ITT: Americans lmao
Why do Americans hate tits?
ITT: Americans lmao
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you mean EU lmao
>Yea Forums - Literally Just Twitter
Fuck off
Americans are a mongrel mixed race abomination, those niggers love ass
Have sex
Shut up nerd, make me lmao
Americans don't hate tits, corporations are just afraid of the left.
It's not good to normalize pedophilic urges.
What are you talking about, from the things you posted all information points to Americans liking big eyebrowed girls that show off their patriotism and jelly filled donuts that look almost identical to rice
>I never asked for this
>Not wanting the mega Chad on the game cover
>Americans used to love a woman with big American tits
>now Americans love a woman with a big American cock
Where did it all go so wrong?
oof and cringepilled
EU wins again
Americans gotta get their 'tude on
The daily yuropfags get their obsession for America out of the way thread.
good thing that doesn't apply to OP pic. I find it a little cringe-worthy that you're minimizing the seriousness of actual child exploitation but that's none of my business
>mfw I got a jp copy of bravely just to beat my dick to Edea in a bravo bikini
bruh moment
Euros are faggots and muslims (which mean the same thing anyway)
>kids game
>kids game
>BASED golf reserved for chads only
>adam jensen slowly infiltrates a golf tournament
Islam is the only way to save gaming, InshAllah.
>Dumb kids playing gold poorly.
>Adults show up.
>Adults tell kids to fuck off so they can play real golf.
The Greeks loved asses though
This post screams fat fuck incel that can't be within 1000 feet of a school.
Greeks aren't white.
>western civilization was made by non whites
w e w l a d
Oh boy, the Brits got off from work!
Why are they still so butthurt 236 years later? Like seriously, get over it.
they also loved homosex
The Greeks loved everything about the human body in general.
>He doesn't like Deus Ex.
The one who needs to cope is you.
>liking nu-deus ex
>implying hating on americans is exclusive to brits
literally obsessed
Except breasts, vaginas and large penises.
Nothing wrong with Human Revolution, boss fights aside.
>Amerimutts calling anyone nonwhite
Soon the US version will look like the EU's if we continue to tolerate what MK11 and Sony are doing.
>no argument while seething
it's ok. shh
>Trying this hard to fit in
You forgot to call him a virgin incel
>Except breasts, vaginas and large penises.
Displaying your boner in public was shameful user.
>be Greek sculptor
>make female statue with large breasts and visible vagina
>get arrested because everyone is getting boners their robes fail to hide
seething incel
US and EU should be switched around.
it's funny because it's not true
>thought this was a bravely default
>actually not even close
Be the change you wanna see yadda yadda. So for those of you that did play, what were some of your favorite class combinations?
Because that's how we gay people find straights and line them up to be executed.
I never said it was, but it's literally been proven on Yea Forums that the ones who shitpost about America all the time are Brits and Canadians.
Don't tell me you're actually Canadian
whoever made this pic is a delusional /pol/tard who actually has no fucking clue about the EU
American games are typically more censored and lobotomised than EU releases especially when it comes to nintendo products.
cringe. just cringe. shut the fuck up incel.
Nudity is actually OK in Europe, Ameritard
BWAHahahahahahahahahaha!!! I can't fucking believe they use a motherfucking BURQA in the EU!!! HOly shit!! hahahaha Damn thats fucking crazy glad i don't live in that shithole. hahahahaha. This is hilarious. I'm so glad One Angry Gamer told me about this place
go back, please
>everybody's golf
>everybody's golf hd remaster (featuring adam jensen from deux ex)
>boomers gone golfing (featuring soundtrack by ac/dc)
I'd fuck American Edea 10x harder than the regular jap version in that pic to be honest
Primary Monk and freelancer secondary is pretty based.
My favorite part was when I sold that shit back because this game was such a piece of trash.
why is there a 30 y/o boomer meme character in the middle of the US art
>it's literally been proven on Yea Forums that the ones who shitpost about America all the time are Brits and Canadians.
Post proof
>Seething reply in under a minute
>Greek with boner in public detected
all me btw XD
Nudity is actually OK in Europe, unlike freedom land
muhamed said no.
Arguably a tougher assignment than that time he went undercover at a prison
I don't know about Brits, but Canadians are legit.
Guess you weren't here two years ago.
Go on Yea Forums and/or /int/
and whatsaid. During the April Fools when the boards merged and Yea Forums had flags temporarily.
Canadians would just shitpost in general, it wasn't necessarily directed at Americans though.
Shame such a fine game is ruined under such a shitty artstyle. Chibi designs are the worst.
muhamed can suck my dick :)
and starving
>Go on Yea Forums and/or /int/
I go on int on occasion and everyone makes fun of americans.
Its always nice to see a brawler class in any game. I have to day tho, that BD monk felt somewhat underwhelming.
I'm glad you sold a game that you didn't enjoy. Better than sruggling through somethinf you don't even enjoy. I hope you got your money back in full. Cunt.
Why are we arguing when we should be talking about how much we love jelly donuts and how we really want to fuck Edea
To be fair, everyone makes fun of everyone on /int/. Its the Brits who are the ones who take it seriously.
This, America is stupidly puritan while Yurops don't give a shit about tiddies. Whoever made this image is a fucking retard
>that BD monk felt somewhat underwhelming
What? The monk is great. If you can get an ally to buff its attack Pressure point + Mimic + Mimic + Mimic deals the max damage every hit. I've shit on faggots that way.
LOL yeah is that why all of your cities are "no go zones" for non whites. ive seen the youtubes
Last I recall it's Californian banning tits and ass.
Funny how Americans project their issues so hard, especially on a continent that has nudist beaches everywhere and lewd media.
why are you talking about UK?
fair enough
It's Euro hours though
I don't think japanese games should be considered art and everyone who likes them should be put on a sex offender registry.
Yeah, tbf the monk class or fist weapons have the easiest conditons to meet for the ult attacks. I think it was crits? Either way, I didn't say it was bad. I used it for ringabel.
SEETHING obsessed yuropoor is SEETHING because his shithole country will always be second best to a nation of pill addicted, drunk hillbilly retards with guns shoveling beef down their bloated throats. All your "history" is meaningless in the face of Pax Americana.
We are the best and the worst that has ever happened to the planet
seething gaijin
This but unironically.
Dangerously based and redpilled poster.
cringe, also blatantly seething.
Because girls are gross.
lol u got me there friendo xD
shut the fuck up poopoopoulos
>mee pee pee soft = very bad
>mee pee pee silent = bad
>mee pee pee hard = good
>mee pee pee very hard = very good
>mee pee pee coming milk = super very good
Weebs should be gassed.