Yo, listen up! We're talkin' bout Dark Souls

Yo, listen up! We're talkin' bout Dark Souls.
Hardest fuckin' game in the world!

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>Text:the sword is in the house
>Arin: Where's the sword?
>Dan: The goy with the torch has it, goy!
>Arin: That must be it!

Game grumps more like My ass faggot lol

Arin Hanson more like Arin Faggot

Arin ignoring instructions that cover up the entire screen happens on a daily basis.
I don't watch them anymore but I remember thinking about making a 2 hour compilations of this stuff.

Whether you like or hate the game we can all agree that Arin is a fucking retard who can't comprehend the solution to even the most brain dead of puzzles.

>hardest game in the world
>literally rage quit before finishing Majora's Mask

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I don't watch 3 hour long videos of retards playing bad videogames.

bullshit Yea Forums is like DSP's biggest source of fans

>I watch game grumps

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>Shit on Super CV 4 for being too easy because of whip mechanics
>Can't beat it

Attached: Laughing Bugs.jpg (529x431, 33K)

>thinking dark souls is hard

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How does Arin do it? Everyone around him suffers.

>tfw you will never end your animation career for merchandise and youtube ad bucks from your shitty let's play channel

why even live ?

Arin is a degenerate. Read it more on KiwiFarms. That's all.

>LP a game thats all about the side content
>Dont do the side content
>Be so bad at 3d games you lose to a piss easy miniboss and ragequit the game.

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It'd be hilarious to see him attempt to play Heroes of Might & Magic.

So you can be better than him so you can internally rub it in his face.

DSP is retarded funny, while Arin is retarded infuriating

It was a good move in terms of financial gain but I can't help but feel he'd be more well regarded if he stuck with animation. Motherfucker made an update video like 5 years ago talking about the animations he planned on making. But then game grumps took off and he deleted the video and never came back.

>ywn have a platform you can use to shine a spotlight on other artists and animators and lock your best animator friend in a closet so he can work on his cartoon that you are fully funding with your shitty lets play channel

Why do you hate Arin so much?

I don't hate Arin I just think he's a 2D only dingus who takes his opinions on anything other than visual design too seriously. He needs to play more MegaMan X but for some reason it seems like he never will.

>best animator friend
I thought that was supposed to be Chris, what the fuck has that fat faggot Arin done for him lately?

with the thousands of hours of game grumps he's recorded it's very easy to spot his character flaws.

Why do people still support Arin when he's such a hypocritical dumbshit?

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I'm talking about Ross. You seem pretty personally offended by this guy's existence. What did he do to you buddy?

Because he's alienated pretty much all of his Newgrounds friends except for Ross who he's got on a tight leash because he's funding Gameoverse. He ruined the best lets play channel of all time twice over with his push to monetize it, once with Jon and again with Dan. If you think either of them actually want to play video games/spend time with one another after all the shit they do you're crazy.