to defend a shit board

Your only argument is that you are saying you should enjoy your shit game in piece. I'm saying you should fuck off back to resetera.
Yea Forums never liked God of War and that was already proven. You should play a good game like Ninja Gaiden or leave.

>I can speak 4 shit skin languages barely!
Of course it would be a low IQ nigger defending a shit game.

>I am the the official spokeperson for Yea Forums as a whole also MUH NINJA GAIDEN
>enjoy your shit game in """"""""""""piece""""""""""""

I already proven that Yea Forums hated your shit series years ago. Maybe you should play good videogames instead of defending bad ones online.

my cringe cringed

>Being such a casual that you have to make excuses why you want play a game that's too hard

>in piece
Oh the fucking irony.

i want to ride that old lady

>4 different languages
>low iq
im sure with your subhuman way of articulating yourself you're blessed with a shitload of iq.

>ninja gaiden
Maybe if you're fucking garbage, or playing with one hand. NG worship is the biggest Yea Forums meme of all time. No one has actually played it.

Yeah, because it's a piece of shit.

Too hard for the casual r*ddit tard to play so he has to resort to defending fucking God of War of all things.

Daily reminder that Yea Forums is 3 times bigger today than it was before the 2016 election. Of course the vast majority of people are going to be casual shits considering it's made up of newfags.

>N-Ninja Gaiden isn't hard!
Pic related would rip your asshole apart. I know for a fact you never even beat the first level you onions boy.

Attached: Ninja%20Gaiden[1].jpg (400x550, 137K)

Spics are low IQ idiots and can also speak multiple languages. Doesn't mean shit.

Still much harder than press a single button to win of War and a million times harder than God of Onions

I am interested in this game and look forward to getting it when its price drops. Roaming forested greenlands in the rain is my jam.

>I like how
Passive aggressive you are

>Still much harder than press a single button to win
That's literally ninja gaiden unless you're going for style points.

>pretending to be something you`re obivously not
>pointing out spelling errors
>trying to start a flame war
>calling someone underage despite acting like a special snowflake on her sweet 16
>each 2nd work iss either nigger, tranny or resettera
which of those sound to you like it indicates that the person who acts like that is in the position to talk about a high iq ?

No it’s not retard. You can’t infinite stun enemies.

You can't infinite stun most enemies in GoW ps4. Your point?

A basic combo requires at least 2 buttons casual.

Shitting on casuals isn’t starting a flame war. Go back to resetera or brogan.


This is the most soo post I have seen in a while. I bet you are composing to the mods as well.

the irony in that quote is huge.

The GoW baby tears in this thread are amazing.

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Yeah, how dare he actually like good games and not what an SJWs company tells you to like

oh man, a ninja gaiden screenshot, +10 Yea Forums cred points

It’s basically sonic 06 but works better


>Yeah, how dare he actually like good games
You mean, liking games that Yea Forums tells you to like?

>TFW my wife’s boyfriend won’t let me play Ninja Gaiden because he says it will trigger me

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But I’m not listening to the shills here telling me to play God of War.
It’s sad that just seeing ninja garden triggers you.

instead you listen to the NG shills, congrats

Or maybe it’s a good game that Yea Forums liked because it’s good. Of course now that Yea Forums has shills marketing here 24/7 that is no longer possible but it used to be.

>Or maybe it’s a good game
it's not

Nope, mid sized kappa studios can’t hire shills. Also you don’t have to shill a good game.

Sure thing casual. Ninja garden isn’t good but a AAA movie game made by trannies is good.

Sure thing, shill.

i need the source of this

What am I shilling? A 15 year old game? Holy shit you are a retard.

i thought its because actual game threads get 404'ed.
couldnt have a single star ocean thread going without deletion.

What am I shilling? A game that came out last fucking year? Holy shit you are a retard.

>come into thread expecting to see some hot opinions on gays gone
>it's just ninja gaiden autists and god of autists fighting their eternal autism war

Hoy shit you are retarded.

Yeah retard. People can still make money off of a year old game.

Little befuddled, are we?

I go to 4/v/ for shitposting and 8/v/ for actual game discussion. I used to make sc2 threads here but they just die.

You sad attempt at copying me failed badly. See

No way fag.

I bea this. You didn’t beat this. This is why you are still a virgin and your mom wants me.

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First 2-3 hours were pretty intense when you didn't know the power level of zombos
First accidential run in with a horde was an adrenaline rush, and since then just about any Horde fight is an adrenaline rush.
Story is a slow roast, but most characters are pretty alright and well acted.
Open world is shit tho' and the bike could use more upgrades/customization

Your sad attempt at convincing people you actually beat NG has failed in a similar fashion. oof.

This pretty much sums it up. Game is slow as shit but the hordes are a nice rush and somewhat challenging.

I did. Not everyone here is a soi boi


Just because you are too casual to try the things other men do doesn’t mean you should doubt them.

>Yea Forums-addicted mongoloid has an epiphany

What? B-but my ps4 owner friends who thinks assassin's creed movie is great are saying it is the best zombies game ever made. Are you saying... they are wrong?

>hardcore gaems
>hardcore gaymers
We had this discussion a few years back. Now you fuck off, Microshafted faggot