So, do you guys actually like any games? When was the last time you talked about liking something on here?

So, do you guys actually like any games? When was the last time you talked about liking something on here?

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Ghost Trick

liking things is gay

I talk about liking SMT and Yakuza all the time on here.

When you like a game you talk about it on /vg/. Yea Forums is for games you don't like and politics.

I stopped being an incel into "gaming" 5 years ago, I only come on here to post anal vore wojack and console war threads.

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I talk about games I like on /vg/ or /vr/. Yea Forums doesn't have any room for discussion and hasn't for at least 3 or 4 years. It's a constant flood of threads that SHOULD be on /vg/ but aren't, bait threads, or /pol/ trash. /vg/ is filled with retarded tripfaggots and it's STILL better than Yea Forums is.

Yesterday. Days Gone. Not amazing, but still thoroughly enjoyable. Shame it got shat on by journos because of politics

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I saw the same shit with horizon zero dawn only it was Yea Forums being retarded and journos loved it. If you liked days gone I'd definitely recommend trying out horizon too, it goes on sale for $10 pretty often.,

every so often an older or niche series i like will get a thread here and its always a great time.
Just like 20-50 anons having good memories and sharing their favorite soundtrack bits.

I actually bought HZD shortly after it came out, but I just couldn't get into it. I did like how you had to use traps and some strategy to win against your prey/predators, but I just wasn't enjoying the experience. That's probably down to Aloy as a character; it could be that I'm a closeted misogynist but I just found her so unappealing. Her design, her personality, even her voice just didn't suit me. Though it's only fair to note that I'm not a big fan of Ashley Burch as a VA or a person, where as the reverse is true for Sam Witwer

Katana Zero

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for real that game was rad. Gonna go through a 2nd time soon.
Cant wait for the free DLC

Well if you don't care about me spoiling it: Aloy is actually a clone. Not just that, a clone of what's supposed to be one of the smartest women on earth. How does she die? No no, not from the catastrophy of the nanobots. She dies because she doesn't know how to close an airlock. Scientist my fuckin ass

I talk about games I like every day user

The threads just die in ten posts

I started going to /tg/ because Yea Forums is more difficult to discuss specific games. The ones that I do want to talk about have threads on /vg/ anyways.

This place is just a shithole. I'm pretty sure that half-assed sticky we got was the only time a mod set foot in here this whole week.

I like games, it's just every game conversation here devolves into pol or waifus. Or the threads get ignored and die.

Currently playing hat in time death wish, it's kicking my ass, soul caliber 6 where I made bobobo. And dead by daylight cos the next killer is my fav one, Ghostface. What's everyone else playing??

The Baba is You threads were good

I knew user, though I thank you for the spoiler tag. For what it's worth I enjoyed the first few hours with Rost but ultimately I don't think it would warrant a second playthrough, unless my sister shows interest in it. She is impartial to a non-attractive strong female lead

I felt the same, and frankly I wasn't playing for the story anyway, mostly the advancements in technology for being able to damage enemies by parts. That's something I really enjoy in games, no matter how it's implemented, and I got extreme enjoyment from games like binary domain and vanquish because of how they reward you for it.

>binary domain and vanquish
My nigga that's some superb taste

>tfw you like a lot of games that Yea Forums doesn't

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The reason I stick with Yea Forums is cos if threads like those. They're comfy as fuck. My fav actually being the smash ultimate thread for when the music first leaked. Damn listening to the new gang plank galleon, shanty and cacophony tracks with fellow anons was fucking amazing.

Now though I mostly spend time in /tg/ cos I'm a fan of 40k,warhammer fantasy and aos (sue me)

I mostly just lurk out of habit. Even when Yea Forums is on topic then the result isn't much better than the usual shitposting.

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There's nothing wrong with that considering Yea Forums's shit taste.

I've been sneaking around recommending Objects in Space where people actually ask these kinds of questions, cuz I think it's a hidden gem. Quickly became the only thing I play in my free time. Try it.

>finally see a thread about a semi-obscure game you like
>it's filled to the brim with shitposting

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even though i wish i could i don't like much of anything any more

Haven't liked a new game in a while, and games i do like that get threads are generally just rehashed shit i've seen for years so i generally don't post in them that often considering you can predict the entire thread beforehand.

Maybe I've just been playing shitty games, but I haven't enjoyed anything much lately and I feel guilty when I buy games that I don't like. It's all too much hassle, I want to kill myself.

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Yesterday, discussing mahjong at 3am.

I kinda miss the Mario party netplay threads.

God no, you wait for a thread where people actually don't respond to the retards. There's like 2 a month.

Yeah, Risk of Rain 2 and Rainworld