Can beat megaman 1 and 5 with my eyes closed

>Can beat megaman 1 and 5 with my eyes closed
>have beaten all nes megaman games
>Beaten 3 X games
>Can't beat fucking block man after 1 hour

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>have beaten all nes megaman games
Why not 7-10 before 11? These are the games with parts more difficult than the average MM game

Man 9 was so fucking good

Block Man is easy though. Have you tried shooting him?

hmm, no. I'll try that, thanks.

Block Man is like the 2nd easiest one

Not a problem. Worst case scenario, you can try using his weakness against him. In Mega Man games, bosses tend to be weak to another boss's weapon.

haven't gotten to them yet and owned megaman 11. I honestly think it's the framerate messing me up since I'm so used to the few frames nes megaman has. I stop climbing up stairs before I've gotten fully up, etc.

You should get LC2 and give these games a try
Of course climbing is different in the not 8-bit games

>having any trouble with MM11
really baffling to me. it's just shoot it 'til it dies and jump and slide to evade.
also, if you're a noob use the gear system.
I generally avoid using the charge shot, too.

First one is always the hardest, even buster only.
Try blast man. He was my first

It was weird for me too. I came off of the Legacy Collection 2 when the demo came out and spent an hour on block man's stage, but then it just clicked and I could beat it on one life consistently.

Well, MM9 stages are longer than in any other MM game and the bosses are more complex as they have multiple phases so its not that surprising.

I don't understand how you are supposed to fight him. I beat him first, but I ended up just tanking his hits to do it. I remember not being able to find a way to avoid half his attacks.

Move slightly toward him and slightly away from him to dodge his attacks.

Look at where he will punch and get out of there, and if he throws blocks slide under them but be careful or you will end up touching him

Is 11 worth £20? For that price I could buy both X legacy games.

on steam? just wait for a sale. capcom games go on sale all the time.

On swiiiitch, it's on sale atm. I like the versatility.

go for it. the x collections aren't worth it if you can just emulate. the snes games have input lag and x5 and onwards aren't worth playing.

>x5 and onwards aren't worth playing.
X5 is better than X4 at the very least and X8 is one of the best in the series

>X5 is better than X4

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big yikes

Block Man is a fucking bastard. Easily the hardest to beat buster-only. And his gear behaves so much differently than every other.

Fuck him. Just use the chain blast on his giant form.

He's literally the easiest boss in the game.

That giant hand just fucks me up every time. I'm terrible at dodging it. Tundra Man is way easier.

When he slams, go away from him, when he punches get closer but stay away from his knee.

If he's punching, walk toward him. If he's slamming, hug the wall.

Not really, everything he does is slow and telegraphed.

My personal opinion from hardest to easiest:

Torch > Fuse > Blast > Bounce > Impact > Block > Acid > Tundra

7 is the best classic
change my fucking mind

>Wily is annyoing as fuck
>best classic


>mfw no damage clearing Torch's stage

No point debating with lunatics

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true test of skill

>8 over 7
>9 over anything
double yikes
11 is based tho


4 = 8 = 11 > 6 = 9 > 10 > 2 > 3 > 7 > 1 > 5

whats the best one then faggot



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>true test of skill
>Incossistent timing
>hitboxes are a fucking bitch to avoid
>Wild Coil is a bitch to hit

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its better than most people give it credit for, i'll give you that. I love that its full of hidden shit to find, that's always a plus in a game.

Shit lists

one of the best ngl

its also got the best combo of robot masters of any game other than maybe 10

>>true test of skill
>>Incossistent timing
reflexlet detected
>>hitboxes are a fucking bitch to avoid
git gud
>>Wild Coil is a bitch to hit
git gud

>3 above anything
Spotted the boomer. 3 is literally unfinished, all the weapons suck ass except shadow blade, the doc robot stages are shit with reused assets and boss fights, and it has an even worse wily castle than 11.

a real annoying wily is the egg throwing bitch not 7 lol

Lol, I was born after Megaman 8 came out, try again next time.
You sound like a shitter that couldnt figure out how to use top spin and leans on charge shots like the crutch it is.

to be fair the Top Spin is an unfinished weapon anyway, wouldn't give someone too much shit for not using it right

This was such a dissappointment. I couldn't stand to finish not even one level. Why is it so hard to make a simple 2.5D Mega Man game? Powered Up for the PSP proved that it could work.

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1, 2, 9, and 10 are all better and they don't have charge shots either.

>1, 2, 9, and 10 are all better and they don't have charge shots either.
wow your taste is literally shit

2 is my personal favorite, but 3 is still objectively better. MM2 was unbalanced as hell with its weapons, once you got metal blade it was pretty much over- low energy consumption combined with the fact that it had 8 directional aiming AND 3 bosses were weak to it. 3 had far more balanced weapons, the doc robot stages, and all around more refined elements than 2. Also, sliding was the shit. I disagree that 1 or 10 was better, but I'll give you 9 for the soundtrack alone.

Powered Up is infinitely worse than 11 in terms of actual substance

I dunno man, whenever I replay 3 I feel like the game just falls apart after you beat the 8 bots, the Doc Robot stages aren't really all that fun and the fights themselves don't work too well either with how bigger Doc is than any bot from 2. The Wily Castle after is just straight up forgettable.

3's weapons were balanced insofar that they were all equally garbage with the exception of Shadow Blade. They were all just different types of bolts shot directly in front of you. Gemini Laser and Search snake make you completely vulnerable if you miss. Needle Cannon is completely pointless if you have a turbo controller or are playing a ported version. Spark Shock and Top Spin are just shit.

The Doc Robot stages suck. No checkpoints before bosses that require you to learn a new weakness chain on the spot. They also didn't accommodate for how the MM2 bosses were designed. (Wood Man doc robot doesn't do his animation before firing his leaf shield, the Quick Man doc robot is twice the size of Quick Man). Also the Wily stages were weak as hell.

>all the anons disagreeing with you
Its okay user, I agree with you in every way.
X5 WAS better then X4.

>Needle Cannon is completely pointless

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Powered Up also had a sweet level editor and tons of playable characters though.

It was also boring as fuck and would not be remembered fondly by anyone if it didn't have those novelties.

Just spam the buster bro.

No. It's not my favorite but if it makes you happy why would I want to change your mind?

Anybody can beat Mega Man 5 with their eyes closed tho. It was literally designed for babies.

>play limited characters instead of one character that can do all

I'm sick and tired of people overrating 1 because it was the first in the series. That game feels clunky as fuck.

>not playing as based Oil Man

I mean it was a remake of Mega Man 1 and accomplished that goal pretty decently while adding more content then Mega Man 1 could provide.
I personally enjoyed my time with it quite a bit just playing the game with just Mega Man. The only thing I didn't like about it was the chibi style they went with, which was okay, but definitely weird given how Mega Man usually looks. Pic related.
The Robot Masters were more so for purposefully putting yourself at a disadvantage to give yourself a decent challenge. Where as Protoman was basically the easy easy mode, and Roll was just sort of there, but a nice inclusion.

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Why do you niggers like 9 so much, only thing going for it was the music. and splash woman rule34

As someone who isn't a huge fan of Mega Man, is there a reason why 11 looks really fun and I want to get it? For some reason the bosses look more methodical. In 1-10, they seemed too fast like you barely have time to figure out their moves, so it's trial and error. But 11 feels different like you actually have time to figure them out.

I've never beat Iceman's stage legitimately.

also 9 has got:
the absolute worst wily in all classics
forgettable bosses (splash woman and galaxy man are exceptions)
bad if not rehashed weapons

On the easier difficulties, sure, I guess. Unless you abuse the speed gear to slow down time, I'd say the bosses are easier but not too different from regular MegaMan games. The hardest difficulty actually adds more to their standard moveset and makes them faster.

>9 on top and 1 at the bottom
Patrician taste.
>bad weapons
Nigger 9 had arguably the best weapons set in the entire series.

Sad but true

Because it successfully went back to the series roots. There was no extraneous shit like the collectathon of 7 or the gimmicky Rush armor of 6. The OST was fantastic, the level design was good, and the RMs were memorable. Every weapon was useful. It nailed the Mega Man experience.

>the absolute worst wily in all classics
8's was worse

>the absolute worst wily
What do you mean? Wily fight? 7 and 11 are more difficult
>The hardest difficulty actually adds more to their standard moveset
10 did this as well on Hard

excuse me, what the fuck?

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Magnet Beam

Hmm, I just watched a bit of superhero mode and it seems more fun still. Maybe it's all in my head and I just like the graphics better.

Epic samefag

Try the Megaman Zero games getting an A/S rank, that's the real shit

have sex

I hate X4, so idek why you'd assume I'm a virgin

Hell I had the most trouble in Acid man but that’s just because I’m dumb with the jumps.

a-am i fitting in yet g-guys??

only good weapon is the laser trident. Concrete got its uses too but still

>implying I'm trying to fit in
>when you're the one throwing a fit because somebody doesn't adhere to the hivemind
X4 is shit with horrible music and X5 improved on it in every single way. Cope.

I did the buster only and sword only S rank runs in Zero 3 but never could do a perfect run for the rest of the minigames.

The black hole bomb and jewel shield were both great too

>more stuff to find = bad
rush adapter is the shit
OST is indeed amazing
lol level design in 9 is placing bullshit parts in between easy as fuck levels
again only splash woman and galaxy man are memorable
>every weapon was useful
except the only worthwhile weapon was the laser trident

jewel shield? you mean the 5th copy of leaf shield?

Hornet was useful for grabbing items for far away, Tornado gave you an extra boost when you jumped and Magma could cover a lot of range and damage when charged.

When he does his palm slap on the ground, jump up against the wall. When he does the punch, be as close to him as you can.

>niche item
>four (4) uses
magma bazooka is alright I guess

10 > 4 = 11 > 3 = V = 9 > 2 = 7 = Bass > 6 > 5 > Powered Up > 8 > SFxMM = Dr. Wily's Revenge > 1 >>> R&F Wonderswan

I haven't played II, III, IV, or Wily Wars. I imagine the WW version of 3 is just plain better due to a lack of slowdown.

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there's nothing wrong with one weapon in a set of 8 having a niche purpose. In the end its still one of the better sets in the series.

and the only one that is remotely useful

Difference is Leaf Shield is shit and Jewel Shield is actually good
none of that matters though because the best shield in the entire series is the Yammar Option

imagine how X9 bosses will be like

we might finally get the first memorable set since X1, if 11 is anything to go on.

they're gonna be fucking nuts

If Torch Man is anything to go by they're bound for greatness but a big question just popped in my head now. Will they have the bosses be serious or can we expect them to shout animal puns?

X is edgier Classic so probably not

>I imagine the WW version of 3 is just plain better due to a lack of slowdown.

Wily Wars has a shitload of slowdown. Way worse than the NES games. You have no idea.

Are there well know animal/plant that have not been used yet ?


Yeah. Sure.

plenty of insects are still up for grabs, scorpion and lobster haven't been used, foxes, lions, a fuckton of aquatic life
they still have plenty to work with

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Venus fly trap

Name one (1) stage worse than this faggot's
Fuck quick man.

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>X8 is one of the best in the series
Not exactly a high bar there

Dust Man from Mega Man III

Just slide bro. Dust man's stage is ez

MM8 Wily 1

Wrong Dust Man, I'm not talking about Mega Man 4 I'm talking about Mega Man III

The only other variant of the leaf shield that wasn’t absolute shit was the junk shield. And jewel is a step up from that.

There’s a point where collectible shit can get too ridiculous. The only MM game that found the perfect balance was the first X. If you prefer the Donkey Kong 64 of classic Mega Man, more power to you.
The level design in 9 is good unless you’re a spastic retard that plays MM like Sonic. A great example is the enemy in Galaxyman’s stage that grabs you; you’re introduced to them early enough in the level to see what they can do so you have reason to carefully make your way through the stage.
We’re obviously going to continue to disagree about RM design, though I’m not sure how you can see Hornetman and think he’s forgettable.
>only worthwhile weapon was the laser trident
Again, the black hole bomb is great, particularly if there’s a group of enemies ahead. I’ve already made the case for jewel shield. Really the plug shot is the only weapon I’d consider weak.

I don't like Mega Man 10 that much but Solar Man is one of my favorite fights to do buster-only, it's really satisfying but the fight is fair too

I can't even beat the first level of mega man NES but i've beaten all of the x's and 11 whatsthe big deal?

Mega Man 1 is really fucking hard

dang dude you're pretty cool, do you play chess without using your rooks too?

>all these leaf shield clones
>there will never be a reactionary reflect style shield

Its literally a childrens game

Found the shitters

so you're bragging about being good at a children's game?

I played through X4, enjoyed it. Picked up X5, breezed through 2 stages/bosses, got bored because it was so fucking easy, and dropped it.

Bitching tune though.


Not even Cut Man or Bomb Man?

>he's good at a childrens game
damn dude

If thats what you consider bragging, lmao yeah sure

Which makes you...what. bad at a childrens game?


There's Crush Crawfish from MMX3

You'll have to explain how that thing is useful, because I've never gotten any impression that it's worth the time.

Uhh, a lobster and a crawfish aren’t the same animal

i think i only tried elecman basically a kaizo level

I've never beat a classic Mega Man game. Closest I've got was to the bomb puzzle boss in Wily's castle in 2.


You know what that thing's called?

The Boobeam Trap

op is retarded and has learned nothing from his previous experiences, that or he's baiting.

>play any megaman game ever
>Game Over!
>"wow, this level is difficult! I think I will come back to this level later on when I have a few new boss weapons!"
>Then you end up coming back to that troublesome level later on and beat it no problem

Because It's a new challenge and you are not used to it.

yikes! you absolutely BTFO'd the zoomer.

You tried the hardest level first buddy

Lmao yep

>Ice Man
>Guts Man

I wouldn't change the mind of a man who's right.
It still burns me that they only made ONE real game in that style, 'cause I love it. Well, not counting those arcade games. Those were great.

Mega Man 11 isn't even THAT hard, it's just the longer levels and sparse checkpoints made it feel much more arduous when you inch closer to a game over.


You know what's particularly funny about people who are bad at Megaman games? They treat boss weapons like they're Elixirs in a Final Fantasy game, a rare finite resource that you just can't ever use willy-nilly.

But use them and the difficulty you have with the games is alleviated tremendously.

It depends on the game. Some of the classics have boss weapons so awful that besides one or two standouts, players just get conditioned to stick to the buster. MM11, on the other hand, not only has some pretty good weapons but also secondary firing modes with the Power Gear, and most of the enemies and challenges were designed with them in mind unlike the typical MM game just having them be for clearing specific obstacles and boss weaknesses. I'd say that unless you're doing a challenge run, Buster-only in 11 is completely antithetical to how you should play it.

Mega Man games where the weapons are good are kino. I'm one of the rare kind of folk who likes Mega Man 1 because the arsenal is quite useful yet not ridiculously overpowered and boring like metal blades are.

Only the first part of Guts Man's stage is hard though

I hope 12 comes before X9

11's bosses were too easy to read, I want obscure yet fair patterns like in 10

>he didn't even use it
No wonder your taste is so retarded, you don't know what you're even talking about.

It won't, X9 is the next game.

I'm glad someone else has suffered through this shit.
It's the most soul-crushing level in the entire franchise.

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Dustman's stage has those floating platforms over bottomless pits that accelerate up to the ceiling and has the enemies that appear on screen suddenly, right?

Is that area REALLY so hard for you? Just have a little patience and you can bait out those appearing enemies, ya know.

There are two Dust Man's my brother, one from Mega Man 4 and one from Mega Man III. 4's Dust Man is simple but III's Dust Man will make you cry for your parents.

It's on sale on Switch? I'm not seeing that though. It still says $30 for me.

Only true gamers can surpass it

Gib me human/robo/reploid/humanoid/carbon/Navi/EM girls

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This thread is so empty without Leviathan

based horny posters