When is it their turn? It's not fair.
When is it their turn? It's not fair
Other urls found in this thread:
>no single current gen version
>region locked in japan on steam
It's not fucking fair
>Lost Source code
>Doesn't even bother trying to reverse engineer it because they know it won't be worth it
Based Square
>buying games you can emulate
8 has one of the most forgettable soundtracks of the entire series
Is it really that shit? I only played 4-7, and 9
premium bait
I want this cutie in hd!!!
its not shit
I can still play this on my PS1 plus it’s not getting raped by modern Square Enix real time action combat.
We won OP, you are looking at it the wrong way.
Am i cynical? Yes, i’ll still buy FF7R and enjoy it, but let’s not pretend for a SECOND the combat will be better than the original.
Before that we need a FF6 remake. I'd take something along the lines of the DS FF4 remake, they don't need to go full 3D CGI bonanza. Just make it tasteful.
Only play it if you have high IQ, otherwise you won't understand all the kino and you'll hate it.
>region locked in japan on steam
fuck you talking about
But before THAT we still need FFV. I do prefer VI, but if they've already done III and IV then I doubt they'll jump to VI.
VII is a special case.
japan and the other countries have no price because it's literally unavailable to purchase there, same for FF7 and some other SE games
It's pretty cool, but the junction and draw systems sucks ass in a big way. Basically you need to steal magic spells from enemies, and that gets boring and is also exploitable.
Also, and this is a personal problem I have with FF8, the walking sound effect is really annoying. That shoe-stepping sound, holy shit.
>I doubt they'll jump to VI
yeah square would never skip a game, much less V
I'd rather have that than ff12 constantly playing pull out/put away weapon animations which forcefully stop movement
Yes of course, Butz deserves a remake too. I often forget, but that game is amazing.
It's not amazing but it's certainly better than FF13/15 though those aren't large barriers to cross. It's tolerable and people just hate it too much for minor things.
8/10 i'm mad
Thank God I can play Triple Triad effortlessly on a Vita thanks to CFW.
Just fucking pirate it then if you want to play it so bad.
Rinoa is so cute!
Definitely better than 9. Close to 7.