How's progress on your game going, user?
How's progress on your game going, user?
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Finished converted the open source 3D engine I'm using from crappy UWP to regular visual C++.
But I still need to come up with an original idea for a game, which might take a while...
Weather is quite shit outside, so I will write a level switch script for my little puzzle game. I hope to release it one day. But there is always something in the way. Probably should start living as a hermit an quit my day job.
No problem user.
I did gms2 tutorials yesterday, does that count?
It's gotta blow making a decent super monkey ball clone then seeing someone else's get propelled into the spotlight overnight
Pretty well. Froze development of my 3d-game due to burnout and dove headfirst into making an roguelike instead. I'll pick up the 3d-game after the roguelike is finished, probably.
Well you can call the ball in this game whatever the fuck you like so we're good.
>that cardboard aesthetic
kind of. Now do a super small releasable project and grow from there.
I'm super autistic. I can imagine the perfect trailer for my game, but the game itself would be pretty unoriginal. I've never coded a day in my life. Game creating is way harder then writing and drawing, and I can already barely do those.
Finally out of dayjob crunch.
Quick, recommend me some fun spells i can add to my RPG...
Hardmode: No attack spells or basic attribute buffs, but actual gameplay changing ones
pretty much stopped working on it because i started using my artistic talent for doing smut art
still think about it from time to time
I just bought that udemy course on UE, did I do good? Are udemy courses good?
Spider spell.
Lets you climb walls.
What are some indie games where you want the gods to sit on your face?
Alternatively, do sexy men in vidya sell?
Turn based or real time?
Super good if paired with ranged weapons, make sure enemies run away or shoot back like in Morrowind. Flying enemies can still attack.
Making it rain could be extremely cool if it worked in the world realistically; putting out fire arrows and shit like that. Probably be too much work.
>Transformation spells
Spells that transform the caster into an animal or monster. Cool because super strong for a short time, have different gameplay, but you could see this as a "buff" if you think it's boring.
Not just making monsters or temporary equipment; but making actual long term items. Maybe not permanent, and you certainly can't sell them, but creating new clothes, crafting supplies, or food from nothing would be cool and a really nice reward for people willing to level up a ton as a conjurer.
>Time Warping
Puts you back in time a few seconds, or stops enemies in time but makes them invunerable. Not that interesting, but could be interesting.
Uh, still in....planning stage. Researching and looking for inspiration in my backlog.
Rape spell: lets you rape anyone who is hit with it... have icon/weapon/whatever just be a fucking gun....
real time
okay i got folders somewhat working
theres about 200 bugs associated with them but haah whats new
Slower than expected, but steady. Overall, WebGL is way easier than OpenGL.
Would you guys play my browser 3D Monster girl themed VN when it's ready 6 months from now?
the audience would be pretty niche but im sure you could use that to your advantage
I'm about to write and draw some rape scenes for my games
This pic is missing urho3D so unfortunately I cannot join this thread
Today I'm going to work on my game, I'm not going to procrastinate.
>no rmvxa
What are the odds suda lays the smackdown on me
>this thread is now made daily and it's basically /agdg/ light
good going guys. soon you will be 1:1 copy of agdg the place that some of you "hate" because of the shitposting and namefags
How? Hell would men get annoyed if every male npc in the game were as sexy as that one I posted, IF the females were also hot?
I dont know what idea to fucking do
It's fine. Fansrvice for everyone sells the most, look at FGO
minesweeper with classes
How would that even work?
Oh well, nothing to worry about then.
Why do people get into game dev before they've spent a good 2-3 years studying the whole history of video games? Lazy ass game devs.
scrapped almost everything to recode basic loop in game, I'm writing without engine so that's how it's gonna be.
I can't think of any fun gameplay mechanics that fit well with a setting I've autistically worldbuilt for like 3 years and I'm drowning in Sunk Cost
If your world and characters are genuinely compelling you can get away with murder. Take a game like Super Paper Mario: the gameplay is a trainwreck yet a ton of people really enjoyed it, including myself. Just build the world and let people in it, see if you can't get some emergent gameplay going.
Super easy ones
>freeze water
you can go to different places, stronger spell can freeze waterfall so you can climb it
offensive spell, but it can also burn vines/forests so you can travel to closed off parts of the game
make normal stuff move on its own, like chairs or ropes, higher level can raise dead enemies
>low gravity
Higher jumps, with bigger power level you can fly as well as other objects
Take a nap and briefly enter a DREAM WORLD where enemy attacks deal no damage while other enemy attacks do. There's a limit on how long you can enter the DREAM WORLD and you need time to recharge before entering it again. Meanwhile, some enemy attacks harm you in the DREAM WORLD only, meaning you have to cleverly alternate between going out and in the DREAM WORLD.
A spell with all kinds of useful effects! Turn foes into allies/meat shields and you can select what you want foes to do, like attack or guard! Put foes to sleep so they're no longer an issue! Physically control foes for puzzle solving and stealth sections!
Y'know those pictures of Buddhist (or is it Hindu?) dieties with a shitload of arms? Well this spell is like that but for weapons! Several swords swinging! Several shields negating damage! Several guns so YOU become the Bullet Hell! You could go so many places with this shit.
Or who knows it could work for a character rather than a spell, like a spider dude or something
Can i join?
>Primal Rage (status effect on self)
Increasers attack damage and speed but you cant switch off your target for 10 seconds straight unless it is dead. (this lasts for 10 seconds)
>Lust (status effect on others)
Can be aplied on an enemy of opposite sex , their damage towards you will be decreased but they are more likely to hit you.
>Masochists blessing (status effect on self)
when you get hit you will regen 50% of your HP back in the over the span of 5-10 seconds. (this lasts for 5 seconds but you will contiune your regen)
>Sadic (status effect on self)
When you hit someone you will gain 50% of the damage you have done to their HP
>Vampirism (status effect on self)
Gain 10% of the damage done to HP by yourself instantly
Can survive one bomb blast
Uncovers more than one square at a time
Decreases one bomb level every 10 turns
Can jump over one mine to start from other place
Can strategically explode one bomb every match
gives everybody a morale boost if someone dies
Makes sausages every 5 turns to keep people in good mood
Every 7 turns gets upset if there's no real progress and makes your soldiers lose morale. Controlled by AI, basically a piece of shit
Enters on random cleared place and plants bombs. Main antagonist, must be killed by soldier!
Every other mission the president is being held as a hostage! You need to reach to him in time limit before he gets himself killed. Random AI makes him wander around minefield
>News reporter
Constantly shittalks your crew for lack of discipline. You can persuade news crew to make an interview with seregant to make him occupied more turns before coming back to shout at you.
Steals sausages. Can be stopped by seregant
>the idea guys have been roused from their holes
Why would you need to study the history of video games unless you are trying to avoid ripping something off?
Well, who else's going to bump this thread? Not programmers, since there's not a single one on Yea Forums
Give me ideas
whatchu need
2D platformer with RPG mechanics and abilities altering the gameplay
Join a game jam
Ice Cream Salesmen JRPG with random stat growth.
>why do artists need to study art history?
You really don't know why?
Never seen that before. This could be my breakthrough moment!
p good, pic related yesterday, big savefile wrenching today.
Not that user, but I'd never consider joining gamejam with my simplistic programming skills
>Not programmers, since there's not a single one on Yea Forums
I am though. But I like designing stuff more.I also have ideas. So, what do you say to that, huh?
looks fun
So I think about fighting system like in Souls games. You listening?
I'm holding playtests later today again, still grinding out network and matchmaking bugs, among other things
It doesn't matter user, most game jam accept any skill level and any type of game engine, also you aren't obligated to submit something.
Game jam discords can be really useful sometimes
You are clearly lost. This is Yea Forums, not a single person here knows how to code, not to mention releasing a game, other way they would be on /g/
Let's be real, /g/ is full of kids who think they're good with computers because their parents aren't, but they themselves aren't actually special
Why ya gotta be like that, man? We're TRYING.
Mystery Dungeon-style RPG featuring many recruitable characters and a gift-giving system that increases your bond with them if you give them the right gifts. Some characters require SPECIFIC gifts to max out bond level.
It's important to befriend as many characters as possible, because sometimes characters may be out of commission for an in-game day or two.
Plus, befriending everyone leads to the true ending
Also make sure there's stylish, sickass finishers for each character, or something like Persona 5 where everyone beats the shit out of an enemy and the character does a rad pose as the enemy is defeated.
If you befriend every character, they all participate in one final finisher against the true final boss
Optional: Every character is a bird. I like birds.
Optional optional: Every recruitable character is male
Right right, we could market it like this:
The dark souls of indie platformers.
C'mon user, anyone can code these days
Anyone has any experience in networking? Normally you should not let clients handle stuff like damage etc, but doing so only on the server leads to delay, say, damage being dealt on the client.
So I was thinking that I run the damage event on both server and client locally, but the server then replicates the health variable whenever it is changed anyway, so that will overwrite the client's value when it arrives regardless. So if the client did cheat or desync and his health was set to 20, the server will just adjust that to the proper 0 after the brief latency delay.
Should work, right?
Yea yea, and here's the thing - you can have different weapons that will alter your way of fighting! But I'm also thinking about having polearm being used to vault yourself to higher places (if you have enough dexterity) or twin daggers to climb a tapestry (with enough strength) or just level up your jumping height to get to higher places! I think the main feature would be that you can go anywhere, depending of your level and equipment. Sounds good?
Is this similar to Warioware or is that only a minor part of the game?
I can code a rectangle moving left and right, this doesn't mean I'm a programmer
Are you doing peer to peer, or a true hosted trusted server?
If peer to peer, you'll have to trust at least one or the clients anyways, so trying to fight cheating is going to be a rabbit whole. Either way, I recommend sending a damage event to the host, then the host should relay the damage event to everyone. You shouldn't need to sync the hp variable directly, because if you do that means there's a bug in your code somewhere. I recommend having a sync message anyways, but only use it to ASSERT, so you know if a bug occurred.
If true trusted server, always just send events to server and wait for event back. You should get this process down and locked down as possible before doing client prediction. Doing prediction early will only lead to bugs
I'm making a 2D pixel run n gun sidescroller in Unity.
Is this engine a bit overkill for that?
Isn't what you just described just lockstep networking?
No if you want to port it later to the Switch
this looks solid. Post the one where you're fighting grounded skeletons.
I have released like 5 games in my life. Even though nothing special, but I shipped and made money. I only go on /g/ to troll either MacFags or LinuxSpergs. (I dont give a fuck, I just love spergs going off)
Sounds dope. I'm confident in your level design and programming capabilities. This game is in good hands.
I’m a very visual person with a basic understanding of code and I’m looking for a good resource to really learn programming. Tinkering with code in Game Maker has been a lot of fun, making changes and seeing the direct results, but I’m far from any level of competency/comfort. Anyone have suggestions?
Seems redundant, the minor delay (given that the connection is decent which it should be if players want a stable multiplayer experience) of
client sends damage to server -> server calculates damage -> client receives damage
shouldn't hold you back to the point where you try to mitigate desyncs and cheating via events on both client and server. That would kind of defeat the purpose of a server that receives data from clients to output something else.
you mean Unity is easy to port to switch is what you're saying? Sorry I don't get your post.
No, lockstep means freezing the game tick (physics and other game code, not necessarily rendering) until the server relays back the event you sent them. Games like Smash and Call of Duty do this.
plenty of games have popped out of Yea Forums.
Minecraft and Papers Please, for example.
very nice
is it a good idea to get at least a demo level running in Unity with the gameplay mechanics I want just using placeholder art and graphics from the store until I start making my own art?
If you watch closely you can tell it's a hacking minigame: the pseudocode in the background says the value of the item goes up with each successful hack. also it's just monolith
Nah man, here's the thing - changing levels as you progress through the story! You will find different tools that will be useful in different locations, like pickaxe, shovel, mallet, crowbar, rope etc. Defeating bosses will have impact on the levels, like blood dripping and creating a pool that you can swim or fluorishing green trees that you can climb. Oh, did I mention about time travelling?
Dedicated and listen servers, so the latter.
>Doing prediction early will only lead to bugs
The stuff I'm networking is pretty far along, I already implemented normal server-authoritative replication, but now I went back and tested it in (bad) conditions (100ms+, jitter, packet loss, etc) and the delays make themselves felt (even down below 50ms latency), so I started working on client prediction.
It's fine for something like damage, but for direct input actions (like the spawning of the projectile from your fired weapon or jumping), even 50ms delay feels pretty awful.
this fag moves now
Yes. You can even just use unity's basic shapes for an even easier time
>Did you know that the original name for Pac-Man was Puck-Man?
Nope, Notch just rebounded from Yea Forums, he clearly took all his experiences and left, that's why it grew more. If you stay on Yea Forums you'll never get shit done, Notch released Minecraft but was already far away from here, I don't see Papers Please developers here either.
He's preemptively trying to revive your dead-on-release game
Yeah, exactly. Switch has a support for porting games from unity.
nodevs begone
C++ demolished the fun I had with programming.
Too scary!!
>tfw compsci nerd with a master's degree
>GOD at programming
>atm learning how to draw and onto 3d modelling
I won't need any of you artfags HAHAHAA
make a breeding simulator with dominant and recessive genes.
If you only want to develop for PC/Xbox there's this:
>toaster can't deal with Houdini sims
>you did step a? that's progress, sort of, go on to step m now and then call me when you're at z
*casts spell to get rid of nodevs*
Here's a question, Yea Forums's name is at all time low. The second people hear it they think the worst of the worst of people at /pol/. Anyone who has any real intention of releasing their games, what makes you think it's a good idea to leave a trail that could associate your game to Yea Forums?
I don't even know where to start.
I've got plenty of ideas for settings, how gameplay should feel, et cetera, but fuck me I can't draw, I can't code, I don't know how to use any premade engines, I can just BARELY make some decent-sounding music.
Anyone have any advice for learning to draw, that's honestly the major problem I have starting with, I already have a series of video courses on game engines and programming.
Even if it takes a decade I wanna make a game.
The chances of your game getting mixed up in a scandal because you posted your progress on Yea Forums is very low. Secondly, I'd wager most people on here do not care for virtue signalling and wouldn't need to apologize for posting things from their game on Yea Forums.
Nobody cares.
The people who will play your game aren't the people who are writing or reading articles about the Yea Forums bogeyman.
Feeling pretty overwhelmed from all the things I need to learn desu. But I want to self-publish a small game anyway. I'll need to learn how to solve a lot of problems I've never sold before, including basic shit like raycasting and patrolling enemies.
Is it viable to learn everything I need as I go along with my project, or should I learn how to implement these in isolation?
>Is it viable to learn everything I need as I go along with my project
Probably. The biggest hurdle I found in 3D development is creating an engine that is freeform and modular enough to make what you want while also being fast and easy to understand. I had to learn that in isolation
I don't know where to start. Besides, my idea for a game is shit, but I can't think of nothing else.