What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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it was preachy, annoying, unwarranted, and muh multiverse faggotry
No retro-futuristic sequel set in a failed city-state on the moon.
Storytelling with first person is very hard. This game didn't do it very good. Hardcore Henry did it somewhat well, and even that is a movie
I want to fuck Elizabeth. What a marvel of character design.
She looks and moves like a disney princess.
precisely why i want her to choke on my cock
liz isnt my gf
They rushed the game to completion in the last few months of a very rocky development cycle.
Nothing, I thought it was alright.
they departed too much from the original formula for my taste. The combat didnt feel the same and thats what made it my least favorite in the series. The other shit was all subjective negative or positive but the combat was what did it
Did it though? If you look at the finished product it really doesn't seem to suggest that.
If you look at the previous game demos along with some comments that Ken Levine made, it's more likely that they went full-retard because of marketing purposes. They wanted so much that the game be this humongous success that they dumbed it down to Call of Dooky-simplicity because they were actively targeting that demograph. But those players were not interested in colorful Disney-looking shit so it appealed neither those players as well as whom expected something more cerebral out of it.
Ken Levine can suck my dick.
They teased wincest for the whole game but didn't deliver, even Star Wars delivered at least a kiss
>gameplay that made the first two interesting removed in favour of a call of duty like system
>less interesting world (or poorer world building)
>preachy story which doesn't make sense (people were racist in 1910? Woah. A baptism turns a deadbeat into prophet who goes from being an all living hippie to a racist? Amazing)
>multiverse bullshit not understood by anyone working on the game, making it harder to take serious
>desperately trying to link it back to a better game and to make out there was always some bullshit meta narrative
the world building was fucked up and the immersion was pretty bad, I remember seeing the dev diaries and thinking it was pretty cool especially the ideas that Levine had but they kinda tossed it all in favour of making it a popular shooter
who made the call for making infinite so bland was it Levine or was it some guys at 2k or take two ?
It's regression in everyway from the previous bioshocks which were already a regression themselves.
The game relies way too much on the twist. Replayed it recently because I wanted to replay the whole collection and everything is literally just hints to Booker being Comstock. They should have focused more on how Wounded Knee fucked up Booker, his wife, Anna and why Comstock chose to build Columbia the way he did.
wasn't the original idea for infinite that Columbia was built before the civil war and when the war ended confederate types seized power ?
I was a bit disappointed that it stepped away from the fantastical horror atmosphere of the first game and early preview videos in favor of boiling most of the game down into shooting endless military baddies.
The gameplay demos for Bioshock Infinite differ dramatically from the final game.
I guessed 2K higher-ups just wanted to water things down to meet deadlines and cash in on linear shooter mechanics considering all the early concept work that apparently got gutted. But I doubt that there's any one person to blame for it.
Maybe it’s just the characters not knowing how shit works, but what really bothered me is the first few times you change universes, the characters go and say “ALRIGHT WE GOT THE GUNS, LETS GIVE EM TO THE VOX AND LEAVE”. But at that point they’re in a different fucking dimension. The promise they made was in their dimension, the Vox leader won’t even know what they’re talking about. They even find a voice recording of Alternate Booker and posters of him being a martyr. Did they just expect everything to turn out ok?
Consoles are the reason this game suffered so hard because they had to cut of 3 times of the games content to make it suitable for consoles and especially Xbox at that time.
This is the only true reason why this game was so bland in comparison o the other ones.
If you dont believe me look at the Cut Content page on the wikia on how much they removed or changed.
honestly the whole end was a fucking mess that definitely threw away the already shaky logic of the bioshock series in exchange for some very shallow ontological bullshit that comes off as an idea a stoner had while high that seemed cool at the time but makes no sense later on
They were all released for consoles.
They didnt rush. They cut of to many things and had to scramble what was left because the consoles didnt support the things they had in store for the fame.
Look how many times Elisabeth alone changed and how grim the game looked in the beginning with more interaction of the world and Elisabeths abilities.
In the original version they had Splicer like enemies which were people split through the rifts and many more horror and dark places/atmosphere.
So many bad choices. The most glaringly obvious one to me is only holding 2 guns at a time. Dumbest mechanic in a FPS ever. I'm also not a big fan of all the hitscan enemies, forcing you to pop out of cover, get hit, duck behind cover until shields refill. It's aggravating and is the antithesis of fun.
You dont understand.
The game was heavily cut because of console limitations.
Levine himself said in an interview that they had to cut content of 3 games worth to make it work on those pieces of shit
...? bioshock, system shock all of that, 90% of the gameplay is shooting down endless baddies
I didn't really get the logic behind the whole gun sequence. Like, they tore a hole through time and space into a reality where the guns weren't where they were supposed to be, and used it as justification to leave their main reality and everything they know as true behind through a warp hole.
I part of me still likes the idea that they're introducing you to the concept through a mundane task before everything changes and completely escalates out of your control, but I wasn't really sure what Elizabeth's end-goal was jumping into a parallel universe that supposedly had other alternate versions of themselves there already.
Unless she didn't fully understand that part, I can't remember all the details.
Elizabeth is a dumbass teenager with superpowers she doesn't understand, the fact she thinks it should work makes sense
Hang on let's pause to have a fucking acoustic sing along
Ok back to the post. What made less sense is Booker going along with it, which I can only chaulk up to not giving a fuck
Yeah, but there were aliens, big daddies, lunatics hanging from the ceiling, people posing as mannequins, etc. There weren't just conga lines of interchangeable people in formal military wear.
The most creative enemy encounters I remember in Infinite were the Songbird and the hooded guys who spat crows at you.
This sounds like horseshit. They knew the console hardware from its inception. Furthermore, they used the same engine as their prior games in the series.
If infinites plot was a Trainwreck, burial at sea was flying a 747 into the world trade center
I think it tried to do way too much, and it wound up railroading you while also still feeling aimless. Plus I still think the Booker Comstock equivalency felt half-baked.
Still really liked Elizabeth, the commentary on race/worship of the founding fathers, and a lot of the designs though. But ultimately disappointing
>enemy encounter
Bioshock 1 and 2 definitely encouraged you to scavenge for scarce ammunition, money, medkits and eve and to hack anything. The gameplay was more methodical. In Infinite you can't carry around anything, ammo is plentiful, money is useless and there's no hacking to do (and you never stick around the same place anyway).
They traded the methodical gameplay of 1 and 2 for a shallower gameplay that has greater forward momentum.
Bioshock was never good
Nothing, game's great, just a little bit easy. New Bioshock when?
Ken Levine enjoys feeling stupid.
They had to cut a bunch of shit because Levine rewrote the game 8 months before release you revisionist console-warring fuck
Muh nigger rights!
Ironically they have the protagonists agree that the BLM equivalent is "just as bad as Comstock". I don't think that would fly in $CURRENT_YEAR.
I understand.
Watch the interview then and skimp through the wiki on cut content.
Theres tons that they cut of and changed from the original trailers.
Even if they knew the specs they put too much content and had to cut of 3/4 of it.
But one thing I truly known those years is that the consoles are at fault.
This is why Levine was great as part of Looking Glass - a team who didn't seem to take anyone's shit, including Warren's Spector when he complained that Thief was too hard - but a complete idiot turd moron fuck while he has more creative control.
Nothing when wrong it was a fucking amazing game
Fuck off idiot.
They had to cut of content because of consoles you dumb fuck. They even mentioned it in their interview.
Maybe as an easy excuse to pin it on. And you're a retard for taking it at face value.
I liked Burial at Sea, but thought the ending was weirdly cruel for the sake of having the series come full-circle.
Especially considering that Elizabeth herself should have had no reason to go out of her way to sacrifice herself for just one of countless realities that she had no original connection to.
Maybe at first glance but its hard to overlook its fault after comparing it with the other 2 games and after watching some interviews or the cut content.
I hate how the DLC shoehorned a scene that made the lead bitch more sympathetic and was merely pretending to be a child killer.
>80% walkie-talkie
>10% bullet sponges
>5% scavenging
>5% fun
>amazing game
2 is underrated and I don't know why they pretend it doesn't exist. I feel like it did religious fanaticism better as well. Hell,the stories between 2 and infinite are pretty fucking similar but 2 didn't go full retard.
>Take Elizabeth
>Remove all her development
>Take away her god powers
>Have her killing Booker's for no reason, even ones that dont deserve it
>Oh but she feels bad now
>She dies to save some nameless fucking little sisters
2 wasn't as strong story wise because it was a retread but if you want the /pol/ answer it's because 2 was about leftists fucking up and the implication Rapture was better off under the control of the business moguls
How come Jack could kill big daddies no problem but booker couldn't put one down for good with the same weapons?
Fact is still that they cut it of and that the game isnt the one we were supposed to get and that is even more depressing.
Sophie Lamb is a cultural marxist portrayed as evil, they can't have that.
See I took it as Rapture is better off being abandoned and destroyed because both sides are doomed to suffer unchecked.
Superior Andrew Ryan genes
I think 3 things led to Infinite's release state: 360/PS3 couldn't match Irrational's technical ambitions, Levine seemed indecisive as fuck as to what he wanted from his team and the game, and the desire for mass appeal. Had we actually gotten a game that resembled the earlier builds (specifically the E3 2011 build), it would have been legendary.
I'm interested to see if Ghost Story Games ever produces anything. I'm willing to bet that they don't though. Ken Levine was simultaneously Irrational's best asset, but their biggest weakness as well. He's a dude who likes to "find" the game in development, which often leads to some brilliant concepts. That process also leads to a lot of wasted work and abandoned concepts. Infinite's development reminds a lot of HL2's development. So many abandoned concepts. A lot of which were better than what ended up in the final game. HL2 at least partially delivered on Valve's lofty ambitions though. I wouldn't say the same of Infinite.
Literal shit in the combat department, no more semi open levels like the previous games, 2 weapon limit so why would I upgrade a gun that I would have to get rid of later, AI pretty dumb and no reason to play when it’s just COD in the clouds
Yes, that's the idea you should get. But it's not the one people WILL get
sounds like a hack who takes other people's ideas and calls them his own
Booker didn't have Vita Chambers to bring his ass back to life like Jack did
This. Any worthwhile character she had was taken away in Burial.
>comstock feels so bad that he refuses his new persona and goes back to his old self
>so depressed about his actions he becomes a self hating loser
>Elizabeth dies because she became a lunatic who enjoyed seeing him suffer while he begs forgiveness
Unironically enjoyed her lobotomy. Got as good as she gave.
Sounds like a western Kojima. Has ideas for a game that can't be implemented and it delays development because of it.
Not to mention the rail system was a zombified mess of its original concept. level size was so small its literally just a circle for you to go around in.
>they never patched in a weapon wheel
Is there even a mod for that?
>1999 mode was originally going to be class based with strengths and weaknesses depending on the class you chose
Would that have even been good with the base combat though?
Also fuck burial at sea, all those terrible retcons just to tie shitfinite to the superior bioshocks. I don’t consider that shit canon and just stick to the bioshock novel,1,2 and Minerva’s den
>Had we actually gotten a game that resembled the earlier builds (specifically the E3 2011 build), it would have been legendary.
No, it would have been just as fucking awful, except Levine wouldn't be able to place as as much blame elseware.
Err, no. When Kojima is focused on gameplay, he generally delivers in spades. You can playthrough Kojima's and get the base experience from it. If you replay them though, you'll multiple layers of systems that the game doesn't really tell you about. IE destroying weapon caches in MGS3 will make the guards hungry. You can then throw your rotten food over to them to eat and they'll die of food poisoning.
Ken Levine will straight up scrap years worth of work because he's not "feeling it".
What would the classes even be? Your only way to kill enemies is shooting and your weapon selection is limited to what ammo you can find. What can you even do differently?
All they mentioned was short range and long range class so yeah, it would've likely been shit.
I don't know I couldn't get past the 1st puzzle
>Delta is a better father
>Delta has a better daughter
>Delta makes choices that actually matter
>Delta dies like a man and not a bitch
>Delta is a CHAD DADDY and not a slinky pinkerton
How can Bookerboi even compete?
Sorry Kojima I take it back. Good luck with Death Stranding.
Ken Levine
>infinite was 6 YEARS ago
What the fuck.
wasn't that little sister booker's adopted daughter sally. elizabeth died so that she could have a shot at being free, gave her life up so that another girl similar to her would have some chance at a better life
Time flies when you aren't having fun.
The only way the experience time at it's normal flow speed is become a true neutral.
No, no it wouldn't. That E3 build featured unprecedented verticality via the rail system, dynamic zeppelin battles that from my interpretation from what Levine has said, would function kind of like Wanted system in GTA. The more trouble you cause for the Vox, the more they send after you. That E3 build allowed 15 enemies to be on screen at once (release ver only allowed for like 6). Those thing alone would have made for a way more interesting game.
I think murdering an innocent child and a man that was already miserable made her realize that she was a massive cunt, just like her father. She then decided to kill herself to save all the little sisters of rapture as a way to redemption.
True neutral feels like you'd enter a meditative state, which could cause time to fly again.
My friend gave me this with all dlc and said he bought it for 15 bucks. I'm gonna play it because it's a gift but did he overpay? How can I have max fun in an apparently shit game?
Wait, we hate Infinite now? I thought it was great, looked amazing, good challenging play, story was a bit 2deep4me but overall really nice. I'm also a bitch and don't like the spooky atmosphere of Bioshock 1 and 2, too dark and with jump scares and shit, I hate that.
Are you lowkey telling me to kill myself?
They cut so much because Ken Levine would have them scrap months of work over and over. There are numerous interviews and articles written on his creative process and how often that would happen. He's done this over multiple games too.
Not this time, user. Time's going to fly regardless, so you might as well have fun.
Alright then. I'm going play 2 again.
>Bio means water
>takes place in the sky
What did Levine mean by this?
That's the spirit
Cloud water.
Bio means life, you tardo.
See that American education has been put to good use.
They made a sequel.
>Way too much cinematic, even for cinematic game standards
>Nonsense plot with wtf plot twist ending
>Levine tried too hard to make you like Elizabeth
>He got so attached to her that he begged people not to draw porn of her, because she was like "his daughter". Of course, people ignored and made plenty of porn of her anyway, and then he threw a hissy fit and made her suffer gruesome on-screen deaths on the Burial at Sea DLC as "revenge"
BTW, the base game is bad, but the DLC is excellent.
But which city would you rather live in during their respective highpoint?
Columbia, without a doubt. Yes, it was racist, but so was the rest of the world in the '20s.
the fun and entertainment value largely comes from the atmosphere and visual stuff for me, the combat is secondary in infinite with the dlc making the combat feel much more dangerous. if you don't care about challenge just beat it on normal or easy and plow through the game like it's a movie - if you enjoy hard mode stuff then do that or go for 1999 mode or even do 1999 and don't upgrade to try and put as much pressure on yourself as you can. $15 is alright though i'm pretty sure i've seen 1,2 and infinite for that with all the dlc on steam sale. infinite's dlc ties back to 1 pretty heavily. if you haven't played 1 you'll probably not feel much when it comes to that.
Burial at Sea was complete and utter trash.
Tiny ass levels. 0 variety, didn't even feel like Bioshock. Only lasts like 2 hours unless you play on the hardest difficulty which just makes ammo incredibly scarce.
Also, fuck that shitty DLC, can't even believe I wasted time finishing this garbage.
and you just know with the rumored Bioshock 4 being announced at E3 that they're just going to continue the casualization that Infinite brought with it.
Bioshock itself was already a casualized version of the same formula used by other immersive sims, then Bioshock 2 took it in a slightly better direction, only for Infinite to revert everything and go turbo casual CoD 2 weapon no stealth, no RPG elements all action mode.
Still can't get over how shitty it was, only being able to hold 2 weapons, constantly running out of ammo, that trash ghost battle that you had to do 3 times in a row, the level design which was completely linear and devoid of alternate paths, skills to open up different parts of each map, etc.
The closest a map felt to being non-linear was towards the end of the game, the level where you fight the ghost lady comstock or w/e, but at the end that level was nothing more than a square linear path with a few shops you could enter here and there, but that was literally it.
Fuck Bioshock Infinite. The only thing it has going for it was some of the art design. Outside of that it is a complete waste of time.
Thanks, user.
they will ruin every genre
Burial at Sea was a travesty.
Does anyone else remember the gay guy at the fair that tries to fuck you?
so progressive!
The only good Bioshock game was 2.
>Bio means water
Someone falls for this every single time
Wasn't the main appeal of Rapture that it was equal opportunity for the sake of profit and work?
Why would they bring niggers to Columbia?
Huge plot hole.
To be slaves, retard. Did you play the game? That screenshot isn't from Columbia though, it's from Rapture.
I can't believe that's just an adult's face on a small body
to clean the bathrooms
That's not Columbia, that's Rapture where only money matters.
They had niggers in Columbia because they needed people to clean the floors.
I'm legit fucking mad every time I hear the name, the game had the potential to be 10/10 masterpiece but that Levine faggot ruined everything in the end.
>Earliest trailers/gameplay show Booker as a suave gentleman in a suit
>Prototype Elizabeth was a hot mute MILF instead of a Disney princess reject
>The time travel and tonics mutated the people into abominations you should have fought, just like in the first two games
>Even mentions of some carnival mech suits and shit in the art books
>Songbird was supposed to be a mechanized dragon instead of some faggot in a bird suit
>The world was darker and more twisted, again like in the first two games
No, but instead we got this watered down gameplay bullshit with political issues like MUH RACISM. I'm fucking glad the company tanked after that. Whenever you see virtue signaling or vocal political faggots in a company, rest assured the game will be shit.
What'd they even need slaves for? The TASL only imported cotton field workers primarily because they were dirt cheap to sustain for the big planters.
If Colombia was so xenophobic, why bother bringing any of them? What to be house workers? That was only a by-product in plantations because the slaves were already there. I'd think if Colombia was such the utopia that they were egging on about, there'd be no blacks in the skies. It made no such for cartoony racism to even allow for the idea of an interracial relationship or a black man taking a white man's job to possibly exist.
Couldn't they just use automatons? If they can build a minigun poet warrior Washington couldn't they make a mopbot mammy?
Fucking shit, it's not that hard to come to the conclusion that the retards were virtue signaling since their game was shit. Look at the first two bioshock games, those issues aren't even touched upon, or if they are they are loosely mentioned into the tapes or whatnot, not shoved in your face.
Hey, I'm not defending Infinite here, almost everything about that game is retarded. I'm just telling you the game's reason for black people being there.
You know I completely forgot about the robots in the game.
Only time I remember it beinh mentioned was in 2 and it's dlc. It was done much better too.
To this day this pattern baffles me, there are exceptions, but most of the time it's correct.
>First installment has great atmosphere and sets the tone of the franchise but lacks a bit in gameplay
>Sequel improves gameplay a lot but loses a bit of atmosphere, still not bad
>Third game and everything after it is just pure shit
>Dead Space, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect etc.
Because it's difficult to have a game series going with new ideas.
You can't have like 10 Call of Duty or Monster Hunter games going without them starting to feel samey or eventually get casualized / reinvented because the only ideas the devs have anymore is repeat what they know.
Bioshock makes no sense whatsoever and it's overrated.
I always liked it cause muh art deco aesthetics.
Nobody said the word 'nigger'.
First and foremost, It had no soul.
the combat was shit, they ruined the weapon system from the first two games, and the story was retarded.