Which one are you Yea Forums ?

which one are you Yea Forums ?

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>mfw zoomer but grew up poor so I only had an snes
feelsgood growing up with chrono trigger

core gen z, although doom, sim city and dungeon keeper are the best games on this list

All the games are shit Dungeon Keeper aside and even then I preferred the 2nd game

Early gen z

Late Gen Y is Pokemon tho

Early Gen Z, Orange box is the first PC game I've ever gotten.

Core gen Y

Early Zoomer.
What can you do? You're born when you're born and can't change that. The most you can do is keep an open mind towards older stuff.

Early Gen Y.
I'm very tired.

Late gen Y
Still, lived in a craphole so I got to try out older things rather than newer. (Aside from Pokémon)

Late gen Y.

>born in 1999
>only owned a ps2 til 2014 because I was poor as shit
>played an assload of pic related at a way too young age

Attached: half life .jpg (250x355, 18K)

Early Gen Y.

gen y but i didn't play ut or morrowind until around 2010
same goes for most games since I mostly play old shit because most new games are garbage and it's always been that way

Core Gen Y

i enjoy all of these games.

Based Zoomer. Now go relive my memories and play all the PC classics

Wow, so based and brave. Do you comment "I'm 18 years old but this is the best music EVER" on dadrock videos on youtube?

fuck you nigger new games are sorta ok

All of you are fucking cancer and should kill yourselves immediately.


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I'm sorry, but you should try a fucking good taste transplant. Patricians prefer DK1 to DK2.

tfw grew up with none of these
I had no childhood

Between early and core gen z, but closer to core.

Doom isn't that great of a game. Modern sourceports are probably the best gamedev evironment in existence, though.

Early gen Y. I think modern games are generally way better than the stuff I played growing up.

Between early and core gen Z
Poor though so didn't play much games
Still poor but already feeling tired and uninterested in games, only playing shitty gook mmos
At least I didn't turn into the stereotypical zoomer thankfully

>implying any zoomers were playing Bioshock

that's a boomer game, sonny

Early Gen Y, I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I didn't play the hell out of both the pictured games.

>cinematic corridor fps
>boomer game

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Early zoomzoom. I do have fond memories of The Orange Box, but my vidya journey began with the Dreamcast.

Late gen Y.

I am gen X (1983)
But I have fonder memories of Gen Y

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Late Y

half-life came out in 1998 sonny

try again

Yea Forums is full of zoomers who are just 'oh but I played all the Yea Forums approved games so I am cool and I like anime!'

Born early 90's and played mostly early Gen Y because lolpoor.

90s and 2010s games are mostly better than 2000s

Late Gen Y.
But living in a third world country made me play plenty of old games.

Attached: Sixteen.jpg (932x524, 52K)

you're barely at the cutoff for gen y

1980-1982 are ancient compared to the rest of the 80s

core gen y

nothing will ever beat half-life's mod scene.

you are gen y


1995. pretty much a mixed boomer-zoomer. Rode the pokemon wave pretty hard, got to experience 2007 gaming at an amazing age. Got to experience first online console gaming with all my friends. Was pretty based desu

Core Gen Y

I have been here too long

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Late Gen Y

Honestly i feel like since ps1 & 64 era had the best combination of graphics being nice to look at but not detailed enough to let your imagination run wild.

Its what I miss the most, coming up with zany theories on why this behaves like that

I was born in 1990, but my first console was actually NES.

Late gen X.

I'll tell you, the transition of your early 30s to late 30s is terrible.
It's only 5 years but you become a 20 year old something to a 40 year old something.
Aging doesn't work like it used to before.

can you name a few examples on each side?

I was born in 1997, but for most of my childhood I would only play DOS games, because my older brother forced me to. I have fond memories of commander keen, jazz jackrabbit, lucasarts p&c games, ufo: enemy unknown, alone in the dark, all that good stuff.
On one hand I'm happy with the games I grew up with, but I wish I could have gotten into console games too. I can't bring myself to play anything on console these days.

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I managed to catch the NES port of Maniac Mansion and I absolutely loved it then and still to this day (despite how censored and buggy that version was).
But Morrowind is the most important game to me there.

mid to late 90s, remember play the shit out of goldeneye, vigilante 8, the older C&C games, and that one clone wars game that pandemic made that had that fun multiplayer where you try to destroy the other player's base

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Core boomer.
Fuck zoomers and the few obsessive baby boomers that genuinely think Ultima pre-Underworld didn't age like milk.

core y 94 class

>born 1994
i grew up on n64

>core/late gen y (born 93)
earliest vidya memory was on windows 98
>dad would order demo discs from gaming mags and let me go crazy with them
>also ripped me a copy of C&C tib sun onto a disc from someone at work
>older relative would show me dos games like the Dizzy series, jazz jackrabbit and commander Keen
>played the thief 2 demo at age 7 and got spooked by the guards


wojaks are cancer