Why can't jap devs make good female armor designs?

Why can't jap devs make good female armor designs?

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They shouldn't wear armor.
Girls in war should be naked!

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Japs get the best female armor.

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Girls should not be on the frontline

Do you think the people behind GoT are disappointed by how ugly the Stark-girls turned out?

they can

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Nigger you call that good armor?

That's literal beltan zipper.

Why can't Yea Forums stay in their own board?


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This is good armor design.

This is boring generic armor design

Based nips

But what if it's specifically a.... Girls' Frontline?

>muh lewd animu girl

they should be disappointed in themselves for their terrible writing

Pssh, you casuals. Let me show you what real armor design looks like.

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that's one ridiculous sword

Yeah, this too. Series really went to shit once they ran out of books to base their writing on. It´s still entertaining most of the time I guess


Armor is fine, but the sword isn't.

That armor's shit though. She doesn't even have a cool hat.

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I dont know but why did u post an "armor" literally made out of leather belts (lol) as an example? Thats the worst jap stereotype but your example is made in west. The only thing you achieved is you made west look as bad as east. Whats the point?


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weebs are cringe

that's the point

Sword is perfectly realistic though if you scale it down a bit so its not as ridiculously big and thick. It would still look like ass but would be completely functional. Armor though? She doesnt have one, shes in the underwear.

They can't make good armor designs period. Probably because their steel was always shit.

armors that remain consistent for both genders are underrated

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Nah, they're absolute beauts by bong standards, my bloke.
Well worth getting a nudity viewing loisence for.

Good armor design but seems kinda dark sidey for her.. I mean she was raped and whatnot so it's understandable. What's with the deep throat gag around her neck though?

why can't GoT soiboys stay on Yea Forums

The sword has a fucking hour-glass in it among other things, how is that realistic?

As someone who bought and played the game, she alleges that it's high fashion amongst royalty.

Doesn't stop literally everyone else in that universe from talking about how ridiculous it looks.

>women wear revealing, sexy clothing for the purpose of being desirable; women do this because this is what attracts men
>men wear functional, stylish but still made to suit the purpose; to be desirable, men dress "up." Men do this because this is what attracts women

This is why female bikini armor exists. Women would wear the same revealing armor as a choice in style, especially in a *fanatsy* made up world. Men would still also wear functional, stylish armor made to suit the purpose. Armor in vidya just follows the clothing trends designed to appeal to each sex. It's absolutely retarded to compare men and women in a way that all things should be exactly the same.

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>meh in the show and x-men
>pretty in everything else
What the fuck actually is going on with her?

Because that’s how armour should be, female-specific armour with breast plates would actually kill a woman

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Old season good
New season bad

a woman in full armor is more attractive though

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>Desu Maria

this is just a dominatrix suit

Have sex

What in the hell are you on about, dummy? Lmao. Educate yourself. Leather royal armor my ass. If youd knew anything about history and historical warfare youd knew that not only leather armor in general was very rare because of its dubious efficiency, that particular design wouldnt work at all because of all the seams between the belt parts that serve no purpose other than to make already mediocre piece of protective gear' overall structure even weaker. Im not a weeb, in fact id take shit like that over weeb bikini any day, but its only very barely less retarded, and looks almost as clownish to the eyes of someone who knows what armor was actually like and, especially, why it was the way it was.
Don't ever again embarrass yourself by implying that shit like that is in any way realistic, let alone was actually used (because thats exactly what your phrase sounds like it implies).

It’s not impossible that Japs can do western armour better than westerners, though she should be wearing a helmet

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Sansa isn't ugly
Arya is a complete goblin however

Well if its an actual hourglass made out of glass then its not, looked like a drawing on the blade to me.

are you implying leather armor was not a common thing?

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I love seeing Game of Thrones crash and burn.
So much for the so-called "the definitive work of fiction"

1) He doesn’t know that suiseiseki is an official canonised saint in the catholic church

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>the series was so such a man than its not a shitty concept of console in the first place.

I haven't played it again. I was just a shit game for the same state of this shit.

Not him but you're retarded. Leather was not cost efficient enough to use commonly as it requires the slaughtering of live stock at a certain age to even get decent quality. Also
>talks about leather
>posts Lamellar
literally proves his point.

can't wait for this to become mainstream

This has been debunked.

name ONE jap game with good armor design, From Software not allowed

I thought about how ridiculous a premise this was that could be considered high fashion, but then reminded me we're actually living that reality.

God bless the Black Tape Project.

Now imagine the fatties wearing "that".

You call this "armor," but I call it tape.

Why can't western writers make good stories?

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guhh me horny *slurp*

>I will now buy your game

>basing Western writing off of D&D incompetence
So shall we use Kojima for the standard of hack writing in Nip works?

THere more dissapointed of waht became of the show in the end.

D&D are western
And George is western too, and the story has plenty of dumb shit because of his own mistakes (forgetting how wide Jeyne's hips were, for example).

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Are you incapable of reading comprehension?

I love how the real world is stealing fashion trends from anime and hentai

How? How the fuck could she forget them when in the precise scene before she was talking with her council about it?

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That's a man

Game of Thrones has the highest rated episode of western television - just because you don't like it being used as an example of dumb western writing doesn't mean it isn't an apt one.


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Is this the stealth TV thread?

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>tiny ass visor
>random spikes in inconvenient places
>literally no crotch defense
>pauldrons so large you can't effectively lift you arms past your shoulders
3/10 see me after class

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>this thread again
unironically have sex.

I already see fatties in shorts, it's the price we pay for pleasure. That and whatever your shades cost.

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Extremely Based

spread your legs babe

Have sex

Cringe and redditpilled.


lol you think you do, but you don't

The TV series is diluted, watered down, has incredibly mind-jarring alterations and changes from the the source material and is completely dumbed and simplified with radical changes to make it work on tv. Comparing it to the books is fucking retarded.

get dunked on faggot

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It has not.
The only possible argument is "well what if they're EXPECTING a direct hit to the sternum! They can put extra metal there!" which is a recipe to get the wind knocked out of you so hard you turn into a human vacuum.

>in war
I love this meme

Fuck realism. Female armour should have frills.

Armour changed throughout time you know

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>muh "realistic" armor

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This is very flattering lighting, it takes away basically any flaws on her face. Sophie Turner is pretty though, she has a very classic and elegant beauty.

Massie Williams is strange to look at though.

GoT TV series is a fucking joke. They wrote out multiple storylines and sub-plots, removed or changed multiple characters (Yara and Asha) and plain just altered established characters for the sake of it. GoT being popular doesn't hide the fact D&D has ran the adaption into the ground since season 4.

>Asha is a young and hot chick/Theon's sister in the novels; in the show she's played by a dump older lady
>Euron is evil Jack Sparrow in the tv show; in the books he's an incredibly complicated pirate lord
>Stannis is a cold and calculating manipulator and general in the books who isn't retarded to lead his army into direct combat himself; in the show he's constantly fighting on the front lines and not obsessed with Melisanndre or would do something as insane as kill his own daughter
GoT HBO is a fucking joke.

have sex incel

>Comparing it to the books is fucking retarded.
True - the show is actually ending. The books are just going to be left as unfinished trash, with Dany shitting as the final chapter.

they can

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>realize I have a fetish for woman who dress like men
>doubles up as a woman in armour fetish
Reverse traps are nice but there's something visually appealing about the aesthetics of femininity clashing with a masculine outfit like a military uniform or a suit of armour. Pic very much related.

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Is it JUST the tape, or is there some sort of see through bodysuit around the tape as well?

>the books are just going to be left as unfinished trash
The series has been around since 1995, the books will finish in time, GRRM being slow as fuck does't change the fact D&D has ass-raped the story to fulfill their narrative of making the series as palpable as possible to be more adapted to mainstreaming it.

>Gay asian wizard in Essos who tries to steal Dany's dragons? Turned into a straight black man
>Jon and Aegon? Written out because it was deigned "superflous"
>Same with Darkstar/Gerold Dayne and Arianne Martell
>abortion that was Dorne story arch in season 5 and 6
The books aren't the issue here, the tv series is. Oh and can't forget:

>Dany forgot about the Greyjoy fleet and Euron Greyjo the previous scene before in the latest episode of talking about them when Rhaegal gets shot down

she's just oiled up to avoid getting grabbed by enemies

>stops right before seeing her ass

So what's the chain for?

Attached: armor.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>+50 magic


>the books will finish in time
Don't look it up, just take a guess - how old do you think GRRM is?

And don't look this up, just take a guess - how many series were finished when the author was in his 80's?

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it's just tape, but it looks like they applied some body oil to her chest to make it shiny

The thing is, even bikini armor can be justified, it's just that jap devs are too incompetent to manage even that.

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>implying it isn't finished already
>implying he hasn't been convinced to withhold it until the show is over and hype for the new book is at absolute maximum

He's already moved on to new projects, like that vidya with From

>nobody can name a single one
weebs BTFO

>a woman in full burqa is more attractive though

Trends, sales, and western civilization begs to differ user.

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>this image again
The person who made this never played Nier and is wrong on every single point.

If you're a beta who likes to get pegged.

I thought her whole character was "super smart 300 IQ politics" shit, why would she need armor?

except no, that's not how armor worked at all, and death funnels are a ridiculous meme that make no sense at all.
the force of a blow isn't typically spread across your chest anyways, and its softened by layers of underarmor put under the plate anyways.

It wouldn't be practical to have "boob" plate, but its not horribly impractical either. Not any more so than the weird shit that actually got made for men anyways.

They can, and that's exactly what got you assblasted enough to make this Bizarro World thread.

lmao dude, just fucking drop the series and move on with your life, it isn't getting finished.

>virgins obsessed with lewd things calling anyone Beta

no but they are horrified about Bran. I mean look at how ugly that fucking kid got

>implying I give a shit about this garbage

I don't need to read this shit to recognize a ploy when I see one.

Why yes, I like girls in either skimpy or girly armor with frills and such, how could you tell?

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Not going to lie, in a fantasy setting I would avoid the ever loving shit out of the battlefield anywhere near someone dressed like this.

>the force of a blow isn't typically spread across your chest anyways
Hold my ale.

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she a cute

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Sansa is fine. Arya did turn into a literal goblin tho. Britbong genetics generally aren't kind to women.

Agreed, that's the weirdest shit ever. On screen she's cute, but off screen she's a looker.

I think Sansa looks great this season, probably the best she's looked since leaving King's Landing. I guess Sophie Turner lost weight and cut down on the drugs.

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>actual armor used by several historical warrior cultures

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dress armor = best armor

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Why can't western devs make female characters that don't look like men?

Uh huh, sure thing dude, GRRM is DEFINITELY going to unveil the finished Winds of Winter after the finale in 2 weeks. Definitely happening.

There'll be an update on TWoW after the show finishes. Fingers crossed, user.

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>full armor
>no helmet

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You know Maisie Williams is like a 9/10 in bongland, right?

Yeah i didnt mean in that gif specifcally, but even in some paparazzi photos she's still very pretty

The reasons on the left would never pass. If she is an assassin, why does she just not wear men’s normal clothing? Or normal armour? Even when going through the logic of that world, ignoring the impossible massive shoulder plate, ignoring the fact that’s she’s a woman because different world different social rules, ignoring the fact that an 80s bikini cant even exist in the first place, ignoring the fact that it certainly wouldn’t be designed even if it could exist, ignoring absolutely everything (the billions of things I didn’t count) it still doesn’t make sense when she can wear normal armour like pic related (to the left being what peasants can afford)
There’s Junkestu no Maria

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This is peak Sansa or whatever her name is. She will never look any hotter than this.

She had to for the new X-Men that has her in the leaading role as Jean Grey.

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So wearing a gorget makes anything that hits the breastplate or helmet kill a man?

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All the women in the background look full of massive contempt. It is amazing that other men respect a good looking man but other women absolutely hate anyone better than them.

I don't have to imagine. There's one in the webm wearing it.

I just like low fantasy and I'm in my mid 20s and really just don't care about jerking off that much anymore, so lewd anime girls in bikini armour just looks silly to me and I'd rather have characters that are cool over characters that make my wiener hard.

Sex is overrated anyway, absolute normie shit and the kind of people that make jerking off, fetishes, porn and moe/ecchi anime shit their main hobbies and central focus of their personality are fucking obnoxious. They're basically the autistic weeb version of dudebros that have nothing to talk about aside from gym bunny asses or how much they want to fuck actresses in movies

I was enjoying S8 up until this moment. How the fuck does she forget about the naval force that has been smashing the shit out of her boats for almost a year? It was the first damn thing she talked about after the battle at winterfell.

>the BLACK tape project

Goth looks are the peak of all girls.

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I didn't say burqa, I said armor.

>being THIS insecure

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What's wit that dumb ring and chain around her neck?

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>Breast space in armor kills
>Six pack doesn't

The fuck kinda meme was this and who believed it?

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Never wear a helmet. Having your beautiful face visible to all is far more important than head protection.

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You can really see the seething jealousy on their blank faces.

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lol no, Sansa is an idiot for like 90% of the series and of average competence for the remaining 10%.
She's wearing armor now because her castle got raided by zombies.

Sansa is pretty but Arya is disgusting. Not sure how people find her hot, literally looks like a sloth.

At least GRMM admits his failings or inabilities as a writer. Fucking reminds me of that hack Karen Traviss who turned Mandalorians into the Klingons of Star Wars.

to choke her by as you rape her

What's the point of that chain?

Horns on a helmet.
For some reason that bothers me more than her lack of armor.

She's a qt m8 get fucked


>man only takes max 6 years to write a book, even when doubling novel size from previous entry
>it's been 8

We'll see.

An assassin wouldn’t make sense in a battle in the first place, it could never logically work. You can’t be an assassin in a battle.

My point is, there is no point justifying it because it’s completely fantasy and you should accept it as that. Calling it justified is pointless, because everything is so fundamentally wrong that it can’t be justified. Thus you can’t say left is better than right, because it’s just as fundamentally broken from real life from the sperm upwards.

Attached: armor3.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

I know this is probably nothing, but I want it to be a deep down Freudian thing where user subconsciously was thinking about JEAAAAAAAN!

>I’m a Cuban American first generation, born and raised in Miami. In 2008 I was living in my car, struggling to feed myself. lost my phone and basically ran out of gas in my car and in my life, most definitely the lowest point of my existence. I was lucky to find a box hidden in my late grandfather’s house with a substantial amount of money. After many years of what I considered “the thought era” in my life, I quickly put the funds to work in hopes to correct my debts and life. With the last of the $1500 I purchased a camera and 10 years later here I am. A self-taught photographer, artist, and entrepreneur. I've managed to make a business off of my ideas and concepts for almost a decade.

Hats off to this former NEET.

>posts bronze age armor

Due to your autism, I suspect.

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>I was enjoying S8 up until this moment.
But episode 3 sucked ass, dude.

But jap devs make overdesigned belt-fests LIKE THE ONE SHE'S WEARING

Notice how the six pack immediately stopped being a thing almost as soon as it was introduced.

>Good looking
Ignoring the outfit she has a horses face

>why does she just not wear men’s normal clothing?
Why would she wear men's clothing? Are you wearing a dress right now?

>An assassin wouldn’t make sense in a battle in the first place, it could never logically work. You can’t be an assassin in a battle.
You can if you're targeting the generals/commanders.

choosing between a gorget and no gorget isn't the same thing as just making a breastplate less effective by making it boobplate.

not the guy you replied to though, saying boobplate completely invalidates the armor can't be right. it's still a steel plate at the end of the day, just not ideally formed.

Rude bionicle

For some reason I was recommended bionic lesbian in the spell checker

How is hip width important?

get a load of this chad

>on a helmet
Isn't that one of those granblu things that have actual horns growing?

Wouldn't the cleavage in a boobplate be a weak point that's easy to puncture?

He wasn't talking about effectiveness. He was talking about making it DEADLY TO THE WEARER.

Cause women don't wear armor never happened in reality.

>weird elbows

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There are exceptions.

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>good female armor designs

Does not exist. You go for fun fantasy or you don't bother.

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>armor thread
>no one has posted THAT yet

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I want to eat her farts.

no, forcing metal into that shape would actually thicken it there, the boobplate meme is that the contours of the tits would deflect blows into the center or your chest, just above your sternum, while also giving the entire thing a wedge shaped piece of metal to concentrate the energy into a smaller surface area, thus cracking your ribs more easily.

I have no clue, the costume designer is high off her own farts over the symbolism of it but it just looks and sounds stupid.
>I use circles as they represent a positive emotional message of harmony and protection. The circle is often used to represent unity and commitment, they are associated with women’s strength...they also represent community...the chain represents her sense of imprisonment and the needle is her link to the strength of her sister that she previously didn’t understand....
The writers and costume department started losing the plot by season 5 with the Kingsguard redesigns, Queensguard, generally just everyone looking like Sith lords, etc. Jon is one of the few I think still looks on point, especially after they incorporated that Stark gorget.

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/fa/ as fuck

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just give me more girls in armor

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Nah there's not. If they wore something they would wear man armor. They met him a waste resource especially to make armor for 1 woman

Not in the middle of battle. I can say that you could whore yourself out them, and then poison their drink or something. But it would be completely impossible to sneak during a battle, your best bet would be archery because many leaders were killed by arrows (though archery involves absolutely no sneaking). Look up the hassassins if you wanna how assassins worked en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Assassins

Same, if you see a girl running around confidently in that kinda outfit and you're in a world that has confirmed magic, just stay the fuck away

I beg to differ

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Because of picrelated
Alsom back in 17th century lots of troops stiull weared armor

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>should be
what an entitled faggot. If I design a game with big titty bikini knights that's how I intended it to be

>"sansa is not ugly"
>double chin despite not being fat
u wut m8
I can hear frenchoids seething at this comment already

Truly based and redpilled.

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Jaime weaboo armor is nice too

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It looks like the first link in a maesters chain, and I don't think anyone in universe would wear such a thing for that reason alone.

After Ramsy she's into heavy Dom shit. Thats why shes dressed for a play session.

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I'd like my (You)s now thank you.

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Too bad half of the girls don't even look the part.
Looking at you FAL and G41.

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What is with bikiniarmorfags and posting 3dpdshit? I understand they have poor tastes but still.

You save images of men photoshopped into muscular chads and post it online on a regular basis.

There it is.

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add galaxy brain with skin tight guyver units

>makes my dick rock hard and my mouth water
i want to lick and fuck that body for hours

>can do realistic/semi-realistic female armor better
>can do frilly armored dresses better
>can do ornate titty armor better
>can do chainmail bikinis better
Jap devs know what's up.

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>gunblade with a scope
The first thing that comes to mind is that if you tried to hold it like an actual rifle, you'd slice your fingers off.

I prefer realistic but at least we can agree on the fact that bikinifags are subhumans

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Please someone post that pic of a cute asian girl in a big medieval plate armor

I still want to see her face you seething retard.

>women should wear Male armor

I like how the artist just gave up on the dogs right leg and hoped nobody would notice.

Attached: chinkinmyarmor.jpg (1000x1336, 225K)

Sophie Turner looks fine.

Maisie Williams is like a 3 to begin with, and not particularly feminine. She's almost boyish, but doesn't look like she's grown up. Its almost creepy.

Now the real travesty is the nosedive in writing quality the last 2 seasons, especially the current one. It is so bad now I don't care how the show even ends.

cute and hot

nice thanks

To be fair, wearing any armour would be considered wearing men’s clothing in the first place.

Also, I was completely ignoring all reality and saying that there is no point in her wearing a bikini when she could just wear far cheaper and lighter men’s clothing if she doesn’t want her weight to affect her in the first place. Of course, not wanting weight to affect her would be stupid compared to the endless benefits of plate because sneaking is impractical and plate was light enough to be completely practical so she better hope for as much armour as she can get - she would not be able to afford it but she would want it.

>this is what bikini armorfags unironically believe
Who could forget the 16th century where men wore nothing into war, and definitely did not wear breastplates which were advertised for their ability to withstand the bullets during that era

Now that's a good one.

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>it's a revolver with a water cooled barrel
I'd like to meet the man who drew that image.

>I prefer realistic
>reeeeeeee bikinifags!!!!
I've got some bad news for you.

Attached: female-gladiator-statue-edited.jpg (1862x1048, 221K)

We need more of this, this is underrated

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or a regular suit
or even just a dress shirt while bottomless
good taste

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But that’s the ancient antiquity, no one went to battle like this when/where steel was available

It's a fantasy setting, though. Structurally unsound slutwear seems to be just what women normally wear in Sigil.

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While i agree with this, i'm still glad someone is trying to finish the story off at least. Because that fat cunt never will


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I love the mismatch of heavy armor with guns

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I don't know if she forgot about the fleet but what I'm more curious about is how in the fucking fuck did those 10 or so ships manage to ambush them at FUCKING DRAGONSTONE? Was there no garrison at the castle? No patrols around the island? No way to warn Dany's fleet about the ambush?

I mean if the Ironborne were able to ambush Dany's fleet they could have taken the entire castle and then destroy the fleet and just wipe Dany out completely.

plenty of people fought without armor even when armor was available

Found the woman

Is this every single armor thread in a nutshell?

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I've always wondered, what is the significance of the cockring and chain around her neck?

yea, under 20lbs of makeup just about anything will look 5/10.

>b-b-but that's ancient....
It happened. It's REAL. Unlike your bullshit "I think this is what would happen if it ever happened" which is imaginary and NOT real. You want to talk realism? Bikini/exposed armor is the rule. Unisex men's armor is a SINGULAR exception with Joan of Arc -- and it's possible even that was embellished with feminine traits, but the armor is lost, so we don't know.

Too fat

Joan of Arc happened far later than Gladiatrix which were also rare as fuck.

Attached: Braaaaap.png (394x383, 100K)

>rare as fuck
>I'm just gonna pull arguments out of my ass here and hope that you all believe them
Joan of Arc's whole deal was that she was a virtuous vessel, and it was during a time where women generally dressed throat to ankle. It wouldn't make sense for her to wear anything less than a full covering just out of culture.
>Gladiatrix were rare!!!!
Says you and your asshole.

She looked much better as a jailbait

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>Wouldn't the cleavage in a boobplate be a weak point that's easy to puncture?

I want people without a basic understanding of structural engineering to leave.

Attached: why i really need feminism.png (720x767, 918K)

>They met him a waste resource
You don't understand the economics of armor. People that wore full plate were people that could afford to "waste resource"

Why does Japan military stuff do the whole map telling you who is going where with how many dudes thing, while Game of Thrones is just people teleporting?

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What excuse did journalists spew when they found out a woman made this?

>says you and your asshole
Says a quick read on wikipedia and the lack of any relevancy regarding them.
>women weren't fucking whores back then
Is that meant to disprove something? You think Joan would have chosen to wear anything less than standard Male armor for her time period? Are you retarded?

It actually doesn't.

Nah they didnt make armor for females

>Says a quick read on Wikipedia
oh well then, carry on, dumbass.
>Is that meant to disprove something?
It's meant to say that culture decided what Joan of Arc would wear, not practicality. This is even more important when you realize that she didn't start out with armor at all.

Waiting for the new Joan cunnykino.

Attached: 1557232868376.png (1122x1496, 2.61M)

Because females didn't commission armor to be made, moron.

Attached: Armour-Wore-by-King-Henry-VIII-king-henry-viii-2430710-1000-1500.jpg (1000x630, 118K)

Except for the examples posted in this thread, right?

>Noble family paying me to make armor for a woman

>female soldiers dress like this
>opposing soldiers don't open fire on them but just stare in awe
>they let these women approach them
>actual soldiers sneak behind opposing soldiers and attack from behind
Excellent armor design.

Add a ponytail, and this is my Dark Souls 3 character.

>i-i have no proof gladiatrix were common b-but you're the retard
Nice coping.
>ah yes Joan of Arc wore armor later due to culture
Fucking idiot lmao

>same fucking episode makes a point of her growing to be smarter than her advisors
>alright let's throw 20 dudes and the queen on some boats to sail down to the enemy's doorstep when the enemy's only dominant asset is the best navy in history

Japan tends to make their designs way too busy.

>not capturing them or fucking a dead hole
I guess so if you like being a cuck

>things that didn't happen

So are these just forgeries then?

Girls can't wear armour because they should ONLY BE PREGNANT




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Like I said retard. They didn't mask produce female armor like they did make. So some retarded faggot noble dont count.

wtf, why isn't she black?

You just proved his post right.

Nobody fucking "mask" produced plate armor, you fucking moron, male or not.

>footfag and antiarmorfag
I'm noticing a correlation of hatred of full plate armor and absolutely atrocious taste

frilly armor dresses are the best

Stop obsessing over black people. Seriously.

But how do you defeat the gayz?


Yeah they did retard blacksmith. Made armor daily for men. dumbshit

Armor exist to stop damage not to impress you daft

We can reach a compromise, surely

Attached: D3lFD3bUcAAgXQk.jpg orig.jpg (650x1200, 66K)

Excellent taste.

Armor was made to order, it has to be fit to an individual's body. Real life isn't a fucking videogame where everything magically fits anybody who picks it up.

You aren't as smart as you think you are.

That's not even armor, though. It's not functional and it just looks like some ugly bondage gear.

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Only for average sized women, meanwhile bikini armor is best for amazon bombshells.

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>Was there no garrison at the castle? No patrols around the island? No way to warn Dany's fleet about the ambush?
Literally no region or city or place in Westeros matters outside of Kings Landing and Winterfell or the Night Watch Keep/Headquarters. At this point I don't even think D&D consider Storms End as canon in the show.

this is so hot to me, she's protected everywhere else but when she wants to give herself up she can do it instantly.

post boobs and vagene

If anything GoT season 8 gave me my Dragon's Dogma 2 pawn

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Attached: preg armor.jpg (1280x1812, 686K)

>mfw a d*xterity homo dishonors me with their presence

Attached: TARGARYEN FUCKING SHIT.jpg (892x1242, 389K)

Why is granblue so fucking based?

YOU made the claim that they were "extremely rare". You can't just say "lol I wikipedia'd it!" and walk away. Try to source your shit and maybe you'll be taken seriously.
And Joan of Arc only wore armor when it was commissioned for her, later in the campaign.


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>he's never heard of a breastplate stretcher

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She cute.

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>Tfw no history obsessed gf to armour up and wrestle with.

Why live?

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Who doesn't?

>>literally no crotch defense
That's almost always the case for riders.

>wikipedia doesn't count as a source
Oh sorry, you're a teacher, now I just feel bad for you. Hope you don't teach history though you sperg.

by your logic McDonalds is THE food of earth.

Why can’t women dress like this irl?

The struggle is real

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They didn’t fight naked in the 15th century did they? They at least used full clothing and a hat.

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>Vocational skill that lets you give an enemy grabbing you one final fuck you attack.

Can women even carry the weight of that kind of armor? Nowadays it's pretty common to have fit women that could maybe kinda sorta possibly handle this kind of armor, but I doubt those kind of women were common back then and were just regular women with basic training, and were extremely rare..you know cause women are weaker than men
I remember feeling like shit when I learned it's common for women who train in the military to lose the ability to give birth forever. Some bitch in a news show asked her that shit and she said it in front of millions of people, and you could hear her voice trip in pain because she can't give birth anymore, you know cause women are weak. A couple of nights ago I was watching that game of thrones show where they have that big female Warrior and seeing her get overrun by corpses reminded me how weak women are, just so damn weak and fragile, not even in a power fantasy can women succeed, this is the same actress that was touted everywhere as the best soldier in the new star wars movies and all she did was die, twice! She's so weak that she does what the guy who cleans the toilets says, and then in TLJ she loses to him, a captain loses to a guy that cleans toilets! Haha holy shit, "Let's go chrome dome, off haha imagine taking the role, signing that contract only to be reminded how weak women are for 3 whole movies, because all your character is is a toy seller, to free used, because she's so Weak. Women are so weak tagt they can't even support their own breasts, they complain of pain and have to get breast reductions, or sell themselves to make up for the fact that they're so damn weak. Rian Johnson is secretly a genius, he made every woman in TLJ so goddamn stupid and weak. Fly girl in human revolution basically give suo the first time she gets in trouble, and Adam. Jensen has to bust his left and right augment testicle to save her, because of how weak she is.

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>tiny ass visor
She's a gook. It was given.

Wikipedia's a poor source, especially saying "huhr, I read it in Wikipedia". because you might as well say that you came up with it while high.
You know what? Post the link to the Wikipedia that says that they were extremely rare, asshole. Let's take a look at your reading comprehension.

Imagine equating protection with a fucking burqa.

They fought in their clothes, indeed. Tell me the difference between this and bikini armor.

Attached: mayan-warrior-paul-sandilands.jpg (645x900, 157K)

Source? This isn't by Nisetanaka.

Men don't need tiddy support.

>durr me can't know citations
>durr me need spoonfeed me can't google female gladiator

If you post the Wikipedia article, we can certainly pull the citations from there. Now c'mon asshole, post the link you used. Somehow, none of the Wikipedia articles I'm reading say that they were extremely rare. Maybe I'm just reading the wrong ones.

you can't actually wear this you dumbdumb

Let me explain this to you, if you wear a bikini when everyone else is at least dressed like this then you are going to be killed. That’s like saying it is plausible for a U.S marine to dress in medieval armour because people did back then, IT WONT WORK IN THE CHRISTIAN MIDDLE AGES GET IT IN YOUR HEAD.

Joan d’ arc wore full armour for practical reasons, poor people don’t wear full armour because they CANT afford it. NO ONE EVER not wears armour when they can afford it. Plate armour was a like the equivalent of a tank at the time, nobles were mostly captured and rarely killed, and the only thing effective against plate armour is a extremely well placed hit at unprotected spots or blunt weapons. Her going out in battle in a bikini, as a commander, would be unbelievably stupid.


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What's the point of showing so much skin? So unrealistic, he's just exposing his vital organs.
Men always do this shit, they make up bullshit to make themselves look stronger, when all they're really doing is showing their ego and how fragile it is, because we all know that's now how that works.

it's still steel plate fucks sake

have sex

I'm pretty sure it is, just part of some Patreon sketch dump

Attached: gds.png (1272x2208, 1.53M)

Good thing women in armor is fantasy

>I literally cannot use google to search female gladiator please spoonfeed me
Epic my dude

>Implying that can even be considered armor

>both items fully cover the body
>thinking female full plate has anything to do with "protection" in a made up fantasy world
>"I'd prefer my fantasy female warrior to wear full armor."
>a burqa is armor that shields the woman from prying eyes

You could literally have a "magic" leaf that bestows the owner with AC or protection equivalent to full plate. Your protection point is irrelevant, everything in this theoretical fantasy world is simply aesthetic in purpose, and you choose the equivalent of a burqa.

Joan of Arc only wore armor after the King bought some for her. Until then, she wore clothes and faith into battle.
Now consider that your fantasy war is taking place in a fantasy world where throat-to-ankle clothes aren't required by polite society and not every female warrior happens to be THE shining "vessel of virtue." How would women warriors dress then? They'd dress in what made them comfortable, augmented here and there with some protection, perhaps, and the rich ones would commission armor that accentuated their femininity.

Attached: maya-warrior-jaguar.jpg (564x846, 135K)

Hi, destiny!

Neither can you, apparently. You refuse to provide even a single link that supports your bullshit claim. You've been called out and you fail to support your arguments. You can leave the thread now in shame.

>and the only thing effective against plate armour is a extremely well placed hit at unprotected spots or blunt weapons.
Except guns of course, I just left them out because guns in the Middle Ages were basically just slow arse expensive ineffective sticks (pic related) which wouldn’t really effect knights all that much until the renaissance so they don’t matter. I was scorned once for leaving them out though, so I am just going to point out the obvious.

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Actually tony taka RUINED shining, here's what shining armor looked like when the series had SOUL

Attached: may.jpg (246x276, 27K)

not him but there you go
it seems more like lack of "evidence", so basically rare until proven otherwise

>no seriously googling is really fucking difficult because female gladiator has so many wikipedia articles dedicated to it
Yeah okay retard

And what would you do if it becomes mainstream you chucklefuck?

Kill yourself retard

why can’t western game devs design good female faces ?

>It's fantasy so armor is just cosmetic and shouldn't do anything involving actual protection
Fuck off you troglodyte.

Nowhere in that article does it say they were extremely rare. Apparently he pulled his facts from a different article.

>rings under her eyes visible in short gifs
>weird pointy nose
>probably coke addicted already
Yeah no thanks

>i-i can't do basic activities like googling
>t-this is your fault
Nice moral high ground for your own incompetency

Alright, now try pointing out the sentence that says they were extremely rare.

no need to worry, the fattie and their enablers will be genocided once people realize they raise the price for any type of healthcare no matter were you live

>You could literally have a "magic" leaf that bestows the owner with AC or protection equivalent to full plate.
And that's always been fucking lame.

At least this design had a lore reason for being skimpy, since witches were also seductresses.

This and this are absolutely retarded tho.

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Stop fucking posting this, it's not armor, it's just a normal fucking outfit. You don't have to shoe Bloodborne in to every damned thread

Literally five fucking sentences in to the article

I said it was irrelevant, and the choice is purely aesthetic since it's all made up anyway. Nice retort though, dont ever respond to me again.

If you say so.

based, girls look nice in anything as long as they take care of their bodies

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I can google just fine. I can't google non-existent Wikipedia articles filled with non-existent facts that some user tries to bullshit with. The Gladiatrix article has nothing about how prevalent/rare they were -- only that the histories don't talk about them much.

>It's all made up so we should have unicorns flying around and people breathing water as a natural state, it's just fiction bro
Unironically kill yourself.

I don't want porn in my games.

>Gladiatrix is the first result when googling female gladiator
Nice lie you fucking faggot
>They were almost certainly considered an exotic rarity by their audiences. Their existence is known only through a few accounts written by members of Rome's elite, and a very small number of inscriptions.
Keep backpedaling and needing to be spoonfed basic shit you cretin

>I don't want chocolate in my peanut butter
Why not?

nice incel fantasy

Not gonna lie Sansa turned out to be pretty fucking hot walking around in all black leather jackets and wearing chains.

Oh, you mean this?
>Very little is known about them. They were almost certainly considered an exotic rarity by their audiences.
Pulled from the source saying:
>exotic markers of exceptionally lavish spectacle
In other words, it's an asspull and twisting of words. It offers nothing in the way of substantial numbers, does it?

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you can enjoy western trash designs, and go back to resetera

More wine, my lord?

Attached: Lancel-Lannister-house-lannister-29389051-378-253.jpg (378x253, 8K)

Episodic content ruined shining before Taka did. Fuck episodic content to hell.

Attached: 1387050308632.png (250x250, 36K)

>this level of backpedaling
>they weren't rare that's why accounts of them are extraordinarily rare if I twist words the statements that state they were rare aren't stating they are rare
Cope more brainlet


>He thinks people on Yea Forums interested on actual realistic takes of these sorts of armors are Resetera shills and not simply people with a great interest in weapons and armor, people who look at function and how that would dictate appearance, instead of arguing for an aesthetic and then trying to justify the mechanics later

>believes in women in front line combat roles
>no room for unicorns though
>takes exception when pointed out that it's all fiction anyway

I said dont reply faggot, get fucked.

Could Joan of arc get it?

Have sex

>believes in women in front line combat roles
Rare instances that actually happened.

>no room for unicorns though
Full blown fantasy.

Again, you are equating a piece of fucking armor to a burqa. You are saying women wouldn't be wearing armor in combat like they're just flesh to cut up and be mutilated. You may as well say their guns would be pink and fire jelly beans.

no escape from reality. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see i'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low. Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me

God bless Japan.

Attached: SOULCALIBUR™Ⅵ_20190323193202.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

female soldiers arent realistic at all
the strongest female fighters are only as strong as an average male fighter
and having women around just causes a ton of problems that the enemy army with no women doesnt have to deal with

>b-b-but it actually happened a few times out of the millions of battles fought in human history
that doesnt make it realistic

I don't care about armor designs or whatever being practical or not because it's fiction, as long as they look good I don't care. Realistic outfits can look just as good or bad as unrealistic outfits.

Oda tier proportions

As if you were an adonis.

go back to faggotera. they have some long thread about this. even if you arent a resetera autist this thread is the same trash as that

You would still equip female warriors with decent armor, you fucking retard. You don't send able bodied people into combat with some cloth covering their most shameful assets and nothing else. Imagine putting a woman in a tank and then stripping away all the plating until only a steel cage was left because "it would cover her up, and female flesh should be shown at all times."

Arya isn't meant to be hot. She is described as ugly in the books. Sansa is meant to be pretty as she has her mothers hair and looks whereas Arya is meant to look like Ned. In fact the show has a habit of making everyone more aesthetic than they are described in the books.

I'm from /k/. Sadly I like video games so I come and burn a few brain cells on you retards who somehow think bullets and blades magically warp around a person because they have a vagina and don't need real protection.

you wouldnt put a woman in a tank in the first place

of course you can have a fantasy game with women fighting, but dont pretend it's realistic

Realistically, all women would wear tuxedoes to formal events.

Attached: gettyimages-139110227-1519831381.jpg (480x622, 43K)

>you wouldnt put a woman in a tank in the first place
Every branch of the US military literally pushes the few capable female recruits it gets into roles commanding vehicles. The vast majority of that small group are part of tank divisions, pilots etc.

And that's a good thing!

>you wouldnt put a woman in a tank in the first place
What world do you live in lmao

I feel it's just an excuse for waifu-fags to see more of their waifu.

And when anybody tells them it's stupid they immediately pull out the SJW boogeyman insults. Because the only people who could see a problem with the bastardisation of armor designed to protect a human being are Commiefornians and not hardcore weapon nuts.

Full plate armor is actually pretty light.

Shakespeare's Joan in Henry VI isn't historical

Because female armor is an oxymoron, the only armor women have ever worn was for show.

the real world
women in the military only cause problems
the military has to let them in because of social justice bullshit and they have to be treated with kiddy gloves and kept out of trouble
they need their own toilets and housing if they go to combat areas, something the men would never have there

lol no it isn't. It's lighter compared to chain mail, but it's still heavy shit.

It's like a real-world version of Rich people are insane

Screeching that they were "extremely rare" because you read that they were "exotic" in a Wikipedia article is just not going to hack it, bro. Most women combatants on our planet wore bikini armor or less in melee fights.

Women have literally been in engineering positions in the military since WWII. This is the part that Battlefield V fucked up.

Lol, right?

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I guess someone has to be in charge of the penis engines.

Funny how you guys avoided my post.

I thought it was lighter than standard combat gear of modern soldier.


No, it's not. Modern soldier gear is heavier than plate armor, you dumb motherfucker.

>t-they weren't rare if I twist words that say they were rare
Cope more my dude, gladiatrix are rarer than you making an actually correct statement lmao

What did you say about me?

Attached: e2b7d8548988c4266cd3dc688b943175.jpg (750x960, 174K)

And your long winded screencap doesn't address the very real fact that the few capable women the US military gets are pushed towards positions commanding vehicles.

Try again, retard.

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this was kino and doesnt look stained by the feminist agenda

Attached: the-messenger-the-story-of-joan-of-arc-profile[1].jpg (300x410, 39K)

>cope more
with what? Your inability to read? Or the fact you use baseless conjecture to support all your arguments? At least I know the difference between "exotic" and "rare"

Chain mail bikini is more realistic than a woman in armor, and that fought.

Attached: 1553325238920.jpg (255x250, 26K)

Source: Air Force reserve.

The Air Force and Navy have far more female recruits than the other branches. Most apply directly, but many are transferred after being pushed back from the Army.

So why aren't male characters drawn wearing bikini armor since it is so superior?

Not to mention, Gladiators were essentially ultraviolent prowrestlers/matadors. Practicality was weighed against showmanship.

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Knights in the nightmare had some good designs.

Attached: 1a8821d9f042a390d1c689ad92ed9076.jpg (230x210, 12K)

Says a salty Resetera Amerimutt

>the black tape project
This is definitely what female armor should look like.

Attached: Untitled-collage41.jpg (1366x768, 291K)

>Why from 17 century, after major breakthroughs in metallurgy, which made plat armor more affordable, warriors preferred to fight without armor at all?

Attached: Charleville-Musket_871481c-1-1024x651.jpg (1024x651, 27K)

How do you mean?

Attached: spartans-300-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 151K)

>Practicality was weighed against showmanship.
Often the case, even in real battles.

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He's missing the bikini top tho.

>n-no u t-they were c-common because they said exotic i-instead y-you can't read use baseless c-conjecture
Sorry your cope won't prevent Gladiatrix being a rare as fuck phenomenon but it was a good effort

These guys were poor as fuck and every piece of clothing they had was taken from corpses.

Mileena? So this is where you were hiding?


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Joan of Arc. :^)

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I'm not the one ruining what should be finely crafted armor because I need to see some skin.

Yeah okay retard

Why would he need a Bikini top?
It'd only hinder him.

Dont forget captain marvel and wonder woman

They were paid twice as much as regular soldiers, dude.

He also lost.
Also they were gay as fuck.

>wtf is Conan?

Attached: Conan.png (765x1008, 1.02M)

>Why would he need a Bikini top?

To cover up them big bara tiddies.

No she fucking is not.
Maybe for the chavs and neds that will fuck anything, but not for most us normal lot.
She's like the bastard love child of Gollum and Quasimodo.

A. Fucking. Sword. Against. Armor.

You fucking memer. Unless you're suggesting the sword was trying to Pierce that breast plate then the previous user is completely right.
But Spears would still be better for that purpose, if you were suggesting a two handed sword bashing into plate then you'd still be wrong because the armor would absorb the blow like it's supposed to. This isn't anime where the sword is swung so hard it chops through plate.

I love swords as much as the next faggot but for defeating plate swords werent great. Spears and warhammers with points are much better to focus the blow into a single point. Swords Could however be used to thrust into the joints of the armor but literally any sharp object could do that and daggers did a better job while grappling.

Attached: 1541541013166.png (645x729, 42K)

Under a bridge, maybe

>He lost
To this

Attached: XerxesFollowup1.jpg (1280x680, 167K)

An ugly piece of shit like all the other examples posted so far. Where the fuck are the cute boys in bikini armor?

Why can't Jap devs make MOAR WINE


Bikini armor is for NTRbait sluts
Full plate armor is for tomboy waifu-tier girls with gap moe
Prove me wrong protip you can't

>"Paid twice as much"
>Couldn't afford clothes and had to grave-rob

I'm not a footfag, but that goblin has nice feet.

Attached: Maisie-Williams-Feet-1775852.jpg (1982x3000, 2M)


>ignores the celts who typically went into battle naked only covered in war paint.

>Make up some shit about graverobbing
>Cite it as evidence against the widely known class of soldiers called doppelsoldners specifically because they get double pay

Fucking amazing work, Anonymous retard.

based retard

Attached: greek_kratos.png (350x368, 230K)

I mean you can use a sword against armour if you murder stroke or half sword with it, although doing that with a big boy sword wouldn't really do anything

>wearing a skirt
>bikini armor

Are you perhaps vision impaired, sir?

>Made up fact
Actually look into their history, they fucking graverobbed for clothes after a battle to replace the torn up shit they were wearing.

Why don't you give me a source on that, bud?


They were paid twice as much and also looted bodies and graves, because fuck you I'm a fucking doppelsoldner!

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>bikini armor is for NTRbait sluts
Only if it's being worn by a thick-set MILF with a male magic user in her party. It's the universal uniform for administering snusnu otherwise.

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She sees herself as ugly, only Sansa and Jeyne Poole call her horseface.
She actually looks like her aunt Lyanna (Bran in one of his visions thought so) wich was like the Helen of Troy of Westeros.

But skirts are lewd

Yeah like I said NTRbait

There was an effort.

Attached: AAAAAY YA YA YA Y—.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)

>styles are interchangeable between men and women
>actually wants unisex standard uniforms

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Yet those two options are still worse than simply using a weapon designed to defeat the armor in the first place. Swords are excellent against lightly armored opponents and less. This is why the sword is so incredibly popular across most of the world as plate mail didn't catch on too much outside of Europe. Anywhere that has excessive use of plate mail also shows the change in weaponry to defeat it, the high usage of bows and crossbows and the excessive amount of polearms (which doubled against calvary). Bashing a sword into plate is no more effective than grabbing a steel rod and doing the same thing.

But most plate mail battles turned into grappling which is why the half sword technique is used along with a dagger.
It is universally accepted that hardened plate is incredibly strong and could even protect from crossbow bolts at close range, only letting the bolt head pierce into the padding leaving the user alive and still able to fight.

german here, it's a tidbit of landsknechts that is often snipped from history because of how gruesome it was. keep in mind these guys were mercs and were always roaming around for fights, having little time to go to tailors. their outfits were often garments taken from the recently deceased, and the "slashes" in the outfit were simply attempts to make it more comfortable to someone who might have been a different body type from the original wearer.

Sounds like some people lived hard lives.

Post your face


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Doppelsoldner doesn't mean "guy who wielded zweihander". It was just a class of mercenary, it had nothing to do with their weapon.

For Bongistan standards, user. Not for people standards.

Why are some people so insistent that ONE particular bugbear in their fantasy HAS to be realistic for ideological reasons?
Are you allergic to escapism or what? There's a time and a place for everything and some times you want some Red Sonja bikini mail and some times you want some full-plate.
Not everyone has to like what you like.

Why would the clothing of the recently deceased be in any better condition than the clothing of the currently not-deceased?

I'm sure they took jewelry, weapons, coin, anything like that, maybe shoes, hats, whatever. But I find it pretty hard to believe that their whole wardrobe was just made up of clothes taken from the dead.

What the hell went wrong?

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> bionic lesbian
I can dig it

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it was just down to chance. maybe some dude you killed was stabbed in the chest had some okay condition pants, while another guy had his head decapitated but otherwise his shirt just got muddied up. they'd just check every corpse for a replacement garment they needed.

these dudes were constantly on the move, constantly looking for the next pompous faggot to fight for for that sweet money. it was rare for them to stay in one spot for long.

And how is that a good armor design? You could choke her to death with that stupid chain and where is her chain armor? Because that stupid leather strip armor won't stop shit.

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Imagine the producers of GoT through the years watching the Stark kids turn into absolute goblins and hoping nobody would notice.
Sweating bullets

Either source the stupid "they take clothes from the dead" bullshit or shut the fuck up.

Bara tiddies don't move as much as funbags


you sound like a footfag so you probably are one

She never got any titties.


Fucking bong genes I swear to god

Its every Yea Forums thread, actually.

Based Bobby B poster

bewbs wouldn't solve the face situation, but I guess mommy issues fags wouldn't care about that.

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now i will buy your game


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>face situation
Don't be like that, user. She's just trying to lull the tricksy hobbitses into a false sense of security until she can secure the ring

Get that dragon steak out of here.

That isn't armor. She ain't fighting shit.

skimpy armour design fucking sucks
it isn't half as sexy as a full suit of polished armour, moulded to her body shape and etched with beautiful motifs

>vastly superior tactics defeat vastly superior numbers
Is there a historical basis for this?

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Wouldn't women be perfectly suited for piloting tanks?
>smaller than men, fit better in tight spaces
>physical strength and endurance irrelevant, vehicle does all the lifting
>heavily armored safe space to hide from the lewd stares of the male soldiers

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Good lighting and she's being filmed at an angle, this way her imperfections of her face and shape are hidden from the camera. This is literally intagram thoting 101.

no matter how hard you try, she really isn't ugly

Battle of Cannae

there is an enormous middle ground between ugly and pretty


>physical strength and endurance irrelevant, vehicle does all the lifting
Only if it's a autoloader, tank shells are heavy.

hilde has a great design, I really like her

Very few women can handle stress well, and that's more important than anything else.

>adhere to restrictive eggshell walking and obnoxiously unnecessary realism
>end up with a supporting cast of instantly forgettable background NPCs and a protag just distinct enough to pass for a redshirt
It's no wonder AAA studios are having trouble producing anything even remotely iconic nowadays.

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Like 120 Poo-loos held off over 2000 Ching-chongs at Rezang La.

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>multiple women in an enclosed space
>operating lethal machinery
>in battle
>under stress