Have you played Astolfa's game yet Yea Forums?

Have you played Astolfa's game yet Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He calls his anus a pussy

i only like astolfo for his hentai

it's not a pussy user, it's a bussy

>tfw even fujos are more stateful than trapfags

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Boipussy u niggerlover

Based mentally ill poster

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No, I'm straight.

yes, it's good for a musou. liked it as much as HW and PW3

she looks gorgeous in her game too, i wish she were real

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liking traps is a straight male's fetish

No it isn't.

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>the closetfag cope

This guy gets it.

yes, it is


Only people who've had actual sex agree with this based post. Good on you user!

I'd sure like to suck his cock.

>trapfags having sex
good one

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
i dont know if this is supposed to be subversion or what but its retarded in any case

beware the anime avatar

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unfathomably based

>ywn come home to this
Why even live?

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I want play his ball

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Weird how Yea Forums claims to hate tired, overused tropes but still eats up this trash

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you're not going to convince me that finding this sexually attractive isn't hetero

i have no problems with homosexuality and i'd fully embrace it if i were bisexual (more options), but i'm just straight

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the facade of an anime girl hides his true intentions

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He's not a trap, just an anorexic dude in drag

>liking dicks is hetero

Wait what is this
Did Fate get a 3D game or something?

Astolfo is perfect but would be even better if Merlin made him have some nice tits.

>all the freaks in this thread who dont pass

Attached: Freak.jpg (640x640, 104K)

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>Video game board
>Thread that mentions video games doesn't get deleted
>Thread that doesn't mention video games gets deleted


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>>Thread that mentions video games doesn't get deleted
OP had no intentions of discussing games, and you know it

No one passes.

Remember to wish your mom a happy Mother's Day, Yea Forums

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Been getting a lotta use out of this image lately, state of the world honestly.

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stop posting 3DPD, i'm straight and i'd fuck a hot tranny like taftaj1 or mattynatty, but this is a Astolfo / Fate / Fate/Extella Link thread

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So you're saying a off-topic thread is on-topic on Yea Forums if you put the word "game" in the OP?

How many layers of autism and delusion are you currently on?

show me where is the dick in that picture?

all i see is a pear-shaped female and i want to fuck any available hole in that body

This. OP here.
I'd like to talk about Fate /Extella or Fate Games in general, not whatever the fuck this has turned into.

this looks fun

Attached: hands free chastity.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Pretty much. A good looking dude is more likely to be okay looking as a tranny attempting to be a female then some fat slob dude transitioning into a fat slob tranny, its not a Disney story uglies, changing yourself from one thing to another doesn't magically make you prettier.

the look on her face, you just know

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Can someone explain why this guy dresses like girl and acts like girl? He does it for fun or he has any special reason?

>crossdresser now is equal to tranny
Fuck trannies.

You know the character is male. You can't play dumb.

>I'd like to talk about Fate /Extella or Fate Games in general,
If you really wanted that you wouldn't have used a Shitstolfo image

what is this faggotry?

He's French.

Can someone redpill me on Astolfa?
He seems cool but I never seen anything about him outside him being in a jar saying do not open, and the DOOM custom gun Astolfa with the Mario 4 end theme playing.

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Half of them are deceitful
The other half is just delusional

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Lol, this pic is always true.

Incredible progress.

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what kind of milk is that?

What video game is this?

he decided to crossdress to cheer up a depressed friend and liked it too much

he acts like a girl because he's a female at heart

Daily reminder that Astolfo is for straight men

that explains everything

it's based and hands free fun

Attached: hands free cum.webm (400x600, 1.19M)

who cares? it's literally a "draw a girl, call it a boy" character. not pounding that would be gay

bet you would rather fuck Sakura Oogami

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>the buck angel fallacy

He's Italian you retard

oh master, last night was wonderful

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Come to think of it, it's a bit strange that I've never seen any art of him lewding a baguette.

would fuck her if the face passes, but what's up with modern people?

AGP general?

pls post some more

Joey's World Tour?
Welcome to Joey's super cool hormone review, I'M MAAAAAAAAA'AAAAAAAAAAM

If you like dicks you aren't straight. This isn't an opinion, it's not up for debate.

you're the most gorgeous girl i've ever met

damn harmful opinions looks like THAT?

Says who?
If you seriously look at the way the western world is developing you'd find alot of people agreeing with that others anons statement. Maybe get out of your basement for once.

I like how they always cherry pick the unpassables while this one looks like Joosten

So, would you let >her now milk you dry?

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It's time for a bath master!

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i don't like dicks, i dislike vaginas and dicks attached to men and i like and i'm indifferent to vaginas and dicks attached to women respectively


>he thinks normalfags believe in gender fluid bullshit

Cope more faggot.

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How do you do this? I've tried for hours and I've never been able to do it.

>cherry pick the unpassable
You mean 99.9% of them, while the other 0.1% learned to use angles and makeup?

Okay well you're not straight.

i see you're already ready and in the correct position, clever girl

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Just like 99% of cis women

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>Femininity is faggot shit


>dicks can be feminine

Are you serious?
Yes, many do. The fact you refer to them as "normalfags" shows how delusional you are just like the very people you're arguing against. We live in a world where many people can dress, act and be what they want and if they're shunned for it the instigaters are the ones who suffer. Not saying I agree with it but to think it isn't a thing is part of the problem

Top tier trannies are already more attractive than all the ugly women.

It's easy to cherry pick the hons and it's also easy to cherry pick ugly women.

Nice tranny obsession lol

That is disgusting

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This thread won't get deleted but my video game thread was moved to Yea Forums. Fuck this shit.

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I'm not arguing that. Just admit taking your gf's strap on makes you gay faggot.

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Thats a man

>unironical usage of "cis"
Found the american tranny.

You know the difference between you and women?
That a woman without makeup and without girly clothes might look worse, might look ugly, but nobody will ever think that's a man.

You do, you put on the makeup a girl uses in an entire summer in one day, you take hundreds of pics looking for an angle, and even then it's obvious that you are men.

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They won't disparage you for being gay, but they won't agree that you're straight for liking traps.

>implying i don't like tomboys

Sakura isn't a tomboy though, it's man with a wig

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>Top tier trannies are already more attractive than all the ugly women.
You mean by themselves, or you mean completely covered in makeup and only in certain pics?

Between this, the fact that you unironically use "cis" and that you think trannies look good even remotely, it's obvious that you are just some worthless American leftist.

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i can only shrug and remind you that this is Yea Forums. embrace the stupidity. dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Shall not.

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>trap and trannie is interchangeable
spotted the trannie

Hey man, you gotta admit
She was pretty cool

>automatically projects his desires of being fucked and doing feminine shit onto others
Based tomboychad working trapfags into a dilating seethe

I'd agree it's alot less of an option and while I'd agree liking cock makes you gay you'd be surprised how many people would still support someone for having the choice to cherry pick things.

3D traps = pig disgusting
2D = beautiful

What's the correlation between communism and trannys? I see it a lot.


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No, it's people are getting tired of faggotry and degeneracy in general.
You all deserve to die.

So all I need to do is post Astolfo to make /pol/ shit their brains, huh?

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Trapfags refer ugly trannies (such as Bailey Jay and Sue Lightning) as "traps". So yeah, even most trapfags think traps and trannies are the same thing.

No, just tranny shit, like the tranny complaining about "cis women" a few posts before.
Fatass SJWs can't help themselves but bring their ebonics here.

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It's like 6 hours long but 60 bucks.

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>spunky, energetic, competent fighter with an actual personality
>Gets married to Gohan and becomes a passive, domesticated wife. All previous traces of her spunky old self were written out of the show.
How did Dragon Ball Super fuck this up so badly?

>feminists despise trannies
>the gay community as a whole despises trannies
>trannies despite themselves

Attached: 1556895761487.gif (1372x1024, 800K)

Need some help, user?

So where did this Discord tranny meme come from?

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>Yea Forumsies likes trannies
hardly a surprise

probably the whole reiko /r9k/ shit

Some r9k poster who was trying to convince people on the board to turn trans and organised it via discord or something like that.

>t. wannabe carpet-muncher

Attached: toot.gif (261x199, 305K)

Funniest thing is the moment they move anyone can instantly tell its dude regardless of how good they are with angles and Photoshop.

From the truth.

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To mcfucking killing myself cause I got an erection from an anime trap

You're a pretty thin skinned loser if that's all it takes for you to want to die.

no, the funniest part is when they inevitably kill themselves LOL

i'm curious about dating a cute trap / tranny, to gauge the pros and cons between dating them and dating regular women

Attached: Emma.jpg (921x843, 175K)

>tfw can't enjoy interacial without being fetish fuel

Attached: Unironically me.jpg (680x1024, 111K)

>No alternate Astofolo outfit where he dresses up like the knight he is.
I know it took like a dozen alters before King Arthur actually showed up as a guy, but c'mon...


You don't need to feel bad about that, user. Getting aroused is a wonderful thing.

As far as Father's Day goes tho, don't bother showing up
It's for the best

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Just run for a bit.
Your blood can't form an erection if it's busy elsewhere.

>no cock


Am I supposed to feel bad for this nigger? I'd be sympathetic if he wished for chocolate anime girls getting chocolate dicks. Faggot still wants IR, fuck outta here.

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That speaks to my soul
And it hurts

They were just memeing you retards

Can't believe you all got triggered by a bunch of faggots

You can't claim liking traps is straight if you sperg out over actual female versions of them. Especially since you're mad that he specifically doesn't have a cock

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t. tranny

>You can't claim liking traps is straight
Oh but I know I'm gay UwU

faggots ruined the astolfo thread

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>fat ugly guy
>now a fat ugly guy with long hair and genital mutilation
40% is too low, honestly

>no cock

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the dads face gets me every time

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post butt

Leave emos and goths alone, Man of Shad.
They must be protected.

>The dad's "where the fuck did I go wrong" face

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only faggots like astolfo in the first place

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I'm an ottermode top

Chevalier D'eon is so fucking hot.

>implying a 2D goth trap isn't meant for being a cum receptacle

only straight men can truly appreciate a trap, i would fuck both Astolfo without tits and Astolfo with tits and vagina because i appreciate both character and the design

gays just self-insert as him or want to suck his feminine penis

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post dick then

I miss smutanon....

this is what happens when your father wears hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts with sandals

Anyone have the webm that's just a close-up of his face?

It's because, in their attempt to imitate women, they also imitate the female methods of suicide i.e the ineffective ones. So they fuck it up multiple times before actually getting it right.

only gay men care that much about fashion.

It's not fashion, it's trying not to look like an absolute retard

That rarely happens too

It's a double trap. That means it's double gay.

unlike Astolfo who will always remain as a girl (male), d'Eon can actually change his gender

it's up to your preference

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>trannies are the product of single mothers and emasculated fathers
you might be onto something with this, actually

Attached: Snapchat-1056234857.jpg (990x1920, 457K)

Attached: Nico.jpg (387x323, 20K)

>Leif EMIL Lindh, 1997-09-12
>Folkbokförd Kungsgårdsvägen 64, 681 54 Kristinehamn
>Hugo Lindh Mor: Monica ELISABETH Niska, 1949-02-25 Folkbokförd Havrestigen 8, 681 43 Kristinehamn Farbror: Peter Lind
>ANTON Peter Lindh, 1996-02-02 Folkbokförd Eldaregatan 12C, 681 35 Kristinehamn
oh no no no no....


Attached: 1556500988097.jpg (1200x849, 243K)

IR is filth on par with ugly bastard.

But why though?

>beware the anime avatar
Sage advice.

Attached: do not touch willy.jpg (403x295, 16K)

what is with this trend of boys wanting to put on makeup and wear girl's clothes while getting their rectum permanently damaged by dicks that don't belong there?

Nice, didn't expect you to actually deliver.

>ywn creampie fem-d'Eon then have her switch and milk his prostate

Why live

Attached: 8CA408A53AE34AF3B4DF0EC8FE54500D.jpg (567x354, 41K)

>He thinks a dick doesn't belong there

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actually salivating desu

Find another trap for this. Astolfo is openly male.

Lack of male role models

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where does he fit his massive cock n balls?

Because it puts emphasis on race, and that's not hot.

xenoestrogen in plastic water bottles

Do not feed
- Sneedie

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Boomers and millennials are terrible, uncaring parents.

How do you know which ones belong there and which don't?

Why does it feel so good to get fucked then?
Damage is caused by giant dildos

Exactly, I want that but without the focus on race. That'll never happen though.

bad advice
Do feed sneed
Do not seed Chuck


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still fap to her porn vids to this day

Attached: joost.jpg (2077x961, 585K)

IR inherently puts emphasis on race. Which is why I'm sympathetic to blacks wanting black on black on their hentai.

It's a gift I have. For example, I can tell that yours belongs in my ass.

He's clearly enjoying something, the thought of showing off how virtuous he is by fully supporting his transgender child? But you can see that there are doubts alongside discomfort, probably from being on camera. Should he really be doing this? Does going along with this show of delusion really make him a better father? Perhaps those are the kind of thoughts intruding into his mind.

Kill yourself sooner rather than later, fag.

Literally leatherface

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It's a time before the the French were gay.

Astolfo is only good when his dick is way bigger than mine and fucks me in the ass, humiliates me and makes me his bitch boy.

a girl has a hole that self-lubricates to make penis entry possible without damage, while boys only have an exit that's designed to get rid of waste produce, doesn't self-lubricate and gets damaged really easily.

Why would you be so mean?

always remember, this is the average trapfag

you have been memed, Astolfo's balls and penis belong to the feminine variety

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Attached: Traps aren't gay.jpg (1775x1139, 318K)

is that a whole body suit of flesh under the sleeves? i never noticed that detail in the movies

dumb male master

100% gay or get the fuck out delusional trannie

Girl on the right looks like Gran Gustin's male twin sister with a penis.

This is why I developed a vagina fetish.
It's a hole specifically and carefully created to make dicks cum.

Attached: 1528463387508.png (578x878, 307K)

It's just the whole "masculinity is bad mmmmmkay" retardation that is being fed to kids these days.
The chad ones reject that shit entirely, the normal ones take it with a grain of salt, the retarded ones buy it and become soibois, the really retarded ones buy it to the point where they believe the can become women

Astolfo isn't a tranny you fucking retards
He's not even a trap
He's a guy who refers to himself as a guy and is attracted to women

Far right is the best

it really bothers me that 4/6 of these are the wrong way round

>seething trapfag projecting his fantasies of fucking trannies
Nice coping my homosexual anons.

What are the >ROMAN RVLES?

I want to play fucking CCC

her dick is almost as big as mine, it's kinda distracting, but she's the ideal trap girlfriend

passes very well and loves to take it in the butt

I need to grab his cute butt.

faggot fragrance....

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