Is getting a nintendo switch worth it? I wanna get one for ultimate alliance 3 but other than that is there any actual good games to look forward to?
Ultimate alliance 3 and Nimetendo
Bayonetta 3
Astral Chain
Rune Factory
Some people think the Nintendo Switch has no games.
But not us.
BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Astral Chain, Spaltoon2 are worth getting the console for, it depends on what games you like.
it's only going to have 4 powers each, i'm pretty disappointed user. here's the rest of info that has been coming out this week
>Interview reveals this was a Marvel Nintendo joint project and Nintendo pulled Koei in because they wanted someone who knew action games
>all 3 companies involved with all aspects of the game in various ways
>the team from Koei is a mixture of people from Nioh/Ninja Gaiden and a few Omega Force members
>Marvel is helping with writing since Nintendo and Koei didn't think they could do it but Nintendo is most likely helping with writing smaller things like descriptions and generic battle chatter
>Marvel was extremely upset that Activision for turning Raven into a CoD team but were beyond excited that they got to work with Nintendo instead
>Nintendo and Marvel weren't saying much about if its connected to the first two but its most likely not anymore
>the Black Order will be bigger in this story than they were in the movie
>Injustice style comics around the game possible
>Infinity Stones story chosen so they can have more interesting locals
>"well" over 20 characters, made sure to say its not like 25
>Koei and Nintendo really wanted Wolverine and Storm and were ready to fight for them if they said no
>push to make sure you get the characters that people care about right away
>there are alternate skins
>there is a newgame plus
>3 Spidermans because they had too many idea for one of them
>Captain Marvel front and center
God phase 4 is gonna suck, isn't it?
all the marketing for this game was already decided pre-fox deal. don't worry lad, the market will correct itself when the based age of x happens and she gets ROGUE'D into a coma
The OP image isn't the full cover. Wolverine is front and center not Captain Marvel. Phase 4 is gonna be comfy adventures between young lad Peter Parker and angry drunk Logan as they lead the next generation of Avengers. Captain Marvel is behind Spider-Man because she will always be a secondary.
What genres are you into?
buy a Switch only if you still LOVE Nintendo games and old arcade game or if you really like high end mobile and indie garbage the last 2 making up 90% of games on Switch.
there's a bunch of interesting Japanese games on the horizon but none of them are out yet
the non Nintendo ports work but aren't the definitive versions almost always have worse fidelity and framerate than the original version.
Pity they couldn't get this game out near Endgame
I wanna like this game but
>Team Ninja
is ultimate alliance good? it just looks like a beat em up
I dont understand this phase thing can someone explain pls?
>Nintendo pulled Koei in because they wanted someone who knew action games
They sure know how to make bad games.
Why do people seem so hyped up for this game? Is it just the marvel franchise hype? The gameplay footage and graphics look no better than a shitty mobile game.
I guarantee you this game will be on PS4 and PC 6 months from launch on Switch.
>muh graphics
people are excited cause they liked the old XML and MUA games
Spider-Man is gonna be in smash
Its not even Raven Software so I have no hopes for it at all.
Ill stick to X-Men Legends.
People are hyped off Endgame and because the old Ultimate Alliance games were pretty good. That said, I am fully prepared for this to be hot garbage since it's a Jap dev instead of the original studio that made those.
>Thor all the way in the back
This. The Japs are probably gonna fuck it up.
Did you have a Wii U?
i dont know how mashing the attack button as wolverine or wjoever you find appealing from Marvel doesnt sound at least enjoyable to you. its like a 3d arcade game
>the 3 most prominant heroes on the cover are; iron man, spider-man, and captain marvel
In my humble opinion, no, the Switch is shit. It has no games, just a bunch of ports of Wii U games and Steam indies.
the marvel movies were done in "phases" that were basically arcs/acts
phase 1 was, first iron man, cap, thor, avengers
phase 2 was more world building to central plot of infinity stones, introduce guardians
phase 3 was tearing stuff down, civil war, and building to infinity war/endgame
Yeah! How dare they shove all the minorities in the front like Wolverine, Iron Man, and Spider-Man
“Phases” are basically the MCU’s story arcs, Phase 1 being the introduction of the main roster and the creation of the Avengers, Phase 2 about cosmic Marvel and the “new age of heroes”, and Phase 3 is basically the prologue to IW/Endgame
>Rocket and Groot all the way in back
No she isn’t. It’s Spider-Man, Iron Man and Wolverine, as it should be
I enjoyed the first one a lot. Especially doing 4 player couch co op with friends. The second one sort of bored me at the beginning though, and I never got through it.
Thor isn’t even human.
Based Wolverine
Is it just me or does Captain Marvel seem like a shit character?
If you play games with friends at home a lot, sure
UA1 was fun but a mess, UA2 was fun but they botched the Civil War storyline
>Marvel was extremely upset that Activision for turning Raven into a CoD team
Even them are tired of Activision's bullshit.
She's supes with an attitude, which some people like but I can't stand.
What? Japs are usually way better than western developers. Every good beat em up ever is Japanese.
They should just drop the MUA style and create a real Marvel Musou.
Ms. Marvel was cooler
This is literally a mobile game
He's back to doing what he does best. Being in every team and on the cover even if he's not in the comic.
>Injustice style comics around the game possible
That'd only be worth it if the story itself warrants it (yes I know evil Superman is done to death but Injustice at its best is stupidly fun) and it'd likely wouldn't stray too far from the typical Marvel story
I would say yes and make a series of recommendations. But if you want to play some Disney mobile game, you might have serious braindamage.
And I couldn't want it any other way
>Not letting Team Ninja choose at least one of the characters
>3 Spidermans because they had too many idea for one of them
As always, Nips fucking love Spidey
Name 5 reasons that don’t include “muh graphics”
Supes tweeting Batman’s secret identity was fucking hilarious. The Injustice comics were worth it just for that.
I don't want to make a thread for this stupid ass question so I'll just ask here.
Is "Avengers Assemble" a statement or a command?
Also, does The Punisher have any chance of getting in?
It's a mediocre arcade game. Of course not
I don’t see why not. Punisher is well liked and popular.
I want Ghost Rider, Dr. Doom and Beta Ray Bill.
Her comics don't sell
Also all these beta cucks implying she isn't front and center
Fuck off cucks
>series of recommendations
go on
Dont worry , ebic cinematic experiences are over that alley
spider gwen is in this game?
is this a joke?
They have three Spideys because they had too many ideas for one
Should've been Kaine or Ben