Why don't they make a game with the 90s vibe and aesthetics?

Why don't they make a game with the 90s vibe and aesthetics?

Why is it always the 8/16 bit tune from the 80s/early 90s when it comes to a nostalgia-provoking indie games?

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>why dont they make a game with the 90s vibe
>posts an anime

serial experiments lain is a game.

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Theres BallisticNG

what the hell is this and when did it come out, what platform how much, looks really fucking bad

What's with all the lain shit lately? Are you some retard who just found out about it and decided you are going to start a lain thread on Yea Forums every fucking day now? The show isn't even that good.

>The show isn't even that good
t. brainlet

>appealing to boomers
No thanks

>The show isn't even that good

better than the moeshit that you are feeding yourself with every day.

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lolz hold my spork mistah penguin XD

Because the late 90s has 3d games and those are hard to make compared to 2d indie stuff.
Just play GTA3 and pretend it's set in 1999 instead of 2000

Oxenfree, or do you mean 90s Xtreme style?

>kids/teens in the 90s

The term boomer refers to a person who was born in the 50s and the 60s.

Meant to reply to OP

post the right version of Lain then

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Fucking zoomers

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You think there'll ever be a game with the Y2K aesthetic or is it too niche?

there were plenty of different games back in the 90s so how about you define it a bit more cause we might be here thinking about Fighting Force whilst you are drooling over MYST.

Is it bad that I want this jacket?

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tony hawk is straight 90/early 00s vibe, underground 2 is my favorite

Its niche right now, the same as same 80s is currently back "in" and 90s is next. Y2K will be after that. just gotta chill and wait for it user.


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What does the cover art have to do with the fact the in game Lain is different?

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you're welcome

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Man, I miss the future

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That won't happen, user.
The show was aired in 1998 and the zoomers
were born around that time at oldest.
The artstyle should look off to their eyes so she doesn't look attractive to them.

Imagine you were born in the 80s and how you would feel when you look into the shows that were already around the time being like pic related

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I don't know man, but Abe's lain in the game outfit is too good.

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Is this a SEL thread?

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Man, Lain's laugh in the game is really cute
It really resembles some eldritch being trying to fry my ears