Dumbest motherfucker on the entire team

>dumbest motherfucker on the entire team
>he and the dog are the only ones who realize how fucking stupid everyone is being in The Answer
why is junpei so based?

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The answer is trash

He's da man

why are all the male characters in p3 best boy?

junpei is the only character that truly grew up during the events of P3

>He chose The Answer over the extra S-Links, the Vision Quest boss redux, and Margret's boss fight
>he can't have his waifu/husbundo in the ending

That aside, Junpei is great.

Is Yukari a realistic portrayal of what grief does to you or is she just a bitch?

everyone acted retarded in the answer to pad out playtime. the whole thing was a stupid retcon that ruined the original ending to make a sequel hook.


Because his character was already completed developed in the base game. Characters like Yukari still had a lot of growing up to do but best boy Junpei had already dealt with all of his shit.

In the Answer? Dunno, no time for that shit. In the main game? She's just a cunt.

Amazing how Yukari uses her personal trauma as an excuse to be a huge bitch to everyone, whereas Junpei rises above his suffering and turns into a mature, reasonable young man. What a Chad.

She's a self-centered cunt because her life was shit
Don't let yukarifags convince you that having a shit life is an excuse for being a shit person, no one owes you any sympathy if you actively make everyone's lives worse.

Because post developement Junpei is as based as a persona best friend character can be.

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>Drunk, negligent, abusive father who wastes all of his earnings on gambling
>Realizes that even though he's got it rough, there are other people out there in the same or worse situation as him
>Decides to try and brighten peoples' day by making them laugh and purposefully takes the part of the buttmonkey
>Wants to coach little league so he can give kids a positive male role model and a place to feel safe and wanted
>Also has negative aspects to his personality, like the main character syndrome he exhibits early on, but ends up growing out of them and uses them to further fuel him to helping other people
>He accepts himself and reality and because of that he can make obvious logical decisions such as "Don't kill everyone in the world to bring back a guy who sacrificed his life to save everybody, but instead use the gift given to you to make the world better than what he hoped for"

>Junpei, Akihiko, and Aigis all wanted things to stay the same
>Ken, Koro, and Metis were following who they liked/trusted most
>Yukari wanted to fuck everyone over for selfish reasons
>Mitsuru supported her because ?????
why didn't everyone team up and 6v2 Yukari and Mitsuru?

>best friend
That's the one thing you got wrong.

Why do I hate Yukari so much but like Yuzu from Devil Survivor? Both are hated for making a selfish decision that endangers everyone because of "realistic" motivations. At least Yukari actually wants to save someone while Yuzu's motivation is basically "fuck this shit, I'm out", but despite that, I feel like I can give Yuzu a pass for acting realistically for a teenage girl while Yukari just rubs me the wrong way.

>Mitsuru supported her because ?????
She stuck with Yukari out of appreciation from when Yukari helped her get over her dad passing away.

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oh yeah, when Yukari literally bitchslapped the depression out of her

Yukari must munch Mitsuru's carpet like a fucking god

>Supposed to be smartest person in school
>"Hey I know what you want will kill me, everyone we know, everyone in the world, and undo everything we've been fighting for ever since I was a child, but you said some nice things to me after my dad died so I'll let you."
what a fucking retard

Mitsuru was also following who she liked/trusted the most. Yukari was her closest friend after the events of the base game.

This is a based post
Junpei really is the best bro in all of Persona

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>Yukari must munch Mitsuru's carpet like a fucking god
user please. I'm no-fapping here.
Not only let her do it. But actively helped and defended her as she does it. The p3 cast were something else.

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The append edition of FES is probably my most favourite Persona Box Cover Art

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I can see why, shit looks pretty comfy.

>Why do I hate Yukari so much but like Yuzu from Devil Survivor?
Two reasons

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Reminds me of this box art.

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I like this one the best.
Personas a concept always interested me especially since some of them.
I always wished the characters talked about what their personas tell about them.

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Maybe an unpopular opinion but I love the personas of the main cast in 3

Nah. I can't tell you which series has my overall favourite persona designs but I loved all of them. P3 is a bit plain with the initial personas but the ultimate personas are way better than P4 and P5

Because Junpei was allowed to grow as a person and didn't just play the comic-relief second banana to Protagonist-kun for the entire game.

That's because most people look down on laid back people like Junpei for being lazy and stupid, but those kinds of people truly enjoy life.

>Junpei really is the best bro in all of Person-

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Patrician taste

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Persona 4 (original) was the best opening in the series.

I dont get the hate for Yukari.
>dad dies from some unknown organization
>mom becomes a "tramp" so she moves out
>join organization to find out mom about her dad
>never trusted anyone and outright hated Mitsuru
>hears a recording over her dad's final moments
>door-kun was there for her when she needed someone
>when Mitsuru's dad died, she was there to comfort her
>at the end of the game she pretty much a new person and invited door so come with her to meet her mom
>door pretty much dies on the lap of a toaster
>she goes through depression
>finds out that the toaster got Door's powers and gets jealous
>finds out that theres away to go back in time to see him again, so she jumps on it
>after losing she breaks down that she really miss door.
>when she finds out the truth about door, she changes her mind about going back in time because she knows the outcome will be the same
>after everything, she goes back to her chipper self and even invites the toaster to live with her
>after the events of P3, she become an actress for a kids show to spread happiness to the world so that Nyx never goes back to honor door
Shes not my favorite character, no one can beat DA MAN, but I really liked her arc through the game, and I think shes the second most developed character in the game.

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She's a complete bitch. She has a reason for being a bitch but she's still a bitch.

While not handled the best, yeah pretty much

Like 70% of her "bitchiness" is banter.

Only in The Answer really.

Don't worry, user, you are not alone. Yukari is best girl. Anons just hate her because she's actually a more realistic girl character than just an anime character like someone like Yukiko.

>shes the second most developed character in the game
Who do you think is #1?

At the beach when she outright says why didn't Mitsuru's dad died I spat out my drink.


Good taste

More like Stupei lmao wrekt

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>choosing one or the other
>he didn't play both and 100% them

