2009 >Demon's Souls

>2009 >Demon's Souls
>2011 > Dark Souls
>2015 >Bloodborne
>2019 >Sekiro
are FromSoft dare I say, the developer of the decade?

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>all games are repeat of themselves

niggers are not relevant here user

They've made a handful of other games user.

>perfect track record
>make Sekiro


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that's why he's a nigger

All they keep making is souls games.

>The same game for twenty years

so is zelda but

To be keep the perfect streak going

Nah, they got stinkers that people ignore because they didn't leave Japan such as

yeah and they're discussed non stop on this board I'm sure

They're certainly my favorite developer of the decade. Solemn video game experiences with satisfying gameplay and exploration. I'd buy their formula for the next 20 years if they keep up the quality.

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Shhh, we don't talk about that here

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No shit. Every company is like this. Go through Sega, Capcom, Nintendo, etc, and behold the kusoge nobody talks about.

They are definitely God tier, that's for sure.

>the developer of the decade
doesn't mean much in an era where only half-finished buggy shit gets produced

Im on the fence on buying sekiro
Is it up to par with the with the rest of the souls bourn series?

I'm not talking shit, I'm just honestly asking.
We know that Bloodborne wasn't really finished and it's still great, but were any of the souls games unfinished?

There are more differences between between Skyward Sword and BoTW then there are in the entirety of FROM's catalogue. Not to mention they also make games like Pikmin and Mario, proving their versatility as a developer.

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The problem with souls games is that they are like every other modern game: casualized and utterly boring to play

People always act like they are oh-so difficult, but in reality they are only slightly above the average casual AAA shit.

>only make one game for a decade straight
>it isn't even good

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Really the only major difference is the world and a new combat system
It still has soulsborne shit in it like bonfires and estus flasks

Demon Souls was supposed to have one more world
The final areas of Dark Souls were unfinished and rushed

Every other game franchise. Every other game. Every developer.

>doesn't mean much in an era where only half-finished buggy shit gets produced

Sounds like they fit right in.

It's up to par and then some since putting pressure on your foes is more viable than ever. I'd pirate it and then get it on sale, though.

>but were any of the souls games unfinished?
The DS2 that got released was a freaking alpha build.

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>a nintendkiddie
always defending nintendo

>all fps are the same game too

>makes the same game 3 times
"DeVeLoPeR oF ThE dEcAdE"

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All of them.

>I tYpE LiKe tHiS
go back

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Got a giant ass backlog anyways so i can wait

not yet motherfucker
not until they make another armored core game they're not

>"DeVeLoPeR oF ThE dEcAdE"
>Reddit tier meme

is it summer yet?

>Japan Studio- Demon's Souls
>FROM- Dark Souls
>Japan Studio- Bloodborne
>FROM- Sekiro
The best games were made by sony's dev team. FROM is responsible for reusing Japan Studio's engines and assets to create rip offs.
>This kills the fromnigger

When you look up the definition of unfinished, theres a picture of Lost Izaleth next to it.

damn user
you are the smart one

>20 years
learn to count

botw is the only one different from the rest, all the others are the same, took them near 30 years to mix up the formula again, well, not counting Zelda 2.

you know that From make more games than Dark souls and this, right?

>the entirety of From's catalogue
so you're including 3D Dot Game Heroes and Metal Wolf Chaos in that right?

>3D Dot Game Heroes
That was only published by them.

They sure are a developer, i'll give you that.

damn you right

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I'm ready for FromSoft GoT KINO

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What happened next?

arguably better because everything is focused and has a purpose unlike stupid shit like miracles and sorcery

Fuck off Yea Forums

This bitch acts so high and mighty, what has she done in the series besides being raped though?


She is considered the greatest strategist in the series now. No. I am not joking.


Yes they are

Do you play Dark Souls for the pvp? If not, buy Sekiro. If so, buy it anyway.

>make the same rehash game 6 times

What did she strategize?

I mean fuck, Arya at least had all that training (which I hope lasted at least some years) and even then, I won't be satisfied if she's not killed by the faceless god until the show ends, it's not like the author to just make a super powered bitch and let her roam free and do whatever she wants, everything always has consequences.

I mean, I know the series turned into feminist wet fantasies by idk the 2 season onwards, but...

Souls 2 and 3 prove that even From can make mediocre shit. Solution; these dudes should never make direct sequels.

>2009 >Demon's Souls
Fantastic game.
>2011 > Dark Souls
Good sequel.
>2015 >Bloodborne
Cringe and reddit.
>2019 >Sekiro
Good elaboration on core concepts.

From most finished to least finished

DS1 > Sekiro > DS3 > BB > DS2 > DeS

(keep in mind that DS1, despite being at the top is only about 75% finished.


most finished to least finished

DeS > Sekiro > BB = DaS1 >>> DaS3 >>> DaS2

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>Not Rockstar or Naughty Dog

>Demon's Souls
Good, but very experimental.
> Dark Souls
okay evolution of souls, but mediocre as action games go

Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2 = Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro

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>demons souls

The only ones that matter

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Are you actually retarded? Go fucking google their catalog and never post on this site again you fucking smooth brain mongrel

>The problem with souls games is that they are like every other modern game: casualized and utterly boring to play
Your criticism is bland and lacks substance. Is Dark Souls really that much easier than NES Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden? No, it's fucking not.

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Drop sequeero and i agree

>Dark Souls 2 = Demon's Souls

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I always felt that DaS/DeS was 3d classicvania done right as far as combat goes.

There's nothing unfinished about DeS, they just had to cut one of the worlds.

I wish this meme was accepted here because I like it more than the old "hurr durr developer of the decade", even if it's a classic.

Dark Souls series is ok, it's a bit too tryhard for my tastes though. I think by now the formual is getting stale and I think they should make some changes in order to appeal to a broader audience:
-New weapon types like murkrets or a medievil bazooka and you can take cover for things that are shoot back at you
-Parts where you have to run away from a huge enemy and the huge boss chases you to a turrent and you use it to kill him
-Other parts where you can use turrents on loads of people or even a catapult
-You can see how many kills and deaths you have in pvp and the more kills you get unlock extra abilities for you and new skins for your weapons and armour
-Free running and climbing up on sthings
-You have a npc partner and he is an ethnic and he makes jokes and he gives you estius flasks and stuff when your in trouble
-If you get backstabbed or parryed you can press a button at the right moment and you do a counter
-Bosses arent just running around hitting them you can get to like press buttons at the right time and it does damage
-Vehicle sections like on a horse and cart or a boat or like a stone age motorbike and gliders
-When someone invades it asks you if it's ok and if you press no then they are sent away
-You can go into peoples houses and talk to them
-If you get hit then dont get hit for a while your health comes back
-You can have a romance with someone and even it can be a man if you are a gay
-Better support like map packs for arena and new weapons and amrour or better versions of weapons and armour in the game
-Moderators chosen from popular members of the community, they will monitor for poor sportsmanship and ban those they feel are a negative influence on the community & metagame
-Some people need you to get things so you can go get them and bring them back and they give you souls or items
-You can get a pet and they go around and find items for you and secrets so you dont have to search around so much

Armored Core V sucked ass too.

>more finished than sekiro

lmao archstone nigga

>Doesn't list Armored Core 4A

Pleb filter activated

Yes, and those other games were part of series that were repeats of themselves

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They need to fix their damn input issues first before adding new shit. It's fucking 2019 and Sekiro STILL has these types of issues, what the actual fuck from

>-You have a npc partner and he is an ethnic and he makes jokes and he gives you estius flasks and stuff when your in trouble
You could've just told me that you weren't being serious.