Why aren't YOU playing SQUAD right NOW!

Why aren't YOU playing SQUAD right NOW!

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Because Im going to work

But I am user
V13 is great except for the rally changes

Attached: tallil.webm (1066x600, 2.79M)

PR is better

people who hate on tallil outskirts need to be gassed, fucking zoomers

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is it a free weekend or something

>200 players
big doubt

PRfags are so retarded. Jesus christ, no one even plays the game and you faggots always bring it up. Kill yourself, Squad is better

they are equivalent to people saying that old arena FPS are the best, meanwhile they themselves don't play it anymore

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But still 100 times more content than your 30 dollar UE4 EA shitfest.

waiting for a good discount to buy it

enjoy playing your ps1 tier game with the same 10 players, autist

content doesn't matter if the game feels like crap

>3000 daily players peak

>completely free
>200 player peak


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does the game still run like ass or does having a 970 not cut it anymore?

Just play on events. I'm so glad to be playing with sooo many players when they're all incompetent. Squad zoomers WANT to pay for a dumbed down experience with less to offer. Sad!

you should be fine with a 970, just don't supersample

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You're a degenerate poorfag. You are fat and also retarded. You'll never have a gf. You'll never have a healthy weight. You'll never have money. You will continue to play a game made for windows 98

$ 4 0 D O L L A R S E A R L Y A C C E S S
I bet the game doesn't even run well on your overpriced rig. Squadfags should commit mass suicide.

Jesus christ, what a picture.

it runs very well, thanks for asking

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i love doing stealthy shit on this map
so much fun to sneak up on people in those hangars who dont have people watching their back

Imagine getting this mad over a successful yet niche game on Yea Forums of all places
Don't have an aneurysm

I'm asian

>tfw PR will never have full servers again

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can you steady your weapon on wall and trees now?

You can only steady your weapon if you have a bipod

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I tried it but the community is full of larping retards who think the game is the most serious shit on the planet, so I'd rather play zoomershit like Fortnite or Overwatch since the communities of those games allow fun.

Just had a game, lost hard, out fob got raped by two btrs at the same time

I have social anxiety and can't speak out in mic without fumbling my sentences. Amazing game though.

Ever feel like no matter what team you are on, your armor is always getting crushed while the enemy BTR/Tank/Whatever just cruises around completely unchallenged?
I always play AT because I hate sitting around waitng for someone else to do something about, because no one ever does.

BMPs when?

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It's probably my least favorite part of team based games when someone isn't doing their job. I wish there was at least something I could do about a vehicle to sabotage it without being an AT.

Yeah, pretty much the most you can do is throw smoke at them so they have to move.
Sometimes in a blue moon the crew has to bail.

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Boy do I know this feeling. I like to play APC so I'm the one getting crushed while the enemy team deploys dual RPG teams or heavy AT + light AT and my own team runs around with MG's instead of AT.

with the introduction of ATGM MRAPs and BRDMs all teams should have very potent mobile AT on a low respawn timer

Because Squadfags are insufferable on Yea Forums and if that's how they act on Yea Forums, then I can't imagine them being any better in the game.

I don't know about Yea Forums squadfags, but Squad is always real chill when I play.