Kill huge boss

>kill huge boss
>achievement unlocked: the bigger they are...

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achievements names are always cringy, I don't know who unironically cares about them

>next mission starts by their corpse
>achievement unlocked: the harder they fall

Fuck you, the jokes not funny and I haven't done anything in the level yet

Reddit fags

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>kill an even larger boss
>achievement unlocked: ...the bigger they fall!

>achievement unlocked: ITS OVER 9000!!!
>achievement unlocked: all your base are belong to us

Or any outdated shitty meme

>the bigger they fall

>get to fire boss
>"ICE to meet you!"

>achievements reference internet memes

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>High fantasy game
>Equip necklace or ring
>Achievement Unlocked: Blinged Out!

Referencing memes in general is a mistake. Just look at Guacamelee

I read this shit in Charly's voice

>unlock all achievements
>achievement unlocked: achievement whore

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>kill loli boss
>Achievement unlocked: The Smaller They Are...

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i don't get it

it's like I always say.

achievement unlocked: what goes up...

achievement unlocked: out of the frying pan...

>kill loli
how could you

You mean, Borderlands?

meanwhile, in postal 2.

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>play sequel
>achievement unlocked: here we go again...

>get hit by Ice Boss
>game freezes
>restart game
>Achievement Unlocked: "IMMERSION"

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>achievement unlocked: with friends like these...

Fuck off, it all depends on the translator. The speedrun trophy for Strider 2014 had a Space Balls reference in it in my language version that wasn't in the english one.

>...the harder they ball

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>skeleton boss

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Nobody cares ESL fag

I mean postal is a postal, it's always great, I wish they would made proper P3

no hablo americano, hombre

>fire themed boss

>kill the very fist enemy
>achievement unlocked: first blood

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>kill an enemy with a knife
>achievement unlocked: knife to meet you

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>Make the same thread every fucking day
>Retards circle jerk over it and make their own shitty greentext variation of the OP post instead of calling OP out for being a gigantic massive faggot
I always fucking cringe at this stupid kind of post and at the idiots who participate. You should all go back to Voat.

personally ever since they started taking screenshots with achieving them they became a nice addition.

Platniums where also a great way to take advantage of all those ADHD fags

>Finish a stage that may or may not have been hard depending on your level of skill and multiple other factors
>Next stage starts, which may or may not be equally as difficult
>Achievement unlocked: Out of the frying pan...

>Do something really embarrassing
>Achievement unlocked: I did it for the achievement...

he mad

>get +10 sharp weapon in demons souls
>obtained faggot trophy

>companion kills an enemy
>"Better you than me."

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that reminds me when I played the darkness 2 yesterday

>protag managed to get away after getting captured by villain
>achievement unlocked: back in the saddle

>character loses it
>achievment unlocked: heads will roll

>Finish that stage
>Achievement unlocked: Once more unto the breach...

Faggots who think others look at their profiles

>playing shitty generic western game
>achievement unlocked: "I'm a retarded fag who plays shitty generic western games like a dumb retarded bitch."

>player character gets set on fire
>have to dodge roll multiple times to get rid of it

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This actually works, I've tried it.

>kill a second enemy
>achievement unlocked: first blood part II

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