Tfw mod had actual potential

>Tfw mod had actual potential
>Got ruined by trannies and furfaggots

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so just like everything else in gaming?

>Got ruined by trannies and furfaggots
bronies ruined tf2 a long time ago user

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Give me the quick rundown.

Based, TF2C wins again


>dumb atechanners think they can actually make something


>Mod started as a TF2 Classic fork that allowed you to play modern TF2 maps with the original 2007 graphics and stock-only
>Game got popular for gamenights on 8ch
>Eventually the devs started adding various pre-mannconomy weapons like the old Caber into the mod which was welcomed
>Then the devs started adding in weapons with their post-mannconomy stats like the Sandman along with adding post-mannconomy weapons in like The Original or weapons that were never even in the fucking game like Gunboats for Demo
>Devs refused to add Demoknight shields because they thought it didn't fit in pre-mannconomy TF2 but then proceeded to still add them because a furfag on the team complained
Overall, the mod's current state is just fucked. I guess I also should mention that the mod got taken off ModDB because the TF2C devs decided to copyright strike it for using their code (despite TF2C being open source, their actual fucking excuse was "something being open source doesn't mean the code can be used by other people") so the mod is now updated on, you guessed it: Discord.
Basically, the devs just forgot the original intention, have completely fucked up everyting and lost their core audience.

TF2C devs are leftists and massive tranny supporters, though

They've made more than this board, though.
Say what you want about 8ch but their board atleast does some fun things every once in a while like gamenights

TF2 being centered around fun gameplay stopped being a thing in 2014. Now everything is about pleasing degenerates and compfags

It really should have been a "classic mode" with everything as close to launch as possible and a "best of mode" which would include very popular features based on community voting (airblast, gunboats, so on).

>TF2 vintage

What a stupid waste of time. You could at least do something cool like remake TFC maps for TF2.

It should have remained stock-only, adding extra weapons was a mistake

There was a shitton of these classic tf2 shitouts and not a single one gained any traction, not a single one got anywhere and im fucking mad

- literally you (in the wrong side of history)

>Not wanting a non-fucked version of TF2
TF2V in it's original state was perfect, all stock and modern map support, all that was ever needed. But just like regular TF2: It stopped being good once they started adding other shit into the game.

>There was a shitton of these classic tf2 shitouts and not a single one gained any traction
This one did, a fairly niche audience on 8ch but still. If they just finished it as a 2007-era TF2 with modern map support (like it was fucking supposed to be), I could see it getting some traction like TF2C did.

The Uber update was the last time TF2 was good

I don't know what any of what you said means.
If you're unironically saying that TF2 is a better game with all the shit added, you are entitled to your opinion, but you're wrong.

>muh TF2, mod
Fuck off
Current TF2 is fine, stop being g so scared of hats

>waaaah me want to play with stock only and no hats waaaaahhhh
Literally just disable them and use stock weapons if you want to do it so much. Glad it died, could have been something much better

Why don't you just play fortress forever?

>Barely any new weapons being added in favor of adding more cosmetic garbage and downgrading the graphics even further
>No communication from devs and no known status of the team
nu-TF2 is fucking shit

Why are hatcucks so assmad at the fact that some people don't want an unbalanced microtransaction filled mess that's a shadow of it's former self?

>wowzers i can use stock weapons im so like the best because i hate fun weapons like the sandman cause im a shiter lol
zoomers that try to act like they even experienced the old days are the worst shit

Because TF2 is objectively superior to FF

>no new weapons
>yet shills for a mod that sells itself as vintages and only stock weapons
>"muuhh hats that i can disable but im too dumb to do so"

>literally seething at a bunch if virtual hats that can be easily disabled
>"im too dumb to just play with stock weapons"
fucking lmaoo

>i hate fun weapons like the sandman cause im a shiter lol
Is this bait? The sandman is literally a weapon made for shitters that abuses broken hitboxes, it's not even fun to use. Killing your opponent regularly is way more satisfying than disarming them for a couple seconds before killing them.
>zoomers that try to act like they even experienced the old days are the worst shit
I have been playing since TFC, TF2 just sucks after they added non-stock weapons

>i-i-its made for shitters
Thanks for proving my point lmao, there is nothing more satisfying than hitting someone a mile away with the sandman and stun them. Perfect reward for good prediction
>"muuh stock weapons, i gotta shill for a mod so i can use them cause im a shitter"

But the sandman is shit now

Oh yes, because using stock weapons means everyone else is going to. Modern TF2 sucks because other broken weapons got added into the game. Using the stock loadout doesn't mean other faggots aren't going to use bullshit weapons like the Backburner. Also, I don't care about hats. If hats were the only extra items you could get in the game, I wouldn't see the issue.
You're also not going to forget the massive graphical downgrades the game got, right? Weapon textures are less detailed, lighting is shittier, etc
I don't really like crowbcat, but his video was spot on

>It stopped being good once they started adding other shit into the game
No it didn't.

I used to play on a server called The Furry Pound because it always only had like 5ms ping, and whenever I joined it played this obnoxious sound clip, "THE BEST IN PEANUT BUTTER FLAVORED DICK CREAM"

>le vintage mod that only let me use stock guns xD so epic
Literally the most reddit thing, no wonder it got filled with trannies

>Thanks for proving my point lmao, there is nothing more satisfying than hitting someone a mile away with the sandman and stun them. Perfect reward for good prediction
Nigger hitting the sandman ball was braindead-easy, it required no skill and was a crutch for shit scouts. The fact that you even defend that shit shows how much of a retard you are. The weapon got nerfed for a reason.

Is this TF2 classic? As i know people on that team. I rib them about that piece of steaming shit often to the point were they'll ignore me only when they need advice with working with source engine.

I hope TF2 Classic and TF2 Deathmatch are actually good and get a player base, because valve aint giving us any more gameplay

I think TF2 Deathmatch will die very fast though. The quake style arena deathmatch just isnt popular these days. It would need a more popular mode

Doesn't the source port already exist?

>>"muuh stock weapons, i gotta shill for a mod so i can use them cause im a shitter"
Care to explain why stock weapons are for shitters?
They're the only weapons skilled players like b4nny use
Stop samefagging, retard.

he was talking about tf2 vintage
thats a different mod

Cant you just play on a server that blocks weapons? maybe a server plug in to make some things act like they did back then. You dont need a whole mod for that

Yes, but it can't play any modern maps and it's only supported modes are CP and CTF.

>people still seething over the fact that tf2 had updates and new content
Yikes, go play melee stinko

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From their modDB page
>The biggest factor is we don't want to have to deal with something potentially breaking when valve finagles with TF2. Plugins only go so far and things like "no hats" and "stock only" are bare bones for what we're trying to do, worst case scenario is we write a plugin to do EVERYTHING (remove glows on cart and intel and those carrying intel, revert weapons to pre-mannconomy state, remove the medic's ability to match scout's speed when healing him), all that is likely to break if valve changes a value or patches something. Then any server running our plugin is effectively paralyzed till we can figure out how to get it back up and running, we're effectively cutting out the middle man.
>Second is that even when feature complete vintage will be smaller than TF2 retail. Simply put not everyone actually wants to have to download gigabytes of data that they don't want nor will ever use. Even though we live in a day and age where 1TB HDDs are cheap, disk space is still a thing users keep at a premium and if we can slice out the crap we don't need then we'll be golden (not to mention if files go missing there is a good chance steam will attempt to reinstall them or not launch TF2).
>There are more reasons out there but I felt like these 2 are the biggest reason. A thing I've noticed is despite the billing people only see the stock weapons and think we're done, we're not. We may be stuck spinning wheels right now but Vintage is far from done.

>new content

trannies and furfaggots eventually destroy everything good, just enjoy them while they last. you will never go back to the early days of tf2c where 8ch's server was good and banned all furfags, so just live for the moment

>Defending post-mannconomy TF2
This is what Yea Forums has become, how the fuck has this board reached this pathetic state of existence? Why are there people unironically defending microtransaction-filled skinner box garbage?

>"me no want to play because others no play like i want to"
>complaining about the backburner, a literal downgrade
Holy shit unironically a shitter, most fags complain about a bunch of virtual hats that can be disabled but still shill for dumb mods like this
>muuh meme youtuber and muuh extra details that i literally didnt gave a shit about until they showed them to me
lmaoin once again

I liked TF2 up until the Gun Mettle update

why isnt fursiccution a legal thing, it pisses me off

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They're addicted to microtransaction-filled skinner box garbage and they want to rope more people into it to sustain the economy.

It didn't change shit besides somehow making your extra chromosomes tingle

Name one game, community or hobby that got better after contact with trannies and furfags.

>>"me no want to play because others no play like i want to"
No, it's more like "I like balanced games that have good gameplay and are enjoyable", something that TF2's current state doesn't offer.
>>complaining about the backburner, a literal downgrade
It being a downgrade doesn't make it not bullshit, it's what you call a crutch.
>>muuh meme youtuber and muuh extra details that i literally didnt gave a shit about until they showed them to me
Are you actually a buttmad TF2 dev or some shit? I noticed the graphical changes right away, you'd have to be literally retarded not to. The video is made to point it out to retards,

>"reeeeee why does valve updates their game and add fun weapons??!!"
>"reeeeeee why isnt valve adding new weapons??!!?!"
So wich one is it you complete retards?

>microtransaction skinner box
just because you repeat those buzzwords doesn't mean it's going to be correct anytime soon

>It didn't change shit
If you told Yea Forums 5 years ago that you played TF2 and thught it was better than it was in 2007, you would have been laughed off the board.

>"it got nerfed for a reason"
Yeah for retards that dont know how to play against it
>"sh-shitter weapon"
Lmao. Imagine not being able to kill an even more fragile scout.

>make a vanilla mod
>end up fucking it up anyway when you have one job
So this is the power of vanilla TF2 fags, you faggots can't get anything right lmao

>People having different opinions is a new thing for the hatfag
I know Valve has rotten your brain but holy fuck.

>stock weapons are for shitters
Literally never said that. People that complains about new weapons and only want everyone to play with stock are true shitters
>s-s-same fag
Its true thought. All this "vintage/classic" mods are retarded and made by people with no imagination

>Yeah for retards that dont know how to play against it
Oh yes, try playing against the fastest projectile in the game when you're looking the other way
The Sandman was a shitty crutch for bad scouts. If you love stun mechanics so much, go play Overwatch, faggot.

Never said it was better. You're just butthurt over nothing, hyperboling every single "argument" you have. It's the exact same fucking game, everything you're complaining about is trivial and reflects your underage anger.
There's been faggots like you for as long as I can remember.


Because the people working on it weren't vanilla TF2 fans, they wanted all kinds of other shit added. Had the right people worked on it, it would have actually beed good

>in gaming

>People that complains about new weapons and only want everyone to play with stock are true shitters
And why is that? What's wrong with wanting a balanced expierence that's actually fun?
>Its true thought. All this "vintage/classic" mods are retarded and made by people with no imagination
And why does not wanting new weapons mean you are a retard with "no imagination"? Microtransactions and unbalanced shit isn't imagination. If I made a racing game and added a new car for $10 that was faster than every other car in the game and had an autopilot, it wouldn't have more imagination, it would just be bullshit

>It's the exact same fucking game,

Attached: fuj.jpg (1224x1445, 247K)

>added a new car for $10 that was faster than every other car
Not him but no one pays for any weapon in TF2.
I mean, retards pay for weapons that track kills and what not, but the actual weapons can be obtained through drops and achievements

Thatll be using your brain user. Cant do that.

TF2 always had the worst community of any shooter. "friendlies" "spycrab" so much cancer.

>enjoy thing without giving a a cwnt to valve
>"reeeee why do yo do that you arent a real deal true epic boomer gamer like i am!!!! Reeeeeeeee!!!
Pathetic to say the least

Retarded faggot

>i-i-its not balanced because i say so ok??!!! People should only play the way i want them to play because i cant adapt to new weapons!!!
>complains about a worst version of stock that makes pyro shittier
>"i-i-its just anoying" "crutch crutch crutch!!!!"
>"m-m-muuh video, y-y-your a dev!!!"
Yeah sure you did notice how the bullets just dissapear intead of falling to the ground, such an important part should have never been taken away

>"friendlies" "spycrab"
Pick one

If you wanna start arguing, I'd be right happy to

They were awful. Fuck I hated the TF2 community. Always doing dumb bullshit, obsessed with trading, never trying to win. Fuck em.

>despite TF2C being open source, their actual fucking excuse was "something being open source doesn't mean the code can be used by other people"

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>youll get get laughed in the 4chins
Yeah so?
>people have retarded opinions
Ftfy. Either fags complain about things being added to the game or they dont. Damn if you do damn if you dont

>scout flanks you and hits you with the sandman because you are retarded and werent looking
Yeah try getting good
Lmao as allways when fags have no argument and cant get good. keep seething about actual fun weapons that got nerfed because of shitters

>despite TF2C being open source, their actual fucking excuse was "something being open source doesn't mean the code can be used by other people"

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daily reminder that if you think TF2's random crits are "unbalanced" you are playing TF2 for the wrong reasons and should fuck off back to your dead arena shooters.

It's fucking dead. The redditors at the helm are completely divorced from the actual reality of the game and develop it accordingly. FF being overtuned to its demise is what pushed me into playing TF2 to begin with. Yes I'm still mad.

>Refuse to play TF2 because muh steam, muh hats, and muh F2P
>Refuse to play TF2C because of that one underageb& server admin that fucked up the one server even though another server could be constructed immediately
>Latch onto TF2V, splitting up the community even further
>When TF2V gets developed at a fucking snail's pace and is buggier than an anthill
>And don't you dare talk about TF2 or TF2C or else I'm going to report and global report your thread and PM Mark on Steam to ban you
I'm still mad about this too.

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>me dont have fun because i keep losing to the backburner pyro and to the blackbox soldier! Reeeeee delete weapons!!!! No balance!! Why do people want new content thats not hats!!!!
Kek. Keep saying it, it will not be true. Again shittera that cant play agaisnt new weapons so they gotta delete them
>v-v-valve!!!! Hats!!!! Reeeeee!!!
Fucking lol im talking about mods retard, mods that are just "le vintage experience" are the most bland, soulless unimaginative shit that have existed, instead of creating a new gamemode or a mod that changes the game nah lets just made another vanilla mode and retards will think its the second coming of christ

I know you're baiting but even the TF2 devs themselves said the Sandman stun was a mistake

How come Trannies and Furries love Steam and Valve so much?

>can you do this with a pluggin?
Wow. But i guess you gotta shill for some trannies

i don't get why valve never updated the grenade launcher to have 4 tubes instead of 6.

The degradation of a fanbase/hobby.png

>complaining about friendlies and spycrabs
Yep, thats how you spot a shitter and fake boomer

>reeeee people are having fun in this wacky game and are not stressed tryharders like me!!!!!! Reeeee!!!

>shittera that cant play agaisnt new weapons so they gotta delete them
I can play against them, retard. It's just not fun to play against them
>Fucking lol im talking about mods retard, mods that are just "le vintage experience" are the most bland, soulless unimaginative shit that have existed, instead of creating a new gamemode or a mod that changes the game nah lets just made another vanilla mode and retards will think its the second coming of christ
You seem awfully mad that people just want the game they played in 2007, not the abomination we have now.
My best guess is you're a assmad zoomer that never got to expierence old TF2 and this is a the fox and the grapes scenario. Your typing seems to show it

Exactly. It fucking sucked. When I played AVP2 or quake or unreal people tried to win. Then I give this new colorful babygame a try and people are just fucking around and using it like a chat room.

I know hatfags hate skill and anything that requires it but this is just pathetic

>t-t-the people that are cathering to shitters and compfags said so ok!??!
Yeah not going to take the word on those fags

These kinds of projects are doomed from the start, regardless of trannies and furfaggots. Because the devs are usually overly ambitious nerds who have had little experience working on a big project, let alone working with other people. They make tons of vague promises and shit, and it all falls apart because of faggot-ass geek drama in their discord or whatever on top of the fact that they have zero idea on where they're taking the project. That is why this and many other mods fell apart. TF2C, on the other hand, is making good progress and should be out by June or July? Why? Because they actually have a vision, a plan for the game rather than a bunch of fucking ambiguous bullshit.
This isn't limited to TF2 projects either, the same ol shit happens to the vast majority of fan projects. Lack of direction, lack of experience, big promises, and gay nerd drama.

Compfags are better players then you will ever be lmao, no wonder they piss shitters like you who need shitty crutch stun mechanics off


Based as fuck

I miss it every day dude.

So your upset that they added the OPTION for servers to use some of the 2009-2010 mannconomy weapons?
Why not just make your own server and enforce stock only?
Why not just wait for the TF2 Classic to update and play that?
Why can't you use your brain for once?

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>i-i k-know hot to play against i-is just no fun!!
Oh its even worst. Imagine deleting a weapon in a game just because you dislike it lmao
> y-y-you just hate my unimaginative mod literally made for zoomers that want to feel like they knew old tf2 instead of just using stock weapons amd disabling hats. YOUR THE ZOOMER!!!
pathetic faggot

OP here, I'm just mad that they pussy out on some of the most fun weapons like the Sandman, giving it the shitty current stats.

TF2 is still fun. No matter what Valve does, the gameplay is so solid TF2 will never not be fun.

>reee people are having fun in different ways!!!!!! Back in the day we did not have that!!!!!
Confirmed for an actual zoomer. Lmao

oh, well then that is kinda bullshit. Shouldn't bring back things like puff and sting but neglect others like sandman+cleaver.

The way Valve treats TF2 is terrible. But the game is still great.
How does Valve neglecting it make the game itself worse?

>Oh its even worst. Imagine deleting a weapon in a game just because you dislike it lmao
No, it's rather not wanting to have a weapon because it's bullshit or supports shitty playstyles like the Rocket and Sticky Jumper
>> y-y-you just hate my unimaginative mod literally made for zoomers that want to feel like they knew old tf2 instead of just using stock weapons amd disabling hats. YOUR THE ZOOMER!!!
Zoomers don't even go to 8ch lmao, that site is boomer-central

Look up zoomer son.

>stop doing the objective
Most people that actually scream like that are tryhards though, that want to extend the match so the can strock their little dicks over kda. At most friendlies will make a sad face in chat
>look ma i killed someone standing still. So skill


>y-y-you bad l-lol
Jesus i guess this is worst than screamin overwatch while seething over the sandman.

>Most people that actually scream like that are tryhards though, that want to extend the match so the can strock their little dicks over kda. At most friendlies will make a sad face in chat
Whatever you say, timmy
>>look ma i killed someone standing still. So skill
Well, he shouldn't have been standing still if he didn't want to be killed.


>people rocket jumping bad now
>"i-i-its just annoying ok?! That gaves me all the right to delete them. Im not a shitter i swear"
>8ch boomer central

>people were allways playing for the objective ok?! Believe me i swear it was like that and never did random shit
Yeah. Zoomer detected

No. Not the objective. But at least fragging. You didn't see "friendlies" in any other game.

Keep on seething about the sandman with compfags tho. Altought they already do that a lot with heavy

>complaining because someone wasnt killing
Even more pathetic. Get out zoomer

>Coping this hard
>Implying anyone but scunt mains are seething about the sandman now that it's been nerfed

Play the game or go join a chatroom. Friendlies are scum.


>c-c-coping!!!!! You cope me not!!! Sandman bad!!!
Yikes lmao

>you gotta play the way i say and not have fun your own way!!!!!
Confirmed retarded too

because of the community part. groups, friend collecting, avatars and all that.
tf2 in particular because of the customization like sprays, paintable signs, hats and mods.

if you niggas are so bothered by content wouldn't you rather be typing on DOS?

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Imagine getting this triggered at the word "cope"
Sounds like true cope to me

Still. Lmao

see, oh , pee, ee