The game is called Lobotomy Corporation because I want a lobotomy after having to deal with this shit a dozen times. This thing has to be a noob trap. Never gotten even a single positive PE on it no matter the type of work done, it always breaks out, and it kills multiple people in seconds with its saws. Melee employees don't even qualify as fodder and ranged employees just tickle it while waiting for the inevitable.
The game is called Lobotomy Corporation because I want a lobotomy after having to deal with this shit a dozen times...
We have 2 threads going. Pick your favourite
also git gud idiot
OP this feels like baitposting
Also pic related
It's not bait. Some fag in the last thread told me generic office workers can detain him. That's bait. Your post is bait. The fucking box monster 30 damage a second with his saws in a giant aoe around him. I tried 5 or 6 times to work on it when I first got it and then gave up and just ignored it for 4 missions before deciding to try it again and it's still the same shit.
Screw punishing bird.
I get you because its mechanic isnt really something you would find out by testing so it seems like it always fails and doesnt let you get PE to research
Just stop looking at him.
Keep it out of your vision while working on it, if it breaks out do the same
I want to ask
Is the game moddable?
So far i only see custom hair mod and detailed info mod.
Yes, but I don't think there's enough of a modding scene for this game to really do much other than some cosmetic mods.
alright... is the game still in early access or it's full game already?
>Had to restart just to do Hokma suppression due to unforeseen bullshit
JUSTitia my shit up
post rabbits
It's a full game.
What are the cutest Angela pictures?
I might consider purchasing it then...
You can always pirate it to find out if you like it.
You guys love facility researching anomalies? You guys love peole meeting their gruesome doom when dealing with those anomalities? You guys love playing vidya related to those things? You guys love FREE and FUN games?
Well haven't I got the thing just for you! There's a free multiplayer SCP Secret Laboratory and it has its very own user server! That's right: monsters, test subjects, scientist, on-site guards, soldiers trying to save the test subjects, soldiers trying to recontain the monsters, save scientists and kill/detain the test subjects! Long rounds, elevator grenades, no squeaking underages at all, memes and stupid songs on Intercom and team radio!
The server IP is, that's right:
You can check the playercount at memeparty.system/scp
We will be playing in 4 hours! Get ready for user fun at user server! Bring your memes, bring your micspam, bring your waifu! We fuck them all! You read right, we will fuck your waifu at twocows' exactly in 4 hours, so what the fuck are you reading this anymore? Download the game SCP Secret Lab on Steam and get ready to be necksnapped by Peanut, cured by Doc, chomped by Doggo and blacked by Radical Larry! If you still somehow survive, your teammates eill gladly fuck you over and tkill you for moving too slow or too fast, speaking too much or not enough or just because you disturbed their ERP!
>going into a thread for a different game to shill your own game
user pls.
>Myo fucking (you) against a wall without your consent
Why the fuck does she blow people up
>The game is called Lobotomy Corporation because I want a lobotomy after having to deal with this shit a dozen times.
>Lobotomy Corp has nothing to do with SCP even though the devs themselves say they used SCP as the basis
Big Bird is here! Say something nice!
Can you look at it while it's idle in it's chamber then?
No one reply to it
God why did make new Angela such a bossy bitch? I love her more now. Also, who's superior? Angela or New Angela
when it's idle yes.
Forgot to post pic Im an idiot
The de s made their own thing, the games are nothing alike, and whoever is interested in scp already knows about it. Now fuck off.
I want both of their tits in my face
>Pretty pink flower
>Blue eyeshadow
Cute tranny tbqh
Dont like the new hairstyle desu
There were new players from Lobotomy Corporation thread last week when one SCP SLer told they were playing and since both game originate from SCP, there might be even more.
Yes, the games' genres are different but there are very few people who lock their choice of games on only one genre.
I never played the old version of the game. Is that the old artstyle? Why is it so much better than the cartoony new style?
I mean I get why they're using the cartoony style for the actual gameplay, it just works on multiple levels, but I would've loved to have the VN-style "cutscenes" in a more detailled style.
>The absolute state of HR department.
More HRT deparment
SCP and LC have a whole bunch in common
A SCP fangame that's just online survival game has less to do with it than Fallout:Shelter
I play both.
What are the worst Aleph weapons?
That's cool, but this is a Lobotomy corp thread, not the SCP general.
Cutting hair is a cardinal sin
Why is SO such a BITCH
You just cant appreciate the finer arts
It's ok, we got more players from LC thread last week so we most likely will be getting some LCers this time too.
>Have CENSOR and Snow White
Am I fucked?
New>>>Old (it's the same without the pretense, really)
No if you know how to manage them :^)
>Is that the old artstyle?
No it's game called library of runia. It's being made by same devs. As far as I know there's no official word on if this is true sequel, but Angelaand Netzach are shown on trailer, so maybe it's multiverse thing
The core missions are bullshit!
I liked the old attitude a lot
>library of runia
I looked it up and wtf is with this gameplay?
Speaking of old/beta version of the game, why did they change art style? Was it too cheerful or something?
I just noticed that some of the white ordeal text already says something about the library, wonder what's up with that.
Angela's breasts and Gebura's thighs weren't soft enough
I'm getting Panty and Stocking vibes from this.
why is she so perfect?
Because user, librarians are better than worthless lines of code
Holy shit, this took a while.
Why didn't you come meet him, Yea Forums?
I really don't like this guy, all I have are lv5 employees and I have to suppress him like 4 to 5 times a day just to get his entry and all his gear.
What if we put Child of Galaxy and Laetita in the same room?
We have no idea
I just hope it’s still the monster collection sim the previous game was in some way, like having to physically brawl against Nothing There or something to steal its essence and book or some shit
I just grinded his PE boxes by getting good results and ending the day before he got out
Even Laetitia would get tired of his incessant whining
They stand at the opposite ends of the room and nervously glance at each other, too shy to make the first move.
They realized that old Tiphereth was terrible and decided to upgrade
it looks fun
im happy its not just a clone of Lob Corp
You just had to feed him the (You)s
Probably we collect grimoirs and stuff instead of abnormalities. Necronomicon, Shams al-Ma'arif, Lesser key of solomon things like that.
What are the easiest ALEPH to suppress
What is easier for WAW suppress mission; KoG or Punishing bird?
KoG by far, as long as you're not a dipshit who leaves your dudes in the halls.
Melting Love is easy as long as you have black resist and weapons that aren't red, Mountain of Smiling bodies is also easy if you have slow bullets and kill him before he eats clerks, and Censored isn't too bad as long as he doesn't rape clerks and you have SP bullets
Have you auprressed either of them? Greed is super easy if you know her weak point
Judgement bird is pretty easy to kite, he only has one attack he does every so often
It does pale damage tho, so try not to get your employees oneshot.
I'm guessing thats who you meant btw
Just sit in shelter and suppress the first one to escape or just choose one
Lacking in Judgement isn't something befitting you manager
>there are people in this thread who had trouble with judgement bird
KoG is literally harmless as long as you remember that she can only attack in the direction she's moving.
Lose the trip and then we talk
>Shilling SCP SL in LC thread
Just admit it it's dead
>messing around with EGO gifts, trying to pimp out my agents to the max
>want my main Aleph ass-kicker to sport a cool action hero 5 o'clock shadow
>send him into Wellcheers every free moment of every day
>still no EGO beard
spoilers ahead: If you unlocked the true ending you know it is a direct sequel, and Angela probably used her new powers to bring the Sephirah back to life as humans since we see Netzach as a human without the cognition filter
so basically camp them
Did you get the increased gift chance from the Extraction team?
>says the guy who had trouble with Punishing Bird
It is pretty dead but we manage to have players on weekends. No surprise since from summer last year to today there has been only one update and that was readdition of the Computer skip with barebones abilities and a new hand gun. It does still have very active public server scene but they are filled with literal children. user server however is still the funnest multiplayer I've played this decade.
they should have made lobotomy corp gacha instead I'd play it
I have no issue getting other gifts, but Wellcheers is just being a cunt for no reason.
is Angela for you?
It's just muhammad
Angela is for X/A but he has severe oneitis, and you will play as some poor random fixer slaved by Angela
Gee thanks, all these useless ass TETHs giving me their 10% trash
Enjoy your rape.
MC seems to be a different guy this time around. We have no idea where A/X is
Does that mean i can finally grab Malkuth's soft ass?
>some poor random fixer
Go ahead, she is ready to file harassment complaints.
>oh cool I finally have 3 alephs to beat up for Geburah's mission that wont instantly rape me
>oh god SO killed so many clerks Mountain and Borb is out
>oh god red ridding hood is now out
>wew, got through that now just gotta end the day
What about Hod? Is she brave enough?
Punishing bird is serious business.
>everything would have been fine if X/A had just given Angela lots of hugs
but she's a bitch
should have suppressed her
Hmm this sequel thingy seems interesting. I hope we see more Sepirahs
for Yea Forums with love
>Laetitia's disgusted face
Cute. Reminds me of this
A made her a bitch though
Quick, what's the best way to powerlevel my dudes? can I just have them work over and over on some zayin for free levels forever?
Core Suppression: Mating Press Angela
fitting, thank you user
You can get everyone to 100 in all stats on day 1
But more realistically just train them on waw abnormalities
He made everyone a bitch in their own way, except Garion
In theory, sure. But ZAYIN gives very, very low rewards compared to higher level abbos. You're better off grinding on some relatively benign HE or WAW-level one.
>Get my first WaW
>It's a steampunk clock
No idea what it does exactly, though.
I'll find that out.
it rewinds time if you use it enough with level V agents
What you are saying is farming level 1 slimes to max level in rpg game. Yes it's possible but why would anyone want to do that? It will be waste of time and imagine the repetitive grind
That one is cool, but it's kind of hard to figure out how to use it properly without looking up spoilers.
For me, it's the Big Bird.
>he stopped reading the flavor text above/below abnormalities when working on them
It's your own fault
We all know One Sin is the best bro, but who is the second best?
Silent Orchestra is easy to trigger and if you can DPS race him then nothing can really go wrong
Do it at the start though, he drains your energy like a motherfucker
>some poor random fixer
>slaved by angela
Don't you mean lucky?
>user would later black out and wake up alone in an abnormality cell, wearing nothing but murderers gift , reeking of wet dog and beer, clutching a bottle of giant tree sap and discovering several porccubus thorns stabbed into various parts of his body
But the big bird isn't supposed to have feathers, he used all of them to light his lantern!
Gives a great combat buff free of charge, gives a decent midgame white weapon and a pale resistant armor in case you need it. What more do you need?
Child of galaxy.
Fairy Festival is chill
This but with Alriune
Why is rabbit team a bunch of jobbers!?
>trusting fairies
Which one will fuck me over the least?
Because Myo is DUMB
Why not just go with your gut feeling fag
Picking up one on your own.
>guys that can't be dead and responding to the same site in a fucking way to care about the pression of the player so it was cancer
>all the anime has the same as the steam style of the same thing and then get into a remaster of the game and just seem to be a shame in a new game
>what is the most expensive than the same shit out there to be a remaster
>mfw we can put a little bit of the same thing in a console war that they were starting to get him all the time and it doesn't seem like it isn't the game is going to be a bunch of marketing shit in a long time ago
>Day 31
>Need to do a bunch of suppressions at once
>Best thing to do is to reset after you're done
>Can't Do The Thing on day 31, must wait for 32
>Forced to go through the same boring-ass day over and over again while microing the asshole tree and the cute girl
I feel my interest waning
I must stay strong
All of them suck
Right sucks extra hard
Back to the scarecrow with you
>prudence 1
t. experiment at a generative AI poster
You've failed the Turing test fampai
fucking sephirah trying to act human again, get back to work
Angela is cute!
>E-celebrity, and the game could be doing that in the end
>not having shit on the internet in the series and the legion that could be better than the patrician option
>new portable stage is a mini game
>fallout 3 looks like the stream is good that the series should be a fucking remaster
>consoles are consoles and the game is real
Meanwhile E3 is a console and the same controller was a second life in the series.
Go back to the battle royale with a console exclusive.
Rabbits are just trained to shoot everything that isn't a fellow rabbit and then get out. After they're out, they get a memory wipe. They're well trained but they don't retain any experience fighting abnormalities from the facility, so they always just charge in, shoot shit and port out/die.
Actually being able to control even just a single squad of rabbits would probably be fairly broken. Those guns tear most abnormalities apart.
So what do you anons suggest, should I unlock the boolets or the rabbits first?
Bullets have way more versatility.
Execution Bullets first, always
Who let the Scarecrow retard on the computer?
>the Well-
Well Yea Forums?
What do the O type abnormalities represent?
>Natural occurrence
>the well
stop writing cryptic notes in my fucking management book Binah
Ugggh I want to try this out after seeing some jewtube vids but I already have a bunch of single player games I'm working in finishing
Does anyone know what would happen if I bench Doctor's apostle ?
Why do FFXIV faggots get to meme their game in all other mmorpg threads then?
Prioritize. Play what you want to play, not what you think are meant to play.
It's shit that doesn't fit in with fairy tales or trauma manifestation, and includes both manufactured and natural shit
Jesus fuck I need gebura to destroy me
I like video games.
I forgot to work on my Judgement Bird pornfic last night, I was too sick
There's line for that
I take the train without a ticket.
Part of penitence is pain
I also enjoy the vidya
I wrote Something There
Should I write anything else next?
One with Fragment of the Universe
O types represent how Binah is an old hag who forces you to listen to her dementia rambles!
So apparently this game has shit ton of japanese fanart but where the fuck are doujins
Sure, please keep it creepy.
something with melting love
Abnormalities that you have to babysit are the worst. They're fun at first but ten days down the line you just want to die.
you'll regret it
Why not? How about getting something there/abnormality gift of your choice.
Wtf is this game and what does it play like the characters are giving me a design boner.
>Select your champion
Nothing There is at least pretty easy as long as you can keep it contained
The doujins seem to be non porn except 1 or 2 (from the guy who did the female abnormalities body pillows), there is a Lobocorp convention meetup in Japan and the doujins people make for that are about the employee OCs judging by the covers, so no one will buy scan and upload those. I think there is a lewd Der Frei one in chibi art style too.
It's basically scp+fallout shelter with waifu bait
I do consider myself better at spooky things than lewd things.
I'll keep these in mind.
Lobotomy Corporation.
Lobotomy Corporation.
It's basically an SCP management sim, except with original abnormalities and a story and waifus.
It's gonna involve Judgement Bird getting his dick milked by an Agent(male) for Facility purposes in seeing if they can perfectly clone the birbs, who were 'original' abnormalities
Not sure if said agent should break protocol and fuck Judgement Bird tho and then get chosen by Fetus on the way out the door
Dang man, it's literally in the OP, why do people click a thread and enter without reading a single word? If I had an E box for every time someone asked what this game is I'd reach the daily quota
>Judgement Bird pornfic
Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds Judgement Bird cute
There's something genious behind agent designs. You can't help but adore and care for these cute things. And also they give me weird satisfaction when they go insane or die
Congratulations, you have earned one We Can Change Anything session free of charge.
and it's all yours, user
you've already been assigned, good luck
I've let several employees die so far because I was too lazy to try the day again.
>Have to pick two Abnormalities
I love the animation when they visit Parasyte tree and Wellcheers. A happy employee is an efficient employee. Seeing an employee corpse amongst the useless clerk corpses makes me sad because that's one less Abnormality wrangled and more staff shuffling is required.
Things are gonna start picking up soon user
Welcome to Central bitch, enjoy your hallways
Oh no, that's a bad sign.
Did you find The Thing?
What are the worst abnormalities and why are they the ones that force you to have low stats or else you instadie. I hate keeping a Scarecrow idiot because he's useless in fights and his Prudence increases anyways so I must always replace him.
He's my favorite. I like his scales a lot and his wrapped-up head is super cute, especially how you can see that his feathers were originally white with pretty red tips Plus he has the longboi fluffarms and that's the fucking best.
Time to spread'em
>birdfuckers itt
>Accidentally do Instinct work once
>Can no longer work with Singing Machine
Scarecrow isn't an instant kill. You can just ignore him until he rolls a meltdown and then smack him around a little.
Singing machine is WAY worse.
The worst abnormalities are the ones you need to babysit every metldown cycle or they freak out and murder the facility
Get Normal Results or enjoy your Breach Abnormalities
>CENSORED has a meltdown
Same, birds in general are good boys and this pencil-necked lad is fucking adorable. Like I dunno really fluffy boys like him are total cuddle material
>get normal or enjoy your breach
>by the way I teleport every 10 seconds
I like to call them "scarecrows daily beatings"
I make sure to have him breach at least one time a day just to punish him for his shit requirements.
Gebura was too small.
>That one guy whos soul life purpose is to stare at KoG's asshole every time she breaches
Annoying is way worse than deadly
I'm the opposite, i hate abnormalities that instakill you if you don't have 3 or more of a stat.
If I memory reposit will I have the same choices of abnormalities?
I wanna do a suppression on an easier day but want to keep Blue Star
>bath tub
>Spider thing
>"Ok guess ill use my maxed out employees to test from now on"
>mfw first time singing machine
Nope you get new choices
My daily beatings are for Ppodae for giving the shitty ears that decrease work success
>unlocking control team
>got smiling bodies together with censored in one day
Singing machine is one of the best non-escapable abnormalities desu
do you think queen of hatred would give me a handjob if i told her it was for justice?
>can't have 4 or more of one stat
>can't have 2 or less of another
Piece of shit rustbucket just send it to the scrapyard.
>the little dance
>suppress three ALEPH abnormalities
>only have Blue Star
So I have to wait for next run right?
what do you think attachment and instict work is user?
no, she'd recognize your attempt to trick her and peg you instead with THE BIG AND MIGHT BE BAD DILDO
>get a normal result on King of Greed ONCE
>Mfw first time CENSORED got out
What are you talking about user, there’s Nothing There
I love you
I love you
I love you
Welcome to the party manager
>need to suppress 4 abnormalities
>KoG is easy and I've done it before with minimal casualty, and she's easily triggered
>wtf is happening
>she won't leave even though i got 3 bads and a normal
>all my guys wasting time in an elevator while my designated shitter gets 1-4 eboxes with her for a long ass time until it reaches qlipoth breakdown and she's hit by it
fuck this wishy washy fishy girl
Its a "Blue star in central" episode
Could be worse.
I rolled him in training when I had nobody who didn't dive into it instantly.
I wouldn't worry about it
>Level 3 agent
You poor summer child
Mmm goddamn borb is thigg
>the wide eye'd level III poking it gently with the christmas turkey leg
This is cute, i'm saving this and drawing it later
Cute! Cute!
>"Hey guys check out this crazy meat egg!"
My favorite moment so far was getting to see this guy do everything before being spoiled by the threads. Made me go "Huh?" outloud.
Spoiler your shit manager
Okay then
That's the central team.
Be sure to not forget the. Let losing his shit in the background
>tfw no doujinshi about an agent who gets Queen of Hatred's pin stuck to his head, gets told to wear the matching outfit and ends up becoming a magical girl
>Damn it, someone died
Describe what you think various works are for certain abnormalities
>Well cheers
>Instinct is pushing the cherry well cheer button over and over again
>Insight is dusting the machine, emptying the recycling and feeding the shrimpos
>Attachment is making small talk with the shrimpos about their last fishing trip
>insight is banging on the machine and shaking it till it coughs up a soda
Okay but what if I asked for her feet on my face
Wrong abnormality for that.
Why is control team always the first wiped out?
meant repression on that last one
I don't think I'm prepared to deal with this.
Everything is fine, Manager.
I love you.
Your employee loves you, user.
>tfw no Nothing There gf to steal the skin of others
Because the level one shitters are there and Malkuth is INCOMPETENT
>that scream
Spoilers for Violet Midnight
Insane microing.
Which Sephirah are incompetent
All of the upper level ones, for sure
>Freischütz shoots randomly
>that single dude going insane ends up making everyone else lose all their SP points
Holy shit
>Consistent energy can be gathered by the brave soul who dedicates themselves to fucking Queen of Hatred for hours on end
Laughs in Arbiter fight
Hod is the worst. She's Netzach's supplier and she forces everyone to her "therapy" sessions which is just everyone hitting an Enkephalin pipe until the whole department is Out Of Control.
The cute outweighs the bad
Who won?
The game is called Lobotomy Corporation because it's shit. Go fuck yourself with this shit game you shill fuck.
Too bad she's too incompetent and gets her employees killed
Red hood three shotted the bird.
Why is Hokma Supression such a bitch to deal with?
Thanks user and sorry it's not your cup of tea
Have a nice day
You can bench them but everytime WN breaches he still picks people and will give them their name
Do the Suppression right after you get an imprint, then Memory Repository back once he is beaten.
Bonus Points if you do it after Binah, since you won't lose any equipment that way, even if someone dies
Is she okay?
I don't know why, but punish bird only get angered when agent attack it
it can be easily killed by magic bullet or other abnormality
She's in the care of Dr Hokma
I prefer the old tiphereth better
What abnormality is the best at genociding clerks?
What were the general descriptions again? IIRC it's something like:
>Instinct is providing for the abbo's physical needs.
>Insight is maintaining the abbo's environment.
>Attachment is providing for the abbo's mental and emotional needs.
>Repression is bullying the abbo until it gives you some boxes.
All the fucked up shit A and LC in general was doing and somehow Michelle is the bad one?
Blue Star, easily
>have you ever scrapped the floor until your nails ripped out?
>if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have learned what helplessness feels like
>clerk genocide
hmu, I won't leave a mess either
You can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs
And then Michelle threw that omelette in the dirt, stomped on it, and smashed her own skull into it for flavor
essentially yea
Malkuth is underrated
And I say this as a Binahfag. Binahs story wasn't as cool, but her overall design is great. Malkuths backstory is 10/10 though
She fucking killed herself
Yes, absolutely
>Also kills everyone who isn't in Aleph gear
They were useless anyway.
Somebody help, i was doing great getting my first ALEPH gear(KoG fist) at day 20 and suppressing everything easily but it's day 23 and i got 3 aleph in two days (nothing there,melty love and army of black) and it just got 300% harder. Pic related, my best girl infected by fucking slime
Meaning of the names of the Sephirah
Malkuth: Kingship
Yesod: Element, Foundation, Basis, To paint over in white as one paints a wall
Hod: Splendor
Netzach: Eternity
Tiphereth: ALSO SPLENDOR but a different sort of splendor
Chesed: Grace
Geburah: Heroism
Hokma: Wisdom
Binah: Intellect
Birb: Borb
I don't understand the translation on the missions. What does this mean? Is it a spoiler I'll figure out later?
You can reset if it's really too tough.
I have those too, I guess those are missions we need to complete later. Malkuth is part of control team and can't do her mission 4 until Day 19, so I figured that just meant moving on to the other days.
>Abnormalities have souls, just like humans
>Melting love in central command
I recommend a reposit
That's wrong user, Army in pink is a Zayin.
that's a really cute haircut, manager-kun
Do Malkuths 4th mission first
Do Netzachs 3rd mission first
Do Tiphereths 3rd mission first
then you can Suppress the Core (which is why they are called "conditions")
To do the core suppression (which is the fifth mission you get for the department), you must clear Malkuth's (Control Team) fourth mission, Netzach's (Security Team) third mission, and Tiphereth's (Central Control) third mission
Maybe singing machine?
Big bird is very through but slow as hell
>doing Malkuth's core suppression
>almost all my abnormalities will fuck me up if I do the wrong kind of work on them
>except CoG, who doesn't give a fuck
exactly what I was thinking
knight is cute
Earlier today I got a combination of Apocalypse and White Night. Shutdown and now White is relaxing and people are still alive; will try and survive the Apocalypse more but I've got lots of other nasty things that break out. What surprised me is the cost of White Night's purchasable gear (333 boxes) vs Apocalypse (1998 boxes) when Night's is literally superior; unless there's something special in the item description like some things have. Still need to work out how Apocalypse works and how you get boxes from it, since White Night soloed Apocalypse after about 30 minutes today with a sheltered guy and a minute later Apocalypse returned to repeat it all.
here you go
CoG, One Sin, either Fairy or Scorched Girl or Murderer. Honestly, many Zayin types can be used for that, you only need a third after all.
you get apop birbs gear by beating him.
Is it that bad?
Ahh so instinct is the fucking one, got it. LITTLE RED NO!
If you can't separate melting love's oneitis from clerks and agents you're fucked.
central command is actually okay as long as you can keep everyone else where they are. The clerks shouldn't mingle.
Both are fucking. The main difference is who's on top. even Repression might be fucking if you're enough of an ass about it[/spoiler}
I see you are a man of taste as well
>in the name of love and justice, I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life
Beach DLC when?
Never ever
delicious chocolate
>short range 5-7 "fast" red damage is ALEPH class? What the hell?
>[X] suppress target
I wonder what she was like as a magical girl.
>Have to work on Melting Love
>There is no safe spot except for the Bunker
Midas touch-like power where she can turn her fists into gold and do crazy kung fu watcha hyaa style
The tier level changes how the multipliers work so a 1 zayin damage won't be similar to 1 point of aleph gear damage.
have the ordeals get rid of some clerks for you if you can't do it yourself
Smoke solitude erryday
The gang’s all here
Just visit your grandma, manager
Files, now!!
>tfw no abnormality that turns employees into cute anime girls
If I solo suppress abnormalities, can I get Gebura to fuck me?
heh, no prob dakota
*zaps you with execution bullet*
uhm, manager?
this is day 8
>1.5 red suit
Oh boy.
cute bird
Aaaaaah the 2nd trumpet theme is so fucking AAAAAAAAAAAH
not nice
what is she doing?
how do I do the two promotions missions
the max i can get is 1 promotion
>no King of greed shamefully admitting she ate the whole chocolate.
more like severe defective
>Akarin's nameplate gets overshadowed
like pottery
Focus on two low level employees throughout the day.
>Someone is not being nice
Enjoy user. I made them myself
a knight isn't supposed to be this cute
Knight of Despair
More like
Knight of Altair
Since she's out of this world
After learning the AIs aren't actually cute grills or synths or holograms but claptrap abominations I no longer have the will to play. If they just started like that then by this point I'd be fully on board with it and find it endearing.
>Lae without googly eyes
she should always have fucking googly eyes goddammit
lol user you're such a fag
It's Binah time!
Hey Binah, can you call Gebura for me?
why the fuck did Big Bird get guard duty when he’s way better at killing at Little and Long Bird?
big burd was kill others too, in his opinion the animals couldn't fight each other if they were all dead.
I can’t read weeb yet but I’m pretty sure I see “cock” and “chocolate” in there.
This game is dark.
Big Bird watches
Long Bird judges
Little Bird punishes
stupid sexy tea sipping well hag
oh yeah baby
it should be balls and pulverized though
because Judgement Bird already had scales, but neither of them were the proper birbs then because Punishing didn't have his 'beak' and Big Bird had just two eyes
also presumably because he was able to make a always-burning lantern out of his original feathers
If you're still around, I'll let you decide if the Agent takes advantage of Judgement Bird after it's exhausted from special Facility Work
big Tiphereth is cute
Is there any face or hair mods for this game?
>tfw no magical girl raid boss
What would it even be like?
Can you name them all?
Binah is cute. Should I buy the game solely based on that and a fondness of old SCP?
>punishing birb pecks the shit out of my employees
>one of my level 5s says "Don't worry, you'll get used to it in time."
Is being used to this little shit pecking you every other 30 minutes a good thing?
Hey, it beats what the big one does.
pirate it first if you're unsure. There are a lot of other anons in here that went that way and then bought it shortly after.
And yes, Binah is the best. but it'll be a while before you get to her. now stop reading spoilers
it means you're learning, so it's a good thing.
don't worry too much about it
But isn't T also original?
Manager... I want to FUCK an abnormality!
Make me, I dare you, I double dare you.
original doesn't refer to their concept, and also not really to their origin. it's just a label for everything that doesn't fit under T or F
Think twice, Agent.
Laetitia is a good girl
Madoka Magica tier villainess, is only as large as a room and can't affect the whole building like Apocalypse Bird but her battle focuses on actually doing all the killing herself
I found it okay.
I lost a few times because of people pathfinding through central, but if you leave your designated husbando in the hallway it isn't so bad.
>realize she puts out more boxes than any other anomaly I have at the time
>coast through everything all the way up to day 32 basically just using her alone to generate boxes
>only missions I have access to are missions requiring breaches of HE and down
>the mercenary bitch breaches because of it
>litterally nobody can stop her even when micromanaging movement and spamming shield bullets
She is a very good girl and spoiled me rotten.
>cute as hell
>doesn't breach, just wants to have more friends
>good PE production
>gives everyone a nice hat
>negative side effect never happens if you give her a dedicated head patter with good temperance
>negative side effect is actually a positive for the employee because it means more Laetitia time
I will never not pick her on a run
I actually found the music box she has playing to be very calming after long enough listening to it.
>gives a single suit of delicious armor and two very reliable rifles in the early-mid
I wonder how it must feel to be an agent who managed to survive all the way to the end
>Be a bloke
>Have to wear a girl hat
>Everyone thinks you're trans
it was a gift from your surrogate daughter. fuck what they think. they'll probably be dead by tomorrow anyways
to be honest I'd feel so viciously empty
I've always wondered what it would be like to see a MAJOR fucking moment in history, a once in 100000 year event
I can imagine the silence. The glittering light of the Tree of Life. The tremendous weight carried though the air as history begins to creak and turn. Don't even need to talk, just the fulmination casting that golden glow everywhere...
What where they thinking?
Aww hell no. I'mm just at Day 16
>not having a manager that forces everyone to get one as well
>Barely scrape by day 8, half my squad dead and the other half desperately scraping together that last bit of energy while there's a loose abnormality roaming around.
>Only one LOB point the following day.
I enjoy starting from 1 after a total fucking disaster. At least now I know how to handle some of the wankier monsters.
>Switches to face 4/5 the millisecond before your agent pops in.
>get the mission to suppress 4 abnormalities
>my 4th escape-able abnormality is Punishing Bird
Guess I have to save this for later unless the ordeals count.
They don't count.
Just wait until you get someone easy to deal with.
at least you don't have to wear Queen's girly pin or suddenly grow new eyes on your body
Can we agree that shelter is best object?
Shit made my suppression mission go smoothly as fuck
The part where some madman shoot like sixty bullets all over the facility notwithstanding
Since my first core suppresion was successful, i'll do the other ones right away.
His EGO gift is great. Gotta go fast.
Just be careful since the next tool you pick will be Yang. Bad things happen if they break out.
>Fuck up at the end
>Have to restart the day
>do tutorial and don't really get it
>play like 3 days with nothing interesting happening, everyone just goes insane for whatever reason cause of failing work
>go a bit longer with absolutely nothing interesting happening again
Does this game end up adding actual micromanaging? It just feels everyday is just "randomly choose work on new monster until it just works and you unlock the info on it" and that's like the entire game so far.
>Freischütz gun shoots literally everything
Fuck and here I wondered why my guys randomly died.
I once hit Don't Touch Me after finishing a couple of hard quests. That feeling sucks.
>have agent camp in the hallway connected to shy cunt
>have the work grid open and mouse over the agent waiting for it to switch to a decent face
>it switches
>I click
>despite being in the same hall the little cunt still switches to a shitty face and I can't cancel
Yes. The beginning is 'safe', poking abnormalities with little Lv1 LOB agents. Everyone is kinda slow.
Eventually you're gonna get a fast-forward function, and when you're at six or so departments and have to micromanage both power production and employee Job stat gain, it can get very unbirdlike in there
You have seen nothing yet my friend.
So far he has nothing there to be afraid of
Well, user wasn't wrong
he -hasn't- seen anything yet
What's the best way to deal with our blind bird friend without pure damage when he breaches
Manager !
Send him to me so I can finish writing my goddamn porn
For realsies though(you can ignore the upper spoiler): Stay at edges of rooms and when he gets ready to DING just move everyone out. It hits hard but he attacks THE slowest of them all. Of course, if he's standing in the middle of a long-ass hallway....
Hire Little Red and while she keeps him busy, snipe his ass with long ranged weapons.
You had to jinx it
Call little red
I hate the Red Mist.
He attacks at a very slow rate but it's a roomwide nuke, kite it before he drops his test of judgement
what in the FUCK is happening
I don't see anything wrong :^)
Fuck it
Having fun yet, manager? Better hope Mountain doesn't meltdown, eh?
Core is fighting back, keep an eye on your employees stats
So is letting this cunt eat my people the only way to increase its research level?
Elevator music intensifies
I got machine that says yes/no a bunch and it killed my employee. Did it drop their stats to 0?
Throw some useless chumps in there
does the glitch still exist with Portrait, Bunker and Chang Anything?
If mindbroken employees can take Enkephalin and get better, why didn't they feed that to Yesod, isn't Netzach high or overdosing on that stuff all day anyway
Having desires for my best agent like this isn't natural
is it worth the pirate?
Yeah, no
I am getting everything I can from other one and doing memory recall
Fuck dealing with this shit
you are SUPPOSED to fail at things while you learn in this game
like it's story-relevant that you fail sometimes and start over
you're literally being outperformed by a shitty tripfag
>Spend like 50 minutes baiting out Alriune to suppress it for the Geburah mission
>End of the day realize Blue Star whirrrrred my best agent while I wasn't looking because he got a work speed debuff
last time I tested was a little bit over a month ago
you still need to juggle resistances though
>Read a long ass pixiv comic where the artists clearly ships two of his agents
>Lots of cute interactions with various abnormalities and within the team
>The last couple of pages, it's all gory terror and everyone dies in gruesome ways
what the fuck japan
That is not your agent, user
But I like that artists rainbow hair one, looks cute
that’s gnarly
Such is life in Lobotomy
>have [CENSORED]
Was it Yaoi?
Obviously i didn't draw it, but we rolled the same character looks in my last game and she became the best i had despite originally planning her as a dump agent. Which is why i was extremely pleased to see the fanart
I am not going to bother with something that has high escape chance each time you touch it and can teleport everywhere
I want art of employees winning against the abnormalities.
i learned to spam pause the closer the agents gets to the door
What Day are you on, by the by?
>return from repository
>have to spend ten minutes reequiping EVERYONE
Nope, one of the MC's was clearly girl who got cut into pieces
What caught me off guard was that it didn't have any story structure. Just images of agents doing fun stuff and cute things, with recurring characters and some obvious romance shipping between two of them,
Then at the very bottom of like 90+ of these images, that one among far more gory ones showed up.
>binahs big badongdongs
I needed that today
maybe this will help me finish day 49
It's got busted white weapons by the way, I'd recommend getting it before restarting
Don't worry, they're pretty manageable compared to some other bee/slime asshole.
Naw, wasn't saying you had to.
You just sounded more like you were COMPLETELY giving up rather than Repository or Restart, my bad
You will always be forced to choose him next
Guess his sp depleted by the end of the comic
There's lot of befriending fanart
What do you do when they get out? Just see where they're going to meet up and have everybody dodge?
Me and my bro here are laughing at all the suffering in this thread.
>meet your new employee
How does he fare?
Sure, if by "winning" you mean having sex with, and by "abnormalities", you mean Queen of Hatred.
Does core supression upgrades carry over?
>says it goes back to the most peaceful time of day
>think it means FREE REVIVES
>it doesn't
I mean it's still useful but I'm disappointed.
I don't quite get how this works. Does it revive employees that died in the meantime? Does it snapshot the time where you first work it? Or the one where you last work it? (and then you activate it)
give me some god-tier plays for this.
>but EX in all stats
>runs as fast as a 200mspd agent
>honk honk EGO gift renders him immune to SP damage
>but 1 HP
>pranks abnormalities and gets perfect results on shitty Works
>ends up fed to Fetus, cracks a dead baby joke before honking to death
>he needs the easy button
it's useful but it sounds like it's your crutch
Yes they do, don’t be afraid to rewind if you sacrifice nearly all of your workforce trying to win
No, i dont mean that, i want abnormalities to suffer, i guess i'll draw it myself.
Yin: Don't get bad results.
Yang: If you really need to use it like during a meltdown, equip it and then immediately get your employee to put it back.
Yin is immune to melee and Yang is immune to ranged. Keep calm, organize your employees, use slow bullets and beat the shit out of them. Careful with the damage they reflect back if you fuck damage types.
it just suppresses all loose non-midnight ordeals and non-boss abnormalities.
Only if it’s
Parasyte tree
Little Prince
Naked Nest
Queen Bee
If the employee is Level 5 and uses the Backward Clock when fully charged, all escaped Abnormalities or Ordeals in the facility will be re-contained or killed.
mai husbando, what a goddamn cute
>having fun comfy time
>get button for the first time, not knowing what it does