What has Conan Exiles added since launch? Also do we have a server up?

What has Conan Exiles added since launch? Also do we have a server up?

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>bump for interest, there's a free weekend on, just how bad is it?
>or is it fun?
bump for interest, there's a free weekend on, just how bad is it?
or is it fun?

well i fucked that up


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I played for a few hours and thought it was pretty shitty, it's a very generic open world survival crafting game with a penis slider IMO

Well its like rust but a bit more rpg. If you are into mp games like rust you will like it, if not there isnt much else to do here, all the pve stuff gets old real quick.

>no magic
>no mounts
>shit out cosmetic dlcs
Wow, thanks funcom.

glad I didn't buy it full price earlier this week because of the sale

but even on this free trail shit I'm pretty bored already.. the amount of materials needed to build a base is ridiculous and I feel no incentive to explore other zones since I'm lvl 15 and feel like the amount of craftable items is so limited.. there's a lot of choice in gear but as far as base building goes its all fucking DLC.. not suited for solo play.. considering Outward but that kinda looks shit too... rip in piss

Only thing the game needs is mounts, getting around is a huge pain in the ass and you need to go on long scavenging missions often or take 15 minutes just to walk to a dungeon you want to raid

how do i link a post to other boards i forgot?

what you trying to link?

RP is comfy

It's like watching the Hindenburg.

Anyway, they added mostly "PvE" content. New dungeons, a new religion, pets and whatnot. They also tried balancing the skills/weapons a bit better but that didn't really work out that welll it seems. PvP and raiding is still fucked apparently, though I haven't played myself in quite some time either.

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Last time I played it, star metal was flat out broken and unobtainable, did they fix that shit?

Try out some mods, there's a ton of building stuff on the workshop and it's mostly good too.

do we have any servers though? I remember there being like one server we played on over at /vg/ until retards starting setting up their own servers and split us apart?

I don't think "we" do. The game isn't exactly popular on Yea Forums.

how do I get a new char far north without getting rekt? do I just save scum with beds each milestone?

That's okay, user. I love you even with all your faults

I've been playing it recently and have really been enjoying it. Trying to get my friends to play it with me, and have the dev kit downloading at the moment. Too bad the kit is 170 fucking GB, thank Jesus I have a 4TB HDD

Go along the southern edge of the Unnamed City until you reach Sepermeru, then head north. Avoid any fighting, and as you get to the cliff/Giant-King wall along the border between the desert and hinterlands, there is a tunnel in that area that has no mobs near it. You can go through there to get into the pine forests.

whats far north?

Essentially everything that's relevant for endgame.

I keep playing this on and off because it's both fun and extremely frustrating

>world bosses will kill you no matter your level
>corrupted enemies will kill you just as much
>level cap is 60 so good luck trying to allocate points
I can't even get past the fucking woodlands in the midmap, I've never been to the snow and beyond

>Unnamed City
That's quite the paradox.

It's okay. Decent combat. Alright crafting. Full nudity. Mature themes. A variety of character builds. Pets and thralls. A large world to explore with a fair amount of cool stuff. Survival is fun at first but quickly becomes completely trivial.

It still has no mounts, lack of real magic for pcs, lots of grind, too much weight on crafting over adventuring, and too much lag from player castles.

You can totally ERP as some feudal warlord, savage warrior, or a slave though, if that's your thing.

I was fighting a corrupted turtle and it didn't stagger when I was hitting it.
How am I supposed to kill it without cheesing it?
Am I too low levelled?

the crafting system was extremely fucking nonsense, the animations were rigid and shitty and the actual worlds where people are are mostly vacant
it's a bearing overly complicated piece of shit meant to jump on the survival bandwagon but failed miserably
for a game with conan in the title there is an awful lot of reading and other bullshit just to get to the combat which is worse than Morrowind's

what a waste of a license

Some enemies are too tough to stagger. You have to actually figure out their timings and hit them inbetween their attacks.

I wish more games allowed full nudity like this one.

>You have to actually figure out their timings and hit them inbetween their attacks
But the windup and release of player attacks takes too long and enemies in this game don't take breaks between attacks so you end up having only the chance to hit them once.
Which will take like 2 hours.

You have to cheese most enemies, actually. Which is why I started using a bow. You'll lose a straight up fight with the majority of enemies, unless you have a group.

I'm max level and this is how most fights go for me
>cripple shot with arrow
>run out of arrows
>get through maybe half an attack string
>run and eat food to heal

Are there gay ERP servers?

>You have to cheese most enemies
Well that's a shame. The king turtles (a source of hard hide in the desert) stagger when hit, so you can actually 1v1 it without cheesing.
It's odd that corrupted turtles don't stagger since they offer weaker resources when killed when compared to king turtles, just seems arbitrary (or a developer oversight).

None of the corrupted enemies get staggered. Nor do a lot of larger enemies.

I wonder what was the developers' design philosophy for this combat system.
I'm guessing they did it so players would be forced to gangrape the larger animals to encourage teamwork.

If you get the right build with really strong heavy armor I've seen it's possible to tank even a full grown dragon.