Based Toby got ZUN to release the demo version of Touhou 17 on Steam and possibly further platforms. It's planned to be released in mid-May.
Touhou 17 Demo To Be Released On Steam
Other urls found in this thread:
What’s that?
>japanese mlp
Look user, this is a bad moment, the e-celeb drama has the mods triggered and very active as result, right now they actually "do their jobs" (although very shitty) so is a bad idea doing anything.
>picture of some random 3DPD girl
>phone filename
>doesn't know how to use Google
Back to Facebook with you.
while the entire interent already forgot the exdistance of the You-Know-Who
fuck mods
This is actually noteworthy, though, considering ZUN hasn't released a digital demo version in 8 years and never on a platform like Steam before. This is going to be huge in Japan.
fuck off
I am not saying is not, but the other thread was moved and I assure it wasn't Because the image dumping because otherwise they would have just banned the user doing it.
what do you want?
you handled the situation extremally poorly, you coul've relegate it to a single thread and just warn the ones that posted the dickpic
Is this real? Source?
nope, but it will surely hit steam
Hope you know japanese
The other thread was just a general Touhou thread. This is actual news.
It was announced during a live stream event called Touhou Station.
>ZUN is taking more money from doujin creators
>ZUN is making a mobage
>ZUN is allowing touhou on steam
It's the end of touhou
>previous Touhou thread was moved to fucking /jp/
Holy fuck.
I told you not to give attention to low-quality waifupost or lewpost. They are literally cancer.
What even is the point? Can't you just go to one of the thousands of boorus or just download official arts or such?
Do weebs just have that much of a pathological hatred for their own money?
How new?
It's always been like this and it ain't going to change.
Lewdposter will keep on posting lewds, live and let live.
How gay do you have to be for it to bother you when at worst it's a free bump.
You're fucking dumb nigga.
You're talkin' shit again.
Guess the other stage bosses
>ZUN is taking more money from doujin creators
No it's not?
>ZUN is making mobage
ZUN approves a mobage made by independent third party, just like he allowed Touhou characters on PSP nendoroid game and rhythm games.
>ZUN is allowing touhou on steam
Since 2 years ago.
If those make Touhou dying, then it should be already dead.
but HSiFS has a demo user
More farm animals, I hope.
What about HSiFS demo?
Don't give (You)s to doomposters, especially dumb ones.
Considering the logo has a crab claw and dog/fox paws, I would say crab and fox
I don't even bother whenever someone start waifuposting and just leave.
If mods finally won't allow Touhou threads anymore because of them, then I won't bother making threads or contributing anymore.
I obviously meant a demo before the release of the full game. This is a very good thing for the Japanese fandom that typically doesn't just pirate the demo.
4th oni deva
Kishin chief
Yet the mods are completely incapable banning those shitposters always ruining xbc2 threads, it pisses me off.
Now, I don't really remember how things were working out, but I'm fairly sure this had something to do with ZUN still mulling over possibility of releasing games on Steam. Well, not that it's bad thing anyway. But how were japs getting trials then, if they supposedly don't pirate them?
Hatater is good as always, I see.
>people ask for steam achievement for Touhou games
>ZUN implemented achievement in WBaWC
How is he not based?
God i am not ready for next comiket
Touhou died when Zun sold out and started to sell his game on the most corporate and Jewish platform called Steam.
lol fuck off weeb
>But how were japs getting trials then, if they supposedly don't pirate them?
They buy the physical version of the demo at Reitaisai or don't get it at all.
the steam versions of all the titles already up are fucking terrible. You'd still be playing the pirated version anyway
I would think it's easier to ban people than moving threads.
This but at least I can give ZUN my gaijin money.
If I have the chance I rather buy physical copies, though.
I'll just buy a physical copy like I usually do, fuck Steam. Touhou is like the only series that consistently gets an actual physical release on PC and you drones still want it on Steam.
Japan likes physical copies.
got moved to /jp/ isn't worst case for you?
They are also looking into further platforms. The announcement tweet specifically mentions "Steam and the like". I imagine whatever other platforms they are considering are DRM-free.
So how do we all feel about Seija and Sukuna being friends again after ISC?
Sukuna is way too good for gensokyo.
He already releases DRM free physical copies which are more DRM free than any "DRM free" digital distribution platform. Don't want a physical copy? Fine, then pirate.
Didn't expect Shimmy to be this evil, though.
Sex with Youmu!
Playism, most likely
No because lewdposting is not what causes it.
Wait what eceleb? what happened? I was wondering about the sticky
>jokes on you all I was a dick all along
you would think only seija would do this
She is a pretty power-hungry bitch, at least from what I gathered from AoCF.
Remove bowl-midget
Why bother paying for demo when the full game is few months away? The full game will have things fixed from demo so you'll be playing different game.
IMO if there were no imagedump the thread might have stayed. The e-celeb issue was happened long before the thread was made, anyway.
10 bucks she is bullshiting at least half of this evil shit.
>Toby Fox
What? Is he hanging out with ZUN now or something?
Is he our western fanbase representative now?
This still feels out of character to me. Wasn't she trying to stop Seija in ISC?
Might as well be
We could have a LOT worse, to be fair
He's a massive PCBfag and while Yukari is his 2hu, when he first got into it Ran was his favourite.
He performed an arrange of Necrofantasia at church when he was a kid by ear as well, and he's the one who told ZUN about the sort of following touhou has outside of Japan.
>Otter is literally the worst shot type and the worst UFO like thingy to get during the game
What ZUN meant by this
>bombs twice longer and twice more damage
>literally invincible hyper
Is the new demo hard as fuck or am I just retarded? I got through the classic games 6 to 8, but this game is merciless, there's hardly any lives and getting more is apparently a full-time job
Shimmy tried to stop Seija because she wanted her to return the mallet's power and give up on rebelling against Gensokyo, but now that it has stopped being an issue I guess they have no beef with each other, and anyone else doesn't bother either.
Full otter let you clean all the bullets for the whole duration of spellcard/non-spell. It's broken if you can exploit it right.
Yes, I think ever since the interview a few months ago.
It's not even a joke that he's responsible for the digital demo release:
She talks a lot of shit considering I could kill her by stepping on her
This is the first time Im seeing that interview, didnt know this even happened, and its pretty fascinating.
Good tastes.
>first comment posted one minute ago
>clownpiece avatar
>reddit copycat touhou meme videos
Get out of Yea Forums
You should just focus on collecting beasts to either mow down any enemies or hiding behind 7 otters.
I actually hope this game will be more difficult for full release.
Nigga she can fly and shoot danmaku.
Look at these people running around. You ain't got shit.
what would she do if you flipped her over and trapped her in her own bowl like a roach?
I wouldn't talk shit about a flying midget with a needle, expecially if she has experience in stabbing eyes.
Just shoot danmaku and break the bowl.
Don't bully midgets or before you know it they'll go full SotC on you
>He performed an arrange of Necrofantasia at church when he was a kid by ear as well
I wonder when he got into Touhou.
Just wait until Reimu gets in Smash
Why is best girl Sumireko being a bitch?
>at church
Huh, expected him to perform it at a Synagogue
>Toby performed an arrange of Necrofantasia at church
>Matpat gave the pope a copy of Undertale in a USB
Like clockwork
I would like to see the Yama as the extra stage boss and Komachi as the mid-stage boss. I want to see some of their actual spell cards that aren't just ones from the photo games. Would it be a waste or could it be worth it?
I'd rather have a newhou desu
I'd rather have Eiki as midboss and a new character as extra
What the fuck is a touhou?
Looks like animeshit, back t reddit
Kutaka is most likely to be the Extra midboss, and the Extra is another yama or Enma, but who knows.
It's rare for ZUN to break his own rules, though.
no. but they should make a cameo in one of the endings
Kutaka, more like KUTEaka
It's natural
Everyone bullies shinmyoumaru
I think the rules for extra bosses have always been loose. 7 had two extra stages, in 13 ZUN said the extra boss could have been anyone and it had Nue as the mid boss. In 14 you had a double mid-stage boss fight, in 15 Junko and Hecatia tag teamed you and in 16 Okina appeared again.
Great, now normalfags will get into Touhou, and ruin the fanbase
Fuck you Zun!
If you mean 2008, then yeah.
Just like how HSiFS's release on steam did right?
Normalfags back then were different from normalfag of today
you sure "bro"
>another touhou thread
Fucking awesome. Anyone tried touhou luna nights? I'm terrible at the shmup games, where should I start?
How so, faggot?
>15xxxx filename
I think you're the normalfag here, buddy.
>normalfags get into touhou
>they don't make anything so nothing changes on that front
>ZUN doesn't listen to fans on what should be in games so the games don't change
>the only thing that does change is more inconsequential comments on forums and YouTube videos
Go back to /jp/
Luna night is pretty fun but short, it's also much easier than the main Touhou games. 7 is a pretty good starting point for mainline games, it's rather accessible.
They already have though, long time ago. Look anywhere outside of Yea Forums and you'll find western Touhou is all about LGBT since forever.
Wolf, Eagle or Otter?
Someone post that comic strip of everyone confronting Eika with each possessed with different beast.
Wolf you fucking pussy
Back then lets play culture and meme shit was far more smaller
Just because you got into Touhou in 2008 it doesn't mean you are not a normalfag.
according to the interview, around 2002
That's got to be a lie.
Some western cuck discovered an obscure indie in his childhood while I discovered it from meme videos during my highschool? Impossible.
Wolf is a chad and based as fuck.
Otter is a smug bastard, even if timid is passive aggressive as fuck.
Eagle is a prideful asshole.
What do you think suits more to your favorite 2hu?
Normalfags dont watch letsplay only autists do
Reimu is Wolf
Marisa is Eagle
Youmu is Otter
Is there a yeet the fucking baby image with urumi yet
I don't know, I like BIG DAMAGE WORLD OF STR so I pick Wolf
extra stage will have a new spirit, but it will be the only one selectable
screencap this
Happy mother day to all the momhus!
Wish it had more content because Luna Nights has some of my favorite controls and powers out of any Metroid-like.
Luna Nights 2 with Youmu when?
Touhou fanbase have been filled with normalfags years ago, sweetie.
It will always attract the same crowd, anyway.
I wish Kogasa was a mommy she'd make a good one
>ZUN notes that when he visited America everyone seemed to be 2-3 times bigger than him, but Toby is scrawny, just like him.
What they don't learn?
Something like this?
Please delete your image.
what would you ask if you had one question for ZUN?
Delete this, seriously.
If I ate Mokou's liver, would she die?
Unspoken Beast Spirit > Seraphic Chicken > Jelly Stone > Lost River > Stone Baby and Underwater Bovine > Grief Only Known by Jizou > Everlasting Spider Lily
>my name is not important
>duke nukem
Otter for me
wait... I think I recognize that Murasa
how was that fanartist called that draws only chibi Murasa and the Myouren Temple
it has been years...
Why the fuck he cut Urumi's left ear?
where do babies come from?
you're joking right? the stage 1 theme is really really good. definitely before lost river.
everything else is pretty accurate.
For some reason I have the feeling Toby is a Grimsokyofag.
Is Urumi the first canonically unvirgin toho?
I think so too. He does give this vibe
One of the Wakatsuki
Does ZUN aware that his shot types are often unbalanced?
>What is suwako
>What is seiga
>What is Junko
>barely survive Yuyuko with 1 life and 1 bomb left
>resurrection butterfly
lurk for 2 years before posting
Keep going friend, its the only solution
>carrying fake baby
Reimu was in the first game
Which means you had 4 bombs mininum.
littleshrimp, she also sperged out and asked for all her "art" to be removed fron danbooru
Well I meant zero lives then.
What he plans on doing when he runs out of ideas or isn't happy with them anymore.
i can't believe i'm going to have more touhous to look at
What's wrong with her theme?
>Lunar Capital is China so Clownpiece represents America
Damn ZUN
Well he is Yukarifag so that's likely
What is the full version of this pic?
Clownpiece fills my pants with patriotism.
Wait the girl dressed in the American flag represents America? What the fuck?
Why would ZUN want to appeal to Steam goyim?
What is the most fun shot type in the series?
I guess I have to go with SA MarisaB
Wouldn't Yukarifags like me not be into Grimsokyo because it makes Yukari out to be so much more horrible?
Because he just realized he has western fans like 5 years ago after 20 years running the series
Visionary Scarlet Devil Team
>not liking Grimsokyo
We need to talk
I'm a Western fan. If you are braindead to the point you need shitty botnet to play your vidya, you don't deserve anything.
Yukari having questionable morals would give her more "depth", I guess.
Do you like hurting Youkai, Yea Forums?
Is "yukarifag" a codeword for "hard vorefag" or something?
I guess there are two kinds of Yukarifags. The ones that don't like Grimsokyo because it makes her look like a monster and the ones that think Grimsokyo makes her a more "interesting" character. Anyone who likes Grimsokyo can honestly fuck off.
Yeah. The more important question is. How many 1ccs Toby has. Considering the quality of danmaku in UT. I would say, zero.
Who doesn't?
>not loving Big Sister
>Lunar Capital was demolished by another chink
What did ZUN mean by this?
I bet the only reason he likes PCB is cause he can actually 1cc it thanks to Sakuya.
Seriously though, I haven't played UT but is his danmaku actually bad or is it just too easy? I would assume he just wants his game to be easier because danmaku isn't the focus.
Why would anyone want to live in Gensokyo under the watchful eye of youkai Gestapo?
I love that image.
Sans became a meme fight but I wouldn't say the danmaku quality is terrible
The format is different too, but I think if Toby fox made a danmakufu script it could be pretty great
It's barely danmaku, they're more like minigames
Because there's cute girls.
Get in line.
they eat people.
Only some of them.
You don't want to be eaten by a cute girl?
And thats a good thing
Temple youkai are pacifists, please don't slander them
The taoists, on the other hand...
It's only a bad idea if you're a shithead who ruins the board with garbage
I've posted here for like 12 years and from memory I've only been warned twice, because I'm not a shithead and actually come here to discuss video games
Screw them, I respect my freedom.
Myouren's a sham, none of Byakuren's followers practice what they preach. Not that this is suprising from a monk that made herself look younger with magic anyway.
>she a good girl she dindu nuffin
Quick, tell me what pokemon fits to be Nicknamed sagume and that is not the ugly squid one.
They don't have to.
>T. Junko
Hey! What do you think your son will gift you for mother's day?
>Myouren Temple
Even Taoists are better than them.
>both Scarlets
>Nitori and the Kappas who unironically eat ass and feed it to their pets
who are the other confirmed people-eaters?
Stay the fuck out of the shmup genre you degenerate waifufappers!!
The attacks on Undertale/Deltarune are comparable to regular shmup or platformers, not bullet hell games. Although I like how he managed to fit the Touhou formula into a RPG and it gives me hope for Deltarune since from what I have seen it has more interesting fights, for example the battle against the jester guy looks fun.
And even if the fanbase is cancer, Undertale shares the Touhou indie spirit and Toby Fox clearly loves it so his shilling might get more people into it.
>who are the other confirmed people-eaters?
Does eating dick count?
But the undermeme cancer fanbase is the problem, they will try to insert politics in touhou.
I know, my pun has room for improvement.
That would imply ZUN gives a shit about what some white piggus say on Twitter. Just enjoy what you like and ignore the retards.
Can't wait for the other animal girls and the inevitable ranch doujin.
How do you get past Pristine Danmaku Hell?
This shit way more bonkers than that Clownpiece spellcard.
You have to dodge the bullets
>Poohou fan calling any other community cancer
How horrible, now you will have to dig tweets from nobodies to get offended.
desu touhou has never really politically interested anyone besides the paranoid fans who are afraid someone will make it political
that one meme about how the touhou plots are just reimu doing political things is like, the most political touhou's ever gotten
1) Increase reactions
2) acquire good luck from tewi
3) just bomb it lmao
That card is one of, if not the hardest card in the entire series
Reminder that even Toby hate his own fanbase.
It must be something out of his expectation.
Dammit, I guess there is not a single pokemon right now that fits sagume, Doremy the mushrana will be alone. Meanwhile, other 2hus gets pokemon fits so perfect that is not funny.
I see...
thank you
new game is uninpressive, easy as balls and has shit music. the girls are dogshit too and putrid looking.
i might come around to it but as of now it's looking like another ufo flop.
embarrassing t b h
.......what are your other pokemon fits, by the way?
Touhou has politics that involves religion and relationship between youkai, humans and gods. It's just not relatable to normies who are more concerned with sexual and color privileges.
>Undertale shares the Touhou indie spirit and Toby Fox clearly loves it so his shilling might get more people into it.
Touhou shills itself just fine, though. You shouldn't measure it's popularity by number of circles doing smut on Comiket, because one ship-themed touhou killer was leading for few years straight, and where the fuck is it now?
If anything, it's good those meme-attracting things like Kankolle and FGO exist, since they help us see who's actual fan and who's simply fishing for money and personal fame.
Can't really argue with you there, I'm not very attached to the new girls either.
>new game is uninpressive, easy as balls and has shit music. the girls are dogshit too and putrid looking.
I think it's the shot types, ZUN just keeps making them more and more overpowered in each game.
change DDC to "DDC with a broken Shift Key," seriously Reimu A and Sakuya A are silly if you mash their focused
>game with literal save states
>pinnacle of difficulty
>playing on point device past the 1st playthrough
The fact that it has to have a mode with savestates just so casuals can ''''''''''beat it''''''''''''' proves it's the most difficult.
Doesn't change the fact that it still has them, if you wanna include self-imposed challenges then it's definitely not the hardest.
Even if we pretended the legacy is the only way to play the game then it still doesn't matter. The game showers you with so many resources that you can literally perfect the first 2 stages and then just bombspam the rest of the game without thinking.
People who think LoLK is le hardest game have never actually tried to beat it in lunatic or a high difficulty.
>enter Touhou thread
>everyone's discussing the gameplay and the lore
>not a single porn pic
What the fuck's going on in here?
Do you find non-humans ruling over human society behind the shadows acceptable, Yea Forums?
post feet
/vg/ shitposters are sleeping
>People who think LoLK is le hardest game have never actually tried to beat it in lunatic or a high difficulty.
Because the game is known to be easier on Hard/Lunatic difficulty?
>Yea Forums is so shit, they have to literally steal content from /jp/ for their "discussion"
Daily reminder that /2hug/ is the superior board of Touhou discussion.
>playing point device mode
>thinking you've beat the game because you played baby mode - training wheels edition
>implying shitters everywhere didn't get perma stuck on clownpiss because they reached her and blew all their bombs and actually had to try dodge her attacks, only to realize that they're too shit to pull it off and so they had to start again after being hard walled for hours, forcing them to ration their bombs just to get past her
>implying there aren't streams of people being stuck on certain spell cards for hours on end, not even just clownpieces either, but doremy and junkos
lolk is on a whole other level lad
>literal who shitter thinks his opinion on difficulty holds any weight
oh i am laffin'
imagine talking about desperately bombing everything to survive and then thinking people give a fuck what you say lmao
fuck outta here shitter
actually wait, post your lunatic 1cc, i want to kek at your bomb spam
post your lunatic 1cc tough guy
It is thanks to the graze mechanic, did you even play the shit game you're trying so desperately to defend?
Nigger legacy mode showers you with resources. Don't pretend it's any easier.
>le post your lunatic 1cc xD
I can't believe Yea Forumstards still fall for this meme.
I can literally steal any replay from the internet and you have no way of proving it isn't mine.
MaZe-sama please let me bare your children.
>The 2hus are going to hell
She's going to be in, right?
Reminder that only trannies like miko
also post more fairies
Why do you put TD above PCB?
>Do you find non-humans ruling over human society behind the shadows acceptable, Yea Forums?
I'm gonna say yes, because I don't want to go to jail
Even more never ever than Mima
But I'm not defending the game?
The tranny hu
Why is Touhou so progressive?
*ahem* you forgot another Hell resident
go watch my world record shitter
i've LNN'd every game in the series as well, meanwhile you can't even vanilla clear the games lmao
>Nigger legacy mode showers you with resources. Don't pretend it's any easier.
no more resources than any other game. post your replay shitter.
>I can literally steal any replay from the internet and you have no way of proving it isn't mine.
then what are you waiting for? post your replay you little faggot lmao
you're unironically a shitter who thinks he can discuss difficulty with me. i'm literally loling forever tbqhwy
haha i love mima xD
Lolk in legacy showers you with resources
It's piss easy if you aren't going for LNN
>still didn't post any replay
Kill yourself tranny fucker
Fairies will bow to grandmom god
>Replying to your own post
LMAO you're so pathetic dude
MaZe is my daddy god I wish my dick was as big as his
More like a big clit lmao
How big is it?
welp, good thread ruined
all it takes is one guy
maze is the reason why Yea Forums threads are so awful
>go watch my world record shitter
>i've LNN'd every game in the series as well
There is no player that speaks english, has a world record, and has LNN'd all the games.
imagine the state of this tranny
imagine being this upset that you'll never be able to clear the games vanilla while crying at your superior who has a wr and has lnn'd games on stream
imagine the smell lmao
absolutely SEETHING tranny detected.
this is what samefagging looks like -
>The game showers you with so many resources
if you're going to hide your tears try not making it so fucking obvious kek
Having MaZe posting in your thread is good fortune
At least he talks about the games
>Plain Asia that low
t. maze the tranny
Based MaZe. God I wish I was him
>le funky Alice song at the top
>Plain Asia at the bottom
Whatever is in my trash can right now is more valuable than your opinion tbqh
ISC is a TERRIBLE game with an AWFUL protagonist.
Isn't maze that pedo who cheated on his wife?
>after 22 windows releases I'm free!
thats projared
fairly accurate actually but maybe Ichirin is a bit too high
How can MaZe ever recover from this?
Here's the proof you can beat lolk while failing every single chapter
You're pretty smug for being an ignorant scrub
Pretty good shitposting tho
can at we at least agree Heartfelt Fancy is the best stage 4 theme?
Stage 3 boss theme ranking
Doll Judgement > Flower-Studded Sake at Mt. Ooe > Candid Friend > Seraphic Chicken > Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17 > Plain Asia > Traditional Old Man and Stylish Girl > A Pair of Divine Beast > Eternal Spring Dream > Rigid Paradise > Lonesome Wolf
Funky is good, I forgot how Plain Asia sounds like again. My memory is kinda wonky right now.
You have shit taste and nobody cares, kill yourself
>There is no player that speaks english, has a world record, and has LNN'd all the games.
there is, me. don't talk about shit you know nothing about my casual little shitter friend. also there's plenty of us who have lnn'd all of the games.
has there ever been a more concrete way of outting yourself as a shitter than saying something this retarded?
im a chad, lad.
>10/10 charisma irl
>toned as fuck body
>better at video games than everybody ever to exist
>won every single fight i've been in both irl and online
>famous which makes shitters and trannies seeth
how do i stop winning so hard lads?
takes some skill to pull that off and that autist plays lolk non stop for years since it came out and he's still worse at the game than me and he hasn't even pulled off an lnn
absolutely embarrassing, i hope that isn't your own vid you're shilling
I like Illusionary White Traveler better but Heartfelt Fancy is up there.
Also this
>already has the best stage 3 theme
>also got a ballin stage 4
it's not fair
Git gud you tranny cuck
Yuugi theme is underrated.
My nigga.
>assruined tranny in literal shambles
you can't make this shit up lmao
>it's a LoLKek vs DDCuck thread
MaZe let this thread stay on topic and let us discuss Touhou instead of shitting up this thread for no reason. You're better than this.
Hello Maze
Grief Only Known by Jizou is by far the best track and it's a crime you ranked it so low. Dumb walfasposter.
A TDcuck actually
>Go to get a bite to eat
>Come back
>It's a MaZe thread
So who is YuugenMagan, and if it is the 5 eyes, do each have a mind of their own?
MoF's OST is god tier.
>assruined tranny in literal shambles
you can't make this shit up lmao
>it's MaZe vs Shotty shitflinging
A wise man only sit back enjoying the show
The DDChad
The LoLKek
>posts one of the worst stage 6 boss themes
What did he mean by this?
Go back to your super mario 64 autism
>won't even post her glorious honkers
One job user.
2 of the better games in the series and discussion of them should be actively encouraged.
you know somebody is kino at the games when their favourite games are those
you know somebody is dogshit at the games and probably struggles to vanilla clear if ufo or mof are their favourite games
ain't my problem if people are getting up in arms about being called out. if you're going to discuss difficulty you need to at least have some cred, lad
nobody gives a fuck what a shitter who bombs his way through the games has to say about difficulty lmao
>broke him already
hard kek tbqhwy, time to consume more estrogen you perma virgin tranny lmao
what's up bro
Shit taste
>hard kek tbqhwy, time to consume more estrogen you perma virgin tranny lmao
Just stating facts
where did this meme come from
Read the description
And reconsider your skill
Basically every veteran thinks lolk is not that hard if you bombspam your way trough
Pay no attention to that shitter. He posts that in every thread and each time he's ignored.
Mima will never come back for a very simple reason: ZUN introduced Youmu to fill the void she left.
Think about it: Youmu is meant to give the player the perspective of a spirit and was the first playable "green" character of the Windows era. And now she even visits Hell and with two mean personalities at that.
>Yea Forums
People seem to debate Touhou games' difficulty while not realizing they're arguing over separate concepts of difficulty even when they blatantly mention their metrics. I guess it's something to do with the classic arcade vs more modern game design ZUN is moving towards, but then you also see people judge older games like EoSD more roughly due to it aging poorly.
There is difficulty in the actual obstacles, difficulty for the whole course, and difficulty with restrictions. Some games are harder or easier depending on which metric you judge them by solely. LoLK is notable for having the option to ignore the course rules and lets you challenge each obstacle in it individually similar to the Photo games and ISC. However nobody judges those games as being easy.
It's actually very modern design for hard games to abuse checkpoint systems. In old days, arcade systems abused difficulty due to their payment model. It was literally the first instance of pay2win, but people don't bat an eye to games carrying over this model without the arcade coin payment parts despite it being outdated and enforcing repetition. In that way, their design has to be limited so that a singular run is doable without any single part breaking it. Bombs and lives also facilitate this, which is why doing without them is the expectation for judging the game's underlying difficulty. Regarding pure difficulty in actual obstacles, no game will come close to a game that is designed with immediate checkpoints as that gives the developer the ability to go wild.
On the purist metric of NBNM Legacy, LoLK is leagues ahead in difficulty. However as a game itself, beating it is not that extreme of a feat if a person knows how to utilizes bombs and lives well which is a skill trained by the other games.
I hope you enjoyed this 100 word essay that was due yesterday.
ZUN also did it with Tojiko.
>got caught in his tranny discord erping
>'i'm not a tranny though i swear'
oh i am laffin'
>every veteran
i'm the best player in the world, you posted a literal whos video who autistically played lolk for a year before pulling off that 'simple solution' to lolk
LoLK >>>>>>>>>>> DDC > SA > EoSD > TD =/= UFO > IN > PCB > MoF
Haven't played the newer games.
>got caught in his tranny discord erping
Are you projecting again? I've never touched discord
Just 1ccd normal IN, what game should I move on to next?
DDC >>>>>>>>>>> SA > IN > PCB > EoSD > HSiFS > UFO > TD > MoF >>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LeLKek
Have played the newer games.
>flustered tranny spic in shambles at being called out
you and your friend were literally caught erping as seija and nue - tranny edition
wish i still had the logs to post t b h
You do bring up a good main point, which is just how nebulous things tend to get when people try & rank the Touhou games by difficulty.
I assume people go by ranking the game's difficulty on Lunatic, with everything at their disposal, which may of course involve a shot type people consider broken.
Cringe. I bet you've never had sex.
Post proof right now or you're the tranny erping
>tfw this is the demo I've most enjoyed in quite some time.
Whether or not my taste is shit, I'm glad it's doing something for me.
I did have sex with your mother
>wish i still had the logs to post t b h
If IN is the only game you've 1cc'd, then PCB.
>you and your friend were literally caught erping as seija and nue - tranny edition
Holy shit is this true?
I want to believe
Big cringe.
>Claims bullshit
>Has no proof
>Was just talking about himself
I only 1cc'd PCB and IN, should've specified, sorry
It's a bit on the easy side, but it's pretty fun regardless. Just feels satisfying to have powerups that can enhance your focused shots/bomb/unfocused shots.
Then go for EoSD
>Claims bullshit
nah let's be honest it is real, i still have the pic somewhere probably but my pc is unorganized as fuck, tried looking for it before but it ain't happening yet it seems
it's true, seriously
it's the same little bitches who avatarfag as seija and nue, dunno who they are since i barely post here but they got outted as honest to god trannies
it was comedy gold tbqhwy
>wanting to be someone popular in a fanbase where popularity means almost nothing
To be fair, MaZe is well known in far more than just the Touhou circle.
>nah let's be honest it is real, i still have the pic somewhere probably but my pc is unorganized as fuck, tried looking for it before but it ain't happening yet it seems
Do you really expect anyone to believe that? Are you fucking 12 or just mentally disabled?
Yo maZe, considering your actally someone else who plays the game, what did you think about the demo?
Thank you
I don't play the games
>i barely post here
New bad
He already said it
>Get to listen to MaZe shitposting
>Just rolled up a fatty
>Listening to this
This is going to be a good day.
UFO is better than TD
These threads are comfy but they're so inconsisten and they go wrong more often than they go right. It's unfortunate
MaZe has the tighest boypucci
PCB is best because youmu and the music is great
>going to Yea Forums for touhou discussion
>literally shaking right now
you UNIRONICALLY cannot make this shit up lmao
underwhelming honestly. i might warm up to it at some point in the future but it feels weak for now.
I nmnb'd that shit after an hour and then did the same but without using the little ufo things shortly after. just like in ufo those things break the fucking game, they're broken beyond belief and need to be heavily nerfed.
music is subpar too, but i usually say that about every game until i listen to it more so we'll see
>and ruin the fanbase
It's like IOSYS all over again.
FUCK Youmu. Seriously, fuck her. She's harder than Yuyuko.
The key is to ignore them and leave when things get really bad instead of fueling them and incite them to go back.
It's something that's always annoyed me when people debate difficulty. Souls games for example, I enjoy them, but their difficulty is both typically overstated and understated due to various reasons. They reward planning, consistency, and caution, however properly utilizing(or as others would call it abuse) certain mechanics will let people trivialize the game. It's actually very similar to Touhou games now that I think about it. "Use resin", "bomb more", things to get by learning and executing how to dodge an enemy's attacks.
Another related topic is roguelikes or roguelites. They generally enforce course rules, one life, no second chances, and a majority of difficulty comes from lack of knowledge due to random generation rather than things purely difficult on their own. However if one actually learns all the obstacles possible and the tools given to mitigate them, then they also become trivial in many ways.
Finally, there's games like IWBTG. Also hell platformers in general. Impossible challenges are nothing if you can try and try again. Difficulty ends up being more dependent on distance of checkpoints or length of a specific challenge. The realest and most impossible challenge that one can pose is probably a no death run of one of these games. Stuff like Impossible Mode IWBTG are things people simply don't expect to be done. Well until speedrunning autism entered the gaming scene. I think those guys actually have no death runs of even harder fangames.
>I'm a fucking tranny and I love big black cocks up my boypucci
What did you mean by this MaZey?
Git fucking gud
Hey, at least this is every once in a while. Xbc2 threads instead get shitposters every fucking time.
Fuck off MaZe, go back to ERPing with your tranny friend on discord
Threads are alright when bad posts get ignored. This is unfortunate though, because it's two conflicting autists stumble on each other, so their shitflinging fills up the thread.
t. MaZe
so i was always scared to get into touhou because it has like fucking 200 games and most of the fanbase is japanese, should i play the demo and continue from there ? or is too late to start playing touhou
>Don't want a physical copy? Fine, then pirate.
Some people want to give money to the dev and not getting a physical release, dense motherfucker.
>tranny AND he daydreams about getting blacked
yep, that's definitely a tranny right there
l m a o
Get out of Yea Forums
You can start at literally any game
>I daydream about getting blacked
Tell us more, MaZe
How often do you get fucked by your discord tranny friend?
What makes MaZe so much more famous than any of the other super players?
>Wanting to give money to someone without getting anything in return
I'm not the dense one.
Start from Touhou 6, 7 or 8, but it's okay to try the new demo since it's not that difficult.
He uses his skills for evil
alright i will try, thanks user
>when you first meet youmu and the music times up perfectly with her charge
Because he has to shove it every time. It's forced popularity.
Die of a heart attack already Gabe
Fair enough, I like the music though
He says while posting an EOSD shitter.
i'm not the one who literally got caught erping with his tranny friend in discord, that would be you my spic friend lmao
imagine how pathetic and replusive you'd have to be to turn tranny and then to pretend to have sex with another man over the internet
imagine lmao
because i am unironically the best. it's not even up for debate.
only people who are upset by this are shitters who are seething because i'm everything they're not lmao
>i'm not the one who literally got caught erping with his tranny friend in discord
Yes you are MaZe, the fact you're still trying to push that despite having zero proof shows that you were actually projecting the whole time.
If you don't wanna get humilliated any longer I recommend you stop posting and learn to pick your fights more carefully next time so you don't get so BTFO
>gloating about your accomplishments
You're the worst kind of a person there is. Zero humility.
>PCB borders that are super easy to control since animals don't despawn unlike UFOs
this is the biggest thing that needs to be fixed among how long bombs last with otter
so let's be honest here, what went so wrong with the new game? let's go over it again
>negative levels of difficulty (like the game it's based on)
>shit tier music
>shit tier girls
>shit tier setting
am i missing anything?
you always get btfo though, that's why you always leave mid way through because you either lack the fortitude to go against somebody of my supreme calibre, or you are genuinly seething about being called out for your tranny ways
it's comedy gold either way t b q h w y
feels so good to be me to be honest, why am i so good at fucking everything i do?
how can anybody even compete? i bet you've never even had sex either lmao
>it's a "two unlikable shitposters who normally ruin everything decide to ruin each other while still ruining thread" thread
I mean, it's only logical. You can only get BTFO by me so many times.
>le new game bad
Why don't you just git gud for once? jesus christ dude, you're an embarassment to creation
EoSD is the pinnacle of 2hu and it will never be topped. You know I'm right and you can't prove me wrong.
More like MaZe ruins everybody as per usual. These are my favorite Yea Forums Touhou threads.
I don't necessarily mind the easy to control part and I appreciate the animals spending a longer time on-screen, but I do feel like ZUN should nerf the effectiveness of the 'trance' mode, especially for Otter. Also agreed on the length of Bombs.
>Yea Forums
>favourite anything
Looks like you're just retarded
Do not bully Youmu
>two unlikable shitposters who normally ruin everything
Each one on their own can be safely ignored, though. It happens a lot more than you think.
>popular game bad
You may not like it but this is what peak touhou looks like.
i've liked all of the previous new games though, my assruined tranny spic friend
this one just so happens to be terrible
do you like it because it's piss easy enough to allow you to beat it? did you manage to 1cc the demo yet lmao
I'm gonna start by ignoring this shitposter :^)
She's objectively shit. She didn't deserve the spot as a selectable character.
>my assruined tranny spic friend
Tell us more about him. Why do you always let him fuck you? are you the 'woman' of the relationship?
>Be MaZe
>Hunger for attention
>Get it whenever you want
How does he do it?
All the games are great except Impossible Spell Card. Seriously what a terrible game, the Spell Cards weren't even impossible
IN is the best overall game.
Post characters stronger than the watatsukis
>do you like it because it's piss easy enough to allow you to beat it?
It's definitely harder than that TD extra you like so much,
t. seething VDkek
It's ZUN following the trope of replayable stage 5 bosses after Sanae and Sakuya. Reisen will return in a future game for the same reason.
Any change this demo being playable on Epic Store?
and here he is, his tranny boyfriend cheerleader to try dampen the blow of getting BTFO
l m a o t b h
>previously admitted to wanting to be blacked
>caught erping with another man on discord
you literally rolled a 1 on life lmao, you can't make this shit up
>It's definitely harder than that TD extra you like so much
it unironically isn't though
fuck off Seija
>Literally no arguments left
>Starts calling me random insults
>Thinks TD is harder than anything like a fucking newfag
The absolute state of maze the tranny
Here, have another pity (You)
>and here he is, his tranny boyfriend cheerleader to try dampen the blow
At least one of these post is Shotty samefagging
I mean you're right, but she hasn't been playable for 8 years.
...but she's had a lot of fangames during that time...
Actually you know what, yeah, fuck y*umu.
t. MaZe
you are factually a spic and a shitskin though and you are factually a tranny, there's nothing random about it
post a picture of your shitskin hand, let's see it
one is the nue poster who he got caught erping with, he's not posting his usual nue pics because he is shitting himself lmao
the absolute state of this tranny squad
>calls me spic
>uses Dragon Ball reaction pics
Oh the irony...
You're such a fucking retard holy shit
>MaZe so powerful that people are literally quivering at the thought of other people posting and claiming it's him
You lost maze and no amount of samefagging will save your ass from your own retardation
>just wanted a healhty touhou thread
>nothing but shitposting and discord e celebs like this....
>terrified of posting his hand
oh no nono nonononono tranny bros....this can't be.....
imagine getting this triggered from a reaction image lmao
literally and unironically not even me.
he's right though, dry your eyes you tranny abomination, it's over you're seeing me everywhere
literally rent free lmao
>just wanted a healhty touhou thread
>on fucking Yea Forums
mate, are you 12?
MaZe is the strongest not even Cirno can compete.
This thread is unironically incredibly entertaining tbqh
I'm whiter than you, tranny beaner
>i-it's n-not m-me
You're so pathetic dude
How can you go on with these shit arguments for hours and not get bored? I can't believe you find genuine enjoyment out of this perpetual shit flinging.
It's all so tiring.
I want to be MaZe.
>Great, now normalfags will get into Touhou, and ruin the fanbase
The fighting games already ruined the fanbase over a decade ago.
Says the guy wasting his time to watch it
When are you gonna begin your transition?
It's the other way around: ZUN introduced characters he wanted to make playable later as stage 5 bosses until Touhou 10.
That's why Sanae is still the newest addition to the playable characters in a mainline game after ten years.
You're just living in denial if you think that Youmu is a less notable character than Sakuya or Sanae.
Where do you think you are?
>I'm whiter than you
oh no nonononononoonononnononono LMAO
the absolute state of this shitskin
post your hand lad, what's even the big deal
you could have asked your tranny friend to post his hand to you, or is he a filthy spic too?
>plot twist
>MaZe and Shotty are both tranny spics
>the one Shotty was erping with turns out to be MaZe
this whole thing can probably be considered them getting along honestly, not actual hatred at each other, I bet they love this
their entire goal is to go into touhou threads to shit them up by being assholes at other people, and now they've found each other like its fate
>thread becomes ranting about discord trannies and shit
garbage. lets talk about how this game has some possible nice new 2hu;s in it
>no shitposting and discord e-celebs
>threads reach image limit at 280 posts
Autism makes people do the same shit over and over again and they never get tired of it. So guess what happens when two spergs get into a fight.
What do you expect from 2 conflicting massive autists?
Why are you so obsessed with trannies and spics? You sure love to project and use facebook tier normalfag reaction images
It's too late buddy.
Thanks MaZe, very cool
Why does MaZe keep posting after getting BTFO multiple times?
Does he have brain damage?
>Does he have brain damage?
Trannies are always mentally unstable individuals.
What said is probably true, but I'll give it a go just for you.
I quite like all the newhus this time around. Their designs are all quite appealing and they have entertaining interactions with the PCs, which is all I can really ask for.
why are you so assruined about me calling out trannies you literal shit eating pleb? the only reason i can see is if you're an offended tranny
not long now before you kill yourself
you're the one who stopped responding after getting crucified
embarrassing display of samefag t b h
This sounds like the sort of shit shotty would write to try elevate himself onto the level of MaZe.
Brain damage BTFO by another brain damage.
It's like I'm watching circus.
You should become part of the 40% already mazey
You'll do the whole world a huge favor by doing so
/vg/ crossboarders bringing drama into Yea Forums threads. Sad. Just like the state of /vg/, it's pretty funny when your board is so bad that even Yea Forumsirgins can laugh at you
>shitposting and lewdposting get ignored
>thread is comfy
>Yea Forums making fun of any board
That's a good joke user
thought the exact same thing tbqhwy. who even is this guy lmao, i just know he's both a spic and a tranny and he posts in the vg threads all day every day like a sad cunt
i am unironically eternal
you're the one who needs to worry about hanging himself when you realize that your tranny boyfriend just ain't cutting it and no female will go anywhere near your spic abomination ass lmao
i bet you got bullied in school
Man I love Yea Forums and I love maze, he's my favourite transgender poster!
What if MaZe and Shorty have babies?
2hug is a laughing stock of a general.
>He keeps projecting
To be honest I'm not surprised you got bullied in school.
Being a shitskin trans back in HS must have been pretty hard huh
all generals are laughing stocks except cuhrazee general which knew when to die
yeah dude, just look at the quality of this thread. Yea Forums is definitely the best place for touhou discussion :^)
When does the Shotty x MaZe doujin come out already
Attention to all discord trannies in this thread. Go join the 40% you degenerate mutants.
>maze vs shotty
this thread reminds me of a scene from TGT....
/smtg/ was pretty good. Well, it was the last time I browsed it around 2 years ago. It might have degraded in that time.
Imagine being a full time Yea Forumsedditor
>that room temp iq post
embarassing t b h, is that how you deal with the anguish of being a shitskin tranny who got bullied in school, by just repeating the same thing back lmfao, that is pathetic in all honesty
>gets bullied in real life
>gets bullied on Yea Forums of all places
you cannot make this shit up LMAO
Well because you and MaZe are posting in it, thank you :^)
amazing thread you fucking retards. we were talking about the games until someone brings up trannies and shit.
>My posts are literally too high IQ for his pea sized tranny brain
I almost feel sad for you desu ne
Please someone post a pony, we need more autismos ITT
Did you see it when Shotty made two threads about DDC on /jp/?
yeah dude, 2 posters made those 500 shitposts amirite? :^)
I've got you senpai.
imagine being so much of a victim and a brainlet that you can't even argue back so you just spend the entire thread repeating the same thing back
so this..... is the power.... of trannies....woah...l...m....a......o
Thank you MaZe for BTFO'ing Shitty. I love seeing him getting destroyed and I hope you stick around for future threads to keep him in place.
>Shotty lets himself get bullied and embarrassed by MaZe just to get people to join his garbage general
Is there anything more sad than this?
The amount of conversation you two have is enough
Keep seething, your shitskin tranny ass already got BTFO at least 10 times in this thread
Discord trannies fuck off
Take your drama back to your ERP shitholes.
Historic Yea Forums thread. I think only crack kun and lee fighting can beat this tbqh.
Reminder that "shotty" is "seijafag" from /2hug/.
Thank you Shotty for BTFO'ing MaZe the tranny. I love seeing him getting destroyed and I hope you stick around for future threads to keep him in place.
And Yuukafag from old Soku thread
oh nonononononon look at that post lmao
look how weak and pathetic it is
look at the top of his head LMAO
imagine thinking that just replying to me is you 'hanging in' when really you are just outting yourself as a teary eyed tranny who is trying to save face infront of the people that know you from vg
Ya know I should've posted a bait picture to attract Lee's bot.
Also Crack kun is still kicking around?
Why does anybody even argue with MaZe at this point when he manages to win every single time without fail? Was it autism or just people trying to topple the champion?
>He puts actual effort into his shitposts
How fucking sad is that? I honestly expected something better from you but I guess you can't ask a shitskin tranny brainlet for more.
>imagine being so much of a victim and a brainlet that you can't even argue back so you just spend the entire thread repeating the same thing back
Hmmm. Yeah Shotty is seething.
Seethe harder
Is that general really lead by that shitstain? Even more reasons not to join it.
Shotty here, I actually make these threads on Yea Forums to ruin your day :^)
>gets reduced to being a bumbling mess making 1 line replies just to save face
absolutely embarrassing
this is your mindset on estrogen
Cool, I actually enjoy discussing Touhou on Yea Forums. I will never join your shit general though.
Your general is dead and filled with ERPers, nobody gives a fuck about it.
LMAO, you think I need a wall of text to get your sorry ass BTFO?
You really are mentally retarded, but I guess all shitskin trannies are.
>I will never join your shit general though.
But user.. You are posting on it right now :^)
/jp/ will always have the best gameplay thread anyway
you always try wall of texts first, then after your weak tranny ass gets tired of getting mauled you make these 1 line posts, desperately waiting for the thread to end so you can go dry your eyes, dilate, ask your tranny boyfriend to cheer you up and sooth your hurt fee fees to stop you from killing yourself
imagine trying over and over again to win an argument vs me and failing every single time
imagine how this shitskin tranny looks irl
imagine the state of it lmao
imagine being a virgin forever
>imagine this
>imagine that
>imagine these
Dude, just how fucking butthurt are you right now?
Stop being a baby and learn to accept your defeats, especially against someone who's clearly more experienced and mature than you'll ever be.