Is he the most pathetic killer in dead by daylight?
Is he the most pathetic killer in dead by daylight?
You´re so sad
Nah, I would say The Pig is. Especially after her RBTs got cucked in endgame collapse patch.
Pig at least is great at ambushing
That's not Legion
No, the pig is
>make a character who relies strongly on midgame and extremely heavily on endgame
>remove this completely
Her gimmick is gone, she's second only tl legion. Freddy is doing rather nicely with his fucked hitbox and soon to be released rework
Yes, but freddy literally can't attack you right away 90% of time even after finding you
He literally relies on people not waking up each other
I hate that shit so much. God forbid there is one killer that can use the collapse to their benefit in a fun and fitting way.
You can either use speed addons, use overcharge (failing skill check reduces gen by 25%) or let them lead you to more surivors so you can sleep state them all. They gave freddy a permanent survivor aura for that waiting tradeoff and i think it's more than worth it. Freddy isn't as shit as people think, he'll never be Nurse/Billy levels and that's the way this game should be
All killers have the same hitbox and M1 range. It only looks fucked up because Freddy is a manlet with short arms.
Haven't played in a few months, what'd they do to Pig?
Functionally, Freddy
Looks-wise, Legion
Freddy is objectively shit. Yes you can win with him but his power is a handicap not a strength. That is what makes him the worst killer.
Personally i enjoy him, slug builds and fucking with people via insidious is great for laughs but either way his rework soon should buff him. At least he's not the worst anymore, that goes to piggy now
>be pig main
>your traps dont go off automatically at endgame, survivors can walk out with traps on their heads
>but hey, you get a skin you have to pay for so that makes it all better
Based DBD devs
Fuck killers
t. Survivor
>>your traps dont go off automatically at endgame, survivors can walk out with traps on their heads
Pretty sure they still can't
The rework could easily make him worse. Sadly the DBD devs don't have a good understanding of their own game.
Glad I dropped this shit. Thanks for the info
Yes really. Only a gen can activate them ant traps placed after 5 gens stay deactivated and you can leave with them on.
I really wish Friday the 13th had been the one to survive.
If you play him as regular M1 killer and use the "muh 8 seconds" argument you're beyond saving. You play Freddy b6 bouncing back and forth. He's a better Legion with huge stalling potential. Slap Discordance on him for maximum information gain and always use range addons.
DBD has it's problems but it's a polished diamond compared to the problems plaguing F13 to this day.
t. faggot who doesn't know how to play him
So you'll score big on gatekeeper and all 4 escape.
They shouldn't have stalled on the Jason X character and map.
I'm not so sure. Has DbD fixed the infinite loading screen bullshit that happens every 5 matches? Because that was happening for a very long time and affected playability far more than anything that ever plagued F13.
All 4 escape if you're a garbage killer. 8 don't play at red ranks anymore, but when I did I had almost no issues with him. SWF as per usual fucks with you but every killer is weak to SWF and 80% get looped too. Freddy doesn't need Ruin either. Once again if you play him as M1 killer who has tunnel vision you'll lose.
They are reduced in the current build and 3man games won't even start. I had 1 crash in 4 hrs myself and maybe 2 3mans
What does m1 means?
imagine playing this fucking trash zoomer hide and seek game
Mouse 1, standard attack. Retards complain about "muh 8 seconds" and will only ever sleep 1 guy and chase them down. That's not how you play Freddy. With Fred you bounce back and forth.
>implying anyone hides in DbD
The game is all about slapping on 4 perks that let you take hits without taking damage and then zooming around the map rushing the generators while maximizing the amount of time it takes for the killer to catch you and forcing him to spread his attention between all 4 of you.
Freddy will always be the worst killer as long as you need 7 seconds to even hit someone
t. retard
This, at least I could make my own fun and do light RP in F13 with a really fun community and 80's waifus. DbD is the same, tedious, arcadey bullshit it's always been and it gets boring after a 1000+ hours. I can say i've had way more fun with F13 in the 800+ hours i've played it than the 1000+ hours i've poured into DbD since beta and release. I still have a group of friends I play custom games with on Friday in F13 and it's still a blast.
Don't mind me, just posting the best killer.
>Easy to use; hard to master.
>Fun skills
>Challenging for survivors
>Fun skills
I too enjoy struggling to stalk someone out in the open twenty feet in front of me because the game is wonky as fuck. Myers is only fun if the survivors don't know how to break stalk.
Can someone please tell me why you would even play Micheal or Pig anymore now that Ghostface is going to be a superior version of BOTH of them. I guess if you like them though but that's about it. Devs are honestly fucking retarded with licensed killers powers, they're always so mundane and easy.
they made a game where you play as Mrs. Voorhees and kill the campers from the movie?
Freddy makes no goddamn sense in these settings, he kills people in dreams
Uh..cause it's pay to win? Why would they give balanced perks for money? How can you be THIS new?
Good argument.
I don't think they had Mrs. Voorhees, but it would've been kino.
don't play dbd but freddy is awesome so it's a shame they fucked him up
What isn't a good argument is to complain about the 7 seconds when you're a rank 15 shittress main.
What makes Ghostface superior to Myers?
oh so it's about Friday the 13th part 2 which was an awful fucking terrible abortion of a movie? Ms. Voorhees turning out to be the killer in Friday 13th is what made it popular yet somehow everyone thinks Friday the 13th Part 2, which is an insanely shitty money grab, was where the series became popular.
Hello there.
>better stealth
>blends in better
>can use exposed crouch with it
>power looks faster to charge than Myers' stalk
Probably some other things i'm forgetting too. I just wish he would've been more unique rather than a complete upgrade/mashup of Pig and Myers.
If you don't play DbD then how do you know they fucked him up? People who know how to use Freddy don't bitch and complain. Also, every Killer is easy as fuck to play, just slap Ruin, No One Escapes Death, BBQ and Chili then Thrill of the Hunt. Boom 4k everytime.
Ghost Face doesn't work the same as Myers. For one his stalk is unique to each survivor. IE stalking one survivor only Exposes them.
>15 seconds of broken status
>compared to myers 1 minute of tier 3
Oh boy i sure am glad ghostface's power lasts less than 1 pallet loop
>better stealth
This is wrong because he has very limited amount of time he can be stealthed for
>blends in better
Depends how animated the ribbons will be
>exposed crouch
I haven't heard anything about this ability?
Only if you rub your face against walls
>power looks faster
Its faster but single target. I feel like good survivors are gunna spot him first or the heartbeat is gunna fuck him
Have some Ghostface gameplay. He seems unique enough to set him apart from pig and Myers
Killer perspective:
Found the NOED no skill baby.
how little joy do you find in your daily life user?
Yea buddy not that guy but I'll stop using NOED when survivors stop using MoM and Adrenaline.
Found the genrushing baby who doesnt know what planning ahead is
>Thinks killer is easy
>runs noed
checks out
NOED literally does nothing if you actually cleanse all the totems.
>sucking at 95% of the game = planning ahead
>be playing against "superior killer" who relies on noed (you can tell because no ruin and playing wraith)
>snap 4 of his totems, find the 5th
>wait for the last gen to pop so he can listen to me destroying his faggy totem
>insta dc's
Adren needs to be earned and isn't guaranteed, you're 100% guaranteed to get NOED unless you kill everyone before endgame. MoM needs to get nerfed/fixed.
You are really teaching me a lesson here with your random gibberish.
These guys thinking that you can make sure all 5 totems are gone while playing solo without wasting half the game
Fuck off swf fags
>everyone thinks Friday the 13th Part 2, which is an insanely shitty money grab, was where the series became popular.
No, everyone thinks Friday the 13th Part 3 was where the series became popular because that was the introduction of the hockey mask.
>what is endgame loadout with remember me, noed and devour hope
Run small game if you hate NOED so much.
>only 1 endgame perk, NOED
"haha guys I'm totally playing an endgame build"
Same to you retard.
Freddy can't:
>protect/grab totems
>protect/grab gens
>protect/grab doors
>protect/grab hooks
>block basement
>interrupt hatch escape (not relevant since last patch)
>has to wait 7 seconds before he can start attacking effectively giving everyone a free sprint burst
>survivors can wake themselves up even during a chase by failing a healing skillcheck or adrenaline triggering which gives them another free 7 seconds of safety
Dealing with all these disadvantages Freddy gets:
This is incredibly strong on the low ranks and against players that prefer to hide all game but gets less valuable later on.
>extreme action slow down while people are asleep.
Very useful and would be really strong if waking up wasn't so easy to accomplish in various ways.
>invulnerability to body blocking.
Slightly useful against SWF.
I don't know how anyone can deny that Freddy is pretty damn awful when weighing all of these.
Yes you can mitigate this somewhat with some of his addons but when you're comparing killers you should take their base abilities into account.
I haven't played in over two years. I stopped because the fanbase was starting to get on my nerves and I chose to stop with good memories rather than keep going and end up hating the game. Is it worth going back? Buying all the DLC I missed will be kind of expensive.
T.Claudette main who runs small game. Get on my level and get some friends instead of bitching about them holy shit. People like you are what would have killed this game
>Adren needs to be earned and isn't guaranteed
Bullshit, you don't "earn" it by getting lucky that the killer chased someone else more than you. That's luck, not skill. Also the number of SWF faggots who use it is infuriating because they can use it SO much more efficiently when they know exactly when it's going to trigger. On top of that what is the counter play? You can say it's "earned" but what is the way for a killer to counter it? You yourself pointed out the only way is to kill all the survivors before the gates are powered. Why should someone be guaranteed to escape once the gates are powered just because they lived to that point? You mine as well just end the game when the generators are powered with your logic. There it literally no way to counter Adrenaline except NOED. Good SWF will use it and body blocking to insure you can't get anyone downed after the gates are powered, even if you were already chasing an injured survivor. I can't for the life of me understand how people like you think Adrenaline is some skillful "earned" perk but NOED, it's only counter is unacceptable.
>MoM needs to get nerfed/fixed
I reiterate, I will stop running NOED when these perks no longer exist or are changed. Until then there is no other counter and SWF always use it and they are the only groups actually hard to play against.
How can 1 m- kid be so wrong.
Are you retarded. Do you not know what remember me is? Play the game some more and get back to me
The community is still the same as it was 2 years ago. You either enjoy the salt or steer clear.
>Buying all the DLC I missed will be kind of expensive
just wait for a sale
You can buy the non licensed DLC with the same currency you used to buy perks from the shrine. So if you do get into again you don't really have to buy it all.
You're actually retarded.
>it gets boring after a 1000+ hours.
Who can seriously mean this shit? You sound extremely retarded. Of course something gets old after 1000 fucking hours. That's not a complaint.
>haha 1 endgame perk
>2 are listed with one that plays well around it
its remake freddy anyway, so not worth playing even if he was good
>it gets boring after a 1000+ hours
>1000+ hours
Listen to yourself man. Any budget game that can drag that many hours out of people is really good.
>I could make my own fun and do light RP in F13 with a really fun community and 80's waifus
>800+ hours i've played it
I'm with you that F13 was an absolute blast when playing with fun people. But only when playing with fun people. If you're stuck with a bunch of griefing Russians like it was ever since they enforced regional matchmaking the game is absolute gutter trash. At least DBD has a fun core gameplay loop that you can get enjoyment from regardless of the people you play with.
99.9999% of people DO NOT run actual endgame builds a la remember me/warden, instead they use normal perks and slap noed on top cause they're garbage.
>90% of matches you play as survivor
>90% of the match you hold the interaction button on generators
If there had been a offline bot match mode I might buy it but it's just impossible to get to play as killer as is.
You really debunked me there pal.
user why are you pretending to play a game you don't play
>Can someone please tell me why you would even play Michael
To attract gamer girls
I'm on my phone in bed, I'm not gonna type an essay on why you're a retarded Spirshit/Huntress main.
Everything Freddy can do they can do better but I'm a tier 1 Myers main pal (which is still stronger than Freddy).
Photoshopped af nobody has that clear skin EVEN with makeup
I'm saying where as DbD is stale, I can still keep playing F13 and not worry about getting burnt out. They honestly just need to make some new gamemodes like multiple killers or for for fuck's sake different fucking objectives. The only appealing aspect that keeps people playing is the grind and competitive environment along with multiple licensed characters and new content.
I wouldn't say all that, I mean sure there are times I do have fun with the game but it's more of a bully simulator than anything to me. It's also annoying to purposely derank myself to have people who diversify their builds and playstyles. I just want them to actually try something new. As for F13, I can actually still have fun with ruskies and randos especially when they get fucking mad. I guess it's just more fun because i'm an immersive kind of person and I love horror. It also has different ways to win which is fun and nothing like get out of jail free cards besides pocket knives which are relatively easy to deal with. All in all it's just different strokes for different folks. DbD if you want a competitive or arcade style game with a horror skin, F13 if you're after a more immersed and cinematic type experience.
>Using a picture of yourself as a steam ava
Freddy is tracking and stall king (except certain dic builds) and if you play him as tunnel vision killer you'll lose, easy as that.
okay freddy
Middling player here, I main David and clown. Currently got nea, Meg, David and ace perks unlocked plus trapper, leather face (I actually got him for Franklin's cos fuck swf teams) and clown perks unlocked. Currently prestiging David but who should I go for next? Thinking claudette and hag however the moment Ghostface comes out I'm so buying and playing him.
I need a break from killer, who wants to do some swf
Reminder that Dwight is the Chad survivor
What makes you say those mean things about me? Freddy is a decent, no, pretty good killer in the right hands even at higher ranks. You just don't know how to play him.
SWF simply should have either never been added or somehow blocked all forms of third party communication between teammates which is impossible without making the game malware.
>Freddy is a decent, no, pretty good killer
>not just adding action speed penalties the more people are SWF
Based retard.
Are women truly that ignorant of personality that they husbando the single most evil person on the cast?
I play Freddy a shitload dude and you are kidding yourself if you think he's better than half the killers in the game. The only killers he is ARGUABLY better than are Wratih, Pig, Trapper and Legion. Even then who is better will greatly depend on add ons/perks and how the survivors play. I would consider him tied for worst even with his best add ons along with Wraith and Trapper.
Stay in your locker where you belong
He's easily in the top 40% when played right.
Every killer is shit but billy/nurse on red rank, otherwise you can play whatever you want
Hey. wrath was buffed enough to be playable and actually killing people
Trapper is fun gameplay wise, unlike freddy who seething 90% of time because he can't attack anyone
>watch noob3 say "freddy is trash dooooood" and now everybody parrots this
You will never convince rank 10 shitters user
Billy gets looped for days.
At least they underestimate me and I get easy hits then.
All the ways to win boil down to jogging items to objectives to repair them. It beats holding mouse 1 until you have to run circles around pallets for a bit I'll give you that. The pocket knives are get out of jail free cards but there are also health sprays and broken perks. Not to mention areas in the map where a Vanessa can literally run circles around a table for 20 minutes and Jason will never catch up. The main problem is that in DBD the only way to really grief someone is to crouch up and down rapidly as a taunt. And that's enough of a thing to make a large part of the community total crybabies. Meanwhile in F13 the ways you can grief the other players are so numerous you can write a book. From micspamming to helping Jason to placing traps at windows to running away with items, crashing the car, running over your teammates, literal tbagging on someone's face, taunting emotes that are far worse than crouching up and down. F13th was killed by it's own community.
Why are achievements so useless
not even rewarding the player some shards or bloodpoints
these devs are truly the worst
Wraith is who I was talking about when I say it depends on how survivors play. You need to not chase with Wraith because you won't win them with 90 percent of his add on builds (though you can do some cheesey pallet break builds that work better than you might think using the add on that reveals him after breaking a pallet) so what you need to do is hit someone from stealth, rehide and then do it again. Problem is that if survivors catch on they will likely start group healing each other and body blocking which ends up wasting your efforts most of the time, all while the gens slowly get finished. I actually think Freddy is fun he is just undoubtedly bad, especially if he has no purple add ons or above. Few killers are as reliant on rare add ons as Freddy. His non purple ones basically do nothing while his purple and pinks make him usable at higher ranks.
>not doctor
>Be Dwight
>Natural leader
> be based around a team playstyle were you lead
>love pizza like a normal guy
>have fashion clothes
>all DBD girls are falling for you
>Be Jake
>playstyle based around being alone like a idiot loser
>probably smell really bad
>clothes of a homless outcast sad man
the only two that get close to Chad Dwight are Ace and Ash
I can agree with a lot of this honestly even though my stance is that F13 is better to me. However I don't agree with F13 being killed by it's community rather Illfonic being stupid and the lawsuit on top of the fact that they didn't prioritize things like content and the engine update right. Things could've been better if they were more open to their community about things that were going on internally and they had a better dev team. Why are black women fucking cancer on both games?
If you want to have a discussion about this stop using vague bullshit like that and explain to me why he is better than Doctor, Myers, Huntress, Clown, Spirit, Nurse, Hillbilly because that's half the killers and is without a doubt worse than all of them. Especially since Freddy needs purple add ons to be decent and any of those killers become even more amazing with one of their purple add ons.
Does anyone actually wanna play some dbd. Rank 1 Feng main here, will borrowed time the shit out of you from noed and then save myself with deliverance
>At least they underestimate me
>hear children singing
>Start laughing
>Don't even try to hide because who cares
>Freddy notices me and makes me asleep while I running
>Still continue to run and just avoid any teammates as much as possible
>They repair all generators and open door
Game really would benefit from button to turn head back and scream "LOSER" while running away from killer
I was listing the killers who I view as in the same tier as Freddy, I think Doctor is decidedly better especially if you compare Freddy using rare add ons to doctor using his rare add ons. Unless you are saying you think Doctor is also in that bottom tier? The only killer who I also think is that bad that I forgot to list is Bubba.
I think you're forgetting the real man David.
I said he's IN the top 40%, not better than them.
I'm still on phone, in bed. Add me on MySpace if you wanna get a lenghty explanation.
>No David stop, please don't do it! YAMATE
>we're gonna farm forever's you off the hook
>Dead hards past you as killer swings
Why is David such a chad
>bubba is bad
If he's in top 40 percent then he needs to be better than at least one of those killers. Offer me an explanation on how he's better than any one of them, take your pick.
>I'm still on phone, in bed. Add me on MySpace if you wanna get a lenghty explanation.
Don't bother posting if you aren't going to have a discussion, you just waste my time and yours.
Is this a joke. See me on Discord and I'll school you
Does maxed out Urban Evasion make you go faster than normal running speed? It kind of feels like you do, but I'm terrible at judging these things.
The killers you mentioned are all in the top 40 though.
>They repair all generators and open the door
>get hit by NOED and Freddy finally gets his first hook of the game
>this would normally be a turning point for any other killer to make a comeback if the other survivors are retarded
>but not Freddy, NOED totem explodes but even if it didn't you make it out of the door before you fall asleep
>there's people in this thread that play anything else than omegablink nurse
yikes desu. no right to cry about muh swf muh genrush when you're scrub cucks that hold back
He's better than all the other bottom tier killers I listed but he worse than a lot of the killers I didn't list if not all of them. He has no way to counter looping and every killer like that is in a lower tier in my opinion because it's the one thing you will struggle with against competent survivors. The only good killer who can't stop looping in anyway is Billy because he has the most insane map presence and a one hit down and he can break pallets from afar while also using said map movement. Bubba only has two of those things and can get looped for days. Also if a survivor is good then good luck sawing them after they removed tinkerer. You can still catch people out but if there is a window nearby and they aren't brain dead then you have become an M1 killer with no power.
Holy shit dude do I have to teach you basic math now? If Freddy is in the "top 40 percent" as you claim than he needs to be better than more than half the killers, or in other words 60 percent of the killers must be worse than him. I listed half the killers so if he is int he top 40 percent he MUST be better than AT LEAST one of them. So who out of that list is he better than? If the answer is none then he is factually not in the "top 40 percent" because he isn't better than 60 percent of the roster then. Holy shit dude this is embarrassing that basic percentages need to be explained to you.
You listed 6 killers.
No it probably just feels that like how an increased FOV on killer can make you feel faster even though you aren't.
So now I have to teach you to count?
> Doctor(1), Myers(2), Huntress(3), Clown(4), Spirit(5), Nurse(6), Hillbilly(7)
Count those for me user. You cannot be serious right now. I have trouble believing you are actually this dumb.
I'm going to bed now. Byebye faggots. Add my MySpace.
It's because you're still using a crouching animation that was meant for half the speed. You just look super fast.
No user wait! You haven't learned how to count to 7 yet!
Leaving because you just realized how fucking stupid you were ey?
Six, s-i-x killers.
lol dude, you got rekt
Myers, Huntress, Nurse, Hillbilly, Spirshit and Doc.
What is going on in this thread?
So you are saying the Freddy is better than Clown then? Good after 10 posts we finally got somewhere, no try to explain why little retard user.
You didn't count Clown you massive retard.
Better than what?
topic about dead by daylight
>freddy shit
>Dwight is a Chad
>developers cucked pig
>ghostface cucked myers and pig
They should put Brundlefly or Evil Ash in
Bedtime for lil ol me, add my MySpace guys.
People who can't count is what.
Bedtime for me, lads. Add my MySpace, thank you kindly.
It's interesting how any discussion of DBD always heavily revolves around balance and which killer is better. In my experience the actual balance variables and perks don't matter as much as your playstyle. How (un)sportsmanlike you play mostly, how good the survivors are and whether they are using 3rd party communication and complimentary perks. Obviously using something like an ebony mori or iridescent hatchets has an even bigger impact.
As an example of what I mean. If you choose to hook someone, heavily patrol them and make sure they go down quickly again after getting unhooked you will win pretty much every game in practice. Most survivors don't want to do gens all game and abandon their teammates. They would rather go down or disconnect. Playing like this has far more impact than what killer you play.
So does anyone actually play or do you all just shitpost. Gimme the discord or steam account bois
Actual vidya discussion. Horrible, I know.
I'm not playing with someone who posted a discord link, fuck off.
F13 is better than DbD
how do they deal with the fact that ghostface was actually two people the whole time?
or are they just gonna ignore the actual movies like with the other licensed Killers?
jason wasn't even the killer in F13, so unless it's a game about running away from a middle aged lady then it's probably a piece of shit
Most people or at least for me, are talking about from a perspective of good players. When you talk about nay games meta you always assume you are talking about the most skilled player base. For example
>If you choose to hook someone, heavily patrol them and make sure they go down quickly again after getting unhooked you will win pretty much every game in practice.
This won't work against smart survivors who know to just finish all the gens far from the hook. Good survivors don't go to unhook right away (unless they are really close and the killer is leaving) they wait it out and do work on a gen to force the killer to come over to them or one of their teammates Once a chase starts with someone else that's when you go for the rescue. You may not see survivors play like this most of them but as someone who mostly plays killer in red ranks, trust me that this camping strat is not a fool proof as you think. I will agree that "tunneling" is a good strat and that's exactly why I put it in quotes because I have no idea why people consider a smart thing to do in a competitive game "scummy" other than they don't like to lose. Heavily paroling though is a bad idea against good survivors. Gen rushing fags need to constantly be forced off their generators or they will finish and you will end up with 1 kill.
There are more F13 movies with Jason as the killer than his mom.
Who cares if he wasn't the star of the first film.
Okay grandpa, I'm sure people are just lining up to use myspace
Probably the same way they did with Pig or Legion. You play one character, anybody else isn't there.
yeh aren't those like..the worst ones?
I'm not even that guy, I just don't join Yea Forums Discords because their all cancerous. The one he posted is literally called "The Yea Forums"
Honestly, facecamping that one survivor who you can tell is a tryhard is more satisfying than getting a 4K. Double points if they send a salty message afterwards. Triple if they disconnect.
discord is just cancer in general
Are you calling every single sequel "the worst ones"?
Indeed. I only have it to communicate with my IRL friends because our Teamspeak server died and the friend who owns it didn't pay for it again.
>Part 6
>one of "the worst ones"
I know it's bait but you're still retarded.
I mostly brought it up because the Freddy defenders in this thread can't seem to grasp that and keep talking about playstyle when everyone is talking about killer potential. The way they play Freddy might be very effective but that's only because in the real world you're not up against optimal survivors teams all that much.
It doesn't even need to be optimal
Even if he can see every survivor in dream, it's literally impossible for him to catch anyone who knows that to do, no one relies on stealth on high levels anyway
>playing bad form killer is the only way to win
Kinda sad, really, no wonder the community is nothing but salt everywhere.
I just want find people to talk to DBD about and use meme builds. How am i supposed to do that if the Official dbd discord is a hugbox? Wading through the shit I've gotta eventually find some decent people here
>spawn next to freddy and go down fairly quickly
>friend goes down to "lag" just after
>one guy afk and the other d/c's after freddy gets him
I bet that killer was happy
Don't use Discord and make friends in the game. Better yet, invite your own IRL friends to play with you.
I get what some of them are saying because I actually do play Freddy and I will say, I think some people do play him wrong and underestimate him as a result. He's still bad but like the Wraith you need to not go for chases. You need to use your stealth and the thing he has that the Wraith doesn't, his ability to slow gen progress. It's why I like the Class Photo add on actually, it makes it extremely possible to get all 4 survivors in the dream world at which point they must fail generator skill checks to wake up if you don't hit them, so you don't except the guy you are chasing. You also need to use the vision the dream world gives you to quickly switch targets to people who think you are chasing someone else. Like I said, like the Wraith you need to just not engage in long chases and use ambush tactics instead. Freddy is shit but it is also true that there are good ways to play him that many of his detractors have never even tried.
They didn't fix the problem for like a year, and any new update fuck the match making
It's reduced greatly and games with less than 3 people now go back to the lobby. The bigger issue is there is no rank loss for survivors when they quit so get ready for half the survivors who are hit first to quit
>I will agree that "tunneling" is a good strat and that's exactly why I put it in quotes because I have no idea why people consider a smart thing to do in a competitive game "scummy" other than they don't like to lose
The problem is "tunneling" basically doesn't let one of the 4 people in the game play at all for the match. The killer is the only player with the potential to look at other players and say "You aren't playing this match, enjoy your no points and wasted 10 minutes." You can't possibly not see how much this can be frustrating for the guy on the receiving end, right? Especially if he's SWF which means he'll have to wait more than ten minutes because he can't just go find another match after he dies. When someone has the potential to completely ruin someone else's match for the sole reason of "I MUST WIN I MUST WIN I MUST WIN" its understandably in very bad form to do so.
>use meme builds
Play Killer and you don't need Discord. Agitation, Iron Grasp, Monstrous Shrine, Trapper. Enjoy your basement only build where nobody escapes ever.
If he swf, that means he completely cancer of game who more likely uses discord/ps party, which completely breaks game
I disagree. I play survivor as well and any time I died super early like that I felt responsible. The only exception is against god tier Nurses. Straight up face camping is the only thing I really see as a dick move. Also if you are being tunneled it's partially on your team too, good team body block tunneling killers which forces them to hit someone else and in many chases forces them to chase that other person because they are closer, unless they want to risk extending a chase by going after the person who is further away. It's funny you bring up SWF because that's the last group this should be an issue with, body block the killer if you know he's refusing to attack you and you should know if your friend you are on voice comms with is being tunneled. But nah dude I don't think that you being unable to escape a killer means they have the power to deny you a game. Learn to actually end chases by getting away and hiding. I especially have 0 sympathy when I chase people back to a hook, they unhook their teammate in front of me and I just insta down their teammate who then often cries "tunneling". Too many survivors think the hook is some kind of safe zone and it's laughable. You can't play however you want and expect to win.
Women are oddly drawn to serial killers. Look at Ted Bundy who got love letters sent to him by women that had never met him. I think I have heard it described as them thinking they are vulnerable but also dangerous, perhaps even under the impression they can tame the killer inside them. It's really weird. Probably some left over psychology from the days we were hunter-gatherers and had a warrior culture.
this is dumb
discord is fine, just don't use the official discord I guess
not when spinechill exists
>"You aren't playing this match, enjoy your no points and wasted 10 minutes."
You could argue the same thing about people who loop killers like the Wraith who have no ability to stop it. There is literally nothing you can do but chase them around and break all the pallets. It's not the duty of the other side in a competitive game to make sure you have fun.
Dead By Daylight has licensed characters? Neat.
Of course if someone unhooks somebody right in front of you they full on deserve getting put right back in, I'm talking about close patrolling just to purposefully go after one specific person the entire game long because you felt like ruining his day in particular. Also survivors outside of SWF have no say on when they get unhooked at all, its mega frustrating for them to have a teammate ruining his game for points while you punish only him for something he had no control over and his teammate gets away with free points while he gets zero.
Then looping is the same problem tunneling is, and the devs should do something about it.
They did do something about it, they gave you metal of man, borrowed time and d-ickhead strike
pretty sure those are considered legitimate tactics by the developers along with facecamping
I mean, the game is still alive, it's just not getting new content. It does need some regular balancing though, because 90% of the matches are either killing Jason with experienced players, or new players trying to kill Jason at the expense of everything else.
>Then looping is the same problem tunneling is, and the devs should do something about it.
You don't understand this game at all. Looping is literally one of the only aspects of survivor gameplay. If they did something about it they would be removing what little skill there is in playing survivor.
Chasing survivors IS is the killer gameplay and getting chased is the fun part of survivor gameplay. Holding M1 on a generator or mashing spacebar on a hook is both mind numbingly dull and any round where you do that for most of the time brings you closer to uninstalling.
Looping may have been a problem when it was first discovered as an unintentional way to play and could literally be done endlessly but it has since then become the core gameplay of DBD and balance, map design and perks have all come to revolve around this aspect.
Don't get me wrong it's incredibly frustrating not being able to win a chase and have that pay off of finally dragging their ass on that hook. But chasing survivors, through all their loops and until they run out of things to throw at you or you mindgame them is what the game is. If you hate that part as either side it's best to just move on to another game.
i second this
I don't
You completely missed the point I was making. I was saying if you think killers "tunneling" is a problem because it's not fun for the survivor then you must have the same opinion about looping a killer like Wraith who can't stop a loop. I made this post where I agree with everything you said. I am not advocating for the removal of looping I was making a point that you can't get angry at an optimal strategy when both sides use them and when both sides can be denied their fun by said optimal strategy. My entire point was the same one you are making about looping, if you hate tunneling that much and can't learn to use certain perks to avoid it like Iron Will or D Strike then you should move onto another game.
The chase IS killer gameplay. Being tunneled is denying survivors their gameplay. There's a fucking difference.
They have a couple last I checked. I think the pig is from SAW, leatherface, freddy, Michael Myers, Ash Williams, and Bill from left 4 dead.
When /best slasher/ getting in, guys?
You're effectively saying that the Wraith can't win chases and therefore has to rely on anti-fun tactics to stand a chance by preventing chases from occurring at all. I can agree with that but I'd rather you don't play Wraith at all because he sucks rather than rely on that.
I disagree. You are making arbitrary definitions of what each sides "gameplay" is. To you a killer getting looped the whole game isn't being denied his gameplay but a survivor who gets caught and sacrificed three times is. No killer enjoys chasing and never catching a survivor just like no survivor enjoys getting caught three times in a row. In both cases it's on you though, git gud my nigga. If you can't escape with the perks I mentioned it's not the game that's the problem.
I'll put it another way if you still think your logic makes sense. For survivors getting chased IS the gameplay. It doesn't matter if they die, their gameplay is getting chased.
What's the best Killer currently?
Well that sucks because that's not how a game works. Thus why you should move onto other games if you can't stand the tactics that are expressly permitted by the rules.
Nurse, it will always be Nurse unless they rework her or introduce another killer that invalidates pallets completely. Billy, Spirit and Huntress are all good too. Honorable mention to Clown and Myers.
I would enjoy it just because of how interesting it would have to be but that's also why he likely never will get in. He'd require either really silly animations like him throwing someone on a hook or lots of special adjustments to the normal game.
>Still can't get the mouse input to be normal and not feel like I'm using an analog stick despite using a mouse.
>Still can't disable in-game music.
>Still completely useless perks. 10% faster hook timer on basement hooks, wow so good!
>Still game ruining perks like decisive, self-care, deliverance, BBQ.
>Still having nurse teleport change and ruin the entire game meta.
>Still unbalanced roster of killers.
>STILL pay to win even though the game isn't free.
dead by daylight is a shit game
>Still game ruining perks like decisive, self-care, deliverance, BBQ.
These perks are small time now. Mettle of Man is the new game breaker.
Fount Monto
Yea but it's a shit game that created a new genre so it will remain popular till something does it better. Many games have tried but none have gained the same popularity which I think shows none have been as good.
>>Still game ruining perks like decisive, self-care, deliverance, BBQ.
Literally none of these are an issue anymore. They have all been nerfed, redesigned or given counters.
friday the 13th was better.
Not really. I liked it but it had pretty terrible mechanics. It's really not fun to die right away because Jason can teleport to you and insta kill you. I stopped playing I don't know how much they changed it with patches but the core gameplay mechanics were really unbalanced, even more so that DBD. I can see why someone would like it more though, better atmosphere with the slick lighting technology, big maps with lots of items to scrounge, vehicles and more survivors. It felt more like you were in a horror movie but the issue is once you encountered Jason there was little you could do to escape unless you had found certain items and even if you did, you'll use them and then be fucked. Shit like the pocket knife is especially horrendous design. No counter play for Jason and largely luck based if you find one.
What do you think Yea Forums?
dead by daylight is hardly a game if you're a survivor
Ah, yes, my preferred loadout in my final weeks of DBD. Just torturing survivors, stalling the fuck out of them, giving them a taste of their own medicine.
So glad I stopped playing.
You can all stop whenever you want. I'm clean for a year, now.
>For survivors getting chased IS the gameplay. It doesn't matter if they die, their gameplay is getting chased.
I don't see how that goes against my logic at all. If a killer is immediately on your ass the second you touch the ground there is no chase happening unless the guy that unhooked you happens to run BT.
>It's really not fun to die right away because Jason can teleport to you and insta kill you.
He can teleport to where you are early on, but he doesn't have the shift perk, you can easily outrun him in the beginning before he gains it.
Pretty much my way of seeing things.
>hurr it's hold m1 simulator
That's really not true. Good survivors are incredibly good at juking, breaking line of sight and looping. It's a nightmare to deal with survivors who are truly good at this game, thankfully even at red ranks most are not this good. The only difference is in Friday the 13th you can shoot shit and melee Jason. Just because you can do these things does not mean there is more depth to the gameplay. Most of the mechanics in Friday the 13th mean nothing because of the teleport grab combo. It's what the entire game comes down to and the only counter is a consumable item that you obtain randomly unless you use a perk that you obtained randomly. Friday the 13th is not a good game if you want a game where your skill has any kind of impact. Again, forgive me if this has been changed through patches but from what I have heard it was not.
The counter is to dodge the teleport grab. It's a lot easier than it sounds.
This being one of the extremely rare few threads on Yea Forums actually talking about a game in a passionate manner almost makes me feel like buying the game right now.
>I don't see how that goes against my logic at all. If a killer is immediately on your ass the second you touch the ground there is no chase happening unless the guy that unhooked you happens to run BT.
And if he is that's your teammates fault for unhooking you in that situation and yea it sucks to lose because of your teammates but that can happen in literally any team game ever. It's not the killers fault that your teammate is a mong. Also you can run D strike for that situation exactly, that's what it's for now. Not to mention a chase did happen, it happened when you got caught he first time so you are wrong when you say you haven't gotten to be chased yet. Also you could have not gotten caught to begin with. That's why I brought up Iron Will, you do understand a chase can end without you getting caught right? If you get caught first every game again, the problem ain't the game buddy.
Why is Spirit always considered high tier? Also why Clown as well?
Which when I played lasted all of what a minute if that? So what you are saying is Jason has no chance at the start of the match and then at an arbitrary point a minute into the game, then survivors have no chance? Yea sounds like great game design.
Don't fucking buy it, don't do it, I have 650 hours in the game and it's awful
Clown isn't he's just annoying cause one bottle on a loop forces the pallet drop, spirit cause she has no counter play and can just stand still for easy mindgames.
Grab has been nerfed to the ground. Balance has significantly shifted a few times but what the gameplay settled on by the time the game died was this awkward stamina management system. Basically as a councilor you will jog just outside of Jason's range all the time. When you run out of stamina you sucker punch Jason with a melee hit and regain all your stamina. If you have a teammate with you to bail you out you can keep this up all game.
Sounds like I honestly should just stop talking about it then if it's changed this much.
Spirit's power allows her to catch you at any loop so long as she can guess what you're going to do. Her power thus subverts the core game design. If you're playing an M1 killer like Myers than you just have to chase them around like a reactionary unit until they run out of loops. Spirit can end that very quickly so long as she guesses right. Her power also lets her get around the map faster, which is very important. She's like a discount Nurse in a sense.
Clown minimizes the pain of loops and forces survivors to waste pallets faster, which makes him one of the better standard killers.
What about plague?
Both have an ability to counter loops to some extent. Spirit plays a mind game that is hard for survivors to win. It's too risky for them to just stand next to a pallet because then she can find them from their collision. It forces them to actually play your mind games at pallets. Clown isn't as good but he makes certain safe loops not safe (not many though) and like someone else mentioned he forces loops to end early by forcing a pallet drop. In that post I actually forgot to mention Hag, I always forget she's good every since they buffed her.
Reminder the Predator game will kill DBD
Don't buy it unless you want to go through rank 20-13 hell to get to the fun ranks, aka 12-6
Myers actually very good thanks to very short terror range
>early ranks not the fun ranks
>wanting nothing but meta perk rides at high ranks
there's a reason I said 12-6 instead of 12-1
On most maps the survivors will be able to see you coming from a mile away no matter what routes you take. Couple that with needing to stalk for a year just to reach normal movement speed and you have a gimped killer who relies on survivors idiotically allowing him to snowball with multiple instadowns in a few seconds.
Why people defend freddy?
He sucks
No doubt my teammate should not have unhooked me in that case. But if he did what he SHOULD have done which is generators and let me die slowly on the hook wasting the patrolling killer's time the game is still boring and shitty for everyone involved. How can you not see that the core problem here is the killer staying at the hook or at the very least immediately focusing on the unhooked survivor in the first place?
The past 2 years a lot has changed to try and fix this problem in the DBD gameplay. You can no longer literally block unhooks. Your points get outright drained by standing near the hook. Survivors lose points for performing an unsafe unhook. Many new or reworked killer perks focus on getting the killer to move away from the hook and divide attention. Many new survivor perks focus on preventing tunneling.
However none of this will literally FORCE you not to play in this way. Doesn't mean it isn't absolutely cancerous though. Just recognize that.
>he doesn't play Scratched Mirror Myers and jump out at people and cause them to fuck up their controls in fright
Because they get 4ks at rank 15
Scratched Mirror is only good on a couple maps and the offerings to get sent there are so rare you could go thirty levels without seeing a single one.
>kill two people
>the remaining two I had hooked twice each
>they escape through a hatch with a key
>Brutal Killer
I hate the new ranking system holy shit
What's the kino build for Myers? I want to try it
> what he SHOULD have done which is generators and let me die slowly on the hook wasting the patrolling killer's time the game is still boring and shitty for everyone involved.
So you admit there is in fact a counter play, that it's not against the rules and is only "not fun" for survivors. Again looping is something with counter plays, that's not against the rules that is not fun for killers.
>Doesn't mean it isn't absolutely cancerous though. Just recognize that.
No more cancerous than looping. Just recognize that.
What makes ranks before 12 bad? What makes after 6 bad? What's in that in between that makes it good?
Scratched Mirror + Boyfriend's Memo + Shattered Glasses offering to get you sent to the Doctor's map. Very rare, not something you can do often.
Without this build, you have no choice but to throw on a bunch of chase perks and maybe Monitor and Abuse as well to make you more stealthy.
Someone has already done a good job of explaining why you are wrong. If Myers is good it's because in tier III he has a longer lunge that shuts down a lot of loops. But like the other user mentioned he is essentially a gimped killer at the start and has to work his way up to just being a normal killer and then FINALLY a good one.
Scratched Mirror and Boyfriend's Memo or Jewelry Box
Monitor and Abuse, Brutal Strength, Blood Warden, NOED
Good early game with spooks and cornergrabs, good lategame with locking the fuckers in and killing them all
People usually say this becuase in low ranks you have idiots and in high ranks you have try hards where as in middle ranks you'll get killers running non optimal builds that they still do OK with. Some people view this as more fun than playing Nurse and Billy every match which can happen at high ranks.
Wait for a sale or one of the frequent free weekends. It's a very unique gameplay that's addictive if you enjoy it but the game not very high quality and hard to recommend for full price.
Some flaws:
>grindy if you want to be competitive (unlocking all good perks on one character)
>loads of DLC characters that would take hundreds of hours to unlock with just in-game currency
>no dedicated servers (they are coming this summer) so unplayable lag is a very frequent thing
I pretty much quit the fucking game after Ash got dropped. MoM is bullshit.
>He thinks dedicated servers will stop "lag"
You dumb fuckers never cease to amaze me.
If they are done well then the only person suffering from lag should be the one with the bad connection to said server. I don't doubt that the DBD devs will fuck it up in every way that it can be fucked up though.
>He doesn't remember tf2 servers
It's just a D strike that wastes less time and doesn't work against half the killers. I agree it sucks but it's really not the worst perk they have added.
Yes that's a good example of a game doing it terribly wrong. What are you getting at?
>Removes dstrike
>Adds an even better dstrike that doesn't require a skillcheck
>If they are done well then the only person suffering from lag should be the one with the bad connection to said server
And if it's a killer that will still fuck you up in chases and if it's any of the survivors that's now going to fuck the killer up when it doesn't with the current system. I think most killer mains are going to realize that dedicated servers don't actually benefit them in anyway.
I see posted a picture of what a person who fails the D strike check looks like. Seriously user, are we actually going to pretend anyone missed that check? MoM is worse because it requires certain conditions to activate which may never activate (ie if you down them with hatchets) even if you get downed three times. On top of that it wastes less time because you don't go through the process of hitting them, picking them up and then getting stunned. You literally just hit them and that's all the time it wastes. I agree it was stupid they added another perk like D strike when it was shown to be such a problem but if you think MoM is better than old D strike you're a moron.
Same. Game was so much fucking fun. Yeah it had its issues, but id say it was far funner than playing DbD as either the killer or survivor.
Sure. But F13 was a far funner game.
Ehhh the teleport grab combo requires you to be able to a anticipate the survivord movement. Its not to hard to dodge it. Especially after they nerfed his grab range.
I haven't played it in a couple years, are you still requires to do that sacrifice shit to kill survivors?
Its not that much different than DbD in that regard. Yeah if Jason tunnels you, you will most likely die. But if you are at all decent as a survivor you will waste the fuck out of his time and the other survivors will get everything done. Hell its probably easier to waste alot of Jasons time since it takes him awhile to get all his good abilities. Same shit in DbD though. If a killer is tunneling you he will most likely eventually catch you, but in the meantime a shit load of generators will have been done
funner is not a word
Is Ash fun to play in this game? I'm a huge Evil Dead fan and I've wanted to play this game for awhile now so I've been wanting to know.
>bitching about proper english on an indonesian underwater basket weaving forum
Fine. F13 is more fun. Are you happy now autist?
No user its definitely the funnest type of game. Fuck you.
Yes, but he plays through being hit
I just left guy who helped me and others a lot to die when choice between going to hook or leaving through gate happened, when only we two remained
When I played F13 that was not the case, the teleport grab combo was pretty much uncounterable especially if Jason saw you outside. It wasn't the same as DBD because he sees you once and catches you once you are dead and out. The only killer like that in DBD is Nurse and even then you get three hooks. I have been told it was nerfed but I haven't played since then so like I said, I cannot really comment on the game's current state. The game had a lot of issues on both sides though. Like I already mentioned how shit an idea pocket knives are.
Not that user, but yes. I was just too lazy to post the same thing.
>Still game ruining perks like decisive, self-care, deliverance, BBQ.
>STILL pay to win even though the game isn't free.
so you're just a scrub?
Ash's perk set revolves around him being hit by the killer. The more hits he takes, the stronger he gets. He's also got what is arguably the strongest perk out of all survivors, which allows him to outright ignore attacks entirely, giving him an extra hit before downs once per match.
He's also the only survivor in the game that has one liners, so, y'know, there's that.
I always saw people complain about this, but never really had an issue with it. Maybe I just played against poor jasons. But usually when I noticed someone going for it i would stop and run towards where they were. The vast majority of the time they would way overshoot me since its kinda hard to control. But yeah once they nerfed his grab range I didnt notice nearly as many complaints. Hell after awhile people started to complain Jason was too weak. Regardless i never really cared about balance in this types of games. Jason should be a killing machine. In my opinion these games should be more focused on fun and building a "horror" atmosphere than about being competitive.
Teleport grab got nerfed within a month or two and just kept getting nerfed more and more. An out of stamina slow counselor out in the open with no defenses is still vulnerable but instant teleport deaths don't happen anymore and haven't for over a year.
I had to stop playing this game because the anger it would cause would fuck me up for days. Please like and subscribe.
What exactly made you so mad, user?
I made the mistake of playing killer
>OMG hacker camper niggerfaggot, we got you on stream camper prepare for ban lmao you suck, you must've bought your high rank account
>Lose against SFW group
>HAHAHA faggot that wasn't even hard, you suck so bad and you camp too. Look at you using meta perks we won even with that lmao git gud loser
Meanwhile all the cheese involved with both winning and losing at rank >7 is just bullshit
>Inb4 just close your eyes lmao
Yeah but you cannot deny the game is infuriating and the community is cancer at its core.
I find this mostly happens to people that only play one side a lot. You just start to get frustrated by very specific things and lose all sympathy for people that use them because you're never on the other side of the fence using them yourself. As for all the post-chat ranting. You are just doing that to yourself. It's completely optional to hang around for that and allow smack talk. Personally I enjoy the ranting and ravings of the DBD community. Just the other day a bunch of 12 year olds informed me that I am now on the griefing list of an 81 man clan. Most of my screenshots come to think of it are just the end game chat.
I thought it was funny too for the first 4 months but then it starts rotting your brain. I showed absolutely no humanity towards survivors during the end of my 200 hour campaign. I used every cheese tactic in the book and camped anyone with /twitch in their name out of pure spite. Fuck this game i'm getting angry thinking and typing about it.
>Regardless i never really cared about balance in this types of games. Jason should be a killing machine. In my opinion these games should be more focused on fun and building a "horror" atmosphere than about being competitive.
And I can totally see the appeal of that (in fact that's why I liked Friday the 13th) but the reason Friday the 13th didn't truly compete with DBD is DBD does make an attempt at being competitive. It fails pretty badly compared to most other multiplayer games but if you compare it to any other asymmetric multiplayer game where you don't play both sides in every match, it is probably the most competitive one actually. That's why for all it's problems it retains its player base.
The worst part about F13 is having the main exp batch gained through sitting the entire match in. If people could just leave to find another game after being the first killed while still letting them get the same amount of exp it would have been fine to let Jason be the murder machine that he was in the game. Instead if you happened to die in the first 5 minutes you had to sit 15 doing nothing.
That's exactly what he does in the game you dummy.
And this is why he sucks
You also had people disconnecting every game that they didn't get Jason or the moment they got caught to deny you any fun of killing them. The F13 game has so many problems in every aspect of it's design it's insane. Yet I can't be too hard on them since these types of games are kind of a new genre without good examples to follow and solutions to common hurdles.
Ash makes no sense in the setting either. You can't put fucking Ash in a game as the role of the scardey cat who only hides in fear and repairs generators to escape. This is a disservice to the character.
You're free to play your Ash as a badass taking hits and taunting the killer never touching a gen my man.
>without good examples to follow
This thread about such game
DBD is not a good example, DBD devs are all manners of incompetent.
They still support their game
Is this game still chink hell?
No, but there's a lot of japanese players now, like a LOT
Perhaps if you live near them. I never get any Asians but despite being in western Europe I mostly play with Russians sadly.