How could you, Yea Forums?
How could you, Yea Forums?
They aren't real
They're women
They cheat anyway but society gets mad at men more for it and ghe girls get YAASSS QUEEN SLAY shit
Fuck yu,op but thanks for reminding me why I choose to be asexual. bitches aren't shit but hoes and tricks and gay shit isn't for me.
>choose to be asexual.
Hahahahaha, sure you do bud.
How the FUCK did Persona 5 have so many great girls? Even the worst girl is better than 99% of the P3/P4 romance options.
I've never seen this much inceldom and fedoratipping in one post before
Single mothers
>choose to be asexual
Oof, sorry to be the bearer of bad news
Because it's the best Persona game there is. Simple as that.
Is this the jrpg of the decade I keep hearing about?
>better than even a single 3/4 girl besides the non party members in 4
Fucking lol.
Don't tell him, the only way he can deal with the trauma is to convince himself it was his own idea to get neutered.
I couldn't.
I only did one romance with Kawamommy and watched the rest of youtube.
>choose the be asexual
>MGTOWs unironically post on this board
I...I couldn't choose...
you didnt choose shit fag
nature chose for you since you're not deemed breedable
>I choose to be asexual
Top yikes
3D is PD but you sir are stupid
>P3fags still in denial
Must suck that people don't find the characters, the one thing that you can say is better, as good as you do? Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.
have sex
I'm a contrarian so based and redpilled, fpbp
He literally can't. That's why he "chooses", I can't type that with a straight face, to be asexual.
Think again cock mongler, I didn't get into the series until a friend showed me P4G. Then I played the whole series back to back my glasses are clear as day.
Damn this dude tipped his fedora so hard it’s still spinning
How easy is this scene to get?
How fat are you?
Just ignore the male confidants if you find it too hard you literal inbred.
Sure you did, grandpa. Now take your meds and go to bed. Coping all day is not healthy.
You get it if you romance multiple girls, that's it. Whichever ones you don't romance just don't appear in the scene. It's funnier with all of them though
Thanks, Anons!
The word is “celibate.”
You didn’t choose to be asexual, because you can’t choose what your attracted to. You choose not to have sex.
Would probably be easier to get all of them on NG+. Could use a 100% guide if you really wanted to
I would never cheat on Anne.
Breeders BTFO
>You didn’t choose to be asexual, because you can’t choose what your attracted to.
But you can?
What you're sexually attracted to is not an entirely involuntary thing, I don't why gays started this dumb argument.
It is complex and influenced by society and your choices.
The other word is "involuntary" because no one without a chemical imbalance would make the conscious choice not to fuck bitches.